
fellayaboyThePiousPriest... install ubuntu restricted extras from ubuntu software center00:00
fellayaboyjust type in restrict and u will see it for ubuntu00:00
fellayaboyflash player ThePiousPriest00:00
ThePiousPriestok, found that thanks, just trying to get my wireless USB card to work00:00
michael87wilee-nilee, thank you :)00:01
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fellayaboythat might need more work..like wrapper or whatever u call it..00:01
fellayaboywhat brand is it thepriouspriest?00:01
wilee-nileemichael87, YOur family thanjs you lol.00:01
fellayaboywhats the model?00:01
ThePiousPriestBelkin DB 75000:01
fellayaboyok let me see brb00:02
utfans05_2bray90820, there are well established procedures for putting ubuntu for a mac, have you done any google searching to find some howto's or you just going from word or mouth for this guys?00:02
michael87the new handbrake did not get around the arccos protection  :(.00:02
bray90820i had ubuntu on there before00:02
bray90820i am just checking what this guy said00:03
michael87I'm going to learn how to compile makemkv. But damn I wish there was a simplier option. Dvdfab keeps crashing in wine and so many other people figure out how to get it to work frusterating00:04
ThePiousPriestI have returned00:04
utfans05_2bray90820, this dude didnt know what he was talking  about, its totally fine to throw ubuntu on  mac00:04
bray90820thank you00:05
bray90820i kind assumed it was anyways00:05
utfans05_2bray90820, follow this how to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro00:05
bray90820:P i know how00:05
bray90820it was on there before :P00:05
utfans05_2bray90820, ok00:05
bray90820and i have been a linux user for about 10 years00:06
bray90820so i am all good00:06
michael87does anyone know how to either get around a dvd's arcos protection or how to freaken set up dvdfab under wine?00:07
michael87this is really really frusterating00:07
fellayaboysorry thepiouspriest my internet is messing up00:07
pragmaticenigmamichael87: You need to install the Ubuntu restricted extras.  This will not guarantee playback, as most of the "encryption" is done physically to the disk which makes it unplayable in linux00:08
yofunhey my sound icon in the top tray doesnt work :/ why? how do it fix this?00:09
Dr_Willismichael87:  dvdfab worked for me  under wine last i tried it i recall.00:09
ThePiousPriestanyone else have suggestions to get a belkin db 750 to work in 13.04?00:10
Dr_Willismichael87:  i only needed to use dvdfab for these anoying 'new' dvds that have annoying copyprotection on them (in addation to the decss stuff)00:10
yofunhey my sound icon in the top tray doesnt work :/ why? how do it fix this?00:10
michael87Dr_Willis, that is exactly where I am at00:11
yofunnoone? :(00:11
yofunhey my sound icon in the top tray doesnt work :/ why? how do it fix this? (13.04)00:11
Dr_Willismichael87:  I just used dvd fab and had it 'image' the dvd to a deprotedted iso file. i then used other tools on it.00:11
Scriptonauthey guys, I have a hdd with 400 or so GB dedicated to windows, and 250GB free. I was trying to install debian in that spare 200GB, and it was going fine, however wheezy (just came out) seems rather unstable. I decided to use ubuntu instead, but forgot to delete the debian partition. So, ubuntu installed itself on some measly 11GB partition. My question is, how can I expand my partition to take up the rest of the space? I hvae since d00:13
yofunhey my sound icon in the top tray doesnt work :/ why? how do it fix this? (13.04)00:13
Dr_WillisScriptonaut:  gparted can resize.  use it from a live cd00:13
utfans05_2Scriptonaut, gparted00:13
ScriptonautI have gparted00:13
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Scriptonautoh, so I can't do that inside ubuntu?00:14
ScriptonautI have to maek a live cd?00:14
Dr_Willisyou DONT resize a partion thats mounted00:14
Scriptonautok, gparted wouldn't let me, good thing00:14
michael87Dr_Willis, I did what you said. Attempting to reopen dvdfab. Hope it doesn't crash00:14
ScriptonautI usually use unetbootin, however it doesn't seem like I was able to make it work with gparted00:14
Scriptonautdo you know what way I should format my usb drive?00:15
Scriptonautunetbootin doesn't seem to do it00:15
Dr_Willismichael87:  i used dvdfab under wine a few months back to  rip several dvds to video file. Not tried it lately00:15
yofunhey my sound icon in the top tray doesnt work :/ why? how do it fix this? (13.04)00:15
utfans05_2Scriptonaut, you could always just do a reinstall and set the partition correctly00:15
Scriptonautthat's true, however it seems like a bit of a waste of time00:16
ScriptonautI just wanted to see if it would be easier this way00:16
yofunhey my sound icon in the top tray doesnt work :/ why? how do it fix this? (13.04)00:16
ThePiousPriestAny Luck anyone had with that Belkin Adpater?00:16
utfans05_2Scriptonaut, did you install from a live version of ubuntu? if so just load that back up and open a terminal and run gparted00:17
ScriptonautI think I just used a netinst00:17
Scriptonautbut I deleted it00:17
Scriptonautfrom the USB00:17
Scriptonautdoing other things00:17
utfans05_2Scriptonaut, just redownload the iso00:17
ScriptonautI have gparted iso right here, I'm curious what format I shoudl use for bootable usbs00:18
michael87Dr_Willis, I think you have to have certain override or whatever to make it work properly. I dunno but it keeps crashing on me wither I have any over rides on or not.00:18
ScriptonautI have disk utility open00:18
Dr_Willismichael87:  overrides? Hmm.. dont recall ever  needing to do anything00:18
utfans05_2Scriptonaut, you should be able to use unetbootin to install that iso on a bootable usb drive and do it that way00:18
Dr_Willismichael87:  im on a Vbox setuo right now - or i would try it. ;)00:19
Scriptonautya, I did that. HOwever it's complaining about the format00:19
Scriptonautit doesnt' recognize fat32 aparently00:19
Scriptonautwell, W95 Fat3200:19
Scriptonautand it won't let me format it because apparently the drive is budy00:19
Scriptonautsorry for noob questions00:19
yofunhey my sound icon in the top tray doesnt work :/ why? how do it fix this? (13.04)00:19
yofunhey my sound icon in the top tray doesnt work :/ why? how do it fix this? (13.04)00:19
yofunhey my sound icon in the top tray doesnt work :/ why? how do it fix this? (13.04)00:20
FloodBot3yofun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:20
FloodBot1yofun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:20
utfans05_2Scriptonaut, you have to unmount the drive before you can do that00:20
michael87Dr_Willis, crashed again :(. and I have done it at default many many times before I gave an overdrives a shot.00:20
yofunmeh :/ i get ignored :(00:20
Dr_Willismichael87:  im not even sure what an overdrive is. ;)00:20
Dr_Willisyofun:  flood the channel get ignored.. you could give more details.. and someone MIght know somthing00:21
yofunwell idk what else to give00:21
michael87Dr_Willis, override. Sorry family is frusterating me lol00:21
Dr_Willisdoes SOUND work? and its just that one mixer thats not working?00:21
yofunthe sound does work00:21
yofunbut the top tray control doesnt work00:22
ThePiousPriestI'm surprised my Logitech g930 headset works straight off the install00:22
Dr_Willismichael87:  i dont recall ever using overrides either.00:22
Scunizimichael87: do you mean "overclock"?00:23
michael87Dr_Willis, ok forget overrides. I'm canelling them. But by default the sucker shuts itself down.00:23
Scuniziyofun: how does the top tray control not work? you mean it won't control the volumn?00:23
michael87Scunizi, no I'm not overclocking anything. Tryying to rip a dvd with a newwer protection. though this is an older dvd. as far as I know only dvdfab can bypass it and it keeps shutting down00:24
yofunwhen i cick it i get nothing00:24
Dr_Willisi imagine its set to handle the pcm or wav  'channel' instead of the main channel.. but im not sure where to change what channel it handles.00:24
Scunizimichael87: ah.. sorry. I came in late and didn't catch the beginning.00:24
yofunScunizi:  when i cick it i get nothing.but the control in the settings does work00:25
yofunbut not the top trey00:25
Scuniziyofun: is this a fresh install?00:25
yofunyes ubuntu 13.0400:25
michael87Scunizi, it is fine. if you can help that would be great. This is frusterating. I gave up windows 7 for raring ringtail and except for this tiny very annoyying problem I am enjoyying it emensly00:26
Scuniziyofun: have you done all the updates?00:26
Scuniziyofun: do them.. might just fix your issue00:26
Dr_Willismichael87:  whats really sad is that some of those uber-protected dvds wont even play on a real dvd player for me.00:26
michael87Dr_Willis, sad. But there has to be a way to do this easily on ubuntu. and this dvdfab thing is really really bothering me.00:28
Scunizimichael87: last I heard libdvdcss2 was the correct library for ripping.. but it's been a while.. also Handbrake is the only program that I've tried it from.00:28
Dr_Willismichael87:  dvd fab has so many   differnt tools.. i dont even rember what i used or how i did it.. it was about 7 mo ago also.00:28
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Dr_WillisScunizi:  the issue is there are new generations of addational copy protection on many Video DVDS.  not just the decss stuff.00:29
ScuniziDr_Willis: i kinda figured.. It's been a while since I've tried to rip anything.00:30
utfans05_2Scriptonaut, did you get it figured out?00:30
Scunizimichael87: Dr_Willis if dvdfab runs in windows only or wine (maybe) how about a vbox vm of winXX with a storage location on the NX side of the ripping equation??00:31
Dr_Willismichael87:  what part of dvd fab are you trying to use? Passkey? dvdrip? or dvdcopy ?00:31
johnjohn1011a lot of sites are saying dvdfab runs great in wine.  is this as good as handbrake?00:33
pragmaticenigmaHandbrake requires the content to be decrypted before it can process the video00:34
Dr_Willisjohnjohn1011:  handbreak is more of a special purpose reencoder.. dvdfab does a bit more.00:34
tgm4883makemkv ftw00:36
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Dr_Willismkv files seem to be falling out in popularity a bit. ;)00:37
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Mneumonicin 13.04 my wireless randomly stops working and I have to disconnects and reconnect to get it working again.  Any ideas?  13.04 has been great but this will end up being a deal breaker00:38
tgm4883Dr_Willis, for what?00:38
Dr_Willismost of the.. err..  'new videos' i find these days from.. err.. 'sites'  :) are  not in mkv any more..00:39
wilee-nileeMneumonic, Deal breaker, heh don't let the door hit you on the way out. ;)00:39
Dr_Willisbut its more about the codecs then  the actual container these days.00:39
tgm4883Dr_Willis, sorry, thought we were discussing programs to rip DVD/Blurays00:41
WeThePeoplehi, anybody know how to install ubuntu 12.04.2 in windows 800:41
Mneumonicokay does anyone else have any constructive help?00:41
WeThePeoplewith windows 800:41
MneumonicWeThePeople, I've only had luck with the 64 bit versions of 12.10 and 13.04 in a dual boot with Win800:41
MneumonicUbuntu claims that 12.04.2 64 bit works but it doesn't on my system00:42
hdonhi all :) can anyone tell me the meaning of this?? http://pastebin.mozilla.org/238061800:42
WeThePeoplemneumonic, how did you go about trying to install 12.04.200:42
hdonwhy is a .so stripped?00:42
MneumonicI tried both a disc and usb to instlal 12.04.2 64 bit and had no luck00:43
Mneumonicboth 12.10 and 13.04 dual boot perfectly00:43
earl2hi...can someone help me set up ssh on a device :) I'd like to remote desktop into it which I guess means x11 forwarding but I'm a bit daunted...00:43
Mneumonicexcept both of them give my system a lot of problems00:43
WeThePeopleok thanks00:43
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, If you have uefi wubi does not install I believe.00:43
wilee-nileegpt antway00:43
WeThePeoplewilee-nilee, 12.04.2 64bit will recognize efi00:44
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, The wubi?00:44
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, I don't think so.00:44
WeThePeopleit has a seperate efi folder on the disc00:44
WeThePeopleidk if that is wubi00:45
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, Wubi is not installed from the disc.00:45
MneumonicWeThePeople I'm not trying to be mean but you should stop trying to get 12.04 to work with windows 8.  I spent a few days trying and got too frustrated00:45
wilee-nileeanymore you would use the wubi app, and as far a s I have seen wont install due to gpt partitioning.00:46
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Mneumonicin 13.04 my wireless randomly stops working and I have to disconnects and reconnect to get it working again.  Any ideas?00:47
ray212.04..Is there a way to set popup windows where they will be centered on unity desktop00:47
MneumonicAlso, occasionally during shutdown the system freezes at mount: / is busy and doesn't shut down00:47
Mneumonicalso startup takes a long time, getting stuck at waiting for wlan00:48
hdonCan anyone recommend something like the Gnome panel applet showing CPU, memory allocation, swap allocation, network tx/rx, for Ubuntu 12?00:48
ThePiousPriestanyone know a good wireless USB card available at somewhere like BB that would work out of the box for linux?00:49
ThePiousPriestlooking for something Wireless N00:49
Mneumonicin 13.04 my wireless randomly stops working and I have to disconnects and reconnect to get it working again.  Any ideas?00:52
Dr_Willishdon:  its possible thers indicator-applets for those tasks taht would work/show up in  the gnome panel.00:54
Dr_WillisThePiousPriest:  i find it best to see whats in teh store then look for reviews once you are there  to see what chipset it has and how well it works on ubuntu00:55
Dr_WillisThePiousPriest:  or just order from amazon. ;)00:55
ThePiousPriestI'm perhaps being too greedy looking for AC ones that would work in Ubuntu when 802.11 AC hasn't even been finalized yet00:55
Dr_WillisThePiousPriest:  watch out for brands/makes that use the same product name. but may have differnt chipsets.  My video capture usb dongle was that way. :( the newer ones have a diffent chipset.00:56
ThePiousPriestAh, gotta find the Dual Band ones since my router is a DB router00:56
Mneumonicin 13.04 my wireless randomly stops working and I have to disconnects and reconnect to get it working again.  Any ideas?00:56
netlarDr_Willis: is there a list in linux for what chipsets are supported?00:57
Dr_WillisThePiousPriest:   theres those wifi->network cable  gizmos that plug in to your pcs NIC. (or on a PS3 or xbox3 or whatever) that work with no drivers. :) its like a mini router.. but they are mor eexpensibe00:57
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:57
Dr_Willisthe hard part is often finding what chipset a device actually has.00:57
ThePiousPriestNIC cards via PCI/PCI-E?00:58
mish-I have a 3TB RAID5 array, inside that is a 2TB partition called "/dev/md0p1", I want to extend that partition to occupy the full 3TB, how can I do that?00:58
Dr_WillisThePiousPriest:  this was a gizmo that pluged into an existing Network port on whatever device.. and turned it wireless. :) the device still thinks its wired00:58
Dr_WillisThePiousPriest:  often used for Game Consoles. or smart tvs with no wireless built in.00:59
fisixtest test00:59
ThePiousPriestI see00:59
ThePiousPriestwill probably just buy a rosewill one00:59
Mneumonicin 13.04 my wireless randomly stops working and I have to disconnect and reconnect to get it working again.  Any ideas?01:00
Dr_WillisThePiousPriest:  the upside is they  work with most anything that can have a browser to configure the device.. downside is they are like $4001:00
ThePiousPriestEh, that doesn't bother me, gonna check to see if I have a port open for it on my motherboard01:00
Dr_WillisThePiousPriest:  i have seen some wifi dongles that actually mention 'linux' on the supported OS's :)01:00
ThePiousPriestAmazon has it for like 35 bucks01:02
ThePiousPriestthat doesn't concern me01:02
brad__I cant install 12.04. it says "an error occurred while loading the archive". I've tried 32 bit and 64 bit versions but nothing works.01:02
kilmerSo, this may be a newbie question. any viable options for wow on unbuntu yet?01:02
Dr_Williskilmer:  World of Warcraft works in wine01:02
Mneumonickilmer the best mmorpg that is native to linux is Champions of Regnum...but it's honestly not very good01:02
MneumonicWoW works pretty well in wine01:02
kilmerhow well is pretty well01:02
MneumonicYou will have to play on medium settings and lose some of the advanced graphics like sunshafts01:03
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kilmeri like my sunshafts and max settings =(01:03
ThePiousPriestSupposedly Blizzard is bringing a port to Linux with an announcement this summer01:03
ThePiousPriestProbably E301:03
MneumonicThePiousPriest source?01:03
kilmerthey had better01:03
MneumonicThePiousPriest this is highly unlikely to be WoW01:04
ThePiousPriestblizzard has internal linux resources that are used to test WoW01:04
ThePiousPriestNot wow, but some title01:04
ThePiousPriestI'm hoping SC201:04
kilmerNo, must be wow pls =)01:05
MneumonicMy guess is a MOBA game01:05
kilmerwould only make sense01:05
kilmermost of ther customers are in wow.01:05
ThePiousPriestI know Blizzard has crapped over D3, but getting a "AAA" game on Linux is important01:05
MneumonicWoW is written in directx01:05
MneumonicWoW has terrible OpenGL support01:05
ThePiousPriestConjecture  on my part is that Gabe and Valve are taking their sweet time with HL3 is that they want to make it revolutionary AND support Linux right out of the box01:06
Dr_WillisBlizard has annoyed me too much.. i wont buy their products any more.  ;) but this is ot..01:06
ThePiousPriestfair enough01:07
MneumonicSo anyone have any recommendation for fixing my wireless in 13.04?  It randomly stops working and I have to disconnect/reconnect to get it working again01:07
Dr_Willisdetermine what chipset and driver you are using Mneumonic  - and check the bug reports.. could be its a known issue01:07
Mneumonici'm using ath9k01:08
hdonwhere did screen saver get moved to in precise pangolin?01:10
hdonsettings i mean01:10
histohdon: dash and search for screen01:12
johnjohn1011hdon: http://www.howtogeek.com/114027/how-to-add-screensavers-to-ubuntu-12.04/01:13
histohdon: there isn't one I stand correct01:14
eossWhere is the proper place to download things?01:14
johnjohn1011do you think ubuntu will ever add the screen saver back?01:14
eossI heard ubuntu is sending our search results to some server and selling it to amazon01:15
eossdid you hear that?01:15
eossi heard that from richard stallman himself01:15
Belialyeah, stallman is taking a cut too.01:15
eossYea right01:15
Belialman's gotta eat01:16
johnjohn1011eoss, you can turn off the amazon search01:16
eossWhy is it on by default?...scary.01:16
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt01:16
eossThought terminating cliches do not work on me01:16
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ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ01:17
tabsterleir"Belial: man's gotta eat" in Stallman's case, toe jam AMIRITE?01:17
Belialtabsterleir, heyo!01:17
eossScrew that noise, that's on par with facebook privacy settings01:18
johnjohn1011can i add the amazon shopping lens to 12.04?01:18
SrPxLOL I have to share this. I've been talking to my CS friends about linux and they were all "meh". So someone posted on FB: "hey guys, students of our college have free windows 8". I replied: "yea! And just a reminder, we have free Ubuntu too!" 1/2 of my class liked my comment and now everyone is downloading ubuntu thinking it's free for us. LOL01:18
Dr_Williseoss:  do you have an actual support question?01:18
SrPxSorry for the LOLs01:18
ThePiousPriestUgh, I regret installing Windows 8 each day, although it's less painful if you memorize the shortcuts01:18
eossDr_Willis: Yes. What's the best way to remove Ubuntu from your hard drive?01:19
compdocjohnjohn1011, http://askubuntu.com/questions/196043/can-i-install-the-amazon-lens-in-12-0401:19
Dr_Williseoss:  sledge hammer.. please troll elsewhere.01:20
eossDr_Willis: Where can I sign up to let KMART know what's in my $home directory?01:20
Belialeoss, richard, is that you?01:21
Dr_Williseoss:  please go troll somewhere else.01:21
* wilee-nilee starts a fund for adult diapers for eoss 01:21
johnjohn1011compdoc: thanks.01:22
eosswilee-nilee: You should check out www.Amazon.com©, I hear they have great deals on adult diapers01:22
ThePiousPriestScrew it, just bought this01:23
ThePiousPriestbeen supported since kernel 2.601:23
eossAmazon.com ©, what a great place to shop, am I right ThePiousPriest ?01:23
ThePiousPriestdo I sense sarcasm?01:24
computer88how can u tell what version of wine you have01:24
tgm4883jrib, well, it was a good effort01:25
Dr_Williscomputer88:  try wine --version     perhaps?01:25
johnjohn1011ThePiousPriest: congrats, i hope it works wonderful in ubunut01:25
ThePiousPriestI hope so, otherwise I will rage hard lol01:26
Dr_WillisThePiousPriest:  i find it funny that people use wifi cards.. then the antannas are normally positioned in such bad spots.. behind a metal case. right up to a wall, often sitting way down low on the floor.01:26
ThePiousPriestI can't move my tower, router is downstairs and people would get pissed if I ran cabling01:26
ThePiousPriesttoo lazy to run through the walls01:26
ThePiousPriestIf I was, I would run cat 6 to future proof01:27
Dr_Willisif the router is right below or above you . you might need to rearange your antannas a bit for best signal.01:27
computer88shouldnt wine 1.5.29  be just as good or better than 1.5.1301:27
ThePiousPriestyeah, it's almost right below me01:27
Dr_Williscomputer88:  normally thats the case.. newer vesions have more bug fixs and other features..01:27
ThePiousPriestAfter finishing my Net+, Linux + is my next stop01:27
Dr_WillisThePiousPriest:  You might want to angle the antannsas so  the are parallwl to the floor a bit.  and if the router has an antanna . allign them that way also01:28
computer88ubuntu 12 percise with wine has a platinum rating for office 2010(installer) but ringtail with 1.5.29 has no rating for office01:28
Dr_Willisbecause no one has rated it yet perhaps computer88 .01:29
jribcomputer88: I think those ratings are submitted by users so no one has gotten to it probably01:29
jribcomputer88: it's your time to shine ;)01:29
computer88should i use the ubuntu 12 instead of 13 for my M$ office01:29
Dr_Willisbest would be to use Libreoffice computer8801:30
ThePiousPriestAnyone have their Linux+?01:30
computer88ubuntu 13 has only games mainly with at rating at wine.org01:30
Dr_Willisi saw some mention of a differnt office suite the other day.. but  i dont use that stuff much01:30
johnjohn1011computer88 i don't think it matters for wine which version01:30
tgm4883ThePiousPriest, I think the LPI 1 and 2 are looked on better01:31
wilee-nileecomputer88, If you want full use of word use windows.01:31
tgm4883ThePiousPriest, probably behind the redhat certs01:31
computer88looking for support : P01:31
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ThePiousPriestI think the option that I have is after taking the Linux+ exam, you can send your results for LPI-1 I think?01:32
ThePiousPriesthold on, lemme check CompTIA01:32
IdleOneHow is this Ubuntu related ThePiousPriest ?01:32
ThePiousPriestI was thinking general Linux related, but if you want me to take it elsewhere, so be it01:32
IdleOneThePiousPriest: We keep this channel Ubuntu support only.01:33
IdleOnewe try at least01:33
tabsterleirWhere is the general Linux chat channel?01:34
ThePiousPriestVery well01:34
tabsterleirIs it just #linux?01:34
computer88whers the wine channel?01:34
zykotick9tabsterleir: on freenode try ##linux01:34
betrayddouble hash iirc01:34
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:34
tabsterleirRighto, ty01:34
zykotick9computer88: #winehq01:34
betraydtabsterleir: shields up01:34
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tabsterleirActually, I do have a supportish question: I've got a new ASUS lappie on the way today which I know for a fact will have Secure Boot enabled. Do I need to disable that to install Ubuntu or is it good either way?01:36
wilee-nilee!uefi > tabsterleir01:37
ubottutabsterleir, please see my private message01:37
bray90820how would i remove a password on my samba printer01:37
tabsterleirThanks :)01:37
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TuxiscoolHiya. Is it possible to use the 'dig' command to determine *all* A records from a given name server?01:42
acoleman1981hello everyone01:43
ThePiousPriesttry dig@server name A?01:43
ThePiousPriestI just did dig ubuntu.com a01:43
shapeDr_Willis: Hey, you here?01:50
Dr_Willisyep. for a little bit at least01:50
shapeDr_Willis: It's a quick thing anywya. My setup is : 80GB HDD with 2 partitions 1 windows 7 1 ubuntu. And I want to move everything to a new bigger  HDD, clone everything. I've tried Clonezilla and it breaks my windows install and can't recover it. Do you know any other cloning software?01:52
Dr_Willisyou could alwyas use a live cd and 'dd' then resize the partions01:52
shapeDr_Willis: any links to that? I'm afraid to use DD :(01:53
Dr_Willisdd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=4m               then when done..  use gparted to tweak the new hd.01:53
Dr_Willisive done that in the past to 'clone' a 8gb usb flash install of ubuntu onto a HD.01:54
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shapeDr_Willis: so that just clones sda to sdb drive to drive and then i'd just have to resize with gparted?01:54
Dr_Willisyep. or make a new partion for the unused space.01:54
shapeDr_Willis: what is the bs for?01:54
Dr_Williswhich is what i was doing.01:54
Dr_Willisblock size.01:54
Dr_Willisotherwise dd will be very slow01:55
shapeDr_Willis: why 4m?01:55
computer88how can i update wine from the commandline01:55
shapeDr_Willis: I see01:55
Dr_Willis4M for 4 meg.01:55
Dr_Williscomputer88:  sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade   upgrades the system to the latest thats in the repos01:55
computer88ty ty01:56
shapeDr_Willis: thing is clonezilla already has a drive to drive thing, but I didnt use it because I wanted the partitions to be one after the other and not all over the place. I guess that doesn't really matter right?01:56
Dr_Willisall over the place?  i dont see how they would be all over the place01:56
shapeDr_Willis: well the unpartitioned space, that im resizing into the new ones, would be on a different part of the platter01:57
shapeDr_Willis: which would slow it down a bit since it has to jump, etc.01:57
ezioi keep getting an error while setting up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kerberos01:58
computer88still have 1.5.29 need 1.5.601:58
ezioroot@s:~# dpkg-reconfigure krb5-kdc01:58
eziokrb5kdc: Configuration file does not specify default realm, attempting to retrieve default realm01:58
shapeDr_Willis: btw, thanks a lot for the dd command02:01
shapeDr_Willis: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=4m  the first is the source (sda) and second one is where im cloning to correct ?02:02
GautamHi all. I'm on 12.04, updated. I have the latest "adobe-flashplugin" installed; however Firefox and Chromium are still unable to play flash. The files are02:04
Gautamlisted in about:plugins02:04
utfans05Gautam, is firefox giving you a prompt to install additional addons when you try to play flash?02:05
Gautamutfans05: Yeah02:06
utfans05Gautam, go ahead and try to add them from within firefox02:06
Dr_Willisshape:  if (input file) of (output file)02:06
Gautamutfans05: Doesmt work02:06
shapeDr_Willis: good thing I asked, because my original hdd is not sda, phew02:06
GautamSays no suitable plugins found02:07
wilee-nileeGautam, Generally we install the restricted-extras to get codecs02:07
Dr_Willisdd has sort of unique syntax compared to many apps. ;)02:07
utfans05guatam, thats exactly what i was about to say, the other think you can do is install flashplugin-installer02:08
Dr_Willisbrb. seeig if new kernelk fixed my sound02:08
shapewilee-nilee: do you log channels?02:08
wilee-nileeshape, Not really.02:08
hpuser4466Can't get WiFi to connect.  Chipset Cisco Aironet Wireless 802.11b02:08
akashj87Gautam, may be see http://askubuntu.com/questions/196017/adobe-flash-player-is-not-working-in-12-0402:09
hpuser4466<< IBM Thinkpad T4102:09
wilee-nileeI just rarely leave lol02:09
Gautamthanks akashj8702:09
plizhi all! upgraded from 12.10 to 13.04 on macbook pro 6.2 and suspend and shutdown stopped working. anyone seen something like that?02:10
shapewilee-nilee: the reason is I saw you in the windows channel yesterday and I wanted to know what Stryyker recommended me to use for cloning instead of Clonezilla02:10
shapewilee-nilee: It should be 20 hours ago or so02:10
wilee-nileeshape, Acronis I believe02:10
wilee-nileeshape, What release of W7 do you have?02:11
shapewilee-nilee: that was just for partition alignment not for cloning, it had 3 nouns or something02:11
shapewilee-nilee: ultimate02:11
wilee-nileeshape, Heh, I use the onboard imager myself it has never failed.02:11
shapewilee-nilee: WOW, nvm he JUST replied, wtf02:12
wilee-nileeah easeus02:12
wilee-nileeshape, You can image windows 7 from the backup options02:13
shapewilee-nilee: and then restore that image with the windows DVD correct?02:13
wilee-nileeshape, Yep, it will not clone the linux is all.02:14
shapewilee-nilee: but if I want to restore it to a fresh partition, will that work? As in if I create an image on some separate HDD, how will it restore it, I have to give it a new partition ,or leave unpartitioned space, etc.?02:14
wilee-nileeshape, Yes, I transfered my W8 from a spinning HD to a SSD with it.02:15
Gautamutfans05: flashplugin-installer did the trick! thanks!02:15
shapewilee-nilee: and it will fix the mrb automatically, etc.?02:15
utfans05Gautam, your welcome02:15
wilee-nileeshape, It does not save the mbr, but all you have to do put the clone of ubuntu after and run a update-grub or reload the mbr, which is pretty easy.02:16
wilee-nileeshape,Just don't go all OCD on that 63 2048 space preceding the sda1 partition.02:17
russ5811Hi. Can anyone tell me how to disable keyring after auto login in 13.04? Thanks02:17
shapewilee-nilee: what i mean is, when i restore the windows image, it will also restore it;s own mbr with it's own windows bootloader, etc. right? As in it will be fully functional doing the image way.02:18
wilee-nileeshape, I believe it just loads the image not the mbr, but that isan easy fix as well.02:18
wilee-nileebootrec.exe /fixmbr from the booted recovery or install disc cli02:19
shapewilee-nilee: yeah, but yesterday those didn't work. So what I was asking is windows does something EXTRA to make sure the loaded image will damn work, right?02:19
wilee-nileeshape, Honestly from watching you, you just messed with the wrong things and tried to recover a bricked partition that you bricked.02:20
wilee-nileeuser error in other words02:21
shapewilee-nilee: I tried cloning it again today, even with the default clonezilla settings and with no partitioned second drive, just the windows and it did the same.02:21
wilee-nileeshape, I was not there, all I can say I have never had clonezilla fail.02:22
plizexcuse me,  no one with suspend shutdown problems?02:22
shapewilee-nilee: however as we speak i just decided to clone disk by disk (not partition by partition) and then just resize with gparted02:22
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utfans05russ5811, try this http://www.noob2geek.com/how-to/how-to-disable-gnome-keyring-in-ubuntu-10-04/02:23
wilee-nileeshape, I would not resize widows with gparted myself, it has an excellent partitioner.02:23
wilee-nileefor itself02:23
utfans05russ5811, its all based off the same thing so that same process should work02:23
wilee-nileeshape, They here is do not resize until you have run it and defragged...etc.02:24
shapewilee-nilee: really? what is it called?02:24
wilee-nileeshape, Disk manager I think, runs in admin.02:24
shapewilee-nilee: wow, disk manager can rezise now? sweet. So what you meant above was just to defrag first and then resize, correct?02:25
wilee-nileeshape, I would do the transfer, amke sure it boots, it may want to run a auto-chkdsk, and then resize with the onboard.02:26
shapewilee-nilee: What about the ubuntu partition, there is no defragging to be done because of the ext4 correct? I can just resize with gparted02:27
wilee-nileeshape, How full is that windows partition?02:27
wilee-nileeshape, Correct no defragg with linux.02:28
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shapewilee-nilee: 95% full, but moving it to a bigger one of course. Clonezilla already gave it 50GB more with the disk to disk clone.02:28
wilee-nileeshape, Ah, that is to full no wonder you have had problems.02:29
ubuntu__Guten Tag!02:29
shapewilee-nilee: why do you say that? would it matter?02:29
wilee-nileeshape, It does matter with ntfs, and exen ext tyoe parttions, but people will argue both sides, personally I never go above 50%02:30
wilee-nileeI have big externals though02:30
shapewilee-nilee: I see, oh well, now it's disk to disk, and it's almost done. Hopefully everything will work, and if not i'll have to do the windows image thing.02:32
shapewilee-nilee: also wanted to thank you for taking the time and helping me. Much appreciated.02:32
russ5811thanks utfans0502:32
benzrfhello! I'm on raring and when I tap alt-tab briefly it switches to my previous window, even if it was in the same application.02:32
benzrfhow can I make it so that it will _always_ go between applications?02:32
wilee-nileeshape, I would pull out some of that extra stuff to a external and run some cleaning tools and make sure it is fully defragged if it were me, maybe even a chkdsk. I have found windows does need maintenance in general, much more then linux.02:33
horrorxstorywindows just annoys every fiber of my being02:34
wilee-nileeI rarely use it except for word in writing grad papers, but keep it in perfect condition.02:35
horrorxstoryi completely removed that partition last night02:35
horrorxstorysince i can run office on wine02:35
wilee-nileehorribly yes02:36
horrorxstorylol mine runs smooth02:36
wilee-nileeI would use libreoffice first02:36
horrorxstoryso does spotify which im very confused about02:36
shapewilee-nilee: but for grad papers, if not libreoffice, why not just run it in a vm and not care about housekeeping it so much02:36
horrorxstorythis is true02:36
horrorxstoryso my webcam isnt working though02:37
wilee-nileeshape, I don't like vm's I want to OS's I have installed to run at full throttle. the maintence is not that much really if you do it, not wait till its broke. Most of which can be put on a schedule.02:38
XenolithicEvening, folks. Is there a way to make it so new windows don't take focus away from the window I'm currently in? I looked around on askubuntu and such, but none of the suggested fixes seemed to do anything.02:38
benzrfI'm on raring and when I tap alt-tab briefly it switches to my previous window, even if it was  in the same application.02:41
benzrfhow can I make it so that it will _always_ go between applications?02:41
shapewilee-nilee: I see, I wanted to quite using windows for good and try to get games to run in VM running windows, do you have any experience with that, will I lose lots of performance?02:41
wilee-nileeshape, I suppose it depends on your hardware really and what you are happy with.02:42
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wilee-nileemy computer ren=boot in less than a minute and I have 4 OS's so I'm cruising all of them at times.02:43
wilee-nileeI do have a vm of XP it deserves being there, lol02:44
shapewilee-nilee: btw clonezilla just finished the disk to disk clone and I have all the other space unallocated, With ubuntu and gparted i know there won't be a problem expanding the partition but for windows to expand it do you recommend like you said earlier to use disk manager?02:45
wilee-nileeshape, First I don't use clonezilla that way I save the image to a external then reload it, I have seen another have problems that way, it may have been you. But see if it boots and resize it with its partitioner. If you had saved that with packets you could have a partition already there and not have to resize using clonezilla.02:48
shapewilee-nilee: it did boot, all was fine, it's like the old HDD, and it just has the extra space unallocted.02:48
ezioraaaaaaaaaaaaaage ... kerberos is messing with my head02:49
wilee-nileeshape, Cool, the onboard has a resize option I think it will allow you to expand it into the unallocated.02:49
shapewilee-nilee: I never resized with clonezilla. It was a weird thing that happened, clonezilla said there will be new partitions with no unallocated space but now I see it lied and all the extra space is unallocated.02:49
shapewilee-nilee: yep02:50
wilee-nileeshape, I meant using clonezilla, it is designed when saving in packages to be put in an equal or larger partition.02:50
shapewilee-nilee: btw, does it matter if I defrag first and then expand or I can defrag after expanding. It shouldnt matter right, since the expansion will just be seen as empty space.02:50
wilee-nileeshape, I doubt that disc is fully defraggable that full.02:51
makarasoftware-centre won't open with an invalid ppa in the sources list02:51
eziohow can i reinstall all the default stuff in a package and have it overwrite all the configs, etc02:51
shapewilee-nilee: yeah, it only has 1GB left rofl02:51
wilee-nileeshape, resize with a couple of hail maries.02:52
shapewilee-nilee: yeah im giving it double of what it has now02:52
makaraezio, in synaptic find the package and say remove completely02:52
eziohow do i do it with apt-get02:52
makaradon't know02:52
wilee-nileemakara, Sounds more like a broken upgrade.02:53
shapewilee-nilee: is the 50% space available partition thing you mentioned earlier valid for ext4 as well?02:53
makarawilee-nilee, what is command to autofix?02:53
wilee-nileeshape, That is just my default, I have extensive external HD space so I pretty much just have the OS's on the HD.02:54
makaraezio, apt-get purge02:54
makaraezio, man apt-get02:54
veryhappyhey guys, where would i have to ask questions about nvidia related graphics card stuff?02:54
wilee-nileeshape, I have seen 70 % is about the most you want, but many will argue both sides on this, I just go the low end and have externals so I don't lose anything ever.02:55
eziomakara, thanks02:55
shapewilee-nilee: I can't extend volume with disk management btw there is no unallocated space on the right of partition (and extend volume is greyed out)02:55
utfans05veryhappy, what questions do you have?02:55
shapewilee-nilee: so I guess gparted it is :(02:57
veryhappyutfans05: well, they removed the overscan setting in the nvidia control center and that's why i can't control the position of my hdmi picture anymore, i'm clueless what to do now.02:57
wilee-nileeshape, You have to have an unallocated to expand it, I would resize the linux leaving the unallocated for the windows resize.02:57
wilee-nileeresize the linux with gparted, windows can't do it.02:57
shapewilee-nilee: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-performance/extend-volume-greyed-out-disk-management-windows/a56eae24-8d07-4956-9430-b2e79686af3a02:57
utfans05veryhappy, what driver are you currently running?02:57
veryhappyutfans05: nvidia-current02:58
wilee-nileeshape, That is an extended you made in ubuntu with a logical ubuntu partition right?02:58
shapewilee-nilee: yes02:58
utfans05veryhappy, try doing the info in the 2nd post from this link http://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php?topic=106650.002:59
wilee-nileeshape, Use the correct tools then, gparted for linux, and windows for the NTFS. I assume here that the windows partitioner will allow a extend at this point if there is a unallocated.03:00
shapewilee-nilee: it doesn't03:00
wilee-nileeshape, You have no space right.03:00
shapewilee-nilee: no, it just won't let me03:00
johnsmithFirefox crashes whenever I open a website that has a video. It could be an ad video, but It still crashes. I have no problem with youtube, though.03:01
wilee-nileeshape, Is there an unallocated space after the ntfs?03:01
shapewilee-nilee: i think it's because sda1 is primary and sda2 is extended03:01
shapewilee-nilee: not after, it's at the end03:01
utfans05johnsmith, are you running the correct adobe flash plugin?03:01
johnsmithI should be. I have adobe flash plugin for firefox.03:02
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wilee-nileeshape, You have to resize the area after the nfts, leaving an unallocated. You can't do this is one swoop with the windows partitioner.03:02
utfans05johnsmith, let me do some research for a min, ill get back to you03:02
johnsmithOkay, thanks03:02
veryhappyutfans05: so i'm making my own resolution?03:02
shapewilee-nilee: yeah I see, what I have to do is expand the ext4 and then shrink it from the left03:03
wilee-nileeshape, Yep.03:03
utfans05veryhappy, if you read the documentation you basically are, but your doing it using a logical starting point.03:03
wilee-nileeshape, the ext4 and extended are two partitions I assume you know this.03:03
utfans05johnsmith, is it the flash player thats crashing or firefix?03:04
wilee-nileeone inside the other03:04
shapewilee-nilee: correct03:04
utfans05johnsmith, firefox*03:04
johnsmithFirefox crashes.03:04
vacho_guys,.. how do I mounth a usb drive?03:04
vacho_I can't get it to work03:04
wilee-nileeshape, You can just espand the extended on the left end and move the whole partition at once in gparted.03:05
wilee-nileeright end*03:05
utfans05johnsmith, which version of firefox are you running?03:06
Dr_willisvacho_,  sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /media/make-a-dir      (for example)03:06
shapewilee-nilee: one sec, i dont think i'm not getting you. So first I have to expand the extended of course, but how do you move it?03:06
veryhappyutfans05: so what does that mean i'm using a logical starting point?03:07
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vacho_Dr_willis: after I connect the usb, it does not appear in /dev/03:07
utfans05veryhappy, do you remember what your previous settings were?03:07
wilee-nileeshape, I resize extended partitions by right clicking in the list on the right, otherwise you have to try to get the cursor right on its edge. Then move the logical inside. The extended is the container, you have to have room inside to move thnkgs.03:08
veryhappyutfans05: you mean my standard resolution?03:08
utfans05veryhappy, how much of an overscan were you using previously?03:08
wilee-nileepartition list on the left is what I meant*03:08
vacho_Dr_willis: ? :)03:09
shapewilee-nilee: i see, one sec booting live cd i'll try it in a giffy03:09
veryhappyutfans05: it said 6403:09
wilee-nileewith the swap off and nothing mounted03:09
utfans05veryhappy, is that the only thing you remember?03:09
Dr_willisvacho_,  then you either have a bad port. or failing usb device03:10
veryhappywell, i can boot into windows to see how the resolution is there03:10
veryhappyit's a computer with dual boot not this one i'm sitting on right now03:10
veryhappyso i'm staying connected on here03:10
digdeep"/" is 50% full. Did tar -cvf x.tar ~/something. It fails and "/" is 100% full. Delete x.tar now 90%. where I can find more space03:10
utfans05johnsmith, try apt-get install flashplugin-installer and see if that fixes it03:11
acovrigI am using ubuntu 13 on my late 2011 MacBookPro and noticed that my battery halves when in Ubuntu (and my CPU is warmer), so I'm wondering how hard it is to underclock... (would it help it be coolor and battery last longer)?03:11
utfans05veryhappy, yes please do that03:11
johnsmithActually, I just uninstalled that because it would make adobe freeze when I played youtube videos on fullscreen.03:12
utfans05johnsmith, that is the correct plugin for firefox.. thats an odd one...03:12
veryhappyjohnsmith: did you actually try to uncheck the hardware graphics mode?03:12
johnsmithI have it uncheck on firefox.03:13
veryhappyjohnsmith: i mean in the flash plugin03:13
johnsmithI'm not sure how to do that.03:13
qlocksHI guys I accidentally installed Python 2.7.3. on Ubuntu 12.04 from source and erased the original installation of Python.  Is there a way I can recover from this error?03:14
johnsmithWhen I try to uncheck on the flash player settings, nothing happens and I can't get the box to dissappear. I have to reload the page.03:14
blackbear008uninstall scripts.03:14
blackbear008find it .03:14
qlocksblackbear008: Do you mean make uninstall?03:15
veryhappyutfans05: in windows i have a resolution of 1216 x 684 px03:16
alien2050Does anyone know how to fix locale when gnome-terminal displays weird output  ->    error: ‘var’ was not declared in this scope   <-- while using gcc (I only care about the display, not the error itself since I'm debugging)? I'm using en_CA.UTF-8 but en_US.UTF-8 or en_US does the same thing.... probably a simple locale issue but I'm scratching my head...03:19
shapewilee-nilee: it won't let me expand the extended partition into the unallocated space03:19
utfans05veryhappy, so using that number you need to figure out what the line in your xorg.conf file should read, the link i sent you shows how to do that calculation03:20
utfans05veryhappy, and where to place the option line in the xorg.conf file03:20
veryhappyutfans05: thank you very much03:21
veryhappyyou helped me out03:21
wilee-nileeshape, Post a image of gparted in iamgebin.03:21
utfans05veryhappy, you're welcome03:21
lotuspsychjeis there an ubuntu certicate like rhce does for redhat, one can use for exam/industrial use?03:21
wilee-nilee!magebin | shape03:22
utfans05lotuspsychje, http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntucert03:22
shapewilee-nilee: one sec it wil lbe hard because that computer is not connected03:22
lotuspsychjeutfan05: tnx lemme take a look mate03:22
shapewilee-nilee: ill have to disconnect from here brb03:22
wilee-nileeshape, Are you sure you are clicking on the extended to resize and everything is unmounted?03:23
shapewilee-nilee: everything is unmounted (no key next to it) im using the live cd03:23
WeThePeoplewilee-nilee, hii got 12.04.2 working along side windows 803:23
WeThePeopleit was easy03:24
utfans05johnsmith, im not quite sure whats going on with your setup, i would recommend removing firefox and starting over if you can, maybe you got a package messed up?03:24
wilee-nileeshape, Make sure it is the extended you are clicking on it has to be its edge or in the partition list is easiest.03:24
WeThePeopleim on a asus k55a laptop03:24
lotuspsychjeutfans05: interesting tnx!03:24
utfans05lotuspsychje, you're welcome03:24
johnsmithOkay, I'll try that.03:24
utfans05johnsmith, let me know if that works03:24
shapewilee-nilee: daaaaaaaaaaamn it worked! it has to be RIGHT on the edge03:24
wilee-nileeshape, exactly.03:25
johnjohn1011WeThePeople: did you have to do anything special?03:25
shapewilee-nilee: yeah I was unwillingly selecting the ext403:25
wilee-nileeshape, An easy mistake, now you know. ;)03:25
shapewilee-nilee: might as well have right-clicked on it in the beginning03:25
WeThePeoplejohnjohn1011, not out of the ordinary, but you have to use boot repair03:26
shadowsany self-proclaimed SQL gurus?03:26
wilee-nileeI just resize extended's from the partition list in general.03:26
lotuspsychje!ask | shadows03:26
ubottushadows: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:26
shapewilee-nilee: it warned me it might fail to boot03:27
shadows!answer | lotuspsychje03:27
shapewilee-nilee: will i just have to reinstall grub if that happens?03:27
wilee-nileeshape, That warning shows when you resize linux at times, an easy fix if it happens.03:27
wilee-nileeshape, reload the mbr, or I just use supergrub to boot in and reload it from the desktop myself.03:28
shapewilee-nilee: any links to documentation forthat? Ive never done that before03:29
wilee-nileeshape, here is the supergrub tool, from the desktop it is just sudo grub-install /dev/sdX X is the HD would be sda probably in you case.03:31
johnsmithWell, one of the problems is fixed, but my youtube videos still freeze when full screen.03:31
shapewilee-nilee: AWESOME, Thanks!03:31
Lleytonjust testing weechat03:31
wilee-nileeshape, THis is a link I give others in general for reloading grub in different situations. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing  There is also the bootrepair tool03:32
utfans05johnsmith, try disabling the hardware acceleration in flash settings.03:32
somsip!test | Lleyton03:32
ubottuLleyton: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )03:32
johnsmithI tried, but it won't let me click anything. It just shows the box.03:32
shapewilee-nilee: if it's just about reinstalling grub I;ve done that before. It was the supergrub that didnt ring a bell.03:33
shapewilee-nilee: and ive used boot-repair several times. wilee-nilee: It's taking 30 minutes to move everything etc. I have to go out get groceries. etc. Everything should be fine I guess. Thank you SO MUCH for your help. I'll brb later03:33
utfans05johnsmith, did you try after reinstalling firefox?03:33
lotuspsychjejohnsmith: you have the same problem on chrome?03:34
utfans05johnsmith, try doing this sudo mkdir /etc/adobe03:34
utfans05echo "OverrideGPUValidation=true" >~/mms.cfg03:34
utfans05sudo mv ~/mms.cfg /etc/adobe/03:34
johnsmithI don't use chrome, but I don't think chrome uses flash for youtube videos iirc.03:34
utfans05johnsmith, i've never used chrome, so im not sure either03:35
somsipjohnsmith: it uses flash, but it's an internal plugin rather than the flashplugin. IIRC03:35
johnsmithIt says 'etc/adobe' doesn't exist.03:35
utfans05johnsmith, if you sudo mkdir /etc/adobe it will create it03:36
utfans05johnsmith, im sorry i ment to say you have to run that in a terminal03:36
somsipjohnsmith: you missed the / off /etc maybe?03:36
johnsmithOh no, sorry. It says it already exists.03:36
utfans05johnsmith, then just move to the second line03:36
utfans05johnsmith, echo "OverrideGPUValidation=true" >~/mms.cfg03:37
johnsmithI entered it into the terminal and nothing happened, so I'm assuming it did it.03:38
moonchromecan someone tell me how can I install a package from a ppa that is for 12.10 on 13.04 ?03:38
utfans05johnsmith, it did it, did you run all 3 lines?03:38
johnsmithI'm not sure what that means.03:39
utfans05johnsmith, go ahead and try to run a fullscreen video03:39
moonchromeperson who uploaded it said package will work on 13.04 but it won't install it with apt-get install it doesn't show it in packages I'm assuming I need to enable something because the package is flagged for 12.10 ?03:39
hdonhi all :) how do i add panel applets to unity?03:39
hdonif i run the applet program from the command line, it shows up up there, but this is not ideal03:40
moonchromebtw. this is :ppa https://launchpad.net/~keks9n/+archive/monodevelop-latest03:40
johnsmithIt seems to be working now. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.03:40
utfans05johnsmith, you're welcome!03:41
=== timo is now known as Guest78037
Guest6685Hi, does anyone know what is the lightest Live CD (fastest load) that has boot repair?03:42
acovrigIs there any negative side effects to changing /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq?03:43
utfans05Guest6685, http://sourceforge.net/projects/boot-repair-cd/03:43
hdonhow do i add an indicator in unity?03:46
Guest6685utfans05: Thanks!03:46
hdoni want to use indicator-multiload03:46
utfans05Guest6685, anytime03:46
paddymahoneyUbuntu peeve: adding entries to unity launcher for applications installed outside of apt-get (say, in home directory) is annoying and time-consuming.03:47
lotuspsychjehdon: sudo apt-get install indicator-multiload03:53
hdonlotuspsychje, yes but how do i make unity run it when unity starts?03:53
lotuspsychjehdon: it should start after reboot03:54
hdonwell, thank you for your help lotuspsychje, but ubuntu... you disappoint me again03:54
lotuspsychjehdon: this package works like a charm, nothing but yourself to blame if it doesnt work03:54
hdonlotuspsychje, i come from a land where programs don't start up when you login just because you installed them03:55
hdonthis behavior disagrees with my sensibilities03:55
izxHow to fix this errror? >> E: GPG error: http://download.virtualbox.org quantal Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 203:57
betraydi would love to go to there03:57
hdonizx, you're getting that from some apt tool?03:59
=== putra is now known as wirabumi
bray90820Why does the flash player run horribly no matter what browser i am using04:05
bray90820when i try to go full screen the hole thing turns white for a while before playing the video04:05
bray90820and when i am watching a video everything is ridiculously slow04:06
bray90820Anyone know?04:07
siggibI just upgraded from 12.10 to 13.04 and now my box wont boot04:08
siggibanyone here able to give me pointers as to how to recover?04:08
wilee-nileesiggib, Was it in good shape before the upgrade, were there any errors, and is this a partitioned install?04:09
utfans05siggib what do you mean it wont boot... that could mean a few things, is it getting to grub or failing before that?04:09
siggibIt was in good shape before the upgrade, there were an occational freezes that were solved with a reboot04:10
siggibone such freeze happen during the upgrade04:10
utfans05!ask | Guest744504:10
ubottuGuest7445: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:10
siggibI can get to grub but anything there it freezes04:10
Guest7445I am preparing to install Ubuntu 13.0404:10
wilee-nileesiggib, Might you be missing graphic drivers, a upgrade can need them reloaded at times.04:11
utfans05!ask | Hussaind04:11
ubottuHussaind: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:11
Guest7445and I want to setup a separate partition for /home/username/Documents04:11
siggibEven though the machine seems hung, I can still SSH into it04:12
Guest7445do I have to create the partition using the liveCD first before I actually install the OS?  Or can i creat paritions during the install process?04:12
bray90820Why does the flash player run horribly no matter what browser i am using04:12
bray90820when i try to go full screen the hole thing turns white for a while before playing the video04:12
bray90820and everything runs horribly slow while i am watching a video04:12
HussaindI have created a Ubuntu 12.04 VM on Xen Cloud Platform, after allocating 1GiB RAM it shows 989MB allocated inside the Ubuntu VM. Does Ubuntu keep it reserverd for something ?04:13
utfans05siggib, have you tried getting into one of the TTY's to see if its just your video setup?04:13
siggibI'm afraid I'm not a very experienced Linux user, I'm coming from Windows world and still learning Linux, not sure how to get into one of the TTY's04:14
siggibI can SSH to the machine from a different computer04:14
utfans05siggib press ctrl+alt+F1 and see if it gives you a command line04:14
wilee-nileeHussaind, How ram is allocated with different apps and counting can show  this way. For example my 256 gig hd is not actually 256 gigs when counted in gparted.04:15
siggibYes I was able to login to a command line04:16
siggibso how do I fix my graphics04:16
utfans05siggib seems like its your windows manager thats not working correctly, i unfortunately do know know how to fix that issue.04:17
orated_Hi! I've a book in pdf file format containing pages in images, non-OCR'ed. I can neither search in it nor copy from it then. Is there any OCR software which can scan the pdf and convert pages into text?04:17
siggibOK thanks04:17
wilee-nileeorated_, There are I forget the names, but they do not work in any efficient or usable may in my opinion.04:19
Hussaindwilee-nilee: On older versions of Ubuntu it shows the exact RAM allocation, then why the difference in 12.04 ?04:20
wilee-nileeHussaind, I'm not sure exactly what or where you are talking about.04:21
wilee-nileeHussaind, Ram is counted as 1000MB at times ans 1024B at times, depends on who or what is doing the counting.04:22
orated_wilee-nilee: I found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OCR#Tesseract, I'll try that. Thanks for your opinion though.04:23
wilee-nileeorated_, Cool I was looking d=for that page, best if luck is all I will say. ;)04:24
Hussaindwilee-nilee: I have allocated 1GB RAM to a Ubuntu VM. It is created on a XCP node. But it shows 989MB inside the VM. I wanted know where the remaining RAM is getting utilized04:24
wilee-nileeHussaind, If you notice the difference is about 24MB it is how the allocation and how the allocator of the ram and ubuntu read it as data. The ram amount, is just being counted differently.04:26
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic04:28
Hussaindwilee-nilee: Can I get an official Ubuntu page notifying with the same. As we are on a production env. and want to give a justification to that04:29
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic04:29
wilee-nileeHussaind, Not really this is common knowledge as far as how data is counted and names given to it in size.04:29
Dr_willis1GB vs 1 GiB04:30
WeThePeoplewilee-nilee, i am dual booting windows 8 and ubuntu 12.04.2 flawlessly :)04:31
WeThePeople64 bit04:31
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, Cool, the wubi?04:31
WeThePeopleidk, uefi04:32
Dr_willisI don think wubi works well with WIn804:32
WeThePeopleidk what wubi is04:32
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe04:32
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, YOU installed from the disc and made partitions I assume.04:32
WeThePeopleall i did was disable secure boot and changed the boot order and it installed04:32
WeThePeoplewilee-nilee, i made the partitions in windows 804:33
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, I thought t was you asking about a W8 and wub earlier, I remember you working on the install though.04:33
WeThePeopleyeah, and it works04:33
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, Hard to forget that nick, lol.04:33
marvxi have problem since 13.04 as im getting a panic saying not syncifatal exception in interruptng04:37
makaraDr_willis, I got sorted with software centre. I had an invalid PPA for Docky. Why it would crashe and blame X system...04:46
Dr_willisinvalid ppa crashing the software center? golly. Id file a bug on that.04:47
makaraI let it send through its own error report04:47
makaradesktop background still greyed out though04:48
=== Reina is now known as Guest60127
hdonhi all :) i have installed indicator-multiload but it does not show up on my desktop after reboot. what do i do to make it start up when i login?04:55
wilee-nileehdon, It is an applet for the panel you have to launch it I believe, look for it in the dash.04:58
hdonwilee-nilee, gnome allowed me to add it to the panel so that it started up when gnome started up :C can't do this in unity?04:58
hdonit seems like other indicators load automatically... network icon, messaging icon, volume control icon, clock, account, power04:59
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
Dr_willisive seen some auto start. and some not05:01
wilee-nileehdon, Does it show when launched, if so add it to the sratup applications.05:01
hdonwilee-nilee, it does. how do i add it to the startup applications?05:02
hdonthanks btw05:02
wilee-nileehdon, You want to load the startup applications first with this command, just copy and paste to the terminal.  sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop update-manager -d  Then look for startup applications in the dash.05:04
Dr_williscant say ive ever needed to do that with any of the indicator applets.05:05
wilee-nileeDr_willis, Yeah may need a reboot it is probably already there.05:06
hdonwilee-nilee, that doesn't look like it will "load startup applications" but thanks for pointing me toward /etc/xdg/autostart05:12
walltenderMy powertop v2.1 in ubuntu doesn't show power est. column just as described in https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=796068. Some one help me?05:13
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 796068 in powertop "Powertop not showing watts on laptop" [Medium,Closed: errata]05:13
Dr_williserrata? Wonder what they mean by that.05:15
compexdoes anyone know the program that displays the specs here? http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8125/8714430908_1c24eab393_h.jpg05:15
hdonwth... whenever i upgraded to ubuntu 12, my "hg" command now always says "no module named hggit"05:15
* hdon investigates05:16
michael87Thank god. I found an alternative to dvdfab on linux. I'm using magic dvd copier.  it still requires wine to run since it is ment for windows but still. works like a charm on raring ringtail05:18
Dr_willismichael87,  it bypasses that idiot uber-protection?05:19
hdonwilee-nilee, thanks i found the appropriate file and set NoDisplay=false. question: does NoDisplay means it won't run the process or it just won't show up visually?05:19
michael87Dr_willis, affirmative :)05:19
michael87Dr_willis, I've known about it for a long time. great program. but paid for. free rips 5 times then 20 bucks for perminant serial I think05:20
Dr_willismichael87,  or.. you reinstall it in wine.. .;) and do 5 more05:20
hdonwhy is my load so high? i don't see a lot of CPU or disk activity. no resources seem contended for.05:20
michael87Dr_willis, ohhhhh :)05:20
Dr_willismichael87,  thats what i was doing with dvdfab05:20
michael87Dr_willis, genius. makes having linux a perk over a pain lol05:21
Dr_willismichael87,  on windows those things always seem to install some reg key so they can detect they were installed befor. ;)05:21
wilee-nileehdon, Not sure, as suggested just installing it should have it auto starting, have you rebooted since installing it.05:22
hdonwilee-nilee, yes, which i think is ridiculous. usually i would just log out of the desktop environment and back in, or restart gdm. in any case, i did reboot, and it did not show up. but the NoDisplay option for this autostart file was true before, now it's false, so i hope it will show up this time :)05:23
=== darren is now known as tacotruck
daemeonHey all. I recently upgraded to the newest release of Ubuntu and now vmware workstation borked. I downloaded the kernel headers as per vmware's request and yet it acts as though the header files are not there. Can anyone help me resolve this issue?05:24
michael87Dr_willis, I wander if avidemux will run under wine. The linux version seems to stop at 2.5. but windows already has 2.6. resyncing audio for certain files on 2.5 say mp4, is always off sync with 2.5. but 2.6 fixed that05:25
silv3r_m00nwhich package should I install to get cups port 631 open ?05:28
jairguys, I am running 13.04 and from time to time the gnome session die, the computer gets very slow and session hung then I need to restart the machine05:29
aspisDoes anyone know the syntax to add a path to a configuration file in a launcher shortcut? (lucid)05:30
jairI am thinking might be related to: nvidia driver? kernel version? updates?05:30
walltenderAny one can recommend a voltage or power consumption monitor tool in Linux apart from lm_sensor and powertop?05:30
jairis there a recommended kernel?05:31
wilee-nileeaspis, You are days away from end of life with lucid.05:32
jairfor 64bit machines? instead of generic?05:32
jairI have an intel core I705:32
aspisWill live on trust me...05:32
wilee-nileeaspis, Sure but the support does not.05:32
aspisdon't look like I'm getting any any way05:33
Dr_willisquestion dosent really make much sence to me05:33
wilee-nileelol, gotta give details.05:33
jairI installed the nvidia drivers and now my system is unoperable ;( I will need to see if I can get it to boot is some mode I can remove the drivers for nvidia, native and the one that came with ubuntu 13.0405:34
Dr_willis!text | jair05:35
ubottujair: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode05:35
jairany help will be appreciated05:35
Dr_willisboot to text mode. try to repair the system05:35
Dr_willishow did you install the drivers?05:35
jairDr_willis: the native one disabling x and followinf the script screen instructions05:35
jairDr_willis: the ubuntu one, the one on the package software ubuntu center05:36
jairthe system is not even letting me to enter grub it does not show grub menu anymore05:38
jairI was trying to do esc and shift during the boot but nothing05:38
jairnow I have a message about wlan0 failed but black and white screen05:38
Dr_willisjair,  you mean the .run drivers from the nvidia site?05:39
Dr_willisHold shift to show GRUB - if its hidden by default05:40
jairbut now I get the purple screen but ubuntu is not showing me the grub menu05:40
jairDr_willis: alright will try that again05:40
Dr_willisgrub menu would be BEFOR you see the purple screen05:41
jairDr_willis: good I am in grub05:41
jairDr_willis: I think this is grub2, it is default installation of 13.0405:42
Dr_willisgrub2 has been the default for like 2+ years. ;)05:42
jairDr_willis: I think I want to do a few things: 1) remove the last driver I installed from ubuntu center opengl nvidia 173 I think05:42
jairDr_willis: alright I am there05:42
WXZhow do I find the right sound driver?05:43
ra-fihi all i have try to use vpnc to connect vpn server from at91sam9263 board and i enabled tun/tap driver in kernel and vpnc package in fs but there is no vpnc option in at91sam9263 board,but i configured in /etc/vpnc.conf,when i try (vpn+tab) there is no options shown,how it make to works05:43
jairDr_willis: in options I see and advance and see recovery mode05:43
Dr_willischange 'quiet splash' to be 'text' and it should boot to text mode. and get you to a console.05:43
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode05:43
jairDr_willis: I also have two kernels in my system the generic and the lowlatency 3.8.0-1905:44
jairDr_willis: this is in the kernel line on the regular kernel stanza?05:44
Dr_williswhatever one you want to use..05:44
Dr_willisIm not sure there much point in a lowlatency kernel for most people these days05:45
jairok booting text05:46
jairDr_willis: booting in text mode only and got a prompt05:46
jairshould I get rid of the low latency kernel?05:46
Dr_williswhy do you even have it installed?05:46
jairDr_willis: like I said I have an IBM/Lenovo W510 machine with core i705:47
jairDr_willis: I thought it was optimized for intel x86_6405:47
Dr_willislow latency - is normally for people doing audio work i belive.  or som eothe rspecial cases05:48
jairDr_willis: hmm well one thing I noticed on the new ubuntu 13.04 it is awesome audio.05:49
jairDr_willis: the audio on my system sounds awesome05:49
Dr_willisHDMI audio dosent work at all for me. ;)  it was working all during beta.. once final came out.. No audio over hdmi. ;()05:50
pratzHello guys I am getting this error http://dpaste.org/rhDYF/05:50
pratzwhat is the 'Size Mismatch' thing ?05:50
jairDr_willis: I see but I am not sure if that is what I have05:50
theadminpratz: Failed download, do "sudo apt-get clean" and try again05:50
jairDr_willis: so what kernel is recommended for my type of system?05:51
jairDr_willis: also how can I remove the last package I installed05:51
Dr_williswhat package did you install?05:51
Dr_willisthe generic kernel works for most people.05:51
Akiva-MobileI thought I would just share what popped up in my unity dash when typing "bri" for brightness and lock: http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a547/akivaii/Screenshotfrom2013-05-06222845_zps9e704beb.png05:51
jairshould I use aptitude or apt-get or dpkg will do the work?05:51
jairDr_willis: ok05:51
pratztheadmin: here http://dpaste.org/dhD91/05:52
jairDr_willis: keep in mind I will be doing ubuntu touch apps development on this machine05:52
H3mpp4hello could anyone help me whit phpmyadmin installation. i installed it but it wont start05:52
somsipH3mpp4: how did you install it05:53
wilee-nileepratz, Did you add a source to the repos for this?05:53
WXZhow do I find the right sound driver?05:53
A1Reconhow do I share a drive over network??05:53
pratzwilee-nilee: theadmin i will paste my sources.list file , hang on05:54
theadminA1Recon: Just the way you'd share a folder05:54
theadminpratz: That won't help... Did you do apt-get clean?05:54
pratztheadmin: yes05:54
wilee-nileepratz, If it is a ppa it may be in /etc/apt/sources.list.d05:55
theadminpratz: Okay, then also do a sudo apt-get update, who knows05:55
pratzwilee-nilee: theadmin in case if you need http://dpaste.org/fwJUn/05:55
betrayd  /bye05:55
theadminpratz: That looks fine to me05:56
A1Recontheadmin: I went to the folder, right clicked>properties>share>share this folder....but it showed "install share service?" and then "libpam-smbpass" & "samba" is vitual. Help!!05:56
theadminpratz: Just in case, try changing your mirror to us.archive.ubuntu.com or something close to you geographically05:56
pratztheadmin: same error again after 'apt-get update'05:57
theadminA1Recon: Oh... Huh. Strange, works for me on 13.0405:57
theadminA1Recon: Try installing those packages manually with apt-get install05:57
Dr_willisA1Recon,   try shareing just a folder in your users home.05:58
xroHi, i just notice that there is an anti-virus in the ubuntu 13.10... Why? is there new threats?05:58
Dr_willisxro,  every av app ive seen in linux mainly scans windows files for windows viruses..05:59
theadminxro: 13.10 isn't supported. But in general, antivirus software helps against Windows viruses, so that other machines don't get infected (via USB sticks or network, that is, if you copy/share infected data)05:59
Dr_williswhat av app are you refering to xro >05:59
xroDr_willis, i have done my update... unicx anti virus package was installed... or updated06:00
aeon-ltdthere are always new threats06:00
Dr_williscant say ive noticed that package here.. or ever heard of it06:01
aeon-ltdassuming there isn't would be folly06:01
xroyep, but f anti-virus are in default package, that should mean virus targeting linux more than windows, no?06:01
xrooh, in fact it is clamav...06:02
xromostly used to scan attachement06:02
aeon-ltdxro: linux will never be target more than win until it's consumer share increases06:02
Dr_willisi dont recall clamav being installed by default06:03
walltenderHi, I am looking for a power consumption/ voltage monitoring tools on linux. I tried lm_sensors and powertop -- not working properly?06:04
wilee-nileeDr_willis, Wasn't here I'm on 13.10 right now.06:04
aeon-ltdxro: are you sure this is 'ubuntu' not another variant?06:04
Dr_willisclamav is definatly not installed herre for me. :) Lubuntu 13.10 + ubuntu-desktop installed...06:05
pratztheadmin: wilee-nilee after adding us mirror http://dpaste.org/BoODE/06:07
=== Neggy_work is now known as Neggy
chenxiongfeiubuntu system  desktop monitor06:10
Dr_willischenxiongfei,  you have an actual support question? if so phrase it in the form of a question.06:12
wilee-nileepratz, I know nothing about that app or dependencies, so can't really help.06:13
theadminwilee-nilee: How can you not know vim? o_O06:14
chenxiongfeiwilee-nilee; I'm looking for a desktop monitor plug-in, cool06:15
Dr_willisand what does a 'desktop monitor plug-in' do excactly?06:16
wilee-nileetheadmin, I never use it I'm lazy, and a armchair user really.06:17
pratztheadmin: wilee-nilee can not even update the  system now http://dpaste.org/17jwW/06:17
chenxiongfeiDr_willis: Desktop pug-monitoring network services06:17
theadminpratz: Are you behind any form of a firewall/proxy/anything restricting network access?06:18
pratztheadmin: yes, I am behind firewall06:19
pratztheadmin: but yesterday even thing was wokring fin06:19
theadminpratz: Could be your problem... I dunno, check it, because this is making no sense06:19
chenxiongfeiSomebody help me06:20
AtuMHello... great news.. with the right hw you can easily have a dedicated GPU card for a kvm guest.. I now can play windows games with great FPS and still run linux at the same time..  and I didn't have to recompile stuff or enable 3rd party repositories.. it's all there06:21
shapewilee-nilee: Hey man, wanted to thank you again for helping me out. I finally got it fixed, everything boots, all drives extended. :)06:24
wilee-nileeshape, Cool, glad to hear that.06:24
=== sdietze is now known as Vytas
WXZhow do I find the right sound driver?06:29
gottwisstfor what device06:29
silv3r_m00nhi there, another machine over lan has cups installed, and localhost:631 on that machine opens the cups page, but when i access that machines cups administration page using its ip ip:631 it does not open, port 631 is also detected as closed by nmap, what could be the reason06:30
wilee-nileeWXZ, Isn't this a system 76 computer?06:31
Dr_willissound driver for what chipset?  You areent having that 'no sound over hdmi, but analog works' issue are you?06:32
WXZwilee-nilee: a what computer?06:33
Dr_willissystem 76 sells preinstalled ubuntu pcs06:33
WXZDr_willis: I tried looking the chipset up, I'm not sure if it's written in the lspci06:33
wilee-nileeWXZ, There was a user that bought a computer from there here that had sound problems I thought it might be you.06:33
adzyanyone know how i can get vm to fullscreen after ive installed guest additions and my monitor is still not in list?06:34
WXZwilee-nilee: oh, no, I just got a new system basically but kept the hard drives but now I have no sound06:34
Dr_willisit would be very weird if lspci dident show anything about the hardware06:34
wilee-nileeadzy, Have you rebooted the vm?06:34
WXZDr_willis: Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Manhattan HDMI Audio [Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series] << not sure if that's the chipset06:35
gustavHow do I make my mail host liked by Google (e.g.?) It doesn't accept e-mail from me.06:35
adzyyes its backtrack im running06:35
adzyand it still wont bring up the option of 1366x768 wich is my laptop native resolution06:36
wilee-nileeadzy, As a host, or guest?06:36
Dr_willisWXZ,  if you can plug some speakers in to the analog output on the system. see if those work.  Theres some sort of regression/bug with HDMI audio it seems.06:36
adzyhmmm... im the host06:36
adzyim logging in as root06:37
Jordan_Uadzy: Is an actual Ubuntu (not Backtrack) install running as either host or guest?06:37
wilee-nileeadzy, So the vm is running ubuntu in a root backtrack that is the host?06:37
WXZDr_willis: nope, nothing06:37
adzyvm runnning backtrack as sudo user06:37
adzyas admin in windows06:38
Jordan_U!backtrack | adzy06:38
ubottuadzy: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)06:38
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:39
adzy!ubuntu | adzy06:39
ubottuadzy, please see my private message06:39
Dr_willisif using vbox. the vbox manual is worth a read also.06:39
adzywhats best vm software to use because im about to do fresh install of ubuntu... i use virtualbox atm.06:40
AtuMadzy, are you reinstalling the host or a virtual machine06:41
jonyubuntu 10.04 won't wake from standby, please help06:42
jamesarnetthit it with a hammer?06:42
Dr_willisvbox works very well for me06:42
auronandacejony: if you are using 10.04 on desktop then seriously consider upgrading now06:42
WXZDr_willis: I have a g45-z77a motherboard, onboard audio if that helps06:42
jamesarnettI would have to agree with auronandace on this one jony06:43
AtuMadzy, it's clearly hard to tell what vm software is best since it depends on what you aim for. for a normal desktop usage virtualbox is quite nice. I personally use kvm, because I use it for production systems.. for clustering I'd probaby choose xen since it offers more features06:43
Dr_willisWXZ,  theres Known issues with audio over HDMI .   are you using sound from your monitor? or seperate analog speakers?06:43
WXZDr_willis: no, I'm trying to get my analog jacks to work06:43
jamesarnettanyone on here using XFCE on chromebook?06:44
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Dr_willisWXZ,  you may want to toy with the  pavumixer (pauvmixer?) tool and see what hardware its showing and lets you select.06:45
jonyit's running 10.04 because it has only 512 ram06:45
jonyshould I try to upgrade to 12.04? it won't be slow?06:46
Dr_willisyou might want to use Lubuntu instead  of Ubuntu Jony06:46
jamesarnettjony: would definitely not recommend 13.04 for you 12.04 might work i would suggest checking minimum hardware requirements06:46
auronandace!lubuntu | jony06:46
ubottujony: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.06:46
WXZDr_willis: is that in the sound preferences, because I don't even see anything except the hdmi option06:47
jonybefore this I already used Lubuntu but I couldn't install the RDP server :(06:47
jamesarnettijony: i would agree with ubottu on this one06:47
jonybefore this I already used Lubuntu but I couldn't install the RDP server :(06:48
Dr_willisWXZ,  weird.  pavucontrol is a more advanced sound config tool. not installed by default06:48
DarkShad0whi guys..06:48
DarkShad0whow are u??06:48
Jordan_Ujony: What desktop environment are you currently using?06:50
gustavThe basic install of exim4 can't send e-mail to gmail when configured for 'Internet.' Should I report a bug?06:50
WXZDr_willis: well I opened up pavucontrol, but I really only still see the hdmi06:50
jonyubuntu 10.0406:50
Dr_willisWXZ,  id check out lspci again. it could be theres 2 sound cards (one for hdmi, one for analog) and the sytems only seeing one of them/has drivers for one.06:51
Jordan_Ujony: Try Lubuntu 12.04. If you have a problem installing an RDP server we can help with that, or you can even test installing it in the liveCD before installing it.06:51
WXZDr_willis: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Device 1e20?06:52
Dr_willismight be worth hitting up askubuntu.com and the forums for that device.06:53
jonyat the end of the installation script of the RDP server it asked me the type of the GUI... at that step what should I choose in case of Lubuntu? maybe there was the problem06:53
Dr_williswhat types were the options jony?06:53
Jordan_Ujony: "LXDE" probably.06:53
Dr_willisIve only used VNC> never rdp06:54
jonyDr_willis, gnome, unity 2d, lxde, kde06:55
Dr_willislubuntu is lxde06:56
jonyDr_willis, I will try once again with Lubuntu06:57
jonyI can say that with Lubuntu 12.04 this old PC worked very well06:57
jonyhow does work the nick registration on this channel?06:59
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:59
trupheenixanyone here know how to make bind9 point to the ip address of the machine it is installed on?06:59
Dr_willisno one ever reads what the bot says.....07:00
trupheenixI am running bind9 on a development machine whose ip address changes when I go from home to office. how do i make bind9 point dns entries  to the IP of the machine it is installed?07:00
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:01
trupheenixjony  Dr_willis  wells? :)07:01
jonythe registration is for good?07:02
jonyhow it can recognize me next time?07:04
ubottuYou can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, as a typo will give away your password. If that happens, identify and then type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.07:04
Dr_willisregister, then you identify next time you connect...07:05
Dr_willissee #freenode for details.07:05
jonywhere can I register?07:05
Dr_willisread what the bot said about 'register' above.07:05
GArea|DiscoverYfrench serv ?07:07
auronandace!fr | GArea|DiscoverY07:07
ubottuGArea|DiscoverY: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:07
Dr_willisnight all...07:11
starbuckhey, i'm using 12.10 and get freezes every now and then... after a few seconds i can move the mouse again for maybe 1 second and it freezes again... after a few times the system goes back to responding properly... sometimes it's really bad and i have to reboot the laptop. it's really annoying to have such an unreliable system, any hints how to fix this?07:12
sam_____there is sth wrong with my dash. it cannot find any of my softwares. for example I know xbmc is installed and i can start it using terminal but dash cannot find it. anyone knows why?07:12
n8whey guys07:12
sam_____dash cannot find my softwares anymore. please help07:13
ra-fihi when i try to change copy a file from my host to at91sam9263 board using scp it shows WARNING: Your password has expired. Password change required but no TTY available. lost connection, can you tell me what is that problem07:14
n8wim planing to try out 64bit system and my intention is to share my home folder between the system..both systems r ubuntu. How is it with the user rights?shall i choose the same user name for the new system as i have on the old one?07:14
auronandacen8w: you'd have to if you want to share it (the home folder is your username)07:15
n8wauronandace, ye thats right...the point here is that i wanna try 64b system besides of my 32b one...if that turns out to be a bad choice i wanna return to my old one with as little cfg changes as possible07:16
auronandacen8w: then i wouldn't share07:17
cosimoooo/who am i07:17
Arkhanacosimoooo: You are Cosimoooo07:18
auronandacen8w: you can share /home itself and use different usernames for each install (they will both be in the same partition but under separate folders)07:18
auronandacen8w: that would be a whole lot easier to manage07:18
n8wauronandace, hmm thats right..07:19
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auronandacen8w: i never bother sharing home folders, i just keep a storage partition to share what i need (also avoids config problems and you can use it with multiple OSes)07:24
n8wauronandace, ye that is a long story behind this and why i wanna do this07:26
n8wauronandace, i have made a backup,so at worst, i can always ow if it fcks up07:26
auronandacen8w: you may be surprised how many don't make backups, i'm very glad you do07:27
n8wauronandace, there is a great change that i will stay with the 64b system,so why to bother creatin some extra stuff, username,new home folder etc07:27
n8wauronandace, change=chance07:28
auronandacen8w: i've been on 64bit for years, no problems here07:28
ArkhanaIḿ still 32b07:28
n8wauronandace, ye?good to hear...last time(long time ago) i have tried, i wasnt rly happy about it:)07:29
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jamesarnetthey everyone check out my blog chromebookparadise.wordpress.com07:32
n8wauronandace, what i wanna do is this: 2 /root partitions /root32 /root64 /home shared between them...i need to test few things first, if it works out the /root32 will be deleted and merged with the /root6407:32
auronandacen8w: merged?07:33
auronandacen8w: i would keep both installations entirely separate07:33
n8wauronandace, ye sry, i meant delete 32 one and resize the 64b07:33
n8wauronandace, i hope that grub will pick up that i have got two installation:)07:34
n8wauronandace, well thx for your input...07:36
jdolesCan anyone tell me how to make pastebinit work? [Ubuntu 12.04 LTS] cat file | pastebinit returns Unknown website, please post a bugreport to request this pastebin to be added (fpaste.org) with contents ~/.pastebinit.xml: <pastebinit><pastebin>fpaste.org</pastebin><author>Anonymous</author><jabberid>nobody@nowhere.org</jabberid><format>text</format></pastebinit>07:36
lezI want to burn .iso to dvd+rw have installed DVD-Tools and tried Brasero and KB3 to no avail any ideas?07:41
megalomixi have an ubuntu server installation07:41
megalomixi would like to clean all the system (removing no default packages)07:41
megalomixis there a command to purge all the packages?07:42
auronandacelez: i prefer xfburn but you should have been able to do it with brasero or k3b quite easily (are you sure you have a dvdrw drive?)07:42
lezauronandace, Yes I use it in Windows!07:43
lezauronandace, I'll look at Xburn07:43
auronandace!info xfburn | lez07:44
ubottulez: xfburn (source: xfburn): CD-burner application for Xfce Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3-5ubuntu1 (raring), package size 426 kB, installed size 1738 kB07:44
jdoleslez: using a different front-end will make no difference.07:44
lezubottu, Are you a Linux professor> :-)07:44
ubottulez: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:44
jdoleslez: you need to make sure that you can burn something first using the underlying tools.07:45
lezubottu, OK bot!07:45
tachyonsubottu :hi07:45
jdoleslez: once that works, you can use tools like k3b.07:45
lezjdoles, Undrelying tools?07:46
jdoleslez: cdrecord/wodim07:47
megalomixis it not possible??07:47
=== Sargun_ is now known as Sargun
lezjdoles, Wife calling DINNER Thanks.07:47
peymanany body there ?07:48
lezpeyman, NO!07:48
WXZhow can I find drivers for the ALC892 chipset?07:49
tony_any one no to use nmap07:50
jeetpeiHi All07:50
jeetpeican anyone please tell me how can i check system.journal file under /var/log/journal07:50
tony_any one no to use nmap07:51
tony_any one no to use nmap07:51
MonkeyDust!repeat | tony_07:51
ubottutony_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:51
seanh_Hey, I'm looking for some way to get my computer to remind me to take a break every 30mins. Can anyone recommend an app or something?07:52
seanh_Just a simple alarm every 30mins would do07:52
jpds!info hamster-applet | seanh_07:52
ubottuseanh_: hamster-applet (source: hamster-applet): time tracking applet for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.91.3+git20120514.b9fec3e1-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 494 kB, installed size 2884 kB07:52
seanh_jpds: Can hamster remind me to take breaks? It seems to be for time tracking07:54
jpdsseanh_: It does.07:55
bkhlIs it possible to get the network-manager instance of dnsmasq to listen to an external interface (in this case host-only VirtualBox network), or do I have to run one separately?07:56
jpdsseanh_: Actually, there is an app for that, but I've forgotten the name.07:59
WXZhow can I find drivers for the ALC892 chipset?08:01
vic501Hi, I've a problem each time I boot my computer. I get a general protection fault on 12.04. System was fine until a couple of months ago. Will upgrading to 13.04 eliminate the problem ?08:02
ShapeShifter499whenever I wanted to install (or reinstall) ubuntu I'd just dd copy it to a flash drive and done, but this method doesn't seem to be working for PPC Ubuntu 12.04, it did before for older versions, any ideas how to get the 12.04 install booting on my powerbook g4?08:03
ximianvic501: Are You absolutelly sure that this isn't hardware fault?08:04
Dewihow can I get the new package manager to show all packages?08:05
DewiUbuntu Software Centre... it doesn't seem familiar with servers, command line stuff, etc08:06
vic501ximian: No, I haven't gone through all the hardware testing. Oh man, just when I was enjoying a stable system, it worked like a charm. It still does once it gets past startup ...08:07
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DeepfriediceDewi: Ubuntu Software Centre isn't really a package manager in the same way as a Synaptic, Aptitude or Muon are.08:20
DeepfriediceSo I'm not really sure that it can; why do you need it to?08:20
DewiDeepfriedice: to install software...08:21
DewiDeepfriedice: I wasn't sure if I was missing some configuration, or people still use synaptic... or just apt-get08:22
DeepfriediceDewi: Okay, but your probably better with some other tool.08:22
DeepfriediceDwei: I use Synaptic.08:23
usr13"Ubuntu Software Center is a one-stop shop for installing and removing software on your computer. It is included in Ubuntu 9.10 and later. "08:24
mercuryrisingi was wondering if anyone could help me with installing linux 10.04 (linuxCNC version) - i load in the live cd, but i can never get past the 'ubuntu .......' screen, as it either errors out or hangs forever. Different errors too, sometimes it says 'BUG plymouthd ...', it just said 'unable to find a medium containing a live file system', what the heck could the error be?08:24
esxDewi: aptitude ftw08:25
Dewiusr13: yeah, apart from the 3 other stops I needed to make :P08:25
Deepfriedicemercuryrising: have you run the integity check?08:25
Dewi(my local mirror seems to be busted too)08:25
mercuryrisingno, how do i do that?08:25
WXZso far I've tried upgrading hardware drivers from system > administration > hardware drivers; alsamixer doesn't show my sound card, neither do my sound preferences, but lspci does. I found out that the audio chipset I have is alc892, how do I get sound?08:25
usr13"Synaptic is a graphical front-end to apt"08:26
mercuryrisingah ha, it might be an option, i'll try that!08:26
usr13WXZ: F608:26
Dewiit's pretty strange how chromium is actively mentioned during install but isn't listed in the software centre...08:27
mercuryrisingim going to guess it's not this though, as i've tried 4 cds burned from 2 isos on two computers08:27
Deepfriediceesx: aptitude is pretty nice, and I use it whenever X isn't running, but I prefer Synaptic, if only for column sorting.08:27
WXZusr13: excuse me?08:27
usr13WXZ: In alsamixer hit F608:27
usr13WXZ: "F6:  Select sound card"08:27
WXZusr13: I see HD-Audio Generic08:28
WXZusr13: it's the wrong one though, it's hdmi sound and I don't know why08:28
usr13lspci |grep -i audio08:29
DeepfriediceDewi: Okay, thats weird. the chromium-browser package exists, but isn't mentioned by USC08:29
WXZ00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Device 1e20 (rev 04)08:29
WXZ02:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Manhattan HDMI Audio [Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series]08:29
WXZI'm trying to get the first one to work,the analog audio08:29
DewiDeepfriedice: yeah, I can sort of understand it for the other fringe stuff I was looking for, but that's a pretty major one08:29
usr13WXZ: Let's see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting08:30
usr13WXZ: F6 in alsamixer08:31
Eremesguys im on ubuntu v9. I tried to sudo apt-get install secure-delete08:31
Eremesbut it couldnt find package08:31
WXZusr13: did that already, doesn't help08:31
Eremesi know its old ubuntu is there anyway i can install it08:31
DeepfriediceEremes: Ubuntu v9?08:31
EremesDeepfriedice: yeah08:32
usr13WXZ: First, do you have speakers of some sort plugged into the "first one", (Intel 1e20)?08:32
WXZusr13: yes08:32
usr13WXZ: Does alsamixer properly identify it?08:32
WXZusr13: no08:32
bkhlEremes: was it maybe called something else back then? "srm" or something?08:32
DeepfriediceEremes: Do you mean 9.10? If so, just update it. There no sense trying to maintain something like that.08:33
Eremeswhy i can't get packages08:34
Eremeslike phyton, secure-delete08:34
bkhlYou can't get _any_ packages?08:34
Eremescan not08:34
usr13WXZ: "alsactl  is  used  to  control advanced settings for the ALSA soundcard drivers"08:34
bkhlAre the repositories from 2009 even around anymore?08:34
ximianvic501: check Your RAM08:35
bkhlEremes: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ ?08:35
usr13WXZ: Is this a Desktop PC?08:35
Eremesso i need to upgrade to 10.04 ?08:35
WXZusr13: yes08:35
usr13What is wrong with the Radeon HD 5000?08:36
bkhlEremes: maybe you can switch your apt source list over to old-releases.ubuntu.com08:36
usr13Which one is the on-board one?08:36
k1l_!eol | Eremes08:36
ubottuEremes: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:36
Eremesbkhl : how to do that ?08:37
usr13!eol | Eremes08:37
ubottuEremes: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:37
Eremesso its dead. sadly08:37
bkhlBut yes, I wouldn't recommend to keep running an unsupported version either. It will not have had any security patches for years.08:37
gordonjcpEremes: upgrade *to* 10.04? o_O08:37
gordonjcpEremes: what on earth are you using now?08:37
k1l_Eremes: its dead since ages08:37
DeepfriediceEremes: Your on 9.04? that came out 4 years ago!08:37
bkhlEremes: no, it's still in the repo on old-releases.ubuntu.com08:37
k1l_Eremes: even 10.04 (which did have long term support) is EOL already08:37
Eremesbkhl: how to add the old rep08:38
bkhlProbably as easy as changing the urls in /etc/apt/sources.list08:38
Eremesi tried to upgrae from 9 to 10.04 yesterday but it wont boot08:38
usr13Eremes: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:38
bkhlYou shouldn't need to boot anything, just run apt-get dist-upgrade08:38
DeepfriediceEremes: you should really upgrade to something recent. Probably 12.04-LTS.08:38
gordonjcpEremes: which Ubuntu are you on just now?08:38
usr13Eremes: What wont boot?08:38
bkhlInstaller I assume.08:38
usr13Eremes: CD?  USB? ____________?08:38
k1l_bkhl: you are aware, that using unsuported releases is not supported?08:39
Eremesusr13: I install from CD version 9.04 then online update to 10.4. but after update completed it wont go to main screen, just black screen08:39
bkhlk1l_: yes, like I just pointed out ...08:39
usr13Eremes: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:39
bkhlBut I assume dist-upgrade from an unsupported release will still work.08:39
gordonjcpEremes: don't install 9.0408:40
starbuckhey, i'm using 12.10 and get freezes every now and then... after a few seconds i can move the mouse again for maybe 1 second and it freezes again... after a few times the system goes back to responding properly... sometimes it's really bad and i have to reboot the laptop. it's really annoying to have such an unreliable system, any hints how to fix this?08:40
k1l_bkhl: ok, you lines sounded like he should stay on 9.0408:40
gordonjcpEremes: 10.04 is now out of support, *just*08:40
usr13starbuck: Fully updated?08:40
gordonjcpEremes: 9.04 has been out of support since about 201008:40
bkhlI said he shouldn't but if he is determined to the old archives are still there.08:40
Eremesgordonjcp: its stressfull.. I cant install 12.04 because my laptop not support "PAE"08:41
Deepfriedicebkhl: "Can" and "Should" are very different.08:41
DeepfriediceOH BOY08:41
usr13Eremes: "PAE"?08:41
DeepfriediceHERE WE GO08:41
WXZusr13: doesn't seem to be anything helpful in the man pages for alsactl08:41
bkhlEremes: http://askubuntu.com/questions/117744/how-can-i-install-on-a-non-pae-cpu-error-kernel-requires-features-not-present08:41
starbuckusr13: yes08:42
Deepfriediceusr13: Physical Address Extentions. His laptop isn't from this decade.08:42
bkhlI'm afraid you are limited to three methods of installation.08:42
bkhlBut maybe that will suffice. ;-)08:42
bkhlWith a laptop that old, lubuntu/xubuntu is probably a better idea than Ubuntu with GNOME anyway.08:42
Eremeswhats the differences in lubuntu vs xubuntu ?08:43
Eremesl and x ?08:43
usr13Eremes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu08:43
bkhlDifferent desktop environments.08:44
bkhlXubuntu = light weight, lubuntu = even more light weight08:44
usr13Eremes: Lubuntu is lde Xubuntu is xfce08:44
Eremesok Will try that08:44
Eremesi will try to update from 9 to 12.04 first08:45
Eremesif its not working ill download lubuntu08:45
usr13Eremes: See  lubunut.net  &  xubuntu.org08:45
spartanFelixIs there a way to configure samba so my laptop isn't shown in windows shares but i can still use windows shares?08:45
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vic501ok, I'll check that08:45
gordonjcpEremes: upgrading from 9.04 to 12.04 will not work08:45
gordonjcpEremes: do a clean install08:45
bkhlThat will in all likelyhood save you some time.08:46
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Eremesgordonjcp: oh ok08:46
Eremesgordonjcp: will do clean install then08:46
gordonjcpEremes: what's the spec of the machine you're installing on?08:46
bkhlSo get lubuntu or xubuntu 12.04 32-bit, as that page on PAE suggests.08:46
EremesThe default "Desktop" installer requires 384-800 MB of RAM (depending on your selected options). If you have any problems, or if you're comfortable using a08:47
Eremesoh no08:47
Eremesonly got 256 RAM08:47
usr13Eremes: Correction: lxde not lde.  See lxde.org and xfce.org08:47
EremesTecra M2V, centrino 1.6GHZ 256 RAM 40GB08:47
usr13Eremes: You need more RAM08:47
gordonjcpEremes: you will need more RAM to run any modern-ish desktop, even LXDE08:47
Eremesso I now I can't install ubuntu because of ram ?08:48
Eremesnow I can't install ubuntu because of the ram ?08:48
gordonjcpEremes: you can't install *anything* because of RAM08:48
DeepfriediceEremes: what laptop ARE you running?08:48
gordonjcpEremes: maybe something non-graphical, *just*, but it will be painful to use with that little RAM08:48
EremesDeepfriedice: toshiba tecra M2v08:48
Eremesits running win xp sp3 fine08:49
Eremesbut i wanna try linux08:49
Eremesbut it seems quite hard to get it done08:49
bkhllde should be fine.08:49
epzil0nEremes: maybe crunchbang will work08:49
usr13Eremes: XP is 12 years old.08:49
bkhl<blasphemy>But I would suggest trying an even more lightweight distribution than Ubuntu</blasphemy>08:49
usr13Eremes: Why don't you just put some more RAM in it?08:50
Deepfriedicebkhl: yeah, I'm thinking debian-LXDE08:50
gordonjcpLXDE won't run on that08:50
gordonjcpnot even close08:50
usr13Eremes: You might be able to get lubuntu installed on it as is, but you *NEED* more RAM.08:50
Eremesoh corection08:51
Eremesi got 512MB RAM08:51
epzil0ncrunchbang is using openbox and should be lighter08:51
bkhlEremes: should be plenty.08:51
gordonjcpEremes: oh, 512M?  LXDE it08:51
Eremesso Lubuntu will works rite ?08:51
bkhllxde.org suggests it has has performance requirements similar to Windows 98.08:51
usr13Eremes: Awesome.  Go for it.  lubuntu will run on 512 ok.  (08:51
gordonjcpEremes: you're still going to need more RAM but it will at least work08:51
gordonjcpXFCE needs more RAM than Unity, these days08:51
gordonjcpthat's a bit sick08:51
Eremesor maybe http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/08:52
Eremesxubuntu ?08:52
Eremesits 512 MB recommended ?08:52
usr13Eremes: 1G is recommended.08:52
Deepfriediceusr13: LXDE might work, but how will it fare with PAE?08:52
bkhlAgain, lxde.org says it's been tested and shown to work fine on a Pentium II 266 Mhz 192 MB08:52
usr13Deepfriedice: I dono08:52
DeepfriediceEremes: Xubntu is too heavy for you, I think.08:52
bkhlDeepfriedice: he does *not* have PAE.08:52
gordonjcpbkhl: "work fine"?08:52
bkhlgordonjcp: they say it was "moderate to fast".08:53
gordonjcpbkhl: LXDE is painful to use on a 1GHz Celeron with 512MB08:53
Deepfriedicebkhl: your right, I meant to write "without PAE?"08:53
bkhlWell, I would have gone with a minimal installation and no "desktop environment"08:53
bkhlMaybe WindowMaker or something.08:53
gordonjcpI'd have stuck OpenWRT on it and used it as a router08:54
EremesWhat about Mint ?08:54
Eremesi think its from ubuntu too08:54
A1ReconWhenever i run this "sudo apt-get install cheese" (for webcam) in Terminal, I get this: Reading package lists... Done08:54
A1ReconBuilding dependency tree08:54
A1ReconReading state information... Done08:54
A1ReconE: The package ttf-mscorefonts-installer needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.08:54
A1ReconPlease help!!08:54
FloodBot3A1Recon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:54
FloodBot1A1Recon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:54
gordonjcpand gone bin-raking for something at least in the P4 end of things08:54
DeepfriediceEremes: Mint is not going to work.08:54
Eremeswhy ?08:54
usr13Eremes: What is the make and model of your laptop?08:55
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usr13A1Recon: Why does it need to be reinstalled?  And what OS are you using?08:55
DeepfriediceEremes: that says 1GB ram?08:55
EremesDeepfriedice: yup but mine only 512MB ram , cheaper version i think08:56
Eremesgot 1.6ghz centrino08:56
Eremesand 40GB ram08:56
epzil0nEremes: openbox will run fine on that08:57
usr13Eremes: So, you have  "Toshiba Tecra M2V (Pentium M 1.5 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB HDD)"?08:57
usr13Eremes: Oh, ok. "cheaper version".08:57
epzil0nEremes: http://crunchbang.org/08:59
usr13Eremes: epzil0n Looks interesting, "32-bit Waldorf for Older PCs (non PAE)"09:01
usr13at: http://crunchbang.org/download09:01
DeepfriediceEremes: Lubuntu is also an option: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements09:02
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Guest10868spartanFelix: Making a computer invisible isn't possible with Windows. SO I guess that it'll be the same with Linux09:03
slacko15124hello, anybody here has problems with freezes and filesystem corruption afterwards? (13.04)09:03
usr13Eremes: "Minimum system requirements for Xubuntu:  512 MiB of system memory (RAM) 5 GB of disk space"09:06
streulmahi, can I run backintime on a server (with VNC gui) ?09:06
usr13Eremes: I use xfce09:07
WXZhow do I get sound for a Intel Corporation Device 1e20 card?09:07
usr13streulma: I don't see why not.09:09
A1Recon1"The package ttf-mscorefonts-installer needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." How do I do this??09:10
epzil0nEremes: but my favorite among these lightweight distros is archbang, but if you are new to linux i think you better go with crunchbang only thing though is that you have to use the dd command to build the usb installer, but if my memory serves me right there's a imagewriter for windows that you can use09:10
usr13streulma: I see that there is  "backintime-gnome - GNOME front-end for backintime" and "backintime-kde - KDE front-end for backintime"09:11
streulmaA1Recon1: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ttf-mscorefonts-installer09:11
Eremesill go get xubuntu i think09:11
A1Recon1streulma: Still getting the same message09:12
usr13streulma: But if you are doing VNC sessions into it, I don't see why there would be a problem with the CLI version.  (But I'm not at all sure I understand what your original question is, so....)09:12
streulmaI had problems with my Debian 6 server upgrade yesterday, pffff, removed Debian and installed Ubuntu Server 12.04 yay!09:12
streulmaA1Recon1: what message?09:13
A1Recon1streulma: "The package ttf-mscorefonts-installer needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."09:13
usr13A1Recon1: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?09:13
A1Recon1usr13: 13.04 Raring Ringtail09:14
streulmaA1Recon1: sudo apt-get remove ttf-mscorefonts-installer and then my command09:14
A1Recon1streulma: what is the command for uninstalling?09:14
A1Recon1streulma: got it09:14
usr13A1Recon1: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:15
Aarunistreulma: what is the difference between apt-get purge, and apt-get remove ?09:15
jpdsAaruni: purge deletes configuration files.09:15
Aaruniand remove, jpds ?09:15
usr13purge is identical to remove except that packages are removed and  purged (any configuration files are deleted too).09:15
jpdsAaruni: Doesn't remove configruation files.09:16
epzil0nEremes: try it and you'll see how it works otherwise check out crunchbang09:16
flamadiddle<--- first time ubuntu :D09:17
jeetpeihow can we check newest logs using journalctl09:17
manjuWhat is the window manager in 13.04 ?09:17
jeetpeihow can we check newest logs using journalctl ?09:18
usr13manju: For Ubuntu it is Unity09:18
jeetpeimanju : window manager ??09:18
usr13manju: Sorry Unity is the Desktop Environment09:18
manjuusr13, How do I restart unity, it crashed and left my windows without decorations.09:18
jeetpeimanju: unity restart shuld work09:19
llutzmanju: isn't compiz the WM?09:19
usr13manju: unity-reset09:20
usr13manju: unity --reset09:20
usr13I think...09:20
manjuthat made it worse09:21
usr13manju: Made what worse?09:21
manjuNow I my windows have menubars but no decorations.09:21
usr13manju: unity --reset-icons ?09:22
usr13Oh, menubars?  I dono about that.09:22
manjuusr13, I can't type anything, the terminal does not have keyboard focus.09:22
usr13"keyboard focus"?09:23
Aarunialt+tab ?09:23
manjuAaruni, no window manager == no alt-tab09:23
sharpshooterhai , I have an app downloaded in my home directory every time I need to open the app I want to got to home folder and run that app, is there any way to add the name of the app to shell like when I type the app name foo the foo app will be open !09:24
usr13manju: To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add09:24
jeetpeimanju: alt+f2 then type command09:24
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manjuGuys, I don't have a window manager or desktop manager at all.09:25
manjuI can't do any of the above things.09:25
Aarunimanju: reboot ?09:25
Aarunimaybe ?09:25
varunendramanju, how about ctrl+alt+f1 for tty1 > log-in > "unity" > ctrl+alt+f7 to get back in GUI09:26
lkthomashey guys, what's the standard way to config grub.cfg file ?09:26
manjuvarunendra, the X does not have permission to execute remote connections.09:26
jeetpeilkthomas: if you want to edit grub config you should go from grub manu then press e and edit09:27
varunendramanju, are you on a remote machine?09:27
Aarunilkthomas: maybe this will be of some help : http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html09:27
lkthomasjeetpei: I want to put it into system level09:27
sharpshooterhai , I have an app downloaded in my home directory every time I need to open the app I want to got to home folder and run that app, is there any way to add the name of the app to shell like when I type the app name foo the foo app will be open !09:27
manjuvarunendra, no local09:27
lkthomasfor some reason newly installed kernel didn't use UUID to boot thus cause kernel panic09:28
jpdslkthomas: /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/09:28
manjuvarunendra, xhost + has not been done on the X display.09:28
usr13manju: To restart Unity:  Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace09:28
streulmaAaruni: you can do apt-get remove --purge also / cc usr1309:29
Jordan_Ulkthomas: Most likely the real problem is that your initramfs isn't being generated properly. Please pastebin the output of "ls /boot/".09:29
lkthomasJordan_U: http://pastebin.ca/237547909:30
A1Recon1usr13: i got this message from microsoft (EULA) . How do i hit OK? It's unclickable, enter button doesn't work either09:30
usr13manju: To answer your first question, (which was what is the window manager for Ubuntu 13.04), it's compiz (by default).09:30
manjuusr13, Yeah, I got it, it is crashing.09:30
usr13A1Recon1: Try the Tab key.09:30
varunendramanju, Its beyond my understanding I'm afraid, btw, windows manager in unity is 'metacity' I believe..09:31
lkthomashow come 3.8.8 initrd is missing09:31
usr13manju: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:31
lkthomashow could I generate it again09:31
A1Recon1usr13: Thanks!!09:31
enav1hello, why i cant share ethernet internet through my wifi card on Ubuntu 13.04 just like i did in the past with 12.0409:31
lkthomasI think I know why09:32
Jordan_Ulkthomas: vmlinuz-3.8.8 doesn't have a corresponding initrd.img, and root=UUID requires an initrd (which is why grub didn't use root=UUID, since it knew it couldn't work).09:32
lkthomasforget ti add -initrd on make-kpkg09:32
lkthomasJordan_U: for me make-kpkg takes forever, any quick fix on this ?09:33
usr13!ics | enav109:33
ubottuenav1: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing09:33
Deepfriedicesharpshooter: I think you can put it in $HOME/bin/09:33
lkthomasJordan_U: update-initramfs -u would work ?09:34
enav1usr13: i followed those steps as usual but, my phone cant see the network, my laptop sees the network but cant connect, is this an specific 1304 bug ?09:34
enav1would be great if some one can confirm it09:34
lkthomas update-initramfs -c -k 3.8.809:34
lkthomaslet's see09:34
manjuBah...it needed a reboot, all because I did alt-tab09:35
manjustupid dumbass os09:35
manjuOh...well thanks guys, enjoy yourselves.09:35
lkthomasall done, update-grub all fine09:35
Aarunimanju: which one /09:35
lkthomasthanks Jordan_U09:35
usr13enav1: I'm sorry, but you would have to explain in more detail exactly what it is you are trying to do.09:35
manjuAaruni, what ?09:36
Aarunidumbass os09:36
Aaruniwhich version09:36
usr13manju: What?09:36
enav1Im just trying to connect share internet using wifi to my other devices like phones and laptop09:36
usr13manju: did you do:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?09:36
manjuusr13, no09:36
usr13manju: Why?09:36
usr13manju: Is this a fresh install?09:37
manjuusr13, Yes.09:37
jmmyMy system has an email system already setup I'm guessing, how can I determine which one?09:37
manjuusr13, it did an automatic update, I saw a blinky icon and clicked it and it upgraded the os.09:37
usr13manju: Ctrl-Alt-F6  Login and do   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:37
Jordan_Ulkthomas: You're welcome.09:38
manjuusr13, ok.09:38
usr13manju:  (Alt-RightArrow to go back to GUI)09:38
llutzjmmy: aptitude search '?provides(mail-transport-agent)'|grep ^i09:38
lkthomasJordan_U: any chance to fix the original .deb kernel image without remake it ?>09:38
manjuusr13, Thank you.09:38
manjuThere is nothing to upgrade.09:39
usr13manju: So what are you seeing on the screen?09:39
usr13(in the GUI)09:39
Jordan_Ulkthomas: Possible? Probably. Worth taking the time and effort to try to do without accidentally screwing something up? Probably not.09:39
usr13manju: Do you want to try a different Desktop Environment?  (Like xfce?)09:40
lkthomasJordan_U: LOL09:40
manjuusr13, not really, not right now. But maybe kde later.09:40
usr13manju: if so, just do:   sudo apt-get install xunbuntu-desktop09:40
lkthomasJordan_U: maybe remake is better09:40
manjuusr13, Ah...thanks for the tip.09:40
usr13manju: (xfce is what I use) (to me, it is simplier-easier)09:41
jmmyllutz, thx09:42
pii3Guys Please let users to choose between gnome Classic and Modern Theme :(09:43
WXZI still have no sound and amsad09:44
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NarcTixas its quiet and maybe off topic can anyone lend an ear to a boa constructor issue on two ubuntu 12.04 desktops?09:49
NarcTixone is running kde and one is running gnome-shell09:49
NarcTixbasically it wont import the module, although using the module finer and using the shell it imports fine.09:51
streulmaguys, I see the Ubuntu community is growing, I think I install Ubuntu on my Macbook Pro09:51
streulmawhat version of Ubuntu to run ?09:51
NarcTix8.04! was my favourite but it was more like Debian (imho) than it is today09:52
jpdsstreulma: Your choice.09:52
streulmais the problem solved in 13.04 to change background color ?09:52
NarcTixso 8.0409:52
jpdsNarcTix: Which is dead?09:52
jpdsstreulma: Which problem?09:53
NarcTixjpds and exactly my point!09:53
streulmajpds: you cannot change the background color in 13.04 like before in 12.10 and 12.0409:53
jpdsstreulma: Background colour, or picture?09:53
streulmajpds: the Ubuntu wallpaper09:53
streulmajpds: desktop wallpaper09:54
jmmyhow do you check if a package is installed?09:54
streulmajpds: you can choose a color but it will not work09:54
jpdsstreulma: I find that hard to believe.09:54
streulmajmmy: dpkg -l09:54
jpdsstreulma: I can see that I can add an image to my backgrounds.09:54
NarcTixjmmy dpkg --list | grep <packagename>09:54
streulmajpds: yes that works but the other option to choose a background color will not change the color09:55
NarcTixyou should then see [ii] next to it or nothing returned from stdout09:55
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smushifihello, is it not possible to create a logical volume w FDE when doing a manual install of 12.0+ ?09:56
jmmystreulma, NarcTix thx09:56
jpdsstreulma: Hmm, interesting.09:56
streulmajpds: like an other bug in the installer was: Verg mijn wachtwoord in place of Vraag mijn wachtwoord09:57
streulmajpds: I reported that bug and it was solved in 13.04 release :)09:57
streulmajpds: another bug is Skype that won't start up09:58
usr13streulma: Skype won't start up?09:58
Aaruniwow. that's a lot of bugs in 13.0409:58
streulmathe skype sound in 13.04 is ugly09:59
usr13streulma: What error do you get?09:59
NarcTixusr13 tail -f /var/log/messages when trying to start the service09:59
usr13streulma: Wait, the sound is ugly?  (I thought you said it woudn't start up.)09:59
ArkanosAaruni: I have the bug that I only have a wallpaper and a mouse in Ubuntu 10.0409:59
NarcTixalthough I see alot has been removed from syslog from 10.04 to 12.0409:59
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usr13NarcTix: Thanks, (but it's streulma with the problem).10:00
streulmausr13: oh yes, I can start Skype with a fix, but the sound...10:00
NarcTixusr13 ok10:00
usr13streulma: What was the fix?10:00
AaruniArkanos: I counldn't comprehend your reply...10:00
streulmaeuhm wait10:00
NarcTixstreulma what do you get from tail -f /var/log/messages when you try to start the service?10:01
streulmausr13 NarcTix: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/04/fix-skype-not-working-in-ubuntu-1304.html10:01
ubottuRudiroby: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:01
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ArkanosAaruni: What do you mean?10:02
NarcTixstreulma cool, but what was the errors you got in term and in messages?10:02
AaruniI didn't understand this -> <Arkanos> Aaruni: I have the bug that I only have a wallpaper and a mouse in Ubuntu 10.0410:02
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streulmaNarcTix: not checked, I thought a segmentation fault10:02
PoNutzI have doen aa small "hello world" java program and want it to run with java helloworld.js (in linux ofc).10:03
PoNutzin netbeans10:03
ArkanosAaruni: When I load the live CD in my computer, no icons or menu bar appeat10:03
PoNutzbut it tells me to go to dist and run java -jar helloworld.java (that work btw).10:03
PoNutzBut I want to transfer this file around and move it wihtin our linux servers..10:03
ArkanosAaruni: Also even after 10 minutes waiting10:03
Aarunihmm.. you've got the mother of all bugs...10:03
NarcTixPoNutz use rsyn over ssh10:04
ArkanosAaruni: And a 10-year old PC...10:04
Aaruniits a sign, that you should upgrade your PC10:04
usr13streulma: Ok. That's interesting.10:04
ArkanosAaruni: No, I just use other versions of Linux. It will take very long before Iĺl upgrade my PC10:05
ArkanosAaruni: Maybe over 7 years or so...10:05
Aaruniwhy so ?10:05
NarcTixArkanos try bringing a server up after it fails to boot and doesent have enough RAM to load a live cd. Then you will know!10:05
usr13Aaruni: 10.04?  It's EOL10:06
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:06
ArkanosAaruni: Because there are enough lightweight Linux distros10:06
Aaruniok, cool10:06
ArkanosNarcTix: How can I bring up a server?10:06
icedwaterHi, anyone know if it is safe to remove the other language options in the syslinux boot menu set up by usb-creator-gtk?10:06
Aaruniusr13: I am using 12.04... i believe that was meant for Arkanos10:07
NarcTixwasnt it March when updates finished? Does that include back patches (security) and not updates. Is there a longer period for security patches?10:07
usr13Ok, 12.04 is good, LTS10:07
ArkanosAaruni: It wa 12.04 instead of 10.0410:09
NarcTixArkanos boot a server10:10
ArkanosNarcTix: How?10:10
ArkanosNarcTix: Does it require wired internet?10:10
usr1310.04 EOL = May 9, 2013 (Desktop) April 2015 (Server)10:10
NarcTixArkanos nvm I was giving an example at frustration at not being able to boot a box10:11
epzil0nis it not possible to install google chrome in ubuntu 13.04?10:11
lolbatepzil0n: apt-get isntall10:11
usr13epzil0n: I don't know why not?10:11
Arkanosepzil0n: It is called Chromium10:11
ArkanosNot Chrome10:11
epzil0nArkanos: yeah the unbranded one10:12
epzil0ni want google chrome10:12
WXZI still have no sound, I've tried messing around with the alsa mixer too10:12
Ben64chrome exists10:12
epzil0nsudo apt-get -f install only removes the package and tells me there's something wrong with the package10:12
streulmaepzil0n usr13: another bug, Chrome, but I have a fix :)10:12
epzil0nstreulma: ok?10:13
Arkanosepzil0n: Do it with the software center10:13
usr13Google Chrome vs Chromium, see:  http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome10:13
epzil0nArkanos: it's not there only chromium ;)10:13
a10killer_I am having an issue with an externa hardrive in kubuntu and am wondering if anyone is able to help?10:13
streulmaepzil0n: wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/175-0ubuntu19/+build/4325788/+files/libudev0_175-0ubuntu19_amd64.deb10:14
usr13streulma: I have a fix:  LTS   :)10:14
Arkanosepzil0n: It doesn matter. Chroium is exactly the same as Chrome10:14
Ben64not exactly10:14
usr13a10killer_: Sure10:14
Ben64anyway, check the ppa epzil0n www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/google_chrome10:14
streulmaepzil0n: sudo dpkg -i libudev*.deb10:14
Arkanosepzil0n: do you understand these commands?10:15
NarcTixI have a question Ive upgraded two 10.04 to 12.04 why has aptitude been removed during upgrade and not on the other. The upgrades where well staggered at least 2 months?10:15
usr13"Google Chrome is the Chromium open source project built, packaged, and distributed by Google"10:15
epzil0nstreulma: ah, that will probably work :)10:15
a10killer_ok, well I have a toshiba external hardrive, 1.5 TB, I have succesfully partitioned a 30GB and 4GB volume for kubuntu through GPARTED, but kubuntu's instalation process and file system does not dtect it10:16
lkthomasinteresting, I am trying to add a script into init.d, but when I execute it, it's all code echo out10:16
NarcTixiirc you need to use a ppa for chromium?10:16
usr13!aptitude | NarcTix10:16
ubottuNarcTix: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and 12.04) as aptitude cannot  handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.10:16
a10killer_and when it does i get this error Error mounting: mount: /dev is not a valid block device kubuntu10:16
a10killer_I am currently using kubuntu through another flashdrive10:16
wilee-nileea10killer_, An external will not give you very good performance.10:16
usr13NarcTix: Can't you just use apt?10:17
Jordan_Ua10killer_: How are you attempting to mount it?10:17
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icedwaterIs there a way to activate the password lock function when I lock my screen? I'm on the live USB.10:17
a10killer_by  kubuntus instalation process10:17
usr13a10killer_: Is it formatted?10:17
a10killer_yes, EST410:18
NarcTixusr13 yes I can just asking as Im a amatuer dev and looking at why aptitude was removed off one of my boxes I upgraded but the other that was a similair setup still has aptitude?10:18
usr13a10killer_: sudo fdisk -l   #See what it says.10:18
MrHankey#msg adamx hey10:18
usr13NarcTix: I dono.  I haven't used aptitude in a long time, don't need ti.10:19
a10killer_It does not show my external harrive, just my internal10:19
Ben64NarcTix: you can still install aptitude10:19
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usr13a10killer_: sudo fdisk -l   Doesn't show the external HD?10:20
NarcTixben64 I know but what was the diff between the two boxes that caused it to be removed off one but not the other is what I was looking for10:20
icedwaterIt's possible to do a proper install of *buntu + grub onto an external hard disk and boot from there, right?10:20
NarcTixto much to ask really10:20
a10killer_but GPARTED does10:20
usr13a10killer_: What kind of drive is it?10:20
a10killer_give me a sec10:20
usr13a10killer_: Something wrong there, gparted sees it and fdisk doesn't ?  Are you sure?10:21
NarcTixa10killer is the drive mounted? what does fdisk -l show?10:21
Jordan_Uicedwater: Correct.10:21
usr13a10killer_: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit   #Send us resulting URL, we'll have a look.10:22
a10killer_it is a toshiba canvio 1.5 TB10:22
NarcTixa10killer you might need to sudo fdisk -l if your using a server depends how they script there kickstart10:23
usr13a10killer_: If you are going to install on it, why not just run the installer?10:24
epzil0nnice, now google chrome works and the solution was the libudev* package, thx :)10:24
a10killer_SDA is my internal hardrive10:25
jephbcan i have the link where i can download  packet tracer for ubuntu 12.04 .pls help!10:25
jpdsjephb: Packet tracer?10:25
jpdsjephb: You mean like tcpdump?10:25
a10killer_SDB is my flashdrive10:26
NarcTixa10killer what was your initial problem?10:26
a10killer_kubuntu does not recognize my external hardrive for installation10:26
jephbyes packet tracer10:26
NarcTixa10killer at what stage?10:26
jephbcisco network similator10:26
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a10killer_at the preparing stage, it gives me a warnign that it cant be mounted10:27
NarcTixa10killer during boot or when the guis loaded?10:27
usr13a10killer_: What is your end goal?  (What exactly are you wanting to do?)10:28
a10killer_to get kubuntu installed on my computer10:28
a10killer_i mean external hardrive10:28
a10killer_i only have abouth 50 gigs left on my ine=ternal hardrive10:29
usr13a10killer_: Here is a test you can do:  open a terminal and issue command:  tail -f /var/log/syslog   Plug in the drive and see what it says.10:29
NarcTixa10killer looking at your pate bin your boot flag is on the wrong partition10:29
ra-fihi i got below error when ssh to other machines PTY allocation request failed on channel 0 what is that issue10:29
NarcTixa10killer needs to be on your /boot part /dev/sda1 not on what looks like / or maybe /var10:30
usr13a10killer_: If it's a desktop PC, why not just install the drive permanently, (inside the box)?10:30
a10killer_that is the tails command10:30
a10killer_its a laptop10:31
usr13a10killer_: Here is a test you can do:  open a terminal and issue command:  tail -f /var/log/syslog   Plug in the drive and see what it says. (Plug and unplug several times, and try different USB ports.)10:31
a10killer_low memory10:31
Jordan_UNarcTix: a10killer_: GNU/Linux doesn't care about boot flags.10:31
a10killer_I have 2 usb 3.0 ports10:31
NarcTixjoran_U nice to learn that10:32
a10killer_so that is where i ma stuck10:32
usr13a10killer_:  ntfsresize?10:33
sharpshooterDeepfriedice, sorry my connection was lost, back to ques I copied  the app dir files to /home/username/bin but when I type the executable file name in terminal (global) its not working in  my case app name is AptanaStudio310:33
usr13a10killer_: Where is the ntfs file system?10:34
a10killer_It was orignally NTFS, I was instructed to format and partition it to EXT410:34
a10killer_I have all the original files saved ofcourse and can restore it if need be10:34
usr13a10killer_: Again:  If you were going to install on it, why didn't you just boot the install media and go through the normal install process?10:35
sharpshooterDeepfriedice, ??10:35
a10killer_i tried, unetbootin does not recognize the hardrive10:35
lkthomasguys, I am trying to execute a shell script but instead of execute, it print all codes inside10:36
lkthomashow to know what is going on ?10:36
usr13a10killer_: I would say there is something wrong with the drive.  You might try a reboot.10:36
NarcTixisnt unetbootin only for usb although it lets you use hds?10:36
xatr0zlkthomas: is the file executable ?10:36
Jordan_Ulkthomas: How are you trying to execute the script?10:36
a10killer_unetbootin has an option for HD's10:36
lkthomasxatr0z: yes10:37
lkthomasJordan_U: ./scst or bash -x scst; same problem10:37
NarcTixyeah it does but I think it only acctually works with usb10:37
usr13lkthomas: chmod +x script.sh10:37
a10killer_well I dont know how i would get the software onlt the hardrive and make it bootable10:37
lkthomasusr13: done, same10:37
Jordan_Ulkthomas: Do you know what the "-x" flag means?10:37
lkthomasJordan_U: yes10:37
usr13lkthomas: sh script.sh10:38
NarcTixa10killer_, you could use dd10:38
lkthomasusr13: same thing, it prints10:38
xatr0zlkthomas: what does head -n 1 scst give ?10:38
usr13lkthomas: It prints ______________________?10:38
NarcTixa10killer_, it will basically mirror the disk you set as source to the target10:39
Jordan_Ulkthomas: It prints each command executed to stderr, with a '+' at the beginning?10:39
usr13lkthomas: pastebinit your-script.sh     #And send us resultying URL, we'll have a look.10:39
a10killer_i have to find out how to use it/find it first. thanks!10:39
NarcTixa10killer_, it uses if= as the input source and of= as the output source10:39
sharpshooterhai guys I have an application in my home folder every time i want to open the app I need to got to the path and run from them is there any way to call the app from global in terminal like an installed app ??10:40
NarcTixa10killer_, its dangerous if you dont know your systems file system structure though10:40
usr13sharpshooter: Put it somewhere in your path.10:40
usr13sharpshooter: You can put it in ~/bin10:41
usr13sharpshooter: Make sure ~/bin is in your path.10:41
Jordan_Ulkthomas: I don't think you know what "bash -x" and "set -x" do. What they do is tell bash to print every command executed to stderr with '+' characters at the beginning, which with simple scripts is a lot like printing the script.10:41
a10killer_well, I have a years worth of research on this computer, so danger is bad! :D10:41
sharpshooterusr13, yes I copied the files in app folder to /home/username/bin10:41
usr13sharpshooter:  $PATH10:41
icedwaterJordan_U: thanks.10:41
usr13sharpshooter: ls -l ~/bin   #Do you see executable bit?10:42
sharpshooterusr13, but its not working when i called the from global in m case AptanaStudio310:42
Jordan_Uicedwater: You're welcome.10:43
nafaHi, I'd like to add a custom launcher, but it seems Gnome 3 doesn't look in ~/.local/share/applications. I don't want to add the launcher system-wide, is there another place I can add it?10:43
usr13sharpshooter: Does it have a unique name?10:43
sharpshooterusr13, how to know the ls -l ~/bin is in my executable bit ?10:43
a10killer_anyways, my hardrive cant be accesed through kubuntu... i get this error Error mounting: mount: /dev is not a valid block device10:43
sharpshooterusr13, yes10:43
usr13sharpshooter: ls -l ~/bin/    #Send us resulting URL, we'll have a look.10:44
NarcTixbash -x is for the old (vunrubale to sniffing) way of doing x11 forwarding . You should change it for -Y now.10:44
sharpshooterusr13, sure10:44
usr13sharpshooter: ls -l ~/bin/ |pastebinit   #Send us resulting URL, we'll have a look.10:44
Jordan_UNarcTix: No, that's ssh -X. bash -x does what I explained.10:44
NarcTixJordan_U my eyes didnt catch the case :)10:45
sharpshooterusr13, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/5641090/10:45
a10killer_alright, this is giving me a pain, Im gonna copy all my windows files to the hardrive and just dual boot10:45
a10killer_thanks for your time10:46
icedwatera10killer_: sorry, I missed the earlier conversation.10:46
a10killer_not a problem10:46
icedwaterWhy would you need to copy the Windows files over?10:46
NarcTixa10killer what was your prob again?10:46
a10killer_kubuntu does not recognize my extrarnal hardrive for installation10:47
a10killer_but i can partition it with GPARTes10:47
a10killer_i also cannot access the hardrive due to the previoul=sly stated error10:47
NarcTixa10killer hows it connected usb,esta?10:47
sharpshooterusr13, ??10:48
NarcTixa10killer and it halts boot, just doesent pick up?10:48
usr13sharpshooter: $PATH |pastebinit10:49
a10killer_during the instalation, on the second stage(preparing) i rrecieve an error that my hardrive cannot be mounted, it then throws me to the screen where i pick where i want it installed10:49
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NarcTixfinished a night shift and there drilling outside my house :(10:50
lkthomasJordan_U: you mean I should x instead ?10:50
lkthomasJordan_U: you mean I should -x instead ?10:50
JoanetHi all. I want to freeze my users running an script at user's login that copies the /etc/skel directory to the user's home. How can I get the user name for doing the cp operation?10:50
NarcTixa10killer what file system is it?10:51
sharpshooterusr13, an error is getting when trying to pastebinit err: bash: /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games: No such file or directory10:51
sharpshooterYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.10:51
a10killer_it used to be NTSF, same problem10:52
usr13sharpshooter: Are you sure you got all the files?  Maybe you should just put the original file there and unzip it?  mv Aptana_Studio_3_Setup_Linux_x86_3.4.0.zip ~/bin/ && unzip Aptana_Studio_3_Setup_Linux_x86_3.4.0.zip10:52
NarcTixa10killer tbh sounds like the drives dead.10:52
usr13sharpshooter: Oh, it's not in your path.10:53
a10killer_hardrive? just bought it today10:53
usr13sharpshooter: Sorry... you need to put ~/bin/ in your path.10:53
sharpshooterusr13, then how can I add it to my $PATH ?10:53
NarcTixa10killer cant see it being that tbh unless its connected to a hw raid controller10:53
sharpshooterusr13, like this ? if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"fi10:54
NarcTixa10killer your drives dead, get a new drive install to it then try and mount the old one and see what you can recover10:55
WXZanyone know where to get alsa-base 1.0.23 for lucid lynx?10:55
varunendrasharpshooter, add /home/bin to your PATH declaration line in .bashrc file in your home.10:57
icedwaterNarcTix: just bought the disk today and it died, a10killer_ must be really unlucky.10:57
varunendrasharpshooter, sorry, it should be /home/<user id>/bin10:58
usr13sharpshooter: Should already be in your path.10:58
usr13sharpshooter: grep PATH .profile    #Tell us what that says.10:58
CatKillerHi there! I've got something worrying here on Ubuntu 8.0.4 Server LTS: I have a RAID 5 built on 3 enterprise class disks (checked with smartctl, appear all good, no reallocated sectors) and Ubuntu runs a monthly check of the array. After the check, the "mismatch_cnt" value of the RAID goes through the roof, ammounting to 193GB worth of mismatched blocks.10:58
CatKillerI've searched around and it doesn't seem to be normal10:58
CatKillerCould this be a bug with Ubuntu 8.0.4?10:59
sharpshooterusr13, # set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists    PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"11:00
NarcTixicedwater ah didnt know that, if its windows not booting . Something Ive come across alot doing dual boots with windows is that it doesent like resizing if the disk has any errors or bad sectors on it. The ones that did all BS11:00
usr13sharpshooter: ok it's there.  So what command are you using to run AptanaStudio3 ?11:00
sharpshooterusr13, yes AptanaStudio311:01
usr13sharpshooter: AptanaStudio3.sh11:02
shomonhi I have an hp pavilion dv1000, what ubuntu can I install on it so that I can run mixx!11:02
usr13sharpshooter: Oh wait.  The executable bit.11:02
usr13sharpshooter: chmod +x ~/bin/AptanaStudio3.sh11:03
shomonor is there a good place to ask about linux sound apps?11:03
usr13sharpshooter: That should fix it.11:03
sharpshooterusr13, trying !11:03
varunendrasharpshooter, I don't see the 'bin' folder in YOUR home (~/bin/) in your PATH. I think that's the problem11:04
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usr13sharpshooter: But it doesn't look to me like everything is where it should be because I'm seeing symlink  aptana -> Aptana_Studio_3/AptanaStudio3.sh  And I do not see where the directory Aptana_Studio_3/ is.11:04
sharpshooterusr13, yeah! its working !!11:04
NarcTixto run shell scripts without setting them executable you can use the env to run them i.e /bin/sh  /bin/bash/script.sh11:04
usr13sharpshooter: Oh ok11:04
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sharpshooterusr13, that directory is in /home/username folder11:05
usr13sharpshooter: Sorry I didn't see that at first.11:05
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usr13sharpshooter: Well, you probably should have unzipped the file in ~/bin/ in the first place, but... if it works, it works.11:06
sharpshooterusr13, is it possible to add a symlink to bin of another dir ?11:06
sharpshooterusr13, varunendra : thanks !! :)11:07
usr13sharpshooter: Sure.  We do that all the time.  Just put the symlink in ~/bin/  and put the files somewhere else.11:07
usr13/usr/lib/ or ......11:07
NarcTixsharpshooter yes it is but not advisable imho11:07
usr13sharpshooter: And that way, you can name it whatever you want.11:08
shomoncan I download ubuntu 9.10 or equivalent for a very old laptop?#11:08
cfhowlettshomon, lubuntu or xubuntu are best for old equipment11:08
cfhowlettshomon, you can probably run the current version ... no need to run and end of life version11:09
gvo9.10 won't be receiving any security updates.11:09
usr13sharpshooter: you could put the symlink in /usr/local/bin11:09
sharpshooterusr13, you can see in 4 line of http://paste.ubuntu.com/5641090/ that I created a aptana -> Aptana_Studio_3/AptanaStudio3.sh but its not working  what I should do inn order to work that ?11:09
shomonwhat is the difference between l and x?11:09
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usr13sharpshooter: Oh yea, because the path is different now.11:09
shomoncfhowlett: it;s incredibly slow, and mixx doesnt work11:09
usr13sharpshooter: You would have to change it to complete path.11:09
shomonit an't figure out the mp3 controller11:09
cfhowlettshomon, lxde and xfce4 are window enviroments ...  look and feel.  pretty similar, both are lightweight11:10
gvoshomon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFlavors11:10
shomonah there is a external mp3 controller called a mixtracker pro which it won't connect to11:10
sharpshooterusr13, ohkk I just did the wrong method hmmm.11:10
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usr13sharpshooter: Well, yea, we didn't think it through.11:11
shomonooh wow I didn-t know about ubuntu gnome11:11
shomonthat's great11:11
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WXZhelp, I need sound.11:12
usr13sharpshooter: Several ways to go about it.. and some are a little better than others.  You can tinker with it later and get it where you want it to be.11:12
sharpshooterusr13, thanks a lot ! I am going to test all of them :)11:13
usr13WXZ: Do you have working speakers plugged into an active port?11:13
usr13sharpshooter: Okeydokey.11:13
WXZusr13: yes11:13
NarcTixusr13 thats why we love Linux11:13
EaglemanIs rabbitmq installed by default on ubuntu server, and if not, how can i see for what it was installed ( depency of another packet )?11:14
makaraWXZ, unlikely you will get help on packages for such an old distro11:14
gvowxz does sound work on any other OS?11:14
smushifii'd like to reinstall ubuntu on my machine with FDE, keeping my dual boot with windows. i've read conflicting things about whether this is or is not possible though, and have yet to find a good guide11:14
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usr13WXZ: Ok.  Let's do a test:   play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*11:14
usr13WXZ: What does that do?11:15
makaranew distros plug old problems. Save yourself a lot of effort11:15
usr13WXZ: lsb_release -r11:15
usr13Tell us what that says....11:15
WXZALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1010:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave11:16
EaglemanIs rabbitmq installed by default on ubuntu server, and if not, how can i see for what it was installed ( depency of another packet )?11:16
jribEagleman: apt-cache rdepends11:16
WXZRelease:10.04 (yeah, I have lucid)11:16
ubottuWXZ,: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:16
usr13!EOL | WXZ11:17
ubottuWXZ: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:17
cfhowlettWXZ, oops.  never mind ... you probably have server, right?11:17
usr13WXZ: Upgrade to 12.0411:17
usr13WXZ: Is it a server?11:17
gvo10.04 isn't end of life?11:17
WXZno, I don't, and ok, even though I don't want to11:17
usr13WXZ: Is it ubuntu-server?11:17
cfhowlettgvo, server goes for 5 years not 311:17
WXZgvo: it ended April11:18
WXZright now is May11:18
usr13WXZ: Is it Desktop edition?11:18
cfhowlettWXZ, officially, last day of support is May 9 ... still time to upgrade to a non-dead distro11:18
usr13Upgrade to 12.0411:18
WXZI'm doing that now, I don't want to relearn things though11:19
Ben64theres nothing to relearn11:19
cfhowlettWXZ, relearn?  huh?11:19
NarcTixIm pretty sure server gets longer? Im not up to date with ubuntu release structure?11:20
cfhowlettNarcTix, server gets 5 years of support11:20
Twenty-threehi guys, i had to do a hard reset, after a presentation i clicked to switch off but it didn't, the screen was blank with 4 red dots in the middle, after the hard reset it took a while to load the OS GUI and then i tried to turn it off again, then it displayed the following http://oi42.tinypic.com/10x6hxk.jpg and i did the hard reset again11:20
jpdsNarcTix: You're not up to date.11:20
gvoBen64 you obvously arent running Unity11:20
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cfhowlettNarcTix, LTS server gets 5 years of support11:20
Twenty-threeany clues what could be wrong and how to fix it?11:20
jpdscfhowlett: Server and desktop get the same time of support.11:20
cfhowlettjpds, not on LTS ...11:20
jpdscfhowlett: It does.11:21
usr13WXZ: grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades11:21
cfhowlettjpds 12.04 both got 5 years.  As I understand it, this was the first and last time for that11:21
usr13WXZ: Tell us what   ^^^^ that says11:21
jpdscfhowlett: Last time?11:21
WXZusr13: Prompt=lts11:21
cfhowlettjpds, next version of desktop LTS is slated for 36 months of support ... not 60 months11:22
usr13WXZ: Good.11:22
WXZwhy is that good?11:22
jpdscfhowlett: Citation please.11:22
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)11:22
usr13WXZ: Because you can upgrade to 12.04 (skipping the ones in between).11:22
jpdscfhowlett: Says nothing about the next LTS.11:23
WXZusr13: I'd rather create another partition and move over, auto-upgrades suck for me11:23
usr13WXZ: If you want to use cli, you can do:  sudo  do-release-upgrade11:23
cfhowlettjpds ... OK.  We'll check 14.04 and both be pleasantly surprised ...11:23
usr13WXZ: Why do auto upgrades suck for you?11:23
NarcTixwith LTS can you actually call someone?11:23
usr13WXZ: Was your 10.04 fully updated?11:24
jpdsNarcTix: Call someone?11:24
cfhowlettNarcTix, call?  meaning ... what?11:24
usr13NarcTix: Sure, you can call me  :)11:24
WXZusr13: yes, it is, but a lot of programs don't work after the upgrades11:24
cfhowlettzubi, greetings11:24
usr13WXZ: What programs?11:24
zubiI thanks11:24
usr13WXZ: You sure?11:24
jpdsNarcTix: Sure, if you buy Canonical support: http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=41_3811:25
WXZusr13: I don'tremember, and yes11:25
NarcTixdoes LTS mean you get support like red hat?11:25
jpdsNarcTix: No.11:25
usr13jpds: Hey, cut it out, I need the money!  ;)11:25
NarcTixor similar support11:25
zubican i talk to someOne individually11:25
cfhowlettNarcTix, ubuntu has paid support options.  LTS means the distro will be maintained and updated for 5 years.11:25
jpdsNarcTix: No, you need to buy that from Canonical.11:25
usr13zubi: Yes, /mst user-name And say something.11:25
cfhowlettzubi, keep it in channel for best results11:25
usr13zubi: Yes, /msg user-name And say something.11:26
zubicfhowlett, i was trying to run a kernel module example11:26
zubimodule loads and can be viewed in /proc/modules11:26
gvozubi: "zubi: Yes, /msg user-name And say something." but don't11:26
NarcTixthats cool, if your going to pay its for fixing issues, not just using our products!11:26
zubibut no result is displayed11:26
cfhowlettzubi, no idea what that means, but stay in channel.  Lots of smart users here11:27
zubican some one gude me about linux kernel programming in general11:28
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)11:28
NarcTixzubi in what way? Compiling a kernel may be beyond the support of the channel but individuals may help.11:29
DJonesgille: Stop that11:29
FloodBot1gille: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:29
FloodBot3gille: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:29
NarcTixzubi if your aasking for kernel dev wrong chan11:30
* cfhowlett says: smite him now, smite him hard11:30
zubiNarcTix I actully want to compile a module for kernel11:30
zubinot he whole cernel11:30
NarcTixzubi whats the module?11:30
cfhowlettsacrificetofree, greetings11:30
zubiNarcTrix .. see the link http://www.tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/lkmpg.html11:31
sacrificetofreetotally new guy here11:31
sacrificetofreei'll just look around , get used to everything11:31
NarcTixzubi do I need noscript or can you verify that sites safe ;)11:31
hackermani'm italian11:31
cfhowlettsacrificetofree, welcome.11:31
ubottuhackerman,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:31
gillejaaa viva spaña11:32
Myrttigille: stop.11:32
sacrificetofreeOMG, i thougt this server is for china only!11:32
cfhowlettsacrificetofree, nope.  have you a support question?11:32
gillewhat te fuck11:33
DJonesgille: This channel is a support channel, if you have a support related question, you are welcome to ask it11:33
sacrificetofreeis cfhowlett is a automatic talking robot ?11:33
cfhowlettsacrificetofree, no he is not.  :)11:33
zubiNarcTix its safe to my end11:34
Twenty-threehi guys, this message was displayed after a cold reboot, http://oi42.tinypic.com/10x6hxk.jpg i would like to know how to ensure things are ok so it doesn't happen again11:34
sacrificetofreeoops, i'll go silence, first time to use such stuff11:34
NarcTixhackers are real ppl 2 ;) Hackers are what come out of the 80's people who just grew up with computers!11:35
sacrificetofreeand today is my first day to successfully install the Bumblebee11:35
Twenty-threei can type it if that is preferred11:36
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sacrificetofreeand....BTW, I never thought such stuff is not blocked by the Great Fire Wall11:37
dawne_pIs there a log file that would tell me whether or not this laptop lost it's wireless connection at all last night?11:37
myahaddmy cinnamon gui screwed up after ubuntu package updates for 13.0 version11:37
myahaddwhat to do?11:37
cfhowlettmyahadd, probably as in #mint as cinnamon is not supported here.11:37
myahaddI dont have window manager [close minimize maximize etc..]11:37
bonoTwenty-three: no problems there11:38
NarcTixcinamon 1&2> /dev/null11:38
albertoxikiiis olaas:))11:39
Twenty-threebono, that was displayed after i tried to turn it off properly and it lagged there indefinitely, so i had to do a hard reset again11:39
albertoin eshpanish plis11:39
Twenty-threei'm concerned about it happening repeatedly, or is it ok to just switch off at that stage?11:39
DJones!es | alberto11:39
ubottualberto: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:39
NarcTixyou cant ask for support (imo) for a desktop that isnt official its a skin11:40
albertoaa okss graxepp un kiis deuus11:40
myahaddDhow can I run ubuntu updater11:41
myahaddI forgot to update cinnamon while updating 13.0 ubuntu packages..11:41
sacrificetofreewhat a fancy world ! it is mind-boggling to see such thing11:41
cfhowlettmyahadd, sudo apt-get update11:41
myahaddfrom terminal?11:41
myahaddcfhowlett, that performed and nothing installed..11:41
Myrttimyahadd: it's not meant to do that11:42
ExcryptionHello everyone11:42
cfhowlettsacrificetofree, suggest you go to #ubuntu-offtopic  for offtopic discussions11:42
bonoTwenty-three: it's pretty robust, at this stage pretty nothing is mounted anymore so no prob11:42
cfhowlettmyahadd, then run sudo apt-get upgrade11:42
cfhowlettExcryption, greetings11:42
Myrttimyahadd: update only updates the list of available software, it doesn't install or upgrade anything.11:42
myahaddok thanks11:42
ExcryptionLong time Windows user, thinking about switching over (currently downloading 13.04 x64)11:43
Twenty-threebono, thanks a lot for your time11:43
cfhowlettExcryption, many people dual boot so they have both systems ...11:43
bonoTwenty-three: since ext3 I even never had problems to switch it off directly, even if I wouldn't recommend it11:44
hackermando you want an Italian lesson11:44
ExcryptionI have two laptops so I'll use one for Ubuntu :-)11:44
ubottuhackerman,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:44
myahaddMyrtti, cfhowlett the following packages have been kept back11:44
myahadd1 not upgraded11:44
myahaddwhat is this?11:44
ginpbhi, i'm having some troubles with kubuntu/ubuntu11:44
ExcryptionOver time though I'd like to switch over completely11:44
cfhowlettginpb, details ...11:45
hackermanxubuntu 13.0411:45
Myrttimyahadd: next step is to try dist-upgrade instead of upgrade.11:45
ginpbon a clean ubuntu install my graphics works great, but if choose to install kubuntu i see some artifacts on the video11:45
ginpbi'm using ubuntu 12-04 pargolin11:45
Myrttimyahadd: then again I don't know where you got cinnamon in the first place, so you might break things up.11:45
hackermansapete parlare italiano11:45
ginpbthe question will be how can i export the video settings of the ubuntu install into the kubuntu one11:45
ginpbhackerman: si11:45
EaglemanWIll any data be lost when using cfdisk to resize ( shrink and extend ) a partition?11:45
myahaddfrom apt-get install cinnamon11:45
myahaddppa repo11:45
Myrttihackerman: try #ubuntu-it11:45
ubottuhackerman,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:46
NarcTix<Excryption> Switch to Linux if you want as much control over you OS. Dont have to pay there licence fees that yeah for that crappy OS11:46
myahaddso sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:46
myahaddwill install cinnamon?11:46
hackermanin ubuntu-it non si parla molto11:46
NarcTixbut Linux is easier than windows these days11:47
ginpbhackerman: allora usa translate.google.it per postare le tue domande in inglese11:47
cfhowletthackerman, this is the english channel.  #ubuntu-it is for italian language support11:47
ginpbother question, someone of you guys how can i lock down some options on unity or kde?11:47
ginpb*know how11:48
IszakWith mdadm do I need to create a raid setup for each partition?11:48
ginpbtrying to do a kiosk11:48
cfhowlettginpb, generally, system, settings ...11:48
cfhowlettginpb, a quick search will lead you to several hundred tutorials11:49
ExcryptionUbuntu has the ability to partition a drive right?11:49
EaglemanWIll any data be lost when using cfdisk to resize ( shrink and extend ) a partition?11:49
Ben64you should probably not have a DE if you want a kiosk11:49
cfhowlettExcryption, yes it does11:49
ginpbcfhowlett: i'm looking for something more, like block wallpaper hide system settings11:49
hackermando you think that it is better windows or mac?11:49
=== versi is now known as kalkov
ginpbcfhowlett: all the tutorial i've found until now are for making an internet kiosk11:49
cfhowlettginpb, how about just using the guest account?11:50
tabsterleirHey guys, i've just finished setting up my UbuntuGNOME just the way I like it, can you recommend a good backup utility that supports SMB shares?11:50
cfhowlettginpb, it's sandboxed and gets flushed on each login/logout.  no access to settings ...11:50
ginpbcfhowlett: for now looks like the solution i'm gonna use, but i need user login11:50
dawne_ptabsterleir, can't you just mount them up and backup like they were local?11:51
tabsterleirdawne_p: To be honest I wouldn't know how 0.o But i'll look it up :)11:51
cfhowlettginpb, why?  you can go into guest without a user login11:51
ginpbcfhowlett: because i want to let different user to have a home folder to save data11:52
zubiHey NarcTix did you got some idea ?11:52
Myrttitabsterleir: dejadup seems to work fine for that11:52
cfhowlettginpb, understood.  doable.  but I don't know the details ...11:52
EaglemanWhat would be the best option to shrink my partition from 65GB to 15GB without loosing any data?11:52
dawne_ptabsterleir, https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Mounting_samba_shares_from_a_unix_client  I don't know what your situation is exactly, but that should get you going.  edit /etc/fstab and then when you want to see if the line is right, do a mount -a11:53
bonoEagleman: gparted11:53
dawne_pIs there a log file that would tell me whether or not this laptop lost it's wireless connection at all last night?11:53
Eaglemanbono: can it also extend a partition?11:53
bonoEagleman: yes, it can11:53
ginpbcfhowlett: apparently only kde have integrated kiosk features but for kde4 there is not a lot of doc and kde/kubuntu irc channel don't know how to do it11:54
ginpbso i was looking for solutions using unity11:54
MyrttiEagleman: I know this sounds obvious, but you *need* to take backups first. Please do.11:54
cfhowlettginpb, http://www.instructables.com/id/Setting-Up-Ubuntu-as-a-Kiosk-Web-Appliance/?ALLSTEPS11:54
ginpbcfhowlett: again for a web kiosk11:54
EaglemanMyrtti: i am on esxi, i will first make a copy of the vmdk file and test on that, if it worked, i will make another backup copy and do it aigan11:55
ginpbi still want they can use libreoffice, gimp, etc..11:55
dawne_pcfhowlett, neat.  I've been thinking of doing this for the contractors at the lmber yard where I work.11:55
cfhowlettginpb, can they save to a usb???11:55
Ben64ginpb: so whats wrong with guest acct?11:55
ginpbcfhowlett: yes it's not forbidden, but i don't want to force anyone to carry a pendrive11:56
ginpbBen64: no user login11:56
tabsterleirSorry all, got distracted. Thanks for the advice :)11:56
Ben64ginpb: what?11:57
ginpbBen64: that is wrong with the guest account, i want different user accounts11:58
Ben64ginpb: then don't give them sudo access11:58
gquere_Has someone managed to stream VLC between computers using UDP and not RTP ?11:59
ginpbBen64: yes, but they still can add and remove shortcuts and click around12:00
gquere_UDP gives me a "send error: Connection refused" whereas RTP works fine12:00
Ben64ginpb: i don't think what you want exists12:01
ginpbBen64: exists, but apparently is not used that much, kde4 should offer an integrated support for kios mode, but apparently the doc haven't been updated12:02
ginpband kde channel on irc is not really hellpful12:02
IszakHow come Ubuntu 12.04 LTS only shows ruby 1.9.3p0 when it should be ruby1.9.3-p327?12:02
hoangchuongduongwhat program run file type accdb?12:03
ubuntu__Try to update.12:03
hacktus0_I have problem in language C. Can you help me (evrybody)? plz....12:04
OrpheonHello. Is there any program that allows me to draw chinese characters with my mouse in ubuntu 12.04?12:05
bazhanghacktus0_, /join ##c12:07
hacktus0_I created the socket in C (client and server). I tested and my apply, in my computer, and function. But when I do connection with my computer at other computer (the computers have server and client), then don't function. the messages are : connection refused (in localhost) and connection timed out (with my IPv4).12:08
tokhiOrpheon: why not trying gimp ?12:09
bazhang!info tegaki-recognize | Orpheon12:10
ubottuOrpheon: tegaki-recognize (source: tegaki-recognize): handwriting recognition application. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 13 kB, installed size 116 kB12:10
bazhanghacktus0_, this is u buntu support try ##c12:10
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Orpheonbazhang, it says no recognizer is installed if I run it12:16
bazhangOrpheon, there are some other tegaki packages, check apt-cache search tegaki to find them12:17
anewi just sudo apt-get install atop.  but now i want to uninstall it what do i do ?12:23
jpdsanew: sudo apt-get remove atop12:23
ExcryptionIs it recommended to use LVM when installing Ubuntu?12:29
Eremesguys is there any way to burn the 10.04 iso into 650MB cd ? nero just wont me do it12:31
jribEremes: why are you installing 10.04 now?12:32
auronandaceEremes: cds are normally 700mb12:33
Eremesjrib: I just downloaded xubuntu , but can't burn it on my cd12:33
Eremesi only got 2 CDs12:33
jribEremes: 10.04 is very old and desktop will lose support in 2 days.  Why don't you grab a later version like 12.04 LTS or 13.04?12:34
Eremesboth are 74mins12:34
Eremesjrib: I was planning to install 10.04 and update it to 12.0412:34
Eremesor maybe i install xubuntu12:34
kaiwell, for 13.04 you're lost with CDs anyway because the image is 800 megs12:34
Eremesbut no CD :(12:34
jribEremes: why don't you just install 12.04 then?12:34
kaiEremes: do you have a USB drive?12:35
cfhowlettEremes, xubuntu and lubuntu can both go on a CD iirc.12:35
Eremesjrib: I can't my machine non PAE12:35
Eremeskai: yes got USB flashdrive , but i dont think my laptop support to boot from it12:35
EremesIve been trying to install ubuntu from yesterday12:36
Eremesthis is nightmare12:36
kaiEremes: if you can boot from USB, that's really your best option12:36
kaiit's much faster than installing from a CD as well12:36
Eremeskai: i tried , can not12:36
Eremeskai: yes i am aware of that12:36
ANubhello.......I would like to know a thing about active Directories12:38
kaiso, I'm trying to get into a wireless network that uses WPA2 PEAP enterprise security, and it's not working. it _was_ working last week. is there any way to get network manager tell me where the heck it's getting stuck, instead of just telling me that it doesn't work?12:38
hacktus0Ermes : if you want to burn your USB then http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu. and for boot you must modif the BIOS12:38
AtuMANub, that's windows stuff12:38
auronandace!ad | ANub12:38
ubottuANub: You can learn more about ActiveDirectory intergration at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto12:38
RZA_i love ubuntu12:39
RZA_best thing since sliced bread12:39
ANubIve got ubuntu client and it can connect to windows machines perfectly but not the Windows 2003 server........Packet tracer shows that if I connect using windows machine domain is passed as NULL. How can I do that using Ubuntu12:39
Eremeshacktus0: i dont think my bios support usb booting12:40
ANubthe question is not about AD...its abt passing NULL to the server using UBUNTU12:40
ANubive tried smbclient command...........and cann't figure out how to pass user as "someuser@someuser.com" and domain as NULL12:41
hacktus0 Hermes : I installed ubuntu with DWD12:45
FloodBot1RZA_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
FloodBot3RZA_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
ExcryptionOkay I just finished installing 13.04 and my laptop screen is blank12:51
ExcryptionSecond time in a row... hmmm12:51
RZA_maybe ur laptop is bad12:52
ubottuExcryption,: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:52
cfhowlettExcryption, did you not say this was on old laptop?  Suggest you go with lubuntu or xubuntu ... both optimized for lower/older spec devices12:53
ExcryptionThank you, will do12:53
ExcryptionNo, it's not old. i3, HD 3000, 15.6" display12:54
plumblumEvning gents quick question, i can axcess my server through smaba shares through the network, but the server is not visible untill i put in the ip of said machine12:54
plumblumlast time i did this i could use its host name12:54
cfhowlettExcryption, ok.  see the nomodeset issue then12:54
plumblumany idea why that would not work ?12:54
jpdsplumblum: Something wrong with your DNS then.12:54
plumblumjpds, i have everyhing like that on auto ?12:55
tretrehello can someone help me with drivers?12:57
adamk_!ask | tretre12:57
ubottutretre: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:57
ubottutretre,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:57
tretreWhat is the command to install graphic drivers thru terminal?12:58
=== caboose885 is now known as thedogmeows
nevyntretre: do you have no gui at all?13:00
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ExcryptionOkay so I've already installed 13.04, how would I go about applying the nomodeset?13:02
=== Caboose885 is now known as caboose885
NemisHi, can anybody help me with hibernate and spring?13:04
=== Fad-i is now known as REVO-F
cfhowlettNemis, spring?13:05
Nemissorry i tought it is a java room13:05
RalliasIs there a way to add a network interface to an LXC container while it's online?13:05
marshallhey #ubuntu13:05
kgalahassaPlease, i do not know how can i update my computer passing this error each time: This requires installing packages from unauthenticated sources.13:07
cfhowlettkgalahassa, what packages are mentioned?13:07
k1l_kgalahassa: can you pastebin a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"13:08
shomonhi, I am trying to get xubuntu to fit on a cd, but it is one k too big!13:08
shomonshould this happen?13:08
kgalahassaok, a minute13:08
cfhowlettshomon, cd 's are typically 750 mb ...13:08
hacktus0who now C. if can you help me ? please (it's for socket)13:08
shomonbut only 700mb fit on the cd.. have I missed something?13:08
DJonesshomon: They;re designed to fit on a dvd since 12.1013:08
cfhowletthacktus0, wrong channel ...13:09
DJonesshomon: cd's are too small now13:09
Eremesok i managed to BURNED the lubuntu 13 on DVD... after I rebooted it said the kernel features not present = PAE13:09
EremesI followed that step13:09
hacktus0cfhowlett : what channel is about C13:09
DJonesshomon: The plan is to either use a dvd or a usb stick to install from13:09
Eremeswhat is wrong with UBUNTU .. why can't I install it13:10
BluesKajHiya folks13:10
Picihacktus0: ##C13:10
philinuxshomon: have you considered using a usb stick13:11
cfhowlettEremes, the solution is given on the link you posted ... mini.iso13:12
kgalahassacfhowlett, see  this: http://pastebin.com/PL9t5hc913:12
cfhowlettkgalahassa, love to, but the great chinese firewall won't let me see it ...13:13
Eremescfhowlett: I installed the lubuntu13:13
anewhow can i check if ntpd is installed ?13:13
shomonphilinux: this is an old laptop and won-t recognise usb drives13:13
Eremescfhowlett: Im running out of CD.13:13
kgalahassaPlease, i do not know how can i update my computer passing this error each time: This requires installing packages from unauthenticated sources.13:14
cfhowlettEremes, whole lot easier to do a USB installation ...13:14
Eremescfhowlett: my laptop does not support USB13:14
kgalahassacfhowlett, what? explain13:15
anewanyone? how cna i check if ntpd is installed13:15
kgalahassasee: ttp://pastebin.com/yZw2Atwe13:15
k1lkgalahassa: please pastebin the whole output from the command i gave you13:15
kgalahassasee: http://pastebin.com/yZw2Atwe13:15
cfhowlettEremes, ah, right.  sorry.  I read the link.  the suggested workaround was to install mini.iso and build from there ...13:15
kgalahassakil, see :ttp://pastebin.com/yZw2Atwe13:16
kgalahassakil, see :http://pastebin.com/yZw2Atwe13:16
philinuxshomon: ok how about dvd or dvdrw13:16
k1lkgalahassa: the "sudo apt-get update" part is missing13:16
shomonthis laptop is an hp pavilion dv1000, its very old so usb won-t work, only cd does. we are tryign to burn a dvd now13:16
RarrikinsHow do I disable a mouse I have connected to my computer?13:16
shomonso on the other hand it has the latest ubuntu installed13:16
shomoncan I down grade that somehow via apt./get removing and changing?13:17
anewanyone? how cna i check if ntpd is installed13:17
shomonmaybe get rid of unity or other thigs that use a lot of memory or speed?13:17
philinuxshomon: downgrade?13:17
shomonwell, get rid of stuff that slows ubuntu down on older systems13:17
shomonmixxx runs which is the point of the whole idea, but very slowly, excruciating13:17
k1lshomon: use lubuntu for example13:18
k1lshomon: install lubuntu-desktop13:18
philinuxanew: apt-cache policy packagename13:18
wdonkeymorning friends, i have a very noobish question : in terminal, when doing ls to a folder, i see a bunch of *.txt~     <--- what does the ~ mean ?13:18
betraydanew: bring up synaptic and check status of ntpd13:18
ubotturoby: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:18
shomonapt-get install lubuntu-desktop??13:18
RalliasHow would I block DHCP queries from crossing a bridge device?13:18
shomoni res mes?13:18
=== BlackoutIsHere is now known as BlackoutIsHere|O
anewN: Unable to locate package ntpd13:18
REVO-FRarrikins, 13:19
REVO-FFor the mouse, proceed as follows. Use xinput list to find out your mouse devices. Disable with13:19
REVO-Fxinput set-prop 12 "Device Enabled" 013:19
REVO-Fto enable it again, type13:19
REVO-Fxinput set-prop 12 "Device Enabled" 113:19
FloodBot1REVO-F: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:19
REVO-Fwhere 12 is the id of your device. Given that the mouse cursor disappears if mouse is inactive, you need not to worry about that (if it doesn't, you can use unclutter)13:19
FloodBot3REVO-F: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:19
ExcryptionBest program to partition my hard drive on Ubuntu please?13:19
shomonwdonkey the files were probably edited in vim13:19
shomonit leaves backups with that thing on the end13:19
RarrikinsREVO-F: Thanks.13:19
shomona wiggly.. whats t called13:19
wdonkeyis it a normal thing that everytime someone comes up with an answer it only raises more questions13:20
REVO-FRarrikins, http://askubuntu.com/questions/199271/x11-disable-mouse13:20
shomonwdonkey: yes13:20
REVO-Fcheck this out it will help13:20
kgalahassak1l, a minute, see too : http://pastebin.com/JMJA2mQB13:20
philinuxanew: sudo apt-get install ntp or use SC or synaptic13:21
kgalahassak1l: the packages,see the package: http://pastebin.com/PL9t5hc913:21
anewyeah i dont want ntp, supposedly some bug with it and date in ubuntu 12.0413:21
anewwanted to make sure i didnt have it13:21
shomonto turn my ubuntu install into a lubuntu...13:21
shomonwhat do i do?13:21
philinuxanew: you can purge it. it worky fine here with 13.0413:22
anewwhat do u mean purge13:22
philinuxanew: sudo apt-get purge ntp13:23
anewwhat does this do ?13:23
philinuxanew: uninstalls it13:23
kgalahassak1l: the packages,see the package: http://pastebin.com/PL9t5hc913:23
anewphilinux do i want to do that ?13:23
brainwashis ntp(d) installed by default?13:24
philinuxanew: no idea. is it installed now. is net time synced with no problems. if so leave it13:24
DJonesroby: You'll get the same answer to that as you were givin 5 minutes ago13:24
jpdsbrainwash: No.13:24
brainwashjpds, thanks13:24
anewphilinux weird when i check to see if i have it, it says no... but then i am able to purge it ?13:24
k1lkgalahassa: go to the systemsettings and then to the "software and update" entry. in the second part you should turn off the cdrom. and make sure you dont use 3rd party repos13:24
philinuxanew: what does apt-cache policy ntp say?13:25
k1lkgalahassa: and you could ask in the french channels if there is some issue with the french servers etc.13:26
anewphilinux installed13:26
anewphilinux i am trying to run these commands http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1282232/mysql-high-cpu-usage13:27
anewlook at second answer13:27
anew/etc/init.d/ntpd stop13:27
anewbut when i run this it sayd i cannot13:27
kgalahassak1l, do you know the name of french channels,?13:27
betraydits admin anew try with sudo?13:27
ubottukgalahassa,: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:27
anewbetrayd sudo: /etc/init.d/ntpd: command not found13:27
DJonesanew: Have you seen the date on that question, August 2009.... There's a good chance it might be out of date13:28
betrayddrop the colon anew13:28
=== BlackoutIsHere|O is now known as BlackoutIsHere
anewi did sudo /etc/init.d/ntpd13:28
philinuxanew: what with the : after sudo13:28
anewdjones, there are people with ubuntu 12.04 in the repplies saying thi sworked13:28
anewthat was just the reply i got after i typed it13:28
anewthe console echoed that out13:28
ubotturoby: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:29
DJonesanew: Fair enough13:29
Peanutanew: do you have ntpd installed even? Also, nowadays you might try 'service ntpd stop' and then 'service ntpd start'.13:29
DJones!piracy > roby13:29
philinuxanew: iirc the syntax is like this. e.g http://itblog.gr/889/start-or-stop-linux-service/13:30
anewntpd: unrecognized service13:30
mark_madid you install ntpd13:31
llutzanew: the servicename is "ntp" not ntpd13:31
philinuxmark_ma: ntpd is part of ntp13:31
mark_maphilinux :yes ,thanks,philinux13:32
philinuxanew: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29663/how-do-i-disable-ntpd13:33
anewphilinux if i disable it... how will ubuntu know the time13:33
betraydfrom the pc clock13:33
philinuxanew: that was just an example. no need to follow commands you dont want13:34
anewok last question: what does this date -s "`date`" do13:34
philinuxanew: i did not have ntp installed but under time and date it says sync time via internet.13:34
llutzanew: man date (sets time to actual time), sounds real useful...13:35
anewllutz sarcasm ?13:35
betraydno, lists all formats too13:35
ExcryptionSo if I decide to install Ubuntu on my main laptop, which uses a Radeon HD 7730m, does Ubuntu support it?13:35
anewhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/1282232/mysql-high-cpu-usage llutz just trying to understand the point of the second answer here13:36
mark_maExcryption:why do not use vm13:36
ExcryptionI'd rather do a full installing, not a big fan of vm13:37
mark_mabut ,it is the same13:37
ExcryptionNot for me, I prefer to have it as fully installed, not just a vm on top of my base OS13:38
adamkExcryption: It that a laptop with hybrid graphics?13:38
ExcryptionWell yeah, HD4000 and AMD Radeon HD 7730M. Wondering if I'll get support for the 7730M13:39
adamkExcryption: Getting the AMD GPU to work on a hybrid laptop is hit or miss.  I've seen some reports of it working, and some reports of it not.13:39
ExcryptionAhh I see. So I'll probably have to disable the main GPU and use iGPU13:40
philinuxExcryption: http://askubuntu.com/questions/192381/how-to-turn-off-ati-radeon-hd-7730m-on-dell-inspiron-752013:41
adamkExcryption: You won't know till you try.  Only the proprietary driver will support the AMD GPU, however, *if* you can even get it working then.13:41
philinuxExcryption: the above link should help13:41
ExcryptionThank you very much13:42
ExcryptionWell I'm still pondering, currently I've installed 13.04 on my spare laptop but it seems a little laggy so I'd rather install it on my main.13:42
ExcryptionThe graphics experience says: Standard. That's alright isn't it?13:44
REVO-Fhi...I'm running ubuntu 12.04 but my question is how do i mount windows using a terminal13:45
becnfecnIs there an easy way to decline the use of unity ?13:45
becnfecnREVO-F: get the ntfs-3g cools13:45
REVO-Fbecnfecn, I did but how do I use it?13:46
becnfecnREVO-F: mount -t ntfs /dev/windowspartition /wheretomountit ?13:46
llutzanew: what problems do you have with ntpd?13:46
anewnothing, it's a problem with mysql cpu.  i just found that this could possibly be a fix for it13:47
becnfecnREVO-F: or, ntfs-3g /dev/windows-part /dev/wheretomount13:47
becnfecnREVO-F: You could check out man ntfs-3g too I bet13:47
llutzanew: the thing you referred is a kernel-bug (inserting leap seconds)13:47
ExcryptionIs TRIM enabled by default on 13.04?13:47
becnfecnREVO-F: looks lke the -t should be ntfs-3g, not just ntfs13:48
REVO-Fbecnfecn, I've downloaded ntfs-3g13:48
becnfecnREVO-F: We've covered that my friend. What partition contains your ntfs formatted partition ?13:49
machinariusHey guys, i have a fully updated raring install and i am facing sound issues... i had the dreaded "Dummy output" problem and followed this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1316634 but i only have an output for HDMI, not internal speakers13:49
REVO-Fbecnfecn, what do you mean?13:49
machinariusI have a Lenovo S400u with intel chipset13:49
viagra_useri got a viagra13:50
mojtabaHi, I have installed ubuntu 12.10 and also KDE desktop for test, now when I log in to my computer it shows KDE logo, how can I get rid of it and come back to unity logo when log in to the system?13:50
anewis this normal? my httpd.conf is empty13:51
mojtabaI have KDE, Unity, Cinnamon, Cairo, Gnome.13:51
somsipanew: its apache2.conf now13:51
mojtabaBut I would like to remove KDE from the list13:51
overedgewhat is the difference between cinnamon and xfce ?13:52
anewoh ok thx13:52
philinuxmojtaba: do you want to uninstall kde13:52
mojtabaphilinux: Yes13:53
philinuxmojtaba: to remove kubuntu http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu13:53
mojtabaPhilinux: I remember for the first time I installed KDE, it asked me a question to choose what do I like to choose for the log in time. And I think I chose KDE at that time. ( I am newbie)13:54
mojtabaphilinux: Also I have ub13:54
mojtabaupdated my ubuntu to 13.0413:54
mojtabaDoes the link still work?13:55
philinuxmojtaba: not sure at all13:55
philinuxmojtaba: some packages may have changed with 1.0413:55
becnfecnREVO-F: It sounds to me as if you have a windows drive/partition that contains files you wish to access from within ubutntu13:56
mojtabaphilinux: By the way, I just want to get rid of KDE, not others.13:56
REVO-Fbecnfecn, true :)13:56
philinuxmojtaba: you can try the tutorial at your own risk13:56
becnfecnREVO-F: To that end, if that is in fact that it is you're wanting to do, use ntfs-3g to mount the appropriate partition and then do what you wish.13:56
becnfecnREVO-F: Do you know what your windows partition is?13:56
REVO-Fbecnfecn, yes it's called Windows local13:57
mojtabaIs there anybody who is sure about this issue?13:57
philinuxmojtaba: I should read too. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/tag/pure-ubuntu/13:58
philinuxmojtaba: thats for 13..0413:58
becnfecnREVO-F: You've lost me ;(13:58
REVO-Fbecnfecn, I am using ubuntu I want to mount windows using a terminal and view it's files13:59
mojtabaphilinux: another thing is that, although I have updated to 13.04, but I am using kernel 2.5, because my laptop (Dell Studio 1555) had problem with kernel 3.8.13:59
philinuxmojtaba: that should not matter at all.13:59
mojtabaphilinux: I will go through the process, thanks a lot.14:00
philinuxmojtaba: backup any important stuff first14:00
philinuxmojtaba: data wise14:00
mojtabaphilinux: Would you please let me know what commands should I enter to the command prompt to make a backup?14:01
becnfecnREVO-F: well before we can do that we need to identify what partition holds your windows files ;)14:01
philinuxmojtaba: I have a data partitoin. I drag and drop to that or a usb stick14:02
becnfecnREVO-F: I don't suppose you know what partition your / is mounted on?14:02
REVO-Fbecnfecn, Windows is called windows local my windows files are in windows local14:03
mojtabaphilinux: What about the other parts of the system?14:03
philinuxmojtaba: only need to backup any data14:03
mojtabaphilinux: Thanks.14:04
Toph2in Ubuntu 12.04 I'm getting : [xxxxxx.yyyyyy] [drm6:rp_sanitize_pm] *ERROR* Power management discrepancy: GEN6_RP_INTERRUPT_LIMITS, expected: 1700000, was: 1206000     when coming out of suspend.. I understand this is a bug,, anything I can do about it?14:04
philinuxREVO-F: copy and paste this and post back the url it gives sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit14:06
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dingdonghow can i tell if the os im using is 32 bit or 64 bit?14:08
philinuxdingdong: uname -a14:08
philinuxdingdong: IN a terminal14:09
varunendradingdong, or 'arch' command14:09
becnfecnREVO-F: once you're in ubuntu that doesn't mean anything14:09
gordonjcpdingdong: uname -p14:09
gordonjcpuname -a will tell you *everything*14:10
REVO-Fbecnfecn, I knew how to solve my problem :) thanks anyway :)14:11
becnfecnREVO-F: Cool, good luck.14:11
johnjohn101i did a uname -v  what does #30 mean and why does it say may 1?   #30-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 1 16:35:23 UTC 201314:11
dingdongwhat's the best way to make a bootable usb drive? i cant get unetbootin to see my usb drive14:12
DemagogTry `dd if=<your_iso> of=<your_drive>`14:13
varunendradingdong, make sure it is formatted as FAT or FAT32, and mounted.14:13
DemagogAnd try unplug your pendrive than plug it again14:14
DemagogAnd rerun unetbootin14:14
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Demagogit should help14:15
* s0rrywhat hi14:15
johnjohn101why doesn't someone post a usb image with ubuntu on it that all you have to do is copy to usb?14:16
llutzjohnjohn101: because you cannot "just copy" an image to usb14:16
newcholbyis there a torrent or something to get ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso ?14:16
newcholbyit's going 12kb/sec for me14:17
varunendranewcholby, www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads14:17
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P14:18
ubottuRaring can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/desktop/ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/server/ubuntu-13.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696914:18
tgm4883There we go14:18
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information14:18
newcholbytgm thanks but i'm looking for the desktop.  should i get server instead?14:20
newcholbyi'm a linux newbie decided it's time to force myself to learn14:20
newcholbysince i'm going into I.T.14:20
tgm4883newcholby, the desktop is listed there too14:20
newcholbyif server = desktop + extra i'll def. get server14:20
newcholbyfor i38614:20
tgm4883newcholby, it's the first link14:21
varunendranewcholby, www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads  - all the torrents are listed on this page. Choose the one you wish14:21
tgm4883newcholby, but yes, desktop is basically server + more packages14:21
jribnewcholby: server is not desktop + extra.  But server and desktop do use the same repositories; they just have a different set of packages installed by default.  Desktop, gives you a gui.  Server does not14:21
johnjohn101doesn't server have a different kernel?14:22
DemagogFor AMD54->>  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.2/release/ubuntu-12.04.2-dvd-amd64.iso.torrent14:22
tgm4883johnjohn101, no14:22
jribjohnjohn101: not anymore14:22
varunendranewcholby, precisely your version : http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent14:22
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Demagognewcholby: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.2/release/ubuntu-12.04.2-dvd-amd64.iso.torrent14:22
* tgm4883 points out that the provided link provides torrent downloads for all flavors and releases http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/14:23
johnjohn101tgm4883 and jrib: tx14:23
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newcholbythe last time i tinkered with linux was literally 10 years ago14:27
newcholbyi'm about to get blown away aren't i14:27
* newcholby is excite14:28
DemagogWell, new Ubuntu will be big suprise for you14:28
varunendranewcholby, too much expectations = too much disappointment14:29
varunendrausually ;)14:29
jairguys, my ubuntu system once in a while hung with a very nasty error in the xserver gnome session.  I am running a w510 lenovo cor i7 and ubuntu 64bit 13.0414:29
AdlaiWhat is the currently recommended GUI wrapper for APT-GET?14:29
jairI am wondering if I should remove the proprietary nvidia driver? I installed the one from the nvidia website14:30
jairor I am thinking might be because of the kernel I am using?14:30
jairI am using the low latency instead of the generic14:30
johnjohn101what is low latency kernel?14:30
newcholbyvarunendra, heheh yea14:30
GuttsI need some help14:31
newcholbybut on the flip side windows is so bad i'm sure i'll be happy14:31
* newcholby steps aside for Gutts14:31
jairjohnjohn101: it is an alternative kernel in the list of kernels available for ubuntu14:31
Guttswith my UEFI k55n asus laptop that refuses to boot anything other than windows 8 preinstall14:31
jairdoes everybody normally runs the generic version?14:31
varunendranewcholby, if you are comparing with win 8, then most probably yeah14:31
Demagognewcholby: new ubuntu is much better.14:31
varunendraotherwise it is a matter of habits and taste14:32
GuttsI turned off secureboot/fastboot and yet it won't even boot up the damn linux os14:32
philinuxAdlai: either software center or synaptic14:32
newcholbyi was actually going to install crunchbang because somebody recommended it14:33
Demagogjair: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:33
newcholbybut it detected two windows vista and wanted to install grub14:33
newcholbyso i ran like hell14:33
tgm4883Gutts, when it boots, hit the key to get to the boot menu. See if their is a "legacy" mode for either your USB or CDROM (depending on which you are installing from)14:33
newcholby(i have one windows 8)14:33
Demagognewcholby: it's just normal.14:33
GuttsI'm installing from USB and there is no legacy mod14:33
Guttsmode *14:34
Guttsit comes up with the menu to launch ubuntu live but then it goes blank14:34
johnjohn101wow, there is a real time kernel for ubuntu?  is this officially supported?14:34
DemagogYou could reset your mbr.14:34
GuttsI used unetbootin to prepare the usb14:34
varunendranewcholby, I'm sure it is the separate /boot partition that shows up as 2nd vista :)14:34
Guttsand I put ubuntu 12.10 x64amd on it14:34
tgm4883Gutts, sorry IDK then. That is exactly what happened to me though14:34
tgm4883Gutts, I've never had any luck with ubuntu and unetbootin though14:34
flamadiddlewhy do I not see my skype icon on the top bar anymore? its just on the taskbar14:35
columbHow do I autostart screen with server after old screen is destroyed?14:35
betraydnewcholby: or the recovery partition14:35
betraydas the second one14:35
newcholbyoh yea that prolly was it14:35
Guttsthis is such shit I don't understand why it wont boot up for me14:35
newcholbybut whyyyy would it freakin' think it was vista?14:35
GuttsI need to get this thing gparted so I can install gentoo14:36
newcholbywell windows 8 is pretty new14:36
newcholbybut anyway14:36
newcholbybootloaders i have had bad experiences with14:36
varunendrabecause it uses the same BCD boot manager :)14:36
varunendranewcholby, GRUB doesn't care more than handling the boot process to the windows boot manager correctly. So the OS prober only looks for the boot files, not what they are going to boot - w7,8 or vista14:38
Guttscan anyone help me to resolve this ?14:38
newcholbyvarunendra, i just had a bad experience with grub14:39
jairDemagog: I really don't understand what do you mean with sending me that link14:39
newcholbylong time ago14:39
jairDemagog: the only OS running on my laptop is ubuntu 13.0414:39
varunendraGutts, did you verify the integrity of the source ISO?14:39
jairDemagog: and this is a core i7 not that new computer, w510 is at least four years old14:39
starbuckhi, i want an option in the taskbar to minimize/hide all open windows so i can access the desktop. how can i do that?14:40
varunendranewcholby, yeah, the modern setups easily confuse it. (not that it was perfect earlier, lol)14:40
jairDemagog: http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=5573&review=lenovo+thinkpad+w51014:41
jairanyway, I will try to run the kernel generic and also try to install the native driver for envidia .run file from nvidia's web site14:42
Demagogjair: sorry, my mistake.14:43
lezI installed Ubuntu alongside Window. Now I want to dump windows but keep my highly customised Ubuntu how can I ghost the ubuntu partition?14:43
jairDemagog: no problem ;)14:43
philinuxlez: are you short of disk space?14:44
DemagogGutts: Did you try sth from this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:44
stu___Hello fellas, i am dual booting Vista and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS from the same hard drive, and i installed a new hard drive and moved Ubuntu's partition there usnig Gparted, following the stpes in this article (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MovingLinuxPartition MovingLinuxPartition), but im stuck at step 5 upgrading grup14:44
xroHi, is there a way to set up IRC (freenode) in empathy?14:45
lezphilinux, No I just want the Ubuntu partition larger to host my files as-well.14:45
xroi cannot authenticate my nickname...14:45
philinuxlez: you could shrink windows and then increase ubuntu14:45
WXZhow do I get ubuntu in zaphod mode?14:46
AirborneRadioI have a problem...14:46
lezphilinux, With Gparted or similar?14:46
betraydxro: reinstalled empathy?14:46
xrobetrayd, why? this solution looks odd14:46
PiciWXZ: zaphod mode?14:46
lezphilinux, Shrink Windows to nil :-)14:46
philinuxlez: for windows always do it with the windows admin tools defrag twice first14:47
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adamkWXZ: This is the xorg.conf file I use for zaphod mode: http://pastebin.com/DWBDABSA14:47
philinuxlez: shrink to smallest it will go. always handy to have around is another os14:47
jairhello guys, I am running ubuntu 13.04 64bit in a core i7 lenovo w510, I am wondering what will be the recommended kernel to use and driver for the video?14:47
betraydxro its not letting you in, i'd drop empathy as an IRC app, more an IM14:47
adamkWXZ: Mind you, some desktop environments don't work with separate screens on multiple monitors.14:47
lezphilinux,  Will do thanks.14:47
philinuxxro: xchat is dead simple14:48
jairalso, if I am running the nvidia driver how do I know is installed successfully or if is running at the moment?14:48
iDrofoxhello, how to know size of data fetched if i upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 ?14:48
xroi'm using xchat... but having all in the same app is really cool14:48
BluesKajxro, empathy is a terrible irc client14:48
philinuxlez: backup backup and backup any data14:48
xroWhy terrible?14:48
BluesKajit's unstable on irc14:48
BluesKajanyway BBL14:49
lezphilinux, I have 2 External drives 1 in my drawer and 1 in the shed outback. I learned the hard way!14:49
philinuxxro: or chatzilla for firefox14:49
philinuxlez: sound14:49
xroi use xchat... but i would like to try empathy ...14:49
lezphilinux, Seeya :-)14:49
philinuxlez: I found my win 7 would only shrink to around half - something to do with where it stores some stuff and the end of the partition14:50
Demagogxro: or try pidgin :)14:50
* betrayd throws up14:50
WXZadamk: is unity one of those?14:50
lezphilinux, OK going to do now.14:50
philinuxlez: good luck14:51
WXZPici: zaphod mode is when you have seperate desktop environments on each monitor14:51
WXZerrr, well, seperate desktops14:51
xroI used pidgin with my old ubuntu... i moved to empathy which is great... But not for IRC as i see14:51
PiciWXZ: heh, clever name for it ;)14:51
WXZyeah, heads and things14:51
adamkWXZ: Don't know..  gnome-shell definitely doesn't support separate screens, or didn't last time I checked.14:52
WXZadamk: gnome-shell2 did14:53
adamkAnd Zaphod mode isn't necessarily having separate desktop environments, just having separate screens.14:53
WXZadamk: right now I'm staring at 1 functional screen and one which is completely white14:53
WXZyeah, I said seperate desktops after14:53
adamkSorry, missed the correction.14:54
WXZI've actually been looking for ways to transfer windows across heads in zaphod mode, can't do it14:54
varunendraxro, do you have xchat-indicator installed with xchat?14:54
WXZkind of like a xinerama-zaphod combo14:54
xrovarunendra, nop, what is it?14:55
lucky1hey folks!!!!!!14:56
lucky1I'm having a knowledge issue.. what's the difference between a VPN client and server????14:56
varunendraxro, do it now, maybe you'll get the integrity you want 'sudo apt-get install xchat-indicator'14:56
lucky1I find alot of information on how to do each but nothing on what the difference between the two are???14:57
lucky1between VPN client and server14:57
varunendraxro, it gives you a live indicator icon in the drop-down menu of the regular chat/message indicator applet.14:57
xrovarunendra, what is the objective of this package... don't like to install without knowing...14:57
varunendraxro, ^^14:58
Deepfriedicelucky1: ...one is a client for VPN connections, the other a sever for them?14:58
lucky1what's the difference between the service?14:58
xroyep... so, i still have to use x-chat... my objective was to remove xchat and use empathy for all my online accounts...14:59
lucky1if you run a service, is that the same thing as having a VPN client?14:59
Deepfriedicelucky1: What exactly are you trying to do?14:59
DemagogI have one question. Is it any way to use second monitor in hdmi just like in windows?14:59
xroSo, nobody here use empathy as IRC client?15:00
betraydxro nobody having the same problem as you is more like it15:00
akashj87xro, there may be some ...sleeping ;)15:00
hacktus0I have problem :15:00
hacktus0when i want shutdown my ubuntu 13.04 then it write : kernel      [failled]. And I must shutdown manualy (I push button for shutdown during 5 sec)15:00
hacktus0can you help me ? please15:01
Deepfriedicehackeron: can we see the log?15:01
cntrationalI'm having an issue where Skype gets stuck on the initial loading screen. I'm on a just-installed raring system. What do I do?15:02
varunendrahacktus0, did you check the integrity of the downloaded ISO? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM15:02
lucky1I'm trying to find the best VPN solution for an OpenVPN connection.. someone suggested to me that all I have to do is run VPN from a server off the router15:02
lucky1to secure my network traffic basically15:02
betrayd'all you have to do'15:03
lucky1I use openVPN client now but I'm seeing if running a VPN server can secure my network traffic better15:03
Deepfriedicelucky1: what's wrong with WPA2?15:03
xrobetrayd, we are many with this problem... and we all use x-chat because of that15:03
lucky1Right now, I don't know routers very well so I'm doing the VPN thing for now15:03
hacktus0varunendra : but is for en cryptage15:03
lucky1and the router I have here belongs to the cable company and I don't like those but I have to use it..15:04
DeepfriediceAlso, if you were going to use VPN (which is the wrong thing) you would need to run a client on your computer and a VPN sever on the router15:04
philinuxxro: have checked out all in guide https://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ#How_can_I_connect_to_IRC_in_Empathy_.3F15:04
Sarger001Is the iso for 4.10 floating around?15:04
betraydxro maybe you should ask the empathy folks then or whoever did that kludge for IRC15:05
varunendrahacktus0, couldn't get you.. what did you mean?15:05
Sarger001dw found it15:05
lucky1Deepfriedice: why is getting a VPN wrong?15:05
Deepfriedicelucky1: if you don't trust your router, use it only as a modem and have your own hardware as a router.15:05
xroi'll debug it tommorow15:05
xro++ all15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1078289 in linux (Ubuntu) "ACPI Warning: 0x0000000000000460-0x000000000000047f SystemIO conflicts with Region \PMIO 1 (20120320/utaddress-251)" [Medium,Incomplete]15:06
lucky1hmm.. networking!! So U get your own router to send out the dual (VPN + WAP2) encryption to the cable router15:06
Whiskey`Wonkaam i reading that right? the bug has been patched in the mainline kernel but not in ubuntu as yet?15:06
Deepfriedicelucky1: VPN is designed to harden traffic over many hops against snooping of MITM attacks.15:06
lucky1I know people who work for Verizon and I know those routers are bad news!!!!!!!!15:06
lucky1yes, I use OpenVPN15:06
Deepfriedicelucky1: not quite. You get your own router and disable Wireless on thier one, then connect the two by cable and broadcast a WPA2 network from your router.15:07
yggdrasilis the ubuntu iso that is 798 meant to be on a cd or a dvd ?15:08
llutzyggdrasil: dvd/usb15:09
lucky1Ohh wow!!! What do you know about good routers, really good routers.. VPN, firewall, switch and router.. routers15:09
cntrationalI'm having an issue where Skype gets stuck on the initial loading screen. What do I do?15:09
Deepfriedicecntrational: blame Microsoft.15:10
yggdrasili see.15:10
Whiskey`Wonkalucky1: I love the RB serious from routerboard.com15:10
lucky1if you had the money U needed to get a really good VPN, Firewall, Switch, router, routers?? Do people know what's desirable15:10
EaglemanAfter restarting my server the 4 loading dots are back, i only want the command line booting, how can i change this?15:10
llutz!ot | lucky115:10
ubottulucky1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:10
cntrationalDeepfriedice: aside from that, of course15:11
HaliteI got a message today about upgrading to 13.04.15:11
lucky1linux/unix router15:11
EaglemanAfter restarting my server the 4 loading dots are back, i only want the command line booting, how can i change this?15:12
Haliteoops I was testing my internet and I got carried away about my question15:12
Deepfriedicecntrational: I can't be much of a help, but does it produce any interesting output if you run it from a terminal?15:12
Haliteanyway, I got a message today about upgrading to 'Raring Racingtail'. When I pressed 'Yes, upgrade now' the first few times (w/ wireless), a system error occurs. When I plugged in the wired connection and do it again, nothing happens. Why is this?15:13
DeepfriediceHalite: I presume the program asking you about upgrading was update-manager?15:14
pythonirc1011I am redirecting both 1 and 2 but I still see "X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. " Any ideas how to suppress this warning?15:14
cntrationalDeepfriedice: actually, just fixed it -- had to remove the .Skype folder in home15:15
HaliteI'm not sure. It wasn't under Upgrade Manager.15:15
HaliteIt had a ? icon and had the title 'Ubuntu 13.04 Upgrade Available'.15:15
alo21hi... I want edit or get rid of suspend mode in my me-menu15:16
alo21how can I do this?15:16
Halitemy wireless doesn't work at the moment btw15:17
Halitebut when connected it won't work15:17
Quick_WangoHi! I seem to have a problem with compiz that causes the mouse focus to be locked to a window until I open a context menu. This does only happen when ubuntu is installed, not in the live version. Killing compiz allows the mouse to interact with any window again.15:17
Haliteowait everyone has me on ignore15:19
pythonirc1011The command -> /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/python /root/scripts/proj.py >> /var/log/proj.log 2>&1 & -- this still outputs - ""X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. " - how can i capture it and send it to the log?15:20
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philinuxalo21: see this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2062299&p=12258999&viewfull=1#post1225899915:23
alo21philinux, Thanks. It works!!15:28
philinuxalo21: result !!15:28
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philinuxalo21: easy to reverse too. make sure you bookmark that or put the commands in a tips and tricks folder15:29
alo21philinux, yea...good tip15:29
jairis there a way to add a second clock or third to the current cluck in ubuntu 13.04?15:29
jairI want to have Japan, US Chicago and Venezuela i.e.15:30
newcholbyhey am i imagining things or does a torrent go from 800kb/sec to 100kb/sec when you're loading web-page?15:30
betraydjair xonclock has timezone parameter15:31
betraydwith skins/themes15:32
philinuxjair: you can set up different locations within the clock15:33
jairhmm is there a documentation for the version of gnome unity I guess we are using?15:33
philinuxjair: or you could try gworldclock15:34
hacktus0when i want shutdown my ubuntu 13.04 then it write : kernel      [failled]. And I must shutdown manualy (I push button for shutdown during 5 sec)15:34
jairphilinux: that is an additional app?15:34
philinuxjair: yes. me prefers to set location in the normal panel clock15:35
jairphilinux: I will prefer that as well15:35
jairphilinux: let me try again15:36
jairbetrayd: thanks for the suggestion15:36
betraydyou're welcome, if the others don't work out15:36
Questhi, I am having the following error for unmet dependancies, have tried update , upgrade and dist-upgrade. no use. http://pastebin.com/MisEqEc915:36
hacktus0when i want shutdown my ubuntu 13.04 then it write : kernel      [failled]. And I must shutdown manualy (I push button for shutdown during 5 sec)15:36
hacktus0can you help me15:37
sharpshooterQuest, How did you got this error ?15:37
Questsharpshooter,  its written in the paste. i get it on almost all installs15:37
betraydhacktus0: first see if BIOS setting 'Let OS handle power management' is YES15:38
imark_Quest: can you remove kubuntu-firefox-installer?15:39
Questimark_,  how?15:39
llutzQuest: "sudo apt-get clean && sudo dpkg -r kubuntu-firefox-installer && sudo apt-get install firefox firefox-globalmenu"15:39
imark_sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-firefox-installer15:39
hacktus0betrayd : i have backtrack and it shutdown correctlly, ubuntu have problem with shutdown15:39
giovannieritaciao a tutti15:39
ubottugiovannierita: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:39
betraydhacktus0: ok15:40
varunendrahacktus0, on a reboot : cat /var/log/syslog.1 | tail -40 | pastebinit15:40
varunendrapost the pastebin url15:40
Questllutz,  ok15:40
jairphilinux: betrayd I got it guys15:40
jairI was missing the setting time in other locations15:41
betraydnice jair15:41
philinuxjair: thought that was it. dead easy when you know. lol15:41
jairby the way is there a document in ubuntu about all this settings and customizations?15:41
jairphilinux: right15:41
jairI found this site, it is helpful: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-13-0415:42
philinuxjair: type help in the Dash15:42
jairphilinux: ohhh cool15:42
jairphilinux: what do you think about this site: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-13-0415:42
philinuxjair: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Raring15:43
sharpshooterQuest, is it working ?15:43
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Guest79698hi have a nice day to all of you15:44
Questsharpshooter,  looking to it. internet problem15:44
JunCTionShello guys, I'm currently faced with an external USB drive making a clicking noise and not appearing in the graphic "Disk Utility" program. I can hear it clicking sporadically even though it's not mounted. So... how do I power it down safely (I can see it in lsusb -v) and do you have any recomendations on how to attempt to recover the data in it?15:45
veryhappyUbuntu 12.04.2 LTS 3.2.0-41-generic hey guys, i want to try this solution for my hdmi: http://askubuntu.com/questions/4662/where-is-the-x-org-config-file-how-do-i-configure-x-there due to the missing setting overscan, which was removed after a certain time, but i have no xorg.conf, how can i anyway get this to run? thank you15:45
newcholbyJunCTionS, i'm really sorry but that sounds like a bad drive.  google "drivesavers"15:45
newcholbythey have economy, gets your data in weeks15:46
jairphilinux: checking now15:46
newcholbyor 'I'm a millionaire'15:46
newcholbythey will friggin' do it in 24 hrs15:46
newcholbythey're like techs in white labcoats and a cleanroom.  they are the best in the world.15:46
BluesKajJunCTionS, by  USB drive , you mean a HDD connected by USB15:46
betraydveryhappy: try x -configure iirc15:46
betraydveryhappy: for a starting point15:47
JunCTionSthanks newcholby but I'm not in the US and I have the data in another computer in a city nearby. So just looking for a home solution15:47
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JunCTionSBluesKaj, yes, USB HDD15:47
betraydveryhappy: it detects current set up15:47
veryhappybetrayd: ok, i'll try it15:48
JunCTionSwe could start with powering it down to test it with another computer/connection. Anyone know how to power down a specific USB port?15:48
diego__hi friends15:48
HaliteWhy is LibreOffice Base (and Basic) inaccessible?15:48
BluesKajJunCTionS, does it show in the file manager15:48
JunCTionSBluesKaj, no, it doesn't. but it shows in the "lsusb -v"15:48
newcholbyJunCTionS, it takes really special training to take the platters out and put them in a new drive.  that's what is needed i think, because the click is a hardware problem i've run into15:49
veryhappyJunCTionS: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/how-to-power-off-usb-port-613304/15:49
newcholbysounds like the housing/moving parts/internal electronics are the problem15:49
HaliteWhy is LibreOffice Base (and Basic) inaccessible?15:50
hacktus0cat /var/log/syslog.1 | tail -40 | pastebinit15:50
betraydhey reda15:51
utfans05Halite, libraoffice is available on a fresh install of Ubuntu15:51
veryhappybetrayd: is is really supposed to be "X -configure iirc"? cause he said he didn't find this option15:51
JunCTionSthanks veryhappy, I tried something similar but maybe I'm missing something because I get: a "No such file or directory problem"15:51
varunendrahacktus0, that is the command you should run in a terminal when you restart15:51
Haliteutfans05, I have LibreOffice. It's just that Database and Basic are disabled and invisible respectively.15:51
varunendrapost here the link it gives you15:51
betraydno iirc means if i remember correctly  veryhappy15:51
veryhappybetrayd: sorry i'm not that familiar with all the abbreviations dude, i know a lot but this one i didn't :D thanks15:52
utfans05Halite, give me a few minutes, im updating my resume right now. soon as I'm done ill take a look at it15:52
JunCTionSnewcholby, yes, it's quite likely that it's a mechanical problem, I just want to try to see if it is a power failure problem (not enough juice from the USB port to get the thing properly moving). also, this guy found that in his case the casing was the problem: https://www.google.es/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDEQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Da2PB9gZ1br4&ei=Mh6JUcrEDeeR7AbsiYDICw15:52
JunCTionSsorry, I meant: www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2PB9gZ1br415:53
jairphilinux: awesome15:53
Haliteanyone else know how to enable LibreOffice Database and Basic? (Especially Basic preferably.)15:53
jairphilinux: something like this is what I was looking for15:53
philinuxjair: plenty to read then15:53
veryhappybetrayd: how's the best way to shutdown the X server?15:53
jairphilinux: ;-)15:53
veryhappybetrayd: no worries i'm on another computer than on the computer with the issue15:54
Halite-.- why nobody listen to me15:54
veryhappyHalite: just tell us your problem, don't ask to ask, just ask!15:54
JunCTionSso, veryhappy... do you know why it might be saying there is no state? I might be getting the numbers wrong, but I'm not sure how to get them right...15:54
DeepfriediceHalite: what do you mean by "enable"15:54
Haliteveryhappy: I DID!15:54
betraydveryhappy i use a kill script ka.pl X15:55
HaliteDeepfriedice, 'make selectable'15:55
HaliteDeepfriedice, I want to use LibreOffice Database and Basic.15:55
veryhappybetrayd: put it in a pastebin please15:55
veryhappyJunCTionS: i don't know either but i also won't tell you something wrong :(15:55
JunCTionSthat's ok veryhappy... thanks for trying :)15:56
veryhappyJunCTionS: yw15:56
pilsahi ... i have a problem with an application running on wine. it never made problems but suddenly i cant see it anymore. weired. the app starts, i can hear it making sounds, its there in the system monitor but i just cant see it on the desktop ... any idea?15:56
JunCTionSI tried touching the "level" variable and it gives me "Permission denied" even in sudo15:56
bazhangpilsa, wine apps help in #winehq15:56
bazhangalso check the appdb pilsa15:57
bazhang!appdb | pilsa15:57
ubottupilsa: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:57
HaliteDeepfriedice, I want to use LibreOffice Database and Basic. Clear enough?15:57
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents15:57
DeepfriediceHalite: sortof, If there are installed they should show up in the "office" menu.15:58
veryhappyHalite: libre office is not windows?! ok15:58
Haliteveryhappy, duh!15:58
ubottuLibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.15:58
HaliteDeepfriedice, how can I install them?15:58
DeepfriediceHalite: that they don't means something is odd with your menus15:58
veryhappyHalite: there we go!15:58
Deepfriedicethats what you need15:58
utfans05Halite, its apt-get install libreoffice then press tab twice and see which one you want15:58
Deepfriediceone sec15:59
betraydveryhappy: http://pastebin.ca/237573215:59
veryhappybetrayd: thanks15:59
HaliteDeepfriedice, LibreOffice Basic doesn't show up, and Database is unselectable.15:59
methodsany reason squid3 was built without ssl support?15:59
DeepfriediceWhat does 'sudo apt-get install libreoffice' do?16:00
utfans05Deepfriedice, that installs libreoffice...16:00
Deepfriediceutfans05: I was asking for the output when Halite runs it...16:01
utfans05Deepfriedice, oh... you didnt specify that  lol16:01
utfans05Deepfriedice, you just asked what it does...16:01
HaliteI'm installing libreoffice-base16:01
jacknightdoes ubuntu 13.04 stay on CD or need DVD?16:02
bazhangjacknight, dvd or usb stick16:02
veryhappybetrayd: i'm sorry dude, it doesn't seem to run :(16:02
OerHeksmethods, This is impossible right now for license reasons. Please see the discussion in http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=180886 for more information.16:03
ubottuDebian bug 180886 in squid "Please provide GNUTLS support in Squid" [Wishlist,Open]16:03
veryhappybetrayd: isn't there an easier way to kill the x server instead of a sh file?16:03
jacknight799MB on a DVD 4.7GB?16:03
bazhangjacknight, or use a usb stick16:03
utfans05jacknight, the best way to install it is using a usb stick16:04
betraydveryhappy: some would stop dm <-- name your dm16:04
JunCTionSveryhappy, nothing else was connected to the usbs so I just did "sudo -i" and then went echo suspend > /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb#/power/level  on every # there was16:04
veryhappybetrayd: kdm16:04
JunCTionSI'm gonna try my local IT department to see if they have their go-to guys for this. it's still in warranty16:05
JunCTionSanyways, thanks guys!16:05
veryhappyJunCTionS: that means it's already commented out16:05
betraydveryhappy: like i said, i just type ka.pl X and done16:06
jacknightdoes ubuntu 13.04 full support nvidia gtx 550ti?16:06
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utfans05jacknight, i believe so but check with nvidia16:06
Bombodoes ubuntu have a recovery mode? in previous versions i got a menu at boot time, its gone now, just the ubuntu logo16:06
veryhappythanks guys16:06
utfans05Bombo,  yes that menu is still there16:06
veryhappyhave to go16:07
veryhappysee you16:07
k1lBombo: press left shift16:07
Bomboutfans05: i dont see it16:07
jacknightskype on linux is still 4.1?16:07
Bombok1l: ok i'll try16:08
sharpshooterBombo, its there in advanced  boot options (similar)16:08
mark_mahi guys,are there anyone develop software using c language?16:08
pc_magasjacknight, Yes do not expect quick feature updates only bugfixes.16:09
Bombosharpshooter: i dont see any menu at boot time, maybe when i press lshift16:09
pc_magasmark_ma, I knwo C16:09
mark_mapc_magas:good,what kind of ide do you use in ubuntu16:09
pc_magasmark_ma, I use gcc makefile and gedit16:10
pc_magasbut I want to try and learn Codeblocks16:10
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Bombopc_magas mark_ma : codelite is cool too16:10
mark_mapc_magas:have you used Anjuta16:11
pc_magasmark_ma, nope16:11
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Bombohas repos for ubuntu16:11
jacknightwhich is best video player like mpc-hc for ubuntu?16:12
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:12
sharpshooterBombo, edit this file sudo gedit /etc/default/grub and  search for this two lines GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true  replace it to GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=10 GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=false and  run sudo update-grub16:12
Bombosharpshooter: ok thx16:13
XbladeCoderwhy root login is disabled in ubuntu ?16:13
dakiraXbladeCoder: because it is insecure and you don't need it16:13
OerHeksXbladeCoder, because ubuntu is build that way.16:14
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.16:14
dakiraXbladeCoder: you can become root with "sudo -i" if you need to16:14
uvalahello, when I install dchroot, I get a warning that the following packages cannot be authenticated: liblockdev1 schroot-common schroot dchroot  should I say yes or no to install question?16:14
Bombonext problem: where does unity or gnome or x or whatever that is save the screen resolution? there is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf ( i need to reset it )16:14
sharpshooterBombo, hold the shift key during boot16:14
k1lBombo: there is no xorg.conf since ages16:15
k1lBombo: just use the driver16:15
Bombosharpshooter: hmmkay ;)16:16
dakiraBombo: holding shift is not the answer you are looking for.16:17
dakiraBombo: just go to the  system settings and set your desired resolution. if you use the nvidia driver, use the nvidia settings tool.16:17
Bombodakira: ok but what if it wont start up at first... unity i mean16:19
Bombobecause of some bad settings for the grafics card or resolution that is not supported by the 'new' monitor16:19
anew/etc/init.d/mysql restart this is not working to restart mysql ?16:20
Bomboproblem is: setup the resolution on a different monitor, now there is a monitor connected that doesn't support the res16:21
anewgot it16:21
llutzanew: "sudo restart mysql"16:21
junctionshey there, veryhappy and the other person who replied to my recent USB HDD question, thanks, after powering it down safely and connecting it to another computer the clicking sound was gone and it mounted automatically, probable culprit: bad USB extension. In any case I'm doing an rsync full backup onto a server immediately.16:21
dakiraBombo: ah okay. well what kind of card do you have?16:22
anewis mtop not available with apt-get ?16:23
llutz!find mtop | anew16:23
ubottuanew: Found: netpbm16:23
anewsudo apt-get install netpbm16:23
llutzanew: whatis "mtop"? i doubt netpbm is what you're looking for16:24
Bombodakira: good question ;)16:24
llutzanew: netpbm isn't16:24
Bomboisn't there a 'reset to defaults' command line?16:24
llutzanew: releases 2004-09-13.... you don't want to use that16:25
ShecoUbuntu 13.04, when I have an app with multiple windows, clicking it in the taskbar only opens the last active window, can I make it open all the app's windows?16:25
Bombodpkg-reconfigure unity?16:25
anewok llutz16:25
wildc4rdhas anyone had any success getting Skype running under 13.04?16:25
Shecowildc4rd, yes i have.16:25
ezra-sSheco you can't open several windows at once, what exactly do you mean?16:26
Shecoezra-s: I have multiple terminals, switch to the browser, click on the terminal but only the last active terminal pops up.16:26
ezra-sSheco, I know what you mean, for that I use Super + S to show all desktops and go where the one I need is16:28
LuckySMacki have a lenovo y580 laptop. and when running windows it can run for about 4 - 5 hours before the battery dies. when running ubuntu 13 it only lasts about 2. im thinking that ubuntu is not properly changing to integrate GFX card when its not being used, and in general using max resources. is anyone familiar with this?16:28
ezra-sSheco, don't know if there is a better way16:28
LuckySMacknormally windows only kicks on the full gfx card when i enable it. i have a radeon.16:29
ezra-sSheco, leave super key pressed and see if there is an option that suits you16:29
ezra-sWTF is the Masculine key?16:30
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ezioacan i ask a question?16:35
llutz!ask | ezioa16:35
ubottuezioa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:35
ezioallutz, that's all i wanted  to know ... if i could ask a question16:35
ezioasucker :p16:35
dakiraBombo: the cmd line tool you want to use is xrandr. but that only works with opensource drivers or very new nvidia drivers16:36
ezioalol boredy bored16:36
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ezioaoh geez ... sorry i interrupted all the talking that was going on ... i'm really just hear to help16:37
ePaxI'm on ubuntu 12.04 and i have thinkpad e130. Ssh connection on lan is very slow. Is there any way to troubleshoot it? It seems that wifi is very slow16:37
k1l!guidelines > ezioa that includes !language too16:37
ubottuezioa, please see my private message16:37
lacrymologyI can't get pidgin to notify me on the messages icon on the taskbar near the clock when there's a message on IRC (as it *does* do when the message has `lacrymology:` or it comes from a PM system such as xmpp)16:37
lacrymologyI looked at #pidgin and pidgin plugisn already to no avail16:38
ezioalacrymology, what dm?16:39
lacrymologyhm.. not sure, how do I check that without logging out?16:39
lacrymologyezioa: gnome, maybe unity. Pretty sure it's gnome16:39
ezioadid you check under preferences?16:40
lacrymologyezioa: WHAT preferences?16:40
lacrymologyezioa: pidgin's? gnome's?16:40
MonkeyDustlacrymology  does have a launchbar on the left?16:40
lacrymologyMonkeyDust: yes it does16:40
ezioaprobably gnome or unity16:41
MonkeyDustezioa  unity is a shell for gnome316:41
ezioawhich covers the "system tray"16:42
uvaladear ubuntu support, anyone to help me with my little humble inquiry?16:43
k1l!details | uvala16:43
ubottuuvala: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:43
lacrymologyMonkeyDust, ezioa: I'm pretty sure it's gnome, anyways, where can I check this?16:44
lacrymologyI've activated pretty much every option in every notification pidgin plugin there is, this seems to be on the gnome side16:45
MonkeyDustlacrymology  use imagebin to show us a screenshot16:45
lacrymologymy window now shakes, blinks, and jumps to front, and the little ghost message notification popup appears, but I cannot get the freaking envelope to become blue16:46
betraydlacrymology: the icon in notify?16:47
betraydoh wait16:47
* MSUbuntu slaps Sven_vB around a bit with a large trout16:49
* MSUbuntu slaps SushiDude around a bit with a large trout16:49
* MSUbuntu slaps msx around a bit with a large trout16:49
* ezioa breaks wind16:49
k1lMSUbuntu: please stop that in here16:50
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
MonkeyDustlacrymology  http://i.imgur.com/3N5f6.jpg16:50
* MSUbuntu slaps k1l around a bit with a large trout16:50
* MSUbuntu slaps k1l around a bit with a large trout16:50
* MSUbuntu slaps k1l around a bit with a large trout16:50
FloodBot3MSUbuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
FloodBot1MSUbuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
=== mpoirier_away is now known as mpoirier
lacrymologyMonkeyDust: it's unity, here http://imagebin.org/256827 is a screenshot, the left image is what I get when there's new messages not dirceted to me, the right image is what i want them to be. Notice the notification icon is blue, and the tab title is in blue as well (this is not important, but might be a clue)16:56
lacrymologybetrayd: yes16:57
lmatI'm obviously not getting it :( How do I access man stat(2) ?16:57
lmatfreaking crap Simple as all get out and spelled out on man man.16:58
Picilmat: man 2 stat16:58
lmatman [section] term16:58
lmatPici: Thanks.16:58
lmatI had tried that but obviously with a different command that didn't work :( So I had moved on to man term [section]. Thanks again16:59
Picilmat: If it can't find that manpage/section you might need manpages-dev installed16:59
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betraydlacrymology: if its the icon IN the notify bubble, it probably lies in /usr/share/icons/ etc17:05
betraydyou might have to dig through the subdirs17:06
Sheco_ezra-s, sorry I was away, so did you follow my issue about the window switching?17:09
ezra-sSheco_, scroll up17:12
lacrymologybetrayd: wat?17:13
yashhdoes backup store files while installing new ubuntu?17:13
F41LHey all.. question for you. Anyone know if there is a driver for the KillerNIC E2100 yet for linux?17:14
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utfans05F41L, im looking now17:16
OerHeksF41L, likely not, that E2100 nic is well known as not linux friendly. if there is a driver, i would have heard about it.17:17
F41LOerHeks,  I mean shoot, isn't it running embedded linux itself?17:17
utfans05F41L, There is not one that I could find in a quick search17:17
LuckySMackI'm trying to install Ubuntu 13 on my laptop. Dual booting with win8.and on running the installer I get this error: busy box shell. Can not mount /dev/loop0 /cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs on //filesystem.squashfs17:18
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=== nikhil_kumar is now known as nikhil4092
LuckySMackBut I am using a USB to install the system. I used the USB creator in Ubuntu to copy to the USB17:18
uvalak1l, I have a problem with dchroot installation, I'm running Ubuntu version 12.04. When I try to install it, I get the following output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5642141/ , should I let it install these packages?17:20
whoeverhi all , i need som help with a grub2 entry my entry is showing up but the iso  is not booting17:20
uvalaI see that k1l is not active, can anyone help me with my above-cited problem?17:22
whoever^^ menuentry17:22
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konsgn_piwhy do I keep getting a Can't read local name on hci0: Connection timed out (110)17:27
konsgn_piit displays it as up and running17:27
konsgn_pibut i cant see the name and i cant rename it17:27
ubottuHalite: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:28
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:28
glitchdhello everyone17:29
konsgn_pi!search bt_usb17:30
xeon123how do I reinstall with apt-get17:31
trismxeon123: for a single package: sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename;17:32
konsgn_piwhy do I keep getting a Can't read local name on hci0: Connection timed out (110)17:32
Halite!package libreoffice-basic17:33
konsgn_pii can scam bt mac devices but i cant pair to them17:33
bazhangHalite, /msg ubottu17:33
Halitehow do I install LibreOffice Basic? I got Base installed, but I want to install LibreOffice Basic now.17:33
Halitepls be quick - it's near bedtime17:34
bazhangHalite, apt-cache search term17:34
DeepfriediceHalite: what is Libreoffice Basic?17:35
BluesKajHalite, use your software center to install packages , don't demand ppl to be quick , we're all volunterers here17:35
Halite-.- I didn't want someone to start being mean to me blueskag17:36
Halite(pun intended)17:36
bazhangHalite, that is enough. be patient17:36
HaliteI CAN'T17:36
bazhang!helpme | Halite17:37
ubottuHalite: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:37
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:37
BluesKajHalite, time to, learn for yourself , use the software center17:37
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:37
newcholbydoes ubuntu not install a bootloader by default?17:39
newcholbyor did win8 screw it up?17:39
ezra-snewcholby, win screwed it up prolly17:39
utfans05newcholby did you install windows after linux or linux after windows?17:39
newcholbybummerrrr ok i'm going to bed.  will work on it tomorrow17:40
pythonirc1011when i run a command from command line it works. But when I put it in rc.local, it somehow does not work. Any ideas what could be wrong?17:40
newcholbywindows first, but i gave linux its own 100gig unpartitioned/raw whatever space17:40
glitchdprobably the format that your using to put it in the rc.conf17:40
Deepfriedicenewcholby: win8 screwed it up, but you can use a install disk to fix it. there should be a repair option which allows you to repair GRUB17:40
pythonirc1011glitchd: I'm putting the exact command in /etc/rc.local17:40
newcholbyDeepfriedice, ok i'll write that down.17:41
newcholbyalmost 3am here.  heheh bedtime17:41
newcholbythe install slides looked AWESOME.17:41
glitchdpythonirc1011, hmmm..17:41
newcholbyi'm going to see ubuntu from whe i played with it almot 10 years ago17:41
utfans05good luck newcholby17:41
newcholbyto now.  it's going to blw me awy17:41
newcholbyi used to date a guy named ubuntu...   just kidding i gave up trolling.17:41
glitchdnewcholby, http://apcmag.com/how-to-dual-boot-windows-8-and-linux.htm17:42
newcholbybookmarked... must.. go.. to.. bed..17:42
glitchdpythonirc1011, whats the command?17:42
glitchdnewcholby, later17:42
javier_Hi. I'm trying to install recoll plugin in  synapse, but don't know if that even exist neither what is a branch or how to use bzr (trying to read this : https://code.launchpad.net/~pmarchwiak/synapse-project/recoll-plugin/+merge/133784). Someone can tell me if such thing is possible?17:43
glitchdpythonirc1011, ...?17:44
Deepfriediceglitchd: why would you use both BCD and GRUB? Just use GRUB.17:44
glitchdDeepfriedice, i was just looking for something relevant to installing windows 8 and linux17:45
glitchdDeepfriedice, honestly didnt read the whole thing..17:45
bhaveshMy steam updates half and mid way it says Fatal Error : Steam needs to be online to update. :(17:45
bhaveshtried the answer on askubuntu17:45
glitchdbhavesh, reinstall it?17:46
bhaveshand my internet connection is fine too17:46
bhaveshglitchd, hmm.. you mean delete .steam from home and reinstall steam?17:46
glitchdbhavesh, yep17:46
bhaveshglitchd, k :)17:46
glitchdbhavesh, no promises that'll fix the problem, but its easy enough to do anyways and it just might fix the problem17:47
glitchdbhavesh, make sure to delete the .steam folder after u remove it. then reinstall it17:47
bhaveshglitchd, okay.17:47
glitchdbhavesh, good luck17:48
glitchdDeepfriedice, btw, with windows 8's secure boot i think it may be needed to install bcd and grub. bcd to manage grub and grub to manage which os to boot.17:50
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chopper79Have a PC question. I have been using the same ECS motherboards for a bit now and a standard 17" 4:3 monitor. I want to use a 16:9 monitor now and was wondering if any of you have a good motherboard and monitor combination that you have used. The reason for this is my motherboard and a 16:9 monitor dont jive together and the screen resolution is off. I have updated any driver that may be needed with no luck17:52
chopper79I have also tried 6 different monitors17:52
chopper79with no luck on screen reolution17:52
Deepfriediceglitchd: Ahh, great. I take it this is Mircosofts commitment to convenience and progress showing?17:52
Deepfriedicechopper79: why do you think the problem has anything to do with your motherboard?17:53
moppersDeepfriedice, it's a known issue with the terribad onboard vga on some ecs boards17:53
glitchdDeepfriedice, As part of its changes to decrease boot times, Win 8 actually loads in the background and the boot menu is more a formality: if you click to boot Windows 8, you’ll instantly be presented with the login screen; if you choose to load another operating system, your machine will reboot before loading into the other OS.17:54
wilee-nilee!uefi | newcholby17:54
ubottunewcholby: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:54
mopperschopper79, ECS is a very cheap and often get issues like this at that price band: tomshardware or any of the other PC builder websites do good reviews of motherboards17:54
wilee-nileenewcholby, The ubuntu forums has the uefi support.17:55
chopper79moppers- I will check there. Is there anything I can do to make the widescreens work on the ECS boards as I need to keep these puters cost down17:56
MartynKeigherquick Q: whats the command to disable your friewall on ubuntu desktop?17:57
gmachine_24Greetings. I'm using 12.04LTS - how do I disable keypad while I'm typing on notebook?17:57
utfans05MartynKeigher, ufw disable17:58
MartynKeighergreat thanks17:58
ZynACKI've forgotten the password to an account on a laptop, but I am signed into it (boots automatically). What file has the password stored in it so I can see it?18:04
sonofzeusHey there18:04
sonofzeushow shall I configure my samsung built in audio to work with ubuntu?18:04
sonofzeusI;m using a samsung tv as my monitor and I gotta make it work18:05
dhcitried to compile a package known as libgda-5.0.3 using the --with-ui option but it can't find GTK18:05
dhcidoes ubuntu include it because I already have libgtk2.0-dev installed18:06
Questhow to install gtalk on ubuntu?18:07
uvalaso repeating the question :)  k1l, I have a problem with dchroot installation, I'm running Ubuntu version 12.04. When I try to install it, I get the following output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5642141/ , should I let it install these packages?18:09
teslaaHi all18:10
jvelezcI am cross compiling a kernel for arch and i need some help.18:11
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jvelezci am using ubuntu to cross compile it18:11
jvelezci am stuck at : make -j4 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=../arm-2008q3/bin/arm-none-eabi- uImage18:11
wilee-nileeZynACK, you can reset the password http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword18:12
jerry_looking for a version for eeepc 900, pointers, thanks18:12
ZynACKwilee-nilee, We tried this but we needed the root password which we don't have.18:13
wilee-nileeZynACK, There is no root password unless you set one.18:14
ZynACKYeah maybe there was.18:14
wilee-nileeZynACK, Not from ubuntu you have to remember here.18:14
wilee-nileewhether you made one18:15
jrib!password | ZynACK18:15
ubottuZynACK: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:15
jribZynACK: once you gain access to the account with sudo you should reset the root password as well (or lock it according to the instructions in ubottu's !sudo factoid)18:16
tgm4883jrib, I don't think he's setting a root password18:16
athreyahello, i've installed ubuntu in a dual boot along with windows 7 and am not able to load it now :(18:17
jribtgm4883: the link wilee-nilee gave has him use recovery mode but recovery mode will ask for the root password if one is set (he said he couldn't use recovery mode because it asks for a password)18:17
tgm4883ah I missed that part18:17
athreyai used the install along with windows option during installation and can't access it now18:17
wilee-nilee!details | athreya18:18
ubottuathreya: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:18
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athreyaWhen i turn on the computer it loads windows 7 without providing any boot options18:18
wilee-nileeathreya, This an install of ubuntu from windows?18:18
athreyai did not install using wubi18:18
wilee-nileeathreya, Do you have more than one HD?18:19
athreyano just one but i partitioned it18:19
pc-moon i wanna code for draw Chevron by opengl , can any one help me18:19
athreyathere was 35gb of free space18:19
athreyawhich repartitioned during ubuntu installation18:20
athreyaubuntu is now installed on a 5gb partition i suppose18:20
athreyawhile there's an empty 30gb partition which is not detected in windows18:20
wilee-nileeathreya, the easiest way to diagnose this is using the bootinfo summary on the bootrepair, run it only and post the url generated, use the live cd/usb. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair18:21
athreyabut i can't access ubuntu18:22
athreyait automatically loads windows 718:22
wilee-nileeuse the live cd/usb. athreya read what is posted.18:22
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athreyai need to install drivers to access the internet via the live cd/usb18:23
athreyainternet drivers which have only been installed on windows18:23
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | athreya use this to boot the live.18:23
ubottuathreya use this to boot the live.: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:23
athreyaappreciate the help18:24
athreyai'lltry it and get back18:24
wilee-nileeathreya, You will need either a booted live to fix this or supergrub to get in most likely, if everything is in order except grub not being in the mbr. However you could try easybcd.18:24
Questhow to start google talk? iam following http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/03/how-to-install-google-talk-plugin-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/18:26
athreyathank you, will get back to you wilee-nilee18:26
wilee-nileeathreya, Cool.18:26
chroDoes ubuntu support multi-desktops anymore?18:26
wilee-nileeQuest, What is the release you have installed?18:27
wilee-nileechro, Yes.18:27
dhciis there a good tool for Ubuntu to create and edit SQL tables?18:27
chrowilee-nilee, how?18:27
Questwilee-nilee,  12.10  i gue18:28
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Questwilee-nilee,  yes. 12.1018:29
Questwilee-nilee,  hello18:30
wilee-nileeQuest, Your wget link is shown in a ppa so it should be correct, what is the problems you are having in detail.18:30
johnjohn101i compiled an application via ./configure, make, make install. it ended up in /usr/local  which is fine.  But i can't get it to show up in dash.  Is there a way to do this?18:31
Questwilee-nilee,  how to start the gtalk. it has been installed fine18:31
chrowilee-nilee, when I press the hotKey+S I only see my 2 screens, not 2screens x 4 desktops18:32
wilee-nileeQuest, Ah, not sure I have not used it, hopefully you will someone who has.18:32
netoAlguem aí tem conhecimento em vindula18:32
IdleOneQuest: http://www.google.ca/talk/start.html18:33
wilee-nileechro, This unity?18:33
chrowilee-nilee, exactly18:33
athreyaokay i installed easybcd18:33
athreyaand found that only windows 7 is listed18:33
chrowilee-nilee, the multi-desktop button is not there anymore18:33
wilee-nileechro, I use the shell  but messed with unity a couple of days ago, I believe on the right click on the desktop to mess with the background the unity panel tab has a click for the desktops shown.18:34
athreyais there any way i can add linux to entry?18:34
ubotturbticino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:35
chrowilee-nilee,  It has a button saying Organize desktops by name, but nothing happens. I think this is because I have 2 screens18:35
tgm4883chro, you're looking for workspaces?18:35
chrotgm4883, yes18:35
oDiafanosHello! I run ubuntu server x86 12.04.1 and mysql refuses to start. On reboot it hanged so i tried 2 different backups. Mysql refuse to start.error seems to be dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of mysql-server:18:35
oDiafanos mysql-server depends on mysql-server-5.5; however:18:35
oDiafanos  Package mysql-server-5.5 is not configured yet.18:35
tgm4883chro, it's disabled by default in 13.04.18:36
chrotgm4883, why is it disabled?18:36
tgm4883chro, go to System Settings > Appearance, click on the Behavior tab18:36
tgm4883chro, check "enable workspaces"18:36
tgm4883chro, IDK, probably because it didn't test well18:37
chrotgm4883, do you use workspaces?18:37
chrook tgm4883 thanks18:37
MonkeyDustoDiafanos  try #ubuntu-server18:37
tgm4883chro, no i don't anymore18:37
tgm4883I used to18:37
chrotgm4883, ok thanks18:38
wilee-nileeathreya, It has been awhile since I messed with easybcd but here is an image. https://farm5.static.flickr.com/4092/4837770782_3a66b24fd6_o.png18:38
QuestIdleOne,  i thought google talk was a messenger18:40
ZafPLHi, how can I debug kernel panic except using GDB, Kdump, crash and Backtrace?18:40
athreyathank you18:40
athreyaagain will get back to you and sorry for all the troubles18:40
athreyai managed to add entry and now i'm getting this screen18:43
athreyait says grub>18:43
wilee-nileeathreya, Ah, sounds like grub was not installed correctly. You might just do a reinstall, or manually boot in and fix it or get supergrub to see if it will get you in to fix grub.18:45
Questhow to install gtalk messenger on ubuntu?18:46
wilee-nileenot being able to just boot the live cd/usb makes things more difficult is all.18:46
athreyathank you wilee nilee18:47
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athreyawill come back tomorrow18:47
wilee-nileeathreya, Cool, good luck. ;)18:48
ghostzhi guys18:48
Xtremei am using lubuntu18:48
pushcxI have a weird kb issue in x terminals and console - if I run 'sleep 5' and type 'ls<enter>' before that returns, it acts as if I typed 'ls<tab>' and shows completions. ANy ideas how to fix it?18:49
Xtremecan you suggest me a graphical sytem monitor18:49
Xtremewith network, disc etc etc18:49
pushcxXtreme: gkrellm18:49
bozoniusdoes Unity have a conventional "tray" on the panel?  bacula-tray-monitor does not show up anywhere on the panel18:50
Xtremearm not what i am looking for pushcx .18:50
gmachine_24Greetings. I'm using 12.04LTS - how do I disable keypad while I'm typing on notebook?18:50
Xtremei am looking for something like task manager18:50
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Xtremeor fedora system monitor18:50
bozoniusI'm on LTS 12.0418:50
core4macfidel: hi18:54
stat_viXtreme: gnome-system-monitor18:54
chopper79Will the GMA3150 graphic play a role in whether a widescreen monitor will work or not?18:55
wilee-nileegmachine_24I would look up your computer and locking that in ubuntu, there is not a generic answer I believe.18:56
john_doe_jrwhen you copy two files with the same name to a directory what happens?18:56
OerHeksjohn_doe_jr, easy to find out :-D18:57
llutzjohn_doe_jr: 2nd overwrites 1st18:57
john_doe_jrllutz: cool...thanks18:57
chopper79The reason I ask is I have an ECS motherboard with a GMA3150 Graphics set and another with GMA3600 and the GMA3600 will not pick up the widescreen monitor, but the GMA3150 picks it up with the proper screen resolutions.18:58
chopper79Both are ECS boards18:58
Xtremestat_vi, was installing that only..19:00
Xtremecan you please suggest me something for notification on lxde..19:00
Xtremeand theme?19:00
=== Aaruni is now known as Dunce
=== Dunce is now known as Aaruni
hpuser4466How do I convert a bunch of images into a video file?19:05
hpuser4466ffmpeg doesn't seem to work for me.19:05
JackSpratNeed help with Ubuntu 10.04 LTR (I know it is old!). When I restart I just get a background image, no icons, menu bar etc. Can cntl + alt + F1 and am asked to sign in via the command line. Oddly I can still SSH into the computer and it is still severing my website. I have GNOME and GDE installed but they don't seem to start correctly. Suggestions?19:06
llutzhpuser4466: http://rfc1149.de/index.php#2010-12-0419:06
hpuser4466well i have about 1000 or so images, if kino can accept that many.19:06
wilee-nileeJackSprat, I would just install 12.04, as of two days you will not get support here, or from ubuntu.19:08
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wilee-nileethe desktop anyway19:09
JackSpratwilee-nilee, I have a ton of legacy bioinformatics software on the computer and a lot of it isn't supported in newer versions19:09
JackSprati would prefer to repair this and then rescue data19:09
wilee-nileeJackSprat, That is a bummer, however you are subject to the rules like everyone else is all.19:09
JackSpratDark humor indeed19:10
ezra-sis there a way to see io load ?19:11
llutzezra-s: iotop, iostat19:12
ezra-sllutz, thank you!19:13
wilee-nileeJackSprat, Without any real details on the desktop issues o one can really help.19:16
JackSpratAny suggestions were I should look for details?19:16
neopsychehow do I install a webcam that wont work properly?19:17
neopsyche(example.. im a noob(19:17
chaotixhi...  i made a webserver, and uploaded phpMyAdmin to it, but now i have to change the permissions of the folder...  it is /var/www/admin,, when i try to access it from another computer on the network in a web browser it says 403 forbidden...   dow do i change the permissions of it19:17
wilee-nileeJackSprat, Your history leading to this would help. Is it a install you have direct access to or is it an online install...etc19:17
wilee-nileeIt showed the desktop then it didn't I assume what caused this19:18
Questwhich has more softwares in its repositories? debian or ubuntu?19:18
wilee-nileeQuest, who knows.19:18
JackSpratwilee-nilee, I directed installed it several years ago. It is 10.04.4. I just recently restarted it when MySQL crashed and now I just have a blank background that essentially runs headless19:19
JackSpratno GUI at all19:19
tgm4883Quest, Ubuntu most likely19:19
wilee-nileeJackSprat, That might help, it is beyond my skills really, I was just concerned you actually get help. ;)19:20
JackSpratThanks wilee-nille, I appreciate it!19:20
chaotixmore specifically, i know how to change the permissions...  i can do it from the gui with nautilus, but what do i change the permissions to so that i can see them over the network with a browser19:20
wilee-nileeIf t were me I would install another desktop like lubuntu, easily removed or added.19:21
JackSpratDo I just write 'sudo apt-get install lubuntu'?19:21
wilee-nileelubuntu-desktop however that is my method not necessarily the best idea.19:22
llutzQuest: todays no1 of useless information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Linux_distributions#Package_management_and_installation19:22
wilee-nileeor lxde-desktop19:22
neopsychewebcam help anyone?19:22
chaotixnvm i got it19:23
chaotixthanks though19:23
FloodBot3chaotix: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:23
FloodBot1chaotix: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:23
wilee-nileemight just be lxde19:23
chaotixi didnt flood19:23
wilee-nileedon't use Enter as punctuation19:23
wilee-nileethe bot is sensitive on that issue, lol19:24
crankharderif I cahnge /etc/hostname and reboot, 'hostname' returns (none) - why?19:24
chaotixsorry about that, now i know19:24
Questllutz,  wilee-nilee  tgm4883  thx19:24
crankharderfwiw, it hostname currently returns whats in /etc/hostname, only when i change it away from what it was originally19:24
kbooducrankharder: Did you update /etc/hosts (for IP Address 127.0.0.x) as well?19:24
Questhow to start gtalk when installation is done?19:25
crankharderkboodu: i dont have the current hostname in /etc/hosts, just localhost pointing to 127.0.0119:25
bekkscrankharder: You are using dhcp, dont you?19:25
OerHekscrankharder, you need to change it in 2 places, /etc/hosts/  and /etc/hostname >> http://askubuntu.com/a/20670319:26
crankharderOerHeks: it's not in /etc/hosts to begin with19:26
kbooducrankharder: you need to add it to /etc/hosts.  With either it's IP Address or with (or something else in 127.0.0.x)19:26
Questhow to start gtalk (google-talkplugin) when installation is done? its a messenger.19:26
wilee-nileeQuest, I have never used it, however it appears you need a client to use it. http://www.ubuntututorials.com/install-google-talk-ubuntu-12-04/19:26
crankharderbekks: no, static ip address19:27
PiciQuest: I was under the impression that it just provided extra functionality to the web-based client.19:27
kbooducrankharder: you can also ADD it to the line, but some programs haven't liked it very much.19:27
PiciQuest: also, if you are just looking for something that can interact with google talk, any jabber client will do.19:27
bekkscrankharder: Just add a line for your IP and yourr hostname.19:27
crankharderi did, still not working19:28
QuestPici,  wilee-nilee  what will this do -> ? echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/talkplugin/deb/ stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-talk-$(lsb_release -sc).list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install  google-talkplugin                    i needed a messenger19:28
bekkscrankharder: Whats not working?19:28
kbooducrankharder: In my case it was:  host.domain    host        localhost19:28
QuestPici,  i need a similar gtalk messenger as windows have19:28
PiciQuest: do you need video?19:28
PiciQuest: and voice?19:28
wilee-nileeQuest, That is the install and addition to the repos, beyond that I have never used it.19:29
PiciQuest: if so, then google-talkplugin will work, but it is not a standalone client.19:29
zeepwhat's this driver option exactly? Showed up after I added xorg edgers ppa.  http://i.imgur.com/lsyfLB7.png19:30
QuestPici,  yes19:31
QuestPici,  how to start it once i have installed it?19:31
PiciQuest: You don't.  It provides extra functionality to the google talk client that exists within gmail.19:32
PiciQuest: it is a browser plugin.19:32
QuestPici,  so i open gmail inbox and the browser will auto integrate with the gtalk?19:33
PiciQuest: yes.19:33
QuestPici,  but it wont give me voice and video?19:33
PiciQuest: It should.19:33
=== Kurza` is now known as Kurza
QuestPici,  for voice and video , what client is closest to the windows gtalk messenger?19:33
PiciQuest: I don't know. I only use the browser.19:34
QuestPici,  it WILL give me voice and video on browser based messenger?19:34
PiciQuest: I just said it would like 3 times.19:34
QuestPici,  wow.19:34
crankharderah, didn't like the "_" in my hostname19:39
xxMarcoxxwich is the best download manager for ubuntu 13????19:41
tgm4883crankharder, underscore isn't a valid character in a hostname19:41
xxMarcoxxwich is the best download manager for ubuntu 13?? in your opinion??19:42
k1lxxMarcoxx: there is no "best". just use what fits your needs19:43
tgm4883!poll | xxMarcoxx19:43
ubottuxxMarcoxx: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:43
crankhardertgm4883: well i know that now :p19:45
tgm4883crankharder, yea it's a common misconception. It doesn't help that microsoft breaks the RFC and allows that19:46
* ashesofpain salutes the Ubuntu'ers19:48
Romantic_Itemhello dear!19:50
Romantic_Itemanybody want to chat???19:50
tgm4883!OT | Romantic_Item19:50
ubottuRomantic_Item: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:50
DJonesRomantic_Item: This is a support channel, not a general chat channel19:51
bozoniusmy bacula-tray-monitor does not show up anywhere on the unity panel19:52
bozoniusany help would be appreciated, thanks19:52
texla12.04lts..Is there a way to center windows on the unity desktop19:53
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tgm4883texla, doesn't look like it. IDK if there is a setting for that if you edit the compiz settings19:55
texlatgm4883, Possible in compiz but I want to stay away from compiz as I have to continue activating it from time to time19:57
transit441Hi could someone here help me with OpenVPN?19:57
transit441I have it set up and when I run service openvpn start and thenc heck with service openvpn status it is running19:57
transit441however I can't connect to it19:57
transit441my client isn't giving me an error -- it just doesnt connect19:58
duryhi there channel :-)19:58
transit441 /var/log/openvpn shows this as an error: Options error: --server directive network/netmask combination is invalid19:58
durycan't login in my local phpmyadmin  :-( gessss someone to help please19:59
transit441why cant you login?20:00
transit441what error?20:00
bozoniusdury:  maybe try the php or mysql channels?20:00
kaiyinhi, is there a ppa for skype?20:01
dury#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server20:01
transit441kaiyin: http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/06/how-to-install-skype-40-via-ppa-under.html20:01
bozoniusdo I have voice here?  Seems like no one can hear me on any channel20:02
transit441yea i can hear ya bozonius20:02
bozonius(just checking20:02
durytransit441: #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server20:02
transit441hmm i dunno dur20:02
transit441try mysql channel20:02
transit441or you could just reinstall mysql20:02
durytransit441: how do I reinstall mysql server20:03
durytransit441: dpkg reconfigure mysql-server20:03
Loshkikaiyin: something like this? http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/canonical_partner20:04
transit441do an aptitude purge for me it and then apt-get install mysql-server && apt-get install mysql-client20:04
transit441i think those are the names20:04
=== jon_w is now known as jwelzel
anewguys is there anyway to see what mysql commands are being performed in real time20:05
durytransit441: what's the command aptitude purge would u please exactly what to type in terminal20:06
kbooduanew: You might try my_top (it's a perl script)20:06
kbooduanew: Sorry, looks like it's mytop.  It's available in CPAN.20:07
bozoniusanyone here familiar with the unity desktop?20:07
anewbest one ?20:07
durytransit441: the command for aptitude purge... how is it?20:08
kboodu!poll | anew20:08
ubottuanew: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:08
transit441dury: sudo aptitude purge mysql20:08
durytransit441: all right ... hang on20:08
compdocbozonius, I've heard of Unity20:10
bozoniusyou know, compdoc, I am starting to think that people have dumped Unity for other (better?) desktops on Ubuntu20:10
bozoniusno one seems to have any answers about Unity20:10
bozoniusso I am guessing no one uses it or wants to know about it20:11
bozoniusor almost none20:11
durytransit441: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5642601/20:11
durytransit441: maybe mysqld20:12
CarlFKwhats' the vnc client that gets installed on a stock ubuntu ?  also does win termina server and some other remote control protocol20:12
oconnoreHey ubuntu, how do I install multiarch (i386) packages without deleting my actual arch packages (x86_64)?20:12
oconnoreI want to cross compile for i38620:13
transit441dury: try mysql*20:13
durytransit441: ok20:13
oconnoreWhen I type apt-get install <package>:i386 it tries to remove gcc20:13
semitonesQuestion for all: Is there a way to tell apt, "which packages have I installed from a ppa?"20:13
semitones*ask apt20:13
MonkeyDustoconnore  you need ia32-libs-multiarch20:14
durytransit441: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5642613/20:15
oconnoreMonkeyDust: I have that20:15
oconnoreMonkeyDust: ia32-libs-multiarch:i386 is already the newest version.20:16
=== gio is now known as Guest50584
durytransit441: how do I purge & remove it20:17
transit441dury: purging it does remove it20:18
oconnoreIf it helps, libftdi-dev:i386 is the package that I need20:18
transit441Could someone help me with OpenVPN? I have it set up and when I run service openvpn start and thenc heck with service openvpn status it is running however I can't connect to it. /var/log/openvpn shows this as an error: Options error: --server directive network/netmask combination is invalid20:18
durytransit441: how do I know it's removed already?20:19
transit441should say20:20
transit441copy/paste what happened after u issued the purge command20:20
troulouliou_devhi since i migrated to 13.04; when i unplug and then plug back the ethernet cable ; my card is not set to up state20:20
troulouliou_devand i need to reboot the computer20:20
semitonescan I run "apt-get dist-upgrade" to be just like update manager?20:20
icerootsemitones: yes20:20
transit441dist upgrade will upgrade you from like 12.04 to 12.10 etc semitones20:21
iceroottransit441: no20:21
iceroottransit441: no20:21
Pici!dist-upgrade | transit44120:21
ubottutransit441: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.20:21
kboodutroulouliou_dev: Will "sudo service network restart" solve your problem?20:21
transit441upgrade is for packages right?20:21
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:21
durytransit441: sudo aptitude purge mysql*  ?20:21
transit441should do it20:21
durytransit441: as before?20:21
iceroottransit441: upgrade and dist-upgrade will both update the packages to the latest version (for the ubuntu release you are using) but dist-upgrade is also chaging dependencies20:22
transit441iceroot: so whats the difference between apt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade20:22
MonkeyDustdury  use apt-get, not aptitude20:22
Picitransit441: ubottu just explained it as well.20:22
transit441yea i get it now20:22
transit441iceroot made more sense20:22
semitonestransit441, i believe dist-upgrade differs from upgrade in that it installs all installable packages, and attempts to intelligently handle dependencies, whereas "upgrade" doesn't install things like kernel upgrades for some reason.20:22
Picisemitones: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed.20:22
durytransit441: sudo apt-get purge mysql*  then?20:23
utfans05actually dist-upgrade handles some of the bigger things. alot of those things require restarts to work correctly20:23
icerootsemitones: a kernel update will install a new package, because you have a meta-package installed called linuxc-generic-image and that metapackage will pull a new package for each kernel, that is done with dist-upgrade20:23
icerootutfans05: dist-upgrade has nothing to do with bigger things or restarts20:23
transit441dury: ask MonkeyDust. I use aptitude when I do purges but he probably has some sort of reason for apt-get20:23
semitonesthanks pici and iceroot -- I understand much better now!20:23
transit441so iceroot should you do dist-upgrade regularly?20:24
transit441i remember i did it like a year ago and a ton of things broke20:24
transit441so ive always avoided it20:24
transit441i thought it upgraded from 12.04 to 12.1020:24
iceroottransit441: always use dist-upgrade to get the latest security fixes, with upgrade you will miss some updates20:24
junixbrhi there20:24
semitonestransit441, if you just do "apt-get upgrade" you'll sometimes see "the following packages have been held back:" in your terminal20:24
junixbranybody knows about a launch pad problem?20:25
junixbrcannot access ppa...20:25
icerootjunixbr: #launchpad20:25
Picijunixbr: your own ppa?20:25
troulouliou_devcan i use my ubuntu one accoutn to log in on askubuntu ?20:27
bwat47troulouliou_dev, I think so20:27
troulouliou_devbwall, askubuntu is from canonical ?20:27
anassI want to know how to install a Wi-install cd key20:28
troulouliou_devbwat47, askubuntu is from canonical ?20:28
junixbrPici, any ppa20:28
Picijunixbr: what release of Ubuntu are you running?20:28
PiciIf you provide a pastebin of the error(s) that you are getting, someone here should be able to help you.20:29
dhcican Ubuntu do a little better with a more recent libgtk? I'm running precise penguin release and it has v2.0 and the more modern one is like v3.5 or v3.6, which has dependencies on a bunch of things.20:29
jrib!sru | dhci20:29
ubottudhci: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates20:29
jribdhci: precise was released in april 201220:29
dhciok thanks jrib going for it now20:29
bwat47troulouliou_dev, its not canonical's site, but canonical sanctions it and works with them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Askubuntu20:29
bwat47troulouliou_dev, Ask Ubuntu has received help from Canonical Ltd, which has allowed the site to use their trademark. Canonical Ltd has also helped in the designing of the site, ensuring that Ask Ubuntu's theme follows the Ubuntu brand guidelines.[12]20:30
troulouliou_devbwat47, this is the official forum ?20:30
genii-aroundtroulouliou_dev: askubuntu is not a Canonical property, it is owned and run by stackoverflow.com20:31
dhcijrib well they don't mention gtk but I guess yeah I'm on a long term release. It seems both gnome and kde use gtk libraries I thought one favored it more than the other20:31
troulouliou_devgenii-around, ok20:31
jribdhci: once a release is made it only receives security updates20:31
junixbr"Cannot access PPA (https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~gwendal-lebihan-dev/+archive/cinnamon-stable) to get PPA information, please check your internet connection."20:31
junixbrPici, "Cannot access PPA (https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~gwendal-lebihan-dev/+archive/cinnamon-stable) to get PPA information, please check your internet connection."20:31
troulouliou_devgenii-around, but the ubuntu one account is part of a sso strategy that should cover all ubuntu services right ?20:32
MonkeyDustjunixbr  contact the maintainer of the ppa, i guess20:32
junixbrMonkeyDust, webupd8team also I have problem to access20:33
greenarrowI need help, using a VM (VMware Workstation) for ubuntu i see resolution 1920x1200 but i need 1920x108020:36
junixbrI know my problem20:37
junixbrI found it20:37
junixbris my proxy ca certificate20:37
MonkeyDustjunixbr  can you ping an ip address, but not surf to a url? if so, it's a dns issue20:38
acoleman1981hello everyone20:39
junixbrMonkeyDust, I can access the address by browser20:39
MonkeyDustjunixbr  in what way can you not access webupd8team?20:40
junixbrin my google chrome20:40
MonkeyDustjunixbr  you mean the google chrome browser? if so, use chromium-browser20:42
junixbrman, doesn't matter which browser, is working by firefox20:43
junixbrI need to figure out how to install a ca certificate in apt-get20:43
MonkeyDustjunixbr  you lost me20:43
junixbr=) probably20:43
d10nIs there a nice GUI control panel where I can disable the default ctrl+alt+r shortcut?20:44
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
junixbrapt-get install ca-certificates20:47
junixbrcp cacert.pem /usr/share/ca-certificates20:47
junixbrdpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates =)20:47
acovrigI am getting ~1/2 the battery life I should, and my CPU is ~50 degrees hotter than it should be just sitting, I'm only using 3% CPU, can I disable hyperthreading and/or turbo mode and cool things down?20:56
bwat47acovrig, in my experience laptop heat issues in linux are usually something video card related, ubuntu has cpu frequency scaling enabled by default already. I doubt disabling hyperthreading would cool down the cpu at all in any case, and turbo only goes into effect under high cpu load so I doube thats increasing your temps at 3% cpu usage. Does your laptop have a dedicated video card?20:59
=== mike_ is now known as Guest51961
anewi'm confused is httpd.conf where i put my vhost, or is that what is is in sites-available ?21:04
genii-aroundanew: sites-available21:06
anewso httpd.conf is no longer in use ?21:06
Priceyanew: All of the config files are the same. You can put it wherever you want and it'll still work. However... the idea with sites-available/sites-enabled is that you separate out each bit of your server into it's own config file.21:06
Priceyanew: httpd.conf then gets reserved for the defaults etc.21:06
anewok and all config files are apache2.conf, sites-available, httpd.conf ... anything esle ?21:07
tjbiddleWhat's a stable & secure source for a repository hosting the most recent nginx package?21:09
tjbiddleFor precise21:09
=== Xigam is now known as xBytez
acovrigbwat47, yes, and what you say makes sense (heat location and cpu load (3%) in conjunction with the heat), can I tone my GPU down?21:10
mikunosBuona sera21:11
mikunoscome va?21:11
DJones!it | mikunos21:11
ubottumikunos: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:11
asdf2345tjbiddle: u can check nginx dor org for repos21:11
wilee-nileetjbiddle, An answerable question you definition of stable may be different than another's. The main repos would be closest to this though21:12
tjbiddlewilee-nilee: asdf2345: Found it - :) deb http://nginx.org/packages/mainline/ubuntu/ precise nginx Thanks!21:13
wilee-nileetjbiddle, I see it in synaptic, not sure if t is the same probably.21:14
asdf2345wilee-nilee: how can i figure out what kind of tool or pckgs i  need when i try to make a game which i have the game's file21:15
asdf2345sorry for mistke not make a game play a game21:16
fridayaWe evolved from monkeys21:16
wilee-nileeasdf2345, NO idea I'm not a gamer.21:16
asdf2345wilee-nilee:  ok thnk21:17
Xavierg2003Does anyone know how to open up the lists that your software center draws from? I have a Ps1 Emulator but everytime I download a game it doesn't seem to download the CD image.21:17
frdmnlumberjackass: yoyo21:18
wilee-nileeasdf2345, If you want help here the norm is to detail your problem and wait for responses, normally if someone random asks me I just put them in ignore.21:18
fridayaThe big bang created all21:19
asdf2345ok thnks for info. im new here as i got it21:19
k1l!ot | fridaya21:19
ubottufridaya: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:19
=== hedin is now known as Ejdesgaard
Xavierg2003Does anyone know how to open up the lists that your software center draws from? I have a Ps1 Emulator but everytime I download a game it doesn't seem to download the CD image? I am not sure what I am doing wrong but it must be something?21:20
fridayaXavierg2003: games are illegal to get. So you either need your own disk or get iso illegally21:20
Xavierg2003fridaya: What if someone has them on a windows computer can I just transfer them over to ubuntu?21:21
EjdesgaardHi, How do I change the maximize,minimize and close button, so they get back where they belong?21:21
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, And where do they belong?21:22
Ejdesgaardwilee-nilee: where they use to be... in the top right of the window21:22
fridayaWe all share DNA with fish21:22
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, I think you can do it with dconf-editor, not sure I do not use unity and to switch there I used ubuntu tweak21:23
k1lXavierg2003: ask the emulator guys for support. that is not ubuntu specific21:23
Xavierg2003Is there a channel for that?21:23
Xavierg2003k1l: is there a channel for that?21:24
asdf2345Ejdesgaard: i can offer u a programme for your problem but i think you are asking about how can i change manually, right?21:24
k1lXavierg2003: see the softwares manual and homepage for further info21:24
Ejdesgaardasdf2345: I expected to find an option for it under system settings...21:24
Xavierg2003K1l: Really?21:25
Ejdesgaardi'l install dconfg editor... but it's a surprice that there aparently isn't an option for that setting in system settings, since afaik only ubuntu place the buttons to the left21:27
iBelieveI'm trying to compile a KDE application using CMake, and I'm getting errors about Qt compiled without support for -fvisibility=hidden (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5642833/). It worked fine last night, and the only thing I did today was install Unity Next on the desktop. Could this have messed things up? If so, how do I uninstall it?21:28
iBelieveI'm on Ubuntu 13.04, not Kubuntu, if that matters.21:28
asdf2345Ejdesgaard:  i checked it but it does not help you like u said.21:29
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, It has been this way for awhile, you are only surprised as you are uninformed, ths is an easy fix.21:29
wilee-nileeiBelieve, You are trying to compile a weather app?21:31
Ejdesgaardwilee-nilee: I was informed what the default setting is in ubuntu, but I was also expecting that it would be a point-n-click task to change it, without having to install "random" stuff21:32
iBelievewilee-nilee, Yes, my own app I've been working on.21:32
Ejdesgaardi'm looking in gconf-editor, but can't find the setting... i'm following http://www.sudo-juice.com/move-minimize-maximize-and-close-buttons-ubuntu/21:32
iBelievewilee-nilee, This isn't a problem with my app though, as far as I know, since it worked fine last night and now refuses to build.21:33
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, metacity is not part of unity is all, however I have seen links claiming this fix for 12.04.21:34
wilee-nileeiBelieve, Not sure of any answer, it just seemed like a long way around.21:34
iBelievewilee-nilee, what do you mean, "a long way around"?21:35
johnjohn101i saw that there is an app in the software center that compiles kde from their repositiories. how well does it work?21:35
wilee-nileeiBelieve, You had not said that this was your build, to get just a weather app compiling seems strange is all.21:36
johnjohn101i wanted to mess around with kde 4.10.321:36
wilee-nileeiBelieve, At least for me but I don't compile or write code.21:37
OerHeksiBelieve, likely your "Unity Next" install messed up.21:37
iBelieveOerHeks, I think it did, maybe due to Qt5/Qt4 stuff. Do you know of a way to uninstall it?21:38
anewhttps://gist.github.com/anonymous/8cee862eab2d87e2e891 i'm getting 'bad flag deliminators' from this, anyone know why?21:38
OerHeksiBelieve, how did you install ? tru a PPA?21:38
wilee-nileeiBelieve, This website gives you full de package lists in messing around you might check there, depends on how you installed unity and if you have picked at it removing  or adding stuff.  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/21:39
SolarisBoyanew: check that your syntax is accurate [R=402,L,R]21:40
iBelieveOerHeks, From these instructions: http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unitynext/. Internally, it looks like it added PPAs and other dependencies. It doesn't seem to have any instructions to remove it.21:40
wilee-nileeplaying around*21:40
Ejdesgaardasdf2345: wilee-nilee do I have to use http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ to fix it?21:40
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, That will work yeah.21:40
SolarisBoyanew: try without specifying the type of redirect and see if that works - i suspect it doesn't like the equal sign within the brackets21:40
wilee-nileeadd the ppa21:40
OerHeksiBelieve, not a ppa, so ppa-purge would not help.21:41
anewit was the space in the flag, but still not working21:41
SolarisBoynot working as in - your still getting the same error? or your redirect is not functioning as expected?21:41
SolarisBoywhitespace/odd character fixed should resolve the flag syntax issue21:41
iBelieveOerHeks, It says that the command internally added ppa:phablet-team/desktop-deps. Don't know what else it did, though.21:42
asdf2345Ejdesgaard: i thnik tweak cant help u if i got u right21:42
anewsolarisboy not working as in rewrite is not working, no errors now21:42
anewi have this in my vhost file21:42
iBelieveOerHeks, would #ubuntu-touch be a better place to ask about uninstalling it?21:42
iBelievewilee-nilee, Thanks, I'll look at that.21:42
SolarisBoyanew: ahh thats what i suspected - without your logging turned up or present in the post - i would generally say check that21:43
anewok, to enable rewritelog is that in apache2.conf ?21:43
asdf2345if u mean resize buttons on your windows u have to deal with the terminal cods21:43
SolarisBoyanew: but the regex does look odd in the sense of what are you attempting to look for exactly? ^[^.] (something that begines with anything)?21:43
anewyeah i'm trying to 404 sub.sub.site.com21:44
asdf2345but if u mean remove buttons then i can offer u a simple solution which is in ubuntu software center21:44
SolarisBoyanew .+\.site\.com$ unless your really only looking for subdomains 3 levels deep or so - but sure the apache2.conf is where you can turn the Redirect logging up21:45
wilee-nileeiBelieve, asdf2345 http://imagebin.org/25686421:45
SolarisBoyanew: you can keep the initial ^ for anchoring if you'd like - AFAIK the extra stuff if just extra =)21:45
SolarisBoyanew: or you can probably create some sort of character class and use a multiplier on that to clean it up - not really sure - but start by looking at your log output as to things are matching or not21:46
anewsolarisboy i'm only looking for subdomains 3 levels deep21:46
Ejdesgaardasdf2345: I want to have maximize, minimize and close moved from the upper left corner of the windows, to where everyone else(except i*) have them placed, in the upper right corner, in the orderr of maximize, minimize, close :)21:46
asdf2345sorry i was misunderstood but wilee-nilee helped u i thnik21:47
zykotick9Ejdesgaard: see if "/msg ubottu controls" still applies?21:47
anewgetting rewrite log now21:47
CarlFKis there a command line tool that will upload an image to an image host and show me the URL?21:48
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, Sorry meant this for you in your question on ubuntu tweak. http://imagebin.org/25686421:49
wilee-nileecan be done in unity-tweak or dconf-editor I think, not sure I don'y use unity.21:50
Ejdesgaardwilee-nilee: what DE are you using?21:51
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, The gnome-shell21:53
wilee-nileetweaked a bt21:53
Ejdesgaardwilee-nilee: is that setup also under the lts ?21:58
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, Yes it is the gnome 3 desktop.21:58
Ejdesgaardthen i'l try gnome3 :)21:59
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, Installed as gnome-shell this also adds a pseudo gnome 2 fallback de.21:59
Ejdesgaardwilee-nilee: interesting21:59
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, The gnome shell though only has a close button, you can add the minimize and maximize using the gnome-tweak tool and add extensions.22:00
netlarIs there suppose to be a start up sound when you boot up with Ubuntu?22:02
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, I use a number of the extensions here as well like the topbar hide and others. https://extensions.gnome.org/22:02
bekksnetlar: Nope.22:02
Ejdesgaardwilee-nilee: are these extensions and tweaks saved in ~/.gnome* ?22:02
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, saved in /home/user/.local/share22:03
netlarThere used to be right, in earlier versions?22:03
bekksnetlar: Never heard one.22:03
Ejdesgaardwilee-nilee: can I use ubuntu one to sync the extensions and tweaks between 2 computers?22:03
wilee-nileeEjdesgaard, ubuntu one just syncs files as far as I know not the OS.22:04
Ejdesgaardwilee-nilee: yea, it sync files, I just wonder if it can sync /home/user/[whatever I want to sync]22:06
Sashmo_anyone have an idea why vlc wouldnt open a UDP unicast in linux, but it opens in windows??22:06
iBelieveIs there any way to remove all changes apt-get ran today? I basically need to undo everything that got installed today.22:08
wilee-nileeiBelieve, /var/log/dpkg.log will show your work.22:11
Dr_WillisI dont think theres an easy way to rollback like that.22:11
wilee-nileetrue picking at it is a good way to brick it.22:12
Dr_Williswell.. break it.. ;) bricking means somthing totally differnt to me.22:12
utfans05i agree Dr_Willis bricking would make the computer as useful as a brick...22:13
Dr_WillisUsed to mean throwing a brick at somthing. ;) but these kids and their fancy new slang...   get off my lawn!22:13
wilee-nileeDr_Willis, Yeah, break would be the proper term22:13
johnjohn101i'm running kdesrc-build, do i need to do anything else to boot into kde?  this is on 13.0422:14
iBelievewilee-nilee, Does that show the same as Software Center? There is a lot less extra info in Software Center, so if I have to do it manually, I'd rather do that22:14
wilee-nileeiBelieve, YOu have done some things you have not explained completely. For example adding unity, really if you want help here and the safety of correct resetting if even possible you have to give exact details.22:15
wilee-nileepersonally I can peck at the OS but I have clones if  completely break it and have been using t for 5 years some some experience.22:17
asdf2345iBelieve: u can check here http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/how-do-i-get-apt-get-to-completely-uninstall-a-package-237772/ why im suggesting this page u can understand if u check it22:17
wilee-nileethats 2004, lol22:19
asdf2345so? are basic commands going change in years?22:19
Dr_Willisbasic commands have been  the same for decades22:20
Dr_Willisbut what basic commands are you refering to?> ;)22:21
Jamiem93Could I have some help please?22:21
veryhappyJamiem93: help on what?22:21
Jamiem93I installed vbox but i keep getting a kernal error.22:21
Jamiem93i have no idea what to do, the error is 1908.22:22
veryhappyJamiem93: first of all you mean virtualbox right?22:22
Jamiem93i uninstalled and reinstalled the virtualbox-dkms.22:22
veryhappygood then write it in the future22:22
nrdbcan you create a something like a soft link, but have it with different owner/permissions from the original file?22:22
asdf2345like purge remove or reinstall deinstall22:22
Jamiem93any ideas?22:23
veryhappyif you would just look up for virtualbox 1908 then you'd also get some solutions i guess22:23
wilee-nileeasdf2345, Not all configs or dependencies are always removed with purge however.22:23
veryhappyJamiem93: here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116381122:23
Jamiem93i tried them.22:23
veryhappyJamiem93: this is just one document i just found22:24
Jamiem93i tried the suggestions from that thread.22:24
Jamiem93same problem.22:24
GunArm1whats the standard way of updating your kernel?  apt-get dist-upgrade?22:24
asdf2345wilee-nilee:  yes and for their solutions the link ( what i send before) is helping about it if you scroll down a bit more22:24
veryhappyGunArm1: who do you mean?22:24
nrdbGunArm1, yew22:24
nrdbGunArm1, yes22:25
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest91260
Guest91260hey yall22:25
wilee-nileeasdf2345, On simple removes that all works generally, however a full de install and no real detail it is all moot to be honest as good help.22:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:26
veryhappydoes anyone of you understand this configuration of ViewPortin and ViewPortout? I simply don't get it, please simplify it for me, thank you.22:26
Guest91260just installed Xbuntu on a windows machine and noticed that my processor fan is working more often since that22:27
Guest91260any thought?22:27
mojtabaHi, I am using libre office 4, does anybody know how can I have automatic spell checking in it activated?22:27
Guest91260hi mojtaba22:27
mojtabaGuest91260: Hi22:27
Guest91260i recommend using MS office22:27
emrHello whats correct ufw rule for vpn connection? i mean which ports need to be activated?22:27
mojtabaGuest91260: I have same problem about the fan.22:28
nrdbGuest91260, there are packages that control the fan though software, maybe its more sensitive.22:28
theskyline_MS Office on Wine? Ouch..22:28
veryhappyGuest91260: did that already happen before or just once? if so it could be a coincidence that it just happened in that moment you might need to change your fan.22:28
mojtabaHi, I am using libre office 4, does anybody know how can I have automatic spell checking in it activated?22:28
Dr_Willismojtaba:  check its settings/docs to see if it has that feature?22:28
veryhappymojtaba: !patience22:28
Guest91260<veryhappy> it's still happening, it started just right after starting up22:29
n-iCeanyone? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=212224522:29
Dr_Williserr.. automatic spell checking is enabled by default here for me mojtaba22:30
Esorset irc_whois_front = 122:30
mojtabaDr_Willis: Could you please let me know where it is exactly? Because it is not working for me.22:30
mojtabaDr_Willis: I press F7, but it says, spelling checking completed.22:30
mojtabaand nothing happens22:30
veryhappyGuest91260: could it be that your fan is controlled wrong by the fan management in your bios or linux?22:31
Dr_Willismojtaba:  right there under tools -> spelling    options button22:31
Dr_Willisive never used libreoffice befor and found it. ;P22:31
Dr_Willisput in some text perhaps?22:32
Dr_Willismissepell a word22:32
veryhappyfor example like druk instead of drug :P22:32
mojtabaDr_Willis: I put a missepell word, and pressed F7, but it is not working.22:32
Dr_Willisall i did was type in some stuff..    and hit F7, it prompoted to correct a word.. i hit the options button22:33
nrdbmojtaba, do you have the language packs installed?22:33
mojtabaIt just said, spell check is completed, and did not correct it.22:33
mojtabanrdb: I do not know, how can I check that?22:33
Dr_Willisdoes the word have red squiggles under it?22:33
mojtabaDr_Willis: no22:33
Dr_Willisthen you seem to have deeper issues.. if you misspelt a word and it dosent show squiggles22:34
Dr_Willistype some random text22:34
mojtabaDr_Willis: I have done this, but it is not working.22:34
nrdbmojtaba, I am not sure if this is the best way but do a "apt-cache search libre | grep spell -" and the see if the ones you are after are install with apt-get22:35
anewhttps://gist.github.com/anonymous/8cee862eab2d87e2e891 ok got this working, i just need to add www to be NOT 404'd here.  right now i am 404ing sub.sub.site.com and www.sub.site.com, it should only 404 sub.sub.site.com.  anyone can help ?22:36
Dr_Willisid have to say ask in  #libreoffice  could be you dont have any dictionaries enabled.22:36
Dr_Willisive now used libreoffice for ... 2 min. ;)22:36
Dr_WillisI finally DID get my hdmi sound working.. yea..22:36
mojtabanrdb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5643048/22:38
nrdbmojtaba, so is one of those installed... for you location of course.22:39
SolarisBoyanew: a negative regex class maybe22:39
mojtabanrdb: Then why it is not working?22:40
SolarisBoyanew: check and see if this works in apache /[^www]/ in which case you want to get that class in the proper location within your regex22:40
anewsolarisboy i place that where in line 2 ?22:40
nrdbmojtaba, that is not a list of the ones installed but of the ones available... you need to check if one of those is installed with apt-get22:40
SolarisBoyanew: ultimately meaning - use this regular expression but don't match on strings like www (as long as you put that where it belongs which would likely be right after your start pieces of your regex)22:40
SolarisBoysrry i haven't been keeping up to date with the room so not sure how much your regexp has changed22:41
anewah ok... but that goes on it's own seperate line ?22:41
SolarisBoyanew: nah it's best to put on it's own line - or if you will be using 2 lines - ensure to use AND versus OR (i believe thats the default but just in case)22:41
mojtabanrdb: Then I should use apt-get install and the name of those packages?22:41
nrdbmojtaba, yes22:42
anewsolarisboy sorry, on it's own line or on line 2 ?22:42
SolarisBoycondition line as that is matching the data -22:42
SolarisBoyline 122:42
anewok let me try this22:43
SolarisBoyanew: can you show me your latest condition line?22:43
mojtabanrdb: It said unable to locate package22:43
anewsure let me add this first then paste22:43
anewthanks a lot for the help i been on this for hours22:43
nrdbmojtaba, odd... try a "apt-get update" first then "apt-get install ?"22:44
mojtabanrdb: ok22:44
mojtabanrdb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5643062/22:45
=== kevin is now known as Guest29694
anewhttps://gist.github.com/anonymous/a22d054a4730a00218b4 solarisboy updates... if i add your line, it actually cancels out the other rewrite22:47
YolarP__It's me... Linus Torvalds22:47
nrdbmojtaba, so that is ok .... but you do have some unneeded packages install that I think you should get rid of sometime.22:47
YolarP__I uh... I just came here to say... Look, I was wrong. I'm sorry.22:47
YolarP__You better shut down the whole operation. I'm sorry.22:47
mojtabanrdb: what should I do now?22:47
nrdbso if you do manual check for the spelling does it find any mistakes?22:48
mojtabanrdb: no22:48
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anewu still there solarisboy ?22:50
=== bolosaur is now known as torvyboy
SolarisBoyyes anew22:52
anewi pasted our update22:52
Kion1Is the process of installing ubuntu on a brand new computer that came with W8 the same as I was used to on pre Windows 8 computers?22:52
SolarisBoyanew: because i meant on the same line22:52
SolarisBoyanew: one sec - so this line works for you right? 'RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^.]+\.[^.]+\.site\.com$  [NC]'22:52
anewyes that works perfect22:52
nrdbmojtaba, try to install the correct myspell package ... apt-get install myspell-en-gb22:53
SolarisBoycool - so what you want to do is slip in the [^www] in the proper place there22:53
anew'RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} [^www] ^[^.]+\.[^.]+\.site\.com$  [NC]22:53
anewlike this ?22:53
SolarisBoysort of22:53
mojtabanrdb: It is installed already22:53
nrdbmojtaba, I am out of ideas .... sorry22:54
SolarisBoyanew: more like RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^www.+][^.]+\.[^.]+\.site\.com$  [NC]22:54
mojtabanrdb: Thanks anyway.22:54
anewlet me try that22:54
miljo_afkKion1,  it should stick the DVD in and try it.22:54
anewsolarisboy nope, i still get sub.sub.site.com with that22:55
=== miljo_afk is now known as miljo
GunArm1after doing apt-get dist-upgrade and rebooting, I try to choose the recent kernel at the grub screen and it says "you need to load the kernel first"  this has happened for every kernel since .33 which I have been manually choosing since then.  any thoughts?  I tried just running grub-update22:57
SolarisBoyanew: ok lets uncomplicate it by trying 2 lines then as im going to be leaving soon22:57
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Kion1miljo_afk:will it work with a usb?22:57
anewok two lines22:57
SolarisBoyanew: on top of that line that works (reverted)... you will want a simple regexp like !^www.+22:57
SolarisBoyand that is all and then keep your other lines the same - which should read as not www but your other line - apply rule -22:58
anewwait but i need to add the domain after !^www.+ dont i ?22:58
SolarisBoyanew: the ! should negate the complete statement and that should work fine for you so long as it actually matches and assuming the existing working line reamins22:58
IAmMThere's someone on!22:58
nrdbcan you create a something like a soft link, but have it with different owner/permissions from the original file?22:59
MonkeyDustIAmM  did you have a question?22:59
IAmMOh, MonkeyDust, I do22:59
miljoKion1, as long as you've created the USB correctly and have your system set to boot from USB22:59
SolarisBoyanew: sure if you need to slim it down some like this !^www.+\.site\.com$22:59
IAmMI've an iMac22:59
IAmMiMacs have wireless keyboards and mice22:59
Kion1miljo: are there any uefi considerations?22:59
SolarisBoyanew: but basically try to keep it as simple as possible starts with www ends with site.com (negated by !)22:59
IAmMIf I am to boot into Ubuntu, will the keyboards work?22:59
IAmM(and mice)23:00
anewdamnit, still didnt work23:00
anewlet me past u23:00
miljomaybe, but you won't really know until you try to boot and see if it trows an error or not.23:00
MonkeyDust!mac | IAmM23:00
ubottuIAmM: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages23:00
nrdbIAmM, try a LiveCD first and see23:00
miljoKion1, I'd make sure you have the live image.23:00
mneriHello, I just reinstalled Ubuntu. The home folder was in another partition so I have all my old stuff. I'm cleaning my home folder right now and there are a lot of hidden files I don't know the use. What are all the .goutputstreamXXX, for example?23:00
IAmMIf I am to see, there is no way to correct it, no?23:00
anewactually wait23:01
anewi think it might have worked23:01
Kion1miljo: yes you mean the .iso image right?23:01
IAmMAlso, my CD drive is broken23:01
SolarisBoyok gotta go actually =(23:01
IAmMOr disc drive, I should say23:01
anewthat did it tho23:01
anewman thanks23:01
mojtabaDoes anybody know how can I have auto-correction activated in libre office 4?23:01
anewgoing to eat a sandwich23:01
anewso dead23:01
FloodBot3anew: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
FloodBot1anew: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
anewthanks a lot man !23:01
miljoKion1, yes, make sure you have the live image iso, not the alternative install.23:01
SolarisBoylol no worries bro23:01
Kion1miljo: now Since that is a w8 computer and do not have unetbootin, how do you burn the image to the USB?23:01
IAmMIt's stuck closed, so I can't put in discs23:01
SolarisBoygood evening/night/morning etc23:01
IAmMBut I will try the given link23:01
IAmMThank you, kind users of Solaris!23:02
Kion1miljo: any program for W8 that will burn the image to the usb?23:02
nrdbIAmM, try a bootable USB then... It won't change the HDD so you can test ... then reboot with no changed done.23:02
miljoKion1, Don't know, haven't run MS stuff in a while.23:02
miljoKion1, might want to do some searching.23:02
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miljoKion1,  worse case you can load virtualbox on your machine and load ubuntu then work from there.23:04
BeltechsHi, Im configuring Magento on Ubuntu. I turned on the url rewrite and se friendly urls. The magento site works fine, the problem lies when I try to access a sample.php I get Forbidden. My permissions are 777 on the dir and file.23:11
BeltechsWhat am I missing? Thanks in Advance.23:11
miljoKion1, have you read this? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows23:13
mojtabaDoes anybody know how can I have auto-correction activated in libre office 4?23:22
UmadBROI Need helps peeps23:25
rhg135can anyone help me please—i have gnome 3 working with the compose key set to menu and it works fine—but how can i type infinity; compose 8 8 gets me just 823:26
rhg135also echo -e "\u221e" works fine23:26
UmadBROI need help, with something pretty simple.......23:27
rhg135i can try23:27
rhg135UmadBRO, what's the prob?23:28
UmadBROis there any way to run google chrome as a app instead of running it thru terminal?23:28
rhg135yeah, afaik it does include a .desktop23:28
=== miljo is now known as miljo_afk
mnerihi, where does .goutputstream-N55KWW comes from? it's a file in my home folder.23:29
rhg135it should be in the apps23:29
mneriand it's empty23:29
UmadBROI've done installed the latest stable version, but it will only run through my terminal. doesn't show on desktop23:30
rhg135sounds like a tmp file23:30
rhg135on desktop?23:30
rhg135are you using unity?23:30
UmadBROi guess, i just switched from mint 14 to ubuntu 12.04.223:31
mnerirhg135: are talking to me?23:31
mnerirhg135: no, it's in the home folder23:31
rhg135umm im not sure23:32
mnerirhg135: and yes, ubuntu 13.0423:32
rhg135no oops23:32
rhg135i meant to UmadBRO23:32
mnerirhg135: ahah23:32
rhg135do you have two panels, UmadBRO23:32
UmadBROwhat do u mean?23:33
rhg135ill just check quick23:33
rhg135ok you do23:34
rhg135press the super/windows key and type chrome23:35
UmadBROno matter which commands i put in, it doesn't show the chrome icon, and the software center tells me to run it in the terminal23:35
rhg135what did you install from23:35
rhg135i can get you a .desktop tho23:36
UmadBROi ran it in terminal first to install, tan i ran it through the software center23:36
OryxWhen dnsmasq is starting for connection sharing, the parameter for --conf-file seems to be blank (according to the process's command line), does anyone know if it should state a conf file or point to the /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d directory?23:38
WeThePeoplehi, headphones not working in 12.04.2 x64 asus laptop. i have tried a few things none have worked yet, any ideas23:39
michael87Just jumping on to confirm that magic dvd copy works under wine. latest dvdfab keeps crashing.23:39
rhg135UmadBRO, do you have a /usr/share/applications/google-chrom.desktop ?23:40
UmadBROgoogle chrome not becoming a lone running app, laptop x64 12.04.223:40
rhg135if not dump http://paste.ubuntu.com/5643170/ in it23:41
rhg135try running 'xdg-open google-chrome*.dev'23:43
UmadBROhttp://www.zimbio.com/Ubuntu+Linux/articles/srPGgcxPd9g/How+Install+Google+Chrome+Ubuntu+12+04 is what i have been trying23:43
rhg135k but do try that23:44
n-iCeUmadBRO: hi23:44
michael87raring ringtail is flipping awsome :)23:44
UmadBROit says no such file or directory when running xdg-open google* .dev chrome23:45
rhg135cd to the dir first23:45
rhg135oh oops23:45
rhg135not google*.dev it's google*.deb23:46
NeilB4ZodSo I have to develop a Software Design Specification for a web app that I'm building with Django. Would it be wise to design in terms of model, view, and templates?23:46
UmadBROsame error23:46
OryxDoes anyone have dnsmasq running right now? If so, could you check the process command lines and see what comes after --conf-file ?23:47
rhg135ok 'xdg-open g<tab>'23:48
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NeilB4ZodSo I have to develop a Software Design Specification for a web app that I'm building with Django. Would it be wise to design in terms of model, view, and templates?23:57
OerHeksNeilB4Zod, maybe you better ask this in #django or #django-dev23:58
OerHeks*also here on #freenode23:58
gustavoI'm have much problem with the Ubuntu, it left much to be desired. First, my computer not is suspend when lid is closed. Second, when I get inactive, the computer suspend, however, no return, the screen is black. What do I do ?23:59
feeshoninstalled 12.04 with MAAS and don't get the MAAS cli tools or import-pxe tools23:59
feeshonAny idea why?23:59
rhg135gustavo, what gfx card?23:59
OerHeksscreen black, maybe you can unlock it by typing your password blind23:59
n-iCegustavo: modify your power settings23:59

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