
bluesabreknome, menulibre has mallard help if you want an example00:19
knomei don't think that helps00:24
len-1304bluesabre, do you know who works on xfce4-mixer?00:57
bluesabrelen-1304, looks like last commit was Jannis Pohlmann00:57
len-1304There are a couple of oddities with it :)00:58
bluesabreJPohlmann on #xfce-dev00:58
bluesabrewhats up?00:58
len-1304on HDA devices pulling a channel to 0 mutes it.00:58
len-1304but muting headphones also mutes speaker and master00:59
len-1304I expect this works for 5.1 for example too01:00
len-1304pulling down rear speakers would mute all sound.01:00
bluesabreYeah, I'd definitely recommend dropping Jannis a line on #xfce-dev01:01
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