
=== jesus is now known as Guest96606
smartboyhwHello magyardev07:05
magyardevcan someone help me with setting up the sample rate in jackd? i have set up my system top 44.1khz sampling rate (emu 1212m sound card) but jacked doesn't work correctly that way, it works at 48khz, but than the pitch is off, if i set it to 44.1khz , i got tons of Xrun and the sound is very choppy07:09
magyardevalso, i can switch to 48khz clock on alsa mixer, but i'd rather use 44.1khz07:12
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhwAny users here using Ubuntu Studio 10.04 LTS and Ubuntu Studio 11.10? This is a reminder that the abovementioned two releases will reach it's End Of Life (EOL) tomorrow.09:30
smartboyhwNo official support or updates will be provided09:30
smartboyhwPlease install/upgrade to Ubuntu Studio 12.04.2 LTS or Ubuntu Studio 13.04 a.s.a.p.09:31
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
=== harry is now known as Guest72726
smartboyhwDarkEra: Hmm we can use that factoid15:46
smartboyhwzequence: ^15:47
bartjehi all19:05
bartjedoes anyone know of a decent way to share midi work online, cross-platform?19:09
mlpugwhat do you mean by sharing midi work online19:10
bartjewell, I'm working on something with linuxsampler, a friend of mine wants to help on it, but runs windows... I run linux19:11
bartjesimply sharing a midi-file isn't good enough, since he'll constantly have to re-do all his connections in his DAW when importing the new file19:12
bartje*updated file19:12
zequencebartje: There's no way around that, except if you both use the same DAW, and can share a project19:13
zequenceA midi file is a midi file19:13
zequenceI would use a project template for the midi files though19:14
bartjeSame DAW is even impossible... Rosegarden seems to have become unusable for me on linux, and is the only 'should be decent' one that also runs on windows (the 12.04 version does)19:15
bartjeand Ardour3 doesn't export the entire project to a midi-file, only seperate midi tracks... pfff19:17
bartjezequence: how would I make a midi template, what is it exactly?19:30
zequencebartje: Not a midi template. A project template on the DAW for the midi files19:33
zequenceIf the files always do the same thing, you don't need to create the project each time. Just use a template with everything set up19:33
zequenceThen just import the midi files19:33
bartjehm, back when I used cubase, quite some years ago, it created new tracks for imported midi-files... I don't know how it does now19:36
zequence..there are different kinds of midi files19:54
jnbek_zequence: what nonsense is this you speak of?!?!20:38
Unit193Anything of which I say?20:47
zequencejnbek_: There are three types, 0, 1 and 220:51
zequencetype 0 includes everything in one track20:52
zequencetype 1 may contain any number of tracks20:52
zequenceI'm reading from the wiki right now, since I dont' know this stuff in my head20:53
zequencetype 2 is rarely used, so forget that one20:53
zequenceWhen you export your midi files, you might want to either export only one track at the time, and in that case, I would choose the type 020:53
zequenceOr, all of them at once, which would probably make type 1 the preferred type20:54
jnbek_right on, I was being a pretentious jerk, and got an education instead, w00t :)20:55
jnbek_digital audio is so encompassing, I'm not sure it's really even possible to know all this stuff in one's head, lol20:56
zequenceI know this, cause I've done it at some point, chosen between the types, etc. But, I wouldn't remember that there is a type "0" and a "1", just that there are different kinds of midi files20:57

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