
mfischWhen doing merges of desktop packages via UDD do you guys typically set distoseries to UNRELEASED for the MP?00:39
RAOFmfisch: If it's intended to land as-is, I'd set distroseries to saucy.00:42
mfischRAOF: okay. my team uses UNRELEASED to prevent dputting from non-trunk, so I was curious. Thanks00:42
RAOFI use UNRELEASED for everything but the final dput, but when you're proposing a merge like that my view would be that you're doing a dput-by-proxy ☺00:46
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mterrydesrt, regarding your deja-dup hook script, no.02:49
desrtmterry: i found an awesome way to compact git repos02:56
mterrydesrt, do tell02:58
mterrydesrt, ah, and you want that before backup02:58
desrtmterry: yes.  precisely.02:58
desrtshrank my ~6GB of ~/code/ into ~15M02:59
mterryoh nice02:59
desrtand being as ~/code/ is the largest thing i have outside of ~/.cache/ this has a rather substantial impact on running time for dejadup02:59
mterrydesrt, you could add a wrapper deja-dup script in ~/bin or something02:59
mterrydesrt, but no official support.  There is a feature request bug I think02:59
desrtya... i want something a bit nicer than that, i think03:00
desrti also don't exactly just want a hook03:00
desrti rather want a way to say "ya... this directory, let me give you some files to backup instead of what you find on the disk"03:01
mterrydesrt, eh.  You could point deja-dup at ~/SmallCode instead of ~/Code and use a hook to sync the two right before backup03:01
desrtya.  this is exactly what i was pondering03:01
desrtthen put ~/code/ on the ignore list...03:01
desrttrouble is that not all stuff in ~/code/ is tuckable03:02
desrt(i call this new thing 'git tuck')03:02
mterryalright, got to go to bed03:03
pittiGood morning03:39
Mirvcyphermox: regarding the precise SRU patch piloting, I believe didrocks will want to do that as we have a history of doing that and he has the test document already04:08
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sil2100Mirv: Im currently walking around the city looking for a place with free wifi07:12
sil2100Since it seems this city doesnt like free wifi, and mc donnalds filters out everything non-http07:13
sil2100But I see some hotspots I can try hacking into07:13
sil2100I mean, connecting into07:13
Mirvsil2100: :)07:24
Mirvand morning07:24
Mirvhttp should be enough for everybody (tm)07:25
Mirvactually, using corkscrew and friends even just http + forced proxy is usually enough for everything I do07:25
sil2100I would like to use irc normally, and while I use it locally, I would kike to have access to all the neat ports07:29
sil2100I need a proxy, *sighs*07:31
lifelessI need a hero?07:35
sil2100Already have a question to didrocks, it's harder for me without him it seems ;)08:59
sil2100Mirv: do you know by any chance if all of our build-next projects are using autopilot 1.3 already?09:13
sil2100Mirv: since I noticed unity from the unity stack in Head was still using autopilot 1.2 strangely, even though our PPA already offers 1.309:14
sil2100(but it was fetching it from the archives instead)09:15
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Mirv(sil2100 gone, but merges still pending)09:37
pittiLaney: ah, thanks for http://people.canonical.com/~laney/upower-dbus-usage10:07
Laneynp - it's a very dumb grep ATM though10:07
pittiLaney: for "to build list of packages using UPower for suspend/hibernate", are you going to use a pad again? (or the same pad)10:07
LaneyI'll spend some time triaging it soon10:08
Laneyyeah, probably a pad to avoid BP mail spam10:08
pittii. e. http://pad.ubuntu.com/saucy-logind-transition10:08
Laneyno opinion on the URL yet :-)10:08
Laneywhoever does the work first can choose10:08
pittiLaney: I'm a bit confused -- so https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/indicator-datetime/use-upower/+merge/153809 was merged on 2013-05-03 with said commit message10:11
pittihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+changelog has autolandings from 13.05.0610:11
pittiis that subsumed under "* Stop using ConsoleKit (LP: #1156613)"?10:11
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1156613 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Stop using ConsoleKit" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115661310:11
LaneyI think that some manual mangling of the changelog happened10:11
pittioh, apparently yes10:11
pittithe changelog is the bug title, not the merge commit message10:12
Laneyright, those don't get used10:12
Laneyfor d/changelog anyway10:12
pittiapt-get source shows that this is in, so this is done10:12
LaneyI lost track a bit about what happened to those around release time10:12
* pitti moves10:12
Laneythere were split raring and trunk branches which had to be merged, and blah blah10:13
Laneycyphermox_ sorted it out anyway10:13
* Laney puts the Queen's speech on10:13
Laneyhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22441280 you know you want to watch too10:13
mlankhorstthey're red10:27
mlankhorstLaney: why do I cringe every time I hear more mucking with intellectual property10:36
Laneybecause you have no faith in politicians10:36
mlankhorstam I wrong? :p10:37
Laneydunno what these plans are10:37
mlankhorstmaking it easier for companies to lift copyrighted 'orphan works'10:38
Laneythe eu is doing stuff on that too10:39
Laneyyeah i wouldn't trust that site's journalism10:40
cyphermox_Laney, mlankhorst: if you look at anything on thereg; look at the BOFH pages :)11:48
Laneyheh, yeah, those are alright11:49
Laneythey have some curious hatred of wikipedia11:49
mlankhorstwho maintains the unity packages in ubuntu?11:50
cyphermox_Laney: http://xkcd.com/978/11:50
cyphermox_mlankhorst: various people, what do you need?11:50
mlankhorstcyphermox_: well i fixed up x 1.14 now, and made a xorg-server-omap-revert package to keep the pandaboard running. some coordination for uploading the pointer barrier fixes at the same time as xserver11:51
sil2100cyphermox_: morning!11:53
cyphermox_sil2100: hey11:54
sil2100cyphermox_: I was looking at the states of the stacks and wanted to check if autopilot 1.3 is already used for the projects, but I noticed for instance that unity from the unity stack Head still uses autopilot 1.2 even though 1.3 is in our PPA already11:55
sil2100cyphermox_: do you know why it's still only using 1.2 from the archives and not 1.3 from our PPA?11:55
cyphermox_sil2100: without checking, no11:56
Laneysil2100: which PPA?11:56
cyphermox_Laney: indeed, that's probably the best question to figure this out11:57
sil2100Laney: daily-build-next11:58
Laneysil2100: what's an example of a bad build in that PPA?11:59
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sil2100Laney: what do you mean by 'bad build'11:59
Laneyone which got the wrong autopilot11:59
cyphermox_Laney: it doesn't translate into a failed build12:00
cyphermox_it's a failed test though12:00
LaneyI didn't say failed12:00
sil2100cyphermox_: hmm, not really12:00
Laneyhow can you see that it didn't do what you wanted?12:00
sil2100cyphermox_: since the thing is:12:00
sil2100Wait a moment guys12:00
cyphermox_sil2100: ?12:00
* Laney stab vpn stab12:01
cyphermox_I hear you ;)12:01
* sil2100 stabs himself12:01
sil2100But this one for isntance was ok, all ok12:01
sil2100And the thing is!12:01
sil2100It's not even using unity trunk here!12:01
sil2100It's using Unity from the raring archives :|12:02
sil2100Why is it using unity from the archives, since it was supposed to check the latest unity from the daily-build-next PPA instead12:02
sil2100As this is what the job is for12:02
cyphermox_sil2100: check configuration, make sure the package is listed in testpackages:12:02
cyphermox_Laney: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ps-generic-autopilot-release-testing/283/12:03
cyphermox_this is the public copy of the same data ^12:03
sil2100cyphermox_: unity-autopilot is, and it's still installing it from raring it seems...12:03
sil2100cyphermox_: since installed_test_packages says:12:03
sil2100unity-autopilot is already the newest version.12:03
sil2100Which is not true, as the PPA should have a newer version12:04
LaneyI don't see anything about the PPA in the apt-get update output12:05
Laneybut we've gone into jenkins which means I have no clue what's going on so /me runs away screaming12:05
cyphermox_good move.12:07
sil2100I'll look into that in more detail then, thanks guys ;) Just wanted to know if there was something obvious going on12:08
sil2100But it seems nothing jenkins is obvious12:08
cyphermox_sil2100: there's not12:11
cyphermox_everything seems to me like it should have taken the new version, but it didn't12:11
cyphermox_evidently something is either wrong in the configuration, or in the code for the check jobs.12:12
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sil2100cyphermox_: there's no unity in the daily-build-next PPA12:19
sil2100Ok, there is12:19
sil2100cyphermox_: scratch that12:19
cyphermox_yeah, there are two :)12:19
cyphermox_one for raring and one for saucy. both build the unity-autopilot source package12:20
sil2100And for instance now the new test infrastructure would be useful, as we could simply fetch the test snapshot and check what exactly happened on the test system12:23
cyphermox_sil2100: mind if I let you hack at it for now, I'll tackle the other issues?12:23
cyphermox_hahah yeah :)12:23
sil2100cyphermox_: no problem, I'll poke you if I have some insider questions ;)12:23
cyphermox_autopilot-qt had an issue, and I reran head-phone just to check if we could convince that small one to go green12:24
cyphermox_sil2100: #ubuntu-unity; we can leave -desktop for the desktopy stuff.12:24
cyphermox_sil2100: heh, the phone stack tests will undoubtedly fail, utah is as wedged as ever.12:25
* sil2100 sighs12:27
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mlankhorsttkamppeter_: can you kill https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1305-convertibles-and-touch-desktop ? it's nothing more than a work item for the xorg session12:47
cyphermox_mlankhorst: about unity coordination stuff; wanna ping in #ubuntu-unity? you'll run a better chance of getting the right people.12:55
cyphermox_sil2100: this one is quite interesting: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/qml-friends/bootstrap-message/+merge/16297112:55
cyphermox_I'm not necessarily asking for a review from you, I think robru or ken should take a look, but I wrote the explanation for why the change is needed and there are links12:56
mlankhorstcyphermox_: well there's still a blocker for now, I guess when new nvidia-tegra lands I can get serious about moving x1.14 to saucy12:57
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sil2100cyphermox: it seems a rather obvious fix, so I can review it and approve13:01
sil2100Good catch!13:01
cyphermoxyou're in super-friends?13:02
cyphermoxhow come I'm not in the cool kids group? :'(13:02
* cyphermox cries13:02
sil2100It seems I am, since I can approve the merge it seems ;p But I don't know why!13:02
sil2100Since I never ever did anything super-friend'ly13:02
attentesil2100, hi13:16
sil2100attente: hello!13:20
attenteso i'm not really sure what else is needed to land unity-gtk-module13:22
attentei merged your ap-fixes branch, thanks for that13:22
sil2100attente: thanks for reviewing - do the tests as they look currently work OK on your system?13:23
attenteyes, they do13:24
attentewe still have a couple of gtk patches to remove it seems13:26
sil2100attente: ok, so let me check if it all works here as well13:28
sil2100attente: I also need to check what's the status with 13.04, but I need robru for that13:29
sil2100attente: since I have no clue what's happening with that - once I have a clear situation here, I'll do what needs to be done to re-enable it in daily build13:29
sil2100attente: s/13.04/autopilot 1.313:30
* sil2100 needs coffee13:30
attenteheh, ok13:31
tkamppeter_mlankhorst, hi13:39
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tkamppetermlankhorst, hi13:43
mlankhorstwhat i said above, there is no point in an entire session for a single bug, so please take it down :)13:43
sil2100robru: could you ping me when you're here?13:44
tkamppetermlankhorst, it is not about this single bug. The bug is one work item. Other points are implementation of touch gestures (pinch to zoom, scroll by dragging, right click (long press? Ctrl+tap? ...), script triggered by flipping the screen of a convertible, how the convertible should behave in tablet mode, ...13:46
mlankhorstI honestly have no idea about that13:48
tkamppetermlankhorst, I created this session to find the right people to take care of all these parts. Perhaps also the people who worked on the Nexus 7 can help here.13:49
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robrucyphermox, sil2100 : hey, just woke up.17:02
robrucyphermox, ~super-friends contains ~canonical-product-strategy, are you not in that one?17:05
cyphermoxI am not17:06
robrucyphermox, you should get in that one, it gives you near-godlike powers over launchpad ;-)17:06
cyphermoxrobru: sil2100: Mirv: figured out the issue with the API calls after all.17:06
cyphermoxI'm not sure I want that kind of responsibility ;)17:12
* cyphermox -> lunch17:12
larsudesrt: do you know if we'll get the new gtk this cycle? Or will we stay on 3.8?17:41
* larsu needs to update his custom menu item ipatch17:41
desrti guess we'll get the new one...17:41
desrtno seb today?17:41
larsuI think it's a public holiday in France17:41
desrtbtw: i landed the gtkmenutrackeritem patch17:41
desrtjasper is currently pouring over it17:41
larsuah, nice!17:41
desrti'd appreciate the same from you, since you will be the other consumer17:42
larsulet me guess, he hates the Gtk namespace?17:42
desrtya.... he wants egg17:42
desrtwe discussed it17:42
desrtnot going to happen17:42
larsuugh, that's equally stupid17:42
larsuhave a bug #?17:42
ubot2`Gnome bug 699934 in GtkApplication "add GtkMenuTrackerItem" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:44
sil2100robru: hi!19:05
sil2100robru: so, what I wanted is - what's the state of the 1.3 autopilot transition?19:06
sil2100robru: ping19:16
kenvandinesil2100, i just found out why we are getting so many autopilot failures19:17
kenvandinethe qa guys added some debugging for us19:17
kenvandinewe have autopilot-phablet in testpackages19:18
kenvandineand that isn't installable19:18
kenvandinewe need autopilot-touch19:18
sil2100kenvandine: oh19:18
sil2100autopilot-touch? What's that?19:18
kenvandinebut that also isn't going to be installable... because it depends on python-ubuntu-platform-api19:18
kenvandinethe new autopilot-phablet :)19:18
sil2100kenvandine: I thought that autopilot-phablet was the touch-based autopilot19:18
kenvandinethey renamed it for 1.319:18
sil2100Ah, ok, for 1.319:18
sil2100fginther: ping19:19
kenvandineit's in the ppa19:19
sil2100fginther: did you quick-fix the generic jobs?19:19
kenvandineit depends on a missing package19:19
sil2100kenvandine: that can only be used on devices?19:19
fginthersil2100, yes, I believe it is working now19:19
kenvandinenot sure19:19
sil2100kenvandine: I think we'll have to poke thomi about this ultimately, since my understanding was that autopilot 1.3 will be able to 'emulate' touch input even on a desktop device19:20
sil2100fginther: excellent! Big thanks19:20
fginthersil2100, np19:20
kenvandinesil2100, maybe we should change it to autopilot-desktop and see if that works?19:20
kenvandinesil2100, i have a branch changing it in cups2d19:21
kenvandineif you can give me a quick approval i'll rerun a job19:21
kenvandinei can try changing it to autopilot-desktop19:21
kenvandineoh... i think we can just remove it19:21
sil2100kenvandine: no problem, send the link ;)19:22
sil2100kenvandine: I think indeed maybe let's try using the desktop autopilot19:22
sil2100Maybe it would have bindings for touch for the desktop19:22
fginthersil2100, kenvandine, for what it's worth. autopilot-desktop is the expected package to use on a desktop install19:23
kenvandinesil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/cupstream2distro-config/autopilot-touch/+merge/16303719:25
kenvandinefginther, sil2100: yeah, we had added autopilot-phablet to testpackages as a hack to work around it not getting installed before19:25
kenvandinewe don't need it at all now, there are depends that bring in python-autopilot19:26
kenvandinewhich depends on autopilot-touch || autopilot-desktop19:26
fginthersil2100, there may be autopilot 1.3 issues related to ps-generic-autopilot. It was working with the older 1.2 version where there was no autopilot-touch || autopilot-desktop19:30
fginthersil2100, I did a local test, looks like it should work19:34
sil2100kenvandine: approved19:38
kenvandinesil2100, thanks19:40
kenvandinei'll redeploy19:40
robrusil2100, sorry, was on lunch. as far as my end goes, I still haven't made any progress in getting autopilot enabled for webapps. I gotta work with vrruiz on that, it seems stale & incomplete to me19:46
sil2100robru: hm, ok, so we still need to get that sorted out19:51
kenvandinefginther, the guy from #qa that helped debug the autopilot/utah issues pointed out a couple other things that should be fixed19:55
kenvandineare you the right person to fix the utah script?19:56
fgintherkenvandine, yes19:56
robruok, I am going to upgrade to suacy... wish me luck!20:20
desrtrobru: boring.20:48
desrtif you want fun, try an f19 upgrade20:49
desrtgood for that oldschool "i need to debug my bootloader" linux feel20:50
robruhey desrt, you'd probalby know this: how can I tell what app created a certain window? I have a mysterious window on my desktop and I'm not sure where it's coming from20:50
desrtxprop will tell you20:51
desrtxprop | grep PID20:51
desrtthen click20:51
robrudesrt, great. so what the hell is gcr-prompter? ;-)20:52
desrtsomething about the keyring i guess20:52
desrtthe thing that asks you "do you wnat to allow access?" maybe?20:53
robrudesrt, well, it's asking me for a password, but I'm not sure for what. It says "for account rbpark@gmail.com", which I assume is my google account, so I enter my google account password, but it tells me that it's incorrect. except I just logged into google 2 seconds ago, so I'm quite confident that I know what my password is. so clearly this is asking for soemthing else, and I'm not sur ewhat20:53
robruso this keeps popping up randomly, and i keep cancelling out of it, and I haven't noticed any features being broken by the inability to login to this thing20:54
desrtmaybe something to do with online accounts?20:54
robrukenvandine, ^^20:54
desrtmaybe use 'ps f' to find out what spawned gcr-prompter?20:54
desrtwell, 'ps xf' you would need20:56
robruthere we go ;-)20:56
desrtany smoking gun there?20:57
robrudesrt, yep, 'init --user'20:57
desrtthat's probably not a smoking gun...20:57
robruI know20:57
robruwas being sarcastic20:58
desrti'm guessing upstart does the prctl() thing to get to be the new grandparent process for everything in the session20:58
desrtso everything that gets orphaned get picked up by it20:58
robrudesrt, i guess. still not sure what password it wants me to put in there though20:58
robruor what it's even for20:59
robruthe online accounts pane in system settings doesn't report any failures20:59
desrtcheck seahorse maybe?20:59
desrtsomething obvious may turn up in there20:59
robrudesrt, dunno, seahorse opened fine, none of the entries there reference rbpark@gmail.com21:01
desrti'd continue on the previous course of blaming ken, then :)21:01
robruit looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcr/+bug/104454921:02
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1044549 in gcr (Ubuntu) "The "Access Prompt" randomly pop up!" [High,Triaged]21:02
robruoh, workaround in comment #1421:03
desrtblame rishi, then :)21:04
* desrt wonders why goa is even on ubuntu?21:04
robrufor the gnome remix21:04
robruI guess21:04
desrtah.  you have it installed?21:05
* kenvandine reads back21:05
robruwell, I was using Gnome-Shell through the Quantal cycle, and only switched to Unity at some point early in the raring cycle. so yeah, I had all the gnome stuff installed.21:05
desrtmakes some sense, then21:06
kenvandinerobru, oh... so you figured it out?21:07
robrukenvandine, I guess so. it remains to be seen if the workaround from that bug actually fixes it or not though21:07
kenvandinei doubt that is triggered by UOA21:07
robruyeah, seems a GOA thing that's attacking me from beyond the grave...21:08
robruhttps://launchpad.net/gcr also, it seems pitti is to blame ;-)21:09
robrubrb, gotta run to the store21:15
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dupondjeYeey, Empathy is totally broken :(21:55
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/1175582 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/1177833 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/1176757 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/1174208 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/1173472 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/116396121:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1175582 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy not displaying any online contacts" [Undecided,New]21:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1177833 in empathy (Ubuntu) "empaty does not connect to any account. and it does not show the yahoo contacts avatar." [Undecided,New]21:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1176757 in empathy (Ubuntu) "doesn't connecting to any account except facebook" [Undecided,New]21:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1174208 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy shows no contacts in Ubuntu 13.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1173472 in empathy (Ubuntu) "the facebook accounts in empathy shown disconnected" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:57
dupondjeseems buggy no ? :)21:58
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