
roaksoaxbigjools: o/!00:29
roaksoaxbigjools: i added the tests in a different branch so it wont look like a huge diff :)00:29
bigjoolsroaksoax: don't do that :)00:29
roaksoaxbigjools: hehe ok, I'll push to the other branch then00:30
roaksoaxbigjools: btw.. you are missing all the fun here00:30
bigjoolstests and changes should always go together00:30
bigjoolsyeah, I know :(00:30
bigjoolsI wish I wasn't so ill, but ....00:30
roaksoaxbigjools: there'll always be a next time00:30
roaksoaxbigjools: health always comes frist00:31
bigjoolsroaksoax: this gap in travel means I won't make my airline status this year.  Damnit!00:31
roaksoaxbigjools: heh... but for you is easier than me00:32
bigjoolswell yes, everything is a long way from here00:32
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah! veyr long00:33
roaksoaxbigjools: btw.. updated the branch00:34
bigjoolsBackport of trunk into precise, if anyone is keen to try it out02:54
tyler-bakerbigjools, I would be - if I could do it tomorrow :)03:06
bigjoolsit's just an experiment03:06
bigjoolsI've not even tried to install it03:07
tyler-bakerno worries, I'll let you know how it goes03:07
* tyler-baker sudo kill -9 tyler-baker03:57
=== kentb-out is now known as kentb
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out
irossiHi Robert22:54
irossiThanks very much22:55
irossiI just sent you the Ceph charm.log22:55

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