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ScuniziI just updated to the latest desktop on 12.04 using the kde PPA and discovered a weird anomoly in the task bar.. The Wacom widget is well.... a pic is worth a thousand words. See http://min.us/lDDvEyENVInfz  ... how do I fix this?00:15
ScuniziIt looks like 2 icons and also spells out Wacom Graphire 4 4x5.. the text of the icon goes over the nic, info, desktop trash and clock.00:16
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audiocan someone help me out with this command "kdesu kate /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common" what's missing o.O00:50
audionever used kate, use to gksudo gedit00:50
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ahoneybunhey audio03:00
audioblah, after installing nvidia drivers, which seemed like it installed fine, i rebooted and ran nvidia-settigns. looked thru tabs and everything looked good. but then i lost window title bars on all aps03:01
ahoneybunso what were you trying to do?03:02
audioget my window bars back03:02
audiocant move any windows or anything03:02
ahoneybunproblems with the drivers?03:02
audioother than that it hasnt crashed yet03:03
audiosays their active, seems to be workin fine03:03
audioreso is fine, dual monitors run ok03:03
audiojust no window title bars03:03
audiojust menus and docked windows03:03
ahoneybunthat would be kwin03:03
audiohow do i fix her grumpy arse xD03:04
ahoneybunnot sure tbh03:04
audiohow would i go about changing from lighdm to kdm ?03:04
ahoneybuninstall kdm and in konsole03:05
ahoneybunsudo apt-get install kdm03:06
ahoneybunsudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm03:06
audiohm, its saying it;s gonna install mesa drivers aswell03:06
audiothat's prolly a bad idear xD03:06
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ahoneybunwell thats the general drivers I believe03:07
ahoneybunbut If you not sure don't do it lol03:08
audiothis is the farthest i've gotten with these damn drivers LOL03:08
audioaactually booted ..03:09
ahoneybunoh nice03:09
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kaffeebohneHi, i just installed kubuntu 13.04 and have no sleep option, only hibernation. :( How can i enable sleep in the options and shutdown menu? (I am on a laptop, so a working sleep would be nice)05:55
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valoriekaffeebohne: odd; I have sleep only, no hibernation06:34
valoriethis was a clean install of 13.0406:34
kaffeebohnemine too :/06:35
kaffeebohne64 here06:35
valorieinteresting; I have a 64 bit box as well, I'll start it up06:35
valoriehowever, it is an upgrade06:35
kaffeebohneAs far as I saw on my google searches for that problem it is a bug in 4.1006:36
valoriesleep only on the 64 box as well06:41
kaffeebohnedamn, my fault, sleep only here too. I am used to "ruhezustand" (german) as suspend to disk, but on kde it is suspend to ram.06:43
audiodun da dun06:49
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lorenzo_My speakers are making these weird popping noises in kubuntu 13.0408:53
lorenzo_can anyone see these messages? Dunno if this chat program is working08:55
lorenzo_can anyone tell me if they can read this?09:12
smartboyhwlorenzo_: Yes we can read and "hear" what you say09:13
lorenzo_Oh thank god I was going insane, its my first time using IRC and its a little complicated for me.09:13
lorenzo_My son installed kubuntu on my laptop for school.09:14
smartboyhwlorenzo_: No worries. And that's great that your son installed Kubuntu!09:14
lorenzo_and it works great! I love the operating system so far, but for some weird problem there is a popping noise on my speakers.09:14
smartboyhwlorenzo_: popping noise?09:14
lorenzo_I don't want to switch back over to windows, I was reading around on askubuntu and other people have had this problem.09:15
smartboyhwlorenzo_: Only in Kubuntu or?09:15
lorenzo_Yes like a crackling popping noise. Its never happened before on windows. This is an HPDV6000 an older model09:15
smartboyhwAnd does AskUbuntu have a valid answer?09:15
lorenzo_It's all a little over my head. to be honest. I can install software by just copy pasting everything into the terminal thing. But the rest I am sorta lost.09:16
valorielorenzo_: you might try downloading phonon-backend-vlc and switching phonon over to use that09:17
valoriesorry to be so technical09:17
lorenzo_Bear with me09:17
lorenzo_for installing things its sudo apt-get install phonon-backend-vlc?09:18
smartboyhwlorenzo_: Yep09:18
lorenzo_and can i open two of these terminal things or do i need to close the chat window i have now09:18
valorieah, the way of the force is strong in this one09:18
valorieno need to close IRC09:19
valorieany terminal will do09:19
valoriekonsole, or my favorite: yakuake09:19
lorenzo_alright. I managed to get irssi to run following the instructions on ubuntu.com support09:19
lorenzo_let me try with the vlc thing09:19
valorieyou are already more techie than me!09:19
smartboyhwvalorie: I did once use irssi before and it's horrible;P09:20
valoriewell, I need beauty09:21
lorenzo_There was another chat for irc that came with the system but it was more complicated. This is like a typewriter so its easier for me.09:21
valoriekonversation is beautiful09:21
lorenzo_It gave me an error09:21
valoriewow, that it totally opposite to my way of thinking, but that's why the world is interesting09:21
smartboyhwlorenzo_: Oh what error?09:22
valorielorenzo_: what was the error?09:22
lorenzo_it said that i have to remove something.09:22
valoriehmmm, remove what?09:22
lorenzo_Oh no wait when i hit the up arrow it fills in the black box with what i had written before. I spelled the name wrong i think.09:23
lorenzo_okay I think it installed.09:23
smartboyhwlorenzo_: Eh:P09:23
lorenzo_Should I try to turn on my sound?09:24
valoriefirst you'll need to change phonon to use it09:25
valoriein systemsettings09:25
valoriemultimedia > phonon > backend tab if I recall correctly09:25
lorenzo_alright its open09:25
valorieonce you have changed it, you'll need to log out of KDE and login again09:26
lorenzo_it has gstreamer and VLC09:26
valoriemove vlc to the top09:26
valorieand save your settings09:26
lorenzo_alright I will log out and get the irssi thing running again.09:26
lorenzo__I think I am back09:32
smartboyhwlorenzo__: Yep09:32
smartboyhwHow's the sound?09:32
lorenzo__Alright. I restarted the computer all together and I am still getting popping noise.09:32
smartboyhwlorenzo__: Meh09:33
lorenzo__Should i try downloading the drivers09:34
lorenzo__they are on the hp website09:34
smartboyhwlorenzo__: Are they for Linux?09:34
smartboyhwIf yes then install, if not don't09:34
lorenzo__dont i just download the .exe and run it?09:35
smartboyhwlorenzo__: No.09:35
lorenzo__I saw on a forum that they ran alsamixer09:40
valoriesure, but that only controls sound levels09:40
valoriesorry to desert you, but it's approaching 3am here, and I'm going to bed09:41
lorenzo__and i wasable to get some bars on the screen. It happens at random. When I plug my headphones thats when it starts up. But I know its not the speakers on the computer cause my tech friend brought some cd with windows xp on it and it played sound just fine with no crackling.09:41
lorenzo__Oh goodnight valorie. Thank you for your suggestions.09:41
valorieright, it could def. be a driver problem09:42
valorierunning "kde-jockey" might give you some help with drivers as well09:42
valorienot sure how well that's working these days, but it can't hurt09:42
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:43
hateballFor some laptop models you need to specify parameters for alsa, on boot09:43
lorenzo__I'm sorry this is a little over my head. Just bear with me though, this is my first time using this type of system.09:44
hateballWell for certain chipsets you may need to add some lines in alsa-base.conf, like options snd-hda-intel=whatever-stuff. it's on that wiki page, although it varies from model so....09:45
hateballprobably easiest to google or search the ubuntu forums09:45
ginpbi'm having trouble with my kubuntu and the graphic card09:47
ginpbi installed ubuntu and the display works perfectly09:48
ginpbthen i installed kubuntu and the display show some artifacts09:48
ginpbin both cases i installed the system from ubuntu 12.04 precise09:48
ginpbany idea how can i copy the graphics settings from the working ubuntu to kubuntu09:50
ginpbi also installed kde on ubuntu an it works fine09:50
ginpbso is something missing in the setup of kubuntu09:50
ginpbanyone can help me?09:51
hateballginpb ☞ Did you make sure the hardware drivers are installed?09:52
ginpbshould use the included ones since is not a ati or nvidia09:52
hateballRight, so it's Intel?09:52
ginpbso i suppose is using the default from xorg09:52
ginpbnope it's sis09:53
lorenzo__I don't know what to do at this point I am trying to follow the steps for another hp model with the same problem.09:54
hateballginpb ☞  I have had no experience with that chipset I'm afraid. Have you tried changing desktop effects rendering?09:54
lorenzo__It appears that this has been an ongoing problem since version 8.1009:54
hateballlorenzo__ ☞ well usually it is just a matter of adding the "options $somethingsomething" to alsa-base.conf and reboot09:54
ginpbhateball: doesn't make any difference09:55
ginpbhateball: since it's working with ubuntu, should work with kubuntu too, the packages are not the same?09:56
lorenzo__Let me explain what is going on.09:58
lorenzo__My son is in highschool and he installed Kubuntu on to my work laptop for a school project. Everything works wonderfully and i have managed to get everything up and runnning with him except this.09:58
lorenzo__This is the first time I have ever seen any of this and I have been in and out of forums for almost 5 hours now trying to get this to work. I am on a page that is asking me to configure some file and i have no clue where to go from here.09:59
hateballlorenzo__ ☞ Link the page in here and someone may be able to explain :)10:00
lorenzo__gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf <that is what they are saying to run but nothing is happening10:00
hateballlorenzo__ ☞ Well gksudo is used in gnome, you will want to use kdesudo10:02
hateballlorenzo__ ☞ and gedit is the text-editor in gnome, so you'd use kate instead10:02
lorenzo__so i would change the command10:02
hateballor if you want to use the commandline, just "sudo nano <stuff>"10:02
lorenzo__kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf ? like that10:02
hateballNow I must rush to lunch, good luck10:03
lorenzo__o wow i have a lot of text on my screen now.10:04
lorenzo__it says to look for "power_save" in this text block. I hit search and i see no results10:04
lorenzo__do i add that into the text document?10:06
ginpblorenzo__: can you past the file on pastebin10:07
lorenzo__what is a pastebin?10:07
lorenzo__like drag and drop it into my terminal thing10:07
ginpbpastebin.com you paste your file there, click submit and post here the link generated10:09
lorenzo__there we go I googled it. I seem to be getting good at looking for things.10:09
a10killerI am having an issue with an externa hardrive in kubuntu and am wondering if anyone is able to help?10:10
ginpblorenzo__: wich model of laptop is?10:12
ginpband the problem is the audio goes on and off?10:13
lorenzo__HP Dv600010:13
lorenzo__No its that the audio makes a popping/clicking noise10:13
lorenzo__I am not sure if your able to see the rest of the conversation.10:13
lorenzo__My son is in highschool and he is taking a course in computers, he installed kubuntu on my work laptop.10:14
lorenzo__I love the system and I am happy I went through with it. Everything is working great except for that.10:14
ginpbhave you tried other distributions or other versin of ubuntu?10:14
ginpblorenzo__: also are you using the 13.04?10:14
lorenzo__yes its 13.0410:14
ginpband have you tried other linux distros or other versions of ubuntu?10:15
lorenzo__no he went straight for this one cause one of his friends uses it.10:16
lorenzo__http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1314834  <<that was the only relevant thing I could find on the matter.10:16
ginpblorenzo__: give me a couple of minutes10:18
lorenzo__I have been trying to get this fixed for the last 5 hours don't worry take your time haha10:18
ginpblorenzo__: the noise is always present?10:22
ginpbare you using chrome?10:22
lorenzo__Yes google chrome  is installed on here.10:22
ginpband the noise is always present?10:23
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ginpblorenzo__:  ^10:23
lorenzo__just when i  plug my little headphones in it starts up pretty bad.10:23
lorenzo__When i start it up and shut it down it also makes some noises as well.10:24
lorenzo__Right now it seems to not be acting up as much.10:24
ginpbso, playing any sound?, system sounds, movies, mp3, youtube10:25
ginpblorenzo__: ^10:25
lorenzo__right now it seems to be working well I hear no popping, its just when i put in the headphones10:26
lorenzo__then it does it all the time.10:26
lorenzo__When its on regular speakers its only on startup and shut donw.10:26
ginpbbut from the speakers, make any pop?10:26
lorenzo__on occassions it will have fits and do it at random.10:26
lorenzo__let me playback a video on youtube just to test it out.10:27
ginpbrunning from battery or attached to the power cord make any difference?10:27
lorenzo__Let me test that one too.10:28
lorenzo__alright on and off battery power does not affect it10:29
lorenzo__It pops when the volume is at 100% and i lower it.10:29
lorenzo__and now that the headphones are in its not doing it right now.10:29
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vuemme_qualcuno riesce ad aiutarmi?12:43
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:44
vuemme_ /join #ubuntu-it12:45
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mitchlesshas anyone ever run into a problem where a user was unable to log out, restart, or shutdown in kubuntu?12:58
mitchlessi've come across a number of possible solutions online, none of which have worked12:59
mitchlessi tried disabling sound notifications, no change13:00
mitchlessi tried modifying the kdmrc file's Halt command, no change (though I'm using lightdm, not kdm)13:00
mitchlessis there some logging I can check to see what is going on when I press the "restart" button?13:00
vuemme__can someone help me13:02
smartboyhw_!ask | vuemme__13:02
ubottuvuemme__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:02
vuemme__I installed the repository backtrack on my laptop13:03
vuemme__my version kubuntu 13.0413:03
vuemme__Now I no longer update..13:04
smartboyhw_vuemme__: The error?13:04
smartboyhw_mitchless: What's your version?13:04
vuemme__from the terminal I get this written: E: Tipo "wget" non riconosciuto alla riga 62 nel file /etc/apt/sources.list13:04
vuemme__kubuntu 13.0413:05
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Translation?13:05
mitchlesssmartboyhw_: i'm on 13.0413:05
smartboyhw_vuemme__: ?13:06
mitchlesssmartboyhw_: i've seen this problem since probably 12.04, however13:06
vuemme__muon also seems to be stuck13:06
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Can you show me line 62 of /etc/apt/sources.list ?13:06
smartboyhw_mitchless: Hmm… that's awkward13:07
mitchlesssmartboyhw_: indeed; a fresh user is able to use those functions13:07
vuemme__the other version was 12.1013:07
mitchlesssmartboyhw_: so it is something to do with my user's configuration, but i'm not sure what13:07
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Paste me your /etc/apt/sources.list to paste.kde.org and give me the link13:09
vuemme__there is a terminal command to remove the repository backtrack?13:09
smartboyhw_vuemme__: sudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge <backtrack ppa>13:10
BluesKajHiya folks13:10
vuemme__bash: errore di sintassi vicino al token non atteso "newline"13:11
smartboyhw_Hello BluesKaj, can you help mitchless with his shutdown/logout problems?13:11
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Please, follow my instructions…13:11
vuemme__vuemme@vuemme-HP-655-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo apt-get update [sudo] password for vuemme:  E: Tipo "wget" non riconosciuto alla riga 62 nel file /etc/apt/sources.list E: Impossibile leggere l'elenco dei sorgenti. vuemme@vuemme-HP-655-Notebook-PC:~$  /join #ubuntu-it  bash: /join: File o directory non esistente vuemme@vuemme-HP-655-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge <backtrack ppa> bash: errore di sintassi vicin13:12
vuemme__vuemme@vuemme-HP-655-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo apt-get update [sudo] password for vuemme:  E: Tipo "wget" non riconosciuto alla riga 62 nel file /etc/apt/sources.list E: Impossibile leggere l'elenco dei sorgenti. vuemme@vuemme-HP-655-Notebook-PC:~$  /join #ubuntu-it  bash: /join: File o directory non esistente vuemme@vuemme-HP-655-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge <backtrack ppa> bash: errore di sintassi vicin13:12
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to paste.kde.org and give me the link13:13
vuemme__bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permesso negato13:14
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Use a text editor to open it..13:15
Artakhaor cat /etc/apt/sources.list13:15
vuemme__vuemme@vuemme-HP-655-Notebook-PC:~$ /etc/apt/sources.list  bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permesso negato vuemme@vuemme-HP-655-Notebook-PC:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list # deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 12.10 _Quantal Quetzal_ - Release amd64 (20121017.1)]/ quantal main multiverse restricted universe  # See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to # newer versions of the distribution. deb http://ftp.stw-bonn.de/ubuntu/ rar13:16
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Paste it to paste.kde org13:17
vuemme__vuemme@vuemme-HP-655-Notebook-PC:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list # deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 12.10 _Quantal Quetzal_ - Release amd64 (20121017.1)]/ quantal main multiverse restricted universe  # See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to # newer versions of the distribution. deb http://ftp.stw-bonn.de/ubuntu/ raring main restricted deb-src http://ftp.stw-bonn.de/ubuntu/ raring main restricted  ## Major bug fix upda13:17
smartboyhw_Don't paste it here13:17
smartboyhw_!paste | vuemme__13:17
ubottuvuemme__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:17
smartboyhw_Thank you…13:17
smartboyhw_vuemme__: paste.kde.org13:18
vuemme__ok tanks13:18
vuemme__I pasted on kde.org13:20
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Link?13:20
tsimpsonyou need to post the link here13:20
BluesKajmitchless, could you repeat your question, I just logged in13:20
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Your paste's link.13:21
tsimpsonvuemme__: the address, copy and paste from the address bar13:21
smartboyhw_After you clicked submit13:21
mitchlessBluesKaj: sure thing; my primary user account is unable to logout, restart, or shutdown from the KDE menu13:21
BluesKajon 13.04 ?13:21
mitchlessBluesKaj: I have tried the solutions I can find on the internet (disabling sound notifications and editing kdmrc) and they did not work; and yes, 13.0413:22
vuemme__I do not understand13:22
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Now, you pasted to paste.kde.org right?13:22
mitchlessBluesKaj: if I create a new user, that user is able to use those functions13:22
tsimpsonvuemme__: after you paste something there and submit it, the address will change. you just post back that address here13:23
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Open a text editor using kdesudo and remove the last line13:24
smartboyhw_i.e the one that starts with wget13:24
vuemme__if you can help..13:24
smartboyhw_That line shouldn't be in the file at all...13:24
vuemme__I'm new to kubuntu13:25
BluesKajmitchless, I was afraid of that , I have no experience with that issue ...but do you have file indexing/nepomuk enabled and kmail/akonadi server ?13:25
smartboyhw_vuemme__: sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list13:26
mitchlessBluesKaj: i stopped using kmail a while back13:26
vuemme__No command arguments supplied! Usage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command> KdeSudo will now exit...13:26
BluesKajok what about nepomuk , mitchless?13:26
smartboyhw_Er wait13:26
mitchlessBluesKaj: and nepomuk semantic desktop is disabled13:26
smartboyhw_kdesudo kate13:27
smartboyhw_vuemme__: ^13:27
vuemme__sudo: kwrite: comando non trovato13:27
mitchlessBluesKaj: a nepomukcontroller process is still running, as is an akonadi_nepomuk_feeder process13:28
smartboyhw_vuemme__: kdesudo kate13:28
vuemme__now yes13:28
mitchlessBluesKaj: brb... meeting13:29
BluesKajmitchless, in system monitor ? if so kill them and see what happens when shutting down13:29
vuemme__has opened the screen kate13:29
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Open /etc/apt/sources.list in kate13:29
smartboyhw_vuemme__: ^13:29
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Does the screen appear?13:31
vuemme__it is locked to the line 2913:31
smartboyhw_That's the most important thing…13:31
vuemme__from terminal13:32
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Maybe nano then…13:32
smartboyhw_sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list13:33
vuemme__screen kate   is empty13:33
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Is it working at least? Can you type things in it?13:34
vuemme__QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: File o directory non esistente QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /root/.kde/share/config/activitymanager-pluginsrc sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list13:34
* smartboyhw_ is starting to get puzzled13:34
vuemme__now not13:35
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Try to close Kate, and type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list13:35
smartboyhw_vuemme__: That's not fully pasted… Copy the whole file and try again13:38
smartboyhw_again to paste.13:38
vuemme__i hope..13:40
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Try to scroll down to the last line and copy and paste…13:41
BluesKajsmartboyhw_, vuemme__ we don't support backtrack here13:42
smartboyhw_BluesKaj: Oh:P13:42
vuemme__forgive me I did not understand13:42
BluesKaj!backtrack | vuemme__13:42
ubottuvuemme__: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)13:42
* smartboyhw_ doesn't know what is BackTrack, sorry:P13:43
BluesKajread above smartboyhw_13:43
vuemme__I just wanted to test the security of my pc13:44
BluesKajvuemme__, then join  #backtrack-linux13:44
BluesKajvuemme__, do you run backtrack or not , if not why do you have backtrack repositories in your sources.list ?13:46
vuemme__now not13:47
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Then remove all lines having the word "backtrack" in /etc/apt/sources.list13:47
BluesKajremove the backtrack repositories , ..and it's not obvious , backtrack uses a lot of ubuntu repositories since it's a derivative as shown above13:48
vuemme__but now I want to solve the problem13:49
vuemme__I'm not interested in your philosophy BluesKaj13:50
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Follow what I and BluesKaj said13:50
BluesKajyes , we will help if you repost your sources.list , but must update and upgrade first13:50
vuemme__I did not understand13:50
* smartboyhw_ faints13:51
vuemme__how to delete all backtrack?13:51
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Please remove all the lines containing "backtrack" in /etc/apt/sources.list , save it, and sudo apt-get update13:52
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Now, do you have your nano open?13:53
smartboyhw_nano editor I mean13:53
smartboyhw_vuemme__: Use your down arrow key to scroll down the file until you see the last line13:54
mitchlessBluesKaj: killed the nepomukcontroller process successfully; no change13:55
mitchlessBluesKaj: akonadi_nepomuk_feeder respawned13:55
BluesKajmitchless, then it must be some other daemon that's blocking your shutdown , if you run, sudo halt , in the konsole , does the pc shutdown ?13:58
mitchlessBluesKaj: oh yes, most definitely13:58
BluesKajok , no errors shown tho ?13:59
BluesKajmitchless, perhaps checking /vae/log/syslog1 will give us a clue14:00
smartboyhw_Oh good, he tineouted14:00
BluesKaj /var/14:00
BluesKajsorry mitchless , /var/log/  look for syslog114:01
mitchlessBluesKaj: nothing is written to syslog when I attempt to restart from the menu14:02
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Whiskey`Wonkaanyone know where I should report ACPI errors? IIRC 12.x did not do this, 13.04 does and so my cpu/video over heat14:04
BluesKajmitchless, can you restart from the desktop ?  I have to ask14:04
mitchlessBluesKaj: when I press "restart" or "shutdown" or "logoff" I don't even get the confirmation prompt14:04
mitchlessBluesKaj: if i right-click on the desktop and select "Leave..." I get nothing14:05
mitchlessBluesKaj: i can lock the screen, but i cannot leave (my desktop is Hotel California...)14:06
BluesKajmitchless, do yo have any scripts running in sytem settings>start&shutdown such as dropbox or....14:09
mitchlessBluesKaj: i don't recall setting any up; is there a place i can check?14:10
BluesKajmitchless, yes , kmenu>computer>system settings>startup&shutdown>autostart ..somehow i doubt there's anything , but it's worh checking14:13
mitchlessBluesKaj: nothing running on shutdown, just krunner and plasma-desktop on startup14:13
BluesKajmitchless, have you updated/upgraded lately ?14:15
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mitchlessBluesKaj: yes, i've been using this same machine since 10.04; i've noticed this problem since 12.0414:16
smartboyhw_Hi edikruk14:16
edikrukall ppl here use Kubuntu?14:17
BluesKajmitchless, well , I'm stumped14:18
LogicallyDashingdunno, but the channel is about it14:18
mitchlessBluesKaj: rats14:18
BluesKajedikruk, yes14:18
smartboyhw_edikruk: Should be14:18
mitchlessBluesKaj: i know it is something peculiar to this user; if i create a new account, that one is able to do those functions14:19
edikrukI am new in Kubuntu :D14:19
mitchlessBluesKaj: i've been unable to narrow down what it could be, however14:19
smartboyhw_edikruk: Welcome to Kubuntu!14:19
edikrukIs there any program in Kubuntu Like total commander (sorry for bad English)14:22
smartboyhw_edikruk: What's Total Commander?14:22
edikrukany program like the total commander from windows,but on Kubuntu14:24
smartboyhw_edikruk: I mean, what IS total commander?14:24
BluesKajmitchless, yes , but you can check the list in startup&shutdown>service manager and shutoff services the you "know" aren't needed. ...it's a shot in the dark14:24
smartboyhw_If you mean command prompt, you have Konsole for Kubuntu14:25
Artakhasmartboyhw_, it's a cmdline file manager for windows14:25
Artakhaedikruk, there's a lot of total commander-likes around14:25
mitchlessBluesKaj: i'll take a stab at it; thanks14:25
Artakhaedikruk, http://168hours.wordpress.com/2008/08/18/10-total-commander-alternatives-for-linux/14:26
BluesKajedikruk, midnight commander ?14:26
Artakhaoh yeah14:26
Artakhamidnight commander14:26
Artakhathat's what i was thinking about14:26
BluesKajyeah i used that for yrs ,, it's handy14:27
edikrukOops! Google Chrome could not connect to 168hours.wordpress.com14:27
edikruki will try this commander14:27
edikrukI will try Krusader14:29
BluesKajedikruk, that's it Krusader14:30
edikrukis there any program here in kubuntu for twitter like tweet deck?14:31
BluesKajedikruk, open muon and type twitter in the search bar14:34
edikruki found hotot14:36
edikrukok thanks everyone i will go and learn how kubuntu works14:38
eightyeight_hi everyone14:39
smartboyhw_Hello eightyeoght_14:40
eightyeight_im new to kub so what is this chat used for14:41
georgelappieshi good people of kubuntu ;)14:48
georgelappieswill 4.10.3 become available in standard repos for 13.04 or would we have to add an extra ppa?14:49
edikruki am new in Kubuntu so i don't know :D14:49
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:53
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ginpbif I setup one account, how can i use those settings for all the new accounts created15:49
spawn57as a template?15:52
spawn57what kind of settings?15:52
gforcehello guys!15:54
gforcei have a problem with my computer15:55
gforcethe desktop sleeps at some interval of time15:55
gforcei have tryed to do some settings but nothing worked15:56
BluesKajginpb, I think you add the new accts to your group in user management15:56
gforceuser management?15:57
gforcebut i never changed there nothing15:58
BluesKajgforce, the anwer wasn't directed at you15:58
gforcestill have to look15:59
aleksandrhi all15:59
gforceso can enyone can help please.15:59
aleksandryou have troble&15:59
gforcethe desktop sleeps after 10 minutes16:01
BluesKajgforce, check system settings >power management , set the timers ther16:01
gforcei have tried16:02
gforceno change16:02
gforcei have checked all at 360 minutes16:02
gforcestill after 10 minutes buuum..... sleep16:03
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BluesKajgforce, make sure "suspend session" is unchecked16:04
gforceok i wil try16:04
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ButtaAnyone knows how to uninstall nvidia drivers and use noveau?16:05
ButtaI installed them for try a game but I don't like nvidia drivers, It seems like my computer is a reactor16:05
dav7xButta, have you tried this?16:07
Buttadav7x: No, let me see it. Thanks.16:09
dav7xHi everyone! Has anybody here been able to downgrade to xorg 1.12 in Kubuntu 13.04?16:09
ButtaIt seems they install Unity and I want KDE. I don't have xorg.conf too..16:11
dav7xButta: ah, then you shouldn't install ubuntu-desktop16:13
dav7xButta: so you should install kubuntu-desktop instead, if the dependency problem they mention exists16:14
Buttadav7x: Ok thank you, I'm going to restart :)16:15
dav7xButta, what happens if you write (without quotes):  locate xorg.conf16:15
dav7xyou're welcome!16:16
Buttadav7x: http://pastebin.com/E4jaMnje16:16
dav7xButta: I think it won't be a problem, since you wanted to delete it anyway if it existed. A new one should be automatically generated  on next boot in that case.16:18
ButtaThanks, see you now :D16:18
dav7xSee you!16:18
Buttadav7x_: I'm using noveau!16:25
Buttadav7x_: Thank you a lot!16:25
dav7x_Butta: fantastic! Congratulations!16:26
dav7x_Butta: how is the computer fan working at this moment? Is it spinning too fast?16:27
ButtaA little bit :/16:27
dav7x_Butta: check this link then, so you can take a look at the temperatures http://askubuntu.com/questions/53762/how-to-use-to-use-lm-sensors16:29
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Buttadav7x_: It's moving slowly than the start but its still doing sound16:40
Buttanouveau-pci-0100 Adapter: PCI adapter temp1:        +83.0°C  (high = +95.0°C, crit = +115.0°C)16:40
dav7x_Butta: ouch, that's high16:40
dav7x_Butta: are you on a desktop or a notebook?16:41
Buttadav7x_: It's always like this...16:41
Buttadav7x_: Laptop, yes.16:41
dav7x_Butta: if you are *very* confident about it (and know about how to avoid electrostatic discharges), you might want to see if your laptop has dust, dust bunnies and other stuff inside, blocking the airways or even entangled in the fan16:43
Buttadav7x_: Well... Maybe is that but I remember cleaning it not far16:44
Buttadav7x_: But yeah, I will open it16:44
Buttadav7x_: Thanks a lot for all16:44
dav7x_Butta: oh, I see16:44
Buttadav7x_: I have to go, thanks!16:44
dav7x_Butta: great, ok!  My fan also works harder when using open source drivers with an ATI card. It might be a similar issue.16:45
dav7x_Butta: it's usually inferior power management by the open drivers. Bye!16:45
Buttadav7x_: Good luck, I'm glad to meet you! :D16:46
gforceman that is frustrating17:00
gforcestill sleep17:00
gforcepower management won't work17:00
gforcesimply the sistem is ignore my commands17:01
gforcei want that the desktop will not dim or suspend or any kind of that stuff17:04
gforcestill the sistem find the ideea that is better to suspend session and black the screen17:05
vuemme__help me?17:15
lordievader!ask | vuemme__17:17
ubottuvuemme__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:17
vuemme__I installed it on my pc repositories backtrack17:18
vuemme__kubuntu 13.0417:19
vuemme__my version kubuntu17:19
lordievadervuemme__: Yes, you installed Kubuntu 13.04 to your pc.17:19
vuemme__repository of backtrack17:20
vuemme__now i no longer update..17:20
lordievaderThere is an itallian Kubuntu support channel, if you are interested.17:21
lordievader!it | vuemme__17:21
vuemme__the terminal tells me : E: Tipo "wget" non riconosciuto alla riga 62 nel file /etc/apt/sources.list17:21
vuemme__E: Impossibile leggere l'elenco dei sorgenti17:21
ubottuvuemme__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:21
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)17:22
vuemme__I would like to delete the repository of backtrack..17:23
BluesKajgenii-around, I already told him earlier today that backtrack OS isn't supported here , don't think he understands.17:24
lordievadervuemme__: If that is all, open /etc/apt/sources.list with a text editor and comment lines 60 trough 63.17:26
BluesKajvuemme__, alt+F2 , type kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list , delete the last4 lines .17:26
BluesKajthen save the file, vuemme__17:27
vuemme__forgive me..17:27
BluesKajvuemme__, then, sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade , in the konsole17:27
vuemme__how can i delete?17:28
BluesKajplace cursor at the end of eac=h line and use the backspace key , or highlight the lines and press the delete key17:29
ekkihi, any repo to install kde 4.10.3 in kubuntu?17:29
vuemme__I have to cancel the screen kate?17:30
lordievaderekki: I believe they are not available yet.17:30
ekkithank so still waiting17:31
BluesKajvuemme__, did yo delete the lines ?17:32
BluesKajvuemme__, then click the save icon exit17:33
vuemme__tanks bluesky17:38
vuemme__tanks lordievader17:38
alesanhi how can I remove all the silly holydays from my calendar? when I open it there are so many holydays I cannot distinguish what is today17:38
genii-aroundalesan: The calendar which appears when you click on the time which is on the panel?17:52
alesangenii-around, yes!17:53
genii-aroundalesan: Right-click on the time, select Digital Clock Settings... From the popup window, select Calendar on the left pane. Uncheck "Display events" on the right side, click on Apply button on lower right17:55
alesandisplay events is already unchecked17:57
DudalusIs there a topic/thread about sleep mode in kubuntu 13.04 (information, tips etc). I upgraded my system and the sleep mode is broken (After wkae up I cannot move the mouse and the system restarts)18:06
DudalusAnd after the restart I have to restart again, becuase the login screen hangs up18:06
alesangenii-around, OK I had to go in the united states thing18:07
alesanand select "do not use" in a somewhat hidden combo-box18:08
alesanthe GUI for this calendar... needs revision18:08
genii-aroundalesan: Yes, I tend to agree18:08
alesangenii-around, in fact, I doubt very much anybody is inetrested to see such a cluttered calendar18:08
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Questhow to install gtalk messenger on ubuntu?18:58
BluesKajQuest, gtalk goes through your web browser , preferably chromium-browser19:01
BluesKajQuest, you need a googlke account19:02
BluesKajerr google19:03
QuestBluesKaj,  isnt that a messenger?19:06
genii-aroundecho "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/talkplugin/deb/ stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-talk-$(lsb_release -sc).list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install  google-talkplugin19:07
* genii-around makes more coffee19:09
Questgenii-around,  how to start gtalk when installation is done?19:12
Questgenii-around, ?19:16
Questgenii-around,  W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://dl.google.com/linux/talkplugin/deb/ stable/main amd64 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_talkplugin_deb_dists_stable_main_binary-amd64_Packages)19:16
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rosco_yHow should I install skype on 12.04.2 LTS 64-bit ?23:15
Axlinrosco_y: From skype.com. You'll download a .deb file. Double click to install.23:26
rosco_yAxlin: ty, I'll give that a try :)23:34
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