
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosmorning all06:24
superflymorning morgs07:11
morgsmorning superfly07:11
superflymorning maiatoday, psyatw07:37
psyatwmorning superfly07:38
psyatwmorning maiatoday07:38
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos waar is jy, oom?07:38
Maazsuperfly: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode07:38
psyatwwhat time is it there, superfly?07:38
psyatwhere it's 9:38 am07:38
superflypsyatw: last time I checked, the same07:38
psyatwsuperfly, that's nice, I remember there was a 1-hour difference at some point07:39
superflypsyatw: only if you have daylight savings07:40
superflywe don't07:40
psyatwoh, now I understand07:40
ThatGraemeGuyfor person in *;do echo "morning ${person}";done07:51
superflybwahahaha, morning ThatGraemeGuy07:53
ThatGraemeGuybzzzzz bzz bzzzzz, fly! :)07:54
inetprogood mornings08:56
psyatwgood vibes to you as well, inetpro09:05
psyatwhi ThatGraemeGuy 09:05
psyatwand HawkiesZA 09:06
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
=== confluency_ is now known as confluency
inetprothanks psyatw10:02
inetprowb mrs_fly_10:03
inetprosuperfly: she has a tail?10:03
superflyinetpro: so she does10:07
magespawngood day11:18
nuvolari_hmm, what happened there11:27
=== nuvolari_ is now known as nuvolari
magespawnhey nuvolari11:43
magespawncool google doodle today11:43
Kiloshi superfly and others12:21
Kilospower just returned12:21
KilosMaaz, coffee on12:24
* Maaz starts grinding coffee12:24
Kilosinetpro, coffee time12:24
inetproKilos: ahh good idea12:25
inetproMaaz: coffee please12:25
Maazinetpro: Yessir12:25
Kiloshiya maiatoday HawkiesZA ThatGraemeGuy 12:25
ThatGraemeGuygoeie middag oom12:25
inetprooja en wb Kilos12:26
Kiloshaha you also starting12:26
Kilosty inetpro 12:26
inetprowat was fout?12:26
Kiloskrag het af gegaan12:26
inetproai! Al weer!?12:27
Kilosi dunno if its eskom pushing for a bigger increase or local peeps working12:27
inetproseriously don't think it's Eskom12:27
Kiloswell whoever it is its a nuisance without forewarning12:28
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and inetpro!12:28
KilosMaaz, ty12:28
MaazYou are welcome Kilos12:28
Kilosso the drive im trying to get going has had another knock12:30
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi Trixar_za 12:55
Trixar_zaHey Kilos12:55
Kilosdid you see the lists mail12:56
Kilossenior unix admin oke wanted12:56
Trixar_zaReally? I didn't get that one yet12:56
Kilosmaybe you too junior12:56
Kilosi hope one of the guys from here gets the job13:06
Kiloshi smile4ever 13:54
smile4everhi Kilos :p13:57
smile4everwikipedia is down13:57
smile4everCan you fix it for me? :)13:57
smile4everI've found over a thousand links13:57
Kiloslol other way around13:58
Kilosmail thier admin guys13:58
smile4everthey are already investigating the problem13:58
Kiloswhats the link smile4ever 13:58
smile4evermaybe a broken switch13:58
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosyo Cantide magespawn 14:55
Cantidehello '-'/14:56
Kiloshi Vince-0 15:05
acherv_hi @all15:11
Kiloshi acherv_ 15:11
acherv_hi Kilos 15:12
acherv_long time ?15:12
Kilosyeah , where you been15:12
acherv_I am still around15:12
acherv_just to busy to connect myself to IRC15:13
Kilosthe corner?15:13
Kilosai! thats tough15:13
acherv_Kilos, lol15:13
* acherv_ use XUbuntu now15:13
Kilostakes some getting used to15:13
* acherv_ want to also try edubuntu 15:16
Kiloswhat about kubuntu?15:16
acherv_too heavy for me15:18
acherv_I am also trying it15:18
acherv_nice graphic but heavy15:18
Kilosya bit slow here too15:19
acherv_I like something fast and simple15:19
Kilosneeds a fast pc15:19
Kilosthats why i still use 12.04 and 10.1015:19
Kilos12.04 kubuntu is not bad here nor is unity15:20
acherv_about that15:20
acherv_I have some issues with this 13.0415:20
Kiloswhats the prob?15:21
acherv_it is a bit slow to load something15:21
Kilosnuvolari, 13.04 xubuntu15:22
acherv_we(users) like fast OS15:22
Kilosnuvolari, is the xubuntu man15:22
Kiloslol yeah15:22
ThatGraemeGuyi haven't found 13.04 to be any slower than 12.1015:22
ThatGraemeGuyi had by sound not working ther other day, but its behaved since then15:23
acherv_ThatGraemeGuy,  because you have a fastest PC15:23
acherv_ThatGraemeGuy, hi15:23
ThatGraemeGuymmmm oh that might be it :-o15:23
ThatGraemeGuyi forget sometimes15:23
acherv_I am just using it to my laptop15:24
acherv_i can try to my old pc15:24
Kilosi find the windows that fade when you chande uses up time15:24
Kilosneeds lotsa ram methnks15:24
acherv_it's a big issue but Canonical suppose to be remain why we are using ubuntu 15:26
acherv_pardon me !15:26
acherv_It is not a big issue 15:26
Kilosnope, just slow15:30
Kiloswb acherv_ what happened15:50
acherv_i just want to know if ubuntu 10.04 still support15:51
Cantidethe desktop will be until tomorrow15:53
Cantideand the server until april 201515:54
Cantideaccording to that wikipedia page >.<15:54
acherv_Cantide, thx15:59
superflyacherv_: 12.04 and up, pretty much15:59
Cantidei'd switch to a newer version if i were you15:59
superflyone of my open source projects recently stopped supporting our app on anything older than 12.0415:59
Cantidefrom what i've read, 13.04 is quite good - but if you need LTS then 12.04 as superfly said15:59
superflywe used to support from 10.04 up, but the packages on there are so old they don't work for what we need anymore16:00
acherv_Cantide, i am using 12.04 and 13.0416:00
superflyfor a desktop there's no reason not to use the latest and greatest16:00
acherv_Cantide, for myself I try ubuntu 13.04 to differents PCs16:03
acherv_I am not to satisfy  16:03
Cantidehmm, looks good to me, but i guess everyone has their own opinion16:03
superflyI haven't noticed any issues with it, and one of my work colleagues said that he found it faster and better than 12.1016:04
superfly(not to mention less buggy)16:04
superflybut we also use fairly high-end machines because we're developers16:04
Cantide12.10 was too buggy for me :<16:05
Cantideso i'm still on 13.0416:05
superflyCantide: you mean 12.04 ?16:05
Cantidebut i'll be building a new PC in about 6 months16:05
Cantideoh yeah, that's what i meant :p16:05
Cantideso i'm holding out for now :)16:05
superflyI'm going to move to Debian16:05
superflya more vanilla KDE experience16:06
Cantidei think 14.04 will either make or break Ubuntu16:06
superflythey still use kdm16:06
Cantideoh, i'm not a KDE fan.. so :>16:06
superflyI don't care for lightdm and its pile of bugs16:06
Cantidethings take time to mature >_>16:07
superflyCantide: at least I know I'm on a decent platform... if you've ever seen any of the Gnome code, you'd wonder why it still works16:07
superflyCantide: yes, and kdm is far more mature than lightdm16:07
Cantidei'll wait for 14.04 and then decide16:07
Cantidei've somehow managed to get used to unity16:08
acherv_Cantide, superfly nice comparison16:11
Kiloslightdm gave me lotsa probs but installing gdm sorted that16:12
acherv_if you have a new and fast PC you arent going to have the issue16:12
acherv_i am to talking to16:12
acherv_Ubuntu for me it's fast, simple in short user-friendly 16:14
acherv_it is why some like Xubuntu I guess16:15
Cantideubuntu does what i need it to do :)16:17
Cantidei think that's why i like it :)16:17
acherv_even me16:18
acherv_but i need it to be fast16:19
Cantidewindows does tons of other rubbish, too, and does the things i need to do very poorly16:19
Cantideyeah, i like lightweight systems myself16:19
Cantideprobably why i have high hopes for 14.0416:19
acherv_Cantide, please avoid to speak about windows16:20
confluencyYou guys, you can just replace lightdm with gdm or kdm.16:48
Kilosyip when you install it opens a windows asking which one you choose16:48
Kilosoh sorry confluency half read 16:49
confluencyI had to do it at home because for some reason the lag between me moving the mouse between screens and the controls switching to that screen was something like 10 seconds, which led to hilarity.16:49
=== Cantide is now known as CanShower
Kilosyeah gave me probs as well till i went gdm and kdm16:50
confluencyYou can also just install packages for different window managers instead of switching to a whole other *buntu.16:51
Kilosi run ubuntu on one drive and kubuntu on a second drive16:52
confluencyAny particular reason why? You could just switch between WMs at the login prompt and share the same install.16:52
Kilosnope, just did one at a time so if a drive crashed id still have a working one16:53
=== CanShower is now known as Cantide
=== Vince-0_ is now known as Vince-0
KilosHawkiesZA, you here?17:52
Cantidethat email on the mailing list18:00
Cantidewhy not use a flash drive?18:00
Cantidecheaper, smaller and easier to mail18:00
Cantidealso less prone to failure from being moved around a lot18:00
Kilosya drives need to be handled with care18:01
Kilosno bumps etc18:01
Cantideimagine it crashing after going through a few hands ,_,18:02
Kilossticks fit anywhere18:02
Cantidei'm not sure if the person who sent that mail is here on IRC >_>18:02
Kiloslol i spend most of my time trying to fix drives that arent working anymore18:02
acherv_Kilos, really18:03
Cantidei give up on them and get new ones if i can18:03
Kilosyes acherv_ and do the odd data recoveries too18:03
acherv_Kilos, thats nice18:03
Cantidei hope my SSD doesn't fail any time soon18:03
Kilosvery interesting and you learn lots18:04
acherv_Cantide, SSD is very strong 18:04
acherv_more than HDD18:04
Cantidephysically, yes18:04
Cantidebut i don't know much about data integrity18:04
Cantideand flash storage >_>18:04
Kilosssd's should be similar to sticks methinks. no moving parts to get damaged18:05
Cantideyes, very similar18:05
Cantidealso, not magnetic - so nice for me to travel with it18:05
acherv_but expensive18:06
Cantidebut they've come down a lot18:06
Cantidei bought mine for less than 1K18:06
Kilossticks too have got so much cheaper too18:07
Cantidei'm considering buying another one18:07
Cantidebecause i installed 13.04 on my 8GB :p18:07
Kilosgame advertised 32g sticks for R199 yesterday18:07
Cantidei tend to avoid the very large ones at the moment18:08
Kiloswb acherv 18:11
achervmy connection18:11
Kilosya our internet is getting worse by the day18:12
Kilosi think the flood of smart phones is overloading the net here18:13
Kiloslotsa upgrading needed18:13
achervand also expensive for nothing18:13
* acherv read an article about edubuntu18:18
Kilosoh ive also tried lubuntu acherv 18:19
Kilosthat was fast but not my cuppa tea18:19
achervthat lubuntu this i am so confuse something18:20
achervlet's me ask18:20
achervwhich one?18:20
achervthe ubuntu one or fedara?18:20
Kilos12.04 because i have saved all the packages so dont need lotsa data to update/upgrade18:21
achervanyway not yet18:21
achervbut I heard a lot about18:21
achervthey said it is the fastest one18:22
Kilosya it was fast18:22
Kilosif its speed you want install mate on your ubuntu18:23
Kilosmate on lubuntu was very fast18:23
achervi am tired with this connection18:23
achervI dont know telkom18:24
Kilosmobile or cable?18:24
Kilosya telkom mobile is very sick at the moment18:25
Kilosi think they didnt plan on the growth theyve had18:25
Cantidemine seems to be okay..18:25
achervCantide, you are luvky18:26
Kilosmine is stable but slow18:29
Kilosdoesnt often lose connection18:29
achervmine is very sick 18:31
smile4evergood night!18:32
Cantidegood night '-'/18:32
achervsmile4ever, nite18:32
smile4everthanks :)18:32
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:49
magespawngood evening all19:01
inetprolooks like everyone running away just before I step in19:02
inetprogood evening19:02
magespawnhey inetpro19:04
magespawnhad a similar thought19:04
inetpromagespawn: howzit19:04
magespawnmaybe we are just up too late19:04
magespawngood and you?19:04
inetprohmm... good point19:04
inetproso maybe time to sleep early?19:04
inetprotough with 8ta's night owl data19:05
magespawnnah busy copying data from a portaboe drive19:05
magespawnon cell c here19:05
magespawnand vodacom19:06
magespawninetpro did you read the mails that started with kbmonkey about the drives?19:16
inetprobeen way to busy in the last few days/weeks/months/years :-)19:17
inetpronot sure when last I was not busy19:17
magespawnjust caught up on them myself, the basic idea is to have a hard drive with the complete ubuntu mirror for off line use19:18
magespawnthen courier around for people19:18
inetproand sometimes feels like I'm fooling myself by saying that, but honestly I have little time for any extra emails that I could rather ignore without implication19:18
magespawnindeed i know what you mean19:19
inetprosadly I must add19:19
magespawnwhy sadly?19:20
magespawnhowdy acherv19:21
achervmagespawn, hi19:23
magespawnchannel has gone a bit quite, people off to bed maybe19:28
magespawnor busy19:28
achervmagespawn, a bit19:30
achervmagespawn, whats up?19:30
achervCantide, .19:31
magespawnnot much just catching up with emails and social networks19:31
magespawnwhat we do for relaxtion in the digital era19:34
achervdont know19:35
magespawnthat is what i am doing for relaxtion19:38
inetprooh magespawn, sadly because it was always fun to contribute by email, even if it was just in very a small way, a few years ago19:40
magespawninetpro: times will change again19:41
inetprowe hope so yes19:41
magespawnthey always do19:42
magespawni also off, good night all20:01
superflyinetpro: it looks like your DNS tip might have paid off. NFS (or more specifically, my photos) seems to be MUCH faster tonight20:16
inetproprobably something that one should investigate in more detail but DNS can definitely be a pain20:17

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