
=== wfreeman is now known as wlfreeman
sijkHi all. I'm having graphics issues. When I ran software update yesterday nvidia-common failed to update. I tried removing and reinstalling it, but no luck. I eventually figured out that it was because my cc -> clang not gcc. Fixed that, update succeeded. Now, though, apparently I have no opengl support. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any thoughts?00:04
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
wlfreemanI have what is probably a rather simple problem involving a laptop touchpad. It's an ETPS/2 Elantech touchpad, with two physical buttons. The left one works fine, but the right one does nothing; it produces no events  in xev, and the KDE input settings claims that my touchpad only has one button. Any ideas?00:05
sijkKubuntu 12.04, Thinkpad T420 (Intel HD3000 + NVS4200M). I am using bumblebee so I'll ask them too.00:05
wlfreemansijk: Are you using the new Nvidia driver that claims to support hybrid graphics? I had some nightmares involving trying to use it with Bumblebee.00:06
sijkwlfreeman: Umm, I'm not sure? I'm using nvidia-current. I also tried nvidia-current-updates.00:07
wlfreemanI dunno, then. I sadly am a neophyte at getting wonky graphics card problems to work, although I've had my fair share of them.00:12
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sijkwlfreeman: Thanks anyway. I'll keep bashing my head against it for a while...00:16
FernandoBassoI quit the kde accessibility icon, but it just gets back right away. How to completely obliterate it?00:26
FernandoBassoI couldn't find the package to uninstall.00:26
AxlinFernandoBasso: What about the package kdeaccessibility00:43
AxlinWhich includes dependencies: jovie, kaccessible, kde-icons-mono, kmag, kmousetool, kmouth00:44
FernandoBassoNope. No packages removed.00:45
FernandoBassoIt is not even installed.00:45
AxlinWhat about the dependencies?00:45
FernandoBassoaptitude search kdeaccessibility00:45
FernandoBassop   kdeaccessibility                                        - accessibility packages from the official KDE release00:45
FernandoBassoI was able to uninstall kaccessible. The icon is still there, though.00:46
FernandoBassoYep, but it didn't come back this time after I quit it.00:47
AxlinAfter removing all of them, I'd try logging out and back in, since the services will still be running after removing.00:47
FernandoBassoAxlin: Thanks a bunch.00:47
AxlinNo problme00:47
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marktaffHi all03:10
marktaffI have a 4TB zpool under ZFS (4-2TB drives as stripped and mirrored vdevs), in kubuntu 13.04.  The pool was healthy.  I just installed a new 4TB single drive, the plan was to format it as ext4 and mount it at /backup to be used to hold backups.  I do not want this drive to be under ZFS.  The pool was created using sda/b/c/d.  With this new drive connected, the new drive is recognized as sdc, which makes the zpool report that it is d03:15
marktaffIf I physically disconnect the new drive and reboot, ZFS recovers just fine.  What would be the best way to fix this?  I was thinking about formatting the new drive as ext4, then ensuring that /etc/fstab would mount the new drive by UUID, then rebooting and hopefully sdc would be correct again, and ZFS would recover.  Anyone see any problems with that plan, or have a better idea? ?  Thank you.03:19
john______howdy! I need to resize my partition without losing my stuff. Any hints?03:33
john______nvm got it ty03:35
rush_anyone out there????04:04
rush_I am the only one left on this godforsaken planet!!!!!04:05
rush_hello valar04:07
rush_where are you from?04:07
valarhello rush04:07
valari am from chennai. you?04:07
rush_i am from australia04:07
valarwhat are you?04:08
rush_a south african04:08
valari asked you profession04:09
rush_it tech04:09
rush_just installed kubuntu for the first time to test04:09
rush_pretty cool04:10
valari also installed IRC client first time04:11
valarthen i tried it04:11
rush_i believe there are many different chatrooms04:11
rush_will see if i can get a list somewhere04:12
rush_see you....keep well and enjoy04:12
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
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marktaffThe solution was to restore the original physical hard disk connections to get the zpool healthy, then immediately execute 'zpool export poolname' followed by 'zpool import -d /dev/disk/by-id poolname'.  This makes the zpool recognize the disks by id instead of as sda/b/c/d as I had originally created the zpool.  Then I was able to reconnect the new 4TB drive, format it and mount it, no problem.05:52
marktaff  Exporting and importing the zpool only took a second, and I didn't lose any data.05:52
=== neutron is now known as Guest32455
Ab3Lhi. in my home directory, in .kde/share/apps, there is a folder named kmix. but i cannot access with my login. i've to use root permissions to navigate inside it. is it normal that user and group both are root for that folder? the files in my home directory shouldn't they be accessible with my standard permission?07:11
piorekfi'm trying to upgrade kubuntu 12.10 and in sandbox mode 12 packages fail (probably because linux-image-generic post-config fails)07:15
piorekfany sugestions?07:15
=== sysadmin is now known as Guest9598
=== dude is now known as Guest37763
Mabus_anyone who can help me?08:22
cjaewhats going on with the system monitor registering 100% cpu load, in 12.1008:23
Mabus_I have a question concerning plasma08:24
* cjae wishes this room was more active08:25
valorieMabus_: ask your question08:29
valorieif any of us know the answer, we'll help08:29
valoriealso, have some patience; some people help when they have a minute to spare08:30
Mabus_On a netbook. I figured out how to switch between netbook and desktop workspace type. but on start up it changes back. what can i do?08:30
Mabus_I want kubuntu so startup with desktop type08:31
Mabus_thanks valorie. sorry for being rude08:31
valoriethat's not rude, but sometimes people don't realize that over 250 people in a channel doesn't mean everyone is watching it every minute08:35
=== Phonon is now known as Phonon5
valorieso you changed it in systemsettings?08:35
valorieMabus_: how did you shut down?08:37
Mabus_yes I did. It worked.08:38
Mabus_shutdown by shutdown button08:38
valorieok, you might try running: kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental once you reset it again (in a console)08:40
Mabus_ok thx. will try08:44
Motak_Hi room, I guess i have the same kind of issue than Mabus08:45
valoriewhich issue, Motak_?08:45
Motak_I am with  dual screen and since i upgraded to 13.04 my dual screen configuration is reseted when i reboot the computer08:46
Motak_It starts with on screen and i have to reconfigure it manually to extend to the second monitor08:46
valorieI don't think that's the same issue08:47
Motak_if it can help, the login page is on the 2 screens, cloned, but when kubuntu starts it goes back to one08:47
valoriesorry, I've always used a laptop08:48
Motak_ok thanx anyway08:48
valorieno experience with multi-screens08:48
Mabus_@valorie: I found the solution. There is a "default" option you have to click. (I'm supporting my sister by phone, thats why I didn't see it08:56
Motak_Ok anyone else has an idea ?08:58
greywalkhi. i install skype on kubuntu 13.0 64bit and when i hover the coursor over skype, it uses some other cursor theme than the rest of the desktop. is there a way to make skype use the system's default cursor theme?08:59
Motak_I'll come back later when there will be more people. bye09:02
soeegreywalk, don't know but i can confirm that is uses black cursor09:04
Ab3Lhi. in my home directory, in .kde/share/apps, there is a folder named kmix. but i cannot access with my login. i've to use root permissions to navigate inside it. is it normal that user and group both are root for that folder? the files in my home directory shouldn't they be accessible with my standard permission?09:18
hkehi folks, precise here. in krdc. i dont get protocols in the drop-down list and thus, cant connect to anything. how can i change that?09:20
hkeand when started, i get the following in a terminal: "KServiceTypeTrader::defaultOffers: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType  "KRDC/Plugin"  not found"09:21
hkeany ideas?09:22
greywalksoee: still here? here is how to resolve the cursor issue for skype - sudo apt-get install ia32-libs -- it lacks a dependencie to be able to use the system coursor theme, installing that package will solve the issue10:36
soeeisn't this package obsolate ?10:37
soeeRiddell, maybe you can tell?10:37
greywalki guess not, it just worked for me - i have the default coursor on skype10:37
soeealso it wants to install ~ 100 new packages10:39
greywalkyep, that;s true10:39
greywalkbut no choice unless you want to compile that lib only10:40
soeefor me not worth to install such amount of packages only to get cursor :D10:40
greywalkno problem )10:41
Aisonhello, i'm upgraded my kubuntu to raring and so far everything was fine11:15
Aisonbut somehow from yesterday on my kwin allways crashes at login11:15
Aisonno idea why11:15
AisonI can use the desktop, but everything is very slow, eg. moving windows11:16
soeehard to say, are you using nvidia driver ?11:18
PasNoxi'm trying to use libmount-dev on recent kubuntu, but i got this bug: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=69188911:18
ubottuDebian bug 691889 in libmount-dev "libmount.h: usage of keyword new" [Minor,Open]11:18
PasNoxany hint on how to ask package upgrade to the last version ?11:18
soeePasNox, sorry i dont know11:19
PasNoxnp, thanks11:19
BluesKajHiyas all11:29
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qwwhello all12:26
qwwi am install kubuntu 13.04 and i didn't instal Chrome ( Google chrome)12:27
Aisonsoee, sorry, forgot to say that i'm using fglrx12:48
Aisonit worked perfectly in past12:49
Graefin_WesterhoLinux froze again.12:50
soeewinter is coming12:50
=== Graefin_Westerho is now known as Graf_Westerholt
Graf_WesterholtIt is winter everyday for my Linux.12:51
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, have you checked the logs , /var/log/,  look in syslog for errors12:53
soeei haven't any problems with Kubuntu12:53
Graf_WesterholtThere are 7 syslog.gz12:54
BluesKajsoee, seems Graf_Westerholt has had this problem for a while , even on different kubuntu versions , correct Graf_Westerholt ?12:55
Graf_WesterholtSim. More then a year.12:55
BluesKajjust the syslog12:55
soeefor me if something freezes or wont strt its usually after i do something with nvidia drivers :)12:55
soeeGraf_Westerholt, laptop or desktop ?12:56
Graf_Westerholtsoee, I do not use Nvidia drivers.12:56
Graf_WesterholtIt is a tower-PC12:56
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Graf_Westerholtsoee, I do not use Nvidia drivers.12:57
Graf_WesterholtFucking Quassel12:57
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, which graphics gpu ?12:57
Graf_WesterholtMay  9 14:48:45 lost kernel: [   98.067387] virtuoso-t[2514]: segfault at ffffffffffffffff ip 0000000000975b8b sp 00007fff9fd8c070 error 7 in virtuoso-t[400000+b44000]12:57
soeeGraf_Westerholt, use xchat (for me its much better than quassel)12:58
BluesKajkonversation ftw13:00
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj http://www.sysprofile.de/id1040413:00
Graf_WesterholtMy panel of plasma-desktop is missing, too.13:00
Graf_WesterholtI have to restart plasma-desktop.13:01
soeeGraf_Westerholt, the same happens also on fresh installation ?13:02
Graf_WesterholtSure. Two fresh installations.13:02
Graf_WesterholtThis installation is a few weeks old.13:02
Graf_WesterholtNow restart of plasma does not get my panel back.13:02
soeeand it happens from the beginning ?13:03
Graf_WesterholtNo. I started one and a half year ago, I guess.13:03
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, you have nvidia graphics gpu , you shouild be using nvidia drivers , look in kmenu >apps>system>additional drivers13:03
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I used them and with nvidia drivers is freeze, too.13:04
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, using nouveau ? it's a good driver13:05
Graf_WesterholtHow can I check nouveau?13:06
Graf_WesterholtIs there a bug with the panels? When at top at the screen it is not shown. At bottom or side it is shown.13:06
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, run, dkms status , in the terminal13:13
BluesKajpastebin the output , Graf_Westerholt13:15
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, "dkms status" does not put anything out.13:15
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BluesKajreally Graf_Westerholt ? that's odd13:23
Graf_Westerholtsupertux@lost:~$ dkms status13:23
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, what should dkms put out?13:26
BluesKajit should show the drivers in use for graphics and audio13:27
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, try this , dpkg -l | grep nvidia , pastebin the output please.13:27
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj http://paste.kde.org/740582/13:29
BluesKajok one more , Graf_Westerholt , I'm trying to determine which drivers in use , try this and pastebin it as well , sudo lshw -c video13:35
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I do as much as you want. :)13:37
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, lshw is putting everything in one line, so it is deleted.13:39
Graf_WesterholtVery strange.13:39
BluesKajsudo lshw -c video13:39
Graf_WesterholtYes, I run it like this.13:40
Graf_WesterholtIt overwrites the outprinted lines.13:40
Graf_Westerholtok, I can print in in a file.13:40
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, ok ,  lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' , include the quotes13:40
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj http://paste.kde.org/740588/13:41
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, ok you're using the nouveau driver and it's a very capable driver for nvidia cards ...Have you made sure the graphics card is not loose and is well seated into the motherboard pci slot , sometimes thay can work loose, because yor symptoms indicate an intermittent problem and they are difficult to track down.13:47
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I am going to check the card when I shut my PC down.13:48
BluesKajok , Graf_Westerholt , good for a start13:49
ubottulupusimprobus: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:53
=== BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen
=== Darthfrot is now known as Darthfrog
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:13
Graf_WesterholtHi, lordievader.14:18
lordievaderHey Graf_Westerholt, how are you doing?14:18
BluesKajlordievader, we're trying to track down Graf_Westerholt's desktop freeze problem , using the nouveau driver on nvidia 9300ge gpu14:21
lordievaderSyslog and dmesg doesn't give a clue?14:22
BluesKajand he;s tried the nvidia additional drivers without any luck14:22
Graf_Westerholtlordievader, my Pinguin is freezing. :D14:24
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, not the desktop is freezing. Linux is freezing.14:25
BluesKajok ,what do you mean by linuix freezing , describe some details14:26
Graf_WesterholtI cannot use the magic sysrequest.14:27
lordievaderKernel panic?14:27
Graf_WesterholtI have to press the hard-reset-button .14:27
Graf_WesterholtNo kernel panic. Screen freeze and no reaction to magic sysrequests.14:27
Graf_WesterholtSound stops.14:28
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, look in syslog in /var/log/  to see what the error=s are14:28
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj I did and postet.14:28
Graf_Westerholt[14:57:26] <Graf_Westerholt> May  9 14:48:45 lost kernel: [   98.067387] virtuoso-t[2514]: segfault at ffffffffffffffff ip 0000000000975b8b sp 00007fff9fd8c070 error 7 in virtuoso-t[400000+b44000]14:29
lordievaderGraf_Westerholt: Does dmesg log hold any errors at that point?14:29
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, did you try re-nstalling plasma-desktop14:31
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, this is the second new installation of Kubuntu.14:31
Graf_WesterholtOr third.14:31
BluesKajlooks like nepomuk is causing problems , do you have file indexing enabled14:32
Graf_WesterholtIt is not plasma. I cannot switch to terminal when Linux freezes.14:32
Graf_WesterholtI cannot kill the x-server.14:32
lordievaderGraf_Westerholt: That is why you should look in the dmesg log ;)14:33
Graf_WesterholtThere is one error in dmesg: [   25.386777] EXT4-fs (dm-1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro14:33
lordievaderThat is all? Hmm, that ain't helpfull :(14:33
Graf_Westerholtlordievader, that is the point since one and a half year. No error logs.14:33
LjLyesterday i messed with the clock settings in the GUI, sync-from-internet specifically, because of reasons. then i set it back to what it was, but now it's not working properly. if i ask it to "sync the time from the internet", it shows UTC time (even though "date" shows me CEST time correctly), even though it says "Rome" below it. if i set it manually to the right time (which i wouldn't like to have to do, anyway), then of course the "date" time is wrong,14:34
LjLwhich is an issue.14:34
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, systemsettings>desktop search , turn it off14:34
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, done.14:35
BluesKajLjL, I'm not using the auto-sync time , uncheck UTC and just use your local time14:36
BluesKajit works14:36
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, are you using kmail?14:36
Graf_WesterholtLjL, I had such a probem, too. I set it with the console and all was fine again.14:37
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, I do.14:37
Graf_Westerholtkmail is freezing my penguin?14:37
BluesKajI'll bet that akonadi server is causing the freezes linked to nepomuk index/desktop search and the database server in akonadi14:39
Graf_WesterholtBut should the magis sysrq still work when akonadi chrashs?14:40
LjLBluesKaj: no actually it doesn't work, because then only KDE programs have the right time, other programs (including system "date") have it wrong. also, if i don't use NTP, the clock drifts, and i don't want that to happen14:40
LjLGraf_Westerholt: like with "date"?14:41
Graf_WesterholtLjL, sorry, I do not know anymore what command I used.14:41
BluesKajLjL, ok then your problem is obviously much different than mine14:41
Graf_WesterholtLjL, try "sudo ntpdate -u ntp.ubuntu.com "14:43
LjLoh wait i gave wrong info, because i inadvertently used "date" on an SSH session to something else, not on my system :P what actually happens is that KDE thinks i'm in "Rome" time (i.e. CEST), but "date" thinks i'm in UTC. both give a number that corresponds to UTC time.14:43
BluesKajLjL, try, sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata14:43
LjLBluesKaj: now "date" gives the right time, KDE still has it wrong but maybe that will fix itself after a logout14:45
Graf_WesterholtI am here at UTC+2 and KDE told me that UTC+2 is same as UTC.14:45
LjLGraf_Westerholt: ntpdate still thought i was UTC14:45
LjLGraf_Westerholt: ... :\14:45
BluesKajUTC is useless14:45
LjLUTC is useless? O.o14:45
BluesKajwho cares about utc14:45
* Graf_Westerholt cares about UTC.14:45
LjLuhm, anyone who needs to deal with international things, or for that matter anyone who wants to have accurate clock from an international source?14:46
BluesKajfine , suffer with it :)14:46
BluesKajLjL, just adjust the time with simple arithmetic , timezones14:46
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj, if you use more than one OS you need to have your system clock at UTC.14:47
LjLBluesKaj: gah, i reconfigured "tzdata" and told you it worked, because it had seemed to... but now, "date" has switched back to UTC *again*. something has clicked in my head though, i seem to remember this being a problem with someone else or myself before... i need to grep my logs14:47
BluesKajperhaps the system clock , but not local time14:47
LjLGraf_Westerholt: well no not necessarily14:47
LjLBluesKaj: nobody here is saying that you should have your local time set to UTC (unless you're British and in the winter, of course)14:48
BluesKajok LjL , exactly14:48
Graf_WesterholtI am off. See you later!14:49
BluesKajunchecking UTC in the time settings won't affect the system clock , that's my point14:49
LjLBluesKaj: eh? what i can uncheck in the time settings is NTP ("Set date and time automatically"), not UTC (which is a time standard)14:50
BluesKajI'm talking about the panel clock settings here14:50
BluesKajLjL, I have the UTC unchecked in panel claock14:50
LjLbut i have no "UTC" checkbox in the panel clock14:51
LjLthere is just no such thing14:51
BluesKajthere's an option for UTC in the "Time Zones" in the Panel clock settings GUI14:53
LjLi know what you mean14:53
LjLbut i don't have that set, never did14:53
LjLbesides, that shouldn't affect the time "date" gives me14:53
LjLanyway i see from the channel's log a few people have had this problem, maybe there's a known solution. looking better14:54
BluesKajand it was auto setting to UTC for some reason , so i unchecked it and unchecked the auto setting public time server option14:55
BluesKajLjL, yes , think it's bug with the time server links14:56
BluesKajbecause I was having time server linkm problems with W7 as well14:57
=== alain is now known as Guest55538
supermagnum357Hi, is there anybody here that has any knowledge of Python ?15:46
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Picisupermagnum357: Yes, but asking in #python will probably be a better course of action15:49
PiciYou'll need to register/identify to speak there though15:49
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:49
supermagnum357pici: i need help to debug a script , its 70 lines.15:53
G__81i am installing Kubuntu 12.10 in my PC. Would it be possible for me to add the Kubuntu Backports repo and upgrade to 4.10.2 instead of upgrading to Kubuntu 13.04 as such. would that work ?16:06
G__81can some one advice me on this ?16:07
BluesKajG__81, yes that will work16:09
wlfreemanI recently installed Kubuntu on an Asus G46 laptop with an Elantech ETPS/2 touchpad. This isn't one of the "clickpads"; it has two physical buttons. Everything works except the right-click. There seem to be lots of problems like this and solutions, but they're all for clickpads rather than old-fashioned touchpads with real buttons. Any ideas about how I can diagnose this?16:10
G__81BluesKaj: thanks16:10
scherenhaendenhi, i got the problem that pulseaudio makes everything stuckup... so i can use alsa... but i cant use wine n skype at the same time.... dunno what can i do16:13
BluesKajsch why are you using wine with skype ?16:23
BluesKajoops , no patience16:23
Ab3Lhi. in my home directory, in .kde/share/apps, there is a folder named kmix. but i cannot access with my login. i've to use root permissions to navigate inside it. is it normal that user and group both are root for that folder? the files in my home directory shouldn't they be accessible with my user (not sudo) permission?16:33
TekkBuzzAb3L: just go in to .kde/share/apps and do: sudo chown -R username:username *16:44
Ab3Lok. but i don't understand why it has those permissions. it may be created when i was sudo....16:48
Ab3Lthank TekkBuzz16:48
sha1sumI just installed the latest release from kubuntu.org yesterday, and I was surprised to see that it's using maverick sources... ? I had to manually change the domain for the repos to old-releases.ubuntu.com... Is this right?16:49
BluesKajTekkBuzz, which kubuntu version ? because kmix doesn't resoie in my .kde/share/apps16:50
sha1sum...and "cat /etc/*release" shows Ubuntu 10.10 maverick16:52
sha1sumShould I be doing a dist-upgrade or will this break my installation?16:52
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BluesKajsha1sum, is this a clean install , if you want the latest kubuntu :  http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download16:57
sha1sumBluesKaj: Yeah I formatted and installed Kubuntu 13.04 as downloaded (64-bit DVD) from this page: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download#download-block16:58
TekkBuzzBluesKaj: yeah that's true, mine resides in /usr/share/kde4/apps/kmix, but anytime I have a problem like Ab3L, I'll just switch the permisssions or ownership back to what it should be.16:59
sha1sumand I noticed, when trying to set up my applications again, that when I went to download firefox I was getting 404 errors all over the place, which is when I started browsing through the repository indexes to find that maverick moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com, which got me thinking: why the hell is the newest release using an OLD release? lol17:00
BluesKajsha1sum, lsb_release -sr17:01
sha1sumSo should I be changing to a later release and then doing an "apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade" ?17:01
BluesKajwhat's the output?17:01
sha1sumBluesKaj: 10.0117:01
BluesKajthen you have mistakenly installed 10.10 somehow17:02
sha1sumBut my KDE version is 4.8.4, which I highly doubt was the maverick version17:02
sha1summore likely something jacked around with my repositories... I looked at sources.list and there's no comment about where the repo list came from (any kind of app that may have altered them)17:02
BluesKajkde 4.8 can run on it17:02
BluesKajwhat's your sources.list show , maverick ?17:03
sha1sumBluesKaj: yeah. I had to change the domain names to old-releases.ubuntu.com to get the repos to at least find packages again17:04
sha1sumwhich they were at http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/......17:04
sha1sumBluesKaj: for instance, here's the main repo entry: deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted universe17:05
BluesKajarchive ubuntu , no wonder17:05
BluesKajbackup your data ,and install a 13.04 image17:05
sha1sumSo I guess I can resolve this with a dist-upgrade, but I just want to be sure that it wasn't meant to be 10.1017:05
sha1sumBluesKaj: I promise you that during the install it said 13.04 on the installer branding17:06
sha1sumI think something just messed with the repos lists17:06
sha1sumI've already configured the hell out of a lot of stuff on this install... If I don't have to do it all over again I'd definitely prefer not to lol17:07
BluesKajsha1sum, did you install to / and not touch /home17:07
sha1sumWhat's the code name that I should be using for the latest kubuntu release?17:07
sha1sumBluesKaj: I don't have separate partitions (I know, I know)17:08
G__81Hi i have installed Kubuntu 12.10. I have added teh kubuntu backports ppa repo. I want to get only the KDE 4.10.2 and not the new kernel etc. So when i do apt-get dist-upgrade will it get upgraded to 13.04 ?17:08
BluesKajsha1sum, no that's not it , you should have a clean 13.04 if you installed to / only17:09
BluesKajG__81, no17:09
sha1sumBluesKaj: yeah, and I moved from OpenSUSE, so I'm sure that it's not remnants of an old release, because that would be damn near impossible17:09
sha1sumI'm going to try a dist-upgrade first, and if that doesn't work then I'll reinstall from a redownloaded image17:10
sha1sumat least I have everything backed up.17:10
G__81BluesKaj: so if i do dist-upgrade i ll still stay with 12.10 and would get only the updates from backports ppa ?17:10
BluesKajdon't dist-upgrade , that will only upgrade the 10.10 pacjkages17:10
G__81BluesKaj: so what should i do ?17:11
G__81BluesKaj: i just want the 12.10 kernel and other stuff. I want the 4.10.2 and other KDE updates alone17:11
BluesKajG__81, yes your backports will upgrade kde and existing packages in 12.1017:12
G__81BluesKaj: so what command should i give ?17:12
G__81apt-get upgrade?17:12
sha1sumBluesKaj: even if I change the repo sources to quantal and do an apt-get upgrade first?17:12
BluesKajG__81, sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade , then sudo dist-upgrade17:13
BluesKajsha1sum, no , changing the sources list will just muck up your install totally, you can't go from 10.10 to 13.04 directly17:14
sha1sumBluesKaj: sad-face :(17:14
sha1sumreally didn't want to do all this again... Oh well... here I go.17:15
sha1sumBluesKaj: thanks for your help! :)17:15
BluesKajsha1sum, np17:15
G__81BluesKaj: ok thanks so giving those commands will make me stay with 12.10 alone and will not move me to 13.04 kernel or other stuff. is that right?17:17
G__81and not to mention, it will fetch the kde updates too right?17:18
BluesKajG__81, right17:18
G__81thanks a lot17:18
BluesKajnp, G__8117:19
G__81i am facing problems with 13.04 kernel especially hibernate and suspend.its not a kubuntu issue, i see the same issue with fedora too and hence i stayed in 3.6 kernel series but 13.04 has 3.8 which is where i see the issue17:19
Ab3LTekkBuzz: i was thinking about the folder with the permissions only for root. if i created it when i was root, it should be found in /home/root instead of /home/ab3l/, shouldn't it?17:20
BluesKajG__81, afaik the 12.10 kerenel stick with the 3.517:20
G__81BluesKaj: yeah i guess thats why i want to have 12.10 + kde 4.10 and then probably later on move to 13.10 once its released :)17:24
TekkBuzzAb3L: depends on the environment you had set when you became root, there are different ways of becoming root.17:24
bbeckDoes anyone know how to import an opml file into Amarok.  I press the import button, and nothing happens.17:25
TekkBuzzAb3L: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:25
BluesKajG__81, I'm testing 13.10 atm and it's quite stabel , using nvidia graphics here , but I haven't heard any complaints about ATI or Intel graphics , but ione ask in #ubuntu+1 about any issues, if you wish17:26
Ab3LTekkBuzz: thank you again17:26
BluesKajbbeck, http://pcsupport.about.com/od/fileextensions/f/opmlfile.htm17:29
BluesKajbbeck, it's not a media/codec playable file17:30
bbeckBluesKaj: yeah, I know I can't play it, but Amarok has a button to import an opml file, but pressing the button does not cause a file dialog to pop up or an error to be produced.17:34
BluesKajbbeck, perhaps amarok looks for the file locally , try downloading the opml file to your /home/user17:44
sebastianohi, my clock automatically changes the time to two hours earlier after every reboot, any ideas? tnx17:45
BluesKajbbeck, where is the option to import opml in amarok17:52
BluesKajsebastiano, make sure you set your clock to your time zone in "adjust date and time" and uncheck "set date and time automatically" ..there's a bug in the time server links , and make sure UTC is not checked in "Time Zones"17:58
bbeckBluesKaj: Go to the podcast pane, then it's the last icon on the toolbar.17:59
sebastianoBluesKaj: uhm I think I already tried that, my time zone is set on berlin... yeah the problem started when once I checked the  "set date and time automatically"18:01
BluesKajbbeck, yeah in configure amarok> settings plugins>podcast directory ..clicking on it does nothing here either :(18:07
BluesKajsebastiano, leaving the "adjust date and time" unchecked works here on all clocks on 3 OSs18:09
sebastianoBluesKaj: ok tnx18:11
bbeckBluesKaj: thanks for checking for me18:17
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Sputhi all20:11
Sputtrying to upgrade an old 10.10 machine to something recent, but do-release-upgrade as well as all graphical tools fail because extras.ubuntu.com/blabla/natty/foo/Packages.gz is not found20:12
Sputis there any way to recover this outdated installation somehow?20:12
bazhang!eolupgrades | Sput20:12
ubottuSput: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:12
Sputthx :)20:13
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Sputwtf, I have 26 GB free space on hdd, and do-release-upgrade now fails because it doesn't have enough?20:28
bazhangSput, do you have a separate /boot ?20:30
BluesKajSput, what's the error ?20:32
Sputbazhang: yeah, and the graphical tool actually told me that I should clean /boot20:32
Sputon the shell I didn't get that important piece of info :)20:32
* Sput goes hunt for that snippet to remove unused kernels20:32
bazhangthat is exactly what I got when upgrading from 12.10 to 13.0420:33
BluesKajwhy bother with /boot to clutter thigs up20:33
Sputdunno, I'm sure it was kind of default when I installed this system20:34
BluesKajor do ppl use it for grub maybe ?20:34
SputI don't usually use *buntu, so I'm rather poking around :)20:34
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Sputat least in my usual distro I know how to fix things20:34
genii-aroundOn the later *buntu from around 12.04 it will automatically mark your running kernel and the just-previous one with APT::NeverAutoRemove::  so then you can just use sudo apt-get autoremove   and the old cruft can go20:36
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genii-aroundBut on previous versions, you have to manually specify each one in apt-get remove20:36
BluesKajok genii-around that's good to know , I use autoremove a lot along with autoclean20:38
BluesKajok , that's it for another day20:39
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marconotariahi would like to know how to install skype in my zorin computer idk why is not listed21:10
bazhang#zorinos marconotaria for zorin support21:11
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TekkBuzzanyone here use BasKet notes?22:28
TekkBuzzseems it got broken between kde3 and 4.22:29
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bunjeeanyone having trouble connecting to the internet with 13.04?23:07

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