
=== billytwowilly is now known as zombiehoffa
hpuser4466Can't get WiFi to connect.  Chipset Cisco Aironet Wireless 802.11b02:06
hpuser4466IBM thinkpad T4102:06
hpuser4466Also i'm trying to run a head cleaner disc in the DVD but Lubuntu refuses to recognize the disc.02:07
hpuser4466it's a cleaning disc with a video tutorial and cleaner on track 8.  Should play like a regular DVD02:08
holsteinhpuser4466: which would you like to tackle?02:10
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:10
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:10
hpuser4466I tried to install libdvdread4 but still not working..the install shell can't find "packages.mediabuntu.org" either02:14
hpuser4466strange that libdvdread4 was already installed (must be included with lubuntu-restricted-extras) which i installed earlier.02:15
holsteinhpuser4466: so, its installed then?02:15
holsteinhpuser4466: you are referring to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs ?02:16
hpuser4466Yes, this line produces and error:   sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh02:16
hpuser4466can't find packages.mediabuntu.org02:17
hpuser4466I assume the link is dead02:17
holsteinhpuser4466: assume nothing02:17
hpuser4466educated guess ;- )02:17
hpuser4466looks like it wants to download from a repo that is no longer available.02:18
holsteinhpuser4466: did you enable the repo?02:18
hpuser4466in sources.list?02:18
holsteinsudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu02:19
holstein^^ thats how i did it02:19
holsteini dont know what operating system you are using though02:19
hpuser4466holstein:  I entered that code in the terminal and received this error:   unable to resolve host address 'www.mediabuntu.org'02:23
hpuser4466ps i copied and pasted the code exactly.02:24
holsteinhpuser4466: sure.. i think is "medibuntu" in all that i have linked, correct?02:25
holsteinhpuser4466: can you go to http://www.medibuntu.org/ ?02:25
holsteincan you ping http://www.medibuntu.org/ ?02:25
holsteinhpuser4466: do you need dvd playback? the little optical driver cleaner is quite pointless02:26
hpuser4466Lubuntu said i needed to clean the dvd head, although it could be a more serious hardware fault.02:26
hpuser4466Yes, i can login to mediabuntu02:26
hpuser4466can't seem to enable dvd codec02:27
holsteinhpuser4466: you dont "enable" it.. its not there.. you download it02:27
holsteinhpuser4466: what is the issue?02:27
holsteinhpuser4466: what are you trying to clean the optical drive?02:28
hpuser4466the cleaner DVD disc won't play02:28
hpuser4466yes, clean the dvd heads02:28
holsteinhpuser4466: i understand.. why are you trying to clean the heads?02:28
hpuser4466The installer disc said i needed to clean the heads02:28
hpuser4466(yes it actually said that during the installtion)02:29
holsteinhpuser4466: its just a suggestion.. in my experience, that doesnt help02:29
holsteinhpuser4466: what would i do? try a USB stick with unetbootin.. check the sum of the iso02:29
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:29
holsteintry the dvd in another optical drive02:29
holsteinhpuser4466: what i getting at is, i wouldnt waste too much time on this step right now, as that is likely not the issue at all02:29
hpuser4466yes, it could be a corrupted iso, but I would still like to play the dvd cleaner02:30
holsteinhpuser4466: then, you need to sort out your errors02:30
hpuser4466so the question is "Where do i download the dvd codec?02:30
holsteinhpuser4466: what operating system are you using?02:31
hpuser4466lubuntu 12.04 (although i used the ubuntu mini.iso net installer)02:31
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:31
holsteinhpuser4466: the "official" mini ones ^ ?02:31
hpuser4466i think it's the non-pae mini installer02:32
holsteinhpuser4466: you think?02:32
hpuser4466well i have 4 different mini isos...let me check02:32
holsteinhpuser4466: you must confirm .. but i dont need to know that for this issue.. but maybe for the wifi02:32
holsteinhpuser4466: did you run updates? did you try 13.04?02:33
hpuser4466i'm using kernel 3.2.0-41-generic.   No i haven't done a distro upgrade unless it happened without my knowledge.02:34
holsteinhpuser4466: i would do that.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:34
holsteini would check the wifi, and get back to troubleshooting the dvd playback02:34
hpuser4466ok..connecting with ethernet cable.. brb02:34
holsteinhpuser4466: ?02:35
holsteinhpuser4466: you will need that connection to "enable" dvd playback as well02:35
hpuser4466ok..updating/upgrading via ethernet02:37
hpuser4466by the way, where's the file with the distro version?02:37
hpuser4466like /etc/version in other distros02:37
holsteinhpuser4466: the file?02:37
holsteinhpuser4466: all the files are rather "disto specific"..02:38
hpuser4466there should be a text file with a distro version number02:38
holsteinhpuser4466: when i google "what version of ubuntu am i running".. the first suggestion is "lsb_release -a"02:39
holsteinhpuser4466: you can always add whatever you think there "should" be02:40
hpuser4466got it.  I definitly have "ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS"   Release 12.04 precise02:41
holsteinhpuser4466: if it were me, i would try 13.04 live on my hardware.. for the wifi02:41
hpuser4466i'll try to find a fix for 12.04 first or find a usb wifi dongle that's proven to work.02:44
hpuser4466<sifting through ubuntu blogs..02:45
hpuser4466looks like cisto airnet is a common problem02:46
hpuser4466*cisco aironet02:46
holsteinhpuser4466: sure, but its not "broken"..02:47
holsteinhpuser4466: you can run "lspci" and search for that string.. the chipset string02:47
hpuser4466The chipset shows up in lspci..it's definitly recognized...but not configured right02:47
hpuser4466I was able to enter the ssid and wpa pass but it refuses to connect02:48
holsteinhpuser4466: what would i do? disable encryption and test02:49
hpuser4466good idea02:49
hpuser4466no..still won't connect with wpa disabled.02:53
holsteinhpuser4466: in what way? how does the windows driver work with ndisgtk?02:54
hpuser4466don't have a windows driver. Will have to find/download it.02:54
holsteinhpuser4466: what is the chipset?02:55
holsteinhpuser4466: have you tried a 13.04 live CD?02:55
hpuser4466not yet, no.. I really don't want to re-install because i've spent long enough on this pc already and i have to post it to someone today.02:56
holsteinhpuser4466: im not suggesting to reinstall.. im suggeting trying it live.. seeing what the hardware support is like with a different kernel02:56
holsteinhpuser4466: i can say this.. no one will actually be able to help you first hand with your issue with that wifi chip.02:57
hpuser4466yeah i understand..That's my last option right now.02:57
holsteinyou'll sort the issue out by being flexible and trying options..02:57
hpuser4466Chipset:  Cisco Aironet Wireless Communications Cisco Aironet Wireless 802.11b02:57
holsteini woud just disable that...02:58
hpuser4466yeah..outdated you think?02:58
holsteinthe age of that hardware is the issue02:58
hpuser4466though it old tech02:58
holsteinhpuser4466: i would get a windows driver and try it with ndisgtk02:58
hpuser4466Can you recommend a "proven" USB WiFi dongle for lubuntu 12.04?03:06
holsteinhpuser4466: no.. and no one else should/can03:06
hpuser4466just that i tested a d-link WiFi and it failed..03:06
holsteinhpuser4466: vendors can and do change chipsets anytime they like03:06
hpuser4466I think i found some cisco drivers but i have to register an account at cisco first :- )03:07
holsteinhpuser4466: sure.. *it* failed... keep in mind, any of the vendors are always welcome to create a driver for you for the operating system you are using03:07
holsteinhpuser4466: the drivers you are accessing right now are kernel drivers.. included in the kernel.. the kernel has to let some of the older stuff go from time to time03:08
holsteinmodules can be added... and support can be added back in with kernel modules03:08
holsteinbut, a "known good" list of hardware is tricky since chipset and version #'s can make or break driver support03:09
hpuser4466and i might have to compile the modules from source.03:10
hpuser4466I found the windows drivers for cisco chipset :- ). to test with ndisgtk03:10
holsteinhpuser4466: you might "get" to.. if you can fine them, and they work03:10
holsteinhpuser4466: one thing is certain.. no modern operating system is catering to supporting "b" wifi devices, so you are kind of on your own03:11
Unit193That's a wireless B device?  G is or is nearly outdated, but not sure if your router supports N.03:12
hpuser4466yeah it's probably better to use usb or card WiFi03:12
hpuser4466someting 'up to date'03:12
hpuser4466I have a D-Link WiFi dongle which I03:12
hpuser4466test again shortly.03:12
hpuser4466Cisco want all my personal details just to download a driver :- (03:13
hpuser4466I think i'll bail03:14
holsteinor, try something of that "vintage" and take notes about what supports the hardware (assuming its supported)03:15
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:15
hpuser4466Does ndisgtk (or the windows driver)  connect automatically each boot?03:17
hpuser4466i mean auto connect at bootup to wifi03:17
holsteinhpuser4466: it should try to do that, not sure about that specific hardware03:18
hpuser4466ok i decided to get the cisco windows drivers..downloading03:20
hpuser4466hmm I actually have the Cisco aironet 5000 chipset & can't find the driver.03:27
hpuser4466this laptop accepts mini pci WiFi cards03:32
hpuser4466I must have a "service contract" with cisco before they give me the drivers :- (03:39
hpuser4466Looks like a dead end. And i think i sold my d-link usb.03:40
hpuser4466can't find it03:40
holsteinhpuser4466: i would argure "b" is a dead end03:41
hpuser4466agreed.  No WiFi for now.03:41
hpuser4466the fn+WiFi button isn't working either..the wifi light is OFF03:48
hpuser4466maybe that explains it?03:48
hpuser4466How to force it on?03:48
holsteinhpuser4466: i wouldnt expect to see ssid's with that off.. i would expect that light or the function keys to not work as expected03:48
hpuser4466I'm examining the  airo driver options to see what's enabled. brb03:50
hpuser4466what's adhoc?03:50
hpuser4466my router uses infrastructure mode. not adhoc03:51
hpuser4466OKAYY...i'm disovering more...i really have a 350 Series chipset.03:53
hpuser4466thanks, i'm going to look deeper int the driver option settings to make sure it's all configured properly.  bye03:54
holsteinhpuser4466: cheers03:54
hpuser4466Hey i downloaded the windows drivers. I i install the drivers with wine or just extract them to a spare folder?04:03
hpuser4466Do i install or extract to folder?04:03
hpuser4466<making progress... I have the cisco aironet windows drivers04:04
hpuser4466it's an .exe installer.04:05
holsteinhpuser4466: you might need windows, or wine to "use" the .exe.. it really depends on what it is04:08
hpuser4466I assume it's a matter of extracting the driver from the exe (or finding it once installed) and adding it to ndisgtk.04:08
holsteinsometimes i have just extracted it04:08
hpuser4466yep, doing it now.04:08
holsteinhpuser4466: you use ndisgtk (a gui for ndiswrapper) to point ndiswrapper to the driver you want it to use.. the *.ini file04:09
hpuser4466ok it extracted into the wine Tmp directory..04:11
hpuser4466i found CSWLOGIN.INF04:11
hpuser4466but there's a bunch of other .exe's and folders which might contain more?04:11
holsteinpoint ndisgtk at it, and see what happens04:12
holsteinhpuser4466: i have absolutely no idea, or way of knowing what is in the packages you got from the manufacturer04:12
holsteinhpuser4466: anyways, i gotta run for the evening... you can always try #ubuntu since you are doing nothing that is particularlly lubuntu or LXDE specific.. cheers04:13
hpuser4466i'll be needing ndisgtk shortly :- )04:13
holsteinhpuser4466: sudo apt-get install it.. its small and pulls in what it needs04:14
hpuser4466ok.  This directory looks interesting:  PCI-PCM\XP\netX500.inf04:15
hpuser4466I'm persistant aren't I?  ;- )04:19
hpuser4466It said ndiswrapper module isn't available04:20
holsteinhpuser4466: as i said, no one can help you04:20
holsteinhpuser4466: i dont have tha hardware.. it wont be "easy"04:20
holsteinhpuser4466: i have a card like that.. i messed with it on and off for a few months.. hours i wasted on getting it working04:20
holsteinit works with an xp driver i found from somewhere..04:21
hpuser4466Here's the exact error:04:21
holsteinhpuser4466: you might need to blacklist the kernel module.. i remember just trying a bunch of drivers..04:22
hpuser4466Module could not be loaded.  Error was:  WARNING: All config files need .conf. /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release.  FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.  Is the ndiswrapper module installed?04:22
hpuser4466AH!  so i blacklist aironet module.04:23
holsteini would blacklist it, and install what is mentioned above04:23
hpuser4466Done. Rebooting and try again.04:29
hpuser4466ndisgtk keeps saying "invalid driver" when I install netX500.inf  :- (04:32
hpuser4466I'll try a different .inf04:32
hpuser4466if anyone else has a question feel free to butt in.04:33
hpuser4466:- )04:33
hpuser4466Unfortunately, the .INF files are INVALID.  And i wish ndisgtk file browser would enter the hidden .wine directory (which it doesn't).04:35
hpuser4466I'm having to copy files from ~/.wine/*  to ~/ manually04:36
hpuser4466I'll try extracting the .exe with peazip04:37
hpuser4466maybe i missed something.04:37
hpuser4466OK!  the driver INSTALLED.  Now what?04:45
hpuser4466ndisgtk recognized my hardware.. Now to configure the network04:47
hpuser4466Wierd. ndisgtk made the connection to my WiFi, but it won't actually connect to my router.05:26
hpuser4466might be a faulty wifi card. who knows.05:31
ShapeShifter499someone from #ubuntu-powerpc  told me to come here for ubuntu powerpc related questions, anyways... whenever I wanted to install (or reinstall) ubuntu I'd just dd copy it to a flash drive, install, and done, but this method doesn't seem to be working for PPC Ubuntu 12.04, it did before for older versions, any ideas how to get the 12.04 install booting on my powerbook g4?08:50
mappsnot sure10:05
mappsnever used ppc=[10:05
EremesI am trying to install ubuntu on non PAE system13:12
EremesIt seems that I have to install lubuntu first , then update13:12
EremesI burned the Lubuntu , and i still got the same message saying that lubuntu can't run on non PAE system . ???13:12
jaredEremes: I believe as of 13.04 Lubuntu also has pae requirements.13:32
jaredEremes: I'm trying to confirm that but i also want to confirm if the mini iso supports pae or not13:32
Eremesjared: then someone need to fix that link . it direct me to v13 instead of 1213:33
Eremeswhich result me not being able to install :(13:34
Eremesi wasted 1 DVD13:34
jaredEremes: well in it's defense it does state to install 12.04 and the page linked shows 13.04. It's likely at the time of writing it was correct.13:35
Eremeswell i thought 13 still for non pae13:36
jaredI just updated the question for future users as well13:37
jaredI think to get to 13.04 you need to install 12.04 and upgrade. However I vaguely recall something about the mini iso doing non pae as well so trying to find that13:38
jaredThe mini iso is only 29mb if you want to give that a try - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:44
jaredI can't guarantee it's going to support non pae but it's your best bet. Otherwise maybe try the mailing list.13:44
jaredOr, if you don't mind what version you run I'd suggest installing 12.04 non pae that way you can be sure it's going to work. Depends on what you're trying to achieve I guess.13:45
jaredhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE is probably the safest option13:46
SilverfishHi! I'm having some trouble with my newly installed Lubuntu 13.04. My mouse cursor is huge, it was huge when I started up my computer yesterday, I didn't even know this could happen and I can't seem to find any place where I can make return it to its original size either. Does anyone know how I could fix it? :)14:25
SilverfishNot all cursors are huge though. If I hold my cursor at the edge as when I'm going to resize a window and that window is XChat, the cursor used there (the arrow pointing to an edge) is huge, but if I do the same thing on a Chromium window, that same cursor is small like it's supposed to.14:28
SilverfishAnd for instance the cursor that appears when I put my cursor over a text field is always the size it's supposed to be, small.14:28
SilverfishI installed the OS the day before yesterday, so it's really fresh too.14:29
SilverfishThe hand that appears when I grab a window seems to always be large, both when I grab the XChat window and the Chromium window.14:32
SilverfishThe edge grab cursor is only small in Chromium when I hover an edge, when I click and hold on the edge the cursor becomes large until I let go of the mouse button again.14:38
holsteinSilverfish: i would try as a different user.. if all is well as a new user, the issue is in the current user config, and you can remove config files that are "bad"15:19
SilverfishI'll try that holstein, thanks!15:37
Silverfishholstein, I had the same issue on a new user, so it's not that, thanks!15:40
SilverfishIn fact, the large mouse pointer is there on the login screen.15:40
holsteinSilverfish: what did you do before it happened? how did you install? what graphics card are you using? what graphics driver?15:41
Silverfishholstein, is there a way to see all software that I have installed? Not that IS installed but that I have personally installed on the computer? I have an Nvidia GeForce GTX 470 graphics card and nvidia driver version 313.15:44
SilverfishI know I've installed Wine and...15:44
SilverfishOther stuff, but I can't remember.15:44
holsteinSilverfish: sounds like a red flag to me15:44
holsteinSilverfish: no.. that you "did a bunch of stuff and dont remember"15:45
holsteinSilverfish: what would i do? just remove variables and try and sort through it all15:45
holsteini would upgrade and test.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:45
holsteini would try booting an earlier kernel.. i would try removing the nvidia driver, or just specify the vesa driver in a custom xorg.conf as a troubleshooting step15:46
holsteinSilverfish: you can look in pretty much any package manager for what is and is not installed on your system.. i like synaptic personally as a gui option15:47
SilverfishYes, but that just lists what is installed isn't it? Not what applications I personally have specifically installed?15:47
holsteinSilverfish: i can open synaptic and see what i have installed..15:48
holsteinSilverfish: you mean, non-repo applications? you are on your own there.. however you installed them will be how you deal with them15:48
SilverfishWhere do you see what applications on your computer you have installed using your user in Synaptic?15:49
holsteinSilverfish: i open synaptic and it lists what has been installed via package management15:49
SilverfishHm, we have different settings or something then I guess.15:50
holsteinSilverfish: no package manager is able to keep track of what you do on your own15:50
SilverfishI know.15:50
holsteinSilverfish: what are you looking for?15:51
SilverfishA list of applications that I have installed through my user using synaptic.15:51
SilverfishAnd/or Lubuntu Software center, and/or apt-get.15:52
holsteinSilverfish: just use whatever package manager you are comfortable using15:52
SilverfishI don't think you understand my question.15:53
holsteinwhen i google "ubuntu what packages are installed" i get http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/show-the-list-of-installed-packages-on-ubuntu-or-debian/15:54
SilverfishI'm asking for a way to view what applications I have installed on my computer through my user, in other words, what applications have been installed after the initial OS install, in any or all of these three applications: apt-get, synaptic, Lubuntu Software Center.15:54
SilverfishNot just showing what IS installed, but what I (ME) have installed on the computer (not the installer for the OS).15:55
holsteinSilverfish: i would diff between what is on the live CD and my os15:55
genii-aroundConceivably You could unpack all the /var/log/apt/history.log files and then grep them for  'Commandline: apt-get install'15:58
SilverfishThanks genii-around, that works really great for apt-get! :D15:59
holsteingrep them for the command you used...16:00
Silverfishgenii-around, do you know if this file only logs apt-get or if it also logs like LSC or Synaptic? I'm thinking maybe so if LSC or Synaptic goes through apt-get somehow.16:00
holsteinyou can also ask in #ubuntu, since this is not LXDE or lubuntu specific16:01
SilverfishI think my mouse issue is.16:01
SilverfishI'll do that, thanks!16:01
genii-aroundSilverfish: I only use apt-get on the cli these days, so not sure. You could always test it with installing something small with maybe synaptic or aptitude then checking the history.log file maybe16:02
holsteinSilverfish: how is the older kernel working?16:02
holsteinSilverfish: did you apply all upgrades?16:02
Silverfishholstein, I haven't changed kernel yet.16:02
holsteinSilverfish: and with the vesa driver? same thing?16:02
SilverfishI did apply all upgrades, and I haven't changed the driver yet. :)16:02
SilverfishI'm going to reboot to make sure to see if the upgrades did any difference, and I didn't want to just leave in the middle of chatting here.16:03
SilverfishI'll do that now and let you know how it goes.16:03
SilverfishOtherwise I'll probably just live with the large cursor, it's really just a minor annoyance.16:04
Silverfishsee ya!16:04
SilverfishI am back.16:34
SilverfishApparently it came from me having two monitors in a vertical configuration using TwinView.16:35
SilverfishI set them to horizontal and that fixed it.16:35
SilverfishThanks for the help holstein and genii-around!  <3 ^^16:40
* genii-around makes more coffee17:09
hpuser4466how do i convert a bunch of images into a video file?   ffmpeg doesn't seem to work properly with  screenshot%05d.png19:02
hpuser4466ffmpeg -f image2 -r 4/1 -i *%05d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 out.ogg19:03
hpuser4466returns error:  *%05d.png: No such file or directory19:03
hpuser4466but i know the files are there.19:03
holsteinhpuser4466: i might just make a presentation with gdocs or libreoffice19:08
holsteinor, just use a video editor like openshot or kdenlive.. etc19:09
hpuser4466i need about 4 images per second to have a smooth animation.  Openshot won't accept more than 100 images.  I have about 100019:10
hpuser4466I'm having to split my images into batches of less than 100 so openshot can convert them.  I would like to convert the whole lot in 1 go.19:10
holsteinright off the top of my head, i could make several videos of 100 images with the limitaions, and edit them together19:11
hpuser4466that's what i'm trying to do..openshot gave "invalid" error.19:11
holsteinhpuser4466: i would think you can find a video editor that would support that19:11
holsteini would try #ubuntu19:11
hpuser4466why won't ffmpeg support the %05d batch option?19:12
hpuser4466whenever i use it, it says file not found.. But the tutorials say it works.19:13
hpuser4466EG:   ffmpeg -f image2 -r 4/1 -i screenshot%03d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 out.ogg19:13
hpuser4466That "should" batch convert the images into a video.19:14
hpuser4466not working.19:14
holsteinseems like its a simple issue of not finding the files19:14
hpuser4466my files are in my present working directory19:14
holsteini would try some simple things like using the entire path19:15
hpuser4466I'm thinking that ffmpeg has been compiled with the batch option disabled.19:15
hpuser4466Because it works for others, but not me.19:15
hpuser4466unless ffmpeg removed this function in my version19:16
hpuser4466I'LL TRY AGAIN. following my ffmpeg turorial to the letter.19:18
holsteinhpuser4466: i would try with a smaller batch.. try with the complete path.. the error looks simple19:19
holsteini would just have 2 small files19:19
holsteinactually, i would personally just try GUI video editors til i found one that i could just knock it out in.. unless its something i was going to ever do again19:20
hpuser4466know any?19:20
holsteinhpuser4466: you have tried kden?19:20
hpuser4466not yet19:21
hpuser4466for some reason this ffmpeg command doesnt work:19:21
hpuser4466ffmpeg -f image2 -i screenshot%d.png output.mpg19:21
hpuser4466I'm sure i'm doing it properly with correct path and filename.19:22
hpuser4466is that command obsolete or is my ffmpeg compiled wrong?19:23
holsteinhpuser4466: im not sure of that19:23
holsteinffmpeg -f image2 -i "input_%05d.jpeg" -r 25 output.mov19:23
holsteinthat is the example19:23
holsteinffmpeg -f image2 -r 4/1 -i screenshot%03d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 out.ogg19:24
holstein^^ is what you linked19:24
holsteini dont see quotation marks...19:24
hpuser4466yes, i changed it for my "screenshot*.png" files19:24
holsteini dont know what all the little flags are for19:24
holsteinhpuser4466: i dont see quotation marks on the path19:25
hpuser4466uh..what quotations " ' or ` ??19:25
holsteinffmpeg -f image2 -i "input_%05d.jpeg" -r 25 output.mov is the example, and i see qutation marks.. i see no quotation marks on yours19:26
holsteinhpuser4466: the quotation makrs are indicating the path AFAIK, and that is the error you are having19:26
hpuser4466same error:   screenshot%05d.png: No such file or directory19:27
hpuser4466i totally refuses to recognize the %05d part19:28
holsteinhpuser4466: i would focus on the error..19:28
hpuser4466i cd into my image folder19:28
holsteinthere is no file of that name.. so something about the jargon is not jiving19:28
holsteinhpuser4466: try the complete path..19:28
hpuser4466i did...same error19:28
holsteinif it were me, i would set up a test case with the *exact* file names.. and just a few pics19:29
holsteinOR, just have already done it in kden..19:29
Jonuz-Does steam run on lubuntu?19:29
zleapyou need the newer ( or i did) beta nvidia drivers19:30
zleapbut it works19:30
Jonuz-Fking valve haven't made it for debian yeat :c19:31
holsteinJonuz-: you should be able to use it with debian19:31
zleapsurely if it works on ubunuut it may work on debian19:31
zleapas *buntu is debian based19:31
Jonuz-And I have tried few different version but haven't got it work19:31
Jonuz-/home/joona/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /home/joona/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6)19:32
Jonuz-/home/joona/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /home/joona/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6)19:32
Jonuz-Yeah I tried that19:32
Jonuz-and steam-debian:19:33
Jonuz-/home/joona/.local/share/Steam/steam.sh: line 704:  4236 Illegal instruction     $STEAM_DEBUGGER "$STEAMROOT/$PLATFORM/$STEAMEXE" "$@"19:33
Jonuz-In steams wiki they just have linked wine link for debian part :c19:34
holsteinJonuz-: steam is officially supported on 12.0419:34
Jonuz-Yeah ik19:34
Jonuz-I guess debian version is coming out in few week19:34
Jonuz-cuz wheezy got released19:34
Jonuz-I guess they waited for it19:34
holsteinJonuz-: if you are having issues, i would try 12.04, and then you can go to steam for support, which is really where the support will have to come from19:34
holsteinJonuz-: not sure.. i know folks are using steam in debian and arch and other places..19:35
semitonesIf you're having wheezy problems I feel bad for you son19:45
semitonesI got 99 problems but debian aint one!19:45
ElN1n0Hi,anybody knows how can i disable desktop switching that occurs for me by accident by mouse scrolling. Only temporary workaround i manage to is to remove second desktop in desktop pager option23:23
wxlElN1n0: 1 second23:26
ElN1n0Ok :)23:26
wxlElN1n0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Mouse#Disable_how_using_the_scrollwheel_on_the_switches_to_the_next_Desktop23:28
ElN1n0Awesome,i will try to edit  lubuntu-rc.xml now23:29
ElN1n0I made backup just in case... sec23:30
ElN1n0I guess i need to log out for changes to take place?23:32
ElN1n0nope,desktop keep switching to another with mouse scroll23:35
wxlhm that's a bummer. not sure what to tell you :(23:36
wxlthere may be another entry in lubuntu-rc.xml that's causing the problem23:36
ElN1n0i guess i will eventually figure it out... yep probably some another entry that needs to get removed or modified.. thx for help23:36
wxlyeah sorry i couldn't be of more help ElN1n023:39
ElN1n0NP :)23:40

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