
MooDoohello all06:52
MooDoohow was your trip popey ?06:52
popeyGreat! Just about recovered from jet lag this morning06:54
* dwatkins finally published something after a few years and a little while messing around with the Arduino07:08
dwatkinsin case anyone's curious about pulse-width modulation: PIC Programming - Introduction07:09
dwatkinsthat https://github.com/glymph/Arduino/tree/Colour_changing_LEDs07:09
jpdsLaney: No.08:19
LaneyOh. :(08:20
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Long Weekend Confusion Day! :-D08:45
MooDoonow you made that one up ;)08:45
SuperMattI would happily belive it's real08:45
JamesTaitMooDoo, you're right, I did.  But as SuperMatt says, it should be a thing.08:47
SuperMattand there will be another one in a couple of weeks08:47
popeyAfter watching Django Unchained both on the flight out to SFO and again on the way back I think I have a man crush on Christoph Waltz! ☻08:47
JamesTaitIt could just as easily be Sunburn Suffering Day, or Gardening Aches Day. ;)08:48
popeyFor me it's "get over jetlag day"08:49
popeywent walking yesterday and slept last night from 9pm till 7am this morning08:49
popeyzonked out completely08:49
Laneyi watched cloud atlas on the flight08:49
Laneyquite liked it08:50
brobostigongood morning everyone,08:51
JamesTaitpopey, how was your week? Exciting, from what I've heard.08:52
JamesTaitAnd tiring, I expect.08:52
popeyit was08:57
* popey upgrades a vm to saucy08:57
SuperMattI've already upgraded my laptop08:59
Myrttipopey: http://gifrific.com/colonel-hans-landa-dancing-in-his-chair/09:04
SuperMattYou k now, I quite like that feeling I get when I had one error message, and now I get a new one09:33
SuperMatthmm... do you know what unity could do with? an in built terminal emulator10:00
SuperMattlike guake10:02
Nafallonot sure. feels like Ubuntu is trying to get us NOT to use the terminal... wouldn't building one in seem like a step backward?10:03
brobostigongnome-terminal should still be there? shouldnt it.10:03
MyrttiI know this is very annoying and so on, but just to keep the few remaining friendships I have in the Ubuntu community remaining, I'll just resort to the same old line of "I was going to say something, but my brain told me hitting enter was a bad idea, so nevermind" - oh but Nafallo said it better too.10:03
Myrttiso w/e ;-)10:04
SuperMattI just think it would be a nice extension to alt+f2, because you might actually want to quickly see the output of a command10:05
mgdmI'm sure i once had a plugin or app that did that10:06
mgdmyou hit something+~ and the terminal appeared10:06
SuperMattyeah, that's guake (I think)10:06
Nafalloas a power user, this should be an easy to fix problem ;-)10:06
mgdmSuperMatt: Oh, I thoughtyou meant quake, heh10:06
Myrttiguake, tilda, there's plenty of them10:07
SuperMattyeah yeah10:07
SuperMattI just wonder if it'd be cool to be in unity, with unity styling10:07
popeyit would, yes10:08
* SuperMatt thinks the networking indicator needs a redesign - specifically to show IP address10:13
SuperMattthough I assume that'd probably come with unity next10:13
popeyit does show IP10:13
popeyclick "connection information"10:13
SuperMattyeah yeah, but I kind figure it should just be there, at the top10:14
Laney:( :( :( :( spotify doesn't work for me on saucy :( :( :( :(10:14
Laney"GUI deadlock"10:14
popeyin general most people rarely need to know their own IP address10:14
SuperMattvery true10:14
SuperMattbut when people *do* need it, a single click would be useful10:15
popeyits two clicks10:15
SuperMattwell yeah10:15
popeyin fact it's one10:15
SuperMattyou put it like that :P10:15
popeyclick and hold the indicator, drag down to connection information, let go = one click10:15
* SuperMatt nods10:15
popeyLaney: the guys in #spotify are quite helpful10:15
popeyand the linux version is a pet home project of one of them, not a "supported" client sadly10:16
popey(unless things have changed since I last asked)10:16
SuperMattif only more employees of service providers like that decided to do "pet home projects"10:18
Laneywell, it at least means that i'm definitely paying them cash prize moneys10:18
Laneyi'll check with them soon, ta for the info10:19
Laneyjust heard a load of post come through the door10:19
Laney5 leaflets, 1 spam newspaper and a newsletter from the council10:20
Myrttiso, has the common opinion on Google Pixel vs. Dell XPS13 changed recently? I think that my old Latitude D630 is on its last legs (the replacement keyboard I installed on it less than a year ago is breaking and I suspect it's because it probably wasn't genuine replacement part) and I'm afraid I'm forced to look at getting a new laptop. Is there any other fairly Linux compatible good bang for buck laptops around?10:20
MyrttiI fixed the issue with the keyboard (probably temporarily) last night with some tissue paper and super glue10:22
popeyMyrtti: macbook air? ☻10:36
Myrttipopey: is it cheaper than either the Dell or Pixel?10:36
popeyi dont know how much either of those devices cost10:37
Myrttiaround 106010:37
Myrttigive or take few tenners10:37
Myrttiyeah, no.10:38
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:39
MyrttiI can't even justify the Pixel/XPS13 price for myself10:40
MooDoowow how expensive10:41
Myrtti*sigh* I think all the keys are pretty much about to jump for freedom10:58
emihelp with login11:04
emihey there i a have a problem with my login11:04
emican anyone help me?11:04
emii am not an expert11:04
SuperMattwhat's the issue?11:04
emihi matt!11:05
emii left my laptop with a friend, when i came home to login it didn't work11:05
SuperMattok, tell us exactly what you see11:06
emiit didn't say that the password is wrong but showed first a black window and then came back to place where i can login11:06
emiand my friend he said that it suddenly didn't work11:06
emiat the same time my laptop is saying me that i don't have enough space11:06
SuperMattdo you use byobu, by any chance?11:06
emihmmm no idea, sorry11:07
SuperMattthat would explain it11:07
SuperMattit can't write to logs, etc, so it is failing to log in11:07
emibut in order to delete things i would need the access to my account??11:07
SuperMattyou're going to have to press ctrl+alt+f1, to go to a terminal11:07
SuperMattthen you can log in11:07
emii tried11:07
emiit doesn't worked11:07
SuperMattin which can, reboot, and when the boot options come up, select advanced options, and then pick recovery mode11:08
emiok i was on the recovery mode11:08
emiand then?11:08
SuperMattin there, it might ask you if you want to clean up dpkg?11:08
emiit says if i wanna clean my data system11:09
emido you mean that?11:09
emii already tried this one11:09
eminothing happened11:09
SuperMattI don't know what it does, so be careful11:09
SuperMattok, can you drop to root shell prompt for me?11:09
SuperMattin the same recovery mode thing11:10
emiby the way it's funny to chat with uk from germany :)11:10
emibut if i go out now, i would need to leave this chat11:10
SuperMatthow are you in this chat then?11:10
SuperMattif you can't log in11:10
emifrom my laptop from the guest account11:11
emithe guest account is working11:11
SuperMattok, is there something which you know you can delete?11:11
SuperMattspecifically in your account11:12
emithe problem is that i never used the guest account but i cut out the programmes and insert on a disk driver11:12
emiah i forgot the english word for that11:12
emithen i tried again and it didn't work11:12
SuperMattso do you have disk space now or not?11:13
emii should have more yes11:14
emibecause there are not there anymore11:14
SuperMattcan I ask if you've tried #ubuntu-de?11:15
emihow and where i can try?11:15
emiyou mean on the chat?11:16
SuperMattit might be easier for you talking in your native tongue11:16
emiyes i will try that thank you anyway11:17
emii didn't know about this chat, i thought it is only in the uk11:17
MooDooemi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:20
emithank you so much!!!11:21
emii am in contact now with one from germany11:21
emibest wishes, emi11:21
MyrttiI have to wonder how do they even end up on the channel11:28
popeyhttps://twitter.com/ktalbot21/status/331712272760176641/photo/1  made me chuckle11:30
dwatkinswell quite11:38
ali1234yes, 112:28
ali1234some please put compiz out of it's misery. please?12:29
brobostigonsudo apt-get install gnome-shell, done :)12:31
shrikcan anyone come to the meetups? do I have to sign up someplace?12:33
SuperMattwhat meetup?12:34
shrikoh sorry, i meant things like the install party12:36
SuperMattsure, you can just turn up12:36
SuperMattthere's normally something on the loco events page though12:37
shrikcan't believe i realised locos exist only about a month back :|12:37
SuperMattdoesn't look like there's an offical uk install event at the moment12:38
shriknot at the moment, but there was one a couple of weeks back: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2329-1304-release-party/12:41
SuperMattI was there12:41
SuperMattwas fun12:41
shrikis it just people sitting around in a pub and talking ubuntu and life?12:41
shrikor do people bring along laptops and do live installs or demos or some such?12:42
popeydepends on the event12:42
SuperMattas popey said12:43
SuperMattit's mostly about the drinking12:43
shrikgood stuff..12:43
dwatkins"Life? Don't talk to me about life..." - Marvin12:45
shrikare terrified newbs subjected to hazing..?12:46
dwatkinsno, only the over-confident ones ;)12:47
shrikno danger of that happening :D12:48
MooDoodwatkins: got the tar and feathers ;)12:50
mungbeanis it possible to get adblock to block the dailymail sidebar of shame?13:14
mungbeanbut yet read the story in question?13:14
popeyi never look at the sidebar13:15
mungbeanits all bewbs13:15
mungbeanits hard not to13:15
popeyi manage it ☻13:16
mgdmthat's known in here as the 'cracknav'13:18
mgdm(I don't work for the DM, thankfully)13:19
=== RadiumCat is now known as RadiumCat[bbl]
SuperMattoooh, nemo is no longer a dependancy for cinnamon14:38
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gordonfhelp, dns is broken since i upgraded to 10.04 :(14:49
gordonfit now only works if i ifdown ; ifup, maybe because i am using /network/interfaces and not the NetworkManager14:50
popeyhi gordonf14:52
gordonfhi popey14:52
popeyjust so you know, 10.04 goes out of support in 2 days ☻14:53
SuperMattoh really?14:53
gordonfoh kay14:53
popeyhowever, your dns should work14:53
popeywhat do you have in /etc/resolv.conf ?14:53
popeyit should list your nameservers14:53
gordonfi installed resolvconf and it is the google nameservers14:53
popeywhat did it have before you did your ifdown/ifup?14:54
gordonfbut after a reboot, no go with any dns, until i ifdown/ifup14:54
gordonfnot sure14:54
gordonfi can reboot to find out14:54
popeywell, I wonder if you need to populate it14:55
popeywhich you could via your custom /etc/network/interfaces I believe14:55
popeyif you dont want to use network-manager14:55
gordonfthe interfaces file has dns-nameservers14:55
gordonfi provided that amongst other things, after all day trying to persist the machines dns14:56
gordonfi also provided nameservers in the resolf.conf.d/base14:58
popeyI dont know the answer then, sorry.14:58
gordonfits broke isnt it?14:58
ali1234what is problem?14:58
TheOpenSourcererpopey: Presumably you mean 10.04 desktop14:58
TheOpenSourcerernot server?14:58
gordonfdns on 10.04 is broke14:59
ali1234what else is new?14:59
popeygordonf: is it a desktop or server?14:59
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: I did14:59
gordonfpopey, a bit of both14:59
directhexi've still got a couple of people on 10.04 :/15:00
* gordonf looks sheepishly sideways15:00
gordonfalthough there is no network manager to speak of visible on the desktop15:00
gordonfi could script a cronjob @reboot to ifdown/ifup that may fix it15:01
gordonfi have just installed mogodb, its ace15:02
gordonfand fetchmail, and would like an mda to parse my emails and insert certain data into a mongo db15:02
gordonffetchmail failings alerted me to the dns bork, so, spent all day trying to fix that15:03
jacobwman resolvconf15:03
dwatkinsresolv.conf, that is ;)15:09
gordonfyeah, before i installed resolvconf dns was broken15:10
shaunooh not clever.  our new install image has the language set to Irish (Ireland) not English (Ireland). (ga_IE vs en_IE).  I see their logic, but .. oops15:36
SuperMattI have a question: debian was in freeze for quite a while. Did that affect the packages that ubuntu pulled in from upstream?15:41
SuperMattor do the packages come from unstable?15:41
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jacobwSuperMatt: No, those packages come from unstable16:02
jacobwSuperMatt: But the progress of packages through unstable slows during the freeze because packages don't progress to testing16:02
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=== [][[[[]]][[][ is now known as GentileBen
alcockellNowt to do with Ubuntu, i know - but I take it ppl here have seen what's airing at 9...19:21
popeyalcockell: nope?19:26
alcockellPrize bellends showing themselves up after a Prokofiev intro?19:27
alcockellThe country's "business elite" showing why we're belting towards a lee shore?19:27
alcockellApprentice is back on the air.19:28
diddledanoh, not amazing wedding cakes on the food network then? :-p19:28
diddledanaustralia are searching for their next top model on sky livingit19:29
diddledanthe children's channels are all simulcasting a very long film called "close", too, accoding to radiotimes.com19:30
ali1234close but no cigar?19:33
bigcalmEvening peeps20:13
popeypip pip20:18
directhexdouble fine bundle!20:21
MartijnVdSpopey: meh to you too20:23
directhexmeh? clearly you hate games20:23
bigcalmIs it worth $35 for Broken Age? I have Psychonauts and I'm not sure about the others20:29
diddledanlol @ lxc-gentoo script: (PS: Unix hackers with a conscience do not work for morally corrupt corporations or governments. Use your powers for good!)20:34
diddledanwho determines what constitutes "morally corrupt"?20:34
shaunoyou should look into json's licence sometime then.  that'd give you a giggle.  and a sore forehead20:36
bigcalmI recall that caused some trouble20:36
diddledanlol @ json20:38
diddledanI want to use it for my meelion dollar-making death-ray20:38
shaunothe catch is, who on earth defines evil?  I can control my light bulbs with json over http.  is turning the lights on full at 3am evil?  licence-violatingly evil?20:39
diddledan.. json, obviously so that it is controllable by the public for instasmite20:39
bigcalmpopey: ordering 2 2tb drives. Not sure what I'll do with the space though20:46
brobostigonp**n, woops.20:47
brobostigonnope. but maybe.20:48
brobostigonsorry, am being childish, i still giggle at liboobs.20:50
directhexshauno, douglas crockford defines evil.20:51
directhexshauno, *paypal employee* douglas crockford defines evil.20:51
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evacan any one help me install ubuntu on a 64gb usb21:42
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Guest81196and us all 64gb instead of just 4gb21:42
Guest81196i mean all of 64gb21:42
Guest81196does anyone know how?21:43
Guest81196is anyone here21:43
brobostigondepends on what you want to achieve.21:43
Guest81196i just want to do a live but with 64gb persistant21:44
Guest81196with ubuntu21:44
Guest81196what that21:44
lubotu3For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:44
Guest81196i did that and it didn't help21:44
Guest81196i only limmited me to 4gb21:44
Guest81196i want to use 60gbs21:44
Guest81196is there any way?21:45
brobostigoninstall from a live cd, to the usb drive ?21:45
Guest81196i just want to have a usb that i can plug into any computer and boot ubuntu and have a 64gb hdd that i can save stuff on21:46
Guest81196will that work21:48
Guest81196i am not that good with linux i think i need someone to walk me threw it please21:48
directhexok. how did you set up the usb stick in the first place?21:48
Guest81196i formated it already cause it didn't work21:49
Guest81196i been trying to do this for 3 days now it's very frusterating21:49
Guest81196 use a 64GB drive, I formatted it with two partitions, one is 32GB ext3, and the rest is NTFS. I actually used Ubuntu to 'create a USB startup disk' - so I have a 32GB Ubuntu system partition that I can boot on any computer that has an option in BIOS for booting from USB, so I never need to use Windows on other people's computers.21:50
Guest81196but it didn't work21:50
Guest81196i had to do 32gb cuase it was fat3221:50
Guest81196but i want to do all 64gb21:51
brobostigona usb startup disk, as standard isnt persistant.21:51
Guest81196i don't know the correct terms21:51
Guest81196all i want is just a portible usb that i can plug into any computer and us ubuntu on and have access and i can have saved and us all 64gbs21:52
brobostigondirecthex: similerly to debian, doesnt ubuntu have a from install, ability app, to create another install. ?21:52
Guest81196i have no idea?21:52
Guest81196i am a noob21:52
directhexwell, there's debootstrap...21:52
diddledanubiquity is installable in apt21:53
brobostigonhere in debian, there is an app, to create an install from itself.?21:53
brobostigon!info ubiquity unstable21:54
lubotu3Package ubiquity does not exist in unstable21:54
brobostigon!info ubiquity21:54
lubotu3ubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.12.16 (quantal), package size 4728 kB, installed size 15193 kB21:54
lubotu3For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:55
Guest81196https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick i did that and all i got was 4gb?21:57
Guest81196how do i do that to get 64GB21:57
diddledansee the second link21:57
brobostigoncant you just increase in unetbootin, the persistance to cover the whole thing?.21:59
Guest81196so just use UNetbootin21:59
Guest81196it won't let me do 64gb?22:02
Guest81196can some one help me please?22:03
dwatkinsGuest81196: what do you mean by 'do 64 GB', please?22:07
Guest81196i mean i want to have a 64gb hdd that ubuntu can use on my usb22:07
dwatkinsHow large is your USB device?22:07
Guest81196everytime i do it i only get 4gb22:08
dwatkinsWhat filesystem are you using on it?22:08
Guest81196or ubuntu22:08
dwatkinsI mean the type of partition, FAT32?22:08
Guest81196i tryed fat3222:08
Guest81196and ntfs22:08
Guest81196but nothing works : (22:10
dwatkinsI wasn't aware you could use anything but FAT with unetbootin; the limitation of FAT32 is what's limiting your persistent filesystem to 4GB.22:10
Guest81196what do i do then?22:10
Guest81196make it ntfs22:10
dwatkinsDoes the link cited mention NTFS? I've not read it through yet.22:11
Guest81196it said that 4gb is the limmit22:11
dwatkinsI wouldn't be surprised if that's because FAT32 is the only supported filesystem, or the one with the largest single file size limit.22:11
dwatkinsMay I ask why you need more than 4GB on a bootable USB drive?22:11
Guest81196i want to use it like a desktop22:12
Guest81196i just do22:12
Guest81196i got lots of music22:12
Guest81196video files22:12
Guest81196i got around 40gbs22:12
Guest81196of stuff i want to put on it and other work files22:12
dwatkinsYou'll probably find after making a fair amount of changes to it, that it becomes rather slow reading from the USB device; you can, however, store your video and music somewhere else.22:12
diddledanOT but mildly humorous : http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2013/04/26/unfortunate-publishing-layouts-of-our-time/22:13
dwatkinsHow about a bootable USB stick that's fairly small, perhaps xbmcbuntu, and a separate stick for media?22:13
Guest81196yeah but i want everything stored on the usb and used on the os on the usb22:13
Guest81196it is usb 3.0 so it should be ok right?22:13
dwatkinsGuest81196: you could have a 2nd partition on the 64GB USB device with the media in it22:13
dwatkinsGuest81196: is the device USB 3.0 compatible?22:13
Guest81196i tryed that and then ubuntu couldn't boot but i don't think i did that right22:13
dwatkinscool, what is it?22:14
Guest81196how do i put a 2nd partition on a usb?22:14
Guest81196and still have it bootable22:14
Guest81196if i could have a 2nd partion that is like 60gbs or so around that be great22:14
dwatkinsshould work, just make sure the first partition is FAT32 so you can put a bootable environment in it with unetbootin, perhaps make a small persistent file (1 or 2 GB in size) in case you need to install drivers for the sound card, wifi etc., and a secondary partition of whatever type you want (assuming Ubuntu and whatever OS you use can see it)22:15
Guest81196so i can save music to the 2nd partition22:16
dwatkinsin theory yeah22:16
Guest81196and it will stay there?22:16
Guest81196ok can someone walk me threw how to do this please22:16
dwatkinsyeah, it'll be independant from the first partition with the bootable Ubuntu installation22:16
Guest81196so is the first partion primary or22:16
dwatkinsI'm not going to be awake for long, you can probably ask on #ubuntu and get help there, but a lot of it is documented on the wiki.22:17
Guest81196so is the 1st partiton primary22:17
dwatkinsboth would be primary partitions, there's no need for extended partitions, as you don't have more than four of them.22:17
Guest81196so both primary22:18
Guest81196no logical22:18
Guest81196ok thanks22:18
dwatkinsWhat tool are you partitioning with?22:18
Guest81196easeus partition master22:19
Guest81196ok i have 2 partitons that are primary22:19
dwatkinsNot used it, obviously make sure you have a backup of any important data etc.etc.22:19
Guest81196the smaller partition is ntfs22:20
Guest81196idk should i make it fat32?22:20
dwatkinsyes please22:20
dwatkinsDo you have any video files over 4GB in size?22:20
Guest81196also should i make the 2nd partition active?22:22
dwatkinsNo, the first partition should be the active one, I believe.22:22
dwatkinsI assume you currently have your videos on a Windows system, so you'll need to make the 2nd (larger) partition NTFS so it supports files larger than 4GB.22:23
Guest81196i am making the 2nd partition fat3222:23
Guest81196ok so both partitions are fat32?22:23
dwatkinsIf you use FAT32 for it, you won't be able to store videos over 4GB in size on it.22:23
Guest81196so make larger 1st partion ntfs22:24
Guest81196and smaller 2nd fat3222:24
dwatkinsno, the first partition should be 4GB in size and FAT32, the second 60GB and NTFS.22:24
Guest81196o ok22:24
dwatkinsYou'll be booting from the first partition.22:24
Guest81196both primary right?22:24
dwatkinsyes, both primary22:24
Guest81196and then after that i just install ubuntu?22:25
Guest81196on the 4gb 1st partition right22:25
dwatkinsno, you'll need to use unetbootin to copy the contents of an Ubuntu ISO to the 1st partition on the USB stick22:25
dwatkinsIt's not quite the same as installing Ubuntu to it.22:26
Guest81196and after that it should be all done and work?22:26
dwatkinsI think so, yeah. Make sure you set a 2GB persistent filesystem with unetbootin, of course.22:27
Guest81196but everything on the other partition will be saved right22:27
Guest81196and ubuntu can see the other partion?22:27
dwatkinsThe 2nd partition is independant of the 1st. Ubuntu should be able to see the 2nd partition after booting, yes.22:27
dwatkinsWhere is the media at the moment?22:28
Guest81196o ok22:29
Guest81196it is still partitoning22:29
Guest81196i amd making sure that i am formating it 10 times to make sure nothing is left alive22:29
dwatkinswow, that sounds like overkill ;)22:30
Guest81196last time i have readyboost from windows 7 on there and it fucked everything up22:30
Guest81196couldn't even read the usb on anything that took me a long time to fix22:30
dwatkinsI've not used that, I assumed it just used the stick as a swap partition, and therefore wiped it.22:30
Guest81196i think so22:33
Guest81196so after parttioning it and doing all that i should be good?22:33
dwatkinsyeah, to be honest I've not done this myself, but I've partitionned USB sticks before and used unetbootin plenty of times, so you should be ok.22:34
dwatkinsI tend to be here most days, so might be able to help if you have problems.22:34
dwatkinsWhere are the videos and music files at the moment?22:36
Guest81196on my exsternal hdd22:39
Guest81196its 6tbs22:39
Guest81196i got 10tbs22:39
Guest81196total on my system22:39
dwatkinsok cool22:40
Guest811963 intal hdd22:41
Guest81196runing raid22:41
Guest81196one exter hdd22:41
diddledanoh dear, syria has aparently disappeared from the internet22:42
Guest81196for real?22:42
Guest81196how much is 4gb in mg22:48
Guest81196i mean mb22:48
diddledanor if it's MiB then 409622:49
Guest81196thank you22:49
Guest81196ok done22:50
Guest81196thank you so much everyone22:50
Guest81196i am off to make it linux22:50
Guest81196i mean ubuntu22:50
dwatkinswelcome, Guest81196 :) good luck22:50
diddledangood luck22:50
Guest81196i got 2 partitions22:50
* diddledan crosses his toes22:50
Guest811961st one is primary and 4gb22:50
Guest81196and fat3222:50
Guest811962nd one is primary and 60gb and ntfs22:50
Guest81196thats all good right?22:51
Guest81196which version of ubuntu should i put on?22:51
Guest81196the newist22:51
dwatkinsWhat kind of PC is it?22:59
Guest81196custum build23:00
Guest81196but what version of ubuntu should i put on23:00
Guest81196should i put on 13 or 1223:00
dwatkins13, should have all the latest hardware compatability fixes23:01
dwatkins13.04, of course, the one that was recently released23:01
Guest81196and if i do this the usb and still do updates and stuff right?23:01
dwatkinsI'd be wary of using it like a 'normal' installation like that23:01
dwatkinsyou'll run out of space very quickly23:02
dwatkinsPerhaps look up how to just install security updates if you're paranoid, but since (presumably) the system won't be open to the internet, it shouldn't be too much of an issue.23:03
Guest81196o ok23:11
Guest81196so how should i use it23:11
Guest81196so i should do lte23:11
dwatkinsuse what, Guest81196?23:12
Guest81196linux 12 lte23:13
Guest81196i mean ubuntu 12 lte23:13
Guest81196or ubuntu 1323:13
dwatkinsThat's long-term support, LTE23:13
Guest81196which should i use23:13
dwatkinsAre you expecting to need bugfixes and to be able to update it in several years' time?23:13
dwatkinsPersonally, I'd go with Ubuntu 13.04. I'd only bother sticking with LTE on a system that's a server.23:14
Guest81196o ok23:16
dwatkinsIt also stands the best chance of having an up-to-date NTFS driver.23:16
Guest81196o ok23:18
Guest81196so it will see the 2nd partition23:18
dwatkinsshould do, yeah23:19
Guest81196: )23:19
Guest81196: )23:23
dwatkinsGuest81196: I didn't realise this, but you won't be able to access the 2nd partition if you put the USB stick into a Windows machine, sorry.23:55
dwatkinshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent states: "Windows will only mount the first partition of any removable media - which includes USB flash drives. While you can get around this, it requires some highly kludgy driver procedures, which you are unlikely to be able to pull off on any machine where you are not an admin."23:55
ali1234get two usb flash drives, this is the best way23:59

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