
dantti_laptopI can't find libqtsolutions-soap headers am I missing something?01:35
ahoneybunI'm don't have the knowledge about that01:36
ahoneybunhow do you make that blue text01:40
=== G4MBY is now known as PaulW2U
smartboyhwEh there are 1380 unread emails in my inbox06:37
valorieoh, I wish06:44
soeeyofel, do you know whats the 4.10.3 status ?06:47
smartboyhwsoee: Heck, be patient;)06:48
soeesmartboyhw, one guy asked on #kubuntu when its ready06:48
soeei just wanted to give him some info :)06:48
smartboyhwsoee: Should be today or tomorrow, depending on packager's time. I don't have time for packaging, I have two tests tmr:(06:50
soeesmartboyhw, ok thank you06:50
Riddelldantti: we don't have libqtsolutions-soap packaged except as part of hupnp07:57
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
Riddellfregl: did you see the kscreen update you needed got in -proposed?08:55
Riddellhmm no it didn't, it's still in the queue08:55
Phononinvasive changes or something08:57
freglRiddell: I don't recall asking for kscreen :) but I'll be happy to try how it will work with my external screen and tv anyway ;)09:00
Riddellfregl: you had a crash in 13.04 caused by having nvidia?09:03
Riddellkscreen causes a crash in kded on login09:03
soeekded - monster that eats my whole memory on laptop09:06
freglRiddell: actually my crash was an outdated wayland build in /usr/local (me hides in shame)09:06
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Riddellfregl: you don't get https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=318907 ?09:24
ubottuKDE bug 318907 in kded "kdeinit4 crashing after logon" [Crash,Resolved: fixed]09:24
freglRiddell: no, I have the nvidia binary blob and only one screen configured with nvidia-settings on my desktop here09:26
freglnever had that crash09:26
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhwRiddell: Oh good, even our bot left:(09:32
smartboyhwRiddell: Or didn't ir?09:33
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "Riddell: Or didn't it?"09:33
smartboyhwOh good it didn't09:33
smartboyhwI thought I saw it leaving due to *.net *.split09:34
smartboyhwRiddell: Kubuntu 10.04 LTS and Kubuntu 11.10 will reach EOL tomorrow!09:34
Riddellah, farewell lucid and oneiric, we knew thee well09:41
smartboyhwRiddell: LOL09:43
smartboyhwHeck, I got an EOL announcement to send for Ubuntu Studio tmr09:43
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== Guest55594 is now known as gaurav
smartboyhwRiddell: I just voted for the Council election!10:09
shadeslayersmartboyhw: did you vote before I sent my reply? :P10:11
smartboyhwshadeslayee: No.10:12
shadeslayeralso, you can change your vote AFAIK10:12
smartboyhwI JUST voted, 1.5 min ago10:12
shadeslayeraha :)10:12
smartboyhwshadeslayer: I won't change it unless absolutely necessary10:12
shadeslayerack :)10:12
smartboyhwHeh, I doubt whether you guys want to know who I votedP10:13
shadeslayerLord Vader?10:13
smartboyhwshadeslayer: Who's that? Voldemort?10:13
shadeslayerkids these days10:14
smartboyhwshadeslayer: ?10:14
shadeslayercan't tell the difference between Voldemort and Lord Vader10:14
* smartboyhw has been too bothered with tests this week10:14
smartboyhwshadeslayer; I don't even KNOW what is Lord Vader…10:14
smartboyhwIs it edible?10:14
* shadeslayer faints10:14
shadeslayersmartboyhw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kpHK4YIwY410:15
smartboyhwshadeslayer: Nope10:15
smartboyhwI will not watch it:P10:15
smartboyhwkubotu: send coffee for shadeslayer10:15
smartboyhwMeh wrong10:16
smartboyhwkubotu: send coffee to shadeslayer10:16
smartboyhwMeh I forgotten, just used it yesterday;(10:16
smartboyhwkubotu: help10:16
kubotuhelp topics: 10 core modules: auth, basics, config, filters, httputil, irclog, remote, unicode, userdata, wordlist; 57 plugins: alias, autoop, autorejoin, bans, bar, botsnack, chanserv, debug, dns, eightball, excuse, factoids, googlefight, greed, greet, hangman, host, identica, insult, iplookup, karma, keywords, lart, map, markov, modes, newpackage, nickrecover, nickserv, note, poll, q, quote, reaction, remind, ri, roshambo,10:16
kuboturot, rss, salut, script, search, sed, seen, shiritori, spotify, time, topic, translator, tumblr, twitter, uno, urban, usermodes, wheeloffortune, wserver, youtube; 32 plugins ignored: use help ignored plugins to see why; 1 plugin failed to load: use help failed plugins to see why (help <topic> for more info)10:16
shadeslayerkubotu: order vader for kubotu10:16
* kubotu slides vader down the bar to kubotu10:16
smartboyhwkubotu: order breakfast for shadeslayer10:17
* kubotu slides a cigarette, a cup of hot coffee and a bagel with cream cheese down the bar to shadeslayer.10:17
smartboyhwkubotu: order dinner for smartboyhw10:17
* kubotu slides dinner down the bar to smartboyhw10:17
shadeslayerbreakfast at a bar?10:17
* shadeslayer passes the cigarette to apoi10:17
shadeslayerPhonon: ^^10:17
smartboyhwshadeslayer: lol10:18
smartboyhwkubotu: order Kubuntu Council votes to all Kubuntu menbers10:19
* kubotu slides kubuntu council votes to all kubuntu menbers down the bar to smartboyhw10:19
Phononshadeslayer: poor apoi?10:19
smartboyhwkubotu: order Kubuntu Council vote ballots for all Kubuntu members10:19
* kubotu slides kubuntu council vote ballots down the bar to all Kubuntu members10:19
smartboyhwScottK: Use that next time ^^10:20
shadeslayerPhonon: poor? :P10:20
Phononhaving to smoke because you fail to autocomplete10:21
shadeslayerhe can choose not to10:21
shadeslayerit's his choice10:21
shadeslayerI need coffee10:21
shadeslayerbut no milk10:21
shadeslayersomeone should go shopping10:21
smartboyhwkubotu: order milk for shadeslayer10:21
* kubotu slides milk down the bar to shadeslayer10:22
Riddellshadeslayer: is there a shopping list?10:22
shadeslayerRiddell: dunno, I heard there was something being formulated10:22
shadeslayerRiddell: come outside, it's really good outside10:22
smartboyhwRiddell: Is shadeslayer sitting next to you again? *sigh*10:23
shadeslayernope, I'm outside10:23
shadeslayerwith afiestas_10:23
smartboyhwshadeslayer: Oh.10:24
smartboyhwRiddell, shadeslayer, afiestas_ you guys have a shared office or what?10:24
Riddellsmartboyhw: a shared gazeebo http://blogs.kde.org/2013/05/08/notes-breakout-sessions-mataro-sessions-ii10:29
smartboyhwRiddell: OK10:34
smartboyhwRiddell: I like the automated copyright file bit10:38
Riddellfregl: ping10:43
Riddellfregl: this kscreen update for nvidia, are you able to test?10:44
danttiRiddell: ok, I'll use it from git them... thanks10:50
RiddellMirv: nice blog on qt 5 packaging :)11:03
shadeslayerIndeed ^^11:06
MirvRiddell: thanks :)11:09
afiestas_anybody with nvidia card can help?11:10
afiestas_I will need first the output of the following command: "kscreen-console bug"11:10
BluesKajHello folks11:24
RiddellScottK: for the kscreen update we are having trouble finding a nvidia tester, could it be let into -proposed and tested from there rather than testing before? (i've already tested it on intel)11:42
BluesKajRiddell, nvidia here 11:53
BluesKajbut I'm on 13.1011:54
RiddellBluesKaj: could you see if you can install the raring screen packages in saucy? 11:55
Riddelldownload the .debs from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kscreen and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libkscreen and dpkg --install ?11:56
BluesKajok Riddell , DL'd , will install 11:58
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
markeycrashing issue in Amarok is fixed (in Git)12:00
markeyturns out, it's really a bug in QtWebKit. whenever a page contains an <audio> tag, it does something with GStreamer, and that has a high probability of crashing12:01
markeythis affects Rekonq too12:01
BluesKajRiddell, kscreen installed ..reboot ? 12:02
BluesKajwell. kscreen accepts my monitor configuration just fine , Riddell12:10
BluesKajthe 64 bit version , 'kscreen-dbg_0.0.92-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb'12:11
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
smartboyhw_Riddell: yofel: shadeslayer: apachelogger: http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/05/people-behind-ubuntu-quality-howard.html?m=112:16
* BluesKaj shrugs ...well anyway , it's working12:17
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
Riddellmarkey: oh?  able to point us to a patch/bug report?12:42
RiddellBluesKaj: you installed the raring debs and plugged in a second monitor?12:42
markeyRiddell: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-commits&m=136800978907117&w=212:43
smartboyhw_Good thing to SRU probably12:44
BluesKajRiddell, no my other monitor isn't here atm , it's in our "studio" :(12:45
BluesKajdidn't realize kscreen was meant for multiple monitors12:46
RiddellBluesKaj: ah that's needed for testing for this beastie12:48
Riddellmarkey: know any problematic artists?12:48
markeyRiddell: Deep Purple12:49
BluesKajRiddell, FWIW I rebooted after installing and this plasma monitor works fine , still 12:49
BluesKajmarkey, yeah Richie Blackmore's ego :)12:50
markeyRiddell: anyway, you can reproduce it with Rekonq too. keep reloading this page for a while: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Purple12:51
markeyyou don't have to do anything besides reloading it12:52
Riddellyay Amarok and Rekonq crashed!12:56
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
smartboyhw_Riddell: lol13:19
RiddellScottK: sru for your reviewing bug 117778113:53
ubottubug 1177781 in amarok (Ubuntu Saucy) "QtWebKit causes crash in Amarok" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117778113:53
ScottKRiddell: Accepted.14:12
MamarokRiddell, ScottK: that was fast, thanks a bunch!14:14
ScottKDid homerun too.14:16
Riddellwhat's new in homerun?14:17
Riddelloh the bugfix version14:17
ScottKYeah, for SRU.14:17
ScottKI'll accept libkscreen/kscreen once you get it tested.14:18
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/739886/14:18
Riddellactually there was a bug in the packaging (not a new one) which shadeslayer is fixing14:18
Riddellshadeslayer: ${shlibs:Depends}14:19
ScottKShould I reject then?14:19
ScottK(and which one)14:19
RiddellScottK: reject both please14:21
shadeslayerindeed ^^14:22
shadeslayerScottK: thanks14:22
ScottKno problem14:22
Riddellshadeslayer: --with=pkgkde-symbolshelper14:23
RiddellScottK: oh also if you can look at the hedgewars SRU from debfx that would make agateau very happy :)14:24
ScottKRiddell: Done14:26
shadeslayerKevin Ottens managed to kill Mir and Ubuntu with one KDE Class last night xD14:27
shadeslayerKAction it was IIRC14:27
Riddellbut he took 7 years to do so14:27
shadeslayertrue ^^14:27
BluesKajis mir in use on ubuntu saucy yet ?14:28
RiddellBluesKaj: no we're talking nonsence14:29
BluesKajmir is nonsense , i thought ubuntu was serious about it ?14:30
debfxthere are also virtualbox uploads sitting in p- and q-proposed for way too long ... just saying ;)14:30
shadeslayerBluesKaj: you're missing some vital context :P14:31
ScottKdebfx: Is any of the commenting in 1081307 a regression from what's in the release already?14:33
BluesKajshadeslayer, I was merely asking a quesy=tion about mir , and it's not in the Kevin Ottens context, if that's what you mean14:33
BluesKajaerr question14:33
shadeslayerah yes, Ubuntu is pretty serious about Mir14:34
debfxScottK: yes, it's a regression because the kernel modules don't work with the lts-backport stack14:35
ScottKdebfx: Right, but is it worse if I release the SRU?14:35
debfxScottK: so everyone says it works for them except for one person. he hasn't used the -release version with the original kernel so I don't know if it would be a regression for him.14:42
ScottKOK.  Thanks.  I'll release htem.14:44
Riddellyofel: if we do another mumble call next week do you have a mumble server to do it on?14:46
QuintasanRiddell: I think we lack a important feture in wireless network management - access points priority, I don't know if it's network manager that is missing the feature or kde backend but that imo requires investigation15:20
RiddellQuintasan: what does it mean?15:22
Riddellif it sees more than one wifi hub it recognises it knows which to try first?15:22
QuintasanI'm at my university and I'm in range of my associations network and in general university network15:22
Quintasanthe latter is unencrypted and it connects to that one automagically15:23
Riddellit'll be something for the plasma widget to sort out I'd think15:23
Riddelllamarque is the dude to talk to15:23
QuintasanI see15:24
QuintasanRiddell: I'll ask him15:24
QuintasanRiddell: Can you copy over my laptop ssh key to ftpmaster?15:33
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1177823] qdbus needs dependency ubuntu-sdk to work @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1177823 (by Patola)15:37
RiddellQuintasan: url?15:40
QuintasanRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~quintasan/+sshkeys15:40
RiddellQuintasan: done15:49
smartboyhwSleeping time, bye Kubuntu people15:50
markeywhat's the status of KDE 4.10.3 backport?15:53
Riddellstill lots to do http://kyofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.3_raring.html15:54
markeywe have unconfirmed reports about Amarok crashing on exit with 4.10.3. I'd like to verify that15:54
RiddellScottK: new package update in bug 117733316:06
ubottubug 1177333 in kscreen "[SRU] kscreen 0.0.92" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117733316:06
RiddellScottK: confirmed by a guy who was having the nvidia crash issue (on kde bug report)16:06
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Thanks.16:06
ScottKCan't look at it now, but will later.16:06
RiddellPhonon: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/screenshot.png16:40
RiddellPhonon: oy!16:40
RiddellPhonon: you smell!16:40
RiddellPhonon: this one! http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/screenshot.png16:41
RiddellPhonon: oy!16:41
RiddellPhonon: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/screenshot.png16:41
PhononScottK: ^ council action requested!16:59
Phonon<- hurt16:59
ScottKPhonon: Figure out what's up with Bug #918688  and your SRU in precise and then we'll talk.  Is that really verification failed?17:06
ubottubug 918688 in phonon-backend-gstreamer (Ubuntu Precise) "phonon-backend-gstreamer seems to have issues playing from http" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91868817:06
PhononScottK: not failed the user had a different version installed than what was proposed17:16
Phononfeel free to add a comma somewhere17:17
=== apol__ is now known as apol
apolshadeslayer, Riddell: can we get kdevelop 4.5? http://userbase.kde.org/KDevelop/Install4.517:50
shadeslayerapol: ack17:56
Riddellis bug 117527317:59
ubottubug 1175273 in kdevelop (Ubuntu) "Please update kdevelop to 4.5.0" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117527317:59
yofelRiddell: the mumble server we used last time should still be running17:59
Riddellyofel: groovy17:59
* yofel will try to get to 4.10.3 again later, AFTER he does the SRU for the plasma init script18:00
Riddelloh I was going to say kdevelop needs merged with debian but they're even more behind18:01
Phononjtechidna: ping18:50
jtechidnaPhonon: pong18:50
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
PhononJontheEchidna: got time for an idea for updates?18:51
JontheEchidnaPhonon: yup18:51
PhononJontheEchidna: so, essentially we'd like to have non-security updates phased... e.g. only offered once a week18:52
Phononand in particular so that the day of the week would be random by day of install or something like that18:53
Phononso that updates do not always hit all users but a subset and after <14 days all18:53
Phononwell, <=8 I suppose ^^18:53
Phononpoint being that a) right now they are too annoying and b) by offering them to people at different times we have an additional safety net in case an update goes wrong18:54
PhononJontheEchidna: will you make that happen? ;)18:54
Phononalso I like the new updater UI, albeit I am not sure I approve of the menu in the lower left18:55
sreichwhy not have it default to auto install?18:55
sreiche.g. windows does that18:55
Phononthat requires larger discussion18:55
Phononalso causes massive bikeshed18:55
Phononso meh :P18:55
sreichoh boy18:55
sreichgotta love committees ;p18:55
JontheEchidnaPhonon: currently automatic update checking is controlled by /etc/cron.daily/update-notifier-common18:57
PhononJontheEchidna: ah, and we've been thinking about defering updates to poweroff/reboot (or at least ones that involve kdelibs).... so that we don't get silly this-kio-slave-is-kaput warnings due to runtime lib cchanges and whatnot18:57
JontheEchidnaer, no, wrong file :P18:57
PhononJontheEchidna: oh and for the phased updates.... we'd still query at a regular interval18:58
Phononit's just that internally muon should not notify about updates unless the marker-day has passed18:59
Phononso say the day is monday and an update becomes available on saturday you'd get it offered on monday along with all packages from sunday, friday, thursday, wednesday, tuesday and monday of the previous week19:00
JontheEchidnathis would all have to be implemented in the kded module I suppose19:00
Phononso I guess you'd need an internal cache of the form "package version dateitbecomesoffered"19:00
JontheEchidnaand we'd need a way of deciding/recording which day to offer updates19:00
JontheEchidnathen once it's that day again, offer everything upgradable as updates19:01
Phononso IMO simply recording the date it should be offered would be best, so they are basically on embargo until the recordDate >= currentDate19:02
JontheEchidnaI'm wondering how it's better than the current option to only check for updates daily/every two days/weekly/every two weeks we currently have19:03
ahoneybunPhonon: so like a weekly email filled with the post that happened that week?19:13
PhononJontheEchidna: you want security ASAP19:14
Phononahoneybun: yeah19:14
JontheEchidnaPhonon: oh, right19:14
ahoneybunPhonon: sounds cool like how the email list does things19:14
ahoneybuna digest19:14
JontheEchidnaPhonon: do you have any ideas on how to implement this without a week-long QTimer? (I'd imagine that'd wake up the CPU)19:16
PhononJontheEchidna: check at startup or something19:51
Phononand check once a day for those mad people who don't ever logout19:51
QuintasanRiddell: Care to take a look at mah merge? Not feeling comfortable since I haven't done that in a long time20:14
RiddellQuintasan: who what where?20:15
QuintasanRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5645801/20:16
RiddellQuintasan: this is a diff of debian against your merged package?20:18
Quintasanyeah, I have sent a link ubuntu against merged as well but my laptop quassel must have ate it20:19
RiddellQuintasan: you need a remaining changes list in the changelog to say why there's the patch and why the plasma-widget-kdeobservatory package and why kdeplasma-addons depends are different20:19
* Quintasan looks20:20
QuintasanI think the depends are just in other order20:20
* Quintasan triple checks20:20
RiddellQuintasan: is trhere no ubuntu changelog from before 4.8.80?20:21
yofelthat's the diff no? we last merged for 4.820:22
Quintasanwhat yofel, I just checked it20:23
Riddellthe diff is against debian so it should have all the old ubuntu changelog entries in it20:23
yofeloh, right20:24
RiddellQuintasan: is boost versioned in build-deps20:24
Quintasanchrist I just got lost in the changelog20:26
QuintasanRiddell: It is, I'll get back to deps when I'm done with the damn changelog20:26
ScottKPhonon: OK.  That fix still needs verification then.20:31
QuintasanWouldn't it be easier to start with Ubuntu changelog and copy the Debian entries, not the other way around Riddell?20:36
* Quintasan just copied most of Ubuntu changelog20:36
yofelQuintasan: erm, there's something called 'merge-changelog'20:39
QuintasanI just thought about tabbing yofel20:39
QuintasanFound it almost at the same second you pinged :P20:40
Quintasanmy god it works20:40
QuintasanWe need to document the merging process yofel20:40
* Quintasan cries at the merges he did in the past by hand20:41
yofelisn't there some motu wiki page?20:41
yofelor does that only talk bzr these days?20:41
shadeslayermerge-changelog was the holy grail of merging packages20:41
Quintasan!info libboost1.51-dev saucy20:44
ubottu'saucy' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable20:44
Riddell1.53 in saucy20:45
QuintasanRiddell: Thanks, why aren't we using libboost-dev?20:45
shadeslayerQuintasan: getting X is pointless20:45
shadeslayer( on Tablets )20:45
shadeslayerwe should move towards Wayland20:45
shadeslayerlet's move towards wayland20:45
Quintasanhow is that relevant to libboost-dev20:45
shadeslayerits not20:46
Quintasandon't tell me20:46
RiddellQuintasan: ubuntu has a policy of versioning boost depends so we don't get any surprises when boost version changes20:46
Quintasanwell, we could keep the metapackage there and have it point at the newest one20:46
Quintasanbut I'm not going to make a fuss about that20:46
Riddelldebian does that20:46
Riddellbut then the boost version changes and so you might get changed behavious without knkowing it20:47
QuintasanThat said, the deps in the debian control a in a different order, no point changing that, we'd just get useless delta there20:47
Riddellfollow debian20:49
Riddellunless there's a reason not to20:49
QuintasanRiddell: plasma-widgets-addons suggests plasma-widget-lancelot instead of recommends, do we keep the change or make it Recommends as Debian does?20:55
Riddelllook at the changelog to see why it was made?20:56
Riddellwe have plasma-widgets-addons on the CD20:56
Riddellso probably it was changed to suggests to not bring in lancelot which a recommends would do20:56
Riddellso yes change it20:56
QuintasanThat makes sense though the changelog doesnt mention that, I'll add it20:57
Quintasan!info libscim-dev raring20:58
ubottulibscim-dev (source: scim): development library for SCIM platform. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.14-2 (raring), package size 498 kB, installed size 2151 kB20:58
Quintasanwe use ibus so getting rid of that as well20:58
ScottKRiddell, shadeslayer, afiestas_: libkscreen and kscreen accepted for raring.21:07
QuintasanNot sure what it does buy yay for new ksomething package!21:08
RiddellQuintasan: s/new/fixed/21:08
Riddellit'l still need someone to test it in -proposed21:08
shadeslayersomeone with an nVidia card21:09
QuintasanThat sounds like me21:09
QuintasanWhat's the bug?21:10
yofelnvidia with nvidia or nouveau?21:10
shadeslayerbinary blob afaik21:11
shadeslayerlook at the boog21:11
Riddellbug 21:12
Riddellbug 117733321:12
ubottubug 1177333 in libkscreen (Ubuntu Raring) "[SRU] kscreen 0.0.92" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117733321:12
Quintasanah an external monitor you say21:13
Quintasanlemme look for the dvi->vga switch21:13
yofelok, nvidia-313 from the traces21:15
QuintasanRiddell: How many people we can send to Akademy?21:18
* Quintasan test builds kdeplasma-addons21:20
QuintasanI'm afraid I don't have the dvi->vga connector21:27
Quintasanif noone tests it, I'll get some tomorrow21:27
markeyeh, so Ubuntu are gonna roll their own package format?21:53
Riddellmarkey: um what?21:56
* Riddell worries that canonical has announced anothetr crazy plan21:57
keithzgmarkey: Only for the Ubuntu SDK apps; they're somewhat sandboxed and all, the underlying install process seems more like how one would install something on an apache server (plunk down in a folder). http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Ubuntu-SDK-apps-to-get-own-package-format-1859655.html21:57
ScottKThat one actually makes sense for what they're trying to do.21:58
keithzg"That proof of concept actually uses .deb as the container format, but without using many of its features..."21:59
markeyI see21:59
keithzgSo, yeah. It actually does seem to make sense, and they aren't (at least yet) needlessly reinventing the wheel for it.22:00
Riddellbest get JontheEchidna on the case for muon support!22:04
keithzgYeah, sensationalist writing as always. Slashdot, never change! ;) https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-May/037074.html has the salient details and the start of the discussion.22:05
PhononRiddell: I am not sure that will make sense that much22:05
PhononSDK apps will look alien as ubuntu components have nothing to do with qt controls (i.e. desktop components)22:05
Riddellit's yet another qml toolkit no?  because there aren't enough of those22:07
ScottKOne thing on the TODO is to get them to move their qtcreator plugin to a separate package.22:07
keithzgRiddel: Yup, it's different from the Plasma one, the (now defunct) MeeGo  one, the Harmattan one, the Jolla one, the Blackberry one . . .22:10
* keithzg figures the the downside of QML being so easy to work with it that it makes it too tempting for entities to roll their own component sets22:11
Riddellone interesting questions is if ubiquity gets posted to ubuntu sdk would we use that frontend in kubuntu?22:13
* Riddell posts http://blogs.kde.org/2013/05/08/mataro-sessions-ii-breakouts22:42

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