
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
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slangasekstgraber: how is pulseaudio supposed to be starting in saucy?  Because it didn't for me02:29
slangasekhmmm, possibly because I have a non-standard ~/.pulse/default.pa that goes looking for consolekit02:30
pittiGood morning03:23
pittistgraber: hey! had an ok trip back home, but fell to ubuflu again, so I was mostly offline yesterday, sorry03:24
pittistgraber: hm, I changed the timezone yesterday with the indicator/g-c-c, that worked fine; so if it wasn't what seb128 said, we need to debug interactively03:25
pittiScottK: we don't yet have saucy retracers for Launchpad, as we didn't enable LP uploading of crashes yet03:29
ScottKpitti: This was raring.03:29
pittiScottK: they should go to errors.u.c. though; ev, did you create saucy retracers already?03:29
pittiScottK: argh, then probably they crashed again and I didn't get cron mail03:29
ScottKThe problem is that e.u.c was failing to retrace them.03:29
pittiindeed, since May 4; restarting03:30
ScottKSo I re-enabled apport to send to LP in the hopes of getting something.03:30
pitticjwatson: that's because /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.accounts.policy only allows org.freedesktop.accounts.user-administration for local consoles03:35
pitticjwatson: we could set allow_any to auth_admin for that03:35
pitticjwatson: (that's not related to CK vs logind); you can check your session with "loginctl" (list) or "loginctl show-session c2" (details about a session)03:36
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dholbachgood morning06:30
dholbach@pilot in06:35
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach
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cjwatsonpitti: Ah, OK, so ssh to a raring/CK system would've behaved the same way?  I guess that's a regression from, um, whenever I did the CK work in openssh originally.  Yeah, I'd found loginctl - just wasn't quite sure how to interpret it in the light of the behaviour I was seeing, so thanks08:02
pitticjwatson: so your ssh integration was basically to create a session which was "local"?08:03
cjwatsonpitti: No, in the original case it was to create a session at all08:04
cjwatsonpitti: And I think to accurately pass DISPLAY08:04
pittifor a non-local ConsoleKit session, PK in raring behaves the same way, yes08:05
pittie. g. you cannot mount any USB devices and the like08:05
pittifor control-center, the policy could certainly allow authentication in remote sessions08:05
cjwatsonpitti: I suspect that it's still true that logind doesn't accurately know about DISPLAY for an X-forwarded ssh connection, but I don't know if/where that matters08:05
pittissh -X joe@localhost08:06
pitti$ echo $DISPLAY08:06
pittijoe@donald:~$ xeyes08:06
pittithat works for me at least08:06
pittilogind doesn't know about the display indeed (as it's not on a seat), but ssh does the forwarding just fine apparently08:07
cjwatsonSure, that's what I meant :)08:07
cjwatsonDISPLAY forwarding on its own has nothing to do with logind08:07
cjwatsonI guess that if the display is necessarily associated with a seat in logind-speak then given that the docs say there's no seat for ssh connections it's OK for logind not to know about it08:08
pittiyes, that's how I understand it08:08
cjwatson(though it seems a bit odd to *specify* no seat for ssh connections, but whatever)08:10
dholbachcan somebody please reject https://code.launchpad.net/~bkerensa/ubuntu/saucy/kde-artwork-active/fix-for-1169931/+merge/162656? (there was a debdiff already available for it)08:24
dholbachcan somebody please reject https://code.launchpad.net/~bkerensa/ubuntu/saucy/software-center-aptdaemon-plugins/fix-for-1175101/+merge/162654 as well? (same reason)08:29
dholbachmvo, does software-center-aptdaemon-plugins have its own LP project or can I just go ahead and upload a fix to the archive?08:30
dholbachnevermind, found it08:31
dholbachmvo, can you pull from lp:~dholbach/software-center/software-center-aptdaemon-plugins?08:32
mvodholbach: sure08:32
dholbachmvo, hugs!08:32
mvodholbach: well, not really, you need to propose a merge and I can approve it08:33
mvodholbach: its tarmac that is doing the merging these days08:34
dholbachah ok :)08:34
dholbachmvo, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/software-center/software-center-aptdaemon-plugins/+merge/16272908:34
dholbachmvo, you might be interested in https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/software-properties/lp1047424/+merge/161625 too08:35
dholbachogra_, does the patch in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/live-build/+bug/1174791 make sense?10:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1174791 in live-build (Ubuntu) "missing raring version string "13.04" in ./.disk/info" [Medium,New]10:29
ogra_dholbach, hmm, i thought xnox did some testing of usb-creator prior to release10:44
ogra_i wonder if he just uses a very old usb-creator10:45
ogra_dholbach, the patch makes sense but i'm curious why that issue doesnt/didnt show up in pre-release testing at all10:57
zygahrw: hi10:57
hrwzyga: ho10:57
zygahrw: back in canonical? :-)10:57
hrwzyga: not yet10:57
ogra_dholbach, though on a sidenote i think we originally put .disk/info in place using debian-cd11:00
dholbachI have no idea - I just thought you'd be a good person to review it11:00
ogra_well, it definitely isnt wrong to add this ... but i suspect it might not help11:01
dholbach@pilot out11:13
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
hoangchuongduonghi every body11:58
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pjotrHello, does anyone of you deal with langpacks for the localizations?12:07
pjotrI'm a member of the Dutch Ubuntu translators team, and I've noticed that a .mo file is missing from the Dutch langpack (and possibly from other langpacks as well)12:07
pjotrThis concerns xscreensaver. I've filed a bug report about it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xscreensaver/+bug/117732412:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1177324 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "xscreensaver: there's no translation file in the Dutch langpack anymore" [Undecided,New]12:07
pjotrmicahg: maybe you can take a look at it? This bug is pretty visible in Xubuntu...12:11
infinitypjotr: Fix uploaded.12:15
pjotrinfinity: great! Is it still in Proposed?12:21
vibhavdholbach: thanks for sponsoring im-switch12:21
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infinitypjotr: I literally uploaded it when I said I did, so yes. :)12:23
infinitypjotr: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xscreensaver/5.15-2ubuntu2 <-- Still building.12:24
pjotrinfinity: thanks for your immediate help!  :-)12:26
dholbachvibhav, no worries12:33
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infinitydiwic: D'oh.  Nice catch on the autogenerated alsa header.13:33
diwicinfinity, yeah, what bothers me is how the original patch could sort-of work, because it did resolve the error for you, or didn't it?13:35
infinitydiwic: I probably only tested on a locally-installed header, instead of rebuilding, reinstalling, and building against it. :/13:36
diwicinfinity, ok...autopkgtests ftw?13:36
infinitydiwic: An autopkgtest that tries to build a few random rdeps might catch this sort of thing, yeah.13:37
infinitykees: Your changelog for faketime/raring seems to be living in the past (glibc 2.7 indeed).13:37
diwicinfinity, also it bothers me that other rdeps should have been failed building during the time it was in the archive13:37
infinitydiwic: You'd think, right?  Maybe it was just sheer luck that nothing tripped on it.13:38
infinitydiwic: I know the bug report I was initially responding to was someone building something out-of-archive, not an FTBFS in Ubuntu.13:39
infinitydiwic: So maybe we just never (re)built anything that was affected.13:39
diwicinfinity, like, all the others just happened to include sys/types.h above asoundlib.h or something?13:39
infinitydiwic: Something like that, yeah.  It's not exactly uncommon to pull in types.h via other means.13:40
diwicinfinity, on another note, upstream shouldn't ship asoundlib.h if it is generated during build. IMO.13:41
infinitydiwic: That would certainly have eased my confusion. :P13:41
infinity(And yes, I'm a big fan of clean/distclean targets removing autogenerated files)13:41
infinitykees: Also, you didn't fix it in saucy (or were you planning to copy from raring to saucy once it was built?)13:43
ekarlsoanyone here concidering https://bugs.launchpad.net/precise-backports/+bug/1162529 ?13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1162529 in Quantal Backports "Please backport openvswitch 1.9.0-0ubuntu1 (main) from raring" [Undecided,New]13:49
tumbleweedekarlso: someone needs to do the testing13:51
stokachucould I get someone on SRU team to approve bug 1169740 for precise/quantal?13:55
ubottubug 1169740 in rsyslog (Ubuntu Quantal) "rsyslog hangs loading modules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116974013:55
cjwatsonDaviey: You seem to have discarded several Ubuntu-specific changes from debmirror?14:11
stokachuvanhoof: do you have bits for the sgs2 for ubuntu touch?14:17
zygatedg: hey14:42
zygatedg: in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ted/+junk/upstart-app-launch/view/head:/application.conf.in you can probably use env UBUNTU_APPLICATION_ISOLATION=1 and use exec rather than script14:42
tedgzyga, Ah, cool.14:43
tedgzyga, Still learning the upstart job stuff :-)14:43
zygatedg: it's not much different but it's pretty cool14:44
zygatedg: I love the concept14:44
zygatedg: I wonder and worry, though, about child processes14:44
zygatedg: so if you run gedit and gedit runs python console and there you subprocess.call("") something that won't be killed14:45
zygatedg: but that's upstart limitation I think (and jodh correct me if I'm wrong)14:45
* zyga would wish people would use git repos rather than lp/+junk 14:45
tedgzyga, There is some discussion on whether it should use cgroups to overcome that limitation.14:46
tedgzyga, Though, that's above my pay-grade :-)14:46
tedgzyga, Not sure of all the trade-offs14:47
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zygatedg: yeah, I guess that's the only viable option14:47
* zyga would love to be allowed to write that code14:47
jodhzyga: upstart can only follow two forks, as daemons shouldn't need to perform more. However, now we have upstart in the user session, that may need to be reconsidered. See too https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-q-upstart-overcome-ptrace-limitations.14:48
zygathanks for that link14:48
zygajodh: to be fair I think that deamons can easily do more than that14:49
zygajodh: eg, celery having children14:49
zygajodh: apache using forks14:49
zygajodh: or ssh having client connections14:49
jodhzyga: there are a very small number of exceptions, but most well-behaved daemons follow conventions to fork up to twice before being "ready". However, wrt the exceptions, you might want to look at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-q-upstart-service-readiness14:51
zygajodh: looking at that blueprint I don't see "0) Cannot track processes spawned by the job at all" which seems like the root of all of the other issues14:51
zygajodh: yeah, some daemons don't need that but there are some widely used exceptions :/14:52
zygajodh: service readiness is orthogonal a bit but I see why it is relevant14:52
jodhzyga: ...and we've dealt with those exceptions by, for example, running sshd in non-backgrounding mode.14:55
stgrabercyphermox: any idea on bug 1174418? I'm clearly not seeing this behaviour on any of my desktop machines and it looks like it's a desktop thing so might be somehow related to NM.14:56
kirklandinfinity: ping14:56
ubottubug 1174418 in netbase (Ubuntu) "Privacy Extensions are set by default on Ubuntu 13.04, but no temporary address will be generate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117441814:56
infinitykirkland: Sup?14:56
kirklandinfinity: re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/1173209, what if we just set stamp=/var/run/release-upgrade-available14:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1173209 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Prompted about New Release for 13.04 again after dist-upgrade and a restart" [Low,Triaged]14:56
zygajodh: apache? celery?14:56
cyphermoxstgraber: NM doesn't do privacy addresses for you; let me check14:56
kirklandinfinity: so that it gets cleared on reboot?14:56
zygajodh: I don't see any way to deal with those in general14:56
kirklandinfinity: simple/clean/easy fix, right?14:56
zygajodh: you'd need new semantics to trace that14:56
kirklandinfinity: (and the upgrade check would run at least once per boot)14:57
infinitykirkland: I suppose you could abuse /var/run for that, but then you'd still have long-running systems showing you upgrade available to the "wrong" thing.14:58
infinitykirkland: Say, people who ksplice through a release, and we now want to tell them there's a new new one available.14:59
cyphermoxstgraber: I don't know, I have temporary addresses here?14:59
kirklandinfinity: fair enough;  part of the do-release-upgrade process should clearly rm that flag14:59
stgrabercyphermox: right, I definitely have that stuff working as expected here, so I'm a bit confused as to what that user is actually seeing...14:59
infinitykirkland: I just see two bugs here.  1) The upgrader should wipe out the file entirely, and 2) update-motd fragment shouldn't assume "populated = good", and still refresh occasionally.14:59
kirklandinfinity: agreed15:00
cyphermoxstgraber: possibly not seeing the temporary addresses because there is no prefix received?15:01
cyphermoxor because they use the wrong tool to try and display it?15:01
stgrabercyphermox: yeah, that's what I'm wondering. I'm posting a comment asking specifically how is his IPv6 setup15:01
cyphermoxanyway, if they don't get a temporary address maybe it's the kernel not generating one?15:02
stgrabercyphermox: because you clearly won't get a temporary address if you're using static or stateful DHCPv6. You only get the privacy stuff if you're doing stateless15:02
smbinfinity, Bloody heck. I brain-dead uploaded lucid ec2 to main archive instead of ckt ppa. If you could rip that out of the new queue please (Lucid). Given it will not be accepted I believe I can redo the upload to the ppa15:04
stgrabercyphermox: alright, commented asking for a whole lot more information15:04
cyphermoxstgraber: indeed, no way to correctly generate tempaddrs for dhcpv6 :)15:04
infinitysmb: Rejected.15:05
smbinfinity, thanks15:05
pittistgraber: hey Stephane, how are you?15:09
pittistgraber: FYI, I integrated the veth setup into NM's autopkgtests, that works fine so far; NM does recognize the devices, I thought you said that regressed?15:10
pitti(or was I talking to cyphermox about this?)15:10
stgraberpitti: yep, that was a regression from quantal. Back in quantal a veth device was considered equivalent to a physical device if it's not called "veth*"15:11
pittistgraber: NM recognized the renamed "eth2", but ignores the non-renamed veth015:11
pitti(in raring and upstream)15:11
tedgzyga, thanks!  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ted/+junk/upstart-app-launch/revision/1015:12
stgraberpitti: hmm, weird, I don't quite see that here, hold on a sec, re-testing15:12
pittistgraber: I'll add some actual tests for these now, perhaps I just wasn't looking deep enough yet15:12
pittistgraber: don't worry about re-testing for now, I was mostly interested in understanding what you saw15:12
zygatedg: cool, my pleasure :)15:13
stgraberpitti: so are you seeing that if you do:15:13
cyphermoxpitti: well your test seems to be proving that things might be fine?15:13
stgraberip link add type veth15:13
zygatedg: do you plan on landing that in saucy desktop?15:13
zygatedg: for user sessions?15:13
stgraberip link set name eth2 dev veth015:13
stgraberpitti: you then get a usable eth2 in NM?15:13
tedgzyga, I think there's still more discussion to be had, as well as figuring where it belongs.  But, I'm positive on it right now.15:14
pittistgraber: that's what I'm about to write a test for; so far I just created the devs, but didn't use them yet15:14
pittistgraber: so in that scenario you expect eth2 to work, but veth1 to be ignored, right?15:14
stgraberpitti: correct15:14
zygatedg: ok, I cannot wait to see what's discussed at UDS then15:14
pittistgraber: ack, thanks15:14
stgraberpitti: but what I'm actually seeing is both of them be ignored (not showing up in nm-tool)15:14
cyphermoxstgraber: gah, you didn't mention this when we spoke about it :)15:15
stgrabercyphermox: what part didn't I mention? :)15:16
cyphermoxNM will only detect the devices when they are attached; if there is enough of a delay between addition and rename, it won't be seen as a non-veth device :)15:16
stgrabercyphermox: oh, that's interesting15:17
zygatedg: have you thought about using upstart for things like updating apps?15:17
pittioh, that's it perhaps; I'm doing coldplug tests for the most part15:17
pittiI also have a hotplug test, I'll add veth hotplugging there, too15:17
pitticoldplug -> set up devices and AP, then start NM15:17
pittihotplug -> start NM, then set up devices/APs15:17
pittiit usually takes NM some 30 seconds to pick up a newly appearing AP, thus these tests are painfully slow15:18
pittiand I do most of them in coldplug mode15:18
tedgzyga, ?  In what way?  You mean to shut them down after upgrade?15:18
cyphermoxstgraber: well, it's also apparently not the issue; even if you actually add the right device it doesn't seem to be picked up15:19
zygatedg: no, for just upgrading, like 'start update-app APP_ID=...' which would figure out how to update that particular application15:20
* zyga feels that all the task names should have rev dns notation :P15:21
pittiNetworkManager[8164]: <info> (eth42): carrier is OFF15:23
pittinmcli dev -> eth42      802-3-ethernet    unmanaged15:23
tedgzyga, I don't think that'd work as most apps work with a system level DB of upgrade items.  But, it is an interesting concept.15:24
pitti"guaranteed not to exist in the environments we are concerned about" :)15:24
infinitymlankhorst: It's the network that connects him to life, the universe, and everything.15:24
zygatedg: sure but that could be customized15:24
pitticyphermox: there doesn't seem to be an nmcli command to connect to eth, is there?15:24
pittirunning "dhclient -v eth42" works fine15:25
zygatedg: eg, it could be 'apt-get install $(packages-for-app $APP_ID)' in the general case15:25
cyphermoxnmcli con up id "name of connection"15:25
cyphermoxstgraber: btw: sudo ip link add name foo1 type veth peer name bar115:25
pitticyphermox: ah, "nmcli con list" doesn't have anything15:25
cyphermoxtry nmcli con up id "Wired connection 1"15:26
cyphermoxlet me double check that's the correct name15:26
infinityMine's called "Auto Ethernet".15:26
pittiI guess it doesn't see a link beat on that one yet; the veth apparently only sends a link beat when it's up15:26
pittinope, not that one15:27
pittiI guess it actually has to appear in nmcli con list15:27
cyphermoxpitti: well, it wouldn't, because that's an automatically created connection15:28
cyphermoxthere has to be a trick15:28
mlankhorstinfinity: oh btw since lts-raring kernel is now in precise-proposed, can I upload the rest of xserver stack to precise-proposed too?15:29
pitticyphermox: I guess I can request it via libnm-glib (I'm using the gir bindings in the tests)15:29
mlankhorstit should be just a matter of rerunning lts-stack raring at this point15:29
pitticyphermox: nmcli is just handy for manual testing15:29
cyphermoxpitti: yeah, see what the list of connections give you15:30
infinitymlankhorst: Sure.  I won't get to reviewing it this week, but maybe someone will.15:30
pittistgraber: ok, I can reproduce your issue15:30
cyphermoxpitti: maybe you just can't do that with nmcli yet15:30
pitticyphermox: there's none15:30
pitticyphermox: yes, apparently15:30
cyphermoxpitti: let dcbw know :)15:30
pitticyphermox: I actually had expected NM to auto-connect to ethernet without explicitly telling it15:30
mlankhorstI pity the poor person reviewing, it's actually less work for me to generate the entire stack at this point ;)15:30
cyphermoxpitti: that's what should happen15:31
pitticyphermox: but I guess real ethernet devices would have a link beat15:31
cyphermoxpitti: well, a veth alone won't if it's not hooked to another end15:31
cyphermoxpitti: sudo ip link add name foo1 type veth peer name bar1   <-- I get both recognized15:32
pitticyphermox: I gave the other end an IP and added dnsmasq on it15:32
pitticyphermox: oh, "peer name" -> what's bar1?15:32
cyphermoxthey get brought up immediately15:32
cyphermoxjust a random interface name15:32
pitticyphermox: nice, I used "ip link add type veth; ip link set name eth41  dev veth1"15:33
pitticyphermox: so with that single command that should even be atomic15:33
pitticyphermox: thanks15:34
pittiNetworkManager[8164]: <info> Added default wired connection 'Wired connection 1' for /sys/devices/virtual/net/eth4215:34
cyphermoxyeah ;D15:34
zygapitti: what are you guys doing?15:34
pittizyga: pretending to have ethernet :)15:34
cyphermoxzyga: figuring out how to test fake ethernet devices15:35
pittizyga: I am adding ethernet tests to NM's autopkgtest15:35
pittizyga: I already have a nice collection of wifi tests15:35
zygapitti: we should organize a mini sprint one day, so that our wireless/wired network tests could be themselves tested without real hardware15:35
pittizyga: the wifi tests don't use real hw either15:36
pittimac80211_hwsim FTW15:36
zygapitti: yeah I understand15:36
zygapitti: my point is that we (Certification) have tests that validate if hardware actually works15:36
zygapitti: and those tests are sometimes buggy or regress15:36
zygapitti: we'd love to be able to run tests against 'virtual' hardware for each merge for example15:37
pittiyeah, that's what we do with autopkgtest15:37
zygapitti: to essentially be able to unit test a script that checks if wifi works15:37
pittionce autopkgtest is properly wired into britney, a NM, dhclient, wpasupplicant, kernel, some library, or whatever that breaks any of those will cause the package to not get into ubuntu15:37
zygapitti: it would be equally good if we could write and run tests that our vefification programs (test is so overloaded in this context) would never regress15:39
zygapitti: and not having to run them against, eg, real access point and wifi card15:39
pittiwell, we still need tests against real hw15:39
zygapitti: I don't yet understand how those would work15:39
zygapitti: we do15:39
zygapitti: and we run tests on real hardware for cerfification15:39
pittiabove autopkgtests ensure that the userland is okay, but they don't cover any driver of course15:39
zygapitti: but for each commit that lands to our project, we should also tests stuff that normally depends on hardware15:39
zygapitti: testing on real hw is much more problematic and we don't do it15:40
zygapitti: (for development)15:40
Laneymterry: yo dawg, any chance I can hassle you to look at / merge https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/lightdm/fix-lightdm-qt-pcfile/+merge/162797 quickly?15:49
LaneyI want to upload it to saucy soonish as it's needed to unstick lightdm from proposed15:50
zygaplars: hey15:50
zygaplars: do you have the time for utah sync meeting?15:50
mterryLaney, I believe I already updated that in trunk15:50
Laneyyou did for qt5 but not the other one15:50
kirklandinfinity: fyi, https://code.launchpad.net/~kirkland/ubuntu-release-upgrader/1173209/+merge/16279815:51
mterryLaney, guh, I must have misread it then.  Thought the qt4 one had already been changed15:51
Laneyfor an upload, can I just distropatch as normal?15:51
mterryLaney, yeah.  I approved the branch15:52
Laneysweet, doing that then15:52
plarszyga: probably not today15:52
zygaplars: could you please move the meeting to a slot that suits you?15:52
plarszyga: sure, I'll look in a bit15:54
zygaplars: thanks!15:54
Laneyhmm, do we not have up-to-date udd branches for saucy yet?16:01
Laneyxnox: ^?16:01
pitticyphermox: would you know why "ip link set dev eth42 up" (i.e. the peer) works and brings up both devices, but up'ing veth42 doesn't work?16:01
pittiwell, I guess that's just a quirk of veth16:01
pittiI wouldn't like to up the client-side eth myself, as NM is supposed to do that16:02
pittibut without it I don't seem to get a link16:02
pittiah, when I run that while NM is already running, it works16:03
pittiit just doesn't pick it up at startup16:03
Laneyxnox: ah, nm, it's just that ubuntu:package gets release not proposed16:06
cyphermoxpitti: not sure, like you think i'd say it's a quirk of veth16:08
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ekarlsoI get gpg: /tmp/debsign.Cw0XdNLo/openvswitch_1.9.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04.1~ppa1.dsc: clearsign failed: secret key not available16:30
cjwatsonyou can ignore that if you don't have a key set up16:30
ekarlsowhen doing: backportpackage -u ppa:endre-karlson/virtualization -s raring -d precise openvswitch16:31
ekarlsocjwatson: yeah, but it fails ...16:31
cjwatsonah, if you're planning to upload to a PPA then you do need to fix that16:31
cjwatsonlook up your key ID in 'gpg --list-keys' and put DEBSIGN_KEYID=that-key-id in ~/.devscripts16:31
cjwatsonis the simplest way to override if it's not autodetecting16:31
cjwatsonlack of autodetection probably means that your key doesn't have an ID for the e-mail address you're using in your changelogs16:32
Riddellsiretart: who maintains UEHS?16:42
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bdmurraystgraber: bug 1176580 doesn't seem possible to me but I don't see anything in casper preventing it17:06
ubottubug 1176580 in casper (Ubuntu) "Raring Suspend on Install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117658017:06
stgraberbdmurray: I don't remember casper having any code for that, however ubiquity sets a bunch of gsettings key which IIRC includes suspend settings17:09
bdmurraystgraber: having it ubiquity would make more sense for using live media17:10
stgraberbdmurray: I'm also susprised that suspending messes up the install. We clearly don't recommen closing the lid or installing on low battery but I'm not sure why this would lead to failed data copy.17:12
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siretartRiddell: what's uehs?18:33
Riddellwgrant: is uehs your baby?18:39
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wgrantRiddell: Yes, though it hasn't been "maintained" as such in probably 5 years.21:42
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Riddellwgrant: is the source code somewhere?22:01
wgrantRiddell: lp:dehs, IIRC22:02
wgrantI just import it from Debian and rebrand it slightly, I think22:02
infinityDaviey: You dropped a ton of changes from debmirror when you force-synced it...22:32
cjwatsoninfinity: Yeah, I commented on that earlier too.  I guess he's busy sprinting22:33
infinitycjwatson: I uploaded a proper merge just now.22:33
cjwatsoninfinity: Thanks22:34
bdmurraystgraber: could you have a look at bug 1176046?22:55
ubottubug 1176046 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "isc-dhcp dhclient listens on extra random ports" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117604622:55
Davieyinfinity / cjwatson: Ugh. My bad.  Thanks for resolving.22:58
Davieyinfinity: In future, do just raise it - i'll clean up my mess. But thanks for doing it. :)22:59
stgraberbdmurray: I saw the bug report but I don't think we should disable the feature so for now I'm just keeping it as it's waiting for more people to comment (or will just won't fix it in a little while if nobody does)23:02
stgraber(we're no different from Debian on that bit, I don't think it's a big security risk and corp environments need the feature)23:02
bdmurraystgraber: okay, sounds good23:04
stgrabermdeslaur: maybe you have a different opinion on this, but to me this sounds like a feature that's actually used, has been around for years and isn't a huge security risk (considering dhclient runs under apparmor anyway).23:05
mdeslaurstgraber: I agree23:10

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