
=== clay_doh is now known as claydoh
soeegood morning05:36
smartboyhwkubotu: newversion calligra 2.6.9007:06
smartboyhwMeh, is 4.10.3 done?07:06
soeedont think so :)07:09
soeeyofel said yesterday he might work on it today if find time 07:09
Riddellsmartboyhw_: only if you've done it :)08:33
=== Phonon is now known as Phonon5
Mamarokbtw, people, there apparently is a kdelibs/plasma regression in KDE 4.10.3, not something I would release as is: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31947508:36
ubottuKDE bug 319475 in general "Amarok crash when closing it" [Crash,Confirmed]08:36
soeecan't confirm - have no 4.10.3 yet :008:41
soeehope yofel find time to do packaging08:42
soeeor in summer i try to find out how to do it and do it myself next time :)08:42
yofelgood morning09:32
shadeslayermorning :)09:33
afiestas_ScottK: thanks09:54
yofelshadeslayer: ping10:38
yofeldo I need some special setup for bug 1177333?10:38
ubottubug 1177333 in libkscreen (Ubuntu Raring) "[SRU] kscreen 0.0.92" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117733310:38
yofelbecause "just" nvidia + kscreen doesn't crash for me10:38
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1177823] qdbus needs dependency ubuntu-sdk to work @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1177823 (by Patola)10:42
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1178192] My laptop occasionally doesn't shutdown @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1178192 (by Tomas Brandysky)10:44
shadeslayeruhh no10:48
shadeslayerjust nvidia drivers10:48
yofelit only happens when you don't use nouveau on first login maybe?10:49
* yofel tries that10:49
Riddellyou need a second screen10:49
Riddellyou do anything in kscreen10:49
yofelI have that10:49
Riddellthen next login it crashes10:49
yofelah, ok10:49
yofelerr... nope10:54
yofelmaybe that only happens when you have 2GPU's ?10:55
afiestas_yofel: kscreen-console output10:58
yofelafiestas_: is that supposed to finish or should I CTRL-C it at the end?10:59
afiestas_yofel: ctrl+c should be ok11:00
yofelafiestas_: http://paste.kde.org/740534/11:01
afiestas_yofel: are you using nvidia blob?11:02
yofelthat's using nvidia-313-updates (313.30), Xorg.log if you need the details: http://paste.kde.org/740540/11:04
yofelthat's pretty much a fresh install, so maybe I'm missing something... but I don't see what11:04
afiestas_yofel: nope, your ystem has a LVDS,it crashes with other kind of displays11:08
yofelah, so you would need a desktop with 2 monitors...11:08
yofelafiestas_: 2 identical displays or would a DVI/VGA mix do?11:12
afiestas_yofel: you need an embedded display called DP 11:12
yofeler, that's nvidia's naming for DisplayPort, that's not embedded11:13
yofelbut let me try that actually11:13
* yofel goes digging around for his DP-HDMI adapter11:13
yofelfirst I pull my VGA cable out of the notebook and nothing changes until I run 'xrandr' in konsole... and now I plug my DP cable in,  screen is configured right but now plasma is frozen solid -.-11:17
yofelwell, didn't crash either, so it probably needs to be embedded after all11:21
* yofel gives up11:21
BluesKajHiyas all11:29
Quintasanyofel: I can't reproduce it on my desktop, two DVI ports and nothing happens11:54
QuintasanI'll try it on my laptop later when I get the dvi connector11:54
BluesKajhey , getting this error and I think I know what the offending app/patch is , "11:57
BluesKajError!  The dkms.conf for this module includes a BUILD_EXCLUSIVE directive which11:57
BluesKajdoes not match this kernel/arch.  This indicates that it should not be built.11:57
yofelBluesKaj: can you pastebin the surrounding parts please?11:58
BluesKajyofel, here's the paste, http://pastebin.com/ZfbpMidR12:02
BluesKajyofe I'm thinking that hdmi patch is seen as the problem since it's 32 bit 12:04
yofelBluesKaj: sounds like it... what does 'dkms status' say?12:21
BluesKajoddly the kernel seemed to build ok , dkms status : http://pastebin.com/EE8nbUhE12:25
BluesKajand uname -a shows : 3.9.0-1-generic x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 12:27
BluesKajyofel , doesn't seem to be an issue , all seems fine , think I was concerened for no reason 12:30
yofelhm, reading the dkms logs would probably tell more, but I forgot where those were... either somwhere under /var/log or /lib/modules/ iirc...12:31
BluesKajyofel, turns out the suspect patch is 64 bit after all , so it's something else ..I did install lsb-core and ia32-libs for google-earth previous to new kernel buld12:41
yofelBluesKaj: found the log location: /var/lib/dkms/<module>/<version>/<kernel>/<arch>/log12:57
yofelmaybe that can tell you more12:57
yofelCan someone please try to explain to me how this can happen? http://paste.kde.org/74057012:58
yofelthat code hasn't changed since 2009...12:58
yofelraring didn't suddenly switch compilers either12:58
yofelthe method is12:59
yofelbool init(const QString &configfile);12:59
yofelso the symbol is correct12:59
yofelI just don't get why it would change NOW12:59
yofelthat's private so not much of an issue... I just don't get it12:59
yofelsaucy debhelper is fun13:03
yofellintian I mean13:03
smartboyhwyofel: How fun?13:03
yofelE: kde4libs source: license-problem-gfdl-invariants kdoctools/customization/el/entities/gpl-notice.docbook13:03
yofellike... 50 times13:03
smartboyhwWhat the hell?:P13:04
yofelcorrection: 113 times13:04
smartboyhwyofel: :O13:04
Riddellone for each language13:05
Riddelldudes: mgraesslin says there's abug in plasma in 4.10.3 and we probablydon't wantto release it until that's fixed13:05
yofelthe one Mamarok pointed to?13:05
yofelkde 31947513:06
ubottuKDE bug 319475 in general "Plasma crashes when closing apps" [Crash,Resolved: duplicate] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31947513:06
Riddellquite possibly13:06
smartboyhwRiddell: Good, we haven't done anything on 4.10.3:P13:06
yofelwell, I'm not done with it anyway. Will try to get it in a usable state so we can try it13:06
smartboyhwyofel: … :P13:12
yofelPhonon5: kde-workspace-4.10.2/debian/libkwinglutils1abi1.symbols of your kde-workspace SRU in raring-proposed looks rather odd13:13
yofellibkwinglutils.so.1abi2 libkwinglutils1abi1 #MINVER#13:13
yofelis that 1abi1 or 1abi2 now...?13:13
yofelit won't matter for .3 as the patch is dropped again, but...13:15
smartboyhwkde 31942813:17
ubottuKDE bug 319428 in http "noticifations about errors contain password" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31942813:17
smartboyhwWe need to SRU every kdepim 4.x with this, as in the mailing lists…13:18
shadeslayerI was just looking at that13:18
yofelah good13:18
smartboyhwshadeslayer: \o/13:18
yofelshadeslayer: lucky you that 2 releases just went EOL :P13:19
shadeslayerhurray :P13:19
smartboyhwyofel: shadeslayer: :P13:19
yofelshadeslayer: that had no headers, right?13:31
yofel+    class NEPOMUK_EXTRACTOR_EXPORT ExtractorPlugin : public QObject13:32
yofel-    class NEPOMUK_EXPORT ExtractorPlugin : public QObject13:32
shadeslayernope, vHanda says it's a private header13:36
shadeslayeryofel: why?13:37
yofelshadeslayer: nah, should work, it just seemed fishy from the kdeadmin and kdepim build logs, but I guess those were old13:38
shadeslayerah yes13:38
shadeslayervHanda also mentioned something about that :P13:38
yofelshadeslayer: are you sure that file should be in nepomuk-core-dev though?13:38
shadeslayeryofel: nope, it should be in the standard normal package13:39
* vHanda waves13:39
shadeslayerso I made a mistake if it's not there13:39
yofelyeah, that's what I was wondering about and went looking if something of it is public13:39
yofelI'll move it13:39
shadeslayeryeah, thanks :)13:40
shadeslayeryofel: did you apply https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdelibs/repository/revisions/65d736dab592bced4410ccfa4699de89f78c96ca to the 4.10.3 packages??13:53
yofelshadeslayer: not yet, needs to be done13:54
yofeler wait13:54
yofelthat bug is marked at "Fixed-in: 4.10.3", no?13:54
shadeslayermmm commit message doesn't say13:55
shadeslayerno "Version fixed in"13:55
shadeslayerplus it was commited 17 hours ago13:55
shadeslayerAdded by Grégory Oestreicher about 17 hours ago13:55
yofelchecked git, it's not part of v4.10.313:55
shadeslayerokay, I'll leave the 4.10.3 patching to you, and I'll upload to saucy first13:56
Riddellkde is not alone in its dislike of the SRU system http://paste.kde.org/740594/14:09
smartboyhw_Riddell: heh. Ubuntu should really reform it's SRU system.14:11
smartboyhw_Propose it to the TB14:11
yofelwell, we already have several bugfix updates only in the PPAs because SRU-ing point releases is too much work14:13
yofele.g. calligra or networkmangement14:13
Riddellsmartboyhw_: I did14:14
Riddellthere's not much that can be reformed without making it unsafe14:14
smartboyhw_Riddell: Meh14:15
yofelthe procedure isn't bad, really. It just requires a large amount of manpower with the current design14:16
smartboyhw_yofel, Riddell: If they can reduce needed manpower for application uploads, they can reduce needed manpower in SRUs too.14:17
Riddellaparently suse don't do updates at all, atleast so someone said in our discussion, I'm not convinced this is true14:17
smartboyhw_Riddell: How can a distribution work properly without updates?14:17
Riddellthat's why I'm not convinced it's true14:19
yofelPhonon5: is there something in kubuntu-settings that you don't want to have uploaded to saucy right now?14:19
yofelI would like to get bug 1174689 fixed14:20
ubottubug 1174689 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Raring) "Nvidia/Dual screen - No Taskbar/Kdemenu on default install Kubuntu 13.04" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117468914:20
yofelthough the changes I see in the changelog look sane to upload14:20
smartboyhw_Meh, I just realized Phonon5 is apachelogger…14:22
yofelhe likes to confuse people :P14:22
smartboyhw_yofel: ;P14:22
shadeslayerRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/117828614:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1178286 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "Security advisory from KDE upstream" [Undecided,New]14:34
smartboyhw_shadeslayer: Awesome, but aren't Lucid (desktop) supposed to EOL?14:38
shadeslayersmartboyhw_: yeah, but Lucid isn't approved14:38
shadeslayerso doesn't matter14:38
smartboyhw_shadeslayer: Good Riddell denied it:)14:38
* yofel usually approves and deletes the task after that14:40
yofelI hate how launchpad does release nominations14:40
smartboyhw_yofel: Oh14:40
yofelI mean there's not even a purpose for a declined nomination, setting the release status to Won't Fix gives the same message and is more flexible14:41
smartboyhw_Riddell: Nice blog post.15:32
Phonon5yofel: can all go up15:41
Peace--Riddell: 17:14
Riddellhi Peace-- 17:15
yofel~karma Peace17:15
kubotuPeace has neutral karma17:15
Peace--Riddell:  mmm maybe you can give me some advice about a voip software 17:15
yofelah, he turned that off, right17:16
Peace--Riddell: we did a shell program  to create audio conference 17:16
Peace--Riddell: but now we would like create a gui 17:17
Peace--Riddell: qml is good for that ?17:17
Peace--Riddell: btw it is written in c ...17:17
Peace--Riddell: btw it's here http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2013/05/08/kubuntu-kde-voip-opensource-free-for-all-done/17:17
shadeslayerflipping patches17:21
Riddellwell aye you can use QML,but QML needs you to pick a widget toolkit and even then bits can be missing17:21
Riddellit's great if you want swipey swooshy UIs17:21
Riddellbut it might be easier to use just Qt in c++ or PyQt17:21
Riddellwith QWidgets17:21
Peace--Riddell: tx17:23
Peace--Riddell: btw if you want test this software it will be great17:23
Riddellcan do but not todya I'm afraid17:26
Riddellalreayd got a million things on my task list17:26
shadeslayeralright, bug 1178286 has everything now17:35
ubottubug 1178286 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Raring) "Security advisory from KDE upstream" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117828617:35
shadeslayerdo I just upload stuff now?17:35
shadeslayerRiddell: ^17:35
shadeslayeror if anyone wants to review it17:36
Riddellshadeslayer: looks good, upload and subscribe ubuntu-security I'd say17:40
debfxshadeslayer: only the security team can do security uploads so all you have to do is subscribe them to the bug17:50
Riddellah, shows how long it's been since kde had a security issue17:51
debfxshadeslayer: a description of the vulnerability would be nice in the changelog18:05
shadeslayerdebfx: uhhh ... I get to upload everything again ? :S18:25
ahoneybunvalorie: hey 19:10
debfxshadeslayer: maybe just add another comment suggesting a new changelog19:13
jussi01hrm, do we still have anything like netbook edition? Ive an atom based machine I need to get something installed on...19:17
jussi01mind, it also has a touch screen, so Im hoping that also works...19:18
shadeslayerjussi01: plasma-netbook19:21
shadeslayeroh and if you boot the ISO, and the screen is small, it'll start plasma-netbook19:21
jussi01shadeslayer: the tech preview of active.... is it een worth considering for something that is actually usuable? or is it really just that, a tech preview?19:22
shadeslayerI wouldn't recommend it really19:23
shadeslayerjust install kubuntu normally and then install active19:23
ahoneybunhey shadeslayer20:07
soeehey guys so are you leaving for now 4.10.3 because of some bug ?20:12
=== jono is now known as Guest61463
ahoneybunI think it is just taking time for it to compile20:22
ahoneybunbut I'm not sure, I'll just let the Package Team take their time :)20:22
yofelwell, soee's point is partly true20:35
yofelother than that people are busy with other things20:35
ahoneybunyofel: I would think so with the just released 13.04 and work for 13.1020:44
ahoneybunshadeslayer: 21:01
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
ahoneybunshould I keep a list of things left to do for the wiki?23:27

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