
zombiehoffais pcmanfm not copy/pasting files for anybody else?00:41
csc`Still waiting to see if anyone answers the question i had five days ago, in regards to after updating to Ringtail, I can no longer shut my laptop down anymore.00:53
zombiehoffahmm. fix releasenames is blowing cpu usage up to 20+01:09
zombiehoffaThat's new since I git pulled01:09
zombiehoffaawe crap, wrong window, sorry01:10
phillwcsc`: have you asked on the forum or mailing list?01:12
csc`phillw, I don't particularly get decent feedback on Forums and I don't do mailing lists.01:12
csc`I get enough 'spam' as it is.01:12
csc`all I want to know is what log I should start looking at, I can more than likely fix it myself if I know where to look01:13
phillwcsc`: when you say 'shut down' do you mean that the shut down option is not available, or if it is what happens when you select it?01:15
csc`it happens at the splash, only the splash falters and reveals the text sequencing01:16
csc`it spits no error message out, and i've left it for about 2 hours + to see if it shut down eventually, and it never did01:16
csc`to be honest i'm probably going to just go back to 12.04 LTS01:17
phillwcsc`: have a try of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2141890&p=12632626#post1263262601:18
phillwat least then we have a chance to see what the error is?01:18
csc`phillw, I already notice a similarity01:20
csc`this is a dell inspiron 220001:20
csc`what is bumblebee?01:20
phillwI'm heading for bed (02:18 am here). feel free to email me on phillw@ubuntu.com with what you find and I'll dig a bit further when I have slept. There are several threads open on "cannot shut down"01:21
phillwcsc`: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee01:21
csc`i saw01:21
csc`but this laptop is intel based01:21
csc`doesn't contain any nVidia chipset for graphics01:22
phillwobviously only of use for nvid :)01:22
phillwdoes the computer shut down if you tell it to from a console?01:22
csc`haven't tried01:24
csc`about to though01:24
phillwcsc`: i.e. Menu --> Accessories --> LXTerminal01:24
phillwsudo -i01:24
phillw(enter password)01:24
phillwhiyas hyperair, and others... I'm off to bed. csc's computer hangs on selecting shutdown. Hopefully the OP will be back after running01:26
phillwshutdown -h -q now01:26
phillwto see how it got on.01:26
hyperairhm okay01:26
hyperairhangs on shutdown eh01:26
phillwhyperair: there are quite a few hits for this with 13.04. He is an intel graphic card, so not a nVid issue. I've suggested using http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2141890&p=12632626#post12632626 so any errors are reported.01:28
phillwI will leave him to your tender mercy :)01:29
csc`phillw, no, in fact after doing what the forum post suggested it actually worsened01:31
hyperaircsc`: what did you do?01:31
hyperairoh the quiset splash thing?01:31
csc`removed 'quiet splash' from /etc/default/grub01:31
hyperairand how did it worsen?01:31
hyperairwhat does it do now that it doesn't do before?01:32
csc`now i cant even see the last remenants of the shutdown process01:32
hyperairwhat last remnants?01:32
csc`because the splash screen still displays01:32
csc`and unlike before I modified the file, the splash screen would proceed as normal and fail to text instead01:32
hyperairso you mean that you could see text before?01:32
csc`now i've got the issue the last guy who posted has01:32
csc`and no, it had no obvious errors.01:32
hyperairso what did the text say?01:32
csc`no errors at all.01:33
csc`typical initscript stuff01:33
hyperaireven if there aren't errors, i'd like to know the last log message01:33
csc`last was timidity shutting down01:33
hyperairthat's it?01:33
csc`that I recall, yes01:33
hyperaircould you try again and confirm that? i think the initscripts are parallelized. there could be something else hanging.01:34
csc`i can confirm that01:34
hyperairuninstall timidity and try again?01:34
csc`and no, i will not do it again because i've already hard-shutdown over a dozen times because of this bug01:34
hyperairwell, if you're not interested in my assistance in debugging the issue then you can continue hard-shutting down.01:35
csc`No, I already stated I was downgrading to 12.04 LTS.01:35
csc`phillw, requested I find the source of the issue01:35
hyperairyou can't downgrade an ubuntu installation01:35
csc`of course you can01:35
hyperairno you can't.01:35
hyperairdid you fresh install an older version?01:36
csc`its called going from version B to version A.01:36
hyperairit doesn't work that way01:36
hyperairhow did you perform the downgrade?01:36
csc`I preserved /home/ and deleted everything else01:37
hyperairthat's a fresh install.01:37
csc`its also downgrading from one version to another, the hard way.01:37
hyperairdowngrading bears a different meaning.01:37
csc`your meaning is clearly obfuscated by that of society01:38
hyperairno it isn't.01:38
csc`"Reduce to a lower grade, rank, or level of importance."01:38
csc`Verb. Downgrade.01:38
hyperairdowngrading as a technical jargon in the context of ubuntu refers to using the package manager to downgrade all the packages back.01:39
hyperairwhat you did was a fresh install01:39
hyperairand look, i'm not interested in arguing this issue out with you01:39
csc`im not using technical jargon, i'm using the definition as stated by the dictionary.01:39
hyperairif you wish to be stubborn, go to #ubuntu and be stubborn instead. there are plenty of people with more patience than i there.01:39
csc`Not particularly01:39
csc`I've never received any response to any issue in #ubuntu.01:40
csc`It has always gone ignored.01:40
hyperairperhaps you weren't there are the correct time.01:40
* hyperair shrugs01:40
csc`if you would like a 7z of /var/log, you're more than welcome to it01:41
hyperairah yes please01:41
csc`but i really don't feel like deciphering this issue due to the 'severity'01:41
hyperairactually, instead of hard-shutting down, could you try this instead: when it hangs, let it hang for a while, then hit alt+sysrq+s, wait 10 seconds, and alt+sysrq+b01:41
hyperairthen give me /var/log01:42
csc`i also had an issue with the proprietary software management system, in which my broadcom card was finally noted in it, but when I tried using the manager to manage the b43 module, i no longer had wireless01:42
csc`hyperair, may or may be difficult seeing as how i'd have to push four keys and typically keyboards only allow a maximum of three pressed01:43
hyperairit's a laptop, is it?01:43
hyperairand sysrq requires fn?01:43
hyperairyou can try doing it without fn01:43
hyperairit seems to work for me01:43
csc`main button is Print Screen, Fn switches to SysRq01:44
hyperairso it becomes more of Alt+PrtSc+s, wait 10 secs, and Alt+PrtSc+b01:44
hyperairif that goes well, the +b one should reboot the system01:44
hyperairif it doesn't, then try using the fn version01:44
hyperairif that still doesn't work, then... well, just hard-poweroff and give me /var/log anyway01:45
csc`hyperair, didn't particularly do anything01:48
hyperairhmm, okay.01:49
hyperairthen just give me /var/log anyway01:49
hyperairwhat does "sysctl kernel/sysrq" say?01:49
hyperairweird, the magic keys should work.01:51
csc`i pushed it several times, both with and without the fn key01:51
hyperaircould you try poking them now with the system running instead of when it's hanging?01:51
hyperairjust to test that the sysrq keys work01:52
hyperairif the sysrq keys work now and not when it's hanging, that means the kernel has had a hard lock up01:52
hyperairwhich is bad and requires a separate machine to debug.01:52
csc`sounds about right01:52
hyperairso sysrq works now?01:54
csc`what will it do01:55
csc`because im uploading a 7z and transferring my home directory to the desktop via sftp01:55
csc`hyperair, see notice for the log as of whatever timestamp that has01:56
hyperairsysrq reboots the machine.01:57
hyperairi mean sysrq+b reboots the machine01:58
hyperairsysrq+s just triggers "sync"01:58
csc`hmm, how does ubuntu prevent root ssh access?01:58
hyperairbut it'll show up in dmesg01:58
csc`via config?01:58
hyperairnot sure what the default looks like, but mine has PermitRootLogin no01:58
hyperairgrep PermitRootLogin /etc/ssh/sshd_config01:58
csc`says yes01:59
csc`but the request timed out01:59
csc`bleh, that'll teach me for running things as root02:01
csc`Is encrypted filesystem support stable in 12.04, hyperair?02:01
hyperaircsc`: which kind? the dm-crypt over lvm one?02:01
hyperairif so, then it's been stable since before 8.0402:01
csc`preferably LUKS/LVM02:02
csc`im really not all that fluent when it comes to 'hardcore internals'02:02
hyperairhmm, i see a hung modprobe.02:02
csc`hyperair, b43 id presume?02:03
csc`yeah that was manually done.02:03
hyperairi think that's probably what's causing your shutdown to hang.02:03
csc`i cannot load it manually anymore after messing with jockey or whatever the proprietary driver management thing is02:03
csc`it hangs for 5 minutes then dies.02:03
hyperairit actually dies?02:03
csc`modprobe does02:03
hyperairi saw a BUG. that usually results in an unkillable process02:03
csc`well b43 was working before i messed with it in 'software update settings'02:04
csc`that wasnt really a big deal from 12.0402:04
hyperairdid it also have the shutdown hangging issue before you messed with it?02:04
csc`Can't recall tbh02:05
csc`i don't think I ever shutdown until after I mucked with it02:05
csc`regardless if you think that's the issue, I'd be willing to choose 13.04 over 12.04 LTS, because the main reason for this switch was to go full paranoia mode with encrypted filesystems02:06
csc`but theres another issue regarding anything beyond 12.0402:06
csc`the damnable PAE crap02:06
hyperairi've been in full paranoia mode with encrypted filesystems since 8.0402:06
hyperairwhat's wrong with PAE?02:06
csc`this laptop doesnt support it02:06
hyperairwhat CPU is that running?02:06
csc`Pentium M02:06
csc`[apparently one of the models that allows you to still run a PAE kernel02:07
* hyperair whistles02:07
hyperairwait, i thought you said it couldn't run a PAE kernel?02:07
csc`but ubuntu still ragequits02:07
csc`not without modification, no02:07
csc`I modify proc/cpuinfo02:07
csc`to force the kernel02:07
hyperair../proc/cpuinfo is modifiable?02:07
hyperair-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 May  8 10:07 /proc/cpuinfo02:08
csc`something is02:08
csc`dunno, installed a package02:08
hyperairwhat package?02:08
csc`i love bottlenecks02:09
csc`fake-pae - Add missing pae flag to /proc/cpuinfo02:09
csc`not recommended but I haven't experienced any adverse issues besides these02:09
Unit193hyperair: It's some mangled "fake-pae" package, funtimes.  https://launchpad.net/~prof7bit/+archive/fake-pae02:10
hyperairUnit193: yeah i just saw02:10
hyperairbind mounts!02:10
hyperairvery nice.02:10
csc`CBF'd to do it manually so I found the package during my journeys02:11
csc`you can upgrade to 12.10 from 12.0602:11
hyperairin any case, can you try seeing if alt+prtsc+s works?02:11
hyperairjust hit that key, and after that run dmesg to see if anything happened02:12
csc`but you'll get annoying messages saying your package manager is broken02:12
hyperairit should show something like [250782.622253] SysRq : Emergency Sync02:12
csc`yes, it works.02:12
hyperairokay, so we know that your sysrq key works, but you couldn't do anything during the reboot.02:13
hyperairsounds like it wasn't a mere stuck process..02:14
hyperaircould you do dmesg | grep BUG and see if you have anything now?02:14
hyperair(you haven't run the modprobe command again have you?)02:14
csc`not since i upgraded02:15
csc`[   16.351941] Kernel BUG at f0bf69da [verbose debug info unavailable]02:15
hyperairoh wait, silly me. there it is.02:15
hyperairyeah that's probably what's causing it.02:15
csc`is it something I did or something in the kernel/ubuntu02:15
csc`but not to mention, it's quite a pain to install straight 13.04 on this laptop, no?02:16
csc`i'd still have to go from 12.04 and upgrade up02:17
hyperairwell, yeah i think you need to get the netinst one02:17
hyperairthe non-pae netinst installation02:17
hyperairwhich also allows you to do the LUKS/LVM setup02:17
csc`not an option02:17
csc`might i note an added complication: USB Tether02:17
hyperairusb tethering is surprisingly problem free02:17
hyperairis it an android?02:17
csc`Palm Pre.02:18
hyperairyou sure have some old hardware there..02:18
hyperairrndis is about right02:18
hyperairandroid uses that too02:18
hyperair[224862.927854] rndis_host 2-1.1.4:1.0 usb0: unregister 'rndis_host' usb-0000:00:1d.0-1.1.4, RNDIS device02:18
* csc` is talking to you right now via said tether02:18
hyperairlike that02:18
hyperairtethering is actually pretty damn problem free.02:18
csc`and it's routed throughout my apartment02:18
csc`well i've had issues in the past02:18
hyperairhang on, you mean that old laptop is the one doing the routing?02:18
csc`its routing into a router, yes02:19
hyperairi see.02:19
hyperairokay, let's see02:19
hyperairtry blacklisting the wl kernel module02:19
csc`will try, but yeah02:19
csc`gotta wait for this backup to complete :)02:19
hyperairoh hmm...02:20
csc`my desktop wont use this stupid wg311v202:20
hyperairjust drop to a terminal and remove the broadcom-sta-dkms package02:20
csc`is that some new broadcom driver crap or something?02:21
csc`Package 'broadcom-sta-dkms' is not installed, so not removed02:21
hyperairremove broadcom-sta-source and broadcom-sta-common02:23
csc`wl is loaded however02:23
hyperairit's loaded?02:23
hyperairoh yeah it probably is02:23
hyperairit's just hung02:23
csc`according to lsmod02:23
hyperairand probably defunct02:23
hyperairis your wifi card working?02:23
hyperairjust remove it then02:24
csc`rmmod wl && modprobe b43?02:24
hyperairi'm not sure you can rmmod it02:24
csc`nope, complains in use02:24
hyperairproblem is that it's being modprobed during bootup02:24
hyperairyou need to blacklist or remove it02:24
csc`Error: could not remove module wl: Device or resource busy02:25
hyperairsudo apt-get autoremove --purge broadcom-sta-source broadcom-sta-common02:25
hyperairnot rmmod02:25
hyperairi need you to get rid of the package02:25
csc`neither are installed...02:25
* hyperair stares02:25
hyperairwhat does "modinfo wl" say?02:26
csc`want a pastebin or looking for a specific bit02:27
hyperairjust the path02:27
hyperairsomething like..02:27
hyperairfilename:       /lib/modules/3.9.0-hyper1/kernel/drivers/net/netconsole.ko02:27
csc`filename:       /lib/modules/3.8.0-19-generic/updates/dkms/wl.ko02:27
hyperairhmm dkms02:28
csc`also im running proposed updates due to hoping it would fix the damn issue02:28
csc`it had no effect02:28
hyperairno i need you to get rid of the "wl" module someho9w02:29
hyperairfrom your installation, completely.02:29
hyperairwhat do you have in /usr/src?02:29
hyperairtry dpkg -S /usr/src02:29
csc`purging said package02:30
csc`  bcmwl-kernel-source* dkms* are to be removed/purged02:30
csc`dkms is safe to purge?02:31
hyperairwell if nothing else depends on it, i guess so02:32
csc`apt-get autoremove --purge bcmwl-kernel-source02:32
csc`wants to remove dkms and bcmwl-kernel-source02:32
hyperairwhen you install something that needs dkms it'll be installed again.02:32
hyperairit'll be fine then02:32
csc`only other thing i have is virtualbox02:32
hyperairdkms is just a kernel module rebuilder helper thing.02:32
hyperairand virtualbox doesn't use dkms?02:33
* csc` shrugs02:33
csc`thought it did02:33
hyperairi think it does02:33
csc`some things have been a bit wonky02:33
hyperairthen just do sudo apt-get install dkms02:33
csc`but not really as critical as this one02:33
hyperair(it's already installed, this just makes it marked as manually installed so autoremove doesn't try to get rid of it)02:33
csc`oh boy, removing all dkms modules02:33
csc`enter the funzone02:33
csc`so if all is well02:38
csc`i should be able to modprobe b43 and receive wireless correct02:38
hyperairbut you probably need to reboot02:38
hyperairbasically now you should be rid of the wl02:39
hyperairand when you boot up the next round, dmesg | grep BUG shouldn't show anything02:39
hyperairand you should be able to shutdown02:39
csc`yeah modprobe kinda stalls again02:41
csc`figured id try it for the fun of it02:41
csc`id presume thats because technically the wl module is still loaded into memory02:41
hyperairyou could strace modprobe to see where it hangs02:48
hyperairit's probably a hanging syscall02:48
csc`tis still hanging02:48
csc`and unresponsive to ctrl+c02:48
csc`hyperair, so the netinstall should work with a usb tether, correct?03:04
hyperaircsc`: i think it should.03:05
csc`perhaps got a link to a guide to the netinstall with a non-pae CPU and doing luks/lvm?03:07
hyperairer wait03:07
hyperairhaang on...03:07
hyperairi think you can just direct-install it03:07
hyperairusing the normal desktop image03:07
csc`normal image would fail to boot03:07
hyperairiirc your CPU supports pae, but doesn't advertise it in /proc/cpuinfo03:08
hyperairit fails?03:08
csc`still fails to boot03:08
hyperairwhat kernel are you booting right now?03:08
csc`"blah blah you no has pae supported processor"03:08
csc`hyperair, im faking cpuinfo, remember03:08
hyperairbut the thing is that fake-pae only tricks the *userspace*03:09
hyperairi.e. dpkg.03:09
hyperairit doesn't trick the kernel03:09
hyperairlooks like you need a custom kernel to do this.03:11
hyperaircsc`: follow the instructions in the link, but instead of the 3.5.x kernels, use the 3.8.x kernels instead03:13
csc`hyperair, so what about encryption?03:18
csc`is that fairly seamless in the 13.04 installer?03:18
csc`(if i choose to nuke the entire laptop and start new, that is)03:18
csc`uh oh03:20
csc`ssh died.03:20
csc`guess its time to see if a reboot works03:21
csc`hyperair, well good and bad news03:29
csc`hyperair, sysrq works now, but it still stalled (Pretty sure I know why)03:29
csc`usually stalls if i keep the tether engaged phone-side03:30
hyperairhmm weird.03:45
csc`initializing the tether PC side has improved since upgrading03:47
csc`so im not really complaining about it hanging if I leave my phone in 'tether mode'03:47
csc`hyperair, in regards to encryption though, is it fairly seamless with the 13.04 installer?03:48
hyperaircsc`: not the desktop one. i think you need the alternate installer03:48
hyperairit's fairly seamless there.03:48
hyperairbut it's not hard to do the LUKS/LVM partitioning yourself03:48
hyperairi did.03:48
csc`like i said im dumb when it comes to that03:49
hyperairgoogle some guides03:49
csc`i use ubuntu based distros on laptops so I don't have to muck with it03:49
csc`it just works (tm)03:49
hyperairit just works after installation. :)03:49
csc`so the alternate installer is fairly guided though when it comes to lvm/luks03:50
csc`also, hyperair, i should be able to just switch to a non-pae kernel to boot the installer, then just install fake-pae instead of a non-pae kernel, in theory?03:52
csc`ie. Follow the guide but instead of installing a kernel install fakepae03:52
hyperairyeah probably03:53
csc`figured as much03:53
csc`hopefully i wont run into the issue of the cursed wl driver03:54
csc`is wl a new replacement for b43?03:54
csc`also on a side note, i now has wireless03:55
csc`heh. unetbootin made a gz and not an lz05:29
=== G4MBY is now known as PaulW2U
silidanhi, is there a openvpn client gui for LUbuntu that can be used by unprivileged users (means no root rights/password) to connect to a vpn?06:42
csc`hyperair, neither that guide nor the netinst image for stock ubuntu worked for non-pae06:54
hyperairhm that sucks06:55
* hyperair doesn't have a pae machine to test06:55
hyperairer a non-pae machine06:55
csc`the guide modified to use 3.8 instead of 3.5 dropped to an ash terminal06:56
csc`hyperair, 12.04-alternate for lubuntu should be fairly painless to setup encryption though, i'd presume?06:57
hyperairtry and see?06:58
csc`every try pretty much results in an hour wait06:58
hyperairyour guess is as good as mine.07:00
csc`hopefully im not wasting my time, heh.07:09
qwertymnhi, after upgrade to 13.04, after login the screen just stays blue, and lubuntu doesn't start the desktop anymore. Anyone an idea howto fix?07:20
lele_hi- installation of lubuntu 13.04 are good, on 256MB of ram, but chromium not open page for less memory, help please.07:21
silidanhi, is there a way for openvpn client to be used by unprivileged users (means no root rights/password) to connect to a vpn on LUbuntu 13.04?07:45
csc`silidan, perhaps theres a group, what does groups say07:47
csc`lele_, probably because you only have 256mb of ram07:48
silidanno there is no openvpn group07:48
csc`silidan, what does running 'groups' list07:48
csc`hmm perhaps im having a derp moment07:49
silidancsc`: i am currently not at that machine, cant tell you yet..07:50
csc`thats the wrong command anyway07:51
silidanwell if you wanna know to which groups the user belongs grousp username will do07:52
silidanbut i can assure you that user is part of netdev if that should be important07:52
csc`just 'groups' does that.07:53
silidanfor the current logged in user that is...07:53
silidancsc`: i also found a tutorial to do that the problem is openvpn doesnt accept the "iproutes" in its config file, and also manuall creating the tun dev doesnt accept the --type argument...07:54
csc`really not all that familiar with *buntu internals07:54
silidancsc`: thanks anyway07:55
csc`perhaps iproutes should be readable by the users group?07:55
csc`dunno, haven't messed with VPN at all either07:55
silidanhow can i check readability for the users group?07:57
=== Firartix is now known as Fira
silidanis the openvpn package ins lubuntu 13.04 the same as in ubuntu 13.04 and is it build with --enable-ipconfig2 ?10:48
qwevichello. can you help me? i starterd and install lubuntu 12/04 on my pc and it is needed to boot with some option - when i reun form live cd i check marks on all option like boot with acpi=off etc . how do it again on instaled version?11:45
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
=== Scarlet is now known as Guest88074
RajuHi this is raju from Middle east14:03
RajuI just know that Lubuntu is supporting for the low configuration computers14:04
RajuI just wanted to know that lubuntu has got any server vertion14:04
RajuKindly send me the details through my mail id rajuindia@hotmail.com / rajuindia@yahoo.com14:05
Rajukindly provide me some msg about it14:06
Myrttiit's called Ubuntu server.14:06
Rajui am planning to convert most of our office computers to load Lubuntu14:06
Myrttithere is no separate Lubuntu version for servers.14:07
RajuOk fine14:07
MyrttiServers are Ubuntu's without any graphical user interface.14:07
Rajuso i can Ubuntu as the server and Lubuntu as my client14:07
RajuIs it possible to use windows server as a mil server and all the client computers as Lubuntu14:08
holsteinRaju: they are all ubuntu.. lubuntu is ubuntu with LXDE and certain configurations14:08
RajuIs there any possible communication with ADS14:08
holsteinRaju: the server version is ubuntu *without* any desktop14:08
holsteinthey all use the same source repos14:08
holsteinRaju: nothing about ubuntu/linux is preventing the integration of *anything* with it.. its all open and open for you to setup with any commercial products that allow this configuration14:09
RajuIf i am using Windows 2003 or 2008 as my maindomain server and all the desktop computers as Lubuntu14:09
Rajumy uservers are all in the windows servers. For them i am planning to provide desktop. so they have to first get login to the win server and try to get access with Lubuntu desktop14:11
Rajuis it possible or i need to write a code to communicate to windows server14:11
holsteinRaju: nothing about ubuntu or linux is preventing that communication.. fire it up live and see how it works14:12
Rajuok thats great14:12
Rajulet me try frist with one computer and if it works well and i can go for other vertions14:13
RajuThank you very much my friends.14:13
RajuFor your support and information.14:13
holsteinturnkey linux provides live server versions of ubuntu server.. highly customized14:14
holsteinand, not officially supported by ubuntu,.. http://www.turnkeylinux.org/ ..but handy for testing14:14
holsteinother than that, try the official server channel, or mailing list14:14
Rajuso i can practise with this server14:15
chentehuwwo everyone15:49
trasherabiword keeps flickering17:12
holsteintrasher: what would i do? elaborate about what "flickering" means.. try as a different user.. upgrade or downgrade and test abiword..17:16
trasherholstein, i tried. flickering of the line when i am typing in abiword 2.8.6, in 2.9.2 on every new line the word processor goes upward to the beginning of the document17:17
trasherupgraded , downgraded, googled and googled.17:19
trasherupgraded the distro too. 13.04.17:19
holsteintrasher: i know what i would do.. i would use libreoffice, since that is what i use and prefer personally... and its arguably better supported17:22
holsteintrasher: same issue as a different user then?17:22
trasheri have openoffice and libreoffice too17:23
holsteinlibreoffice is the modern "fork" of openoffice.. you can consider openoffice "EOL"17:23
trasheri dont like libreoffice17:24
holsteintrasher: yeah? it seems *just* like openoffice to me.. accept more polished, and supported17:24
holsteinbut, to each his own.. so, the same issues with abiword as a different user trasher ?17:24
trasherit isi a copy17:25
trasheryes, same issues with abiword17:25
holsteintrasher: its the modern fork.. its the *same* team.. its not a copy actually.. you can consider openoffice EOL, and libreoffice the continued version17:25
trasherit is still supported17:26
holsteintrasher: start abiword from the terminal, and see if there is helpful error output17:26
trasheri get errot17:26
holsteintrasher: you can consider openoffice EOL.. libreoffice is where the current version is.. you can take that on at anytime you like17:26
holsteintrasher: im not stating opinion.. this is fact..17:26
holsteintrasher: you dont have to like, or use. or like to use libreoffice... its just the latest version of openoffice17:27
holsteintrasher: what grahpics card/driver ?17:28
trasherhd integrated17:28
holsteinthat shouldnt be the issue then..17:28
holsteinnothing about abiword would make me waste too much time "Fixing" it.. but i would try and report it upstream17:32
trasherseen that17:33
trasherabiword is quite cool imo, it sjust that they really maintain it as much. what a shame17:33
holsteintrasher: its great.. and it seems dead17:33
trasheri like kate too. its better, but cant import images17:34
holsteinlibre/open supports all of that well17:35
trasheri tried MS Office 2007 Word, but the blinking cursor drove me nuts17:36
holstein^^ not that i have peronally tried that "fix"17:38
trasherthanks, but i use wine :D17:39
holsteintrasher: looks like that is an "in application" "fix"17:39
trasherspent whole night trying to figure out a replacement for abiword, since it was not suitable for doing assigment documents17:39
holsteinlibreoffice is what we got. its well supported, and current17:40
trasheri got that17:40
trasheri just dont get the same feeling as with abiword, i guess will keep on goolging for solutions17:40
holsteingood luck17:40
holsteinas the abiword team, assuming there is still one17:41
trasherhope so, thanks17:41
holsteinfork it, and do what you want with it.. it'll get more and more broken as GTK progresses17:41
trasherfork it how??17:41
holsteintrasher: its all open.. take the code and do what you want with it17:41
trasheri dont know programming17:42
holsteinfork it, and hire a team to maintain it17:42
holsteini dont either... thats why i use libreoffice17:42
holsteinbut, with FOSS, the answer is always "yes".. it just might be more hassle than its worth17:42
yo_mamawill there be a LXLE based on Lubuntu 13.04 ?17:46
wxlyo_mama: that's a question for lxle17:46
wxlyo_mama: irc://irc.ubuntu.com:8001/lxle?17:47
wxlyo_mama: but chances are, no since lxle's deal is it's based on lts and 13.04 ain't lts17:47
trasherhow many months is lts support?17:47
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)17:48
yo_mamawow ubuntu has it's own ircnetwork!17:48
holsteinlubuntu has not official LTS17:48
wxlyo_mama: of course :)17:48
wxlholstein is correct though that's changing soon17:48
yo_mamaI head no idea17:48
wxlyo_mama: it *IS* canonical, after all17:48
yo_mamawxl: irc.ubuntu.com leads to freenode :/17:50
wxlyo_mama: and your point is? XD17:50
yo_mamawxl: my point is that ubuntu does NOT have it's own ircnetwork17:51
wxlyo_mama: or do they own freenode?17:51
holsteinyo_mama: freenode *is* connonicals supported AFAIK17:51
yo_mamaI like Freenode. It's feels very professional.17:53
yo_mamaEFnet is a disaster managed by crazy people17:55
wxlefnet is nuts, i kind of like it17:56
wxloftc is nice and in between17:56
wxlbtw we should probably move to offtopic17:56
csc`hyperair, well that was hardly painless...18:35
csc`got some lovely new issues because of the raring packages stuffed onto the iso, and eventually it would seem I managed to get a bootable semi-working system out of it18:35
csc`but now i've got a few 'critical' issues to fix18:36
csc`the installation did not install any type of software source management tool, and it would seem the updater thinks xz-utils or such should be held, I'm not familiar with Debian enough to know where it holds blacklist configuration18:37
silidanhi, id like to allow a guest account on my system where ppl can use openvpn to connect to vpn server, with their own vpnusername/vpnpasswords how would i do this? (currently it needs root rights to start openvpn, i dont want to give guest account root rights)18:49
silidanmy openvpn is configured so it works as intended when called with root rights (sudo), but i cant use  it without root rights atm...18:50
csc`this is very annoying.19:03
csc`nice. Didn't even ask to update to 13.04 but seemingly there anyway19:32
csc`wonder how that came about happening...19:36

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