
len-1304zequence, went through all the mixers I could find. sent email to the list.00:29
smartboyhw1 day till EOL of Ubuntu Studio 10.04 LTS and Ubuntu Studio 11.1006:41
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=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhw_zequence: http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/05/people-behind-ubuntu-quality-howard.html?m=112:17
zequencesmartboyhw_: That's great. Nice to see a picture of you too. Didn't know you were into fencing. You look like you might be good at it :)12:28
smartboyhw_zequence: That time was my only medal:P12:29
smartboyhw_Heck, it's 2 years ago12:30
zequenceEven one medal is something :)12:34
smartboyhw_zequence: Heh:12:34
smartboyhw_zequence: You did what dholbach said in #ubuntu-community-team ?12:35
smartboyhw_about vUDS12:35
zequenceI haven't got around to that yet. Maybe tomorrow12:36
smartboyhw_zequence: Okies12:37
DarkEragood afternoon every one12:51
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smartboyhw_Hello DarkEra http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/05/people-behind-ubuntu-quality-howard.html?m=113:20
smartboyhw_Ah you left a message13:21
smartboyhwwb DarkEra14:13
DarkErasmartboyhw, thanks :)14:13
DarkErajust reading a mail from the mailinglist14:13
smartboyhwDarkEra: ?14:14
DarkErasomeone is looking for the next version of Jack and Ardour on 12.04 and asks if we plan that14:14
smartboyhwDarkEra: We might backport. Dunno, ask zequence…14:15
DarkErathat'll be the best to do before giving a answer. But afaik ardour 3 won't show up until the 13.10 release14:17
DarkEraah, holstein just answered, exactly what i expected and wanted to answer too :)14:19
zequenceArdour3 is the kind of application you might want to backport to an LTS. We could add it ourselves to the Ubuntu repos right now, but I'd wait for the sync from Debian, which will be possible soon as Debian Wheezy is now released, and Debian Testing and Unstable are being actively updated now14:32
zequenceThe Ardour3 package is not yet released AFAIK, but should be shortly14:34
zequenceWe'd need to backport more than just Ardour. A few dependencies14:34
DarkEraheya zequence , cool and yeah, now wheezy is released everything is rolling again14:35
zequenceConsidering for how long the LTS will be supported, I think it makes sense to keep supporting it even after the next LTS is out14:35
DarkErai agree on that14:35
smartboyhwzequence: Would it be a good idea to tell people on #ubuntustudio what releases are supported, or what has (in 10.04 LTS and 11.10's case, soon will be) EOL?15:32
smartboyhwusing the channel topic15:32
DarkEraUbuntu Studio 13.04 and 12.04.2 Now Released http://ubuntustudio.org/download and supported15:42
smartboyhwDarkEra: How about 12.10?15:42
DarkErathat was copied from the topic in #ubuntustudio just add that "and supported" maybe and 12.1015:43
smartboyhwWe will need to ask holstein or astraljava to chan 15:43
smartboyhw(if we change)15:44
DarkEraif it still can be added, i believe topics are limited 15:44
DarkErato a certain amount of characters15:45
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »15:45
smartboyhwsleep bye!15:49
DarkErasmartboyhw, you're going to attend on UDS next week15:49
DarkEraok laters :)15:49
smartboyhwDarkEra: NO15:50
* holstein can update the topic if you guys want..16:45
holsteini like the idea of a factoid.. !supported16:45
zequenceAdding factoids is never wrong, I think16:53
zequenceThe topic should not say more than needed, IMO16:53
holsteinzequence: i like a concise topic16:58
zequenceI wonder how I can manage to push an entire kernel to github without it getting stuck half way through17:23
zequenceI'll be hopefully taking over maintenance for all kernels, including the development release during saucy17:24
zequenceall -lowlatency ones, that is17:24
zequenceI get up to 300MB, then it chokes17:58
zequenceAfter 4 fails, I guess it's time to contact support18:39

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