
ali1234get a small one (4GB) for ubuntu00:00
Guest81196but can ubuntu reconize it?00:01
Guest81196cause that is all i really care about00:01
dwatkinsali1234: I think I suggested this initially00:01
dwatkinsGuest81196: yes, it can00:01
Guest81196: D00:01
Guest81196well that works for me00:02
Guest81196where can i find it00:18
Guest81196when i have it installed00:18
Guest81196the 2nd partition in ubuntu00:18
dwatkinsit should have an icon on the desktop, I guess00:20
=== StrontiumCat is now known as RadiumCat
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shrikFolks, my wireless networking appears completely busted :(06:15
MooDoohello all07:54
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy World Red Cross Red Crescent Day! :-D08:27
SuperMattis that a thing?08:28
JamesTaitSuperMatt, would I lie to you? ;)08:31
diploMorning all08:31
JamesTaitSuperMatt, http://www.icrc.org/eng/08:32
JamesTaitdiplo, o/08:32
brobostigongood morning everyone,08:33
JamesTaitbrobostigon, o/08:33
brobostigonmorning JamesTait08:34
Laneyhappy Oh Well, That Was A Nice Summer While It Lasted Day08:35
JamesTaitLaney, +108:35
MooDooLaney: lol08:36
brobostigon-1, in that heat and humidity my eczema freaks, so not good.08:36
MyrttiI personally prefer this more08:37
Myrttimy plans to do several loads of laundry doesn't08:38
MooDooI like this weather when I'm at work, but not coming from or going home on the motor bike.08:39
popeyooh! laundry, thanks for the reminder08:39
JamesTaitI was in the garage yesterday. Peace and quiet and no distractions.08:39
Myrttiwe tried the Monday purchase yesterday08:39
Laneyyou man you08:39
JamesTaitToday it's too cold in there, so I'm back in the conservatory, and can hear the TV in the lounge.08:39
SuperMattI'm supposed to be going for a run in this weather later08:40
JamesTaitLaney, I should really stop calling it "the garage" and start calling it "my office", since that's what was supposed to happen.08:40
Myrttihttps://www.weberbbq.co.uk/product/weber-original-charcoal-pizza-oven/ (It is really amazing)08:40
Myrttialso apparently developed in UK08:41
Laneyoh yeah, that's what it is - yesterday i talked about buying a bbq, thereby causing the nice weather to end08:41
* JamesTait glares at Laney.08:42
mungbeanif scotland went independent, can we rescind all their knighthoods?08:56
iliketocodeDang it. In 13.04 the bluetooth is crazy crashiy, sometimes my audio codec is not detected at startup and I can't power down the discrete GPU eloquently or adjust the screen brightness.08:56
iliketocodeAnd all of this is happening because of closed sourced hardware08:57
iliketocodeJust crazy08:57
iliketocodeHow many times do we have to reinvent the wheel?08:58
iliketocode:) that seem about right08:58
jpdsiliketocode: Good thing that you like to code and can try to fix the code.08:59
jpdsGo to it.08:59
mungbean2 hex core processors (24 total processing cores)09:00
mungbean^^ what is this witchcraft?09:00
mungbeansurely hex core means 6 processing cores per socket09:01
iliketocodeI guesstimate that the amount of repetition and parallel work being done because of this insane, fear driven closed metality we are being held back about three decades.09:01
iliketocodeYes but I am currently coding something else like most people I suppose09:02
iliketocodeOkay maybe more like 5 year09:03
Myrttihm, I think I might have ascended from thinking of getting XPS13 or Pixel into considering older Thinkpads.09:03
iliketocodeBut sometimes it feels like a few decades09:03
Myrtti(in the meantime I just bought myself more time to consider my options by ordering a replacement keyboard for my current laptop)09:04
mungbeansimilarly, the datasheet says single 4 core processor (8 processing cores)09:04
mungbeanthis is lies innit?09:04
* Laney did that by getting an SSD09:04
Laneymiracles happened09:04
MyrttiLaney: I'd need my screen replaced and I'm not sure this old warhorse is worth that09:04
iliketocodeYes will all the issues I just mentioned are happening on a DELL XPS L501X09:05
Laneyself repairable?09:05
Laneynot that i've ever done that, just heard of people doing so09:05
iliketocodeMyrtti, Screen replacement is pretty straight forward if you can find a inexpensive replacement online.09:06
Myrttithere's light and dark glitches, not entirely sure where the problem is exactly. I suspect they're dead insects. Thrips, thunderbugs or whatever they are called09:06
Laneyat some point it does become the better option to just give in and buy a new one though09:07
Myrttialso the led's are semidead09:07
Myrttileds, even09:07
Laneyi hope by the time this laptop gives up we have decent support for high-dpi displays in linux09:07
iliketocodemungbean, I believe that would be referring to Multi Threading09:07
* popey eats some gummi bears and acts hyper09:08
iliketocodeMyrtti, Hey I also just brought a new replacement keyboard, a back lit one09:08
iliketocodeYes thanks Laney, that what I ment09:09
* Laney thinks about blueprints09:09
mungbeanhyper threading does not multiply the processing cores09:09
mungbeanHT = logical cores09:09
mungbeanstill the number of processing cores remains static09:09
iliketocodemungbean, Intel thinks it does09:09
jpdsiliketocode: No.09:10
jpdsiliketocode: http://ark.intel.com/products/65713/Intel-Core-i7-3517UE-Processor-4M-Cache-up-to-2_80-GHz09:10
iliketocodeDon't tell them they might get upset09:10
iliketocodeJust kidding.09:10
popeyhttp://www.theverge.com/2013/5/7/4309936/spotify-nightmare-chrome-extension-lets-users-download-any-song   oops09:11
iliketocodeThat was just the impression I got from the Intel fan boys when it first came out09:11
iliketocodeYes I was a bit of an AMD fan boy09:11
mgdm_popey: yeah, saw that - "d'oh"09:11
* popey considers himself neither an Intel nor ARM fan boy09:11
mungbeaniliketocode: the OS displays more processors, but they are logical. the actual processing cores is sockets x cores09:11
popeyhowever I refuse to buy AMD(ATI) video cards09:12
* mungbean is an ARm sharholder09:12
iliketocodeYeah I have has some pretty big Linux (open) related problems with AMD(ATI) in the past and now I am having issues with Nvidia09:13
iliketocodeMaybe next time I will get a Laptop from System 7609:14
iliketocodeI think I would rather build my own though09:14
popeyI've had no nvidia based issues for the last couple of years really09:14
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iliketocodeWith a risk based processor09:15
iliketocodeCool popey09:15
iliketocodeGlade to hear it09:15
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mungbeanhas decided that the datasheet is wrong, suppored by other datasheets on the web and facts he alerady believes to be true09:15
shrikfor future reference, when wrestling with wifi problems, first port of call should be changing the channel on the router. Gah.09:15
mungbeanshrik: use wifi anaylser on android to assess channel busyness09:16
iliketocodeThe card I am referring to is a mobile card which figures I suppose09:16
iliketocodemungbean, sweet09:16
popeyyeah, i had awful wifi reception at the last sprint in oakland, turned out the hotel hadn't turned off their most powerful wifi access point which was directly above my head, and conflicted with the canonical access points09:17
shrikmungbean: that's what I ended up doing (after overcoming a mild twitch at the word 'analyzer') -- solid app, that09:17
popeysilly rabbits09:17
Laneyi started being able to see my 5ghz network at home after upgrading to saucy09:18
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iliketocodeI am quite apprehensive to try again to install the Nvidia proprietary driver on 13.04 for my GF GT 420M as every previous attempt has resulted in a very dead Unity.09:23
shrikhow can i find out if my wireless card supports wireless n..?09:24
shrikoutput of iwconfig says: eth2      IEEE 802.11abg09:26
brobostigonabg :)09:26
mungbeanwireless n doesn't work for my intel 4965agn on linux :(09:26
iliketocodeAnd also prefer the idea of running an open source driver just wish switcheroo work a little more smoothly09:27
shrikbut the output of09:27
shrikbut the output of 'iw list' shows 5+ GHz frequencies as "disabled"09:27
shrik       Band 2:09:27
shrik                Frequencies:09:27
shrik                        * 5170 MHz [34] (disabled)09:27
shrik                        * 5180 MHz [36] (20.0 dBm) (passive scanning, no IBSS)09:27
shrikand so on09:27
iliketocodeWhat driver are you using?09:28
shrikthe bcmwl thingy09:28
shrikright, Broadcom09:29
iliketocodeI wish they did't exist09:29
shrikthe bane of my Ubuntu life09:29
iliketocodeIf it an easy thing for you to order a replacement open friendly wireless card I highly recommend that you do09:31
iliketocodeI have see them form 5 to 20 bucks09:31
shrikwould it be easy to replace on an old-ish laptop?09:32
iliketocodeAn if you are in the states, europe or the uk then your options are huge and shipping is quit often free09:32
iliketocodeYes it could be09:32
iliketocodeThe only three things I can thinks of are,09:33
shrikah ok09:33
iliketocode1) PCI version09:33
iliketocode2) Card size09:33
iliketocode3) OEM BIOS lockout BS09:33
iliketocodeThe last one is the sole reason why I will not buy HP any more09:34
iliketocodeAll the best and bye for now09:34
shrikthanks a bunch, iliketocode09:34
selinuxiummorning all. o/09:36
popeypip pip09:41
=== RadiumCat is now known as NimChimpsky
BigRedSGooooood Morning!09:47
MyrttiI should go get more coffee09:47
BigRedSI got back to my desk which still has half a glass of coke on it :)09:51
hoovermorning all09:51
SuperMattewww coke09:52
mungbeanewww fizzy sugar solution09:53
directhexcoke is a bad cola09:54
directhexbut cola can be delicious09:54
BigRedSit doesn't seem so bad09:54
BigRedSew. it's very flat :(09:55
MooDooit's like cold overnight coffee, you either love it or hate it09:56
mungbeanhad my first (half) can of cokes in years09:57
mungbeant'other day09:57
mungbeanfelt guilty09:57
mungbeanand jittery09:57
Seeker`why guilty?09:58
BigRedSyeah, I started drinking Dr Pepper zero as my substance that I convert into productivity09:58
directhexcoca cola is overly fizzy, and has a sludgey flavour.09:58
BigRedSit's much better than Coke, but probably a good deal more awful in health terms09:58
mungbeanSeeker`: guilty about my teeth09:58
directhexi keep finding new tasty colas which get discontinued :(09:58
Seeker`mungbean: half a can won't rot your teeth09:58
directhexthis is where ikonia joins in and laments the cola market09:58
mungbeanmeh stopped buying humble bundles after i realised i don't actually play them10:00
BigRedSwhich colas are better? That sounds like another set of drinks with good scope for interesting variety, actually10:01
SuperMattmungbean: I bought it, which means I've oficially paid for psychonauts 3 times already10:03
SuperMatt1) when it first came out, 2) when it was in a bundle, 3) this new bundle10:03
jacobwI just drink coffee, and sometimes don't even turn it in to productivity.10:37
MooDooHead Desk10:41
mungbeancoffee just sets a new basline10:42
Myrttimyh, my amaretti didn't taste nice :-(10:47
Myrtti(or right)10:47
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mungbean7week old baby did a loud fart and dog barked cos she thought it was somebody knocking at the door11:18
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dogmatic69anyone have recomendations for making screen cast things? eg: tutorials for youtube of some app usage?12:10
popeyor vokoscreen12:12
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dwatkinsYou know you live in the future, when her majesty the queen uses the word 'cyberspace'13:03
mgdmfunny you should say tht13:03
mgdmit makes me think we're still in the 80s13:03
czajkowskichristel: <3 never leave us again13:06
popeyshe left us?13:07
christeli wasn't intending to come back for some time but then some staff had a meltdown and demanded that i return immediately13:07
christelpopey: only for five and a half months, noting noticeable ;)13:07
czajkowskichristel: ah so we just had to have a mini melt down and you'd have come back13:07
czajkowskishudda done it sooner13:07
christeli was intending to be gone for a while longer :)13:07
popeyhow very dare you13:08
mungbeanif anyone remembers my baby @ wedding convo the other day...13:08
MyrttiI tried to emulate somekind of motherly presense but my snark and sarcasm didn't masquerade too well13:08
christelsee, i figured it was safest that way -- pregnancy turns me into a hormonal wreck so my thinking was that it would be safest for users if i well, wasnt around13:08
christellest i kline them all for existing13:08
czajkowskimungbean: how could we not :)13:09
czajkowskichristel: oh I can give you a list :)13:09
mungbeanwe emailed the couple and they said "we had unanimous agreement that babes in arms should come along, will be v happy to see you all"13:09
mungbean"also tell XXX who is due soon too"13:09
christelaww :)13:10
christeli am missing out on two weddings due to "no children" clauses (she'll be 4 and 7 weeks respectively so still very much attached to the boob) -- i clearly timed it badly :)13:10
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dwatkinsI was impressed with the patience the people running my friend's citizenship ceremony showed in the face of three crying babies yesterday13:11
dwatkinspeople stipulate no babies at weddings now?13:11
mungbeanwell i would take any baby outside who was crying13:11
mungbeani get a lot of practice at church every week13:12
christeldwatkins: yeah13:12
MooDoodepends on the place you are,13:12
mungbeanbut there is a separate room with live video feed for nursing parents13:12
MooDoobabies cry, fact :)13:12
dwatkinsI'm quite surprised at that - what if a vitally important guest got pregnant between the wedding being arranged and it happening...13:12
christel(depends on the person(s) i guess, some do, some doesnt) :)13:12
mungbeancry , poo, sleep, rinse and repeat13:12
MooDoomungbean: your first?13:12
MooDoomy 2nd is 2 in sept, time flies13:13
mungbean7 weeks atm13:13
christelbigcalm is doing the "no kids" thing for his so they sorta had to uninvite me, though he said itw as because they didnt fancy entertaining children -- i guess it would be unfair on other parents if they okayed me bringing a newborn after telling everyone else "no kids" :)13:13
mungbeani might agree soon :P13:13
christelmungbean: 7 to go or 7 gone? :)13:13
dwatkinsI used to help out with Sunday school, there were always loads of kids running around, so I'm always surprised at any event that effectively bans them (apart from something like a night club, obviously)13:13
MooDooi'm thankful i've passed the no sleep stage with my two yay!13:14
mungbeanits so much harder with another toddler already runnign around13:14
christelhow old is your first? :)13:14
mungbean3yrs 4 months13:15
MooDooour situation has to be the most bizare ever....4 people in my family, 2 birthdays :D13:15
mungbeanmy 3yr old decides he hates daddy speaking to him, or doing anything for him when mummy is around13:16
mungbeanwhen mummy not around, he says i'm super13:16
MooDoofunny that, my daughter is the same13:16
* popey boggles13:16
mungbeanfeisty young man13:17
MooDoomy 4.5 year old is "daddy lets fight with lightsabers, mummies can't do that" lol13:17
mungbeanwhen he's good, he's wonderful13:17
mungbeanhe laughs more with me than with mummy, and generally rally enjoys himself13:17
christel(i am bringing a newborn on the ubuntu rat in september mind!)13:18
popeythat seems... unwise13:18
christelhaha i reckon it'll be fine, you weren't all that rowdy last time!13:19
popeywe're not the only people on the train13:19
MooDoochristel: give them a dummy dipped in beer let them sleep ;)13:19
christelew dummies are for dollies! ;)13:19
mungbeantrains have a calming effect13:19
MooDoochristel: yeah your right :)13:19
christelMooDoo: if she's anything like her brother she probably wont do much bar sleep for the first few months13:19
mungbeandummies shouldn't be reintroduced after 3 months. mine woldn't take it before then anyway13:19
mungbeanoh...colic o'clock13:20
MooDoochristel: bless :D13:20
popeyours had dummy till they were ~4 iirc13:20
popeymaybe 313:20
popeythey both "gave them away"13:20
christelaww :)13:20
popeySophie switched to thumb13:20
popeywhich she was advised not to do by dentist13:21
MooDooson gave his away to babies that didn't have one :) and daughter hasn't had one13:21
popeynow she has a brace13:21
mungbeanmy boy has a comfort blanket like linus13:21
mungbeanalthough it remains tie to his bed now, rather than taking it everywhere13:21
MooDoocool my son has teddies in his bed lots of them13:21
MooDoothink we need a #ubuntu-babychat channel ;)13:21
mungbeanmine has shaun the sheep and neep and the snowman13:21
popeySophie had "raggy", sam has "taggy"13:22
mungbeanfound a good snowman game on android13:22
mungbeansnowman and snowdog13:22
mungbeanintroduced angry bird star wars yesterday and he loved it13:22
mungbeanhe loves star wars even though he doesn't know what it is13:22
christelsee, i used to think i was being all clever by not introducing any comforters of any kind... as a result i have a 3 and a nearly half year old who will dive down the front of my clothes to hunt for the boob whenever he is upset/tired/annoyed/whatever... balance, i missed it and it backfired13:22
mungbeanhe just knows its something great13:22
popeyyeah, sam only saw star wars recently13:22
popeyhe still hasnt seen III13:23
popeynot missing much, but the vader story13:23
mungbeanhe only knows star wars lego pyjamas and me singing the imperial march song13:23
mungbeanand already knows how awesome it is13:23
mungbeanthat confuses my adult mind13:23
MooDoomy son is into avengers at the moment..13:24
mungbeanwhat's that?13:24
SuperMattwhen he grows up he'll realise DC > Marvel13:24
MooDooThe Avengers13:24
MooDooSuperMatt: he's a superman fan as well :D13:24
SuperMattGood lad13:24
mungbeanwe have a big stash of comics in the loft13:25
mungbeani don't like them though13:25
MooDooI got a dandy and beano annual for christmas :)13:26
mungbeanoh thats different. beano rules13:27
mungbeani just don't get the marvel/dc stuff13:27
mungbeanthey are a bit weird to me13:27
mungbeani've tried reading and just filled with meh13:27
MooDooi'm looking forward to taking my sone to warhammer world here in notts :)13:28
mungbeanis it a museum?13:29
SuperMattinteresting news on ubuntu looking for new ways to do apps13:29
mungbeani have to take a day off work to let my wife go to cinema to see star trek13:30
MooDoomungbean: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?categoryId=2200008&aId=21000003a13:30
mungbeani don't mind GW so long as its a gatewy drug to airfix :P13:31
mungbeanas a more noble hobby13:32
popey\o/ Podcast day13:32
MooDoomecanno next13:32
mungbeanthat gundam/gunpla stuff seems huge in japan13:32
MooDooyay for podcasts13:32
christeli know this lovely guy who used to "work" for games workshop13:33
christelhe is the cutest13:33
MooDoobut i've never met you christel ;)13:33
christelMooDoo: i was talking about ian livingstone ;)13:34
MooDoochristel: I know you was talking about someone else lol13:34
christeli introduced mc44/moocow to him on friday13:34
christelit was absolutely hilarious13:34
christeland ian is all "Oh, no i always enjoy meeting an old fan... which of the fighting fantasy books was your favourite?"13:35
christel"..." *blank stare" "I HAVE NO IDEA!"13:35
mungbeanyeah i read all the fighting fantasy books from the 1st one13:35
mungbeancity of thieves13:35
mungbeanisland of the lizard king13:35
christeli never managed to finish return to firetop mountain, i still maintain this must be due to a printing error!13:36
mungbeanwas one of the only ones that didn't end on 40013:36
mungbeanmy sister drew an awesome map of the city of thieves13:36
mungbeana wasted talent she has13:36
mungbeanplaying fighting fantasy on the kindle aint quite the same13:42
mungbeanwikipedia not working...bad sign13:42
mungbeanwaiting for bits.wikimedia.org13:43
ali1234i'm surprised they didn't move to online sooner really13:43
ali1234i mean that stuff is ideal for the web13:43
ali1234even web 1.0 lol13:43
Myrttinot sure if that makes sense13:44
mungbeana friend was telling me about an ipad game where the screen is blank and you hear 2 voices telling you what to do (one of them benedict cumberpants)13:45
dwatkinsI started with Citadel of Chaos, the artwork on the front brings back happy memories for me: http://www.fightingfantasycollector.co.uk/book_covers.htm13:50
mungbeandoes this link work? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighting_Fantasy13:52
mungbeanafter a while i stopped bothering with throwing the dice for fight scenes13:53
mungbeani had 1-1813:54
brobostigonyay for tablet with 3g, working from the pub in the sun.13:54
mungbeanmy missis got a galaxy tab 10.1 hand-me-down...really nice13:56
mungbeanfar nicer than my touchpad13:59
popeybrobostigon: which tablet?14:01
dwatkinsmungbean: yes, link works14:06
dwatkinsI wrote my own choose-your-own-adventure book once, it had 10 pages.14:06
mungbeandwatkins: works now14:06
mungbeanwas shagged before14:06
dwatkinsah I see, silly wikipedia and all the traffic they get14:06
popeyi wrote one in geography gcse class in 198614:07
mungbeanall that money i give them14:07
popeyi failed geography14:07
mungbeani got C in geog, then they sent my paper back and i got a B14:07
dwatkinsmine was for english class14:07
mungbeanthe marker hadn't bothered marking it properly14:07
popeyi wrote mine as we went along, when someone made a choice I didn't have a page for, i wrote it14:08
popeyi just had 2 choices per page14:08
mungbeansounds a lot like a wiki14:08
mungbeanor the web14:08
popeyif you chose option A then Page = Page * 2, if you chose option B then Page = (Page * 2) +114:08
mungbeandid anyone else not bother with the dice battles?14:08
* dwatkins gingerly raises his hand14:09
mungbeanwould be lame to buy the book and say, nah couldn't finish it cos some goblins came along14:09
mungbeani was hoenst with the potions etc14:09
mungbeanyou drank beer, lose 10 strength14:09
mungbeani also liked twin kingdom valley on the acorn14:10
dwatkinsmungbean: yes, that game was great14:10
dwatkinsIt had very few images, drawn slowly, but fuelled my imagination14:10
mungbeanthe grate is locked14:10
mungbeanunlock grate14:11
mungbeana grate is open14:11
mungbeanit is dark here14:11
dwatkinslight lamp14:11
popeymine started in a pub, you had two choices, leave pub or switch on jukebox..14:11
popeyjukebox explodes14:11
dwatkinspopey: that's mean ;)14:11
popeyyeah ☻14:11
dwatkinsmind you, the H2G2 game was quite mean too14:11
mungbeani think TKV was zork inspired14:11
popeyonly two options, people had to die at some point14:11
dwatkinsmungbean: did you play Emerald Isle? That was similarly awesome.14:12
mungbeani never completed TKV14:12
CaMasonanyone got any thoughts on why ctrl+alt+shift+arrow isn't moving windows in xfce4?14:12
mungbeannope dwatkins14:12
dwatkinsnot easy to find for beebem, but it's a great adventure game from what I remember14:12
mungbeanany thoughts on the apache/nginx vulnerability?14:12
mungbeani played wheel of fortune and other epics as hampstead heath and terrormolinos14:13
dwatkinsit's a little scary, I hope I'm ok as I don't have much PHP on my server14:14
dwatkinsno idea how they're getting in, though14:14
mungbeani have boxes and boxes of 4GB RAM sticks PC3L ECC 1060014:23
mungbeanwhat can i do with them?14:24
mungbeanmicroservers don't like ECC RAM14:24
mungbeanonly seems arond 10-15 per stick14:25
brobostigonpopey: my nexus tethered to my htc dream.14:46
shaunomungbean: if they're matched sets, either sell 'em as such rather than per-stick, or put them away until they're more outdated.  it's not unusual to pay €250-300 for 8x4GB for ddr2.  yours are cheaper than they should be because they're still in production14:50
mungbeanshauno: unsure if matched pairs: m392b5273ch014:52
mungbeanhave around 50+ sticks14:52
shaunoI wish I could use them :/  I'm still trawling fleabay for ddr214:53
diploheh someone sent me a wall message on the vps im on, broke the dispaly on irssi14:57
diploWant to see if writing anything changed14:57
shaunotry /redraw?14:58
diploJust resized the screen, that worked :)14:58
Myrttictrl-l might also work14:59
diplook ta15:00
MartijnVdShttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRMRCeQBAKI :)15:45
MartijnVdSlanguage geekery :)15:46
MartijnVdSpedantry really15:46
mungbeanok. bot needs to parse youtube titles15:46
dwatkinsis there an equivalent on freenode to blitzed's 'find' bot, that just gives the title of any URL posted?15:47
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: I met him, he liked my t-shirt (it had the number 42 on it) :D15:48
mgdmthere are a few bots that do that15:48
mgdmthere's one in another channel that does exactly what you said, btu it's written in PHP (!)15:48
mgdminitialism rather than word15:49
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: I encounter many of those common mistakes on IRC and Facebook, I tend to just ignore then nowadays and let people fail at writing their CVs15:54
MartijnVdSdwatkins: hah, they haven't even upgraded to being gits ;)15:54
popeychristel: do you use a BB10 device?15:58
mgdmI have one in my desk drawer15:59
popeymgdm: is it BB10?16:10
popeynot old BB16:10
mgdmpopey: yes16:11
mgdmit's a Z10, I think?16:16
meethi. i am unable to connect my facebook chat with ubuntu gnome. i am using it for chat. It worked without problems for some days. But for the past week I am getting authentication failed errors. Unable to connect to facebook. how do I look for the problem?17:26
=== GentileBen is now known as [I]
=== [I] is now known as RaycisCharles
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet

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