
=== kylin_ is now known as TigerLuo
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhw_ypwong: http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/05/people-behind-ubuntu-quality-howard.html?m=112:24
ypwongyou are famous now!12:24
smartboyhw_ypwong: ROFL12:24
smartboyhw_Not famous:P12:25
cfhowlettsmartboyhw_, daaaaang.  Can I haz your autograph?12:25
smartboyhw_cfhowlett: …12:25
ypwongwho's that guy in the photo?12:25
smartboyhw_ypwong: Me in Form 1 (I'm in Form 3 now)12:26
ypwongfortunate that you don't need glasses12:27
ypwongthis article is good for people who want to contribute but don't know how12:28
smartboyhw_ypwong: There are many interviews posted and upcoming;)12:28
ypwongcool, i haven't read them12:29
ypwongsmartboyhw_, from where you first heard of ubuntu or linux?12:29
ypwonghope to see more energetic people like you to join ubuntukylin team12:30
smartboyhw_ypwong: Linux by magazines, Ubuntu by Google:P12:30
ypwongnot linuxpilot? lol12:30
smartboyhw_ypwong: Nope:P12:31
ypwongUbuntuKylin 开发频道 / Development Channel for UbuntuKylin | 本周六 13.04  Release Party http://www.ubuntukylin.com/community.html |  UbuntuKylin 论坛 http://forum.ubuntukylin.com12:31
=== ypwong changed the topic of #ubuntukylin-devel to: UbuntuKylin 开发频道 / Development Channel for UbuntuKylin | 本周六 13.04 Release Party http://www.ubuntukylin.com/community.html | UbuntuKylin 论坛 http://forum.ubuntukylin.com
* ypwong made a silly mistake12:32
smartboyhw_ypwong: Nice topic12:32
smartboyhw_ypwong: LOL12:32
smartboyhw_I once wiped off the whole #kubuntu-devel topic (twice actually)12:33
smartboyhw_ypwong: Yep. But everyone makes that mistake once or twice12:34
ypwongyeah i did it once too12:34
cfhowlettsmartboyhw_, just think.  now that you're famous, I can say "I knew him when he was just a young script-kitty ..."12:35
smartboyhw_cfhowlett: …12:35
* smartboyhw_ isn't famous…12:35

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