
philipballewSergioMeneses, around?01:11
SergioMenesesphilipballew, sure, tell me01:12
philipballewSergioMeneses, wanna join #ubuntu-cu and help me find someone help in getting resources for where he lives?01:12
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dholbachgood morning06:38
smartboyhwHello dholbach:)06:38
dholbachhi smartboyhw06:38
bkerensadholbach: Buenos Dias Senor!07:04
dholbachbkerensa, hola muchacho07:04
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dholbachhey dpm - how are you doing?10:38
smartboyhwdholbach: When can we expect the community website to launch?10:39
dholbachsmartboyhw, some folks are going over the page right now and double-checking the content - once we're happy we can file an RT to get it moved to an official place10:40
elfynice one10:41
smartboyhwdholbach: Hurray!10:41
elfyI look forward to seeing it10:41
dholbachhttp:// is what we currently have10:42
elfyyep - suppport still points to your list of community blogs :)10:42
elfyI looked this morning :)10:43
smartboyhwelfy: Heh10:43
dholbachelfy, right... I had no time yesterday nor today to look into it, but I'll do it now10:43
elfyI wasn't complaining nor reminding as such :)10:43
elfyI trust you ... ;)10:43
dholbachsure sure10:43
dpmhey dholbach, doing well, you?10:43
dholbachdpm, exhausted10:44
dholbachdpm, I just checked - uds-1305 has 62 blueprints scheduled, uds-1303 had 8010:44
dholbachdpm, so I guess we have some more hassling to do10:44
dpmhmmm :/10:44
dholbachelfy, fixed10:45
smartboyhwdholbach: \o/10:45
dpmdholbach, Foundations filed some already, Cloud and Client haven't filed any blueprints yet10:45
smartboyhwdholbach: Ubuntu Studio will be having a session, albeit it's for users to raise suggestions instead:P We haven't planned the time yet. Ask zequence for details.10:46
dholbachsmartboyhw, elfy: I addressed your other points too10:46
elfydholbach: thanks - but you do know there are 2 Support links on  one in contribute the other in help and information10:47
dholbachelfy, yes and they point to different places10:47
dholbachsmartboyhw, can you ask around to get a blueprint for it scheduled - even if it's a Q&A session10:47
dholbachsmartboyhw, just to make sure it gets on there10:47
dpmdholbach, do you think we should send an e-mail to ubuntu-devel as well to encourage scheduling of sessions? I'm thinking of the feedback we had last one, where many of the sessions were scheduled by Canonical folks.10:47
elfydholbach: no they don't - they might go to different places ;)10:47
dholbachsmartboyhw, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS/Create#Creating_a_.22Scheduling_Blueprint.2210:48
dpmdholbach, I'll mention it to translators as well10:48
dpmand also perhaps loco-contacts10:48
dholbachelfy, for me they do go to different places - can you try to reload with ctrl-shift-r?10:48
elfy2 secs10:48
elfydholbach: I apologise :)10:48
dholbachno worries10:49
dholbachmight have been cached locally or something10:49
elfydholbach: they both make sense now :)10:49
smartboyhwdholbach: Tell that to zequence, he's the one planning it not me10:49
smartboyhwelfy: :)10:49
dholbachdpm, try to sort them by name - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-1303 and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-130510:49
dholbachdpm, there were LOADS of appdev sessions last time ;-)10:50
dpmyeah, I need to talk to the SDK guys10:50
dholbachsmartboyhw, sorry - I didn't mean to come across as if I "told you" to create a blueprint - I just thought you could pass it on if you're in conversations about it already10:50
smartboyhwdholbach: zequence is in this channel:P10:52
dholbachah, cool10:52
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JoseeAntonioRdholbach: you think I should schedule an ubuntuonair session for this UDS? there hasn't been much lately14:36
dholbachyeah, maybe to talk a bit about the new uonair site?14:36
dholbachjust an idea14:36
JoseeAntonioRok, I'll schedule one then14:38
JoseeAntonioRdpm: ping14:58
dpmhola JoseeAntonioR14:59
JoseeAntonioRdpm: una pregunta, no estarás interesado en dar una sesión de OpenWeek sobre appdev, o conoces a alguien interesado? :)14:59
dpmJoseeAntonioR, si, claro. Me recuerdas cuando será UOW?15:00
SergioMenesesdpm, rocks!15:00
JoseeAntonioR21-22 mayo, desde las 13 hasta las 18 UTC https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek15:00
dpmpuedo hacer "How to contribute to Ubuntu Touch Core Apps"15:01
SergioMenesesdpm, 21-22 may15:01
dpmok :)15:01
SergioMenesesdpm, perfecto! ayer estaba leyendo sobre eso15:01
JoseeAntonioRgenial, creo que eso es lo que esperaba :)15:01
dpmok, me apunto en el wiki15:01
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, lol ?15:01
JoseeAntonioRdpm: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/raring/Timetable, es un include15:01
dpmah, ok15:02
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: Heck, I don't know what you and dpm and JoseeAntonioR are talking about…15:03
JoseeAntonioRsmartboyhw: UOW basically15:03
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR: Cheers15:04
dpmJoseeAntonioR, done. Is it going to be on air or on IRC?15:04
JoseeAntonioRIRC, can't do on air this time because of school :(15:05
SergioMenesesUOW will be onair?15:05
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR: Er how do you access IRC in school?15:06
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: No15:06
JoseeAntonioRsmartboyhw: I used to access directly, then they blocked port 5709 (my ZNC) and did connections to my machine (port 443) but it was too slow, so I'm just using IRCCloud15:07
SergioMenesesmmmm... so why is JoseeAntonioR talking about he cant do an onair?15:07
JoseeAntonioRSergioMeneses: I won't be able to because I will be on the middle of a class15:08
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: Because last time there is one day which is OnAir15:08
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR: You have all-time computer access at school?15:08
smartboyhwWhat the15:08
JoseeAntonioRsmartboyhw: I don't, I'm supposed to be on an IT class15:08
JoseeAntonioRit's too boring15:08
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR: :O15:09
smartboyhwDon't skip classes…15:09
chilicuilskip them!, there a lot of better things to do instead wasting the time there =)15:09
dpmthanks JoseeAntonioR15:10
JoseeAntonioRchilicuil: there surely is, specially if you're a 16-year-old teenager that's bored learning about 'advanced managing of Microsoft Word'15:10
SergioMenesesjajaja chilicuil you're right15:10
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR: Heh15:10
SergioMenesesadvanced? lol -> tables and import images15:11
JoseeAntonioRSergioMeneses: believe me or not, that's what they're teaching me15:11
smartboyhwOur school is still using Windows XP!!!! (though our computer teacher uses Ubuntu)15:11
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR: Meh15:11
SergioMenesesbkerensa, around?15:17
JoseeAntonioRmaybe bkerensa wants to do a session about the documentation team for OpenWeek15:18
SergioMenesesJoseeAntonioR, sure! :)15:18
smartboyhwHell, why isn't there an Ubuntu Members G+ community?15:35
JoseeAntonioRgotta run and study now, ttyl15:37
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day! have a good one!15:38
smartboyhwdholbach: Meh15:38
smartboyhwYou are using the old one again15:38
dholbachoff to yoga and to a construction site tomorrow :)15:39
smartboyhwdholbach: Construction site?15:39
dholbachyeah, a friend bought an old house 1h outside Berlin15:39
dholbachso I'll help renovating15:39
dholbachanyway - see you all around :)15:40
smartboyhwSleeping time, bye Ubuntu friends;)15:50
dpmbye smartboyhw15:53
SergioMenesesJoseeAntonioR, around?18:14
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: I think I do not :)19:18

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