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alexhenriehi, I found a missing dependency in an Ubuntu package, and I was hoping I could just tell someone here instead of filing a formal bug report22:04
jtaylorfiling a bug is better22:08
jtaylorwhich package and which dependency?22:08
alexhenrielshw-gtk requires su-to-root which is provided by the package "menu"22:11
alexhenrieI'll go ahead and file a bug report though if you think that's better22:13
jtayloruse ubuntu-bug lshw-gtk and include a testcsae if possible22:15
alexhenrieokay, well it's pretty easy to reproduce on lubuntu at least22:17
alexhenrieyou try to install the package and then when you click it in the menu, nothing happens22:17
alexhenriebut yeah, I'd be happy to file a report22:17

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