
blahdeblahEvening folks.  Anyone know of a volume meter for Ubuntu/Debian that will show me which devices/channels/sound systems actually have activity?  I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem where Adobe Connect works with my USB headset, but Exaile doesn't.09:33
AussierickI just installed ubuntu on my desktop last night, so far I am liking what I see21:16
Noskcajgood to hear21:17
Aussierickwhat I need tho is the documentation to learn more about it, would you have a link?21:18
Noskcaji reccomend you use wiki.ubuntu.com if it doesn't work, ask on #ubuntu21:20
AussierickI'll have a look21:23
Aussierickis there a beinners guide to ubuntu?21:24
Noskcajoops, #ubuntu-beginners21:29
Noskcaji reccomend you ask all these questions on #ubuntu as many more people are there21:30

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