
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
dholbachgood morning06:31
smartboyhwHello phillw09:24
phillwhi smartboyhw, how's life?09:26
smartboyhwphillw: Great!09:26
smartboyhwphillw: Nice to see the interviews going;)09:26
phillwgood to hear. I've had a 3 day break and come back to 150 emails :/09:26
smartboyhwphillw: LOL09:26
phillwbut the master server and all the VM's have behaved :)09:27
smartboyhwphillw: Go to theorangenotebook.com and see chilicuil's interview.09:27
smartboyhwphillw: That's good09:27
phillwI'll have a look l8er :)09:27
smartboyhwphillw: :)09:27
phillwsmartboyhw: http://www.damnlol.com/why-have-i-never-thought-of-this-29933.html :D09:28
smartboyhwphillw: You live in London right?09:28
smartboyhwphillw: lol09:28
phillwNo, further north. between Manchester and Liverpool https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrington09:29
smartboyhwphillw: Meh. I'm going to London for a study tour in July09:29
jpdssmartboyhw: And you're from?09:32
smartboyhwjpds: Hong Kong SAR, China09:33
jpdssmartboyhw: Ah, cool.09:33
phillwsmartboyhw: I might  be able to arrange a trip there for a meet up if you want?09:34
smartboyhwphillw: No need:P09:35
knomeof course there is need09:35
smartboyhwknome: Meh?09:36
knomei would encourage any foss people to meet each other.09:37
smartboyhwknome: I'm not sure I will be available anyway09:39
knomefind out09:42
smartboyhwknome: Checked and no.09:44
knomethen why ask?09:44
jpdssmartboyhw: Hopefully most evenings, when you will do the upmost to make the most of your time in Lonodn.09:44
smartboyhwknome: Why can't I sd09:44
smartboyhwknome: Uh *ask09:45
knomewell, i'd imagine you'd have checked if you have any time off before asking somebody else if they do09:45
knomebut nvm09:45
smartboyhwknome: BTW I think you can officially announce the Xubuntu QA  changes to us:P09:46
knomei will, i will09:46
smartboyhwknome: I think the Ubuntu QA Team will be extremely excited:P09:48
smartboyhwknome: Because someone is back!09:48
knomewe've been here all the time.09:49
smartboyhwknome: I mean Mr. e***, he hasn't been here in this channel for a long time09:51
knomei just sent a mail to -quality, if somebody would like to approve09:58
smartboyhw_Who are the list admins? balloons?09:59
smartboyhw_Heck, I don't know who can approve it…10:00
knomesmartboyhw_, there are several. see the infopage. they will get an email about it though, so no need to poke around.10:01
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== _salem is now known as salem_
smartboyhw_Hello chilicuil14:26
smartboyhw_Did I congratulate you on the interview posting before14:27
smartboyhw_Hello SergioMeneses14:34
SergioMenesessmartboyhw_, hey!14:35
=== francisco is now known as Guest2384
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Noskcajdoes anyone have a precise daily? i want to confirm a few bugs19:58
elfyNoskcaj: can you not get one from here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise/20:05
Noskcajelfy, i can, but that will take a long time, so i was hoping someone else did20:05
Noskcajbug 117711520:15
ubot5bug 1177115 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "New partition table confirmation is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117711520:15
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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