
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
alexhenriehi, a few hours ago I brought up a bug in lshw-gtk that would be easy to fix. I just came back to it and found that it already has a bug report, but it's been open for two years with no comment from the ubuntu developers: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lshw/+bug/785693 where do I go from here?01:02
ubot2`Launchpad bug 785693 in lshw (Ubuntu) "lshw-gtk menu entry is inoperative" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:02
TheLordOfTimealexhenrie:  um... can you hold here for a while?01:16
* TheLordOfTime is checking something about the package in question01:17
alexhenriesure i'll be around for a while01:17
TheLordOfTimealexhenrie:  can you give me the bug number of the bug you filed.01:18
TheLordOfTimenot the number that its duped to01:18
alexhenrieI didn't file a second bug, I just clicked the button that says "This bug affects me"01:19
TheLordOfTimeokay, hang on a moment then01:20
TheLordOfTimealexhenrie:  lshw-gtk is in universe, so the ubuntu devs won't really be working on the lshw-gtk bugs...01:21
TheLordOfTimebut i'm not really good at explaining the difference...01:21
alexhenriethe ubuntu developers are listed as the maintainers for lshw-gtk01:21
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  can you explain this better?  i'm heading out to a late night movie date...01:22
* TheLordOfTime has to run right now or he'll be late to pick up his date, and that's bad form.01:23
micahgalexhenrie: so, packages in Ubuntu for the most part are collectively maintained by all Ubuntu developers unlike Debian which has specific maintainers for every package01:23
alexhenriejust a second, I'm trying to reproduce what I did to get that information01:23
micahgalexhenrie: there are over 60k bugs in the new status against various UBuntu sources, we don't have the time to look at everything, if you want something looked at, this is a good place to start01:24
alexhenriewhen I run "reportbug lshw-gtk -B debian" I get the message "Maintainer for lshw-gtk is 'Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>'."01:25
micahgthat's not to say taht reporting bugs is a bad thing, if there is a proper reproducer, it can be useful to someone if they take interest in the package, this channel is about triage, the idea is to send bug reports upstream to the developers as far as they can go as they're usually in the best position to fix bugs01:26
micahghrm, really, that seems like a bug in reportbug01:26
alexhenrieyeah it could be. http://packages.debian.org/sid/lshw-gtk says that the maintainer is named Ghe Rivero01:26
alexhenrieso I'll bug Ghe Rivero. thanks for the help01:26
micahgalexhenrie: reportbug wfm, which release are you on?01:27
alexhenrieUbuntu 13.0401:27
alexhenrieLubuntu 13.04*01:27
micahgalexhenrie: hrm, yeah, let's see if there's a Debian bug01:29
micahgdebian 572098 woudl solve the issue01:29
ubot2`Debian bug 572098 in lshw-gtk "menu: Exec=/usr/bin/gksu -u root /usr/bin/lshw-gtk" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/57209801:29
alexhenrieI would say that 572098 is already resolved and this is an additional problem which should have been fixed at the same time but wasn't01:30
alexhenrieI could leave a comment on that bug though01:32
micahgwell, it's certainly missing a dependency in Ubuntu01:35
micahgit should need it in Debian as well01:36
micahgISTR something about not depending on menu though...01:36
alexhenrieyeah I'm about to send in a comment on that Debian bug that explains the situation and links to the ubuntu bug01:42
micahgalexhenrie: weird, reportbug works for me in 13.04 as well01:42
alexhenrieyou mean, it says that the maintiner of lshw-gtk is ubuntu?01:43
micahgno, it doesn't01:45
alexhenriecould it be a bug specific to Lubuntu?01:47
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
micahgwith reportbug?  maybe, Lubuntu doesn't install recommends by default01:48
alexhenrieyeah that's worth some more investigation01:49
alexhenriebtw I sent a comment to debian: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=57209801:49
ubot2`Debian bug 572098 in lshw-gtk "menu: Exec=/usr/bin/gksu -u root /usr/bin/lshw-gtk" [Wishlist,Open]01:49
micahgthe lshw-gtk bug is valid though, I'd like to see it properly fixed in Debian, then we can SRU the fix to Ubuntu01:49
alexhenrieas far as reportbug, it doesn't have any recommends, so that can't be the problem: http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/reportbug01:52
micahghrm, idk01:53
micahgtake a look at ~/.reportbugrc for anything funny01:53
alexhenrieI don't have a ~/.reportbugrc (yes, I'm looking at the hidden files)01:55
micahgoh, hrm01:59

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