
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
chentehello everyone I have some questions about providing support to windows PC from linux via gui16:21
wilee-nileechente, This is the development channel, any ubuntu support  here will basically not cover that.16:28
wilee-nileeoops sorry the beginners channel my bad16:28
chentesorry i was referred here16:28
chentehehe it happens16:29
wilee-nileechente, YOoumight have support just describe what you are trying to do.16:29
wilee-nileebad typing lol16:29
chente"you might have to support"?16:30
chenteor an app called YOou may have support16:30
wilee-nileechente, Without you describing what you need we can't help.16:31
chentea client on another side of town has a windows xp/7 pc and needs computer help16:32
mmillsInstalled  Ubuntu 12.04. Would like to use the GUI until I get comfortable with CLI16:32
mmillshow do I get GUI installed?16:32
wilee-nileemmills, What did you install?16:33
chentei have a linux / windows xp computer which I use for remote support, can I use something as an alternative for uvnc extention (PCHelpware) to give "one click" support from linux to windows without needing THEM to configure a router?16:33
mmillsInstalled Ubunu Server 12.0416:33
chentemmills: you could try to follow this (http://www.howtogeek.com/107368/how-to-install-the-lightweight-lxde-desktop-on-ubuntu/) guie to install  very fast GUI16:34
wilee-nileemmills, You can install a desktop, however the purest server users suggest not doing this, personally I have never used a server only.16:35
mmillsI will try the lxde. Thanks!16:36
yeehiWhich is the best personal finance package? Have you tried many?19:46
Unit193yeehi: Well, there isn't exactly a "best", but gnucash is one.19:53
yeehithanks, Unit193. SOmebody else said HomeBank was good, too...20:04
Unit193http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-free-financial-software-alternative-to-quicken/ not sure if all work on linux, but you may ask bestbot in #ubuntu-bots20:07
ubot93Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:07

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