
=== bmw is now known as TaiChi
=== TaiChi is now known as Guest70802
=== Guest70802 is now known as taiji
ahoneybunshadeslayer: hello02:58
smartboyhwGood afternoon Kubuntu people:)06:00
* smartboyhw checks KDE SC 4.10.306:01
soeegood morning06:05
smartboyhw_Meh, shadeslayer still hasn't answered my questions (nor did yofel and Darkwing)07:01
valorieI wish more people were asking questions07:10
smartboyhw_valorie: Heh07:13
smartboyhw_Albeit, the users won't07:14
smartboyhw_Since they aren't voters07:14
valorieI never thought of doing so07:14
valoriebut really, the council is for all of us07:14
smartboyhw_and Kubuntu Members would have known who to vote beforehans07:14
smartboyhw_I simply don't know who to vote, so I askes07:15
valorietransparency is good07:15
valoriethe more transparent we are, the more people are likely to step up into leadership roles, IMO07:15
valorieI hope you've started a new tradition07:17
smartboyhw_Canonical won't like this http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20130506 ;P07:38
Tm_Tsmartboyhw_: why not?07:43
Tm_TKubuntu is Ubuntu afterall (;07:43
smartboyhw_Tm_T: I think they don't like to see their own thing squashed and Kubuntu praised:P07:44
Tm_Tthey should!07:44
smartboyhw_Tm_T: :P07:46
valorieI wouldn't blame Canonical for favoring their own creation over the step-child07:49
valorienow the ubuntu community is a different question07:50
Tm_Tvalorie: indeed07:56
valoriewe can't really worry about what canonical thinks07:58
Tm_Twe don't need to I'd say07:58
valorieit did hurt when they withdrew support08:01
valoriebut I think we are stronger now08:01
valorieso they did us a favor08:01
smartboyhwvalorie: ;)08:01
smartboyhwActually I don't understand: Why is Jonathan such a popular first name in the West?08:04
smartboyhw4 Kubuntu Members have Jonathan has their first name…08:05
valorievery old name, even found in the Bible08:05
mikhasexist as a proper name in most European countries08:05
mikhas(localized versions, of course)08:05
smartboyhwvalorie, mikhas: OK08:05
Riddellthat distrowatch article is fun08:14
smartboyhwRiddell: Surely yep:)08:15
Riddellbut do I blog it given it slags of ubuntu lots08:15
mikhassure you do08:16
Tm_Tsmartboyhw: in finnish it's Joonatan08:16
smartboyhwTm_T: :O 08:16
shadeslayersmartboyhw: I have half a reply in my inbox08:17
Riddellsmartboyhw: the reason I use my surname as irc nick is because there were so many jonathans at school we all had to use surnames to distinguish08:17
smartboyhwshadeslayer: Let me give you a cup of coffee08:17
smartboyhwRiddell: Seriously? LOL08:18
shadeslayerI just finished one, I could use another one08:18
smartboyhwkubotu: give a cup of coffee to shadeslayer08:18
shadeslayersurely you mean08:18
shadeslayerkubotu: order coffee for smartboyhw08:18
* kubotu slides a cup of steamy hot coffee down the bar to smartboyhw.08:18
smartboyhwkubotu: order espresso for shadeslayer08:18
* kubotu slides espresso down the bar to shadeslayer08:18
smartboyhwkubotu: order breakfast for Riddell08:20
* kubotu slides a cigarette, a cup of hot coffee and a bagel with cream cheese down the bar to Riddell.08:20
valorieI thought using surnames was standard in UK public schools?08:20
valorieI'm glad i didn't have to go by "Cowan"08:21
smartboyhwI wonder what will dinner be for kubotu…08:21
Riddellvalorie: you are mistaking England for the UK08:22
valorieah, not a Scots custom then?08:24
smartboyhwkubotu: order afternoon tea for smartboyhw08:24
* kubotu slides afternoon tea down the bar to smartboyhw08:24
kubotuhowdy, smartboyhw08:24
valorieI've never actually been in England08:24
valorieonly Scotland08:24
* smartboyhw will be in England in July08:25
smartboyhwWhen you guys are in Akademy08:25
valorieand in the first pub we were in, I mentioned that this was my first time in Europe08:25
valoriefellow roared out, you aren't in EUROPE, you're in SCOTLAND!08:25
smartboyhwvalorie: ROFL08:26
valorielater he bought me a lovely whisky08:26
valoriemmmm, Jura08:26
Riddellvalorie: that's disappointing08:28
Riddellhttp://ubuntugnome.org/  their Follow Us section with links to Facebook, g+ and twitter is where we should be at08:28
valorieyes, I was surprised08:29
valorieI thought the Scots in general were more European-minded than the average English08:30
valoriethe Jura was delicious08:30
valoriethat is a really plain page08:31
Riddellvalorie: those of us who plan to vote Yes are, those who vote No less so.  unlike england there's no calls to have a vote to get out of the EU08:31
soeeRiddell, anyone working on 4.10.3 ?08:54
apacheloggeryofel: are you doing frameworks for neon.... cause you've got kdelibs imported...?09:04
valorieanyway, Riddell, I agree with you on the Follow Us part09:09
valoriethat's the best part of their very plain site09:10
smartboyhwvalorie: Don't forget, they are a new flavour09:17
valorieoh, yes, I know09:18
smartboyhwAnd they don't even have a proper QA lead…09:18
valorieand I'm sure they will find someone to pretty it up09:18
valorieinfo is good, even if plain09:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: we just have an import, no work on getting it to work AFAIK10:55
shadeslayerafiestas_: ScottK bug 117133110:58
ubottubug 1171331 in kscreen (Ubuntu) "Screen rotation isn't taken into account when positioning screens in KCM" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117133110:58
shadeslayerbug 117733310:58
ubottubug 1177333 in kscreen (Ubuntu) "[SRU] kscreen 0.0.92" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117733310:59
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
apacheloggerDarkwing, shadeslayer, yofel: questions on ML still waiting for replies11:14
smartboyhwapachelogger: Hey don't keep on telling them:P11:16
apacheloggeryofel: ping11:35
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
smartboyhw_yofel: Is the 4.10.3 Raring status page cronjob down?12:51
BluesKajHiya folks13:10
smartboyhw_apachelogger: What happened?!13:40
apachelogger2013-05-07 12:44:47 INFO    Unable to import branch because of limitations in Bazaar.13:40
apachelogger2013-05-07 12:44:47 INFO    The repository you are fetching from contains submodules, which are not yet supported.13:40
Riddellapachelogger seems to have worked out how to use a laptop while sleeping, impressive13:40
smartboyhw_apachelogger: :O13:40
smartboyhw_Riddell: lol13:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^ suggestions?13:41
* shadeslayer jumps off a building13:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: also pling13:41
smartboyhw_shadeslayer: NO!13:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: you can't import submodules13:41
shadeslayerno git submodule support in bzr13:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: pling?13:42
apacheloggerno shit sherlok13:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: suggestions, we write a cron job on a server to push repos13:42
shadeslayerimport each module individually13:42
shadeslayerthat's all I can think of13:43
apacheloggerwhat server13:43
shadeslayeror making Riddell write submodule support13:43
apacheloggeralso there are no modules13:43
apacheloggerthere may have been in the history13:43
shadeslayeryeah so13:43
smartboyhw_shadeslayer: Good one13:43
apacheloggerwhich makes the fail even more bullshit13:43
shadeslayerthat breaks bzr13:43
apacheloggerwe should just stop using launchpad13:43
shadeslayeror just make Riddell fix bzr :P13:44
smartboyhw_apachelogger: That's a wild suggestion. Let Riddell fix bzr.13:44
smartboyhw_So Riddell, fix it;P13:45
apacheloggerlet's spend engineering time on dead software13:48
smartboyhw_apachelogger: Dead?13:49
apacheloggerbzr is on life support13:50
smartboyhw_apachelogger: What's replacing it then?13:50
apacheloggerit's expect to rot until broken13:50
smartboyhw_apachelogger: !?13:51
apacheloggerwhat do I know13:51
apacheloggerwhat do I care13:51
Riddell"maintinance mode"13:51
apacheloggerthere's no such thing considering it can't evne import git repos if there are submodules in the history13:51
apacheloggerTHE HISTORY13:51
smartboyhw_kubotu: newversion homerun 0.2.314:22
Riddellwhen did that appear?14:23
smartboyhw_Riddell: Planet KDE14:23
smartboyhw_12:32 UTC14:23
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:53
yofelsmartboyhw: script looks running to me, maybe there was a network issue?14:58
yofelapachelogger: pong14:58
smartboyhwyofel: Hmn14:58
yofelapachelogger: and as shadeslayer said, there's only an import for frameworks. And I don't really plan to do any neon packaging until 4.11 is out14:58
yofelnot saying that we can't change that14:59
yofelsmartboyhw: "Last updated on 2013-05-07 15:00 (UTC)" - that was just now15:02
smartboyhwyofel: OKp15:03
smartboyhwyofel: But some of the successfully built packages are showing res15:04
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "yofel: But some of the successfully built packages are showing red"15:05
yofelred means there were issues, not that it failed to build15:05
yofelthat actually says failed to build15:05
yofel(see rocs)15:05
yofelin kate's case it would be the list-missing output15:06
yofelweird bug of the day: lp 117732915:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1177329 in Kubuntu PPA "lock screen password is not same as user password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117732915:07
genii-aroundDoes anyone know when Saucy will be added to kubuntu PPAs ?15:41
yofelgenii-around: define "added"?15:58
yofelif you mean available in apt: as soon as someone uploads something for saucy to the ppa15:58
Quintasanlol wat15:59
genii-aroundyofel: Ah, OK. I just went from 13.04 to the 13.10 development version, noted there was nothing in the PPAs yet15:59
apacheloggeryofel: wip16:32
apacheloggeralbiet launchpad is crap16:32
apacheloggerso I am writing tooling to do the recipe building outside launchpad16:32
Riddellrick_timmis: did you get anywhere with your watchfile watcher?16:39
rick_timmisRiddell: Not really, sorry. I got side tracked and it dropped down my todo list. 17:08
seaLnedo we really still need lots of cvs things in kubuntu-full package? just installed it for the first time in ages on a pc for parentals17:09
rick_timmisRiddell: I feel I have got lots of big gaps in my knowledge of Debian packaging and the finer aspects of APT, plus my day to day work load has gotten ahead of me.17:10
RiddellseaLne: cvs things?17:12
seaLneincluding cvs package and a few utils for cvs stuff17:13
Riddellrick_timmis: fair enoughski, let me know if you think you want to do other things in kubuntu, I hear ahoneybun iscracking on with docs17:13
RiddellseaLne: apt-cache show kubuntu-full doesn't list anything cvs17:13
seaLnelooks like its some other package that pulls it in though17:14
Riddelloh kdesdk-scripts17:14
Riddellyeah that should go17:15
seaLneit installed a lot of dev stuff i wasn't expecting, i'd thought it would be just like all of kde programs17:16
seaLnenot to sure what the usecase for -full is17:16
rick_timmisRiddell: Probably best I sit quiet for a while, once I get back in the groove, I will take a look at packaging, as that will probably help fill out the gaps I mentioned17:16
Riddellrick_timmis: plenty to package:)17:17
RiddellseaLne: it's mostly a facet of ours seeds rather than something I'd expect people to need17:17
Riddellyou can try kde-full which is the debian meta package for kde fanboys17:18
RiddellvHanda: /etc/sysctl.d/30-nepomuk-inotify-limit.conf17:19
vHandaRiddell: thanks17:26
shadeslayerScottK: bug 117733317:35
ubottubug 1177333 in kscreen (Ubuntu Saucy) "[SRU] kscreen 0.0.92" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117733317:35
=== mitya57_ is now known as mitya57
RiddellScottK: we were discussing srus and how they can get blocked.  is there an argument for allowing them into -proposed automatically and let ~ubuntu-sru review them during the7 day review period?18:09
Riddellor even only at the end ofit?18:09
apacheloggerRiddell: I think users who use proposed will not appreciate preventable breakage18:11
Riddelldo such users exist?18:13
Riddell-proposed is intended as a testing place, if you use it you have to be prepared to test18:13
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:15
apacheloggerone of these days I'll start using bookmarks :S18:15
ahoneybunhey Riddell18:47
Riddellbuenos noches18:49
ahoneybunhave you seen the Docs so far?19:02
Riddellahoneybun: nope, what's new?19:02
ahoneybunimages, uploaded them to the wiki, made them thumbnails19:02
Riddellooh pretty pictures on /Basics19:07
ahoneybunthanks ;)19:07
ahoneybunI'm still trying to get the format right19:08
ahoneybunlike where to put the index, and table of contents19:08
Riddelldepends on how long it is19:09
Riddellif it's just the 6 items it is not then put the whole index on every page19:09
Riddellbut if it gets much longer it'll need to be only on the front page with next/previous links?19:09
ahoneybunSo should I put the index on every page?19:09
ahoneybunor leave it as "See also" on the bottom19:10
Riddellsee also doesn't make much sense if it just lists all the pages19:10
ahoneybunyea I'm working on that now19:10
Riddellapachelogger: seen http://losca.blogspot.com.es/2013/05/qt-5-in-debian-and-ubuntu-patches.html ?19:13
ahoneybunI have all the pages made so there are no dead links right now19:16
ahoneybunRiddell: so how should it be?19:19
Riddellahoneybun: hmm19:36
RiddellI think https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDocs/RaringRingtail/Basics is good wit the page contents at the top and the global contents at the bottom19:36
Riddelljust don't call it "see also"19:36
Riddellthat suggests it's selected pages rather than all contents19:37
apacheloggerScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/homerun/+bug/117739919:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1177399 in homerun (Ubuntu Raring) "[SRU] homerun 0.2.3" [Medium,Triaged]19:44
shadeslayerScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kscreen/+bug/1177333 while you're at it :P19:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1177333 in kscreen "[SRU] kscreen 0.0.92" [High,Incomplete]19:44
soeegood evening20:05
=== apachelogger is now known as Phonon
ahoneybunRiddell: what would I call it then21:18
Riddellahoneybun: just contents?21:24
ahoneybunthe see also part, me and my friend were thinking of talking about naming it "Overview of Chapters21:26
ahoneybunthinking of naming it21:26
ahoneybun"Overview of Chapters"21:27
ahoneybunRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDocs/RaringRingtail/Basics21:47
valorieahoneybun: looking better and better21:59
valoriethe KDE Menu Editor appears freakishly large to me21:59
ahoneybunYes I saw that valorie22:00
valorieI agree with Riddell, though - "Contents" is better than "ov erview of chapters"22:00
valoriethis isn't a book, so we don't need to introduce the concept of chapters22:01
ahoneybunbut with the <<TableOfContents>>  it put "Contents" there 22:01
ahoneybunso no links to the other parts of the Docs?22:02
valorieyes, there always have to be links to other parts22:04
valorieor people will never find them22:04
ahoneybunbut then its 22:06
valoriewith the moinmoin wiki, that's about the best you can do I think22:09
valoriebreadcrumbs instead would be cool, but .....22:10
ahoneybunon the breadcrumbs anyway22:14
ahoneybunwell I could make the links myself and not use the <<TableOfContents>> 22:15
valorieso far you are doing a great job22:15
valorieI wrote down some of my thoughts the other night after i shut down irc22:16
valoriedo you want me to email them to you?22:16
valoriegot distracted and never looked up your email address yesterday22:16
ahoneybunsure send them over valorie :)22:30
* Phonon looks at valorie22:45
ahoneybunvalorie: I'm trying to be very precise22:47
valorieahoneybun: that's two releases ago!22:51
* valorie looks at Phonon22:53
ahoneybunyou know what I mean!22:58
valorieyes. :-)23:05
ahoneybunyes what?23:08
valorieyes, I know what you mean23:11
valorietoo scattered atm to edit23:11
ahoneybunlol yea 23:11
ahoneybunI'm thinking of making a new kubuntu-docs, in a new format basically just a folder with text files with the same text from the wiki pages I made and upload them to lp23:13
valoriewe could do that each release23:15
valorierather than updating them, just regenerate23:15
valoriealso it's possible to create the xml/docbook from wiki23:15
valorienot sure about moin, though23:16
valoriethat's how our amarok userdocs are created23:16
valoriedunno if the KDE docs people love it or not, but they do the scripting/fixing23:16
ahoneybunI think there is a way to import a xml into a wiki23:32
valorieyes, but it can be done the other way too23:36
valorieuserbase > docbook works for KDE23:36
ahoneybunso make userdocs from the wiki?23:38
valoriesorry, dinner23:53
ahoneybun ok23:54
valoriewhat we did was create the manual in userbase23:54
ahoneybunoh ok23:54
valoriethen before release, check all the things, and ask the docteam to pull a new docbook from it23:54
valorieso we aren't keeping two sets of docs23:54
ahoneybunso the docs were in userbase and then you pulled it from there and then made a docbook from it23:55

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