
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhwzequence: ping11:08
smartboyhwHello madeinkobaia12:21
madeinkobaiaHi smartboyhw :)12:25
zequencesmartboyhw_: pong13:06
smartboyhw_zequence: Are we doing a vUDS session? (for user suggestion)13:07
zequencesmartboyhw_: Yes, I will try to set something up for that.13:08
smartboyhw_zequence: It's next week!!13:09
smartboyhw_That's good:)13:09
smartboyhw_Hello DarkEra ;)13:47
DarkErahi smartboyhw_ and all the others13:47
madeinkobaiaHi all, any problems on freenode ? I am disconnected from the room without reasons.17:21
DarkEra2madeinkobaia, me too17:24
madeinkobaiaHi darkera, ok so the problem comes from freenode.17:25
DarkEra2hi buddy, could be17:26
=== DarkEra2 is now known as DarkEra
zequenceThe Extix guy changed his wallpaper now http://www.extix.se/extix-13.04-live-desktop-screenshot.jpg22:22
DarkEraah cool, thanks for letting know, i somehow almost forgot about it22:36

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