
bkerensaslangasek: is there any way to determine a list of packages that are just in Ubuntu or that maybe be in both Ubuntu and Debian but Ubuntu maintains its own copy?16:35
slangasekbkerensa: well, there's the sync blacklist.  lp:~ubuntu-archive/+junk/sync-blacklist/16:36
bkerensaslangasek: So how can I ask reportbug to attach the patch I generated? It did not prompt me16:44
slangasekbkerensa: once you've written the bug report, you should be prompted for further options, one of which is to add an attachment16:45
bkerensaslangasek: is biarch even a proper term? Or multi-arch?17:02
bkerensaI see it in a debian package description17:02
slangasekthey're as proper as anything is17:03
slangasekia32-libs was "biarch"17:03

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