
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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ogra_slangasek, reading your blog  it just struck me that we should probably have an "avoid fsck interaction" session at UDS ...  (or if we really want user interaction at that stage on a phone "touch ways to interact with plymouth")09:30
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
ogra_cjwatson, i'm kind of stuck with the ubuntu-touch publication ...  /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu-touch/saucy/daily-preinstalled/debian-cd/armhf/ seems to have the right files and i think i got ubuntu-touch added everywhere needed10:00
ogra_but i still get a "no image found" in /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/log/ubuntu-touch/saucy/daily-preinstalled-20130508.log10:00
ogra_oh, and the www/ output dir is created10:01
ogra_ah, think i found the issue10:51
* ogra_ tries a test build10:52
cjwatsonogra_: Looks plausible, but please keep tests passing10:57
cjwatsonogra_: (Remember to install pep8 as well)10:57
ogra_will do10:57
ogra_pep8 issue fixed11:09
* ogra_ hugs vim for having such nice plugins11:09
=== Guest407 is now known as Termana
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ogra_phew, finally  publishing12:04
ogra_now there still seems to be some isotracker stuff missing12:05
ogra_and indieed the actual format will be zip in the end12:05
cjwatsondoes that mean you have time to fix the other tests that are still failing? :)12:05
cjwatson./run-tests  before committing12:05
ogra_other tests ?12:05
cjwatsonyou must not have run the full test suite12:05
ogra_cjwatson, could it be that the ubuntu-touch-preview test failed before already ?12:29
cjwatsonogra_: no; 'bzr revert -r1263; ./run-tests' passes12:35
ogra_hmm, ok12:35
ogra_i have all ubuntu-touch targets fixed locally, but ubuntu-touch-preview still complains12:35
cjwatsonNone of the current failures seem to mention "ubuntu-touch-preview"12:36
cjwatson-                    publish_type == "preinstalled"):12:37
cjwatson+                    publish_type == "preinstalled-touch"):12:37
cjwatsonMaybe you need to split that elif block again, given that you've made them have different publish_types again12:37
cjwatson(Which wasn't the case when I consolidated that into a single elif block)12:38
cjwatsonThis is in lib/cdimage/tree.py around line 214012:38
ogra_ah, k12:38
ogra_the preview ones will go away anyway as soon as we can build the android bits ourselves12:40
cjwatsonSure, but I don't believe in breaking code before its time :)12:40
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ogra_heh, nah, fixing12:42
ogra_ok, all fixed it seems12:56
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mlankhorstcjwatson: ooh can you accept the lts-raring stack to precise-proposed? :>13:56
jpdsmlankhorst: New kernel?13:58
mlankhorstnah the xserver stack13:58
mlankhorsthttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text= :>14:23
slangasekogra_: by all means, please register a session for it14:35
ogra_heh, i wonder why nobody thoight of it before :)14:36
RiddellI think it would be useful to have sessions reviewing lts backports and uefi for kubuntu at vUDS, who would be good to invite for those?14:48
slangasekRiddell: probably cjwatson14:51
slangasek(I would include myself, but I'm on vacation next week so unlikely to make it)14:51
cjwatsonyep, feel free to invite me; perhaps somebody like mlankhorst too14:52
mlankhorstRiddell: I'm not sure what you want from the reviewing lts backports though, they should just work :/16:47
infinitymlankhorst: I suspect he wants to review what needs to be done to make Kubuntu leverage said backports for 12.04.3, since he missed the boat at the last point release.17:03
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rtg_infinity, please allow me to inflict linux-manta and linux-meta-manta on the rest of the world. they are currently stuck in NEW.23:51
infinityrtg_: Maybe the world isn't ready for this pain?23:53
infinityrtg_: (I'll look at 'em in a sec)23:53
rtg_infinity, thanks. in reality, I'm the only one that'll feel the pain until I let the touch folks know that they have an archive kernel to use.23:54
infinityrtg_: Is this one dangerously close to one of the other kernels, so I can cheat and look at a vaguely minimal diff?23:56
rtg_infinity, yeah, its either grouper or mako. lemme look23:57
infinityrtg_: The one that's also 3.4, I assume. :P23:57
infinitymako it is.23:57
infinityThanks, I'll poke this shortly.23:58
rtg_infinity, confirmed. mako is the other 3.4 based kernel.23:59
infinitymako messes with my fingers.  I'm incapable of typing it without typing "make^Ho"23:59

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