[13:09] Why does Chromium start using 1.6 Gig of memory? It only has 3 tabs open. This occurs repeatedly. After a while, Chromium crashes and exits. Raring 13.04 64 bit and Chromium Version 25.0.1364.160 Ubuntu 13.04 (25.0.1364.160-0ubuntu3) [14:09] so which one should i get [14:09] 12.04 lts or 13.04 [14:09] how outdated is 12.04? [14:10] Hello all. Brand new Ubuntu user here. I am in love with this OS but am having a heck of a time getting my printer to work. [14:12] I've tried everything recommended but my Canon MF6550 just doesn't seem to be that popular. [14:17] BTW, I guess it would help to say I am using 12.04 [14:18] Canon's website does provide a driver, but I am stuck after downloading it. [14:20] So here's my question... how do I install proprietary printer drivers? [17:57] hello [17:59] anyone can advise me where i can get help with ubuntu 13.04? [18:20] what kind of help [22:48] Hiya [22:48] hie, guys! [22:48] I need help [22:51] ubuntulog, can I ask your help? [22:53] looking for help wondering if anyone has used or know how to use cricket crosswave modem [23:23] understanding that i worded my earlier statement wrong the information i'm asking for will be at this url : http://pastebin.com/FExbnHk9 [23:28] Jpaez: tough one [23:29] if I am understanding correctly you are trying to get your connection over a usb device? [23:29] yes [23:31] ok then, you have a few challenges ahead of you. The first is getting the correct driver [23:31] have you checked online to see if that particular usb device has a linux driver? [23:32] they've posted on their website that they don't support linux but people have said they've gotten around it but as raw as i am at using it their instructions seem unclear to me [23:33] as raw? What does that term mean? [23:34] ..... as new [23:35] or.... as fresh* of a user as i am [23:36] ok, so I am assuming you did some sorta search along the lines of "usb linux not working model-name-here" found a guide and following it is proving quite difficult? [23:36] is this valid? [23:37] yes [23:37] ok perhaps it would be best if you could show me a guide and point to the part you dont understand [23:37] would that work? [23:37] i'll see if i can find the link i recieve when i asked around [23:40] http://rikasanggana.blogspot.in/2009/06/how-to-setup-cricket-wireless-a600.html [23:41] it is wrong modem i believe but they said that it should be equivalent [23:41] ok then [23:41] what step is confusing? [23:43] or, if you prefer: do you want me to explain what is happening step-by-step? [23:43] could you please explain step by step.... i'm sorry if it's frustrating but still trying to learn how to do everything it's asking of me [23:44] ok, do you know how to open a terminal? [23:44] you might call them a command window or cmd [23:44] yes i do let me get to my desktop [23:46] whenever you are ready [23:51] okay sorry about wait [23:52] having to download again due to deleting what i put on originally [23:52] ok, do you have a nice clean terminal open? [23:52] yes i do [23:52] ok you have downloaded the Cricket_Mode file to where exactly? [23:53] it's in a flashdrive connected to my computer right now [23:53] ok, lets make it a little easier. Do you feel confident enough to take that file off and say put it on your desktop? [23:55] .... is drag and drop acceptable ? [23:55] yes [23:55] then yes where do i move it to [23:56] just put it on the desktp for now [23:56] to "home" [23:57] under home you should find a directory with your username [23:57] put it there [23:57] okay it's on my desktop the file is "cricket_mode_switch.tar.gz" [23:57] good [23:57] now in your terminal you should be able to go to there and see it [23:58] how so? [23:58] I am going to tell you commands. Each one I enter yo u enter [23:58] cd [23:58] now you are supposed to type cd [23:58] do you follow? [23:58] yes