
=== jackson__ is now known as jackson
JonathanDYou broke it.09:27
rmg51you were still asleep09:41
rmg51some one had to step in09:41
JonathanDi SEE09:58
JonathanDrmg51: are you registered for fosscon?11:21
JonathanDHi jackson11:26
jacksonhay JonathanD11:26
JonathanDWhats up?11:26
rmg51JonathanD: not yet11:27
jacksonnot much11:27
rmg51last time I checked nothing was listed for this year11:27
rmg51I'll check again tonight11:28
rmg51time to head to work11:28
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else12:27
jjmivgobble gobble12:29
teddy-dbearJonathanD: you need to fix the Attend link12:33
teddy-dbearit takes you to the 2012 page12:33
JonathanDteddy-dbear: I di dalready, didn't I?12:33
JonathanDsomeone yelled at me for it.12:33
jedijfteddy-dbear: worked for me12:33
teddy-dbearnot this year event12:33
jedijfor i registered for the past12:34
jedijfi registered half hour ago12:34
rmg51I was just there12:34
JonathanDhold on.12:34
JonathanDjedijf: did you click the FB link?12:34
jjmivattend for what? fosscon?12:34
rmg51got it12:34
jedijfJonathanD: no, there ^^12:35
rmg51the Attend button at the top of the page is out of date12:35
jedijfmake it go to 65612:35
rmg51the one that says attend 2013 works12:36
JonathanDI'll look when I get to work.12:36
JonathanDoh nevermind12:36
JonathanDfixed rmg51, jedijf12:36
jedijfworkshop submitted too12:36
JonathanDjedijf: it uses categories to decide whats on a page.12:36
JonathanD656 was in wrong cat.12:36
JonathanDfixed now.12:37
rmg51it's fixed12:37
JonathanDTo work!12:37
* jedijf checks link he posted to the twitter and facebook12:37
rmg51already there :P12:37
jedijfok, i posted the wepay link12:38
rmg51signed up12:42
jjmivi'll register but migh to the pay option12:47
jjmivok.  ttyl12:57
ChinnoBunnyima bunny13:33
=== ChinnoBunny is now known as ChinnoDog
ChinnoDognot anymore13:33
teddy-dbearI'm still a teddy bear :-D13:36
JonathanDjedijf: everything works now anyway.13:43
JonathanDjedijf: unless you directly link to the old archive page, that will not work.13:44
rmg51JonathanD: you don't list times :-/15:01
JonathanDmidnight to midnight.15:01
JonathanDrmg51: 9am to 6 something, most likely.15:02
rmg51that's what I told the sitter15:03
JonathanDI'm having a hard time finding external eSATA drives.15:05
JonathanDat least, single ones15:06
JonathanDah, theres lots, but they're all larger.15:07

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