
gleichsnerdgustavo, what brand of laptop do you have?00:00
rhg135NeilB4Zod, it will certainly make it easier in the end00:00
HI-mlermy German PC is not running UBUNTU well.00:00
gustavoRemember, I try to do the following steps to solve the problem:  I enable in /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/com.ubuntu.enable-hibernate.pkla, I already to set  the System Settings - Power and then I used the dconf Editor. However, not is working.00:01
HI-mlermy German PC is not running UBUNTU well.00:01
gustavon-iCe,  Yes.00:01
HI-mleri am a NAZI00:02
HI-mlerI promote violance.00:02
gustavorhg135, How I get that info ?00:02
rhg135lspci can help, gustavo00:03
gustavorhg135, http://pastebin.com/HA1yvwh200:03
gustavogleichsnerd, See if that help: http://pastebin.com/HA1yvwh200:04
OryxOh darn00:04
OryxLooks like dnsmasq parameters are hard coded in the source00:04
OryxSo... dnsmasq.d is a farce00:05
WeThePeopleheadphones not working in 12.04.2 x64 asus laptop. i have tried a few things none have worked yet, any ideas00:05
swordfish71hey wilee00:06
rhg135gustavo, thx00:06
swordfish71first time I use IRC ... can anybody see my messages?00:07
muelliswordfish71: yes. Welcome :)00:07
rhg135oh you have intel00:07
swordfish71thanks! alright00:08
OerHeks!rootirc | swordfish7100:08
ubottuswordfish71: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.00:08
rhg135gustavo, I'm sorry i dont know00:08
toctomI am having a problem with my wireless keyboard - works great under windows, but when I use it in Ubuntu, it is very very sluggish, and has a tendency to double up my letters when I type fast.00:08
rhg135ive never had an intel00:08
swordfish71dont want to steal you guy's time for too long, but I can't get themes to work on gnome-shell 3.8 .... the themes show up in my themes menu, but no changes apply00:08
gleichsnerdWeThePeople, did you try tinkering with your alsamixer settings?00:09
WeThePeoplegleichsnerd, yes00:09
toctomI am using logitech keyboard with the unifying receiver.  Here's an example of my typing fast: The quicckk  boorrnff  oxx...00:10
toctomI suspect there is a  problem with my  drivers (Using Ubuntu 12.04)00:11
toctomMakes editingg  iinin n  VI or sometthhiningngn jusssttt  jusstts..00:11
toctomAgain, if I reboot into windows, no problemo.00:12
swordfish71I'm going to put this out there one more time.. using gnme 3.8, Ubuntu 13.04, and can't get shell themes to work.00:13
brotherredHow is everyone00:14
swordfish71doing good! yourself00:14
mro0gott2guys i have a problen, so i can't  run armitage and i need a hekp00:15
brotherredwell well swordfish7100:15
aspisI need to permanetly update $PATH ro run a non-login, non-interactive program i.e. a shell script launced via the GUI.  Where and how would I do that in Ubuntu?00:15
PsiKloPxI'm currently dual-booting windows 7 and ubuntu. Now I want to get rid of Windows and do a fresh install. Grub seems to be intercepting my boot device order. Can't boot from USB or optical. Any ideas?00:16
toctomAny suggestions on troubleshooting this? Makes ubuntu unusable.  Here's the output of a lsusb: tomv@tv-studio: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/28a24869ff09be7e857b00:17
toctomPsiKloPx, before you see  grub,,  there is usually some text about configuring bios.. Try hitting F12 or F6 during the startup process... then yoouuu can usually set the one-time boot sequence.00:19
toctomPsiKloPx, Here's a description of the process : http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/windows-pocket,1113-3.html00:20
PsiKloPxtoctom - I get F2 for setup and F4 recovery. Setup take me to BIOS setup where the usb and cd are listed first. Save and reboot...straight to GRUB.00:20
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toctomPsiKloPx, Hmm. does not sound right.   Are you sure your settings are being saved?00:21
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toctom(Use F2 to do thehe e  setuupp.)00:22
wilee-nileePsiKloPx, Look up the per session boot for your computer, it is a boot from menu not in the bios, mine is f12 at powering on like you would for the bios.00:23
toctomThis keyboard issue is driving me nuts.  Love any ideas on how to either troubleshoot or mitigate the problem.00:23
PsiKloPxIt's F10 and it doesn't work either.00:23
toctomMy laptop keyboard works fine..00:23
PsiKloPxAnd I'm assuming that the BIOS settings are being saved; they stay changed after rebooting when I looked.00:24
aspisLooking to permanetly update $PATH ro run a non-login, non-interactive program i.e. a shell script launced via the GUI.  Where and how would I do that in Ubuntu? Anybody?00:25
toctomPsiKloPx, F2 -> setup should do the trick.  Look  for instructions on how to save the boot oorrdeer.00:25
PsiKloPxI'm going to try one more thing.  I'll be back soon if it doesn't work. Thanks!00:25
toctomI feel like someone with a major stuttering problem with this keyboard buffering problme.00:25
rulolphi everybody, I have been banned in the ubuntu forums without know why, i'm an infrecuent reader, where I ask for that? Anybody know?00:26
rulolpsorry my english00:27
rulolpIt shows: You have been banned for the following reason: No reason was specified.  Date the ban will be lifted: Never00:28
rulolpthanks lol00:29
rulolphelp me, I'm in trouble with a jpg header, for a posible virus and maybe the post help me with that, and find that sad advice of banned without know why! :(00:33
=== qos|away is now known as qos
MonkeyDusta virus in linux? how exciting!00:34
DaekdroomHow do I check what's wasting cpu cycles on i/o wait?00:34
MonkeyDustDaekdroom  try htop00:35
aspisDaekdroom: top, htop, vmstat00:35
rulolpno, probabily in a windows machine who changed de binarys of jpg of a digital photo very preciated, if any got similar problem tell me00:35
DaekdroomThank you.00:36
DaekdroomHm. Thunderbird.00:37
DaekdroomWill check Launchpad for bug reports. Thank you again.00:37
MonkeyDustrulolp  ubuntu has clam-tk to look for a virus, you can use it for a mounted windows parition00:37
rulolpno, the jpg is modified, it shows Error interpreting JPEG image file (Not a JPEG file: starts with ... etc00:38
toctomi guess my best option for today is to  go buy a cheap wired keyboard.00:39
rulolpdon't find any resolution really00:39
aspisDaekdroom: that figures... still probably better than most "full featured" clients.00:39
OerHeksrulolp, use a sevice like joti, 17 online virus scans in one http://virusscan.jotti.org/en00:39
toctomThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.00:40
toctomOops, testing :-)00:40
=== miljo_afk is now known as miljo
rulolpno, without malware, I thought a virus modified the jpg header, it starts with another binarys, and a normal header is in the middle, but don't know much, where i can ask for that?00:42
rulolpthanks OerHeks recently scanned in joti00:43
aspisLooking to permanetly update $PATH ro run a non-login, non-interactive program i.e. a shell script launched via the GUI.  Where and how would I do that in Ubuntu?00:44
Morph4metoctum: not sure if this will help you or not ...it talks about Logitech's Unifying receiver ...have a look/read  > http://askubuntu.com/questions/113984/is-logitechs-unifying-receiver-supported00:47
toctomMorph4me, thanks for the link I will check it out.00:48
toctomMorph4me, it all used to work like a  charm.  Now using ubuntu is like sprinting in sand dunes.00:49
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belal122what's up guys00:53
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bazhangubuntu support belal122 , do you have a support question00:53
marc123cant some one help me00:54
belal122something funny:  I've been having problems with my wifi on windows 7 all week.  not sure what happened but it just stopped working sometime last week.  I've tried to system restore it to an earlier state but to no avail.00:54
belal122but, it seems it works fine under ubuntu00:54
marc123ubuntu rocks00:54
belal122is there anyway to inspect what may be wrong with it, through ubuntu?00:54
toctomaspis,  do you want your script to set $PATH globally, or just have a specific set of paths when it runs?00:55
toctomaspis, typically jobs that run as cron jobs need to build their own envirnment ffoorrr  path,,  eettc00:55
marc123how can you play a windows pc game on ubuntu00:55
benzrfmarc123: google it and see if it works with wine/playonlinux00:56
marc123i have installed the game but it wont startup00:56
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:56
zerowaitstatebelal122; got no idea on that man00:56
benzrfif it doesn't, sol.  if it does, pray00:56
OerHekscheck wineHQ database00:56
marc123thanx for the info00:56
bazhang!appdb | marc12300:57
ubottumarc123: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:57
belal122zerowaitstate, thanks anyway.  i'm stumped myself....00:57
zerowaitstatebelal122: if it works under ubuntu, it's probably a windows issue00:57
bazhangparticular help for games marc123 is in #winehq00:57
benzrfanyway, I'm using GNOME terminal in Unity on Raring and I absolutely cannot get a bell sound, which is a problem since I use irssi and sometimes get pinged while I'm in firefox00:57
belal122not sure if this is a sign for me to stop using windows period lol00:57
benzrfanybody know why that might be?00:57
toctomaspis, the man pages on crontab are pretty good at laying this out.  cheeck out the examples here:  http://www.tin.org/bin/man.cgi?section=5&topic=crontab00:58
miljoKion1,  you around?01:00
benzrf...nobody has had issues with silence from GNOME terminal?01:01
bazhang!patience | benzrf01:02
ubottubenzrf: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/01:02
bazhangbenzrf, please dont fill the channel with emoticons01:03
Kion1miljo: Yes I am here01:03
miljoKion1,  how did you make out?01:04
marc123thanxx for the info its work realy fine01:04
Kion1miljo: I can not report yet, My boss got a new computer but he is struggling with W8 2000 miles away01:04
miljoKion1, roger that, good luck.01:04
Kion1miljo: I was just preparing my way in case he accedes to get a really good OS :)01:04
marc123oke nice01:05
johnjohn1011benzrf: my terminal doesn't make any sounds at all.  never even an issue for me. what sound is it not making?01:05
benzrfif I, for example, do echo -e '\a', nothing01:06
bonhoefferhow do i see what is connected /dev/xxx ?01:08
bonhoefferi just plugged in a usb drive and i'm looking to dd an image over01:08
bonhoeffernot sure what the /dev/xxx reference is even called (pre-mount hardware recognition)01:09
marc123ow can you make your one os i want a really good game pc01:09
zykotick9bonhoeffer: "sudo blkid" might help01:10
marc123how can you make your own os, i want to fix a realy good game os01:10
benzrfmarc123: wait, do you mean from scratch, or make your own distro?01:11
marc123from scratsh01:11
zykotick9marc123: got a couple million dollars?  if so, just fork debian, another Mark did ;)01:12
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ubottuLFS is Linux From Scratch (www.linuxfromscratch.org) - not to be confused with !LTS, which is the long term support release of Ubuntu (currently 8.04 (server), 10.04 and 12.04)01:12
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benzrfmarc123: well, first you'll need a kernel01:13
marc123is there a dummy version?:P01:13
benzrfGNU has been working on theirs for decades, but I'm sure you can write your own01:13
andygraybealhey guys, i'm trying to update a machine .. and it says that the kernel version is newer than the one it needs to update.. what gives?  i can't update the machine.  what do i do?01:14
aspistoctom, Thanks for that but my issue is different.01:14
benzrfmarc123: then you'll have to make all sorts of low-level tools01:15
benzrfwrite some daemons01:15
benzrfmaybe if you finish fast enough before you die of old age, you'll even be able to start on a window system!01:15
benzrfmarc123: X is the most complete and functional one at present afaik, although it's a bit of a horrible mess01:15
benzrfI'm sure you can design something much better in your spare time01:16
benzrfand it's only in the hundred thousands of lines of code!01:16
benzrfI think01:16
aspisI'm running a bash script to kick of tabbed gnome-terminals that load ssh connections, irc clients etc.01:16
pragmaticenigmabonhoeffer: You can use the command "mount" to see what devices are mounted on the local machine01:16
benzrfmarc123: probably'll take you a month or two, tops01:16
benzrfoh, that's right, you'll also naturally need to write lots of drivers01:17
bonhoefferpragmaticenigma: i was writing a bash script -- much easier01:17
benzrfhope you like memorizing device specifications01:17
bazhang!ot | benzrf01:17
ubottubenzrf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:17
pragmaticenigmabonhoeffer: You can also use "ls -l /dev/disk/by-path"  which might give you better information on what is connected to what port01:17
benzrfthat guy wanted to write an OS from scratch, I couldn't resist :C01:17
aspisThe problem is that from the gnome launcher, .bashrc is not sourced01:17
Macuser__lol benzrf01:17
bonhoefferpragmaticenigma: thanks!01:17
pragmaticenigmabonhoeffer: What I usually do is the ls command before pluggin in the device, then again after plugging in the device.  Then compare the difference01:18
acovrigCan I disable my gpu and use intel graphics (or underclock my gpu) on my MacBook Pro? in mac, by battery lasts ~7hr and gpu temp is ~40C, when in Ubuntu 13, battery is ~2.5hr and gpu temp is ~80C...01:19
aspisI could maybe use ~.profile, .bash_profile, or even /etc/.profile if I wanted it system wide which I don not.01:19
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johnjohn1011benzrf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200571201:23
aspisAs you may know the docs on where to set environment variables in Ubuntu varies greatly.  I was hoping that someone here may have the skinny on where to set a permanent $PATH on a per user basis that could be sourced by the odd situation where gnome-terminal is not ran as in the usual login or in interactive modes.01:23
at-912run ubuntu in virtualbox01:23
pragmaticenigmaacovrig: You might want to check out this site: http://mac.linux.be/content/improve-battery-life-macbook-ubuntu - looks like the have a good series of tips to help maximize power savings with Ubuntu installed on a Mac01:23
at-912macosx >> ubuntu, even 13.0401:24
at-912and ubuntu runs pretty well in virtualbox environment01:25
tabsterleirAny news on the Google Chrome libudev0 error yet? Is a fix still incoming?01:26
patubuntu-touch room is unresponsive -.-01:26
bazhangtabsterleir, checked the google bug tracker yet?01:26
tabsterleirI did, but I admit i'm a little new to reading bug trackers and couldn't tell if it was solved or not XD01:27
bazhangtabsterleir, thats a google issue so check there01:27
pragmaticenigmaaspis: The only options you have are to add the setup in each user's home directory or set things up in the global bash config's in /etc01:27
frankbroIs it normal ubuntu doesnt give me the option of installing my gpu driver like it used to in previous versions?01:30
microshello.  i am trying to generate a core dump and the core doesnt seem to get created.  I set the ulimit to unlimited. Any ideas?  Thanks.01:30
aspispragmaticenigma: Thanks, I want to setup in each user's home directory.  but set up what is my question. Export $PATH = $PATH etc. in ~.profile or .bash_profile ?01:31
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tabsterleirOh good, the issue is fixed in Chrome Beta FYI :)01:31
bazhangmicros, why not check in the raspbian channel, this is ubuntu support01:31
bazhang!alis | micros have a search01:31
ubottumicros have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:31
pragmaticenigmaaspis: Depends on the version of ubuntu.  For ubuntu 12.04 it's .profile01:31
microstried debian. is it not similar?01:32
bazhangmicros, raspbian has their own channel ask there01:33
microsi was unaware. ill check01:33
hd1grub has hijacked my netbook bios, it seems01:34
hd1no matter what drive I set it to boot from, it stil comes up without reading the drive in question01:34
hd1and my grub is misconfigured01:34
* hd1 sniffles01:34
hd1have I bricked my netbook?01:35
aspispragmaticenigma, Thanks, that's what I was expecting... but wanted to field that as I've often had to rework this sort of stuff to keep up with the "latest and greatest" schema.  Which really works no better than the old way imo.01:35
bonhoeffermy disk is mounted -- so i can't dd to it -- how do i unmount without unattaching the device all together01:35
utfans05hd1 try grabbing a boot repair disk and seeing if that fixes it01:35
johnjohn1011benzrf: i don't think i have a pc speaker on my box, so i can't verify if that fix works01:35
hd1utfans05: it doesn't01:36
hd1it seems to have hijacked the bios01:36
utfans05hd1 which boot fixer did you try?01:36
wilee-nileehd1, You have to give better details, what OS's how installed, any any up to this incident relevant01:36
pragmaticenigmaaspis: Canonical has been slowly reconfiguring it's packages so they can read from more globalized files rather than each program reading from it's own unique configuration thus requiring you to have even more things to config01:36
hd1utfans05: doesn't matter, I turn the bloody thing on, try putting a Windows 7 boot disk in the drive connected by USB to the box, set it to boot off that in the bios config, and am greeted by a grub prompt, ditto a USB key01:37
pragmaticenigmaaspis: I know I used to have to maintain two seperate settings files just to autostart apps in KDE or Gnome when I chose a different window manager.  It's nice that there is now one location for all.01:38
hd1wilee-nilee: not sure what you're on about there01:38
hd1but thanks for trying to help01:38
wilee-nileehd1, That has nothing to do with grub, it does not hijack the bios. Do you know the boot from menu key prompt for the menu not in the bios?01:38
UbuntuCholbyhey i got that efi file name whatever error and fixed it with the boot fixer thingy01:38
bazhang!details | hd101:38
ubottuhd1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:38
UbuntuCholbyis there a quick fix for no right-click on the touchpad?01:38
UbuntuCholby(I have googled it)01:38
utfans05hd1 try hitting your boot selection menu when you start up and load the repair disk from that01:38
bazhanghd1, grub and bios are not related. thats just a non starter01:38
UbuntuCholbyutfans05 i think it may be fixed haven't tried yet.01:38
hd1I did, and the configured drive isn't read01:39
hd1no matter what I choose to read first, second or last01:39
bazhanghd1, so boot from a livecd and fix it01:39
pragmaticenigmahd1, check the documentation that came for your netbook.  there might be a key, like hitting F12, on boot to get it boot from a specific drive01:39
hd1If I could, I'd be able to fix it01:40
hd1you idiot01:40
bazhanghd1, lose the caps01:40
utfans05hd1, sounds like you didnt make the device your tryign to boot from bootable01:40
utfans05:/ i think hd1 didnt make the device bootable01:40
Merlyns_Simple problems for someone that knows what they are doing.01:42
ExcryptionHello everyone01:42
pragmaticenigmaWell he must have made something bootable, in order to get GRUB onto the main drive.01:42
pragmaticenigma!ask | Merlyns_01:42
ubottuMerlyns_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:42
ExcryptionI just installed 13.04 on my dell and everything is working great except everytime it boots, it's a black screen with blinking dash, any ideas please01:42
pragmaticenigmaExcryption: Does it eventually boot into the system?01:43
bazhangExcryption, using nomodeset?01:43
ExcryptionNope I have to turn it off manually and turn it back on, then it boots so fast to log in screen01:43
ExcryptionNo nomodeset01:43
ExcryptionMy system uses Intel HD4000 and AMD Radion 7730M01:44
pragmaticenigmaExcryption: Your two statements are contradicting.  Is it hanging on "reboot"?01:44
Merlyns_Sorry. doing this from a tablet since I can't get the computer to boot to anything. A grub problem I think. Duel booting system and all wwent away.01:44
ExcryptionYes it hangs01:44
pragmaticenigmaExcryption: But if you "cold boot" everything is fine?01:45
pragmaticenigmaExcryption: Okay ^_^ very important to clarify that.01:45
tgm4883Excryption, did you install the proprietary driver?01:46
ExcryptionHehe sorry :-)01:46
ExcryptionStraight from AMD yeah01:46
tgm4883Excryption, which card are you using?01:46
Merlyns_What can I do when it says "grub rescue" ?01:47
tgm4883Excryption, if you use the Intel HD4000 side, does everything work as expected?01:47
ExcryptionI just installed the AMD drivers and it rebooted. I haven't been able to log in yet01:48
ExcryptionI'll cold boot again01:48
tgm4883Excryption, oh, there is setup you need to do after installing them01:48
tgm4883did you run amdconfig?01:48
wilee-nileeMerlyns_, Boot a live dvd/usb and install this app and run the bootinfo summary only, and post the generated url.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair01:48
wilee-nileeMerlyns_, The script generated takes out a lot of guessing and asking questions.01:49
ExcryptionNo I did not01:49
=== docvell2 is now known as docvell
aspisThanks, all01:50
ExcryptionI'm now on a screen with ttyl01:50
tgm4883Excryption, take a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/205112/how-do-i-get-amd-intel-hybrid-graphics-drivers-to-work01:51
tgm4883Excryption, I'm currently using the intel hd4000 side of my dell laptop just fine. I haven't tried the AMD side though01:51
tgm4883Excryption, first do this01:52
tgm4883Excryption, "sudo aticonfig --pxl"01:52
ExcryptionHow do I go back to the Intel side please? I'm stuck on this ttyl screen01:52
tgm4883Excryption, and see what it lists it as using01:52
ExcryptionSays I have to run "sudo aticonfig --initial" which I have01:54
ExcryptionUsing /ec/X11/xorg.conf01:54
tgm4883Excryption, do "sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial -f", then reboot, then run that --pxl command01:55
Merlyns_wilee-nillee Thanks. Gone to the page you suggested and will give those a try.01:55
ExcryptionAhh alright will do, thank you very much :D01:56
FyodorovnaMerlyns_, Cool, it is a repair tool as well, helps to see the bootinfo summary first if you need help.01:56
Merlyns_At this point, being new at this, I need all the help I can find. (haven't done irc since MIRC years ago)01:58
acovrigI followed http://mac.linux.be/content/improve-battery-life-macbook-ubuntu but nvidia-settings is ignoring the coolbits option, why?01:59
Rusty__Hi, a quick question. Does anyone know how to set cpu state limit (number of available p-states)... in ubuntu?01:59
Rusty__i.e. i don't want my cpu be too hot01:59
acovrigI just tried a few different values for Coolbits, but I still can't change my GPU clock, any ideas why?02:04
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
JofironsesHelo, I just did usermod -d /home/user user, but $HOME still remains the old directory, whenever I do sudo -u user bash to check it out. How can I change this environment variable?02:07
ExcryptionI have a Cyborg R.A.T 7 mouse, whenever I plug it in to use with my Ubuntu, it doesn't detect active windows of any sort. Any ideas please?02:11
xerukmTheres a quick google fix for that mouse02:12
acovrigDoes anyone see a display in the lspci (other than the 650M) http://paste.ubuntu.com/5643438/ ?02:12
Merlyns_Wow. Great news. I followed the info given and all is well.02:12
ubuntuaddictedi removed quite and splash from my grub boot line and I see [trace end fa234234324fsdf423]  it doesn't appear to be booting further. is that bad?02:13
ExcryptionThank you xerukm :-)02:13
wilee-nileeMerlyns_, Cool02:14
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=== miljo is now known as miljo_afk
bonhoefferi'm trying to load ubuntu on an iMac -- i just dd'd the image onto my usb drive, but when i boot, only the mac hd comes up as an install option02:16
ExcryptionI decided to leave Windows and come to Ubuntu, so far so od.02:16
ubuntuaddictedi restarted and now I see ahci_error02:16
ubuntuaddictedin a stack trace i think02:16
ExcryptionSo good. I tried installing Google Chrome but didn't work02:16
bonhoefferany troubleshooting options02:16
xxT3chn0xxAnyone here a major Linux geek? Need help...02:17
=== dominic_ is now known as mdih
zykotick9xxT3chn0xx: you should ask your "real" question.02:18
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/286075/dependency-error-while-installing-google-chrome-on-ubuntu-13-04   Excryption02:18
bazhang!enter | xxT3chn0xx02:18
ubottuxxT3chn0xx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:18
acovrigbecause nvidia isn't using the coolbits option  and I need to underclock my GPU...02:19
xxT3chn0xxI installed Backbox Linux onto my hard drive, and I want to carry all of it over to my USB with persistence on. How do I do so?02:19
bazhangxxT3chn0xx, how does that relate to ubuntu02:19
* OerHeks never heard of blackbox linux02:19
xxT3chn0xxAre you kidding?02:19
ExcryptionThank you bazhang :-) much appreciated02:20
xxT3chn0xxBackbox is a derivative of Ubuntu.02:20
bazhangxxT3chn0xx, go check their support forums02:20
xxT3chn0xxIt is a live penetration distro.02:20
bazhangxxT3chn0xx, its not supported here02:20
OerHeksfind the proper suportroom, xxT3chn0xx, we do not support forks & derivates.02:20
bazhang!alis | have a search xxT3chn0xx02:20
ubottuhave a search xxT3chn0xx: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:20
bonhoefferi'm trying to format my usb key with an MBR partiton table from ubuntu -- i don't see that option in the disk utility -- missing something?02:21
Ben64bonhoeffer: try gparted02:21
ed_hello. i have what i think is a fairly easy general question regarding ubuntu. anyone willing to help? am i in the right place? --eric02:22
Ben64ed_: nobody can help if you don't ask02:22
acovrigxxT3chn0xx, http://www.infosecramblings.com/backtrack/backtrack-5-bootable-usb-thumb-drive-with-full-disk-encryption may be of help (even though it isn't Blackbuntu).02:22
ubuntuaddictedtried a different kernel and it now boots but i have a blinking cursor on a black screen?02:23
ed_right. okay. first off i'm from the philippines. i work for an NGO. our office stuff is like so old. and what i have on my pc is ubuntu 8.10. the ibex thing. and i'm also new to ubuntu. so here is my question.02:23
wilee-nilee!details | ubuntuaddicted02:24
ubottuubuntuaddicted: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:24
bonhoefferBen64 -- but what should i format as?02:24
Ben64ed_: 8.10 hasn't been supported for the past 3 years. upgrade.02:24
bonhoefferi still just see ext2, etc02:24
bazhang!eolupgrades | ed_02:24
ubottued_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:24
Ben64bonhoeffer: whatever you'd like to format it as?02:24
bonhoefferso i'm trying to create an ubuntu install disk for my mac02:24
Ben64bonhoeffer: you should be able to use "dd" to copy the mac image to the usb disk directly02:25
bonhoefferso i need to create a MBR partiton table02:25
bonhoefferBen64: i tried that . . . not so easy -- mac requires MBR partiton table and some other things02:26
ed_i know i read that. that's related to my question. here it is: because i've been trying to download stuff (chrome, libasound2, etc) and none of it won't work. i'm getting the sense that there's really no way 8.10 can accommodate the newer stuff we have today on the internet, correct? the only solution is to upgrade, correct?02:26
ubuntuaddictedwilee-nilee, you apparently didn't read my previous posts02:26
Ben64bonhoeffer: everything is mbr, don't worry02:26
bonhoefferntel Macs only support booting from USB devices that are formatted with the GUID partition table (GPT), and I think it follows that said USB stick needs to contain an EFI bootloader such as grub-efi.02:26
Ben64bonhoeffer: the newer images are able to be written and booted directly from usb02:26
bazhanged_, yes. its not supported, plus way out of date02:26
wilee-nileeubuntuaddicted, Nope.02:26
bonhoefferBen64: hmm . . . iMac didn't recognize it02:26
bonhoefferi'm trying to follow instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156136702:27
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bazhanged_, 12.04 is supported for 5 years, until 201702:27
Ben64bonhoeffer: unfortunately, i don't know much about mac02:27
bonhoefferor here: http://mac.linux.be/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8802:27
ubuntuaddictedwilee-nilee, well then save me the bot responses if you're not going to read my posts02:27
wilee-nileeubuntuaddicted, I just came on that was your first post I saw.02:27
bazhangubuntuaddicted, lets be polite, please02:27
ed_okay. thanks people.02:28
ubuntuaddictedwilee-nilee, you posted to Merlyns_ immediately following my posts so no you didn't just get on. thanks anyways.02:30
PhysicorumGreetings community!02:31
ubuntuaddictedok, i got it fixed. server used to boot just fine but now i have to add nomodeset noapic for it to boot. weird02:32
PhysicorumI did the upgrade to a newest 'linux-image" (end 28) and would like to set the oldest (end 27). How can I do it?02:32
wilee-nileePhysicorum, You will have to be more descriptive linux-image and a couple of numbers is a bit vague. ;)02:34
codepython777downloaded binary pypy. When I try to execute it --> ./bin/pypy -- -bash: ./bin/pypy: No such file or directory -- what am i doing wrong with the binary download?02:34
Ben64Physicorum: why would you want to use an older kernel? it probably has some bugs that were fixed02:34
terry2776try sudo ./bin/pypy02:34
lezHi. I need my HDD partitions to mount on boot haw can I do this?02:35
Ben64!fstab | lez02:35
ubottulez: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:35
lezThanks guys02:35
PhysicorumBen64: With the newest, my computer crash when shutdown. I have to select the oldest every time.02:36
PhysicorumOr I have to re-install the drivers?02:36
Ben64well you should try to fix the crash problem instead of using old stuff02:37
PhysicorumI do not know how to fix it, Ben64.For me the easiest and better way is selecting the old one..02:39
Bur-I need help.02:39
zykotick9Physicorum: you can use /etc/default/grub to select a particular kernel as default02:40
acovrigI have the nVidia 650M mac edition and need to underclock it so I have a battery and so it  isn't so hot, how do I do this?02:41
Bur-I can connect to my AWS EC2 server using SFTPD and I can upload files in /home/user but I can't read, write or modify flies in /var/www/. I would like to give USER1 access to that folder. How can I do so?02:41
acovrigubuntu version 13.04, btw02:41
Physicorumzykotick9: I saw the file with "nano" and I did not found nothing about "select" the kernel..02:42
Bur-I know I can change the apache Document Root to ~/www but I'm looking for a better solution. Can you help me please?02:42
Physicorumzykotick9: How exactly?02:43
RandomWebUserBur-: You should probably upload the files to your home directory first, then log in via SSH and move the files to the /var/www folder.02:43
zykotick9Physicorum: isn't there a default=0 or similar?  just change that to the number as it appears in the grub list.  don't forget "sudo update-grub" after making any changes.  (it's been a while since i had to do this - you could also just uninstall the problem-kernel)02:43
Physicorumzykotick9: Got it.02:44
Bur-RandomWebUser - using sudo cp? Like sudo cp /home/user/filename /var/www/target ?02:44
RandomWebUserBur-: Otherwise you need to add your user to the www-data group and make sure the /var/www folder is writtable to groups by making sure the folder permissions for /var/www are drwxrwxrx02:45
Bur-RandomWebUser: yeah, that's what I want. Could you please tell me how can I do that?02:45
zykotick9RandomWebUser: world writable www directory = bad idea02:45
RandomWebUseradd sudo to your "cp02:45
Bur-zykotick9: thanks, but do you have any better solutions?02:45
RandomWebUsersudo cp /home/user/file /var/www02:46
Bur-I added sudo before too :)02:46
RandomWebUserBur-: you may need to change the file permissions in the folder /var/www of the file you just moved02:47
RandomWebUserBur-: Suggestion is to use the command "sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/file.html"02:47
Bur-Random832: what does that command do? please02:48
Physicorumzykotick9: If the default is "0" the another must be "1"..02:48
zykotick9Physicorum: perhaps, if you have recover it might not be though.  look at your grub menu...02:49
RandomWebUserBur-: It changes the ownership of the file over to apache so it can read from it02:49
Bur-Random832: okay, but how do I add my user to www-data group?02:50
wilee-nileePhysicorum, Did you use a graphic driver from a manufacturer rather than the repos?02:50
RandomWebUserBur-: If you have local access to the machine and are running Ubuntu desktop, you will find a tool in the Applications menu under System02:50
RandomWebUserBur-: It will be called Users and Groups02:51
Bur-RandomWebUser: it's an  AWS EC2 server and i'm using sftpd, not sure what you mean there02:51
ExcryptionThank you for all the help peeps. Good night.02:52
RandomWebUserBur-: your working on an ubuntu installation that I'm not familiar with02:52
Physicorumwilee-nilee: My driver is from AMD website.02:52
zykotick9wilee-nilee: nice crystal-ball you got ;)02:53
PhysicorumI probably must install the driver over, later the kernel.02:53
lolbatPhysicorum: I cant get it to work in 13.04. I give up02:53
Physicorumlolbat: Actually, I am in Mint 14..02:54
PhysicorumKDE.. Good Stuff02:54
bazhang!mintsupport | Physicorum02:55
ubottuPhysicorum: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:55
wilee-nileezykotick9, After enough caffeine I channel karnak. ;)02:55
PhysicorumI know..02:55
Bur-someone who understands terminal well can you please explain what this command does? sudo rm -r /var/www; sudo ln -s /home/${USER}/www /var/www02:55
Physicorumbazhang: Great. Nobody there.. Sox!02:56
bazhangPhysicorum, sure there are02:56
ythhello, i have a problem with wifi authentication in ubuntu 13.0402:57
ythi was hoping that someone might help me02:57
ubucan anyone explain why when i enter sudo modprobe uinput it doesn't load the module?02:57
Physicorumjust two peoples.. Unable to locate any support.02:57
bazhangubu, whats the module name02:57
bazhangPhysicorum, its not on freenode...02:58
wilee-nileePhysicorum, Try ##linuxmint02:58
ythit seems it only accept keys that are 5, 10, 13, or 26 characters long, if the key isn't of one of those lengths, the "connect" button get greyed out, and cannot be clicked....02:58
ububazhang, uinput02:58
ythis there a way to change that?02:59
acovrigyth, I am using ubuntu 13.04 and it lets me connect to my WPA2 8 char password network just fine...02:59
yththis is a fresh installation - not sure if that matters03:00
ythdid you upgrade from a previous version?03:00
newcholbyIs Ubuntu better than Suse?03:01
bazhangnewcholby, thats not on topic here03:01
acovrigBur-, it basically moves the webroot from /var/ to your home folder (be sure there is nothing in /var/www first)03:01
frankbroI just installed http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/amd64/nvidia-313-updates/filelist and it says Im supposed to have a nvidia-xconfig but its not there, how is that possible03:02
acovrigyth, no, plain install of ubuntu, I however did enable an aditional driver to use wifi (I'm on a MacBook Pro 9,1)03:02
frankbrobut I have nvidia-settings, which is not listed in the package filelist03:03
acovrignewcholby, different distros are better and worse than others in different aspects, it all depends on what they are used for and who is using them.03:03
ythi was having some trouble connecting to wifi during installation, so i chose not to install upgrades during installation03:03
ythit seems like i have to reinstall the OS03:04
acovrigyth, is there anything listed in additional drivers?03:04
ythwhere do i find that?03:04
acovrigyth, type drivers into the dash, and open Software & Upgrades, then click the last tab (Additional Drivers)03:05
ythacovrig, i get: dash: 1: drivers: not found03:06
codepython777is a apt-get do-release-upgrade safe on a ubuntu 11.04 LTS box?03:10
stefan_nhello everybody, I need a little help with gnome 3.8 ... I am looking for a setting or plugin to have application menus (eg. help, preferences) in the window and not on the top bar of the screen03:11
ythacovrig, with typing drivers into dash, i get: dash: 1: drivers: not found03:12
stefan_nI do not even know what to search for since the terms are so generic ... menu, toolbar, etc.03:12
IdleOnecodepython777: 11.04 was not an LTS release.03:12
IdleOne!eolupgrade | codepython77703:12
ubottucodepython777: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:12
stefan_nany help would be greatly appreciated ...03:12
acovrigyth, sorry, I diapered, evidentially my system doesn't like iwconfig; I'm not sure what you can do about it, I think that mean you don't have any other drivers, what card is it?03:12
Capprenticestefan_n, are you trying to dispaly desktop shortcuts on Desktop03:13
acovrigAny ideas why my system would freeze (force reboot required) when running iwconfig?03:13
stefan_nCapprentice, nope ... let me give you a concrete example.  the System Monitor application has a preference menu03:13
adoniscikmy audio is working properly since I upgraded to 13.04 Currently the audio intended for headphones are redirected to the speakers. I tried fixing with PulseAudio control. what next?03:13
codepython777when one runs do-release-upgrade on a 11.04 box, does it goto 12.04 or 13.04?03:13
stefan_nthe menu is no longer on the window itself, it is at on the top toolbar, I have to click the top toolbar to see the Preferences menu03:14
Capprenticestefan_n, are you talking about quicklists ?!03:14
stefan_nCapprentice, I am afraid that is not it either03:14
zykotick9codepython777: 11.10 actually.  you can't skip releases (except LTS->LTS)03:14
Capprenticeumm then sorry...no idea ...03:14
acovrigintegrating the File, Edit, ..., Help menues into the 'taskbar'?03:15
stefan_nCapprentice, more window toolbar menus (eg. print, file, help) that typical applications have (eg. Firefox, System Monitor)03:15
codepython777zykotick9: so 11.04 moves to 11.10 when one runs dist-upgrade?03:15
zykotick9codepython777: yes.03:15
stefan_nCapprentice, are you gnome 3.8? non-unity?03:15
Capprenticeyes. Used it on Fed 18 I think.03:16
codepython777zykotick9: so i've to do another dist-upgrade to goto 12.10?03:16
zykotick9codepython777: actually, NO.  dist-upgrade is something different.03:16
ythacovrig: i'm not sure03:16
codepython777zykotick9: I'm doing sudo do-release-upgrade03:16
zykotick9codepython777: ya, that IS NOT dist-upgrade03:16
stefan_nthen try to open System Monitor and you will see what I mean03:16
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.03:16
codepython777zykotick9: new release = 13.xx?03:17
stefan_nanybody else that has any pointer about application menus? maybe it has gnome specific name03:17
ythacovrig, thank you for your help, but it's getting really late here, i have to go03:18
adoniscikmy audio is NOT working properly since I upgraded to 13.04 Currently the audio intended for headphones are redirected to the speakers. I tried fixing it with the PulseAudio control panel. What should I do next?03:18
acovrigyth, ditto, happy to (try to ) help...03:18
zykotick9codepython777: from 11.04 when you do-release-upgrade you'll go to 11.10.  then do-release-upgrade again, to get to 12.04.  repeat as needed.03:18
CapprenticeIm now on Windows 7. sorry friend, cant do rite now. May be some one else will help you. You can consider posting a question at askubuntu.com03:19
codepython777zykotick9: what breaks usually when one does these ? any experiences?03:19
zykotick9codepython777: my suggestion.  clean install.  upgrades ususally cause a lot of issues for ubuntu, and you're headed for several upgrades.03:19
tachyons why not backup, and fresh install03:19
codepython777zykotick9: i'll have to configure a lot of stuff :(.03:20
serewhats the best way to backup03:20
codepython777I guess I'll try to do a fresh install then03:20
zykotick9codepython777: you can try the upgrades (just have backup first!), and if it fails - then clean install.  good luck.03:21
codepython777is 11.10 LTS -? Can i live with it for a year?03:21
tachyonsIt isno longer supported03:22
zykotick9codepython777: 10.04 and 12.04 are LTS, next will be 14.04.  notice a 04 trend ;)03:23
adoniscikI also have another 13.04-related problem; the software center complains that "Software can't be installed or removed because the authentication service is not available."03:23
x1x2x3x4x5i see that kernel 3.8 is in my 12.04 synaptic list.  is it ok to update to this kernel?03:24
codepython777zykotick9: http://bpaste.net/show/9mmH45DNsAQ0yXAHjV2q/ - what partition is the OS on?03:25
zykotick9codepython777: sorry, i'm not sure.  i don't do RAID, so i'm not sure...03:26
lauratikais there a way to use the icons of 13.04 on LTS 12.04??03:26
scarrs1I need some help please I just installed ubuntu alog side windows 8 and now the lAptop wont boot windows or ubuntu I need some help installing grub please03:27
codepython777tachyons: ?03:27
skraitohi guys03:28
skraitohow do you disable services in ubuntu03:28
tachyonscodepython777 : ?03:28
skraito update-rc.d foobar stop 20 2 3 4 503:28
skraitois this a correctone or  update-rc.d foobar remove ?03:28
codepython777tachyons:  http://bpaste.net/show/9mmH45DNsAQ0yXAHjV2q/ - what partition is the OS on?03:28
A1Reconhow does ubuntu differentiate between drives ....because i see no drive letters and both of my other storage partitions are named "New Volume"03:30
zykotick9A1Recon: drive letters is a Windows-thing.  from terminal "sudo blkid" will show you the device mapping /dev/sda1 for example.03:30
x1x2x3x4x5A1Recon: everything is mounted into the directory structure. seamless you don't have to know what drive it's in.03:31
codepython777tachyons: thanks. My /home is on /raid. So just upgrade the OS and the link /home?03:32
A1Reconzykotick9: Is all these things there in some book or something? I am reading one it's called "The Linux Command Line". Sorry for being a noob.03:33
tachyonscodepython777 : yes, you can link at the time of installation03:33
codepython777it has to recognise the raid of course03:33
zykotick9!manual | A1Recon03:34
ubottuA1Recon: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:34
zykotick9A1Recon: we where all "noobs" once, no need to be sorry ;)03:35
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x1x2x3x4x5A1Recon: i used the ubuntu unleased series at amazon.  although for an older version. it's pretty good. $30 or so03:35
A1Reconx1x2x3x4x5: how do i open the home folder?03:39
zykotick9A1Recon: from terminal?03:40
A1Reconzykotick9: yup03:40
zykotick9A1Recon: type "cd"03:40
lauratikacan i use nautilus 3.5.9 in ubuntu 12.0403:40
zykotick9A1Recon: "cd ~" or "cd /home/YOURUSENAME" also work.  the "cd" is just a quick thing.03:40
o3uHey, i'm trying to configure my wireless access on ubuntu in command line: 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "MyEssid" key s:password MYTENDIGITPW' but it hangs forever when i do 'sudo dhclient wlan0' is something wrong with my wifi/card or am i doing somthing wrong?03:40
o3umy Wireless network is WPA personal with a 10 char (digits) password03:41
zykotick9A1Recon: tip - learn to use TAB in terminal as much as possible.03:43
joshswhat would cause my computer screen to go dim and temporarily freeze?03:45
adoniscikwhat should I do if I can not see the software updater window? It is running on my Dash but I do not see its window when I click on it.03:47
A1Reconzykotick9: when I type "ls -R /dev/sdb3 > list.txt" it is saving the list of files in the "home directory " and saving it in a file in the home directory. I want it to list all files in /dev/sdb3 and save it as a text file. Help03:49
A1Reconlauratika: plz wait03:51
zykotick9A1Recon: /dev/sdb3 is a partition on a device, to ls somthing you need to mount the filesystem first - partition is not filesystem.03:52
zykotick9A1Recon: is sdb3 mounted?  try "mount | grep sdb3" does it show it?03:54
A1Reconzykotick9: I get this /dev/sdb3 on /media/user/New Volume type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)03:55
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A1Reconlauratika: will 3.6 work for you??03:56
zykotick9A1Recon: so "ls -R /media/user/New(hit TAB to autocomplete) > ~/list.txt"03:56
Guest77185Hi.....I am a new Ubuntu user switched from Mint 14.03:56
Guest77185Is there a way I can configure Unity to somehow show all of the apps I have installed without actually searching for them in the search bar?03:57
lauratikawell i want the feel of 13.04 on 12.04 basically03:57
adoniscikdoes anyone know anything about configuring sound outputs?04:00
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A1Reconlauratika: 3.6 works in 13.04. Have you tried it??04:02
lauratikanope, i want to have 3.6 in 12.04 isthis possible04:03
A1Reconlauratika: MY search tells me that 3.6 is possible in 13.04 not in 12.04 but 3.6 has lost a lot of features which were ther in older versions.....04:04
A1Reconzykotick9: hit TAB to autocomplete??04:05
zykotick9!tab | A1Recon04:05
ubottuA1Recon: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:05
lauratikabut i dont feel like upgrading yet, is there a way to use latest nautilus on 12.0404:06
zykotick9A1Recon: spaces are a pain (at first) in terminal04:06
RonWhoCaresIs there a simple way to open port 25 within Ubuntu 13.04 ?04:07
zykotick9A1Recon: just FYI, to deal with spaces A) "New Volume" or B) New\ Volume04:07
compexHi. What's the best way to record games?04:08
compexI am using ffmpeg's x11grab and I keep running into audio/video sync issues04:08
A1Reconzykotick9: OMG in i had forgotten that in Ubuntu "Username" is not the same as "username", that's why it wouldn't autocomplete. Well now it does!!04:09
compexI use gtk-recordmydesktop and for some reason it doesn't encode the captured footage in its entirety and I get the last couple minutes truncated04:09
zykotick9A1Recon: cAsE iS iMpOrTaNt ;)04:09
compexI have built glc, but I am playing Portal beta and don't know how to launch it with glc04:09
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compexanyone T_T04:11
Ben64patience, young padawan04:12
compexI have been at it since 3 pm, it's 12:12 am now. dozen of ffmpeg variations, kazam, recordmydesktop, built glc from source on 64 bit system (which was a PAIN), all to record a game T_T04:13
compexthis is the 21st century god damn it!04:13
PaulenskiHi, I'm having some trouble getting an adb mode to function on an device in ubuntu 12.10. I've already talked with some guys in the #xda-devs  about getting the udev/rules.d setup but I can't get it to work, figured someone might know something else to try04:14
NCS_Onewhat app can I use to record specific windows?04:16
Paulenskii know for windows xsplit and ffsplit can do that, maybe they have one for linux04:17
LarsNis there anyone here who has an up to date set of instructions for convincing a DisplayLink usb graphics device to work properly on Ubuntu 13.04?04:18
compexgtk-recordmydesktop will do it04:18
adoniscikdoes anyone know how to deal with the problem simultaneously coming from the speakers and headphones? I only want the headphones, when I set the output to headphones, not the speakers too.04:19
linelevelHi guys. I'm finally ready to upgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu from 10.10. Like many others, I really like the feel of gnome with the top-panel and bottom-taskbar, and dislike the left-hand-side panel in newer releases. What's the best way to get a classic-ish feel on the latest release?04:19
usr13linelevel: xubuntu04:20
walltenderAny code example to read voltage consumption on Linux?04:20
beanwalltender, you mean like CPU voltage?04:20
linelevelusr13: I'd rather stick with gnome if possible. Isn't there a package that will give me back the classic look & feel?04:20
usr13linelevel: YOu're going to do a fresh install?04:21
linelevelFrom my google searching, it seems like there are several less-than-perfect options. I came here to see if anyone has recommendations on the best one.04:21
v1c3Hello! is there any way to run x/unity without lightdm? when i add "exec gnome-session --session=ubuntu" to ~/.xinitrc and start X with "startx" some changes i did on the unity-gui have no effect anymore. like autohide menue04:22
linelevelusr13: Yes, though I plan to keep using my current /home partition.04:22
usr13linelevel: I gave you mine.04:22
zykotick9!notunity | linelevel04:22
ubottulinelevel: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.04:22
amageeis there a command similar to "top" but instead of staying open, it just prints the current usage out to stdout and then returns?04:22
usr13linelevel: That'll work.  Just use xubuntu install CD04:22
LarsNamagee: you just want the load level, or the top processes as well?04:22
linelevelzykotick9: thanks.04:22
linelevelusr13: Thanks, I will consider it.04:23
amageeLarsN: either way04:23
usr13linelevel: xubuntu is as close as you'll get to the gnome2 we all appreciated.04:23
LarsNamagee: uptime will spit out the current, 5m and 15m load averages04:23
LarsNamagee: I'm unsure as to another solution, checking now. :)04:23
sparq_awesomewm is where its at04:23
marvxi have a kernel panic since 13.0404:23
beanamagee, also the command "w"04:24
beanwill show load.04:24
marvxit saying: not syncing fatal execution in interrupt04:24
usr13linelevel: If I were you, I'd use 12.04 (LTS).04:24
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linelevelusr13: Just because it's an LTS?04:24
usr13linelevel: (it's what I use).04:24
marvxanyone ever had a similar problem04:24
usr13!lts | linelevel04:24
ubottulinelevel: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)04:24
bwat47mavensk, probably this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/116998404:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1169984 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "3.8.0-18 HDMI audio regression: Either oops or opening device fails with -ENODEV" [High,Fix committed]04:24
linelevelI know what LTS means.04:24
zykotick9amagee: tried "top -b -n1"04:24
amageei'm actually more interested in this data from top: "Cpu(s): 32.3%us,  1.6%sy,  0.0%ni, 66.1%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st" rather than the load averages04:25
bwat47mavensk, try enabling the proposed repo and updating, its got a newer kernel that may fix it04:25
adoniscikI'd stick to an LTS too.04:25
amageezykotick9: that's looking good04:25
lineleveladoniscik: Why? I figure I should upgrade at least every 1.5 years on my desktop PC anyway (even though I've failed to do that so far...).04:25
usr13linelevel: Yea, just because it's LTS.  (LTS = stable release).04:25
usr13linelevel: But it is not for everyone, so, to each his own.04:26
adoniscikI don't. I figure I should upgrade as infrequently as possible, to avoid headaches. I went to 13.04 and I regret it. I regretted 12.10 too.04:26
linelevelusr13:  Thanks, I will further investigate what's new in 12.10 & 13.04 before I decide if I want to stick with 12.04.04:26
LarsNzykotick9: I was just going to suggest that,  had to consult the man page.04:26
LarsNzykotick9: awesome :)04:27
Dewilinelevel: lots of computers aren't a front-line desktop machine by a power user needing constant change04:27
zykotick9LarsN: i had to check the man as well ;)04:27
Dewiservers, workstations for office staff, all much better served by LTS04:27
beanamagee, you could also use sar04:27
LarsNzykotick9: I got stuck installing and looking at atop, which while cool wasn't what amagee was looking for.04:27
bwat47marvx, oops autocomplete failed me. is the kernel panic you get random and happens sometimes during boot?04:27
beanand the sysstat package.04:27
marvxno it raises during use04:28
bwat47marvx, ahh sounds different than the bug im thinking of then04:28
marvxim in firefox and bang04:28
marvxshall i upload a screenie?04:28
usr13linelevel: I'm just not one that wants a lot of tinkering to make things work, and sometimes that's what you get with latest/greatest in any-distro.04:28
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marvxi guess that i found out its related to my mobility 565004:29
marvxbwat47 because if i install a proprietary fglrx the system just freezes04:30
amageethanks all, got a few decent things to look into04:30
marvxbut its telling on a box that i have unsupported hardware04:31
marvxhamso it seems that i am having no chance to get it up n running04:31
marvxwhile linuxmint 14 works fine04:32
Dewiif I already have an ubuntu ISO and want xubuntu, should I get another ISO or just switch ubuntu over?04:32
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marvxDewi jhust install XFCE04:33
bwat47Dewi, personally I prefer doing a clean install, but thats just me :) you could always do sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop04:33
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usr13Dewi: you can just install xubuntu-desktop if you want.04:33
Dewiso is that exactly the same?04:33
Dewiand will that switch the default over to xcfe?04:33
usr13Yep, it is.04:34
marvxyou casn change your session on display manager04:34
bwat47Dewi, sort of, just installing xubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu you'd have a lot of extra packages installed compared to installing from the xubuntu iso04:34
usr13Dewi: To me, xfce is a Desktop Environment that doesn't get in the way.04:34
H3mpp4Does anyone know how i can fix this small problem on my website. I am hosting it from ubuntu whit lampp... and when i type ä or ö in the site it gets out like this   Tämä04:35
Dewiyeah I just installed 13.04 yesterday and it's not really as stable or fast as I hoped04:35
Dewiso maybe xfce is still the answer for me04:35
DewiI've liked it in the past04:35
bwat47xfce is much quicker than unity on my machines04:35
Dewiyeah I'm running a VM so getting unity even minimally usable took a lot of effort and resources04:35
usr13my assessment as well...04:35
Dewiever since they ditched the 2d mode04:36
LarsN<--- oddball dwm user.04:36
DewiI managed to get virtualbox 3d acceleration working which is cool and all but kind of seems unnecessary :)04:36
GreenTiahi how to register nickname please04:36
usr13!nick | GreenTia04:37
ubottuGreenTia: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.04:37
Dewibesides, unity isn't *that* fancy looking04:37
usr13!register | GreenTia04:37
ubottuGreenTia: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:37
Dewinever would guess from looking at it that it needs 3d acceleration04:37
zykotick9Dewi: unity is a compiz plugin04:37
usr13Dewi: It's really just a matter of taste.  Unity is pretty cool really, but xfce suits my needs a little better, that's all.04:38
bwat47usr13, I actually love unity's interface, its just too darn buggy, even in 13.04 :(04:39
DewiI really just want something that works04:39
usr13... same here04:39
DewiI'm getting a fair few crashes and things too04:39
adoniscikbugs R us04:39
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usr13Night all...04:42
TheEnlightenmentSo I've tried the same steps many times that I'm finding online, but I just CAN'T seem to get the hibernate button back since I've upgraded to 13.0404:43
TheEnlightenmentAny ideas/advice?04:44
zykotick9TheEnlightenment: is using pm-hibernate (terminal command) an option for you?04:45
TheEnlightenmentzykotick9: have tried that a few times, and it has the same effect as just shutting down. Anything I had open is gone04:46
zykotick9TheEnlightenment: that's certainly NOT how pm-hibernate is suppose to work.  it works for me, but i'm not on ubuntu.04:48
TheEnlightenmentzykotick9: Yeah, it SHOULD hibernate just as if I clicked the button but no...04:48
wilee-nileeTheEnlightenment, Your swap slightly more than the ram and mounted?04:49
bwat47TheEnlightenment, http://chriseiffel.com/everything-linux/step-by-step-how-to-get-hibernate-working-for-linux-ubuntu-11-04-mint-11/#not-resuming-session04:50
bwat47TheEnlightenment, that fixed hibernation not saving my session for me, most important part is the resume=uuid= in the grub config04:51
GreenTiawilee-nilee, sounds interesting - why would it matter the size of swap and if its mounted04:51
bwat47GreenTia, because hibernate saves your session to the swap partition04:51
zykotick9wilee-nilee: GreenTia technically, swap is never "mounted", just sayin'04:51
bwat47GreenTia, if the swap partition isn't big enough to store the saved session it won't work04:52
wilee-nileeGreenTia, Has to be slightly bigger than the ram, and mounted to actually work.04:52
zykotick9wilee-nilee: try "mount" do you see swap listed?  didn't think so.04:52
GreenTiabwall, zykotick9 wilee-nilee ic04:53
TheEnlightenmentSo does 13.04 change those sizes?04:53
TheEnlightenmentHibernate worked fine and dandy before the update...even had the button!04:53
bwallso many accidental highlights today04:53
RealKillaz_Hi there04:54
RealKillaz_I have a apt-get upgrade that is not reacting anymore.04:54
RealKillaz_What do you guys think I should do?04:55
wilee-nileezykotick9, Gparted calls it mounted with a right click unmount, I am not aware of another term. http://imagebin.org/25689004:55
RealKillaz_what is the best option? The upgrade freezed on the upgrade of MySQL server04:55
RealKillaz_I'm on a Ubuntu machine 10.0404:55
RealKillaz_apt-get upgrade04:55
zykotick9wilee-nilee: ya, for terminology, swapon/swapoff - but saying "mounted" give the wrong impression IMO04:55
GreenTiaRealKillaz, stop mysql server then retry04:56
wilee-nileezykotick9, Fair enough. ;)04:56
RealKillaz_GreenTia, mysql-server is not running..04:56
zykotick9wilee-nilee: but i certainly see the problem - i don't know what to call it either ;)04:56
wilee-nileelol yeah04:56
RealKillaz_bu should I kill the process running the upgrade?04:56
RealKillaz_Ctrl+C, nothing is on the terminal is giving back a prompt.04:57
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GreenTiaRealKillaz, if you try apt-get upgrade what does it do?04:57
zykotick9RealKillaz_: if you kill apt-get, be sure to read "/msg ubottu aptlock" in case04:57
GreenTiaRealKillaz, in another terminal04:58
RealKillaz_GreenTia, I get a lock04:59
=== wicked is now known as zz_wicked
zykotick9RealKillaz_: if you kill apt-get, be sure to read "/msg ubottu aptlock" in case05:01
RealKillaz_zykotick9, damn I don't like killing these kind of processes :-s05:01
GreenTiaRealKillaz, i would end your session and do like zykotick9 says05:01
RealKillaz_zykotick9, things will always get broken05:01
RealKillaz_ai ai ai05:02
RealKillaz_sorry for my french05:02
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=== wicked is now known as zz_wicked
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RealKillaz_zykotick9, I followed the hint you and ubottu gave me and I bumped into this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5643722/05:09
b3nneed help05:10
b3nhow to install flash in 13.04 live iso05:11
LarsNb3n: what does apt-cache search flash05:11
LarsNb3n: return05:12
b3nlet me try05:12
* LarsN hates this keyboard, sorry for using three lines for what should have fit on one.05:12
kimphillb3n, install ubuntu restricected extras05:12
RealKillaz_seems to be fixed guys05:13
RealKillaz_thank you zykotick9 and GreenTia05:13
b3nLarN --- too many lines shown here05:14
b3nLarN what do you want to look for ?05:14
LarsNlook for "flash plugin nonfree" or something similar.05:14
LarsNif it's there apt-get install it....05:15
LarsNotherwise follow kimphill's recommendation to install the restricted extras05:15
b3nno it's not05:15
shrihi cannot see text from ubuntu software center. ultimate edition 3.505:15
b3nhey guys --- another help here05:16
bugtraqwhat os are you using?05:16
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b3ni am using live iso 13.04 .. and no option to add webapps whenever I visit supported sites05:17
bugtraqhmm nice.05:17
b3nanyone ?05:19
OerHeksb3n you need to install restricted extra's for flash, java and codecs to run webapps.05:22
WHAT_UPIf I do "cd Dropbox", I get "no such file or directory", but if I do "mkdir Dropbox", I get File exists.05:23
WHAT_UPWhat in the world?05:23
OerHeksWHAT_UP, strange, cd Dropbox  works fine05:25
WHAT_UPI just deleted whatever that was (apparently not a file or a folder) and recreated it, and now it seems to work05:26
testerRunning the latest ubuntu server and my network connection on kernel .26 and above connects to my wifi, but then just stops working.  Any pointers on where I should be looking to troubleshoot?05:27
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LarsNany suggestions on how to convince ~/.xinitrc or something similar to run at login?05:28
b3nhello ==== /dev/sda5 is equivalent to hd0,4 ?05:28
LarsNb3n I believe so.05:29
b3nhey LarsN05:29
ubottuIf you want to edit your Autostart programs, open the Unity dash and search for Startup Programs. If you're on XFCE, use menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup, if you're on KDE, use Kickoff -> Computer -> System Settings -> Autostart. For more details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup. For LXDE see http://ubottu.com/y/405:29
b3ndo you also know why can't i use webapps when in facebook ?05:29
LarsNb3n: did you get flash installed and working?05:30
b3ni'm using 13.04 live iso05:30
betraydLarsN what ubottu said05:30
b3nstill downloading it05:30
OerHeksb3n you need to install restricted extra's for flash, java and codecs to run webapps. not sure all facebook apps will work.05:30
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b3nseriously ?05:30
LarsNbetrayd: I was hoping to run an xsetroot -name every 1m.  I don't think Unity is going to help me with that.05:30
b3nonline tutorials like omgubuntu doesn't say that05:31
testerany ideas anyone?  I get around 30 good ping responses from the gateway, then the whole thing craps the bed.  Its def not my network, everything is up and stable.05:31
testerand everything works perfect on .25 kernel05:31
b3nanyone knows about webapps ? do I need to install something else to work on 13.04 ?05:33
LarsNb3n: virtually everything on facebook uses flash, some use java.05:34
LarsNyou're going to need those.05:34
b3nhey LarsN -- this tutorial doesn't say about installing java --- http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/07/how-to-install-ubuntus-new-web-apps-feature05:36
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LarsNb3n: not being a tutorials guy, I can only tell you what I know.  Flash is super important, java to a somewhat lesser extent.05:36
b3nalright == will try to install it then05:37
b3nthanks LarsN05:37
JustSighDudesAnyone have any idea why this cronjob won't work? http://bpaste.net/show/P8xhi4X1pIEXmNsCjoDo/05:47
somsipJustSighDudes: are you using virtualenv and Django?05:51
JustSighDudessomsip: Yes.05:52
JustSighDudescron.sh runs fine outside of the virtualenv, though.05:52
somsipJustSighDudes: so your virtualenv won't be triggered within the cronjob05:52
somsipJustSighDudes: maybe /home/ubuntu/sms/bin/activate; /home/ubuntu/sms/bin/python...etc...05:53
JustSighDudessomsip: Tried that. I think I'll have to install an MTA *ugh*05:54
sonyHey guys, i'm having some trouble trying to get my Micromax 353G data card to work with ubuntu 13.04. It doesn't show up in the network manager, it is however detected as it's clearly listed in the output of lsub as " Bus 002 Device 008: ID 1c9e:9605 OMEGA TECHNOLOGY ". Also I get an error from usb_modeswitch when I run dmesg, it says " usb_modeswitch_[20716]: segfault at 8 ip 00007fab74d38c51 sp 00007fff86fa00c8 error 4 in libc-2.17.so[05:54
sony7fab74caf000+1be000] ". Can anyone help me fix this?05:54
somsipJustSighDudes: the MTA error is just beacuse it's trying to send you an email to say it's failed. Is that what you're trying to get - the error message?05:54
JustSighDudessomsip: Yeah. I found out how to do it now. 2>&105:55
JustSighDudesI've got so many tabs open. I've got like at least an hour's worth of trying stuff out now.05:56
somsipJ yeah - cron.sh >> cron.log 2>&1 (with the full paths)05:56
somsipJustSighDudes: ^^05:56
tozensony: wazzup?05:58
chenqsuiso many people here05:59
LarsNwhat's the name of the login manager Ubuntu is using these days?06:00
LarsNthey replaced gdm didn't they?06:00
tozenLarsN: Light DM06:00
LarsNthanks tozen06:01
testerRunning the latest ubuntu server and my network connection on kernel .26 and above connects to my wifi, but then just stops working.  Any pointers on where I should be looking to troubleshoot?06:01
tozenLarsN: no probs06:01
chenqsuiis there anyone use the elementary OS?06:02
LarsNtozen: knowing that helped me solve my xinitrc problem.  Thanks!06:02
tozenLarsN: nice! u r welcome06:03
LarsNtozen: mv .xinitrc .xprofile06:03
Ben64chenqsui: we only support ubuntu here06:03
tozenBen64: *buntu ;)06:04
Ben64tozen: not really06:04
tozenBen64: dont u want to say I'll not be able advised with xubuntu problems here?06:05
Ben64tozen: kubuntu xubuntu lubuntu are all ubuntu06:06
Ben64and now ubuntugnome06:07
tozenBen64:  that's what i mean telling *ubuntu, pal ;)06:07
Ben64tozen: * is a wildcard, implying we will help with anything ending in "buntu"06:08
chenqsuielementaryos is also the one of ubuntu06:08
Ben64like so06:08
Ben64chenqsui: we don't support that one06:08
chenqsuiOK i know06:09
tozenBen64: ok no probs any way06:09
Ben64there are so many derivatives now06:09
LarsNnow I just need to figure out the Rules & Tags in my config.h and I'll be all set.06:09
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deathyeI am experiencing a very strange problem. My indicators and global men "reset" everytime I close an application06:15
deathyethey crash06:16
deathyecan somebody help me?06:17
ra-fihi i try to enable vpn connection i follow http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-configure-ubuntu-fedora-linux-pptp-client.html but when i try to connect it shows http://pastebin.com/qSJiT8bY more than 2 days i have been strugling with this can you tell me hoc can i establish the connection06:18
phaidros_hi, it seems since 13.04 the detection of usb devices got stange for me (lsusb doesnt show devices, aka scanners which used to work since ages). any ideas what to do?06:18
phaidros_which modul is responsible for usb scanners?06:21
phaidros_lsmod shows a number of usb modules06:21
phaidros_ok, nvm, the usb cable just wasn't ..06:24
mydoghaswormsI have installed 13.04 and installed Skype from the deb at Skype.com. I do not see the Skype icon in the notification area though, even though it is running.06:25
bazhangmydoghasworms, why not install skype from partner repos06:26
bazhang!info skype partner | mydoghasworms06:27
ubottumydoghasworms: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)06:27
patrikubuntu touch06:31
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bazhang!touch | Guest4776906:32
ubottuGuest47769: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch06:32
bazhangGuest47769, /join #ubuntu-touch06:32
Guest47769found new method to install ubuntu phone in tablet06:33
michaelmoss986can i ask a question06:33
sonycan anyone please have a look at this: http://goo.gl/xoB3N06:33
bazhangsony, whats the support question06:34
michaelmoss986how do i uninstall the newest version of adobe for the last version06:35
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mydoghaswormsbazhang: Thanks, I will give it a try.06:35
bazhangmichaelmoss986, adobe what? flash? air? something other?06:35
silidanhi, is there a openvpn client gui for LUbuntu that can be used by unprivileged users (means no root rights/password) to connect to a vpn?06:36
bazhangmichaelmoss986, install the one from repos, why would you need another06:36
mydoghaswormsWhen reporting bugs in Launchpad, do I need to add anyone to look at it, or will someone eventually pick it up?06:36
michaelmoss986amazon instant video is not compatibabke06:36
michaelmoss986whats repos06:37
bazhangmydoghasworms, for something like you did, ie installing from outside the repos when a version exists in the repos, I am dubious that is a bug-worthy06:37
Guest47769how to install ubuntu in tablet06:37
bazhangGuest47769, #ubuntu-touch06:37
bazhang!touch | Guest4776906:38
ubottuGuest47769: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch06:38
Guest47769but there is no online guys06:38
bazhangGuest47769, there is a topic there.06:38
Guest47769ubuntu touch system requirements06:38
bazhangGuest47769, please Read the channel topic there, and the links. and be patient06:38
subthalamuswhere would be a good place to ask if there is something newer/better than http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd/files/Ext2fsd/0.51/ ?06:39
bazhang!flash | michaelmoss98606:39
ubottumichaelmoss986: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:39
subthalamus(access ext4 from winders)06:39
bazhangsubthalamus, isnt that a windows issue?06:40
subthalamusbazhang: I'll see if there is a windows channel, but they probably won't know diddly06:41
bazhangsubthalamus, there is, and they know a LOT06:41
bazhang##windows subthalamus06:41
subthalamusbazhang: yea, I got it thanks06:43
mydoghaswormsbazhang: No, this is for a different issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/117766906:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1177669 in unity (Ubuntu) "Integration with Virtualbox, switching windows is problematic" [Undecided,New]06:43
tabsterleirHey guys, can I ask a semi-complicated security question?06:43
subthalamusbazhang: ~500, no activity06:43
bazhangsubthalamus, it takes more than 30 seconds to get an answer.06:44
bazhangmydoghasworms, perhaps #vbox has a bug tracker to check as well06:44
mydoghaswormsbazhang: Thanks, I will check it out.06:45
mydoghaswormsbazhang: Thanks, I will check it out. Although I do suspect the problem is with Unity, not VirtualBox.06:45
silidanis there a good tutorial to get openvpn client working for nonprivileged users on ubuntu 12.04?06:45
Guest47769android unit06:45
bazhangGuest47769, yes.  #ubuntu-touch         https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch06:46
tabsterleirSo to get one of my Wine apps to run i've had to disable (enable?) ptrace Protection. I've done a bit of reading and it says its risky to have it set like that. I'm using my Linux book for fairly simple stuff, am I at much of a risk? How open am I leaving myself?06:46
Saberucan i run ubuntu on an openvz container inside centos?06:46
bazhangGuest47769, stop repeating. read the links. be patient in that channel06:46
Guest47769can you say the link to android in IRC06:46
bazhangtabsterleir, the particular apps support is in #winehq06:46
tabsterleirAlright, thanks06:47
bazhang!alis | Guest47769 have a search06:47
ubottuGuest47769 have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*06:47
Joanethi all. Does anyone know how to set full screen in remmina file?06:53
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xroHi, is there an empathy channel or someone who can use empathy with IRC?06:54
bazhangxro, probably not a channel, whats the issue06:55
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xrobazhang, i cannot login into freenode with empathy...06:57
xroso, are you able to?06:57
bazhangxro, can you use empathy to connect to any IRC network at all?06:57
Micahmiccan anyone access the following thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111728306:58
MicahmicFor me, it returns a forbidden error.06:59
bazhang!info account-plugin-irc | xro install this06:59
ubottuxro install this: account-plugin-irc (source: empathy): Messaging account plugin for IRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.4-0ubuntu4 (raring), package size 10 kB, installed size 941 kB06:59
xrobazhang, yes with a free nickname.... but not with a registred06:59
xrobazhang, i did07:00
tabsterleirMicahmic: Same07:00
bazhangxro, so set up a nick with it07:00
hacktus0Micahmic , what is your problem07:00
MicahmicOkay. I wasn't quite sure if it was an account issue or not tabsterleir. Thanks :)07:00
wilee-nileeMicahmic, YOU either have to be logged in or it is closed.07:00
Micahmichacktus0: this thread is broken: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111728307:01
Micahmicwilee-nilee: I am logged in07:01
xrobazhang, it is working for you?07:01
wilee-nileethreads get locked07:01
kenedaam i in ?07:02
kenedathe channel07:02
bazhang!test | keneda07:03
ubottukeneda: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )07:03
hacktus0Micahmic , what time ago are you register07:03
MicahmicToday. Does the thread load for you?07:03
hacktus0Micahmic , do you can go in url ?07:05
Micahmichacktus0, it gives me a permission denied error.07:05
MicahmicDoes it work for you hacktus0?07:06
hacktus0Micahmic , but i don't have login07:06
JoanetHi all. Does anyone know how to set full screen in remmina connection file, not using prefs?07:06
D3signnewbie here, should be an easy answer for you guys (tried a bit of google, but without much success) - got a mac laptop and want to create a bootable usb for a laptop running windows. I can only find mac for mac, pc for pc? anyone know of a wall through?07:09
hacktus0D3sign , do you  want install ubuntu on UR pc07:12
D3signhacktus0, yepp07:13
hacktus0OK on USB or DWD07:13
hacktus0or CD07:13
D3signit's an old old pc.. but thought id make it into just a media player - it doesnt have wifi/lan so have to go via my mac07:13
AxlinD3sign: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx07:15
D3sign@ Axlin already checked but isnt that for mac to mac..?07:16
psypher246hello all. I need some help please. I JUST instaled raring and selected the nvidia-313 drivers and now uity is broken completely. I can't remove the driver either with apt-get just giving errors. really don't want to have to reinstal and honetsly I shouldn't have to these days. ow can I forcefully remove a broken package completely if apt won;t let me??07:17
AxlinD3sign: Should work either way. If not, you can try a tool called UNetbootin, but I don't see why the above wouldn't work.07:18
tizbacpsypher246, try to find out why it does not work, surely it's because you have got wrong libs installed07:18
tizbacyou could try launching Xorg without any desktop environment and run glxgears07:18
psypher246all I did was use the software centre to instal nvidia 31307:19
psypher246I found that the newer kernels don;t like that driver07:19
psypher246so trying to remove it and I just get errors tat driver cannot be removed07:19
D3signAxlin: ok ill give it a shot - many thanks. Thought there would be an issue with the file formating if i did it on a mac for a windows computer..07:20
psypher246errors were encountered while processing nvidia-313-updates subv process /usr/bin/dpkg returned error code (1)07:20
tizbacpsypher246, you can overwrite it with the .run fron nvidia.com , but it is not recomended07:20
psypher246yeah i dont want that driver, I just want to remove this one07:20
psypher246so no-one knows how to foirefully remove a broken packeg with apt?07:21
psypher246so my only choice is to reinstall???07:24
psypher246is there anyone who can please help me forcefully remove a faulty nvidia drivers which apt will NOT remove07:27
bazhangpsypher246, pastebin the exact error07:32
bazhangpsypher246, you are dpkg -r filedriver.deb?07:33
__doc__I'd like to prevent usbhid from attaching to a given usb device per udev's rules.d, but the usual (ignore option, or pipe to detatch script) don't work. Any idea?07:37
bazhang__doc__, which device07:39
__doc__bazhang: oculus rift07:39
SR71XGood day , i have 2 questions. 1) if i want to install Ubuntu 12.10 beside another Linux OS will overwrite the swap files and the other Linux OS wont work ? 2) how to remove the Ubuntu from HDD if it wad installed next to another OS " windows, mac or Linux"?07:39
bazhangSR71X, delete the partition, its gone07:40
hacktus0SR71X, for uninstall OS from ubuntu you can use GParted07:41
SR71XI did that bazhang and the system wont boot07:42
bazhangSR71X, so fix grub07:42
bazhangSR71X, whats the other OS07:42
__doc__bazhang: I remember the rules.d stuff working before, but since 11 or so ubuntu seems to immediately reattach usbhid when its detatched and no other driver is attached. That makes userland drivers kind of difficult.07:43
hacktus0SR71X, but if for uninstall ubuntu you must do like this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToRemoveWindows ....07:44
__doc__bazhang: google chrome has its own userland usb device driver that can be scripted with JS :)07:44
bazhang__doc__, thats good to know; I have no clue about oculus rift, though; apologies07:45
psypher246bazhang: sorry I didn't see you response till now, I just said stuffit and reinstaled, pretty annoyed at it but I dn't have time to mess around. whihc is the best nvidia driver to instal now which will not break my system?07:46
bazhangpsypher246, nvidia-current seems to be it07:47
psypher246in the list of software centrere whihc is that?07:47
bazhang!info nvidia-current07:49
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.88-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 34 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)07:49
bazhangsudo apt-get install nvidia-current    <--------- psypher24607:49
DarsVaedaI want to add user foo to www-data, so I did "sudo usermod -a -G foo www-data" but was that the right way round?07:50
DarsVaedacause when I do groups foo, it is not it, but with groups www-data it is07:50
psypher246thanks but I need to know how to do it via the gui, stupid yes I know, but it's a pain point with me ubuntu is supposed ot be simple. there is a gi tool for it, if that tol does not work properly I will log a byug, so i would like to know whihc one in that list is the corect one to instal which is curent07:51
bazhangpsypher246, use the search function in software centre then07:52
bazhangpsypher246, start with 'nvidia'07:52
bazhangpsypher246, its gui, not 'gi'07:52
psypher246yes sorry typo07:53
psypher246yoiu not getting what i mean07:53
psypher246used to be the tool07:53
psypher246now it's in the osftware center07:53
psypher246under additional dirvers07:53
psypher246with mulitple nvidia drivers listed07:53
psypher246i activated 313 and it broek unity07:54
bazhang!info jockey-gtk | psypher24607:54
ubottupsypher246: jockey-gtk (source: jockey): transitional package for driver management GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-0ubuntu13 (raring), package size 3 kB, installed size 52 kB07:54
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bazhangpsypher246, use jockey-gtk if you want then07:54
Ben64i dunno, i find it easier to type a line into a terminal than clicking a bunch of stuff07:55
bazhangwell its what he wanted, so why not07:55
Ben64well jockey seems to break often07:55
bazhangas does sft ctr07:55
bazhangpsypher246, got it installed?07:56
psypher246ben6 I know it's easier, but explaning it to users is not, and why should they have to all this work gone into designing a gui tol to instal the toper driver, if it doesn;t work I log a bug07:56
psypher246bazhang: right now I still can't get the damn desktop to come back cos I used the same home folder and something is still broken07:57
psypher246WHYYY does unity --reset no onger work????07:57
bazhangpsypher246, thats getting a bit far from ubuntu support, more of a -offtopic discussion07:57
bazhangpsypher246, you got unity-tweak-tool installed?07:57
psypher246i have no desktop right now, just a background07:58
psypher246this is right after reinstal07:58
bazhangpsypher246, watch the language please07:58
psypher246bazhang: language ? i didnt swea07:58
bazhangpsypher246, so get into recovery mode, or install another shell and work from there07:59
Ben64unity seems to have that problem often, the blank screen. i still haven't seen a good solution for it07:59
bazhangI opted to drop to shell , then install unity-2d-launcher then get unity 2d going08:00
sjihsHi all, the ddebs repo has only linux-image-3.2.0-23-generic-pae-dbgsym. trying to install linux-image-3.2.0-37-generic-pae-dbgsym fails.08:00
bazhangsjihs, whats the "ddebs" repo08:00
Ben64bazhang: unity 2d exists in 13.04?08:01
sjihsbazhang: its the repo that contains the package debug information08:01
sjihsbazhang: http://sourceware.org/systemtap/wiki/SystemtapOnUbuntu08:01
psypher246yeah I am asking th same thing08:01
bazhang!info unity-2d08:01
ubottuunity-2d (source: unity): transitional dummy package. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.0daily13.04.18~13.04-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 98 kB08:01
bazhangBen64, ^08:01
raverhi.. can anyone help me figure out how to use mkisofs/genisoimage to write an iso file that actually preserves the filenames ?08:02
Ben64oh cool, i just opted for ubuntugnome instead...08:02
bazhanggnome-shell, yeah08:02
Ben64raver: what do you mean exactly?08:02
bazhangraver, help with the systax?08:02
bazhangraver, ie what the manpage says?08:03
raverall folders/file names get covnerted to uppercase, or fully lowercase08:03
ravertrouble is most files are camelcased08:03
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Ben64well iso9660 doesn't support as much as ext2/3/408:03
ravermy latest version is: sudo mkisofs -o V16.iso  -R -J -v -T . , but everything is uppercased08:03
raveryes, so I put the -R and -J as recommended by my googling :)08:04
psypher246ok got unity back now wit the reset commands08:04
psypher246so software centre has 5 dfferent drivers08:04
psypher246which one is nivida current?08:04
raver-l -allow-lowercase makes everything lowercase :/08:04
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man1/genisoimage.1.html   raver this one?08:04
psypher246310, 304, 313?08:05
bazhang!info nvidia-current | psypher24608:05
ubottupsypher246: nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.88-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 34 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)08:05
Ben64if you plan on doing gaming, you should do 310+08:06
psypher246ah ok08:06
CrazyNeed help with modifying a boot flash drive08:06
psypher246is that the new one after stam was released08:06
psypher246ok will try next, i just cliekc 30408:06
Crazycan any one here help me with adding to a boot disk08:08
psypher246thnaks guys gotta go. sorry but this stuff IRKS me to no end. Why that driver is an option even I don;t know. raring is so slick, it's finaly coming together but when  i struggle with sily stuff ike this it drives me mad. not enough testing being done08:08
bazhangpsypher246, so file some bugs.08:08
Ben64psypher246: theres always LTS versions for more stability08:08
bazhangpsypher246, ranting here will change Nothing08:08
bazhangCrazy, adding what08:09
CrazyCan anyone help me?08:09
Crazyjava and08:09
bazhangCrazy, this is a persistent usb?08:10
raverah fucking hell.... the iso was alright, isoinfo was displaying it poorly08:10
raverthanks guys :)08:10
bono Ben64 try 12.04 LTS with a thinkpad W500 (ATI graphics) --> bang .. one has to work hard to get around the ATI driver politics ...08:10
bazhangraver, no cursing please08:10
raveryes sorry08:10
Ben64bono: i haven't used ati since the radeon 9000 :)08:11
Crazyi dont know08:11
bazhangCrazy, persistent means its changes will be saved08:11
Crazyim going to install 10.04 64 bit on a few computers wheres theres no internet and there all the same08:12
bazhangCrazy, thats not the one to choose, thats end of life in a day or so08:12
bazhang!12.04 | Crazy08:13
ubottuCrazy: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120408:13
Crazywhat there going to be doing they need 10.04 cus the programs dont work right in new distrow08:13
iVitoWinXP end of life was 10 years ago but ppl still using it08:13
Ben64Support for Windows XP is ending on April 8, 201408:14
bazhangCrazy, well they will be vulnerable, and zero support from here or elsewhere08:14
Crazy12 just crashes hard and will ruin the graphics cards08:14
Ben6412.04 will not ruin cards08:14
bazhang!java | Crazy08:14
ubottuCrazy: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.08:14
Crazyther off line so no risk of haking08:14
bazhang!ati | Crazy08:15
ubottuCrazy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:15
Crazythere no internet were im installing08:15
bazhangCrazy, there's the info. goodlcuk08:15
Crazyi need this on the flash drive08:16
psypher246bazhang: I don't find LTS more stable at all, in fact unity is extremely unstable on LTS. And I do file many bugs. anyway thanks aagain08:16
bazhangCrazy, so install it08:16
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Crazythe graphics has to be in the boot disk or it will crash and i dont have time cus im leaving in 5 hours08:17
Crazythe last one i lost that was made for me08:17
Crazynever mind im leaving in 3 hours to a big ass county with no internet support minus phones08:19
bazhang!ot | Crazy08:20
ubottuCrazy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:20
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zambahow do i figure out which local process is initiating an outgoing tcp session?08:25
zambai see it when doing netstat -an | grep ESTABLISHED08:25
zambaso i know which local port it's using.. but i need to figure out which pid this is08:26
zambaah, got it08:26
jribzamba: lsof can do that08:26
zambanetstat -anp could also :)08:30
ANubanyone knows why I cant make ubuntuforums.org thread as solved.....?08:32
bittyx-workhi all, i'm having trouble installing some software with apt-get! i'm installing php5.4 from ppa:ondrej/php5, and it installs just fine (i've ran "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5" and "sudo apt-get update"), but when i try "sudo apt-get install php-imagick", it says "Unable to locate package php-imagick", even though it's listed here: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php5?field.series_f08:35
bittyx-workilter=precise (i'm using precise, so that shouldn't be the problem). am i doing something wrong?08:35
bittyx-workhere's the link again, since it got cut off: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php5?field.series_filter=precise08:36
bittyx-worknote that php5.4.14 installed correctly, so it means that the ppa should be working...08:36
histojrib: How would you use lsof to determine that?08:37
minus_hello, I have a lot of problems with 13.04 and python. When I try to upgrade something I get a lot of dpkg errors, that are saying that python3 is not configured yet, and a bunch of another errors08:39
histo!ppa | bittyx-work08:41
ubottubittyx-work: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge08:41
bittyx-workhisto: please re-read my question. i know what a PPA is. i'm trying to install some software from a PPA, but apt-get install says it's unable to locate the package. i've already added the PPA (add-apt-repository ...), updated (apt-get update), and installed another package from that PPA (namely, php5, which is the latest php5.4.14 version) - so the PPA is correctly setup and working08:42
bittyx-workhowever, the PPA lists php-imagick among the packages, but i can't install it08:42
lipsalut à tous j'aurais une petite question technique pour les jeux sur la 12.0408:43
bittyx-worki'm probably doing something wrong, but not sure what08:43
bazhangbittyx-work, link to the ppa please08:43
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somsip!fr | lip08:43
ubottulip: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:43
bazhanglip, enlgish here please #ubuntu-fr for french08:43
bittyx-worki've done "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5" and "sudo apt-get update", after which "sudo apt-get install php5" works (and indeed installs the php5.4.14 version from that PPA)08:43
lipall right08:43
bittyx-workbut "sudo apt-get install php-imagick" says "Unable to locate package php-imagick"08:44
histobittyx-work: please realize that ppa's aren't supported here.08:44
lipI can't launch any more games on my 12.04 install, any help would be much appreciated08:44
minus_hello, I have a lot of problems with 13.04 and python. When I try to upgrade something I get a lot of dpkg errors, that are saying that python3 is not configured yet, and a bunch of another errors08:44
histo!repeat | minus_08:44
ubottuminus_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:44
bazhangbittyx-work, try and tab complete it? apt-cache search term for it?08:45
bittyx-workhisto: yeah, that makes sense; i was wondering though whether i'm doing something wrong, or is there a problem with the PPA itself? i mean, since the PPA lists php-imagick among its packages, am i correct in expecting "sudo apt-get install php-imagick" to work?08:45
histobittyx-work: Is there a reason you are using the ppa in the first place?08:45
maksimwhen I am a root user, is there a difference between running "command" directly and running "sudo command" ?08:46
bittyx-workhisto: yes, because that PPA contains the latest php5.4 build (this is a very popular PPA)08:46
histobittyx-work: try installing php5-imagick08:46
wilee-nileebittyx-work, What is the ubuntu install, there is only lucid and precise php-imagick in that ppa08:46
bittyx-workbazhang: when i do "sudo apt-get install php5" and hit TAB a couple of times, i have "php5-imagick" listed08:46
histobittyx-work: what is the output of /etc/issue08:47
bittyx-workit's php5-imagick and not php-imagick... it works now08:47
histobittyx-work: cat /etc/issue08:47
bittyx-workbut the https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php5?field.series_filter=precise page lists php-imagick as the package name, not php5-imagick -.-08:47
bittyx-workbazhang: thanks, your tip helped08:47
bittyx-workhisto: yeah, just noticed you said the same thing, thanks!08:48
minus_please, help me08:48
bittyx-workjust for reference; is it a mistake on the PPA maintainer's part that the page i've linked lists "php-imagick" as the package name, and not "php5-imagick"?08:48
bazhangbittyx-work, perhaps contact them with that, nice spot08:51
bazhangminus with what08:51
bittyx-workbazhang: thanks.08:52
bazhangminus_, did you give us a pastebin of the exact errors yet? or just repeat from earlier08:52
minus_okay, I try to post them on pastebin, maybe with lynx because there is no firefox installed here08:53
ra-fihi i try to connect vpn server using pptp,when i start the connection it shows http://pastebin.ca/2376332 can you tell me what is that issues08:55
histominus_: can you install pastebinit and redirect the output to that to paste08:57
minus_bazhang, here is the paste tny.cz/dcb6a908:57
minus_histo, I tried it with lynx, hopefully it's ok08:58
histominus_: bad link08:58
minus_This is bad, histo, I redirected it to stdout, maybe you can read it09:01
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histominus_: run whatever command | pastebinit09:07
minus_histo, I can't install anything :D09:07
minus_is it ok when I send you the file09:07
histominus_: I'm not accepting any file from you09:08
minus_histo, it's just a text file09:08
histominus_: That's nice still not accepting it. Post it to the web.09:08
minus_I redirected the errors to stdout09:08
histominus_: paste.ubuntu.com09:09
minus_histo, I will try it with lynx09:09
=== erry_ is now known as erry
hacktus0__when i want shutdown my ubuntu 13.04 then it write : kernel      [failled]. And I must shutdown manualy (I push button for shutdown during 5 sec)09:11
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bazhanghacktus0__, a shutdown script?09:12
histohacktus0__: is there a question there?09:12
moolerI upgraded to Quantal on a Pentium M machine, still using the kernel from Precise. Is there any way to get that kernel updated through package management? Or will I have to always download and install it manually?09:13
jribmooler: umm, how did you upgrade exactly?09:13
bazhangmooler, you pinned a kernel from an earlier release?09:13
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hacktus0__bazhang histo look here http://paste.ubuntu.com/5644119/09:14
moolerbazhang: that is the kernel which remained during upgrade09:14
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:15
=== StephenS_ is now known as StephenS
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PastulioHey everybody, is the an irc channel where I can get some help with Ubuntu problems?09:15
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minus_i finally managed it09:15
somsip!ask | Pastulio09:15
ubottuPastulio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:15
PastulioThanks, haha09:15
PastulioI have a problem with my Ubuntu 13.04 install. I have installed the OS when my laptop (Lenovo T520) was inserted into a docking station. Now the internal NIC won't work, only the nic in the docking station. I had found a topic on google concerning a DELL laptop, but I don't have any propretary drivers installed (it's an intel chip)09:17
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PastulioI think I need to completely uninstall the Ethernet driver, but I don't know how as it is not installed via the hardware drivers menu09:18
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PastulioI have installed my Lenovo laptop while it was plugged into a docking station. Now the internal NIC of my laptop isn't working. There are no proprietary drivers in use. Doesn anybody know how I can completely reïnstall networking on ubuntu 13.04? Thanks in advance :)09:25
hacktus0__Pastulio , U can buy Usb internet09:26
usr13Pastulio: That's interesting.  Did you reboot?09:26
usr13Pastulio: In other words, have you rebooted after unplugging from the docking station?09:27
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Pastuliousr13: I have tried rebooting when not docked, it won't work. The nic is only working when the device is in the Lenovo docking station (it's not a USB dock). Furthermore, when I restart the networking service now, the GUI freezes completely09:27
usr13Pastulio: What does ifconfig show?09:28
Pastuliousr13: I've read that when installing ubuntu when docked, the driver makes wrong assumptions and this causes the problem, I don't know how to solv ethe problem however09:28
minus_Nobody, that has a clue what is wrong09:28
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=== alin|mobile is now known as alinmear
Pastuliousr13: it shows the interface, with the same mac address. The docking has a Ethernet port replicator (maintaining the same MAC and other settings when docked)09:29
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hacktus0__Pastulio , or you can rebout UR the internal NIC09:29
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Pastuliohacktus0__: How would I do this?09:29
hacktus0__Pastulio ,with : airmon-ng stop wlan009:30
hacktus0__Pastulio ,with : airmon-ng start wlan009:30
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hacktus0__Pastulio ,with : airmon-ng stop mon009:30
hacktus0__Pastulio ,with : airmon-ng start mon009:30
Pastuliohacktus0__: Just to clarify, this is an ethernet port, not wifi09:30
PastulioIt's an onboard Intel Ethernet09:30
PastulioSo it uses an open kenel driver (I assume)09:30
usr13Pastulio: And the ethernet port won't work now?09:31
hacktus0__Pastulio ,with : airmon-ng stop eth009:31
hacktus0__Pastulio ,with : airmon-ng start eth009:31
Pastuliousr13: nope, but as soon as I mount the device into the dock and connect it to the ethernet port in the dock it is working09:31
hacktus0__Pastulio ,eth0 is ethernet09:31
hacktus0__I think09:31
Pastuliocorrect, hacktus0__, but I doubt this will work. it appears to be a driver issue09:32
meteohi there, guys09:32
usr13Pastulio: I don't think it's a driver issue.09:32
hacktus0__Pastulio ,you can test maybe it's good09:33
usr13Pastulio: Did you try the "Additional Drivers" thing?09:33
hacktus0__Pastulio , what is UR computer09:34
usr13Pastulio: I agree for sure that you should have done the install without it plugged into the docking station, but it should be that hard to fix what you have now.09:34
PastulioStrange... it started working on itself and I did not change anything09:35
PastulioI did run "modprobe -r e1000e && modprobe e1000e" before I did a reboot09:35
PastulioI'm very confused.09:35
PastulioI'm going to try and reboot the machine to see if I can reproduce it09:35
Pastuliohacktus0__: Lenovo T52009:35
Pastuliousr13: Strange... when I plugin power to the laptop, the nic works09:35
usr13Pastulio: Ok, reboot and see.09:35
usr13That's interesting.09:36
Pastuliousr13: I just unplugged the power and the ethernet port stops working09:36
usr13tail -f /var/log/syslog    #And watch while you plug and unplug power09:36
minus_you are a bunch of faggots, who don't help anyone09:37
usr13I really don't know why the power cord would effec the ethernet port.  That's pretty strange.09:37
hacktus0__minus_ , what is UR problem09:38
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Pastuliousr13: http://pastebin.com/HdKedp0L09:41
Pastuliousr13: strange thing is, networking keeps working when I am already connected and plug out the power cable09:41
Pastuliobut when the power cable is plugged out and I open network manager, no wired connection is shown09:41
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l4rswers my dns entry?09:44
chenqsuihow to download gnome3 on windows09:44
usr13Pastulio: What did you install?  32bit or 64bit?09:45
l4rstried lukin under /etc/host09:45
Pastuliousr13: 6409:45
l4rsnothn in there , jst  a line nameserver
usr13Pastulio: fully updated?09:46
usr13reading  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/99093809:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990938 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 12.04 AMD64: [Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E220s] Hitting the Brightness Keys Causes the System to Hang" [Medium,Triaged]09:46
PastulioI haven't tried my NIC untill today, so I just found out this was happening09:46
usr13... but I dono if it is relevant.  It caught my attention because of the "unknown possible thermal alarm or keyboard event received" error.09:48
PastulioI'll take a look at it, thanks )09:50
l4rswer can i find dns entry? my /etc/hosts has jst nameserver localhost09:50
Pastuliousr13: I'm currently at work as a sysadmin and don't really have much time to look at it. Do you know of a quick fix to reinstall the built in network card driver?09:51
usr13Pastulio: "The Lenovo Thinkpad T520 laptop has been awarded the status of Certified for Ubuntu." from:  http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201102-7229/09:52
somsipl4rs: dig www.google.com will show what server is used to resolve the name09:52
usr13Pastulio: Probably reinstall will do it, but I dono.  Not sure why it would be that big of a problem ....09:53
usr13Interesting situation...09:53
usr13Pastulio: You might switch to LTS09:53
l4rssomsip: u wnna see its o/p?09:54
usr13Maybe even 32bit LTS09:54
Pastuliousr13: I like ubuntu 13.04, it's fast and suits my needs.09:54
usr13Pastulio: I think that's what I'd do.  23bit LTS09:54
Pastuliousr13: this machine is not that critical09:54
usr13Pastulio: Well, if you're like me, you just want it to work.  I don't want to mess around with my laptop, I just want it to work when I turn it on.09:55
Pastuliousr13: So far it has worked just fine for everything. I'm comming from ArchLinux, so this for me is a pretty good "out of the box experience"09:56
Pastuliousr13: This is the topic I ran into regarding the driver issues09:56
l4rssomsip: it say localhost09:57
Pastuliousr13: the only problem I have in trying this is that there is no driver listed in my hardware tab because it's an Intel chip, and I understand these are built into the kernel?09:57
l4rsi aint runnin no dns09:58
usr13Pastulio: Did you see any difference in the output of   ifconfig  when power cord is unplugged?09:58
usr13Pastulio: Yea, the intel vidoe is in the kernel I think, but you'll still see it in the output of lsmod09:59
l4rsmusta been wich i used in a dialog, jst wanna see if its using riht stuff09:59
Pastuliousr13: the ifconfig info remains completely the same10:01
SunDancerhello, after upgrading to 13.04 every time I start a VM with the VMware Player all networking stops working once the VM is booted. And only a restart get's everything working again10:01
usr13Pastulio: I would be interested to see if there is a difference in the output of lspci when plugged into the docking station.10:01
usr13Pastulio: I don't use a docking station, so I'm not an authority on problems like this.10:02
l4rswhy noone wanna reply my qury10:02
usr13SunDancer: All networking?  Or just on the VM?10:03
l4rsi been fiddin for hours now to get ths in shape10:03
usr13SunDancer: You might see if toggleing on or off bridged option will fix it.10:05
usr13SunDancer: (I can't remember what the alternative to "bridged" is, but....)10:05
Pastuliousr13: I understand, and that make me appreciate your help even more10:06
Pastuliousr13: here is the output of lspci10:06
l4rschck my dig www.google.com o/p , wanna knw my dns http://pastebin.com/vSXCzn9F10:07
SunDancerusr13 all networking. and I allready tried changing networkoptions10:08
usr13I see that IRQ goes back and forth between 20 and 4010:09
usr13Pastulio: I guess that's what's doing it.10:09
usr13Pastulio: That's the only difference I see.10:09
PastulioAny Idea how to solve this?10:10
Pastulioalso some flags are missing10:10
Pastuliowhen not plugged in10:10
l4rsusr13: u checked my page?10:10
Pastuliobusmaster and latency10:10
usr13Pastulio: but it says:  "Capabilities: <access denied>"  Was it working at any time during those tests?10:11
Pastuliousr13: didn't have the cable plugged in, and I ran lspci as a normal user. I can log in as sudo and run it again if you think that might help things10:11
usr13Pastulio: Oh, yea, I see.10:11
usr13Well, I see the differences, not sure exactly what to make of it.10:12
Pastulioshould I post this somewhere?10:12
usr13Pastulio: May just need to restart the network each time.10:13
tux-is-aliveWhat about ubuntu phone r there some releases10:13
usr13Pastulio: You know,  service networking restart   ?10:13
Pastuliousr13: yes, I have tried it. caused my entire system to freeze10:13
Pastuliousr13: will try it again now, but I might reconnect10:14
l4rsnoone here wanna tke a new case. i ask for my query. but all wanna talk bout same old ppl10:14
usr13Pastulio: Really.... that's interesting.10:14
l4rsnvm i find on my own10:14
usr13Pastulio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1005349   (I don't know if it is relevant at all but....)10:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1005349 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Lenovo T520 Docking Station w/ External Monitor Crashes" [Undecided,Fix released]10:17
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usr13(I'll be away from terminal for a while....)10:19
gryWei_: hi10:23
pr0nhello can anyone help me make a kernel module which automatically says hello on start up10:25
pr0ntell me the things i shall require to learn to build this up.. i am a noob10:26
chenqsuii am a rookie10:28
WeThePeopleheadphones not working in 12.04.2 x64, im on a asus laptop. any ideas10:32
ExcryptionHello everyone10:35
ExcryptionI installed 13.04 (fresh install) on my Dell laptop which has Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon HD 7730M. I'm currently using the iGPU. Whenever I reboot, it takes about 2 minutes. Sometimes it hangs on the Ubuntu screen and I have to cold boot. Any ideas please?10:36
BoredomKillsExcryption: while you're booting, try pressing IIRC ctrl+alt+F710:38
JustSighDudesWhat's the story with the nginx vulnerability? How do I know if the version ubuntu has is vulnerable?10:38
BoredomKillsExcryption: it should show you the verbose boot up which will allow you see what might be causing that crash10:38
BoredomKillsJustSighDudes: Check the version and compare with the version that is vulnerable10:38
ExcryptionCTRL-ALT-F7, got it. Will do thank you10:39
BoredomKillsJustSighDudes: If you're concerned, the best way is to just get the source from the official website and compile it yourself10:39
ExcryptionWhen once the verbose boot is up, what do I do please?10:39
BoredomKillsJustSighDudes: that will ensure that you have the latest version without the said vulnerability10:39
BoredomKillsExcryption: ermmm, take note of the last line that is causing your system to wait.10:39
ExcryptionWill do. I'll be right back, thank you very much. :-)10:40
BoredomKillsExcryption: There are some process that might be causing crashes or errors that is causing your boot to be slower than usual. Once we find out what that is, we can try to eliminate it10:40
BoredomKillsoops, he's gone...10:40
lkthomashey guys, on one of the ppa, raring release is missing, can I use another dist to install on raring ?10:42
BoredomKillslkthomas: I wouldn't reccomend that10:43
k1l_lkthomas: ask the maintainer from that PPA to make a raring .deb10:43
BoredomKillslkthomas: or just get the source and compile it yourself10:44
lkthomaswhere is the source ?!10:44
lkthomasit have different patches for distro specific deb10:45
BoredomKillslkthomas: https://code.launchpad.net/~semiosis/ubuntu/precise/glusterfs/fix-for-87664810:45
silidanhi, is openvpn in ubuntu 13.04 build with --enable-iproute2 ?10:45
X-tonicHi, I am planning to buy a new system with SSD nand HDD. I plan to install ubuntu on this disk. What filesystem is recommended? an conventional ext4, btrfs or a nand based F2FS-like system to minimize read-writes?10:45
BoredomKillslkthomas: although looking at the logs, it might be better to just ask the dev to make it for raring10:46
pr0nhow to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu?10:47
BoredomKillspr0n: there are two ways, one by downloading the file from nvidia, and one from the ubuntu repo10:47
BoredomKillspr0n: the one from nvidia is sometimes better whilst the one from Ubuntu is community supported and  will not break stuff when you upgrade/update10:48
BoredomKillspr0n: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia#NVIDIA_drivers_provided_by_the_Ubuntu_repositories10:49
lkthomas I am going to build from source then10:49
BoredomKillslkthomas: Good Luck10:50
lkthomasit's well documented :)10:50
ExcryptionAfter going into Verbose boot it says - "2.93787] unable to umerate USB device on port 310:50
BoredomKillsExcryption: do you have anything attached to your USB port?10:50
pr0nBoredomKills: thnx10:51
ExcryptionMy external hard drive, and laptop fan usb10:51
ExcryptionAlso my laptop trackpad has stopped working.10:51
BoredomKillsExcryption: Try booting up your computer without any of those attached and see if that does anything10:52
BoredomKillsExcryption: I'm guessing that the external HDD is pretty big? That might be causing your computer to scan the HDD before booting to Ubuntu, causing the long boot time10:52
ruslan_osmanovHi. It's silent there on #ubuntuone. So I'm asking heree. Is the tomboy notes' sync service is down? Temporarily?10:52
ExcryptionOkay will try that now, back in a sec10:53
ExcryptionIt's 1TB10:53
ExcryptionThe drive in my laptop is a solid state though. Let me reboot again10:53
makaradevelopment questions?10:55
BoredomKillsExcryption: how was it?10:57
ExcryptionIt failed10:57
BoredomKillsit didn't boot any faster?10:57
ExcryptionHanged at a screen with lots off text10:58
ExcryptionI had to cold boot10:58
ExcryptionIt went into tty110:58
BoredomKillsyou did not install Ubuntu into your External HDD di you?10:58
ExcryptionOkay I'm back to desktop10:58
ExcryptionNo I didn't10:59
BoredomKillsmily: hi10:59
ExcryptionI did choose lvm during installation10:59
ExcryptionMaybe that's why?10:59
OnkeltemIs there an aleternative to Dia on Linux? I would even buy a commercial software, only to not use this piece of Dia10:59
BoredomKillsExcryption: lvm... remind me, what did that stand for again...?10:59
ExcryptionSomething for easier partition11:00
BoredomKillsOnkeltem: try some online alternatives?11:00
ExcryptionLogical volume management11:00
BoredomKillsExcryption: I've never used it so I don't actually know. but I wouldn't think that that have to do with anything...11:00
ExcryptionAhh okay11:00
OnkeltemBoredomKills: I need SADT/IDEF0 modeling. In past I used BPwin, and PowerDesigner's modeling tool11:00
BoredomKillsExcryption: although it's weird that BOOT will fail just because you dis-connected your fan and Ext HDD...11:01
OnkeltemNow in Dia I can't even connect to activities with input/output arrow lol11:01
ExcryptionI disabled swap is that bad11:01
BoredomKillsOnkeltem: ok... that's pro tools I'm guessing? I am way out of my line then...sorry11:01
BoredomKillsExcryption: ermm... generally it is bad, unless you have a really large RAM11:02
ExcryptionI have 12gb11:02
BoredomKillsI heard the general rule was to have Swap twice the size of your RAM...11:02
ExcryptionI'll enable it11:03
BoredomKillsExcryption: Sorry, I really have no clue why you are having so much trouble11:03
BoredomKillsExcryption: I'm not really an expert, but as your last option, if you give up, a re-install sometime helps11:03
ExcryptionIt's not your fault, thank you for the help though :)11:04
BoredomKillsExcryption: np, sorry I couldn't help you much though11:04
ExcryptionI installed it on my other laptop and that one won't boot at all lol11:04
ExcryptionIt just hangs at purple screen11:05
BoredomKillsExcryption: ok... that's really weird... did you format the whole HDD?11:05
ExcryptionYup all of it11:05
BoredomKillswell, one option is to try 12.1011:05
ExcryptionYeah that worked fine for me11:05
ExcryptionBut I really like 13.0411:06
BoredomKillsyeah well.. new software is always buggy11:06
BoredomKillsno matter how many tests have been done on it11:06
MonkeyDusttry reporting a !bug11:06
BoredomKillsExcryption: and doing what MonkeyDust says will help a lot of people11:07
ExcryptionVery true. I made the big jump from Windows to Ubuntu yesterday11:07
ExcryptionI sent a report11:07
BoredomKillsI've used OSX, Windows and Ubuntu, and all of them have bugs11:07
BoredomKillsesp OSX11:07
ExcryptionOkay enabled swap, rebooting11:08
ExcryptionNever tried OSX11:08
BoredomKillsit's really nice if you try it on a mac.11:08
Twenty-threehi guys, i just bought a couple of USB drives (3.0) to make bootable thumb drives for bot windows 7 and ubuntu, however, it seems that windows doesn't support USB 3.0 for such application. Does this apply to ubuntu too? is there a way to find out?11:08
BoredomKillsTwenty-three: best way is to try it and report back ;)11:09
BoredomKillsBraden`: Hi11:09
ExcryptionI was wondering if Ubuntu supports usb 3.0 out of the box11:09
Twenty-threeboredomkills, haha11:09
Twenty-threei guess i'll just do it then11:09
BoredomKillsTwenty-three: make a post on reddit or something if you succeed11:10
BoredomKillsTwenty-three: so people (and me) will know11:10
BoredomKillsok, I need to leave. Time to go home. Thanx guys! See ya~!11:10
Braden`I have Ubuntu 12.10.x, and I am trying to upgrade to 13; however, when I do:  do-release-upgrade, it tells me that there are no new releases; however, I have it set correctly ("normal") in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.  How do I fix this?11:10
ExcryptionThank you11:10
ExcryptionTake care11:10
Twenty-threebye BoredomKills11:11
BoredomKillsBraden`: although upgrading is good, if you don't have too much stuff, a clean install is always better. Just FYI11:11
Braden`Anyone else?11:11
ExcryptionHmm I guess I will clean install again11:11
ExcryptionKeeps booting into tty111:11
Braden`I have Ubuntu 12.10.x, and I am trying to upgrade to 13; however, when I do:  do-release-upgrade, it tells me that there are no new releases; however, I have it set correctly ("normal") in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.  How do I fix this?11:15
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friendoflinuxDoes anyone know if the drivers for Intel GMA 3600 are good and if it will be able to support Hardware acceleration?11:15
MonkeyDustBraden`  it's do-release-upgrade11:17
ruslan_osmanovwhat's up with the ubuntu one notes? the service is not availabe? Will it work at all?11:18
MonkeyDustBraden`  oh, misread, you did that, apologies11:18
friendoflinuxBraden`: you can also use the update manager gui and in options set to notify you for releases (not just LTS) and it will. then you can do-release-upgrade11:19
Myrttiruslan_osmanov: the support was phased out some time ago IIRC11:19
Braden`friendoflinux:  Is there a way to do it from the command line?11:19
friendoflinuxBraden`: probably, but im too lazy to look it up and GUI is safer11:20
friendoflinuxBraden`: why can't you use GUI?11:20
ruslan_osmanovMyrtti, I heard they dropped support of the web interface , but syncronization worked for some time . So the syncronization won't work either?11:20
MonkeyDustBraden`  fresh install is the cleanest way - backup first11:20
Braden`friendoflinux:  No gui installed11:21
Braden`friendoflinux:  Its for my server11:21
MonkeyDustBraden`  tip: there's also #ubuntu-server11:21
Myrttiruslan_osmanov: yup, it won't. There was an announcment for it - newer tomboys apparently have support for some alternative service11:21
Braden`Ok, I will try there as well11:22
Myrtti(I personally went for Evernote)11:22
Twenty-threehey guys, is this good enough http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ or am i better off doing it from ubuntu?11:23
awaythe "release notes" in the topic points to 12.10 still11:23
friendoflinuxBraden`: does your last line read Prompt=normal from /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades?11:23
BluesKajHello folks11:24
JustSighDudesTheLordOfTime: ping11:25
friendoflinuxBraden`: maybe try this? sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release11:26
bhaveshTwenty-three, its good enough.11:26
Twenty-threebhavesh: thanks11:26
ExcryptionThird time doing a fresh install of Ubuntu11:27
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MonkeyDustExcryption  did you md5 check the iso? something may be wrng with it11:28
Braden`"No new release found"11:28
friendoflinuxBraden`: sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade tried this?11:28
Braden`I have all the latest11:29
ExcryptionHow do I delete all partition when installing Ubuntu please11:29
ExcryptionI see no option for this11:29
friendoflinuxBraden`: in /etc/apt/source.list11:29
doomlordanyone know how ubuntu unity 13.04  is with nvidia GT640 - 12.04 for me gl drivers worked for apps, but not unity11:29
BluesKajBraden`, what's your release ?11:30
doomlord(so i used gnome fallback or xfce)11:30
awayExcryption, it's in the installer11:30
away"erase disk" or something similar11:30
ExcryptionI'm using the something else option11:30
MonkeyDust!md5 | Excryption11:30
ubottuExcryption: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:30
friendoflinuxBraden`: does it say anywherer "Quantal", try substituting that with Raring"11:30
friendoflinuxBluesKaj: his release is 12.1011:31
friendoflinuxBraden`: also what happens when: sudo update-manager -d11:32
ExcryptionBoth laptops use Ubuntu and both are not working11:32
MonkeyDustExcryption  used the same iso on both laptops?11:32
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ExcryptionThe DVD I burned was verified11:32
BluesKajBraden`, check if update-manager is installed, if so run , sudo update-manager -d11:32
ExcryptionShould I burn a new one?11:33
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Braden`I have another issue I need to solve first11:33
MonkeyDustExcryption  md5 check it, before burning, or use a usb stick11:33
Braden`I will be right back11:33
Twenty-threeif i upgrade from 12.04 to 13.03, is it adviceable to upgrade the bootable usb drive i'm creating too?11:33
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ExcryptionDon't have a usb with me right now. Well this is a lot of trouble just to install an os11:34
Twenty-threeok, i finished creating that bootable usb drive with a USB 3.0 drive, i'll test it right now, i'll come back to tell you results in a short while11:37
Twenty-threewish me luck11:37
bonoTwenty-three: gl11:37
MonkeyDustExcryption  it's not normal, that it's so much trouble11:37
shapeExcryption: can you state your problem again? I just got here11:38
ExcryptionWell I downloaded the 13.04 I SO.  I burned it to a DVD, I installed it on my laptop, using the erase option. Then it would hang when booting or rebooting.11:39
ExcryptionJust like that, I have installed it on 2 laptops and both hang.11:40
shapeExcryption: is this your first time installing?11:41
Braden`The do-release-upgrade --devel-release did the trick11:41
Braden`Thank you11:41
shapeBraden`: nice! :)11:41
ExcryptionNo I have used 12.10 before and everything worked11:41
makarawhat channel to discuss Ubuntu development?11:41
bhaveshmakara, ubuntu-devel11:41
shapeExcryption: does grub load? you might have forgotten to put it on the right drive.11:42
makarabhavesh, thansk11:42
ExcryptionYes it does. It takes a long time though11:42
shapeExcryption: so from grub, when you launch ubuntu then it hangs?11:42
ExcryptionNot from grub. It's a full installation so no dual boot. It just boots and hangs at the Ubuntu screen with the dot dot dot loading11:43
ExcryptionIt takes about one minute to go to the login screen11:44
shapeExcryption: so it does start up11:44
shapeExcryption: it's all a matter of taking to long then11:45
ExcryptionI installed it on a solid state drive11:45
makarabhavesh, am I even barking up the right tree? Isn't it more like GTK or Gnome development?11:45
Twenty-threei'm back :D11:45
ExcryptionNot just talking long. When I reboot it just hangs and never shuts down to restart11:46
ExcryptionI have to cold boot it every time11:46
Twenty-threeit works great, it loaded so fast that it didn't feel like it was loading from a removable drive11:46
shapeExcryption: hmm yeah that's odd, did you check out the md5 on the DVD?11:47
leocloudAre there a python expert11:47
makaraleocloud, #python11:47
ExcryptionNote yet I'm installing Windows on my other laptop11:47
bhaveshmakara, well #ubuntu-app-devel is the right place to discuss ubuntu application development.11:47
leocloudwho is learning python11:48
Twenty-threeif anyone sees boredomkills please let him know that usb 3.0 worked great11:48
ExcryptionWill do11:48
ExcryptionThere's great news11:48
Twenty-threethanks for your time guys, see you later11:48
=== branant_ is now known as branant
ExcryptionTake care11:49
shapeExcryption: definitely do that, if what you're saying happened on BOTH laptops it's probably because of the installation medium.11:49
Felishiahelp... I need a good linux distro very much ubuntu like but with persistence11:49
shapeExcryption: md5 checks might sound pesky but it's easy to do and a must when it comes to your operating system11:49
shapeFelishia: what does that even mean?11:50
Felishialike I can install programs via apt-get and when booting again they will be there...11:50
ExcryptionI always install operating systems this way and this is the first time having this issue. I read of others having the same problem sure11:50
Felishiaalso I just need the terminal11:50
ExcryptionI will do a check one it's installed11:50
FelishiaI don't even need a desktop11:50
FelishiaI was thinking about lubuntu, that's the one I use... buuuuut when I reboot a live version it just deletes all my changes11:51
shapeFelishia: And why do you think Ubuntu can't do that? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD11:51
ExcryptionThey all seem to have two gpus like me11:51
shapeExcryption: in the WORST case, install the LTS and see if it does the same11:52
Felishiathe minimalCD just does installation11:52
Felishiaor does it run live?11:52
shapeFelishia: maybe i misunderstood your question, so what do you mean by persistence?11:53
FelishiaI mean I do not have a hard drive11:53
Felishiain that computer11:53
Felishiaso I'd like to use the pen drive as a hard drive itself11:53
Felishiaand allow it to save changes11:53
FelishiaI know puppy does it11:53
ExcryptionI will burn another one just to be sure11:53
Felishiabut puppy is not as effective as ubuntu11:53
MarceFesome one can help me? I try run stratum server on my litecoin pool, with i have this error: "***** Is service_repository missing? Add service_repository module to your python path!" I don't have idea what i doing! :S11:54
makaraHi. In Nautilus, is there a setting to get the status to become a bar. At the moment it always obscures the last file in the list.11:54
JustSighDudesHow do I know which repository a .deb is in? universe/multiverse etc11:54
shapeFelishia: so you just want to run a good linux distro on a pen drive11:55
shapeFelishia: correct?11:55
Felishiayes because I just want to run one program that runs from terminal11:55
Felishiabut I need to save what it does11:55
heikoocan I prevent the automatic installation of certain packages? (from here to eternity)11:55
BluesKajJustSighDudes, dfo you mean a  .deb package?11:55
shapeFelishia: so why not use the Ubuntu Minimal install and install kernel + whatever you need on the pen drive, and then boot from the pen drive?11:56
JustSighDudesBluesKaj: Yeah.11:56
JustSighDudesBluesKaj: e.g is apt-get install haproxy installing from main or universe of multiverse11:56
Felishiabecause I can't boot it live11:56
FelishiaI tried minimal version11:56
Felishiaand I can't run them live11:56
Felishiaalso they do not have that capacity to save my changes11:57
ExcryptionWhat are the chances of a burn DVD being bad? Burned at 4x and verified11:57
JustSighDudesExcryption: Very low at this day and age but still possible.11:57
ExcryptionAhh okay, thank you11:57
JustSighDudesAlso check the md5 of what you downloaded to make sure it wasn't a problem downloading it.11:58
leocloudwho is a expert11:58
ExcryptionWill do :)11:58
leocloudteach me11:58
leocloudyou must be  expert in cryption11:59
cfhowlettleocloud, this isnt the teaching channel.  please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic11:59
FelishiaI'm an idiot11:59
Felishiathe program itself has a live with persistence11:59
leocloudoha,  I  see11:59
Felishiaand works as needed12:00
Felishiaty shape12:00
Felishiabye bye12:00
leocloudbut ,I really need some help12:00
shapeFelishia: cheers!12:00
ExcryptionTake care shape12:00
shapeExcryption: you leaving?12:00
ExcryptionNo I though you were12:01
ExcryptionOh nevermind hehe12:01
shapeExcryption: no I was saying buy to the previous person who got the problem fixed12:01
leocloudyou just kiding12:01
ExcryptionAfter using Windows for eight years, I'm moving to Ubuntu permanently12:01
shapeExcryption: to answer the DVD question it's not the chances of burning it bad, but also the chances of having a bad iso. so you can burn a bad iso really good, it wont matter.12:01
shapeExcryption: happened to me many times.12:02
tizbacExcryption, i have a faulty dvd burner that fails at some point to write properly a disc, and i've seen that many many times, to avoid wasting DVDs , buy an RW one and try12:02
ExcryptionOh I see thank you for explaining12:02
leocloudI'm learinging python ,but I have no idea how to program12:02
ExcryptionI will do12:02
tizbacif it fails very frequently it's bad drive12:02
shapeExcryption: first, md5 the iso, it only takes 1 minute. Then not to waste DVDs use a USB to do the install. Should be quicker too.12:03
leocloudExcryption  : you're talking to me12:03
tizbacalso, avoid using optical media, today is far more expensive than HDDs , and even flash depending on usage12:03
ubottuleocloud,: python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python12:03
ExcryptionYeah need to switch to usb12:04
tizbacExcryption, you can get an external enclosure for like 10-15  € and an hdd from an old machine for free , and it is fine to do OS installs12:04
ExcryptionI have one actually12:05
Excryption320gb with enclosure that I don't use12:05
leocloudyeah, Although I have download many books about python ,I can program something12:05
leocloudI' m not in english country ,not major in computer science,and have no experience in program ,so I  felt very dificult12:08
ubottuleocloud,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:08
leocloudwhat ?12:08
leocloudwhat you say?/12:08
Braden`leocloud:  该通道是为Ubuntu的支持。你需要编程的聊天室.12:09
cfhowlettleocloud, python programming is not the purpose of this channel.  Please continue the conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic or in #python.  Thank you.12:09
ExcryptionWhere can I find the md 5 for 13.04 please12:10
Braden`leocloud:  请加入 #python12:10
shapeExcryption: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes12:10
leocloudBranden you are a clever person12:10
ExcryptionThank you12:11
leocloudoh,you are funny12:11
Braden`leocloud:  你是什么意思?12:12
ExcryptionIt matches12:12
WeThePeople headphones not working in 12.04.2 x64, im on a asus laptop. any ideas12:12
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shapeExcryption: so now just make a bootable USB instead of burning. Install again, if it does the same try with 12.04 LTS. Because LTS is stable stuff, and odd problems like that can happen when you running the bleeding edge.12:13
shapeExcryption: unless you find a fix for it in the forums, askubuntu, etc.12:13
ExcryptionOkay I will use the enclosure hdd12:14
pankajI have a bad PPPoe connection problem12:14
ubuntuaddictedanyone familiar with how to get an xbox 360 controller working in Precise?12:14
pankajI have a bad PPPoE connection problem12:14
heikoocan I prevent the automatic installation of certain packages?12:14
leocloudExcryption ,are you still there?12:20
heikoocan I prevent the absence of answers in #ubuntu?12:21
heikooyou're not helpful12:21
ubuntuaddictedi am trying to use xboxdrv to get my xbox 360 controller to work with XBMC, is anyone familiar with xboxdrv?12:22
MarceFesome one can help me? I try run stratum server on my litecoin pool, with i have this error: "***** Is service_repository missing? Add service_repository module to your python path!" I don't have idea what i doing! :S12:22
bazhang!pinning | heikoo12:26
ubottuheikoo: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto12:26
MarceFesomeone did? implement stratum protocol with pushpoold and bitcoind ?12:32
matematikaadithello, i've problem with automounting12:32
MonkeyDustmatematikaadit  throw it in the channel12:33
matematikaaditmy modem was automounted and it always bugged me12:33
matematikaaditi want to prevent automounting but just for that specific device.12:34
matematikaadithow does i do it?12:34
matematikaaditi've search about udev, but i can't understand what should i do.12:34
shapeExcryption: how far are you in?12:39
ExcryptionIt won't boot the hdd12:39
shapeExcryption: Just use a USB man12:40
shapeExcryption: I don't get why you had to go through all that with an external12:40
ExcryptionI don't have one12:40
ExcryptionJust external and internal d drives12:41
shapeExcryption: why doesn't it boot, bios issue?12:41
ExcryptionNope I'll burn a new DVD12:42
hacktus0Excryption : do U want install ubuntu12:42
shapeExcryption: I think you can check the md5 with the burnt dvd and see if it's teh same12:43
cfhowlettshape, also you can "check disk for errors" upon booting it12:43
ExcryptionAhh okay I will do that first12:43
ExcryptionYes I do12:44
hacktus0Excryption : do you burn CD without Nero etc...12:44
ExcryptionI use poweriso12:45
ExcryptionBeen using it for years12:45
hacktus0Excryption : what is your OS now????12:46
ExcryptionWindow 7 and no os on my main laptop12:46
ExcryptionUsing my Secondary for more12:47
hacktus0Excryption : look this :12:47
chenqisui'm installing ubuntu 13.04  now , it's running so slow12:47
MonkeyDustchenqisu  it'll be faster after installation12:47
lindoli'm tring to login on vsftp but, i saw 'Login incorrect'12:48
shapeExcryption: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/CDIntegrityCheck?action=show&redirect=CDIntegrityCheck12:48
hacktus0Excryption : http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/burn-a-dvd-on-windows12:48
shapeExcryption: make sure it was bad before you burn a new one, and even then I guess burn it anyway. In the worst case burn a 12.04 like I said and see if 12.04 does the same. LTS releases are always solid.12:48
shapeExcryption: I'm off now, good luck!12:49
ExcryptionThen you very much12:49
ExcryptionTake care :)12:49
shapeExcryption: Np, cheers!12:49
=== kohvihoo1 is now known as kohvihoor
ExcryptionOkay burning a new one. Verified md5 before burning12:51
ExcryptionBurning at the lowest speed just in case12:51
cfhowlettserdar, greetings12:51
JustSighDudesExcryption: I would install from USB12:52
ExcryptionI don't have one here with me12:53
ExcryptionIn have a copy of 12.10 which works just fine12:53
hacktus0JustSighDudes : do U want install ubuntu12:54
ExcryptionBurn successful, verifying12:55
ExcryptionLet's try this again lol12:56
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ExcryptionSo far so good12:57
ExcryptionLoaded, I need help when it comes to the partition please13:00
JustSighDudesI have a package that's available in two repos. How can I specify where I want to install it from?13:00
MalsasaI need help in wget. I wanna download a file from http://www1.datafilehost.com/get.php?file=12db399d. What is proper wget command? I have tried many but all fail. One of my command was wget -c -U "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/" -H -O gimp.alldeb http://www1.datafilehost.com/get.php?file=12db399d.13:00
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jribMalsasa: did you visit the datafilehost link you pasted?13:02
ExcryptionShould I just select erase disk and install out use something else13:02
Malsasajrib: yes, but that final link I have copied from Chromium when downloading. So it is the final link.13:02
jribMalsasa: from your link: "Accessing directly the download link doesn't work. The download only starts if you click from the download page."13:03
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Malsasajrib: so is it impossible for wget to get?13:03
jribMalsasa: you can wget that link; you'll get the page with the message about "accessing directly the download..."13:04
Malsasajrib: and the actual file will never be downloaded?13:04
jribMalsasa: I don't know what that means13:04
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ExcryptionWell installing again. Used erase disk and install.13:05
Malsasajrib: but thank you so much :)13:05
hacktus0tachyons , what is UR problem13:10
zykotick9JustSighDudes: your statement scares me a bit.  but check out the -t option for apt-get/aptitude13:10
JustSighDudeszykotick9: Why is that scary?13:11
hacktus0tachyons , what is UR problem13:11
zykotick9JustSighDudes: depends.  but generally you should only have one binary option to install.  sounds like this might be a frankendebian system, or on it's way to one.13:12
JustSighDudeszykotick9: I would say it's on it'13:12
JustSighDudesits way*13:13
hacktus0tachyons , what is UR problem13:13
tachyonsSorry posted in wrong channel13:13
zykotick9JustSighDudes: SORRY, wrong channel for answer!  MY BAD.13:13
MonkeyDusthacktus0  your, not UR, please13:13
JustSighDudesMonkeyDust: y13:14
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.13:14
hacktus0MonkeyDust : OK ill say your13:14
JustSighDudesHa. There's even a ubottu command for that.13:14
starbuck hello, could someone tell me where to install themes for empathy?13:16
hacktus0MonkeyDust : WHY ???????.....13:16
ExcryptionInstalled a fresh copy of Ubuntu. It boots and there's a blinking dash. But in head the sound of it being in the login screen. In just can't see it13:17
ExcryptionI heard*13:17
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ExcryptionEven though it's black with a blinking icon I can log in. Any ideas how to fix this please13:18
sacrificetofreei wanna know which code editor has automatic completion13:18
WXZI get an ubuntu is running in low graphics mode error, then it says it'll restart and I get a blank screen.13:18
adamkExcryption: Login at the console and check the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.13:18
ExcryptionHow please13:18
tntDoes anyone know if the ubuntu kernel patches are available somewhere as a patch stack/list rather than 1 giant diff ?13:20
diverdudewhy do i have to execute the command "synclient TouchpadOff=1" 40-50 times (random how many times) before it takes effect?13:20
ExcryptionSteve second time it boots just fine and really far like it should be13:22
MonkeyDusttnt  ask in #ubuntu-kernel13:22
tntMonkeyDust: thanks13:23
iDrofoxhello, i am getting a system program error ?13:25
ubottuiDrofox,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:25
iDrofoxwhenever i start my ubuntu 13.04 i got a dialog saying "System program problem detected" with two options "cancel" and "report problems" ??13:26
genteorhi guys! cannot enable bluetooth on ubuntu 12.04...it seems like a bug...what should  I do?13:27
adamkExcryption: control+alt+f1 should drop you to a console where you can login.13:27
ExcryptionI checked md 5, burned a new iso. I installed it, first reboot I got a black screen. I turned it off manually, turned it back on it boots just fine . Now I'm updating it. A lot of people are having this black screen issue.13:28
Xen1first you can baidu.com13:28
iDrofoxthe error is releated to "speech-dispatcher" package13:29
amanthakurhi guys,13:29
MonkeyDustiDrofox  http://ubuntuguide.net/disable-apport-error-reporting-in-ubuntu-12-1013:29
cfhowlettamanthakur, greetings13:29
cfhowlettExcryption, it's a well known bug.  luckily nomodeset usually fixes it13:30
amanthakurI have installed Ubuntu 13.04 after installing windows 8 on the HDD but my ubuntu is not booting. My system directly starts the Windows 8.13:30
iDrofoxMonkeyDust: Thanks!13:30
WXZI get an ubuntu is running in low graphics mode error, then it says it'll restart in low graphics and I get a blank screen.13:31
hacktus0it's normal U must install w8 after ubuntu,amanthakur13:31
X-tonicHi, I am planning to buy a new system with SSD nand HDD. I plan to install ubuntu on this disk. What filesystem is recommended? an conventional ext4, btrfs or a nand based F2FS-like system to minimize read-writes?13:32
aneksgreetings all13:32
ExcryptionHow do is do the nomideset fix please13:32
amanthakurhacktus0, can't i boot windows 8 from GRUB??13:32
mouseWXZ, In my experience that's usually an issue with the graphics driver.  Have you made any recent hardware or software changes related to your graphics card?13:32
ExcryptionHow do I do*13:32
aneksamanthakur, the HDD where you have Windows 8 and Ubuntu installed, is that the only HDD you have?13:32
chenqisuupdate your grub13:33
WXZmouse: maybe updates13:33
amanthakuraneks, yes13:33
hacktus0OK because U delete w813:33
mouseWXZ, What graphics card are you using?13:33
hacktus0OK because U delete w8 , amanthakur13:33
amanthakurWXZ, lol ubuntu is not booting how do i update grub :D13:33
aneksamanthakur, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair13:33
mouseamanthakur, sudo upate-grub13:33
ExcryptionOooh I updated and it rebooted just fine no issues.13:33
MonkeyDustExcryption  did you make it?13:34
WXZmouse: it's actually a virtual machine, so I don't know, on my host it's a radeon hd545013:34
ExcryptionHow do I apply the nomodeset fix please?13:34
amanthakuraneks, i installed Ubuntu after installing W8 so it shoiuld have updated it automatically. I don't think i manually need to update it13:34
chenqisumy ubuntu cannot install any software from softwawre center, who can help me13:34
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | Excryption13:34
ubottuExcryption: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:34
aneksamanthakur, for some reason grub didn't install properly, running boot-repair should fix it13:35
MonkeyDustchenqisu  what happens whe you try?13:35
amanthakuraneks, ah ok so shall i try with the ubuntu USB stick??13:35
amanthakuri mean the live session13:35
aneksamanthakur, that's correct13:35
amanthakuraneks, hmm ok i'll try that today13:35
amanthakuraneks, thanks13:36
mouseWXZ, Virtual machines use simulated hardware.  It's probably just an issue with one of your settings.13:36
aneksamanthakur, no problems13:36
pauldunn_Hi all, whats the best way to find out what is creating mysql backups on a server?  In the home folder hourly/daily/weekly/monthly backups are happening13:36
pauldunn_but I have no idea what is creating them13:36
ExcryptionThank you very much.13:37
chenqisuMonkeyDust, it says wait your apt-get stop, i restart my computer, it's works now, thanks13:37
X-tonicpauldunn_, you should check a list of your cron jobs13:37
WXZmouse: hmm,ok, I'll recheck13:37
X-tonicpauldunn_, you should check a list of your cron jobs13:37
MonkeyDustpauldunn_  look in /etc/cron.daily/ /etc/cron.hourly/ etc13:37
X-tonicsry for that13:37
pauldunn_ok thanks looking now13:38
mouseWXZ, Can you boot other virtual hds or isos with your virtual machine?13:38
pauldunn_hmm there is a backup every 30min as well13:38
pauldunn_ /etc/cron.daily$ ls13:39
pauldunn_apache2  apt  aptitude  bsdmainutils  exim4-base  logrotate  man-db  standard  sysklogd  sysstat13:39
pauldunn_what am I looking for exactly13:39
hacktus0HELP PLZ Where is "internet deamon" ???????????????????????????????????????13:40
hacktus0in ubuntu 13.0413:40
hacktus0HELP PLZ Where is "internet deamon" ???????????????????????????????????????13:40
X-tonichacktus0, service networkmanager13:40
hacktus0what is it , X-tonic13:41
X-tonichacktus0, network-manager is the daemon13:41
hacktus0OK, and where is it13:41
X-tonicin /etc/init.d . there is no other internet daemon13:41
hacktus0I teste X-tonic13:42
pauldunn_should I be editing /etc/cron.daily/ with a text editor to see the cron jobs or?13:42
X-tonicpauldunn_, you must see if any of the scripts in that folder is doing a sql backup13:42
pauldunn_what is man-db?13:43
WXZmouse: yes, several13:43
X-tonicdatabase for manuals of commands13:43
pauldunn_apache2  apt  aptitude  bsdmainutils  exim4-base  logrotate  man-db  standard  sysklogd  sysstat13:43
WXZmouse: I have two lucids and two windows, just my precise pangolin isn't working13:43
pauldunn_are those just standard13:43
pauldunn_or do any look like backup stuff to you13:43
hacktus0X-tonic , After where I go plzz13:43
X-tonichacktus0, you could start the daemon using > sudo service network-manager restart13:44
X-tonicpauldunn_, no,  doesnt seem like13:44
pauldunn_so there is 30min/hourly/daily/weekly/monthly13:45
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pauldunn_is there another other crontab files taht could be doing this13:45
hacktus0OK, Thanksssssss Very much I looking for 2 weeks ago, X-tonic13:45
mouseWXZ, Hmm that's unusual.  Is it giving this error when you boot from the iso or a fresh install on the virtual hd or is it giving this error after you updated the virtual hd?13:46
anekshacktus0 I'm sure if you had googled it, you'd have found an answer in two weeks :)13:46
b00b00say i hhave dir with lots of dirs in, and i want to delete *.del files only... how can i do it? "find" can work recursivly on dir with suvs?13:47
Picib00b00: find /path/ -name "*.del" -delete    (replace -delete with -print for testing)13:48
Picib00b00: you may want to use -type f as well, fi you have directories that match *.del13:49
cfhowlettcpined, greetings13:49
MonkeyDustpauldunn_  I don't have the answer, but maybe this link is useful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto13:49
cpinedFirst time here...13:49
cpinedHopefully I can articulate my problem13:50
X-toniccpined, welcome! :)13:50
cpinedthanks!, after upgrading to 13.04, all flash video shows up with a green/pink tint13:50
chenqisuithe empathy cannot add irc in ubuntu 13.04?13:51
adamkcpined: Using the nvidia proprietary driver?13:51
cfhowlettcpined, driver issue13:51
adamkcpined: Disable video acceleration in flash.13:51
MonkeyDustcpined  may be related to hardware accelleration13:52
cpinedtried disabling acceleration, did not work13:52
MonkeyDustadamk  was faster :)13:52
cpinedIf at boot time I select the previous kernal, than everything is good.13:52
cpinedI don't know which driver I am using.13:53
MonkeyDustcpined  type uname -r in a terminal, the latest is -13:53
MonkeyDustis -1913:53
cpineduname -r = 3.8.0-19-generic13:54
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cpined3.5.0.27 is fine, only happens with 3.8.0-19-generic13:55
b00b00thanks guys13:55
anekscpined, if you're not sure which driver you're using then I'm guessing it's still the nouveau driver.13:55
cpinedare different drivers used between 3.8.0-19 and 3.5.0-27?13:56
cpinedfor video?13:56
MonkeyDustcpined  what's the outcome of lsb_release -sd ?13:57
cpinedUbuntu 13.0413:58
usr13!video | cpined13:58
ubottucpined: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:58
cpinedI am using XUbuntu btw13:58
threex5hi, i 'upgraded' to 64 bit and now my os won't boot13:59
usr13cpined: To find out what video driver you are using you can do  grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:00
usr13cpined: What is the output of   ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf   ?14:00
threex5i backed up a list of installed packages, then installed from disk, no problem. then i updated, no problem. then i restored my packages from the list and now I can't boot14:00
usr13threex5: Do you have only one kernel?14:02
cpinedIt seems I don't have a file named xorg.conf14:02
threex5usr13, thanks for the reply. it looks like there are a lot of old kernels in grub14:02
usr13threex5: You did a fresh new install?14:02
usr13threex5: Try an older kernel.14:02
cpinedI have a Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipset: i81014:03
threex5usr13 sort of. it was a fresh install but i preserved my /home partition14:03
threex5usr13 how do i install an older kernel from recovery mode?14:03
threex5thats the only way i can get into the system without a live cd14:04
usr13threex5: Recovery mode?  I thought you said it won't boot.  ???14:04
threex5it will boot into grub, and from there i can select recovery mode. i can't boot normally14:04
usr13threex5: mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak14:05
threex5usr13, mv: cannot stat '/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory14:06
usr13threex5: What happens when you try to boot normally?  (Do you get some sort of error?)14:06
usr13threex5: If so, tell us the error msg.14:07
threex5usr13, it goes into the boot screen, then the screen goes black.14:07
threex5no error message14:09
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acovrigI have a few proprietary drivers listed, which should I use: nvidia-310,nvidia-313-updates,nvidia-304,nvidia-310-updates,nvidia-304-updates14:12
acovrigI am currently using nvidia-313-updates and it is hot (75+C) and kills my battery (1/3 time)14:12
threex5usr13, thanks for your help but i need to log off14:13
eradicorI gots a problem. Some sort of screen/power saving system kicks in ... randomly really. Even though i have disabled any  power saving system i've managed to find.  Screen goes blank but wakes up on mousemove or keypress (just like normal power save)14:14
victormHello everyone14:15
cpinedThanks everyone, I'll check back later...14:15
victormI have the dreadfull rtl8188cle wi-fi driver14:15
victormcard **14:16
spartanFelixHallo folks14:16
victormI tried to find some answers in askubuntu, but I'm not sure if they work with 13.0414:16
victorminternet connection is intermitent14:17
spartanFelixexists a way to obtain better performance from Ralink Wifi devices based on RT3070?14:18
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BluesKajspartanFelix,  what's your issue ..."better performance" doesn't tell us much14:21
savioHi all14:22
X-tonichi, how do I update my bios fom ubuntu?14:22
cfhowlettX-tonic, depends.  if it's dell, there's a linux flash tool14:23
BluesKajX-tonic, uefi ?14:23
MonkeyDustvictorm  internet or wifi?14:23
X-tonicnot uefi, an 3-4 year old acer14:23
X-tonicthe manufacturer's website has flash execuables for windows/dos14:24
williangX-tonic: install a windows14:24
williangX-tonic: lol14:25
samtihenDid anyone loose the all the panels/bars from Unity after an apt-get update in the last few days? I noticed an update to lightdm?14:28
samtihenThis is regarding 12.10.14:28
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williangsamtihen: reinstall unity14:30
samtihenok, thanks!14:30
victormMonkeyDust: wi-fi14:31
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch14:32
MonkeyDust!wifi | victorm start here14:32
ubottuvictorm start here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:32
tino_ tar xvzf buduscript_3786_xxx.tar.gz -C $HOME/.xchat214:33
tino_* buddie49 (~buddie49@c50-26-123-217.amrlcmtk02.tx.dh.suddenlink.net) è entrato in #ubuntu14:34
tino_* buddie49 è uscito (Client Quit)14:34
tino_* Gamblerz (Gamblerz@chuck.norris.panics.with.panicbnc.co.uk) è entrato in #ubuntu14:34
tino_* sepplmaster (~Maximilia@unaffiliated/sepplmaster) è entrato in #ubuntu14:34
tino_* sepplmaster (~Maximilia@unaffiliated/sepplmaster) ha abbandonato #ubuntu14:34
FloodBot1tino_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:34
FloodBot3tino_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:34
MonkeyDust!it | tino_14:34
ubottutino_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:34
DeepfriediceHey all, really quick question about htop:  --   Is there a way to make htop only display command names and not the entire path of processes?14:34
spartanFelixBluesKaj: duh, the performance are very bad in terms of throughput, and this in spite of signal strenght that is 4/5. Instead a wifi dongle based on atheros chip at same place than Ralink one has strenght 3/5 but throughput near double.14:35
MonkeyDustDeepfriedice  man htop14:35
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spartanFelixBluesKaj: i think this may be caused by driver14:36
BluesKajspartanFelix, that's odd , atheros usually outperforms ralink IME14:37
sacrificetofreeword completion of gedit completed14:37
sacrificetofreei feel gedit if perfect for new guy like me14:37
DeepfriediceMonkeyDust: Read it, I don't see anything that seems to address this.14:37
sepplmasterhey channel, i am trying to boot my ubuntu 12.04 x64 (have been working on it for 2 years now) and it shows me the following error "nonetype object has no attribute endswith" and i can't do anything, except pressing ctrl+alt+del and reboot. does anyone know this or can help me solving it?14:37
spartanFelixi don't know this before now, but in windows the ralink has very highperformance. Fuckin windows driver. How to know devices that ships ath controller?14:38
Naeblishey guys. Need a little help. Thumbnail previews aren't working in Ubuntu, and as soon as I open a directory which has stuff that might have thumbnails, CPU usage goes up.14:38
eradicorAny one know why i am getting powersaving (screen goes black but wakes up on mouse or keyb input) even though i've turned of all the powersaving option i could find.  Also it seems to randomly time it.14:39
eradicorThis really bugs me... i dont want any powersaving on.14:39
BluesKajeradicor, if your powersaving is turned off then it will turn your screen off by default after 5 mins or so , set you power saving to whatevernumber of mins you want, to prevent the default setting14:41
eradicorBluesKaj .. Err.. Really?14:41
eradicorSeems like .. stupid stupid system.14:42
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sifu_hey folks...i upadated to 13.04 and my tray and the navigation bar has vanished after restarting14:43
williangoh my god, the apt-get's download is so slow..  24.9MB needs more than 1 hour...14:43
sepplmasteri have also googled for it, tried the failsafeX mode, but nothing helps14:43
wikywilliang, i think you should change a download server14:44
cfhowlettwilliammanda, localize your mirror ...14:45
williangwiky: thanks14:46
acovrigpowertop shows 100% usage for my GPU, can I turn it down?14:46
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Deepfriediceacovrig: does powertop show a powersaveing mode for that GPU?14:48
tino_ciao a tutti14:49
tino_EXEC wget http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript/buduscript_3786_2/808.tar.gz && tar xvzf buduscript_3786_2808.tar.gz -C $HOME/.xchat2 && rm -vf buduscript_3786_2808.tar.gz && cd $HOME/.xchat2/buduscript && ./install.sh14:49
ubottutino_,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:49
tino_ooo e c'ha ruttt o cazz14:50
oskar-hi all, when I try to login at a Ubuntu 13.04 machine (upgraded from 12.10), this happens very slow and I repeatedly get the message in syslog: "PolicyKit call failed: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken."14:51
MonkeyDustoskar-  a remote login?14:52
usr13oskar-: Does it have a network connection to internet?14:52
iBelieveHow can I figure out what package installed a certain package?14:52
PiciiBelieve: dpkg -S /path/to/file14:53
acovrigDeepfriedice, where would that be?14:53
acovrigDeepfriedice, do you think switching drivers would help?14:53
ubottutino_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:53
oskar-MonkeyDust, locally login via kdm14:54
oskar-usr13, yes14:54
iBelievePici, I'm not looking at a file, I mean how to I find the package that installed another package (not a file) as a dependency. Basically, I need to find what installed qt5.14:55
williangubuntu 13.04 has experienced an internal error. how to fix it14:55
MonkeyDustwilliang  depends on the error14:55
usr13oskar-:  sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade14:55
francesco_INTERUam I in?14:56
oskar-usr13, that has been done, everything is up to date14:57
corehookhow i can in real time monitor file creation/deleteing in system ?14:57
Deepfriediceacovrig: try the last tab in powertop14:57
corehooklike filemon on windows14:57
MonkeyDustcorehook  try watch14:58
corehookinotifywait -r  -m $HOME14:59
usr13oskar-: sudo dpkg-reconfigure policykit15:00
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acovrigDeepfriedice, Runtime PM for PCI Device NVIDIA Corporation... is that it (under Tunables)?15:01
MonkeyDustcorehook  try watch [that command]15:01
D3signi think i just killed my laptop installing ubuntu? everything wroked well, and installed ubuntu.. got to the login screen and after loging in, i only got  a blank background. After trying to solve it by booting to recovery mode and trying to check with anything was wrong? my entire laptop now is completely black screen and i cant even get to the BIOS? any suggestions/help?15:01
usr13oskar-: Have you rebooted since updates were done?15:02
usr13!nomodeset | D3sign15:02
ubottuD3sign: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:02
oskar-usr13, yes, several times. i am currently checking the effect of "dpkg-reconfigure policykit-1"15:02
Deepfriediceacovrig: Yep, thats it.15:02
genteorhey guys!cannot activate bluetooth in ubuntu 12.04...hcitool show no devices..Is there any fix to this problem?15:03
D3signchees usr13 - checking now15:03
usr13oskar-: You can just dissable policykit15:03
naterd00dwhat are some great terminal applications for ubuntu15:03
usr13oskar-: Are you using Unity?15:03
Deepfriedicenaterd00d: nethack15:03
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usr13naterd00d: gnome-terminal  ?15:04
usr13oskar-: Are you using xfce?  (What Desktop Environment are you using?)15:04
Deepfriedicenaterd00d: seriously, though: whatever your DE comes with is as good as anything else.15:05
raijinso not true15:06
raijinat all.15:06
D3signusr13, read through but it doesnt tell me what to do in order to get the boot screen.. i turn on the comp it is all black. How dod i write code if i cant see anything?15:06
raijinbut, that being said, gnome-terminal is the best thing about gnome15:06
awakecodingI'm using ubuntu 12.10 on this computer, and I've been updating the same installation since 10.10 I think15:07
D3signusr13, im suddenly not getting a splash screen, bios etc? the screen is just permanently black when booting.. and all was well a minute ago15:07
awakecodingfor some reason themes disappeared this week and it now looks really ugly15:07
naterd00dDeepfriedice: nethack is a good idea...any games that are slower paced? that i can mess around with at work haha15:08
awakecodinggot any idea how I can restore the default system theme?15:08
MonkeyDust!themes | awakecoding15:08
ubottuawakecoding: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:08
usr13D3sign: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313215:08
awakecodingalso, the keyboard layout switcher widget is gone15:09
awakecodingvery annoying, how do I restore it?15:09
D3signusr13, already read it.. doesnt tell me how though15:09
Deepfriedicenaterd00d: How exactly can something be slower paced than nethack?15:09
usr13D3sign: "15:10
D3signusr13, it assumes i see the grub menu, bios etc? my screen is completely black on reboot? it all worked a minute ago15:10
usr13D3sign: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 Scroll down to where it says:15:10
usr13How to temporarily set kernel boot options on an installed OS (not wubi)"15:10
usr13D3sign: Oh, you don't see grub screen?15:11
D3signusr13, nope everything got wiped?  for some odd reason15:11
usr13D3sign: You may need to hold down Esc key as it boots.  (I think it's Escape Key....)15:11
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jayseeI was wondering, There are a couple programs that I would like to start in the background (mainly virtual machines) when my laptop is plugged in, and then paused when the laptop is unplugged/suspended/hibernated. Is it possible to run scripts that react to these power configuration changes?15:11
D3signusr13, trying15:11
wilee-nileeshift for grub 215:12
oskar-usr13, the dpkg-reconfigure has somehow improved the situation, graphical login is now possible with unity, but kde login is still very slow and the messages appear again.15:12
usr13D3sign: Try   Shift Key15:12
D3signusr13, both shift and esc do not work15:12
usr13oskar-: I dono, maybe dissable policykit15:12
usr13oskar-: You prolly don't use it anyway....15:13
dahu57hello. Would like to know how to get gpu acceleration to watch videos (flash) on my netbook (nvidia ion). I am using xubuntu 13.04. thks15:13
dahu57would appreciate help15:13
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:13
acovrigDeepfriedice, I don't think it supports a power saving mode, nvidia-settings says that I'm at 405MHz, and 61C http://paste.ubuntu.com/5644914/ is my xorg.conf, it seems to be ignoring the Coolbits as well...15:14
oskar-usr13, how do i disable policykit?15:15
naterd00danybody know of a good terminal mud client around?15:15
usr13D3sign: Try c15:15
Deepfriedicedahu57: I'm not sure thats currently possible, but if someone knows something I don't I'm all ears.15:16
D3signusr13, neither works - any other idea?15:16
joerh99ubuntu -cn15:16
Deepfriediceacovrig: Um, I don't think xorg.conf is the normal way to do things anymore...15:16
joerh99join <ubuntu-ch>15:16
usr13oskar-: http://askubuntu.com/questions/48424/how-to-either-configure-or-completely-remove-policykit15:17
D3signusr13,  nope didnt work15:17
joerh99How to go to Ubuntu IRC in Chinese15:17
usr13D3sign: Boot the LiveCD and edit the grub menu.15:17
acovrigDeepfriedice, is there any way to underclock my GPU (Nvidia 650M Mac) then?15:17
ExcryptionOkay I'm close to getting this right. But I see no login screen just the sound. In enter my password and it does my desktop like normal. Any idea how to get back the login screen please?15:17
DeepfriediceWhat driver & OS are you on?15:18
somsip!zh | joerh9915:18
ubottujoerh99: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:18
jrrtype-is-search in the default file manager is obnoxious15:19
joerh99thank you15:19
UltimaKRHi can anybody help me with a quick question?15:19
jrrUltimaKR: IRC rule #1 don't ask to ask - just ask15:19
dahu57Deepfriedice hmm... well I hope somebody can help15:19
* acovrig seconds jrr's type-is-search15:19
Deepfriediceacovrig: What driver & OS are you on?15:19
D3signusr13, windows cd? or ubuntu cd? - tried booting with it in.. still get a black screen15:20
jrracovrig: know a way to change it?15:20
usr13D3sign: You can't boot to Recovery mode?15:20
usr13D3sign: It's dual boot?15:20
acovrigUbuntu 13.04, nvidia-313-updates15:20
UltimaKROk thanks...Somebody just gave me a hard drive to use with a computer that I want lubuntu on.  I just plugged it into my Win7 PC and I need to format it, but what format do I choose?15:20
comeputergeek96(/join #ubuntu-offtopic15:21
Deepfriedicedahu57: Yeah. If your trying to play youtube videos though - disable flash plugin in Firefox and sign up for the html5 test. I'm fairly sure that IS accelerated.15:21
ExcryptionChoose ntfs15:21
acovrigjrr, no, but would be interested if someone did...15:21
ExcryptionWhen you install Linux it well change it15:21
yeatsUltimaKR: leave it unformatted15:21
ExcryptionTo ext415:21
ExcryptionOur that15:21
D3signusr13, i cant boot to anything? i get a black screen. I deleted the windows partition thinking the linux would work.. which it did.. then i tried to check the packages in safe mode.. and all sh** hit the fan.. now when i reboot the screen is completely black.. i dont get a single line of code or line of text or bios or grub screen15:21
usr13D3sign: What happens when you try to boot the LiveCD?15:22
jayseeI was wondering, There are a couple programs that I would like to start in the background (mainly virtual machines) when my laptop is plugged in, and then paused when the laptop is unplugged/suspended/hibernated. Is it possible to run scripts that react to these power configuration changes?15:22
Deepfriediceacovrig: Sorry, I don't really know much about the Nvidia drivers.15:22
comeputergeek96uh listen to me15:22
UltimaKRYeats: I tried that but when I went to run the lubuntu disk it gave me some sort of error about partitions.  I think this drive has been used before so it already has a format to it.15:22
comeputergeek96i cant make wifi work on xubuntu15:22
D3signusr13, i cant see anything.. so i dont know whether im booting it or not15:22
comeputergeek96on my hp mini 110-310015:22
usr13D3sign: What do you mean, you "tried to check the packages in safe mode"?   What exactly did you do?15:23
ExcryptionDelete the drive and leave it as unallocated15:23
acovrigDeepfriedice, yea, most the guides I find are ~4yr old, and I'm not making it easy on myself: dualbooting OSX and ubuntu13 on a MacBookPro (so my intel graphics are disabled on boot (efi))...15:23
ExcryptionThen run your Linux and install15:23
usr13D3sign: What is your hardware?  Is it a laptop or desktop PC?  Tell me what it is, (make and model).15:23
yeatsUltimaKR: well formatting it from within Windows will not help you15:24
D3signusr13, advanced ubuntu boot.. went into recovery mode as one forum suggested.. then i decided to check the 'packages' (cant remember the exact wording).. then it started running the process.. and in the middle of it it turned the screen completely black15:24
Deepfriediceacovrig: does this help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee ?15:24
D3signusr13, old old fujitsu15:24
UltimaKRYeats: should I try to use a program to make it the RAW format? Or is there something else you would suggest?15:24
D3signusr13, fmv  biblo NB55G/T15:24
yeatsUltimaKR: you might try using gparted from the liveCD to remove the partitions that are already there15:25
chsadosi want to install linux as a 2nd os and i have a few questions 1. can i use truecrypt on linux 2. which version of linux do you suggest? l am not all that knowledgable with linux other than basic commands and i would like a nice looking GUI - ubuntu seems to fit me best.  any other suggestions to take a look at?15:26
moppersjaysee you can script that, by reading the battery state with `upower`15:26
UltimaKRYeats: Ok, I will try that.  I'm not sure it has partitions but the error code plus the fact that a 160 GB drive is showing 31.4 GB makes that seem likely.15:26
wilee-nileechsados, Ubuntu has encryption you can set, truecrypt run in ubuntu, and this is ubuntu support.15:27
acovrigDeepfriedice, I'll try it, ttfn15:27
chsadosty wilee-nilee15:27
ArchBeOSHey Guys, I am having the oddest issue with Banshee. All of the media players that I tried can play MP3s and MP4s but not banshee. This happened after I upgraded to Xubuntu 13.04. Can anyone help me figure out why?15:27
usr13D3sign: What instructions were you following?  Can you show us?  (What was the original problem you were trying to solve?15:27
lmatI'm trying to install ant with the oracle (hotspot?) jdk. When I sudo apt-get install ant, it tells me that it's going to get openjdk-7...15:28
gebbionehi guys i cant seem to figure out how to mount a cd drive15:28
lmatI say no, then curse, then read some more. Anyone have some advice?15:28
UltimaKRYeats: Does the lubuntu disk have gparted on it?15:28
lmatI have a jdk installed (using update-alternatives, etc.) that I would like ant to use.15:28
lmatSo I just want to install ant, and say ant-optional or whatever without other dependencies.15:28
spartanFelixwhy ubuntu hasn't the stability of windows? I can't understand this.15:29
D3signusr13, let me see if i can find the urls - closed the windows15:29
wilee-nileespartanFelix, Does here.15:29
yeatsUltimaKR: it should, but if it doesn't you can 'sudo apt-get install gparted' from within the livecd environment15:29
dustinspringmanspartanFelix: You're doing it wront15:29
aneksno issues here15:29
ArchBeOSforget it. i just opened up banshee and it worked15:29
ArchBeOSim out15:29
dustinspringmanspartanFelix: my ubuntu is mountains more reliable and stable than windoze15:29
=== caboose885 is now known as CabooseTheSane
yeatsspartanFelix: if you want to get specific about an issue you're having, someone may be able to help15:30
spartanFelix;) i know ...it'a little flame15:30
spartanFelixi'm joking15:30
BluesKajgebbione, sudo mount -t /dev/cdrom15:30
GneaspartanFelix: windows has stability these days, but requires much more resources to accomplish this15:30
spartanFelixi'm on kub's linux now15:30
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spartanFelixGnea: windows has stability because the driver it has are bult for it and in it.15:31
spartanFelixWindows way of software is dangerous15:32
GneaspartanFelix: well, there's more to it than that, but it's a topic of discussion best saved for #ubuntu-offtopic15:32
usr13D3sign: You don't get anything on the monitor at all?  Is that correct?  (I'm thinking now that it may be a hardware issue.)15:32
UltimaKRYeats: I don't think it has gparted in it.  The computer that is getting Lubuntu does not work well yet (which is why I want this light linux instead of XP), so I will just plug the drive into this PC and download the gparted iso file.15:32
D3signusr13, yepp nothing at all15:33
D3signusr13, but it was working a minute ago..15:33
usr13D3sign:  If you have a VGA port, try plugging in an external monitor.15:33
D3signusr13, and all it did was checking the installation15:33
gebbioneBluesKaj: would that mount it on /media/cdrom ?15:33
usr13D3sign: You mean SEVERAL minutes ago.15:33
D3signusr13 ok give me a sec15:33
gebbionei dont think it worked15:33
ExcryptionHello, my Dell laptop with 13.04 boots just fine except it doesn't show the login screen. I does to get the login screen because it makes the startup sound, I enter my password once I hear it and it shows me desktop. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5644751/ - Any idea how to get it to show please and thank you15:33
=== CabooseTheSane is now known as caboose885
yeatsUltimaKR: that works too15:34
usr13D3sign: I still want to see the instructions you were following when this happened, so... if you can find it let me know.15:34
UltimaKRYeats: thanks for your help! I may be back later if I have any other issues during the installation.15:35
BluesKajgebbione, no it should notify in the panel if there's media in the drive15:36
usr13D3sign: Wait... something is not adding up here.... if all you get is "completely black screen", how is it that you were able to "delete the windows partition"?15:37
willianguse ubuntu 13.04 my laptop is hotter than use elementary os15:37
gebbioneBluesKaj: i get unable to open /var/lib/sudo/adminuser/tty1: Read-only file system ....15:37
williangthe touchpad is so hot15:37
wilee-nileeExcryption, Have you Installed graphic drivers or checked additional drivers, details are neded.15:37
ExcryptionNo I have not15:37
=== brad` is now known as brad
wilee-nileeExcryption, check additional drivers15:38
ExcryptionThis device is using recommended drivers it says15:38
ExcryptionBut I need to install drivers from AMD15:38
wilee-nileeExcryption, Have you changed the theme, what is the history leading to this?15:38
BluesKajgebbione, try this :  mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom15:39
ExcryptionI've just been installing the usual programs and stuff. I haven't changed themes or anything15:39
adamkExcryption: Have you tried a different display manager (gdm instead of lightdm, for example) to see if the problem exists for all of them?15:39
ExcryptionAs soon as I installed it, it would give me a black screen with a blinking icon, I used boot repair which seems to have fixed it halfway.15:39
wilee-nileeExcryption, Drivers from manufacturers generally don't follow kernel updates/upgrades and can be problematic, unless that is the omly option.15:40
ExcryptionHow can I try gdm please?15:40
adamkExcryption: sudo apt-get install gdm15:41
ExcryptionNow it reboots and boots just fine. But it doesn't show me the login screeen, just a blinking underscore, but I can still type in my password once it makes the login screen sound then it shows my desktop15:41
adamkExcryption: It will install gdm and ask you which display manager to use.15:41
ExcryptionInstalling :-)15:41
williangExcryption: reinstall with USB device15:42
gebbioneBluesKaj: i get mount point /mnt/cdrom does not exist15:42
wilee-nileewilliang, How is that going to matter?15:42
D3signusr13, just tested with vga didnt work? i managed to install everything and partition the drive and do a fresh install of ubuntu.. i managed to boot all went fine.. i managed to set it up and get to the login screen.. i logged in and i got only the blank background.. i googled this trying to find a solution. I followed an instruction saying that i need to go into advanced ubuntu boot mode and go into recovery.. from there i selected a menu item that was h15:42
D3signalf way down of some 8 items. It was something along the lines of checking all packages (or files etc..) i clicked ok when asked whether i wanted to.. the program ran and half way through the screen went completely black. I tried to reboot and the reboot continued the black screen. I dont get any line of code, bios etc.. its just black when i reboot it15:42
hacktus0_D3sign, U dont have a good graphic card maybe????????????15:43
ExcryptionI verified md5, verified burned dvd before installing. Everything works, it's just the black login screen15:43
wilee-nileeD3sign, What is the other OS?15:43
D3signwilee-nilee, it used to be windows XP15:44
D3signuntil i deleted the partitions when installing ubuntu15:44
wilee-nileeD3sign, Can you boot a live cd/usb?15:45
D3signwilee-nilee, i was able to before.. and install it.. but now the screen is black - there is backlight so its nothing wrong with the screen.. something happened when it checked the ubuntu installation that made the screen go black15:46
wilee-nileeD3sign, Are you immediately holding the shift key down when powering on?15:46
ExcryptionI'm going to reboot15:47
wilee-nileeD3sign, Hard to say really no response at all to the bios sounds like a possible hardware failure, maybe memory card, you can check the memory from a live cd.15:47
usr13D3sign: You say you "deleted the partitions"  but what you really did was tell Ubuntu to just use the entire drive.  Right?15:48
D3signwilee-nilee, i did a full memory check before this happened.. memory seemed fine15:48
jezi22guys where can i find the duplicate here. W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable/main i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_binary-i386_Packages)15:48
D3signusr13, yeah15:48
usr13D3sign: Ok, do as wilee-nilee suggests15:49
wilee-nileejezi22, Two places to look /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d15:50
usr13D3sign: RAM... yea could be a problem with RAM.  You might pull the RAM chips and re-seat them.15:50
D3signusr13, i got the ubuntu installation cd in the dvd rom and tried restarting with shift down.. nothing. still black15:50
D3signusr13, ok let me try that15:50
wilee-nileeD3sign, Hit the shift after powering on, not before.15:51
ExcryptionWOOOT!!! Thank you very much adamk :-). The gdm worked like a charm.15:51
ExcryptionIs there anyway to change the logon screen wallpaper please?15:52
adamkExcryption: So it sounds like something is screwed up with lightdm.15:52
D3signwilee-nilee, tried both - doesnt work.. i hear the dvd rom working though but screen is black15:52
rangergordI'm trying to recover a USB key that's failing to mount. I get "bogus number of FAT structure" "Can't find a valid FAT filesystem" in dmesg when I try to force-mount it. What can I do at this point?15:52
rangergordI should mention that fdisk -l shows it as FAT1615:53
hacktus0_D3sign You must do CTRL+ALT+F115:53
Deepfriedicerangergord: what are you trying to do with it? Because that kinda sounds dead.15:54
rangergordDeepfriedice: attempt to recover the files on it15:54
wilee-nileerangergord, Can you reformat it in gparted?15:54
rangergordis there some repair function?15:54
rangergordwilee-nilee: well that would wipe the data15:54
D3signhacktus0 tried but doesnt work15:54
rangergordI dont care about the drive itself, once I have the data I'm trashing it15:55
wilee-nileerangergord, You could dd the data maybe15:55
Deepfriedicerangergord: What happens if you check it in gparted?15:55
Deepfriedicewilee-nilee: trying to make sense of that would be fun15:55
wilee-nileedd is a data transfer is all15:56
cpinedhello again...I upgraded to 13.04 from 12.10....flash video shows green/pink tint ....If I revert to 12.10 , by selecting the kernal at boot time the flash video is fine.15:56
rangergordDeepfriedice: I'll need some time to try it on a different computer. I get "gparted: Depends: libparted0 (>= 2.2-1) but it is not going to be installed"15:56
rangergorddd'ing the data...would that be feasible by someone who is a novice?15:57
adamkrangergord: Just because the system type is set to FAT16 in fdisk, doesn't mean that's how the partition is actually formatted.  What does 'file -s /dev/sdb1' show? (Obviously replace sdb1 with the actual partition name).15:57
wilee-nileecpined, Any graphic drivers installed in 12.10, but not reinstalled in 13.04?15:57
adaszhello, can anyone help me to change the charset so UTF8?15:57
hacktus0_OR CTRL+ALT+F4  D3sign15:57
rangergordadamk: "/dev/sdb1: data"15:57
adamkWell it looks like the filesystem is totally hosed.15:58
Deepfriedicerangergord: Makeing sense of data from dd is something I would struggle with. And that error sounds suspicious.15:58
D3signhacktus0_ tried that as well still black15:58
rangergordadamk: I see...ok, thanks15:58
hacktus0_the computer write something , D3sign15:58
D3signnothing at all hacktus0_15:59
Deepfriedicerangergord: how big is the flash drive?15:59
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rangergordDeepfriedice: 2GB16:00
DeepfriediceIs the data private?16:00
cpineddon't know...what does not make sense is that reverting to the previous kernel allows the flash video to work...it seems that the 13.04 drivers are now installed right?  so witching between kernel's would use the same drivers?16:00
rangergordDeepfriedice: yeah, it's work stuff16:00
adamkcpined: There's quite a bit of the video drivers in the kernel these days.16:01
DeepfriediceOkay, lets take a look at that package error.16:01
williang use 13.04 my laptop is hotter than use windows xp why16:01
hacktus0_in FRA forum somebody says "the screen is small for the format of ubuntu"16:01
rangergordDeepfriedice: I'm gonna try it from a different machine...for now I gotta hitch a ride with someone, I'll try it later.16:01
rangergordthanks for the help, bbl16:01
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hacktus0_in FRA forum somebody says "the screen is small for the format of ubuntu", D3sign16:01
Deepfriedicerangergord: okay.16:01
cpinedso by switching between kernel's, different drivers are used?16:02
KG8L3same drivers?16:02
D3signhacktus0_ the screen worked well before this error happened.. the screen is pretty big both in resolution and size.. id estimate 15"16:02
adamkcpined: Same driver, most likely, just different versions.16:02
wilee-nileecpined, Look in additional drivers, a upgrade does not carry some drivers. The description is rather strange is all a working OS with just a flash problem, that a different kernel fixes is disconnected.16:02
hacktus0_UR blower run ????????16:05
hacktus0_UR blower run ????????, D3sign16:05
hacktus0_UR ventilator run ????????, D3sign16:05
D3signhacktus0_ blower? ventilator? not sure what that is? doesnt work :( screen is completely black16:06
DeepfriediceWhat is going on?16:06
jezi22wilee-nilee what is the difference between .list and .list.save in apt?16:06
hacktus0_UR fan run ????????, D3sign16:06
KG8L3ur blower run?16:06
Myrttihacktus0_: please try to make sense16:07
Myrttihacktus0_: what do you mean?16:07
D3signhacktus0_ yeah the fan works and runs16:08
hacktus0_OK, D3sign16:08
wilee-nileejezi22, .save is a backup16:08
hacktus0_Ur pc run but the problem ise screen or OS...........16:09
hacktus0_Ur pc run but the problem ise screen or OS...........,D3sign16:09
adaszHello, can anyone help me to change the charset to utf8?16:09
D3signhacktus0_ now its the screen? it worked before but the screen is completely black16:09
KG8L3anyone know how to use this parameter16:09
dextro_how to i upgrade from 12 to 13 from command line16:10
hacktus0_then is OS,D3sign , maybe..........................................;16:10
adamkhacktus0_: Seriously, please stop with the annoying extended punctuation.16:10
usr13D3sign: I think it's a hardware issue?16:10
seredextro_ : google ubuntu upgrade .. you have a few option16:10
D3signusr13, yeah but it seems so strange that everything was working well and then right in the middle of just doing a check it went capiche..16:11
patrik_ubuntu touch16:11
usr13D3sign: video chip more-than-likely16:11
D3signusr13, so wondering whether ubuntu check wrote over the bios or something?16:11
usr13D3sign: no16:11
D3signusr13,  or as you say.. maybe the video chip decided to go bad just then16:12
usr13D3sign: Like I said, it is more-than-likely a hardware issue, (not software).16:12
serepatrik_: are you on touch? was just looking at it for me driod  :o16:12
usr13D3sign: yes16:12
serepatrik_: how is it?16:12
D3signusr13,  i dont have any screw drivers.. but ill go out and buy some tomorrow.. ill pull out the HD and put it in an external.. from there ill reinstall ubuntu on it and try to boot from it on my mac? if that works then ill plug the HD back into the fujitsu and see if i can boot it again.. if that doesnt work then I am assuming it is a hardware problem in the memory/graphic16:13
patrik_first you must download img file one touch from ubuntu.16:13
usr13D3sign: You tried plugging a monitor into the VGA port, right?  You tried booting with a good monitor plugged into the VGA port, Right?16:13
D3signusr13, a monitor.. yes not a good monitor and through the vga port16:14
usr13D3sign: What do you mean "not a good monitor"?16:14
KG8L3a good monitor and through the vga port16:14
D3signusr13,  old crappy tv monitor i got16:14
usr13D3sign: By good, I mean known-to-be-working.16:14
wilee-nileepatrik_, sere #ubuntu-touch for full info.16:14
serepatrik_: cool..i will give it a try later16:15
D3signusr13, haha ill try it out on another monitor tomorrow16:15
serewilee-nilee: thanks16:15
wilee-nileeno problem16:15
D3signusr13,  just giving up for today.. spent over 14 hrs on this today and its just not worth it16:15
usr13D3sign: Ok.  In all likelyhood, it is a hardware issue.16:15
D3signusr13,  i really thank you and wilee-nilee  and hacktus0 for helping me out though16:15
usr13D3sign: NP16:15
usr13D3sign: Come back and let us know if you find the problem.16:16
wilee-nileeD3sign, Hope you get it resolved.16:16
D3signi was so excited when i saw the ubuntu start screen and then pooof.. all went bad16:16
D3signusr13, will do! ill try taking the HD out though and checking it as an external16:16
D3signthen at least ive ruled out one issue16:16
D3signcheers guys!16:17
usr13D3sign: I would still like to know what instructions you were following when you were in Recovery Mode, (when this all started).16:17
KG8L3you guys16:17
usr13D3sign: Ok ttyl16:17
denidoes anyone have issues after resuming from suspend that the gnome-setting-daemon is hogging CPU for a few minutes...and during that time keyboard shortcuts don't work...or rather i can't start a terminal and so on16:17
D3signusr13, if you can tell me the 8 options in PM when you do recovery mode i can tell you which one i selected16:17
dextro_do-release-upgrade says no new release found16:17
dextro_but i am only 12.1016:17
dextro_must be because of lts?16:17
D3signusr13, i think it was 8 options.. could have been 6-916:18
usr13D3sign: I don't know, maybe someone else remembers...16:18
moppersdextro_, 12.10 is not lts. 12.04 was the lts16:19
tacomasterIs there a way to change the name that unity uses as the icon name the reason i say is some of my games play in the linux version of steam but one of them require wine so i wanted to put wine_steam as the name of the windows version of wine is this possible?16:19
D3signusr13,  i found it with a google search16:19
D3signusr13, recovery menu.. i selected dpkg - repair broken packages16:19
mopperstacomaster, after fidding with unity a lot, i made shortcuts on the desktop16:20
wilee-nileedextro_, This a wubi install ubuntu installed from windows?16:20
D3signusr13,  it ran and then - what i believe was half way point - the screen went suddenly black16:20
moppersD3sign, resume, failsafe, root shell?16:21
tacomastermoppers: i guess thats a last resort i really hate desktop icons tho. but thank you for the thought16:21
dextro_wilee-nilee no its a vmware VM16:21
usr13D3sign: Yea, but what was the original problem you were tryint to solve?  (What did you search google for?)16:21
D3signusr13,  i then tried to reboot.. and the screen continued to be black from before the reboot16:21
usr13D3sign: How did you reboot?  Ctrl-Alt-Del or______________?16:22
KG8L3to reboot16:22
wilee-nileedextro_, Check software sources for any upgrade16:22
usr13D3sign: If the screen is black, how do you reboot?16:22
patrik__ubuntu touch16:22
KG8L3ubuntu touch16:22
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D3signusr13, ah when logging into ubuntu.. i get the login screen and everything worked fine.. i then typed in password.. new screen loads but only thing visible is the colored background and my mouse? which i can move.. but nothing else loads (that was the initial issue)16:22
D3signusr13, i waited for about 15 min.. and i just hit the power button. it was unresponsive16:23
mopperstacomaster, you might be able to use alacarte16:23
SuperLagAnyone here use Vagrant on their Ubuntu boxes to deploy VMs?16:23
denianyone having the gnome-settings-daemon issue ater resuming from suspend?16:23
usr13D3sign: Which was more-than-likely nomodeset issue.16:23
moppersD3sign, that sounds like gfx driver16:23
KG8L3my gpu driver like it will research t16:23
Guest64576ubuntu installation process16:23
SuperLagI'm wondering if, with vagrant, if you *have* to use virttualbox, or if it'll work with vmware too16:23
dextro_i dont follow wilee-nilee16:23
dextro_i have dont apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade16:24
usr13D3sign: Ok, so you did NOT reboot, you cut power.16:24
KG8L3the power button16:24
D3signmoppers,  usr13  so basically my graphics card got busted in the process?16:24
D3signusr13, yeah cut power - apologies16:24
Guest64576ubuntu touch installation without rooting16:24
moppersD3sign, more likely compatbility or bug with new driver16:24
tacomastermoppers: ahh thats a good idea to try im off to try that16:24
usr13D3sign: In order to troubleshoot, we must have accurate info.16:24
KG8L3extra info in modules16:24
D3signmoppers, anyway to fix that?16:24
D3signusr13, yeah apologies :)16:25
KG8L3D3sign: yeah16:25
wilee-nileedextro_, software sources can be reached from the ubuntu software center edit tab-updates bottom dropdown.16:25
usr13moppers: He gets no display.16:25
moppersusr13, i heard he can see lightdm and login, then the screen goes 1 color and the top bar appears but empty16:26
wilee-nileedextro_, Set the updates to all release and run a update in the update manager.16:26
usr13moppers: Really?16:26
mnerii made a icon in svg for eclipse (i hate the original icon) in which folder I have to put it to test it?16:26
usr13moppers: That is news to me....16:26
KG8L3: reinstall unity, really if you dont intend to do?16:26
D3signmoppers, and when usr13  says no display i mean absolutely no display - no light and no login16:26
moppersuse13 <D3sign> usr13, ah when logging into ubuntu.. i get the login screen and everything worked fine.. i then typed in password.. new screen loads but only thing visible is the colored background and my mouse? which i can move.. but nothing else loads (that was the initial issue)16:26
D3signmoppers, yeah that was the pre-issue before this new issue happened after i went into recovery menu16:27
moppers^^ that problem i had myself, that's GFX drivers16:27
KG8L3i had to lxde? microsofts annual conference is scheduled from june moppers, and type chrome16:27
usr13moppers: He gets no display16:27
moppers^^ i went into failsafe boot and swapped the nvidia driver, and it worked16:27
moppersso boot into root shell16:27
bazhangKG8L3, what16:27
moppersand apt-get remove nvidia-current16:27
DJonesKG8L3: Please speak proper sentances16:27
usr13moppers: How can he do that?16:27
KG8L3proper term release ^^16:27
moppersthen reinstall the right one16:27
bazhangKG8L3, stay on topic16:27
KG8L3and reinstall?16:27
moppersno display at all from bootting teh pC?16:28
D3signmoppers, yepp tried to go into failsafe boot worked.. i entered into recocery menu and selected dpkg and my screen went black half way through16:28
KG8L3ur pc run but the browser in between boots16:28
mopperswhen yo power on the PC, the display is black?16:28
D3signmoppers, yepp16:28
starbuckhi, what free dynamic dns providers are recommended atm?16:28
moppersoh well check cables and card is connected16:28
D3signmoppers,  cant see anything as usr13 said16:28
usr13moppers: It's a laptop16:28
moppersare there keys on the laptop to turn the display on and off?16:29
usr13moppers: http://www.igo.com/fujitsu/fujitsu-fmv-biblo-nb55gt/invt/3739716:29
D3signmoppers, none other than dimming of the backlight16:29
cpinedhello again...I tried the suggestions...http://askubuntu.com/questions/129322/how-to-install-a-driver-for-an-nvidia-card-not-detected-by-additional-drivers...16:29
cpinedthat was the ticket!16:29
cpinedthank you all for your help!16:29
mopperswhat about switching it to an external display?16:30
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moppersif the blacklight fails the scren will be on but VERY VERY dim; otherwise try the keys that switch the display to external and back, just in case16:30
D3signmoppers, tried no luck so far.. could be because of my bad external display or vga cable ? so right now i cant check it16:30
adamkD3sign: You don't even see the bios POST? Doesn't sound like an Ubuntu issue, if that's the case.16:30
Guest64576can any one give me the link to ubuntu touch  IRC16:30
DJones!touch | Guest6457616:30
ubottuGuest64576: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch16:31
D3signadamk, yepp cant even see the bios post16:31
D3signso wondering whether what usr13 said is right.. something got fried in the graphics half way through16:31
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usr13D3sign: The acid test will be when you plug a known-to-be-working VGA cable to a known-to-be-working monitor16:33
claudio__hi people16:34
usr13D3sign: (if in fact, you havent' already.)16:34
usr13!channels | Guest6457616:35
ubottuGuest64576: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist and !alis - See also !Guidelines16:35
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D3signusr13, yepp will do that tomorrow :)16:35
SmaskisHello all. I have a permissions question. I have a folder called Documents. It is owned by user asmith and in group testing. Permissions are drwxrwxr-x on it, but whenever i do usermod -a -G testing to any other user, they still can't write to that directory, but they can list files. What have i misunderstood? Do the users (if they are logged on) need to log out/ in again for the changes to apply?16:36
D3signusr13, the monitor is what id call half dodgy :P16:36
usr13D3sign: okeydokey16:36
D3signmany thanks for the help though16:36
usr13Smaskis: yes16:37
jribSmaskis: yes they need to log in again16:37
Smaskisusr13/jrib: thanks, as much as I thought, they had processes running which made them unwilling to do so at the moment so I had to ask :)16:38
ExcryptionHello everyone. Is it possible to undo changes done with terminal please? I accidentally used "sudo apt-get purge wine\*" which has removed everything with "win" in it16:38
xtacieIm having a problem with a fresh install of 12.04 x86 on a dual socket HP Dl380 gen3 server.. everything works fine until boot when my screen goes out of sync error. I have looked for a solution on ebay but none have worked. CAN ANYONE HELP!?!16:39
moppersxtacie, try holding down shift as it boots: they will open the boot menu, and then chose failsafe graphics16:40
xtacieok i will go try that now moppers16:41
DeepfriediceExcryption, did you close that terminal window?16:42
ExcryptionNo it's still open16:42
DeepfriediceBasicly, if you scroll up a bit, you should see a list of the packages you uninstalled16:44
ExcryptionI have run two other commands "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get -f install" hope they haven't messed up my chances16:44
ExcryptionIt removed everything with the word "win" in it, which is a ton of files but yeah I see it16:45
DeepfriediceRe-install them16:45
moppersExcryption, also in system log viewer in ubutnu, there is a log for `dpkg` which is what `apt-get` is a wrapper for16:46
mopperssudo apt-get install PackageName16:46
moppersExcryption, SCREENSHOT that window first :P16:46
Deepfriedicemoppers, Good idea16:47
moppersyou dont want it scrolling up and losing earlier information16:47
ExcryptionOkay done16:48
ExcryptionI don't know which ones are packages though16:48
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DeepfriediceExcryption, The following packages will be REMOVED:16:50
ExcryptionI see Removing16:50
DeepfriediceX upgraded, Y newly installed, Z to remove and T not upgraded.16:50
DeepfriediceAlso, read the list of packages before you hit 'Y'16:51
ExcryptionWould it be easier to reinstall?16:52
DeepfriediceDepends, is this a test-box or have you put time into setting it up?16:53
ExcryptionWell since last night I've been having the black screen issue, adamk just helped me fix it about 20 minutes ago. Now I've messed it all up trying to remove wine. But I don't mind16:54
DeepfriediceIf you try to fix this though, the annoying bit won't be re-installing those packages. It'll be marking the right ones as automaticly installed.16:54
wolftunedARG, HELP. I did something bad. I need to do one simple thing: run update-grub, but my system won't load, and now, for some reason, everything I try with Unetbootin just sits at the Unetbootin menu and won't go ahead, so I can't run supergrubdisk16:55
ExcryptionThank you Deppfriedice, I will just go ahead and reinstall.16:55
ExcryptionThank you for the help :-)16:56
DeepfriediceNo problem.16:56
xtacieMoppers: holding shift just before loading grub dosent take me to a menu. it just says analaog video, unable to display this mod16:58
Quick_WangoHi! I seem to have a problem with compiz that causes the mouse focus to be locked to a window until I open a context menu. This does only happen when ubuntu is installed, not in the live version. Killing compiz allows the mouse to interact with any window again.17:00
wilee-nileewolftuned, Try another usb loader or a live cd/usb and chroot in fir the update-grub, or the bootrepair.17:00
wolftunedwilee-nilee: chroot, that I didn't know about, that can tell it to do the update-grub on a different root?17:01
wolftunedwilee-nilee: that would totally solve this17:01
wilee-nileewolftuned, When I need a chroot I use this guide. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot17:02
lmat"The following packages have unmet dependencies" That's because I installed a package without one of its dependencies. The package runs fine because I already manually (without dpkg) installed another version of one of the dependencies.17:04
lmatI would like apt-get (dpkg) to shut up about it and do some other things like autoremove, ignoring this package. How should I proceed?17:04
acovrigI am stuck in low graphics mode, this is my Xorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5645261 -I tried reinstalling the nvidia stuff and it still doesn't work...17:05
moppersdoes Hedgewars work on 13.04?17:08
Deepfriediceacovrig: Does nouveau work?17:08
adamkacovrig: So the Xorg log file says to look in the kernel log...  What does the kernel log say?17:08
acovrigadamk: /var/log/kernel.log?17:09
OerHeksmoppers is it a linux game?17:09
acovrigDeepfriedice: nouveau as in what? driver/package?17:09
adamkacovrig: Yes, or even the output of 'dmesg'.17:09
moppersOerHeks, Yes17:09
OerHeksmoppers i see, hedgewars is in the repositorys, so yes.17:11
moppersOerHeks, it's also one of the most popular titles in the ubutnu software centre so i imagine many people have tried it in raring: but it will not start for me17:11
acovrigadamk: what specifically am I looking for?17:11
Deepfriediceacovrig: nouveau is the open source Nvidia driver, it comes pre-installed17:11
wilee-nileemoppers, Lots of info on google.17:11
pythonirc1013I've a ubuntu box at home. How can I give an account to an outsider to ssh to it?17:11
acovrigDeepfriedice: how do I use/enable it?17:12
MonkeyDustpythonirc1013  create a new user and give the password to your friend/client17:12
trasherabiword keeps flickering17:12
Deepfriediceacovrig: Just disable the offical Nvidia driver. Additional Drivers.17:13
pythonirc1013MonkeyDust: what ip? its dhcp behind tons of machines17:13
adamkacovrig: Errors about the nvidia video driver...  If you're not sure what you are looking at, pastebin the log file.17:13
kumarat9pmI am seeing white screen when I am sharing my desktop using skype/teamviewer after updating ubuntu 12.10 to 13.0417:14
acovrigDeepfriedice: jockey-text -<some flag> <proprietary driver> to disable the driver, then will the nouveau automatically activate, or am I looking for jockey-text -e <nouveau driver>?17:14
kumarat9pmany known issues?17:14
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DrHalanhey guys. how can I adjust brightness and contrast? the settings seems to have vanished17:15
trasherdrhalan: http://askubuntu.com/questions/149054/how-to-change-lcd-brightness-from-command-line-or-via-script17:15
acovrigadamk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5645286/17:15
wilee-nileeDrHalan, SYSTEM SETTINGS17:15
OerHeksmoppers open terminal:  hedgewars ( and tell us what error you get)17:15
DrHalanwilee-nilee: no17:16
wilee-nileeopps sorry for the caps17:16
trasherdrhalan: http://askubuntu.com/questions/149054/how-to-change-lcd-brightness-from-command-line-or-via-script17:16
HeKToNguys is there any possibility to make terminal always on top because I`m wathing some tutorials on the internet and I want to use terminal while watching. Im using Kubuntu17:16
trasherhekton: right click then Select Layer-> Always on top17:16
trasheron the window17:16
wilee-nileeDrHalan, Brightness and locks, are in all three of my ubuntu installs in settings.17:17
HeKToNtrasher, Sorry I don`t have this one17:17
OerHeksHeton sure, clic the little icon on the terminal panel > right mouse > more actions > eep above others17:17
HeKToNI got this17:17
HeKToNit`s there i`m so stupid :)17:18
trasherits right click on the window of the document etc :)17:18
HeKToNty guys17:18
OerHekshave fun HeKToN17:18
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HeKToNty u217:18
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adamkacovrig: How did you install the driver?17:19
acovrigadamk: apt-get install nvidia-current-updates nvidia-settings-updates17:20
mdpatrickI'm trying to pick out a dual monitor video card that will perform well on games and is pretty well supported in linux (ubuntu)… any ideas??17:20
acovrigadamk: after apt-get purge 'nvidia-*'17:20
mdpatricki hear nvidia chipset is best way to go, but since I'm kind of novice it'd be nice to get a specific recommendation17:20
acovrigmdpatrick: I have a GTX 280 (nvidia) in my ubuntu13 and it works quite well.17:21
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usr13acovrig: grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log    #See what driver you are using.  Tell us.17:24
kingkongkevhello everybody17:25
acovrigusr13: X.Org Video Driver: 13.1 and (II) NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs...17:26
BlakerHi everyone17:27
usr13acovrig: nvidia.com17:28
acovrigusr13: I have NVIDIA-Linux-x86-319.17.run from their site, should I use it?17:28
mschrHi guys, im in a bit of a problematic state on my ubuntu 12 system.. during automatic updates, /boot has gone full, so part of the linux-image-generic-pae was probably installed - but i cannot continue further17:29
usr13acovrig: If it is the correct one, yes.17:29
mschr linux-generic-pae : Depends: linux-image-generic-pae (= but is to be installed17:29
usr13acovrig: You have to turn off GUI first tho17:29
acovrigusr13: I downloaded it for the 650M, but I have the 650M mac edition, will that be an issue?17:29
mschrany idea how to clear up this mess?17:29
acovrigusr13: that shouldn't be a problem, given I am stuck in low graphics mode...17:29
usr13acovrig: I don't know, (not a mac user), you just have to go to nvidia.com and find the one you're supposed to use.17:30
acovrigusr13: I will try it (but will have to reboot (dual-boot))...17:31
mschri tried apt-get install linux-image-generic-pae=dependency_version  but response is E: Version '' for 'linux-image-generic-pae' was not found17:32
meethi. i am unable to connect my facebook chat with ubuntu gnome. i am using it for chat. It worked without problems for some days. But for the past week I am getting authentication failed errors. Unable to connect to facebook. how do I look for the problem?17:32
usr13!text | acrocity17:33
ubottuacrocity: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode17:33
OerHeksmschr, i found this: askubuntu - boot full > http://askubuntu.com/questions/270916/boot-folder-is-full-so-cannot-install-updates17:33
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:34
mschroerheks problem is; i deleted the files manually :)17:34
usr13acrocity: Sorry that was supposed to be for acrovrig17:34
OerHeksmschr then you must update-grub to remove the kernels from the list17:35
mschrthe cmd proposed on askubuntu - returns same message 'try apt-get -f install' to fix17:35
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usr13meet: /join #facebook17:35
sirronbHi from Johannesburg SA. Anybody know how to install "AdBlock Plus" for Firefox. (OS = Raring - amd64)17:36
mschroerheks ah, got it17:36
mschroerheks but still, dpkg is trying to configure the previous installation - and ends up with dependency error17:36
usr13sirronb: Tools -> Add Ons17:37
wilee-nileesirronb, Type it in the addon search in firefox and install.17:37
usr13sirronb: or Extensions,  somwehere there, just search for AddBlock17:37
acovrigusr13: it completed the installation, I guess I should reboot, or would sudo start lightdm work?17:38
mschri really dont see, how one kernel can have a dependency of the previous version .o.O17:38
usr13acovrig: ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf    #Tell us what is says.17:38
acovrigusr13: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1332 May  8 12:37 /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:39
usr13acovrig: Yea, just reboot17:39
sirronbThanks all - got it.17:39
acovrigok, brb17:39
usr13sirronb: NP17:40
acovrigusr13: I am still in low graphics mode...17:42
usr13acovrig: nvidia-  #And hit the tab key a couple times, tell us what options you get.17:43
borisetoA little [Q]. As a beginner php developer is it safe to upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04? I know I should have gone with the LTS version, but at that time I only had 12.10 bootable.17:43
acovrigusr13: ok, also jockey-text -l reports: kmod:nvidia_313_updates - nvidia_313_updates (Proprietary, Enabled, Not in use)17:43
acovrigusr13: nvidia-bug-report.sh, nvidia-detector, nvidia-settings, nvidia-cuda-mps-control, nvidia-installer, nvidia-smi, nvidia-cuda-mps-server, nvidia-modprobe, nvidia-uninstall, nvidia-debugdump, nvidia-persistenced, nvidia-xconfig17:44
usr13acovrig: Run nvidia-xconfig17:44
acovrigusr13: then start lightdm or restart?17:45
mschrkillall X!17:45
* acovrig lol17:46
mschrpromote ncurses!17:46
usr13acovrig: start lightdm?  Are you in terminal mode?  Have you dissabled the X server?17:46
acovrigusr13: I'm in low graphics mode, so I did Ctrl+Alt+F2, and am running GNU Screen (sudo and irssi)17:46
mschracovrig to reload Xorg.conf (which is created/manipulated via nvidia-xconfig) do: sudo kill `pgrep X`17:47
usr13acovrig: Did you trun off the Xserver when you ran NVIDIA-Linux-x86-319.17.run ?17:47
mschror perhaps pgrep Xorg17:47
acovrigusr13: I didn't see that option17:47
usr13!text | acovrig17:48
ubottuacovrig: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode17:48
acovrigusr13: when I run startx, I get NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (No such device or address). and I know about text-mode, that's practically where I'm at (and my grub does say splash)17:49
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mschrHow can i 'reset' dpkg previous installations? I have a dependency issue, which prohibits any apt-get commands17:49
usr13acovrig: "practically"?17:49
usr13acovrig: Either you are or not.17:49
acovrigusr13: I didn't boot (via grub) into text-mode, but I'm using the virtual console17:50
usr13acovrig: Like I told you b4, you have to have the X-server turned off to run NVIDIA-Linux-x86-319.17.run17:50
usr13acovrig: This is a VM?17:50
usr13acovrig: You are running VM from ________________?   OS'x  ?17:51
mschracovrig, what does following command return?  $ sudo modprobe nvidia17:51
usr13acovrig: Are you running Ubuntu as guest OS in Virtual Machine?17:51
acovrigusr13: no, it isn't a VM, its a dual-boot OSX and Ubuntu13 (on a MacBookPro 9,1) and do you mean, boot into text-mode (via grub), then run the NVIDIA*.run?17:52
acovrigmodprobe nvidia returns nothing17:52
usr13acovrig: Like I told you b4, you have to have the X-server turned off to run NVIDIA-Linux-x86-319.17.run17:52
mschracovrig, then you have the GFX driver on your system17:52
usr13acovrig: and NVIDIA-Linux-x86-319.17.run has to be the one your system is supposed to have.17:52
mschrdo lsmod |grep nvidia, does it show here?17:53
acovrigusr13: My display was working with the proprietary drivers until I installed bumblebee to attempt to scale down my GPU (cuts my battery in 1/3)...17:53
usr13acovrig: Otherwise, try "Aditional Drivers"17:53
usr13acovrig: Oh, well, I did not know that.17:54
usr13acovrig: Sorry.....17:54
acovrigusr13: I had kmod:nvidia_313_updates working, but am wondering if bumblebee didn't uninstall fully (apt-get remove bumblebee)...17:54
pi31415I am trying to list the contents of the installed mysql-server package.  dpkg-query --listfiles prints a shorter list than i expected.  http://dpaste.org/VwJbx/17:55
usr13acovrig: (I did not know about "bumblebee".)  And I am not any sort of athourity with bumblebee, so you will have to ask someone else about that.17:55
Deepfriediceacovrig: something that fixed a similar issue for me:17:55
usr13acovrig: (I've never used or hand any dealings with bumblebee.)17:55
Deepfriediceacovrig, delete x.conf (after making a backup) and reboot X.17:57
pi31415ah, mysql-server is a meta package, sorry for the noise17:57
mschrpi31415 try prepend the version17:57
usr13acovrig: You probably should just go back to the generic (open) driver.17:57
Deepfriediceacovrig, sorry, I meant xorg.conf17:57
mschrpi31415 apt-cache showpkg myslq-server | grep Dependencies -A5 (mine shows mysql-server-5.5)17:58
heloduring update-manager, i accidentally told it to replace an important config file17:59
helodoes it save the original somewhere? i don't see the usual file.dpkg-old17:59
LarsNsomeone asked ubottu to tell me how to add applications to start on login.  What was the ! term?18:00
LarsNit was yesterday, and my irc logs for the day appear to be missing.18:01
acovrigI will probably try to re-install nvidia-*, boot, possibly nvidia-xconfig and if that doesn't work, I may try to re-install18:01
helomeh, i'll just rewrite it18:01
LarsNfound it ;)18:01
mschracovrig dont mistake the packages in the repository for additions to nvidia's properitary drivers18:02
markshweempathy is not connecting to any network. what could be wrong?18:02
LarsN!startup <--- appears to be out of date18:02
ubottuLarsN: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:02
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot18:02
mschracovrig in fact, having a driver on your system, built with ANY_DL_FILE.run can make havoc when you switch back to opensource drivers18:03
wilee-nileeLarsN, startup applications18:03
LarsNwilee-nilee: under system-settings?18:03
LarsNwilee-nilee: got it, it's standalone...18:03
mschracovrig to find the proper driver to download at the nvidia.com site, look at the CHIP version, there's 650, 650M, 650 Ti etc18:03
wilee-nileeLarsN, yeah and needs to be loaded with a code18:04
mschryou can find it with : lspci | grep VGA18:04
Deepfriediceacovrig: if you swich back to open source drivers, make sure to wipe xorg.conf if it's tainted.18:04
wilee-nileeLarsN, add all to startup menu   sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop18:05
wilee-nileeupdate-manager -d18:05
wilee-nileeoops not the update-manager18:05
markshwewilee-nilee,   does anyone of you know why? why is empathy refusing to connect to network?18:05
wilee-nileeLarsN, Sorry to fill the startup manger run. sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop18:06
wilee-nileeupdate-manager -d18:06
acovrigstill, low graphics mode...18:06
derpybogsworthHi guys I have a question about a process. console-kit-daemon... What is it? Can I stop it? From what I can tell it manages gui login to ubuntu.... problem is, I'm on ubuntu server so there is no gui anyway18:07
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mschracovrig lspci | grep VGA18:07
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
=== Guest86219 is now known as BB`
acovrigmschr: VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107M [GeForce GT 650M Mac Edition] (rev a1)18:08
acovrigmschr: I am currently running jockey-text -e kmod:nvidia_313_updates, then will reboot18:09
markshweyou can always use ps -eaf | grep console-kit and then kill <signal> pid18:09
markshwedon't know what it is.18:09
theadminderpybogsworth: Don't stop it, CK manages all the GUI permissions among other things -- you'll need it to be able to shutdown/reboot via GUI, use the Software Center, etc...18:10
markshwewhere can i ask my question? does nobody here uses empathy?18:11
derpybogsworththeadmin, I don't have a gui... it's just ubuntu server 12.04 why would I need anything having to do with a gui running?18:11
theadminderpybogsworth: Oh, hmmm18:11
sk00terIs ubuntu for making coffee18:11
theadminderpybogsworth: It also manages user sessions, it seems.18:12
bennypr0fanehellopat, I can't start VLC media player. In terminal it repeats this error msg like 5 dozen times: "(vlc:24934): Gtk-WARNING **: Im Modulpfad »murrine« konnte keine Themen-Engine gefunden werden"18:12
usr13bennypr0fane: sudo apt-get -f install18:13
bennypr0fanegrmpf people shouldn't have nicknames starting with "hello"18:13
derpybogsworthThere are 65 instances of console-kit-daemon listed in htop18:13
Deepfriedicethats bad18:13
bennypr0faneusr13 what does that do? I just reinstalled VLC in Synaptic18:13
usr13bennypr0fane: Never mind then.18:14
derpybogsworthDeepfriedice any idea how to fix it ?18:14
theadminderpybogsworth: 65 instances? Those aren't instances, they're likely threads. Is normal.18:14
bennypr0faneusr13 is that the same as what sudo apt-get -f install does?18:15
cyphaseis there an editor/tool that will smooth gpx trackpoints?18:15
derpybogsworththeadmin alright18:15
cyphaseoops, wrong channel.. how did i even get here?18:15
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usr13cyphase: We don't know.18:15
theadminbennypr0fane: Can you start VLC with LANG=C? The error isn't in English and I can't understand German well enough :/18:16
kumarat9pmI am seeing white screen when I am sharing my desktop using skype/teamviewer after updating ubuntu 12.10 to 13.0418:16
kumarat9pmany known issues?18:16
bennypr0fanemurrine isn't even a theme I'm using. I recently upgraded from Lubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 to 13.04 and run Gnome 3.8 now18:16
kumarat9pmI am unable share with any kind of screen sharing softwares18:17
usr13bennypr0fane: sudo dpkg-reconfigure vlc18:17
acovrigI tried nvidia_313_updates and nvidia_310, but still can't initialize the NVIDIA kernel module...18:17
I_Break_cardboarhi can someone help me, the Problem ive got is that everytime a pop up window/Option window opens it goes off the bottom of the screen, then i have to press tab and hope for the best18:17
bennypr0fanetheadmin I did vlc LANG=C, error msgs still in Germen, except this one at the end: ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 27575, errno = 018:18
mschr<derpybogsworth> try kill the processes in htop and see if you have issues with authentications etc18:18
wilee-nileeI_Break_cardboar, The alt key allows you to move the windows.18:18
theadminbennypr0fane: Bah, hamsters. Does VLC not even know $LANG? Oh well, hm... Murrine... Not familiar with this, but maybe apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine will fix the issue18:18
mschracovrig you may need a method to purge the binary installation downloaded from nvidia.com18:18
I_Break_cardboarbut shouldnt it fit within the screen res?18:19
usr13bennypr0fane: Is it already running?  ps aux |grep vlc18:19
wilee-nileeI_Break_cardboar, Generally yes, this a netbook perchance?18:19
bennypr0fanetheadmin can this work if I'm on Gnome 3?18:19
I_Break_cardboarhow did you guess lol18:19
theadminbennypr0fane: Maybe -- I honestly have no idea why VLC even cares for a Gtk theme engine, it's a Qt app :/18:20
wilee-nileeI_Break_cardboar, I have one, lol18:20
mschracovrig it seems nvidia-current-updates package is the one to use for properitary drivers, located in repositories of ubuntu (contains xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU lib)18:20
bennypr0fanetheadmin, isn't there a gtk version as well?18:20
theadminbennypr0fane: Hm, honestly not sure18:20
I_Break_cardboarive just tried alt, it wont go any higher, the title bars in the way18:20
acovrigmschr: ok, I tried nvidia-current-updates and nvidia-current...18:20
bennypr0faneusr13, run that command after starting vlc, or before?18:21
usr13bennypr0fane: What command?18:21
ShinyObjectshi all - I have a 23" Hanns-G monitor hooked up to the DVI-out on my machine. Ubuntu only detects it as "Unknown monitor" and will only give me 1024x768 as an option18:21
wilee-nileeI_Break_cardboar, With the alt key you can left click anywhere in the window and move it.18:21
ShinyObjectsI rebooted into Windows and it supported 1920x108018:21
usr13bennypr0fane: I thought you couldn't start vlc.18:21
ShinyObjectsSo it's not a cabling problem or the like18:21
acovrigmschr: do you think it would be beneficial to do apt-get purge 'nvidia-*' && apt-get install nvidia-current-updates nvidia-settings-updates && reboot18:21
ShinyObjectsHow do I force Ubuntu to use 1920x1080 on that monitor?18:21
mschracovrig and in Xorg.0.log it says what?18:21
I_Break_cardboari dont supose theres a fix is there?18:22
usr13ShinyObjects: xrandr18:22
I_Break_cardboari cant edit the artist details in rythembox18:22
ShinyObjectsThanks usr13 - I'll man/google it18:22
usr13ShinyObjects: What is your display adapter?18:22
deathyeI am experiencing a very strange problem. My indicators and global men "crash" everytime I close an application18:22
mschr<ShinyObjects> hint: Xorg.conf => Modeline18:22
bennypr0faneusr13 I'm not sure if it actually crashes ot the process stays alive. Anyway there's no GUI18:22
ShinyObjectsusr13: integrated intel18:22
acovrigmschr: that it couldn't initialize the NVIDIA kernel module18:23
usr13bennypr0fane:  ps aux |grep vlc18:23
mschracovrig hmm and dmesg | grep -i nvidia ?18:23
usr13acovrig: Did you uninstall bumblebee?18:23
ShinyObjectsxrandr reports the monitor as only supporting up to 1024x76818:24
bennypr0fanewow, I think I have a major Gnome problem it just restarted itself and then logged me off...18:24
acovrigusr13: apt-get remove bumblebee (is there something it left behind?)18:24
bennypr0faneusr13 would you mind posting that command again?18:24
mschrshinyobjects most likely its your gfx card that only supports that resolution18:24
markshwe231hi guys , I am using empathy now. if anybody here is not able to connect to one reason could be the way you connect to the internet. i solved it on my using default connection dialog instead of software that came with my modem.18:24
bennypr0faneohir, there's the vlc GUI now!18:24
usr13bennypr0fane:  ps aux |grep vlc ?  or sudo dpkg-reconfigure vlc ?18:25
Enemteehmm, i had a lot of problems with skype on 13.04, but i at last found a easy fix: uninstalling skype, then install a old .deb and then lock it in synaptic, works as a charm!18:25
bennypr0fanefirst one18:25
_Trullohmm.. why is my computer out of memory, free -m says 30 free, and I have nothing going on right now..18:25
bennypr0fane-Trullo 30 what free?18:26
yeats_Trullo: are you asking because you're having system problems or because you're just looking around and see that?18:26
markshwe231i had lots of problem with my old os ... nothing's running on it yet i get only 100mb remaining.18:26
bennypr0faneso I think that last error is what exited vlc18:26
_Trullobennypr0fane. Mem: 3862 3832 30 0 26 16118:27
_Trullo4gb, 3832 mb used18:27
_TrulloI can't do anything on the desktop18:27
usr13!ram | _Trullo18:27
ubottu_Trullo: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html18:27
_TrulloFailed to fork (cannot allocate memory)18:28
I_Break_cardboarurrrg this is frustrating, how can i change my DPI will that work? or atleast help18:28
bennypr0fane-Trullo check running processes, you can see which one uses most memory18:28
yeats_Trullo: are you seeing any messages in /var/log/syslog about "out of memory" or "OOM" errors?18:28
yeats_Trullo: ah18:28
I_Break_cardboaris there a way i can lock the bottom bar? that should stop windows going over the edge18:28
derpybogsworthAnyone know if there is a Ubuntu 13 LTS ?18:29
bennypr0fanederpybogsworth, no18:29
mschr@ <acovrig> mschr: do you think it would be beneficial to... Didnt follow you from start - but have had a lot of headaches with ATI driver modules.. Thing is, you often find yourself ending up with wrong linkage once a .BIN has installed in an aptitude controlled system18:29
theadminderpybogsworth: No, the LTS is released once in two years -- the next one is 14.04.18:29
bennypr0fanenext LTS will be 14.0418:29
_Trullonothing in syslog, just a bunch of dhcprequests18:29
derpybogsworthoh so I should stick with 12.04 for now ?18:29
ShinyObjectsmschr: like I said I booted into Windows and it supported 1920x1080 just fine18:29
derpybogsworthif I'm interested in LTS only releases ?18:29
ShinyObjectsSo unless Windows has the ability to magically upgrade my hardware I think it's not the graphics card.18:30
bennypr0fanederpybogsworth, yes18:30
theadminderpybogsworth: Yes, you'll be able to upgrade to 14.04 when it comes out.18:30
ShinyObjects(besides, what graphics card only supports 1024x768 these days? Seriously...)18:30
acovrigmschr: this is nvidia, not ait...18:30
ElsharI have a really old voodoo2 card18:30
mschracovrig in your kernel is a table of modules which points to the .ko files placed under /lib/modules/`uname -r`.. If the kernel module table points to the wrong one, it will try load the wrong driver18:30
derpybogsworthShinyObjects maybe you should download some RAM: downloadmoreram.com18:30
ElsharWait, that actually supported higher than 1024x768 :D18:30
ShinyObjectsderpybogsworth: That sounds extremely helpful18:31
bennypr0fanederpybogsworth, I upgraded to current release bcs I wanted the latest Gnome. If you're fine with what you got, stick with it till 14.0418:31
ShinyObjectsI'll get right on that18:31
derpybogsworthbennyprofane, sounds like a plan18:31
I_Break_cardboarinstalling X display manager with fingers and the last 3 toes crossed18:31
derpybogsworthShinyObjects :) just messing around18:31
ShinyObjectsElshar: exactly :) The first graphics card I had had a whopping 2 megs of VRAM and no 3D accell back in 1995. It supported 1280x102418:31
bennypr0faneI think my problem was caused by Gnome18:32
mschrshinyobjects psot this result:   cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep Device -A15|grep Driver18:32
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OerHeksShinyObjects, sometimes your monitor  EDID data returns junk18:33
ShinyObjectsmschr: I don't have an xorg.conf :\18:34
ShinyObjectsOerHeks: I'm assuming that's what's going on. How do I just force the resolution to 1920x1080?18:34
OerHeksShinyObjects, what card exactly ?18:35
ShinyObjectsOerHeks: from lspci: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)18:36
ShinyObjectsThe card is ok - it's been working fine18:36
ShinyObjectsI just switched monitors with a coworker18:36
ShinyObjectsI have 2 video outputs on this motherboard: 1 HDMI and 1 DVI18:36
ShinyObjectsThe monitor on HDMI was detected and is working fine18:37
ShinyObjectsThe monitor on DVI (with a DVI->RGB adaptor) isn't detecting properly18:37
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brian234Hi, Would it be possible to install ubuntu on android smartphones, such as the Feiteng GT-I9300 (Almost identical to Samsung Galaxy s3)?18:38
DJones!phone | brian234 This may help,18:38
ubottubrian234 This may help,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch18:38
ShinyObjectsRelevant lines from /var/log/xorg.0.log:18:38
ShinyObjects[    34.013] (II) intel(0): using device path '/dev/dri/card0'18:38
ShinyObjects[    34.013] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa18:38
ShinyObjects[    34.013] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for modesetting18:38
ShinyObjects[    34.013] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for fbdev18:38
FloodBot3ShinyObjects: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:38
FloodBot1ShinyObjects: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:38
ShinyObjectsSorry floodbot :\18:39
OerHeksx-swat ppa does not have raring intel updates yet, you can try xorg-edgers ppa > https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa18:39
bommeri just installed ubuntu 12.04, (had 10.04 i believe) and now my laptop is running really slow18:40
mschrshinyobjects as said, hint is Modeline.. you can generate one using 'cvt' tool, e.g. 'sudo cvt 1920 1080 60' for a 60Hz version18:40
TeamRocket1233cAny of you had any experience with the H77 Express chipset?18:40
TeamRocket1233cWhy I'm asking is the board I'm looking at for a hypothetical build, http://www.amazon.com/Intel-Desktop-Motherboard-LGA1155-mini-ITX/dp/B007S9PF92/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1368038137&sr=1-1&keywords=lga1155+ivy+bridge, uses the H77 Express chipset for video.18:41
_Trullook, it's the gnome panel that's leaking memory18:41
mschrshinyobjects then you run 'sudo xrandr --newmode MODELINE ' - and you should then be able to find it in the xrandr list18:41
acovrigI'll probably try booting off the CD (USB) and seeing what it uses for graphics by default, then trying to use those in this system...18:42
bommerwill running the 32-bit ubuntu os on a 64-bit cpu let the cpu run less intensive?18:42
ShinyObjectsmschr: that fixed it for me.18:42
ShinyObjectsmschr: thank you very much. Will this change persist after a reboot?18:42
ShinyObjectsI didn't know about cvt - cool little tool18:43
mschrshinyobjects which is your desktop system?18:43
mschrif not Xorg18:43
ShinyObjectsmschr: it is Xorg.18:43
TeamRocket1233cNvm, H77 Express should work fine with Ubuntu, as it is an Intel chipset.18:43
ShinyObjectsmschr: There just isn't an xorg.conf18:43
ShinyObjectsls /etc/X11 shows that there's an xorg.conf.failsafe, but no xorg.conf18:44
mschrshinyobjects 'X -configure' then put the resulting file into /etc/X1118:45
ShinyObjectsThanks ms18:45
ShinyObjectsmschr: , that is18:45
mschrshinyobjects afterwards, you must define the section where modeline fits (dont remember which)18:46
mschrshinyobjects: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Setting_resolution_changes_in_xorg.conf18:47
Marckoevery time i press Intro in the google search bar in the web browser always saves a "search" file how can i stop this im using 13.0418:47
_Trullois there a replacement for gnome panel I could use?18:48
acovrigmschr: interesting, when I cp xorg.conf.failsafe xorg.conf && reboot it works-ish (have graphical environment, but no copmiz...18:48
Marckoevery time i press Intro in the google search bar in the web browser always saves a "search" file how can i stop this im using 13.18:49
linuxfreak003There seems to be a lot of people connected here but not much going on..18:51
linuxfreak003Or maybe I am doing something wrong...18:51
silidanhi, id like to allow a guest account on my system where ppl can use openvpn to connect to vpn server, with their own vpnusername/vpnpasswords how would i do this? (currently it needs root rights to start openvpn, i dont want to give guest account root rights) (my system: ubuntu 12.04 64bit)18:51
rhodespHow can I create LVM partitions when manually configuring a disk layout?18:52
mschracovrig thats because you have no direct rendering (aka 3d and DMA)18:52
wNrhodesp: you have to use the alternative cd18:52
wNfrom what i understand.18:52
acovrigmschr: yea, I saw 'vesa' in the xorg.conf, so now I know its my xorg.conf file that's the problem...18:52
mschracovrig failsafe boots up with vesa driver, which basically is the oldest kind of VGA driver there is18:53
rhodespAhhh. That'll be it then18:53
linuxfreak003@silidan when i'm using linux I generally just use ssh for stuff like that18:53
mschracovrig you tell which driver to load under Section "Device"18:53
acovrigmschr: nvidia18:53
silidanlinuxfreak003: i have to use openvpn..18:53
mschrwhen you succeed, 'glxinfo | grep direct' should report YES18:54
mschracovrig yes, but once you set it to 'nvidia' - it doesnt work, right?18:54
acovrigmschr: correct, would my xorg.conf be of help?18:55
linuxfreak003silidan: that's unfortunate. I wish i could help but I don't think I've every even got openvpn working.18:55
mschracovrig no, its probably loading the wrong driver (if its looking for a /dev node which is non-existing)18:55
silidanlinuxfreak003: openvpn works perfectly when called with root rights atm...18:55
rhodespwhat is the name of the alternate image I need? I can only see server and desktop images18:55
mschracovrig you have installed two drivers which go by same name called 'nvidia', one: nvidia.com downloaded and two: nvidia-current from repository18:56
acovrigmschr: the only /dev listed is /dev/psaux which is a Character special18:56
DJonesrhodesp: Ubuntu stopped doing the alternate image from 12.10, you'll need to use the minimal iso as a starting point I think18:56
tarvidafter 13.04 upgrade Unity login will not complete18:56
DJones!minimal | rhodesp18:57
ubotturhodesp: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:57
acovrigmschr: I ran apt-get purge 'nvidia-*' should I run the nvidia.com .run thing again in the hopes that it has an uninstall option?18:57
tarvidis there a way to invoke lxde from the command line?18:57
mschracovrig putting the 'nvidia' name under xorg.conf makes Xorg load the driver (call insmod / modprobe) during startup18:57
rhodespahh.slow download then :(18:57
=== androidos18 is now known as AndroidOS
mschracovrig yes, look at the output - it probably says 'rebuilding kernel modules' or 'something initrd.img'18:58
mschracovrig but make sure it says 'support for: chip that reads out from lspci command'18:58
=== wheaties is now known as wheaties466
kexibqhey guys, is there a way around the fact that resolv.conf restores itself at every boot? I would like my DNS changes to persist19:00
acovrigmschr: it says that version 319.17 will be uninstalled so 319.17 can be installed and doesn't say anything about my card...19:01
acovrigmschr: The distribution-provided pre-install script failed...19:01
tarvidkexibq, I think dnsmasq and resolvconf do that19:02
mschracovrig im afraid im only advising 'in-theory' :) dont know why pre-install would fail19:03
kexibqhow would I go about setting persistant dns with those?19:03
tarvidmy login screen does not complete after 13.04 update19:03
tarvidkexibq, there are instructions for additions to interfaces but I never got them to work19:03
acovrigmschr: I'm fine with theoretical, I have the option of not registering the kernel module with DKMS, should I register it?19:04
mschrif you wish to make 'nvidia' name (used in xorg / modprobe) register with the nvidia.ko supplied by nvidia.com .BIN installation, press Y19:04
mschri have a feeling, you would be best off with de-registering the kernel module with DKMS and reinstalling the repository version19:05
acovrighow do I de-register the module?19:06
mschrdunno xD19:06
mschracovrig MAN: http://linux.dell.com/dkms/manpage.html19:07
ElixirVitaeWhy do I need root for apt-get autoremove/clean?19:11
ElixirVitaeI am not installing or removing software, am I?19:11
jribElixirVitae: with autoremove yes, you are uninstalling software.  With clean you are deleting package archives19:11
mschrelixirvitae youre removing cache or unused packages(sw) which is stored in the root filesystem (non-userspace)19:12
ElixirVitaeIs there a limit on deleting from certain directories in *nix?19:12
ElixirVitaeAs in removing files from /usr19:12
ElixirVitaeBy limit, I am referring to being (or not being) root.19:13
makaraHi. I really need an XML editor, but I can't get this program to work. I run it from the command line, and after 2 seconds just back to a prompt. How to debug this? http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/camprocessor/index.php19:13
jrib!permissions | ElixirVitae19:13
ubottuElixirVitae: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:13
ElixirVitaeOh, thanks jrib, that looks informative.19:14
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!19:14
bcurtiswxi did a do-release-upgrade on a 10.04 machine to 12.04 and it encountered errors, so it quit and I'm stuck trying to get the upgrade finished19:21
bcurtiswxi'm stuck on a package that eithee using apt-get dist-upgrade -f or apt-get install -f does nothing19:21
bcurtiswxanyone know how to get around this ?19:22
mschrpkg --purge --force-remove-reinstreq19:22
bcurtiswxmschr, that is the exact command to run ?19:23
bcurtiswxdpkg you mean ??19:24
mschrappend the package name that is giving u a hassle19:24
lelzdpgc dog pound gang crips19:24
bcurtiswxmschr, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5645666/19:26
tonyhow to hack server19:26
DJonestony: Thats not a topic for this channel, its only for Ubuntu support19:27
wallzeroHello, I am trying to setup an EFI boot partition19:27
bcurtiswxwell there goes my help.. anyone else? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5645666/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/5645651/19:28
wallzeroI setup the partition as 500MB, fat32, flag set to "boot", SDA1, and it is set to mount to /boot/efi19:28
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:28
wallzerohow do i now install grub into the partition?19:29
=== logan is now known as Guest51288
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:29
fsvieiraI have a usb gamepad that works good with ubuntu but firefox cant detect it, is there a way to put this to work? Do I need to install something?19:30
=== jagger|away is now known as jagger
anassI want to know how to install Metasploit19:30
wallzerodarthanubis: Thanks, I have reviewed the guide, however, it suggests I use Boot Repair, which doesn't seem to recognize my LUKS partition, even when decrypted19:30
anassI want to know how to install Metasploit19:30
DJones!repeat | anass19:31
ubottuanass: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:31
tonyhow to install exe fotmat for ubuntu19:33
derpybogsworthtony, you can't19:33
Barroit's possible19:34
goobarquick question guys can I dual-boot ubuntu on the same HD with windows 8 without issues? I've been running it with wubi but I want a full installation19:34
seronisi thought wine was able to be configured to run each program in its own window19:34
derpybogsworthFound this: http://www.wikihow.com/Open-Exe-Files-in-Ubuntu19:35
derpybogsworthnot sure if it's valid or not, but it mentions wine, so probably19:35
wilee-nileegoobar, Many do.19:35
wilee-nilee!uefi | goobar19:35
ubottugoobar: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:35
Barroi'm not use it works19:36
goobarwait a second, does this have to do with the windows 8 bios-lock thing? cause my pc came with windows 7 and doesnt have that19:36
tonygive command for ubunt19:36
derpybogsworthWhy not run Windows 8 with Ubuntu in a virtual box or vmware guest machine or vice versa?19:37
wilee-nileegoobar, Not sure if you have a W8 upgrade still in a msdos or a gpt setup is all, ubuntu will run with either.19:37
derpybogsworthGet the best of both worlds at the same time. Screw dual booting19:37
goobarcan't run virtual I need the power to run apps19:37
lobatoi'm not sure if this is the right place to me ask this, but someone has some expertise with wine and 3d performance issues?19:39
xtacieim in the recoery mode of the 12.04 install disk trying to fix grub video issue.. and update-grub comes back command not found?? anyone have a workaroun??19:39
tonyhacking trikes19:39
tonyhacking trikes19:39
tonyhacking trikes19:39
tonyhacking trikes19:39
BommerI had ubuntu 10.04 and now have 12.04 but 12.04 seems to be using much more resources. Is there anything I can do to make 12.04 run smoother?19:40
derpybogsworthbommer do you have htop installed ?19:41
tonyhow to chat with hacker19:41
tonyhow to chat with hacker19:41
tgm4883Bommer, I'd suggest upgrading to 13.04. Unity in 13.04 is a lot better19:41
DJones!hacking | tony19:41
ubottutony: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy19:41
tgm4883Bommer, and that is what is slowing you down19:41
BommerDerby, does it come with that in the updates?19:42
derpybogsworthBommer I doubt it. try a sudo apt-get install htop19:42
BommerTgm, I'm not sure19:42
derpybogsworththen type htop in the terminal... it'll show you what processes are eating resources.19:42
bubba_bubblegumi have a problem with upgrading from 12.04 to 12.1019:43
bubba_bubblegumthere isnt an option to start the upgrade on the update section19:43
theadminJust to make sure, anyone. If I purchase software through the Software Centre, will I be able to install said software anywhere I log in with my Single Sign-On account, or should I back up my auth.conf and such?19:43
BommerUnfortunately I'm not in front of my laptop currently, so I can't tell you exact problems. Just trying for suggestions19:43
derpybogsworthBommer do you run a GUI or just a ubuntu server ?19:44
bubba_bubblegumhello anyone?19:44
BommerNo clue haha. I just installed the 64 bit desktop ubuntu19:44
bubba_bubblegumneed help here19:44
derpybogsworthYou may not need htop if ubuntu desktop provides a visual way to see what's using resources. Compare htop to a terminal tool equivalent to activity monitor in the mac world or taskmanager in the windows world.19:44
derpybogsworthUbuntu desktop may come with an htop like tool already.19:44
theadminbubba_bubblegum: Go to the update manager's settings and set Notify me of a new Ubuntu version: Any new version19:45
theadminbubba_bubblegum: LTS releases default to update only to LTS (and if I were you, I'd stick with that and update to 14.04 when that's out)19:45
BommerWould using the 32 bit version of ubuntu on my 64 bit laptop help it run smoother?19:45
theadminBommer: No, probably would do the opposite.19:45
derpybogsworthBommer, I doubt it.19:45
yeehiWhich is the best personal finance package? Have you tried many?19:45
bubba_bubblegumtheadmin: thanks19:46
theadminyeehi: Haven't tried much, but HomeBank is quite awesome.19:46
BommerOh alright.19:46
wallzeroFor EFI, how do I have Ubuntu update grub in "/boot/efi" instead of "/boot"?19:46
tonywhich os is good to hacking19:46
derpybogsworthBommer, in the ubuntu world it looks like the utility you can use to see what's using resources is called: System Monitor  ... should be very similar to taskmanager in windows or activity monitor in mountain lion19:46
yeehithanks, theadmin - i was just looking at HomeBank...19:46
BommerOhh alright, thanks derpy19:46
derpybogsworthbommer, if you have ubuntu desktop I wouldn't worry about installing htop. just use system monitor.19:47
derpybogsworthno problem dude19:47
tonywhich os is good to hacking19:47
tonywhich os is good to hacking19:47
derpybogsworthtony, your grammer is terrible19:47
BommerIs there also a way to get the 12.04 to look like 10.04 used to19:47
BommerHaha nice derpy xD19:48
derpybogsworthBommer, that I do not know. I have more experience with the server only version of ubuntu. Usually I'm just looking at a terminal.19:48
theadminBommer: Not *exactly*, but there is -- install the "gnome-session-fallback" package19:48
BommerAhh alright, thank you both.  I'll try out that package19:48
sereBommer: the theme or what?19:48
theadminBommer: I also suggest Xfce, which usually works better -- it's very similar to the old GNOME 2, but it's much more functional.19:48
BommerPrefect. Thank you everyone19:49
theadminBommer: See xubuntu.org for details, also I'm not japanese.19:49
serelubuntu is nice too19:49
theadminsere: If we're talking about being similar to GNOME 2, I think Xfce is more of that.19:50
=== MistaMike|away is now known as MistaMike
BommerYour not Japanese? Where'd that come from?19:50
theadminBommer: "Prefect" is someone who controls a "prefecture", that's an area in Japan (maybe other countries too, but I dunno)19:50
BommerOhh Gotcha haha19:51
tonyhow get  terminal comman19:51
BommerCrt alt t19:51
tonyhow get  terminal command19:51
tonyhow get  terminal command19:51
tonyhow get  terminal command19:51
FloodBot3tony: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
FloodBot1tony: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
BommerControl alt t19:51
Liam-those flood bots19:52
tonyhow get  terminal command19:52
IdleOne!cli > tony19:53
ubottutony, please see my private message19:53
derpybogsworthtony... ctrl alt t19:53
theadmintony: Stop repeating.19:53
tonyi whant  command19:53
IdleOnetony: command for what?19:54
ExcryptionHello peeps.19:54
lgcHi, here's a basic question: What happens when I connect to ubuntuone if I have deleted or added some files in my machine?19:55
IdleOnetony: Please ask your questions in this channel.19:55
wilee-nileelgc, If in the ubuntu one folder they are removed in the cloud.19:56
IdleOnelgc:  #ubuntuone can probably help more, but I don't think it will delete the files stored on Ubuntu One19:56
theadminlgc: I'm not 100% sure, but I'd think the deleted ones might be redownloaded (delete them using the web interface at http://ubuntuone.com to make sure that won't happen)19:56
ExcryptionDoes Ubuntu support USB 3.0 out of the box?19:58
theadminExcryption: Sure19:58
Excryptionthank you19:58
ceborcan i setup ubuntu to get kernel updates earlier ?   i heard some people alreadey have 3.8.0-20-generic installled ?19:58
theadmincebor: If you don't know how to do that... Don't. You'll likely break your system.19:58
ExcryptionGetting 80MB/s speeds yup19:59
tonyhow lean c language19:59
tonyhow lean c language20:00
tonyhow lean c language20:00
theadmintony: Stop asking nonsense and flooding the channel, please.20:00
FloodBot1tony: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:00
FloodBot3tony: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:00
serewow :)20:00
seroniswhy do we have 3 floodbots anyways ?20:01
seronisarent they the 'same' bot ?20:01
sereso thr floodbots can flood?20:02
lgcThank you guys. Let me try and fine tune the question: if there's a difference in file number and/or length, will U1 try to match the maximum number of files?20:02
sixyearsofdreamssere because channel is filled with more than 1500 ppz20:02
sixyearsofdreamsperhaps you get a better controll from 3 than 1 ;)20:02
theadminlgc: The generic obvious algorythm is: if file is updated (changed), check modification date and use latest. If file is added, upload it. If file not present locally but is in cloud, download.20:03
seresixyearsofdreams: makes since :)20:03
* sixyearsofdreams to access Floodbot 1-3 press ALT+F420:03
sixyearsofdreamsanyone who falls for that shouldnt be hree20:03
lgctheadmin: thanks, that makes sense. (y) .20:03
HanySalahWalex: HI20:04
sixyearsofdreamswha happen20:04
* Walex waves20:04
sixyearsofdreamsi r not very helpfull ;d20:04
theadminlgc: Just so you know, IRC is a text protocol... Quite many clients won't see your emoticon (and I don't, actually). Try not to use those that aren't commonly-known, it's confusing20:06
HanySalahHi EveryBODY20:06
lgctheadmin: I don't see it either. I was hoping it was the same as in facebook  :D .20:07
MonkeyDustlgc  that would be known for people who actually have FB (I don't)20:08
sixyearsofdreamsfb ? ewww.20:08
sixyearsofdreamsmy deleted facebook is the hawtest20:09
lgcsixyearsofdreams: What? You refuse being part of that 1-billion crowd?20:10
bcurtiswxhow can you force a purge ?20:10
sixyearsofdreamslgc half of that 1 billion is sorry for themselves for having a fb ;d20:10
zykotick9bcurtiswx: have you already removed the package?  if so, you can't.20:10
sixyearsofdreamsthey just cant detatch ;d20:10
bcurtiswxzykotick9, i havenot20:10
sixyearsofdreamsgota love those ppl who post every 1 hour20:10
sixyearsofdreams" i was here!" i was over there!20:10
IdleOne!ot | sixyearsofdreams20:10
ubottusixyearsofdreams: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:10
sixyearsofdreamsim here!20:10
FloodBot3sixyearsofdreams: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:10
FloodBot1sixyearsofdreams: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:10
theadminbcurtiswx: Of a package? sudo dpkg -P package_name, but beware -- if APT doesn't let you do it, 'tis probably for a good reason.20:10
zykotick9bcurtiswx: so what's the issue then.  "sudo apt-get purge foo" should work.20:11
sixyearsofdreamsjesus christ im gettin attacked ;d20:11
lgcsixyearsofdreams: You're somewhat right.20:11
ExcryptionHello everyone20:11
bcurtiswxtheadmin, this is from a do-release-upgrade that failed on installing20:11
bcurtiswxtheadmin, zykotick9 http://paste.ubuntu.com/5645711/20:12
theadminbcurtiswx: Ah. That's happened to me, the fix was: sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get -f install ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:12
zykotick9bcurtiswx: do-release-upgrade is NOT the same as dist-upgrade!20:13
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.20:13
bcurtiswxzykotick9, i wanted a 10.04->12.04 upgrade20:13
bcurtiswxso it was20:13
tonywhat is ip20:14
Pici@now /ll tony 2020:15
ubottuError: Unknown timezone: /ll tony 20 - Full list: http://ubottu.com/timezones.html20:15
bcurtiswxtheadmin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5645798/ didn't work20:15
Fleckhey. how can i know - why flash player is not working here? Not in firefox, not in chrome :(20:15
zykotick9bcurtiswx: 2nd last day of Lucid support :(..20:16
tonyhow to hack server20:16
bcurtiswxzykotick9, thats why i upgraded.. lol and it didn't work20:16
tonyhow to hack server20:16
Picitony: that is not supported here or in any of Ubuntu's channels, stop asking.20:16
zykotick9bcurtiswx: i'm not shocked...  best of luck.20:16
theadminOh, Lucid support ending eh, finally.20:16
zykotick9theadmin: tomorrow, the 9th.20:17
theadminzykotick9: That's today for me already20:17
bcurtiswxtheadmin any idea? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5645798/20:17
bcurtiswxtheadmin, line 617 is where the error occurs but i have tried everything i know to get around it20:18
theadminbcurtiswx: Wee... That's so much messed I can't even read it properly to try and understand the issue, but well, maybe I was just lucky because my update froze early on and didn't do much damage?20:18
upomochi does sombody know how to disable sound in PCSX?20:21
bekksupomoc: Whats PCSX?20:21
BrittanyAny decent window managers out there for 13.04 unity that would allow me to snap to corners?20:21
upomocPCSX-Reloaded 1.9.9220:21
theadminbekks: Some emulator for the Playstation20:21
BrittanyAlso: PCSX is a playstation game emulator.20:21
upomocbekks:  PCSX-Reloaded 1.9.9220:21
bekksAh, I see.20:21
BrittanyIf you're using a non-gui try using pcsx --help to bring up more info in treminal.20:21
upomoci am using gui20:22
Brittanywell then your problem shouldn't be hard at all to figure out with a little searching.20:22
theadminupomoc: I'm not sure about the emulator itself, never used it, but you can mute any app by clicking the volume icon, going to Sound Settings and then Applications.20:22
upomoctheadmin:  can i mute specific app or all20:23
zykotick9upomoc: see if you have a NULL option for the sound plugin, i don't, i only see SDL myself.20:23
upomoctheadmin:  i want to use rytambox and turn sound off on emulator20:23
theadminupomoc: Specific apps, muting everything is just clicking "Mute" on the sound icon, eh20:23
upomoctheadmin:  ty i works20:24
WXZI get an ubuntu is running in low graphics mode error, then it says it'll restart in low graphics mode and I get a blank screen in virtual box.20:25
theadminWXZ: Is your host 64-bit? If so, get a 64-bit Ubuntu version. That seems to happen to me on a 64-bit host with a 32-bit guest, too20:25
WXZtheadmin: yes, 64 bit host.. not sure if 32 bit guest20:26
WXZtheadmin: brb, have to restart20:26
zykotick9theadmin: does your CPU not have virt support?  cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep '(vmx|svm)'20:32
theadminzykotick9: Certainly.20:32
theadminzykotick9: ...'tis a Core i520:32
zykotick9theadmin: that's odd behaviour then???20:32
theadminzykotick9: I'm not really sure what causes this... But that's how it is.20:32
WXZtheadmin: yes, the host is 64 bit.. I'm not sure if the guest is 32 bit. How did you fix your problem?20:33
theadminWXZ: Getting the 64-bit Ubuntu version -- also, make sure you have 3D acceleration enabled on the "Video" tab of the settings20:33
rolanjosehola a todos, tengo un problema20:34
ccb056 vai cagar20:34
rolanjosehi everyone, i have a problem20:35
WXZtheadmin: both of those things are true, still not working20:36
L0rdN1k0nwhat's the problem?20:36
theadminWXZ: Hmz. How did you download the ISO?20:38
WXZtheadmin: from the ubuntu site20:38
theadminWXZ: Nah I mean, direct download or torrent?20:38
theadminWXZ: If direct, make sure it's not damaged, select "Check disc for defects" on boot screen20:39
marian_Iḿ trying this guide but I am stuck already at the first command it asks me to execute tar -xvf ~/Downloads/jre-7u3-linux-i586.tar.gz20:39
WXZtheadmin: it works fine, until I install guest additions I think20:39
theadminWXZ: Oh, how do you install guest additions? Use the ones from the repos20:39
theadminmarian_: Why do you need Oracle Java? OpenJDK 7 is basically identical to Oracles AND is in the repos: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre icedtea-7-plugin20:40
WXZtheadmin: no, the build is from the virtualbox website20:41
marian_theadmin for Citrix connection20:41
theadminmarian_: Oh, huh, wouldn't know much about that.20:41
theadminmarian_: Do you have the icedtea plugin (for the browser?)20:42
=== MistaMike|away is now known as MistaMike
marian_nope I do not, but I am pretty sure it needs java from sun20:43
=== sidewalk_ is now known as sidewalk
marian_Will attempt a reboot firrst, back in a bit, thanks already20:44
theadminmarian_: Well, that's your problem then, you need the browser plugin for browser applets to work.20:44
CarlFKwhat /etc/grubish file do I edit to turn off spash?  ideally I want it to stay in text mode20:45
spaceneedlehow do you turn off the pulse effect on the laun her on the lts version, You can turn it off on 13.04 with the tweak tool but  apparently not on lts.20:45
theadminCarlFK: /etc/default/grub, add "noquiet nosplash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT20:45
wilee-nileespaceneedle, IN compiz config20:46
CarlFKtheadmin: ah, right. thanks20:46
theadminCarlFK: And sudo update-grub20:46
spaceneedlethanks.  Forgot about compiz.20:46
zheoffecCarlFK: or `grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg`20:47
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
X-toniccan I on the fly set a scheduler in ubuntu? I wish some partition not to use CFS but a specialized scheduler for SSDs ?20:49
=== MistaMike|away is now known as MistaMike
zheoffecis ubuntu moving to qt?20:50
harrisri installed a browser called iron from a deb file and when i click it in the dash to open it nothing happens20:53
zheoffecharrisr: run it in the termnial and report the ooutput pls20:53
harrisrhow do i run it in terminal20:53
zheoffecidk, `iron`?20:54
zheoffecif you type in `iron` in the terminal and hit `tab` it should autocomplete20:54
wilee-nileeswriron it doesn't run in ubuntu20:54
harrisrit is SRWare Iron20:55
harrisrman this channel has gone downhill20:56
harrisrand wilee-nilee it says: Downloads for Debian-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint etc.):20:56
harrisrhttp://www.srware.net/downloads/iron.deb (32-Bit)20:56
harrisrhttp://www.srware.net/downloads/iron64.deb (64-Bit)20:56
FloodBot1harrisr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:56
FloodBot3harrisr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:56
zheoffecwilee-nilee: why should it not run?20:56
harrisrit says ubuntu20:57
bray90820is this an ok place to talk about mysql20:57
wilee-nileeharrisr, yes it does, funny how that works, it doesn't.20:57
wilee-nileewho knows ask them20:57
harrisri want to use it20:57
zheoffec#mysql would be better20:57
zheoffecbray90820 ^^^20:57
harrisrwhat is that channel for20:58
bray90820well the people at mysql are now refusing to help me20:58
zheoffecbray90820: ubuntu20:58
bray90820mysql is installed on ubntu :P20:58
zheoffecyes but it is not distro-specific20:58
zheoffecwhy are they refusing ?20:58
harrisrwhy wont the browser run zheoffec20:59
bray90820they tried to help me and couldn't figure it out and are saying i must not have been  doing what they were saying20:59
zheoffecharrisr: i dont know20:59
tgm4883zheoffec, probably because the people in #mysql expect you to know the basics of mysql before asking for help20:59
zheoffecit depends on the question20:59
bray90820oh and they got annoyed with me yesterday and blocked me for a few minutes21:00
tomreynhas the storage location of ~/.xsession-errors changed recently? i'm on 13.04 and it's no longer there.21:00
bray90820because i apparently wasn't providing the necessary information they wanted21:00
zheoffecbray90820: change your nick next time and try to act quite humble and submissive21:00
bray90820they can still look at my IP21:01
zheoffecwhy would they do that?21:01
=== MistaMike|away is now known as MistaMike
bray90820well why would they ban me21:01
tgm4883bray90820, as a new user, I'd probably stick to this channel21:01
zheoffecbray9020: I thought it was a couple of minutes ban?21:02
bray90820it was21:02
zheoffecanyway, what is the problem?21:02
bray90820about 15 minutes21:02
tgm4883bray90820, the reason nobody wants to help you, is that we've helped you so much so far yet you keep going back to your old ways and breaking things21:02
bray90820zheoffec: when i login as a root user it recognizes me as a local user21:03
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zheoffecbray90820: are you using sudo or are you logged in as root?21:03
bray90820loggin in as root21:04
zheoffecwith what method?21:04
zheoffecis bitcoin-qt in the ubuntu repos?21:05
bray90820mysql -u root21:05
tgm4883!info bitcoin-qt21:06
ubottubitcoin-qt (source: bitcoin): peer-to-peer network based digital currency - GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-1 (raring), package size 1912 kB, installed size 5314 kB (Only available for any-alpha; any-amd64; any-arm; any-i386; any-ia64; any-mipsel; any-sh4)21:06
bray90820zheoffec: can you pm me since this is not distro specific21:06
zheoffecoh cool21:06
trismtomreyn: did you switch to the upstart user session? if so they are under ~/.cache/upstart/ (partially anyway)21:06
tomreyntrism: this directory doesn't exist, but i'm not sure what you mean by "did you switch to the upstart user session"21:08
tomreyni'm running xfce4 here, but i guess this doesn't matter21:08
trismtomreyn: I meant this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseNotes#Upstart_User_Sessions_.28technology_preview.29 , but if that's not the case, then I don't know21:09
raviTheProgrammehello I have a question21:10
acovrigSince I can't get out of low graphics mode, I guess I'll re-install: should I go with 13.04 or 12 LTS?21:10
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
Muelli!ask raviTheProgramme21:12
Muelli!ask | raviTheProgramme21:13
ubotturaviTheProgramme: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:13
* zheoffec is afk21:13
acovrigI was stuck with 100% GPU usage for 13.04, if I switched to 12 LTS, would that possibly be inprovable?21:14
tomreynacovrig: depends on whether you'll be able to get a driver which is specific to your graphics card working or not.21:15
tomreyni assume you mean 100% CPU usage?21:15
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tomreynacovrig: do you know which graphics card you have there?21:16
acovrigtomreyn, nvidia 650M Mac Edition21:18
acovrigtomreyn, I had 3% CPU usage, and 100 constant GPU usage (so my battery was 1/3 what it could be and it was constantly warm (75+C)21:19
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tomreynacovrig: how do you measure GPU usage?21:22
tomreynacovrig: which driver were you running?21:22
tomreynthis device is part of a system certified for ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci/10de:0fd1/ so if these certificatiohttp://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci/10de:0fd1/s should mean it should be possible to make it work fine.21:24
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OerHeksacovrig, did you notesed the mac ppa for fancontrol ? >> https://launchpad.net/~mactel-support/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=raring21:25
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages21:26
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acovrigtomreyn, powertop and nvidia-313-updates21:27
drvanonHey guys, I am new with ec2 so I run a little test bottle application to check things out. I opened on ec2. But still, when I try to connect to my IP address it says it can not connect...21:28
anton_ehwhat are the consequences, if any, of not upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04 tomorrow through the update manage??21:28
sjohnsonwhat's the best practice for setting a locale?21:28
sjohnsonright now it's set to POSIX21:28
L0rdN1k0nupdating is your choice21:30
tomreynacovrig: if the power cnsumption matters most to you then you could just switch to nouveau21:32
tgm4883anton_eh, you'll no longer receive security updates for desktop software if you don't update21:33
OerHeksanton_eh, if you don't, set updates to never to get rid of the annoying updatemessages21:34
tomreyntomreyn: other than that you may want to file a bug.21:34
sk00tertomreyn: bug for what21:36
=== Tarso is now known as Athos
=== Athos is now known as _Athos_
anton_ehand I would have to go through 10.10, 11.04, 11.10, before you can get to 12.04 if I wanted to update later rather than use the update manager I have been told else where which I now realise is correct21:36
bekksanton_eh: You can update from 10.04 to 12.04 directly.21:37
zykotick9anton_eh: ahhh, running a distro without security updates is a BAD idea.  both for you, and the rest of the internet.21:37
tgm4883anton_eh, no, you could still go directly to 12.0421:37
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anton_ehSO is it true that after to-morrow I will be unable to upgrade to 12.04 through the update manager or will that option remain and if so for how long??21:37
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:37
sk00terUpdating takes longer because of problems21:37
tgm4883anton_eh, I believe that option will remain21:37
sk00tertgm4883: upgrade is tough somtimes21:39
tgm4883sk00ter, so21:39
anton_ehthanks for the responses21:40
sk00terI just seen more trouble upgrading21:40
tgm4883sk00ter, rather than complain, maybe you could actually contribute to the discussion21:41
thoonaihi I need help with exotic hardware - I have three agx-3281 graphic cards for pci and some others and I want to get them working ;)21:41
sk00tertgm4883: its usually hardware drivers21:41
tomreynsk00ter: i wasn't talking to you there21:41
edinhoi need help for my connection wireless on my xubuntu 13.0421:42
tgm4883sk00ter, outside of wireless, I doubt it21:42
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thoonaiedinho: whats going wrong?21:42
edinhooh... i can connect..21:42
edinhobut it does not recognize my password21:43
edinho@thoonai it does not recognize my password21:44
bray90820:P again they banned me from the mysql channel21:44
thoonaiok typos? one time wrong and now in the default configuration?21:44
edinhothis always asking. I checked and the password is correct21:45
thoonaibray90820: gratz21:45
bray90820those people are Assholes21:45
IdleOne!language | bray9082021:45
ubottubray90820: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:46
edinho@thoonai recognize the wireless card as eth121:46
thoonaiedinho: ok thats weird21:47
sk00terbray90820: you21:47
bray90820sk00ter: what?21:47
edinhoweird is eth021:47
btorchanyone here has setup multipath das devices on 12.04 ?21:47
thoonaiedinho: wireless should be announced as wlan0 not as eth021:48
thoonaiedinho: must go afk21:49
thoonaiedinho: ill come back later21:49
edinhook thks21:49
edinhoany help???21:49
edinhostrange to be announcing that the wireless card is eth1 so I need help21:50
anton_ehto upgrade through a terminal rather than the GUI what command would \i use??21:50
anton_ehfrom 10.04 - 12.0421:51
tgm4883bray90820, in their defense, you have burned though people trying to help you in multiple channels21:51
edinhosomeone can tell me where to search for help? I'm desperate21:51
tgm4883anton_eh, do-release-upgrade21:51
bray90820tgm4883: i tried what they said and they keep saying i didn't try it21:51
edinhopls someone help?21:52
tgm4883bray90820, channels like that are for people that at least know the basics of what they are doing21:52
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tgm4883bray90820, I'm not even sure what you are trying to do, but the stuff they had to help you with seemed pretty basic to me21:53
bray90820i tried it all21:53
bray90820and none of it really worked21:53
tgm4883bray90820, what are you even trying to do?21:54
bray90820they said i didn't login as root but as you cans see from this i did21:54
tgm4883bray90820, ok, then what?21:54
kboodubray90820, Then you've altered the root account so it has no permissions inside mysql.21:54
kboodubray90820, that shows me that there have been many modifications to the permissions inside mysql to restrict access.21:55
bray90820well then they said i didn't do that and before i could explain myself they banned me21:55
tgm4883kboodu, wouldn't that also be what it looks like on a default install with no new databases?21:56
kboodutgm4883, no.21:56
SolarisBoyneeds an auth table if it were21:56
tgm4883bray90820, yea, I don't really care what they told/said you did, nor what they did to you21:56
kboodutgm4883, For one it's missing a key database called "mysql"21:56
bray90820what it looks like to me is that i have no usable database21:56
tgm4883bray90820, I'm trying to figure out what you actually want to accomplish21:56
tgm4883kboodu, heh, so it is21:56
=== _deXter_ is now known as [deXter]
bray90820in the end i want xbmc to correctly connect to my mythtv database21:57
SolarisBoymaybe you can start mysql with no grant options and see what the perms look like within21:57
tgm4883bray90820, ok, first things first. How many times have people in the #mythtv-users channel helped you fix this crap21:57
sk00terbray90820: is mysql running21:57
kboodubray90820, You might be better off completely removing the mysql package(s) and restarting from the beginning.21:57
tgm4883kboodu, +121:57
bray90820that's what i was thinking21:57
SolarisBoysk00ter: yes if he connected and was able to query it =)21:57
bray90820how would i remove it21:58
tgm4883bray90820, see it's questions like that....21:58
SolarisBoyyou can even backup those database folders you want to keep and restore them if you choose - (reinstall inclusive)21:58
kurcichi if i downaloda ubuntu 64bit can i use programs thet are 32bit21:58
kboodubray90820, I would also make sure you remove all the existing databases by checking the /var/lib/mysql directory and making sure that's empty.21:58
kbooduIf it's not, remove everything with "sudo rm -r /var/lib/mysql"21:59
kurcicwhat is difrence betwhin 64bit or 32bit OS?21:59
SolarisBoyi also think there is a mysql script which comes with the installation that reinitializes those startup DB's the proper way and may set the perms properly21:59
jribkurcic: yes you can use 32bit programs on 64bit if you enable multi-arch21:59
sk00terkurcic: memory22:00
ctxmengo for a alcoholic drink it will help your back22:00
kurcicjrib:  so if i have pc thet can use 64 bit i shoud go for 64bit?22:00
kboodukuric, IMHO, yes.22:00
kboodukuric, if you ever want to grow beyond 4Gb RAM, 64-bit takes advantage of it better than 32-bit.22:01
sk00terkurcic: in most cases22:01
sk00terkurcic: some things still run better 3222:02
kurcicwhat things?22:02
kurcicand i have 3gb of ram22:03
sk00terkurcic: games22:03
megamanx1978_How do I set my autostart programs?22:03
tgm4883games don't work on a 64-bit OS?22:04
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I do the auto-rotation of the Gimp from command line?22:04
theadmin_megamanx1978_: Search for "Startup applications" in the Unity Dash and use that.22:04
SolarisBoybray90820: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html you may find this useful if you are looking for other options or just want to know hwo to get around things like this22:04
theadmin_tgm4883: Most do... At least most native Linux games.22:04
michealPWI'm having trouble with Ubuntu 12.04 and Screen Blanking & Locking. Sometimes it will properly blank the screen, however most of the time it does not.22:04
bobolopolistgm4883: they'll work fine, but will pull in a lot of 32bit compatability libraries22:04
sk00termegamanx1978: unhide folders then look for autostart folder. Place shortcut to app in folder22:05
tgm4883theadmin_, bobolopolis sorry, I'm just trying to figure out why sk00ter says they don't work22:05
bobolopolisi've never had a problem personally22:05
wilee-nileemegamanx1978, To populate startup menu   sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop22:05
SolarisBoyi haven't had many issues with things not working on 64 bit OS (or 32) if you have multi-arch libs on a 64 bit sys - things generally work22:06
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I do the auto-rotation of the Gimp from command line?22:06
kurcici will go 64 and hope for best22:06
Ben6464 works fine22:06
sk00tertgm4883: some opengl games if ran in 64 bit need 32 bit graphic librarys22:06
megamanx1978_Ty just wondering what section is "startup applications" in the software lens?22:07
acovrigmojtaba, as-in you want to rotate a bunch of images, or auto rotate jpgs based on their exif?22:07
=== theadmin_ is now known as theadmin
Dr_willisive never had any issues with 64bit that i can recall.. at least not in the last 2 years.22:07
SolarisBoymojtaba: do you mean perform funcitons from gimp on a image from the cli?22:07
Ben64the last issue i had with 64bit was flash support, but that works now too22:07
sk00terSolarisBoy: right22:07
SolarisBoymojtaba: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Basic_Batch/22:08
MonkeyDustmojtaba  like so? http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Basic_Batch/22:08
SolarisBoymojtaba: you may be interested in imagemagick also - they have a command called "rotate" and it will work on those the same22:08
mojtabaacovrig: Actually when I open the image with Gimp it asks " do you want to auto rotate the image?" and I want to do this on bunch of pictures without opening them with Gimp and re-saving them.22:08
mojtabaSolarisBoy: yes22:08
SolarisBoymojtaba: ^22:08
Dr_willismojtaba,  if you need to just rotate them.. theres the imagemagik tools22:08
SolarisBoyyes - rotate as previously mentioned -22:09
Ben64i'm sure theres a line you could write to rotate images that are taller than they are wide22:09
mojtabaDr_willis: I want to do auto rotation on them.22:09
megamanx1978_I think 64bit ubuntu 12.04 and up has support for 32bit and 64 bit software22:09
sk00terChrome still has not fixed hardware/gpu accelerTion in flash.22:09
acovrigmojtaba, if you want to rotate a bunch of pictures, I second SolarisBoy's recommendation on ImageMagick22:09
mojtabaLike the one Gimp does on images.22:09
mojtabaacovrig: I see.22:10
SolarisBoymojtaba: hold22:10
mojtabaThen I should run what command to install image magick?22:10
SolarisBoymojtaba: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/exiftran.1.html22:10
SolarisBoytry this out22:10
SolarisBoythe argument -a is what your looking for AFAIK -22:10
mojtabaSolarisBoy: I will take a look. thanks22:11
SolarisBoysorry i have some off lag on my keyboard =( '  -a     automatic (using exif orientation tag)' sounds like what you want22:11
mojtabaSolarisBoy: Then I must pipe those images with find command to exiftran?22:12
SolarisBoyif it accepts from a pipe and your find command only finds the proper things - sure why not22:12
SolarisBoyother wise more like a for loop or so22:12
WXZI want a little drop down like the file-browser-applet, anything like that for pangolin22:12
SolarisBoytechnically if it's going to rotate based on exif tag - it shouldn't matter to iterate each file as it will only set it to what it expects anyway -22:13
mojtabaSolarisBoy: Thanks a million. I will try it.22:13
SolarisBoymojtaba: so based on the man page for that one you can pass in a wildcard ' exiftran -ai *.jpeg' np mojtaba22:13
Dr_willis!info imagemagik22:14
ubottuPackage imagemagik does not exist in raring22:14
mojtabaSolarisBoy: Can I also give another output directory?22:14
SolarisBoyyou can but not with -i included -i makes it inplace so it overwrites the source22:14
SolarisBoyyou would then want to revert to using -a and -o (output) in a loop and put them to the /sys/path/file.jpg name you want them as22:15
theadmin!info imagemagick | Dr_willis22:15
ubottuDr_willis: imagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 8: (raring), package size 188 kB, installed size 440 kB22:15
Dr_willisconvert between image formats as well as resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more.22:15
SolarisBoymojtaba: something like may work for you: for i in `ls *jpg`; do exiftran -a ${i} /tmp/new-${i} ; done22:15
SolarisBoymojtaba: as always i suggest taking a quick backup of things before playing with new binaries22:16
mojtabaSolarisBoy: Actually I am a newbie. Should I put this in the command line or should I make a script?22:16
SolarisBoymojtaba: either or - and both technically are the same22:17
neytirianyone have expirence setting up a pxe boot server using 12.04?22:17
SolarisBoywhichever is comfy for ya22:17
SolarisBoyneytiri: yes22:17
mojtabaSolarisBoy: Thanks a lot22:17
WXZI want a little drop down menu of a folder like the file-browser-applet, anything like that for pangolin22:20
JofironsesWhat does the following command do? ip link set eth0 up promisc on (I know it starts eth0, but what about the promisc on?)22:25
GunArm1i'm trying to do ddrescue disk to disk like http://www.forensicswiki.org/wiki/Ddrescue but when I just do ddrescue -n disk1 disk2 logfile, it makes do a --force to overwrite the existing "output file"  this is wierd since it's not in the documentation, but not scary since disk2 is empty.  the second step is to do ddrescue -r 1 disk1 disk2 logfile, again it says i have to do --force on this as well and it will overwrite.  now I'm scared to 22:25
JofironsesI did try doing man ip, but to no avail22:26
Ben64Jofironses: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promiscuous_mode22:26
akaSoldatsJofironses: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promiscuous_mode22:27
JofironsesStill, wireshark works, even though my network card is not on this mode. Does it set it on somehow?22:27
Dr_willisGunArm1,  ive always recovered to a image File on the 2nd hd.. not tried to make a clone of the first hd,, are you imageing to /dev/sdb  or to a file on /dev/sdb1 ?22:27
VraaghetmaarYow somebody up here?22:28
Dr_willisVraaghetmaar,  a lot of people are in here22:28
Vraaghetmaarnice but are they active dxD22:28
mojtabaSolarisBoy: It just gives: "ls: cannot access *jpg: No such file or directory22:29
GunArm1Dr_willis: directly from /dev/sda to /dev/sdj22:29
Vraaghetmaarmojtaba: u puted the wrong value for ls i think22:30
=== dd2not is now known as dd22not
mojtabaVraaghetmaar: Can I use find instead of ls?22:30
=== dd22not is now known as dd2not
Vraaghetmaarwhat do you wanna do with ls mojtaba?22:31
Dr_willisGunArm1,  that Might be why its neeidng a force.. Ive never imaged from one device to a 2nd.. i image from like /dev/sda1  to /media/sdb2/diskimage.img22:31
mojtabaVraaghetmaar: for i in `find . -iname *jpg`; do exiftran -a ${i} /tmp/new-${i} ; done22:32
Dr_willismojtaba,  it might be a good idea to spend 20 min or so reading up on some bash beginner guides. You may be making some very basic typos/mistakes.     and i suggest working with a 'backup' set of your image files  in any case. untill you get it all figured out. ;)22:32
Dr_willismojtaba,  common mistake  people make in examples  is the use of the `    thats a backtick.. not a '  single quote. ;)22:33
GunArm1Dr_willis: the first pass took 20 hours as the source drive is failing and reading from it periodically locks my whole computer HARD, so I have to reboot and start again resuming from the logfile.  do you think doing the -r 1 with a force would indeed erase those 20 hours and the data?22:33
Vraaghetmaarmojtaba: listen to Dr_willis go reading some beginners guides it will help you to learn how to use ls and more22:34
mojtabaDr_willis: I see. Thanks.22:34
SolarisB1ymojtaba: sorry computer borked22:34
mchlbhmHaving trouble mounting ext hd. Using ubuntu 12.04 64 and wd mypassport ext hd22:34
Dr_willisGunArm1,  No idea on that. took me a week+ to recovery a 1tb USB hd once.. i imaged it to a file. and i definatly dont recall needing to use force.22:34
GunArm1ok thanks22:34
dooomflash videos run slow on ubuntu (ie youtube) does anyone know how to fix this?22:34
michealPWDr_willis: On that note, what advice do you have for creating image backups of a dual-boot (ubuntu and win7, both bootloaders installed in an efi partition) setup all on a single physical disk? Create multiple images of each partition or one giant image of the entire disk? :\22:34
SolarisB1ymojtaba: the one liner i dropped implied you were in the directory with the jpegs fyi so if not it will fail22:34
=== sparq is now known as sparqz
SolarisB1yit also implies other things that they were named jpeg and not JPEG or jpg or anything else - so adjust he one line to your needs mojtaba22:35
mojtabaSolarisB1y: I see22:35
Dr_willismichealPW,  to be honest.. i dont bother.. I backup my imporntant data from /home/ and if everything explodes i reinstall the os.22:35
michealPWI'm confused when it comes to disk backups :\22:35
Vraaghetmaarmchlbhm: try cfdisk22:35
Vraaghetmaarmchlbhm: in the terminal22:35
michealPWDr_willis: Ah, I see. That makes sense, thanks :)22:35
dooomflash videos run slow on ubuntu (ie youtube) does anyone know how to fix this?22:35
evfoolhi all, after the latest update my system seems to falling apart, with lots of "error while loading shared libraries" for various .so files, like libcap.so.2, libreadline.so.6, etc22:35
Dr_willismichealPW,  i can reinstall linux/ubuntu in like 40 min..  windows.. can take a week+   to get everything set back up..  (see why i like linux? ) ;P22:35
mojtabaSolarisB1y: I enter: for i in 'find . -iname *jpg'; do exiftran -ao ${i} ~/Desktop/artterest-correct/${i}; done22:36
GunArm1Dr_willis: I just don't have the disk space to make a file image of a 2tb drive, or even any spare sata slots to plug a new drive into, so I'm trying to avoid that if I can get away with it.  But there ARE examples of using ddrescue disk to disk in the manual and they don't mention using --force either so thats really wierd22:36
Dr_willisdoomlord,  best advice i have on that   - is use some youtube/flash downloader extension, then just watch them direct from the pc/converted to some other format.22:36
mojtabaand it gave back unknown option -na22:36
dooomflash videos run slow on ubuntu (ie youtube) does anyone know how to fix this??22:36
mchlbhmVraaghetmaar, fatal error cannot open drive22:37
VraaghetmaarDont use linux just to be cool, use it because it will safe your life (A)22:37
Dr_willisGunArm1,  the  askubuntu.com site might have some info on using it.. or its parent question/answer sites..22:37
Vraaghetmaarmchlbhm: try fdisk22:37
michealPWDr_willis: Hah, amen to that. I'm in the exact same boat, literally. I was considering using the Windows "Backup & Restore" utility to create an image of the entire C disk. I'm not sure how that would work out when it comes time to restore, though22:37
Vraaghetmaarmchlbhm: if that doesn work use an partition manager you can download it at the ubuntu softwarecentre22:38
michealPWSince it's an efi dual-boot.22:38
dotnamei have a hybrid gpu can you guys tell me how can i switch between the 2 of them?22:38
mchlbhmVraaghetmaar, I will try those. Thank you for your time.22:38
Dr_willisGunArm1,  http://superuser.com/  or stackexchange, or askubuntu.com may have some better info on the  tricks to using ddrescue, ive only really used it a few times. and at the most simple settings22:38
bray90820that's what i was thinking22:38
Vraaghetmaarmchlbhm: Your Welcome mate!22:39
michealPWdotname: It depends on the gpus?22:39
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Dr_willisdotname,  what gpus?   theres Bumblebee for Nvidia/intel chpsets22:39
dotnameintel hd 4000 and nvidia 640m le22:39
Dr_willisdotname,  if its an Optmius thing.. look into  Bumblebee22:40
michealPWOptimus (puke)22:40
michealPWI sold my MacBook Pro because of that Optimus chip :\22:40
dotnameit says geforce with cuda22:40
dotnameif that helps22:40
Dr_willisdident een know macs had them. ;)22:40
dooomflash videos run slow on ubuntu (ie youtube) does anyone know how to fix this??22:41
Vraaghetmaardooom: get a better pc hahahaha22:41
michealPWThe brand new flagship one does. Ridiculously overpriced hehe. I got a really powerful ASUS notebook for 1/3 the price :D22:41
Dr_willisor stop using flash.. or use a flash downloader extension.22:41
dooomyou sure it isnt a flash issue?22:41
michealPWdoom: Do you know what gpu is in your pc?22:42
dooomno i dont22:42
SolarisB1ymojtaba: i see22:42
Vraaghetmaarthats the reason jhaahaha22:42
Dr_willisFlash IS almost always the issue dooom  and theres littel we can do to fix flash22:42
michealPWdoom: It could be that you're using the wrong (Or no..) driver for it, which you only notice watching videos.22:42
Dr_willisdooom,  what video chipset are you using and what drivers?22:42
michealPWAlthough Dr_willis is right, doom. Flash is aweful. You can set YouTube to use HTML5 videos instead.22:42
SolarisB1yso basically quick bash lesson `` is diff from '' or "" as in `` will execute whatever command inside those symbols22:42
mojtabaSolarisB1y: Do you know what should I do?22:42
dooomits a fresh instaall22:42
michealPWNot all videos are avail. in HTML5 yet, but at this point most of them are.22:43
SolarisB1ygr mojtaba that was for you22:43
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mojtabaSolarisB1y: I correct that onw22:43
Vraaghetmaarguys got to go22:43
dooomit seems ubuntu 13.04 has flash installed  by default?22:43
Dr_willisSolarisB1y,  Backticks are VERY differnt.  :)    echo `date`   runs the date command.. then exchos the output22:43
mojtabaBut still not working22:43
SolarisB1yright because your saying -o but i dont see where you are telling the files to go22:43
Dr_willisSolarisB1y,  i tend to use the $(command) syntax these days.. easier to read22:43
SolarisB1yDr_willis: me too22:43
michealPWdoom: Open a terminal by holding Ctrl, Alt and T. In the terminal, type: lspci | grep VGA22:44
Dr_willisdooom,  if you checked that one checkbox at the start of the installer it installs it i belive22:44
michealPWWhat VGA adapters does it find? :)22:44
dotnamemy wifi indicator is on,but oit says that wireless is disabled by hardware switch22:44
SolarisB1ythat was irc shorthand =) actually i do that so much people often say to me "hey you know you can use this right ``" the give/take of *nix ::sigh::22:44
dooomohhh yeah i did22:44
mchlbhmext hd not showing up via fdisk or gparted22:44
mojtabaSolarisB1y: Could you please help me to figure it out.22:44
SolarisB1ymojtaba: cd to where the files are22:45
mojtabaSolarisB1y: ok22:45
SolarisB1ymojtaba: do you know how to paste bin?22:45
michealPWOops I typed his name wrong, so it didn't highlight.22:45
dotnamesudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates22:45
mojtabaSolarisB1y: Yes,22:45
dooom00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler [Radeon HD 6250]22:45
michealPWOh cool, Radeon :)22:46
dooomthats good?22:46
SolarisB1ymojtaba: ok quick lesson then. Type everything after this dash - for i in $(ls) ; do echo "Filename: ${i}"; done22:46
SolarisB1yand paste it - but also pay attention to it and what happend when it's done -22:46
jribSolarisB1y: you shouldn't parse ls like that22:46
SolarisB1ythis is not for production its for testing22:46
ironhalikCan I use the Gnome Shell/GDM login, lockscreen in 13.04?22:46
SolarisB1ywe will fix that shortly22:46
mchlbhmSo what can I do to get ubuntu to recognize my ext hd? lol22:46
jribSolarisB1y: you're instilling bad habits22:46
SolarisB1ythanks though jrib i have never and wont start soon22:46
michealPWdooom: So you'll most likely want to install the proprietary AMD drivers (Called "fglrx" for FireGL, Radeon and Xpress) and you'll get much better performance out of that 6250.22:47
SolarisB1yjrib: ok sorry ill stop trying to help the individual then22:47
SolarisB1yapologies for that~!!!! i had no idea i was so in the wrong...22:47
dooommichealPW:  and how do i do this?22:47
jribSolarisB1y: no it's fine, just use "for i in *" instead22:47
mojtabaSolarisB1y: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5646157/22:47
SolarisB1yi think you missed my point here22:47
SolarisB1ythanks mojtaba22:47
michealPWdooom: In the terminal (If you closed it, just Ctrl+Alt+T) type: sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates22:47
SolarisB1yjrib: point well taken ...22:48
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dooommichealPW:  anything else?22:48
SolarisB1yanyway - mojtaba so those dont look like image files is problem 122:48
michealPWdooom: I get good mileage out of fglrx-updates. Yours may vary. If you ever have trouble (Thrown to a single-user terminal) just log-in and type sudo apt-get purge fglrx-updates && sudo apt-get install fglrx22:48
SolarisB1ymy ultimate point which hopefully you got now....22:48
michealPWdooom: Nope, that's it. Once install finishes for the 1st time run: sudo amdconfig --initial22:49
mojtabaSolarisB1y: can I use find instead of ls?22:49
SolarisB1ymojtaba: is that you can loop over the contents of files/folders in a location and perform an operation which intiially i dont think you got22:49
michealPWWhich will generate your x config, but you only need to do this once.22:49
mojtabaI mean replace it with find.22:49
SolarisB1ymojtaba: yes and i as i *INITIALLY* said - thats probably what you want22:49
SolarisB1ythe ls and all talks of - were an example22:49
SolarisB1ymojtaba: again yes -22:49
mojtabaSolarisB1y: Because actually the pictures are in directories, and all of them are in on directory22:50
mojtabaI want to do it in subdirectories.22:50
ironhalikcan I make a ctrl + alt + break shortcut?22:50
SolarisB1yjrib: would ls -1 have made you more comfy in that situation?22:50
jribSolarisB1y: I just avoid it, it shouldn't be necessary ( http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ParsingLs is a good reference for this )22:51
SolarisB1yjrib: why is parsing the output of a command not a good practice (understanding what you said but taking another look at that general statement)22:51
SolarisB1yi've seen that referenced here in the past... let me see ..22:51
dooommichealPW:  also i heard theres differnt flash plugins?22:52
dooomthat some work better then others?22:52
michealPWdooom: Well I suppose now there's 3...22:52
dooomany idea which one works best and how to check which one im useing?22:53
michealPWdooom: There's an open-source flash player called "Gnash", as well as the official Adobe flash player. Google's Chrome has the 3rd flash player, which is the latest version I suppose.22:53
dooomim not useing google chrome22:53
michealPWI tyically just use Adobe's plugin, 'cause I'm not a Chrome user but meh. I suppose that's a dying strategy :\22:53
dooomfirefox is the default browser22:53
mojtabaSolarisB1y: Could you please let me know how can I use find in that statement?22:53
michealPWHopefully Gnash progresses but in my experience.. You can watch YouTube with Gnash but *most* other flash content does not work.22:53
SolarisB1yplausible effort on that doc link - i get the point it does make lots of sense - but again why are people making file names with new lines? lol22:54
SolarisB1ymojtaba: in the same manner as you would with ls enclosing it in $() or ``22:54
michealPWdooom: So as a firefox user your choice is pretty limited, until Gnash gets better (It's still actively being developed) your best bet is Adobe's plugin.22:54
dooommichealPW:  isnt there a firefox plugin?22:54
jribmojtaba: might want to take a look at find's -exec switch22:54
yeats!flash | dooom22:55
ubottudooom: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:55
michealPWdooom: That's it (Adobe and Gnash)22:55
SolarisB1ygood suggestion22:55
dooomoh ok22:55
michealPW!flash | michealPW22:55
ubottumichealPW, please see my private message22:55
mojtabaSolarisB1y: It is the result: for i in `find . -iname *jpg`; do exiftran -a ${i} /tmp/new-${i}; done22:58
mojtabayou have to either specify a output file (-o <file>)22:58
mojtabaor enable inplace editing (-i). Try -h for more info.22:58
zykotick9michealPW: neither gnash nor html5 will allow you to play all youtube videos :(..22:59
birch_Hi, is there a bot here that can tell me the version of a driver used in various ubuntu releases? Or is there a wiki list of this somewhere? I'm looking for info on versions xserver-xorg-video-intel but I'm not familiar with your bots. Thanks!22:59
bekksbirch_: packages.ubuntu.com22:59
zykotick9!info xserver-xorg-video-intel22:59
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.21.6-0ubuntu4 (raring), package size 681 kB, installed size 1838 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)22:59
birch_thanks bekks zykotick923:00
jribmojtaba: I urge you to read http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ParsingLs too23:00
mojtaba06:58:03 PM - mojtaba: SolarisB1y: It is the result: for i in `find . -iname *jpg`; do exiftran -a ${i} /tmp/new-${i}; done23:00
mojtaba06:58:03 PM - mojtaba: you have to either specify a output file (-o <file>)23:00
mojtaba06:58:03 PM - mojtaba: or enable inplace editing (-i). Try -h for more info.23:00
mojtabajrib: Thanks, could you please take a look at my command?23:01
jribmojtaba: I did.  You shouldn't parse the output of find that way23:01
zykotick9http://mywiki.wooledge.org is an EXCELLENT source for all thing BASH ;)  jrib +123:01
mojtabajrib: Should I pipe it?23:01
birch_!ubotu versions xserver-xorg-video-intel23:01
ubottubirch_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:01
mojtabaHow can I use it in the loop?23:01
jribmojtaba: I would use -exec23:01
mojtabaCould you please give me the full command? I will test it here.23:02
jribmojtaba: the man page has examples.  Also, there's more discussion here: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/01523:03
mojtabajrib: I will definitely take a look at the links, thanks. But I would really appreciate if you could help me now as I am in hurry.23:04
dooommichealPW:  that seems to help23:04
saxplayer1216i'm having issues23:05
saxplayer1216I have an ati x300 graphics card installed23:05
saxplayer1216i couldn't get the proprietary so i installed fglrx23:05
saxplayer1216then nothing worked as far as windowing and the dash/sidebar23:06
saxplayer1216so i uninstalled fglrx23:06
saxplayer1216now windowing kind of works, but still no sidebar23:06
saxplayer1216any ideas?23:06
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jribmojtaba: all I know is that you want to run some command recursively23:07
mojtabajrib: Yes23:07
Guest58739ha wooledge.org looks useful, will book mark that for future ref23:14
jribGuest58739: #bash /topic if you forget ;)23:15
mchlbhmHow do I get ubuntu 12.04 x64 to recognize my ext hd (WD MyPassport)?23:15
utfans05mchlbhm, have you unplugged it and plugged it back in?23:16
kboodumchlbhm, Mine was just recognized.  Did something happen to your USB port(s)?23:16
derp .̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨  .̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨23:16
mchlbhmutfans05, a few times. I've also tried to find it via fdisk, gparted and mount23:16
AdamDwhy cant i install ubuntu to fat32?23:17
bekksAdamD: Because FAT32 isnt capable of POSIX access permissions.23:17
AdamDwhat about hfs+?23:17
bekksAdamD: Nope.23:17
Chris_W_anyone know how to 'upgrade' from cinnamon 1.67 to 1.8?23:18
AdamDlet me guess not on ntfs ethier?23:18
bekksAdamD: Correct.23:18
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AdamDso only native linux fs23:18
AdamDlike ext2/3/4 hfs23:18
bekksAdamD: Yes.23:18
utfans05mchlbhm, have you tried sudo fdisk -l23:18
AdamDnot hfs23:18
FloodBot3AdamD: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:18
FloodBot1AdamD: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:18
bekksAdamD: hfs isnt a "native linux fs".23:18
mchlbhmutfans05,  Yep... nuttin'23:19
AdamDi didnt mean to say hfs rather jfs23:19
Ben64AdamD: just like you can't install windows onto ext323:19
peterrooneyAdamD: what are you wanting to do?23:19
AdamDor install mac os x onto ntfs right?23:19
AdamDi was just wondering in case future23:19
utfans05mchlbhm, hrm... give me a min23:20
mchlbhmutfans05, tried different ports. still nothing. OK, thank you23:20
GunArm1do people get paid to do support in here?  or is it all volunteers?23:20
utfans05mchlbhm, can you post what that gives you to a pastebin so i can see, it may be there you just might be missing it23:20
Ben64mchlbhm: unplug it, wait 10 seconds, plug it back in. then pastebin the output of "dmesg"23:20
bekksGunArm1: They are all volunteers.23:20
bekksGunArm1: "We" ;)23:21
Chris_W_im getting paid23:21
mchlbhmBen64, will do23:21
GunArm1Chris_W_: in the sense that you get paid to poop when you are on the clock?  or like officially payed?23:21
GunArm1i just wonder because there are some people who are in here every day answering everyones questions for hours and hours like a full time job23:22
Ben64GunArm1: you could ask people in #ubuntu-offtopic23:23
mchlbhmBen64, utfans05: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5646218/23:24
mchlbhmpastebin rocks :D23:24
Ben64strange... it definitely sees that you plugged it in, but it's not recognizing it23:25
Ben64mchlbhm: does it have any weird features?23:25
Chris_W_anyone know how to 'upgrade' from cinnamon 1.67 to 1.8?23:25
Ben64Chris_W_: cinnamon isn't supported here23:25
magpii|2i am using kvirc how do i add a server to connect to?23:26
utfans05ben64 - mchlbhm yeah thats weird, its not reading the info on the drive at all23:26
mchlbhmBen64,  Not sure what you mean23:26
Ben64mchlbhm: does the drive have both a usb and a power cable?23:26
mchlbhmBen64,  no just like a cellphone type port23:28
Ben64mchlbhm: then i'm guessing the problem is lack of power23:28
utfans05mchlbhm, does it work on another pc?23:29
mchlbhmutfans05, I'll find out23:29
rhodespis there a way to put a grub loader on an lvm partition?23:32
magpii|2can someone help me add a new server connection to KVIRC please?23:32
bekksrhodesp: What exactly are you trying?23:32
magpii|2#computernerds is moving to #lardcc on irc.dal.net but my kvirc doesnt have it listed. is there a way to add it to the server list?23:34
magpii|2the server, not the channel. i can add the channel once i can connect to the server23:34
rhodespinstalling all of ubuntu within an LVM VG and put the grub loader on the base disk. Not sure if that works still. Think I either need the /root or the /boot to be primary23:35
bekksrhodesp: It wont work. Create a regular boot partition.23:35
Ben64magpii|2: look in the documentation for the program23:35
mchlbhmutfans05, tried it on wife's laptop. Says it's searching win update for drivers23:36
utfans05mchlbhm, is this a brand new external?23:37
mchlbhmutfans05, Says ready to use but still won't show up. No, couple years old23:38
utfans05mchlbhm, do you hear the drive spinning up or is totally drive, im thinking it might be hardware related not23:38
mchlbhmutfans05, spins and the light lights up23:39
sk00terI got a virus23:39
bekksmchlbhm: Whats the output of dmesg then? Could you pastebin it along with sudo fdisk -l please?23:39
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mchlbhmbekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5646218/   This is dmesg23:41
mchlbhmBekks, standby for fdisk23:41
kavurti can't see half of my launcher. how can i move the display to the right?23:42
wilee-nilee!details | kavurt23:43
ubottukavurt: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:43
mchlbhmbekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5646257/     fdisk23:43
kallisti5another fork?  I'll just leave this here: http://i.imgur.com/BcS4XJm.png23:45
bekksmchlbhm: Its not even getting a device node, sounds like a broken controller :)23:45
kavurti just installed ubuntu 13.04. my monitor is a sharp tv. i can't adjust display  manually through the monitor. i need to move the screen half an inch to the right to be able to see the left side of the desktop. now i can't see the close button for windows and i cannot see left half of the launcher. is there a way to move the screen to the right through gui?23:46
bekksmchlbhm: To clarify it: your device isnt even getting a device node in /dev so it cant be accessed at all.23:47
mchlbhmbekks, I apologize for my ignorance. Could you phrase that more n00b friendly? :D23:47
mchlbhmbekks, even better... Send me a link that will teach me. :)23:48
wilee-nileekavurt, I would check the resolution options.23:48
bekksmchlbhm: the /dev folder is holding "device nodes" for every hardware in your computer. They allow you to actually access that hardware. Those nodes are generated automatically on hardware changes (like plugging in your drive) - but your device isnt even getting a device node.23:49
bekksmchlbhm: Maybe you have to use some Windows to install the WD software, and somehow "unlock" the drive.23:50
bekksmchlbhm: Thats what I experienced a few years ago, using a MyPassport disk.23:50
kavurtwilee-nilee, i did. if i pick 1024 768 i can see the whole screen but that resolution is not suitable for this tv(monitor).  the only other option is 1360x768. and i have the problem i described above with that resolution.23:50
avatari have a laptop with hybrid gpu intel hd and nvidia i tried to use bumblebee but i cant get the battery duration compared to windows23:50
mchlbhmbekks: utfans05 also suggested a possible power problem. How could I address that issue?23:51
Cyclohexanewhat true & false do?23:51
bekksmchlbhm: Was the device shipped with an external power supply?23:52
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bekksCyclohexane: They return "true" or "false".23:52
rakuim on ubuntu 12.04 without any admin rights, is there something i can use to record my desktop?23:52
mchlbhmbekks: negative23:52
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bekksmchlbhm: Did you use other USB ports yet?23:52
Cyclohexanebekks: so if you run command & command what's it do?23:52
bekksCyclohexane: It returns its value and exits.23:52
mchlbhmbekks: I did, and tried other computers23:52
wilee-nileekavurt, Run xrandr to see the options, not sure there is a gui to do a custom adjustment per-say.23:53
bekksmchlbhm: And no luck, even on other computers?23:53
mchlbhmbekks: Well, my other laptop is running mint 13 (no luck) and my wife's installed a driver for it, but it didn't seem to mount23:54
Cyclohexanebekks: difference between & and && then?23:54
bekksmchlbhm: If she's using windows, try installing the shipped software to "unlock" the drive.23:55
bekksCyclohexane: & puts a command into background, cmd1 && cmd2 executes cmd2 if cmd1 was executed without errors.23:55
saxplayer1216I'm having trouble with my graphics23:56
mchlbhmbekks: will do23:56
saxplayer1216As in the sidebar disappeared23:56
saxplayer1216after installing and removing fglrx and fglrx-amdcccle23:56
saxplayer1216anyone have any ideas?23:57
adamksaxplayer1216: Just the sidebar?  Everything else seems to be working fine?23:58
vu1kan...so when i press the up arrow key, i take a screenshot...:\23:58
mchlbhmbekks, utfans05 Still working on it. Just wanted to say that I appreciate your time and effort helping me with this23:59

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