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* Fudge enjoys reading your conversations guys00:21
hdonhi all :) can anyone tell me how to get Ubuntu's patches for gcc 4.7 in ubuntu 12.10 ? i don't have ubuntu 12.10 i have ubuntu 12.0404:44
RAOFhdon: You can install the ubuntu-dev-tools package, which contains pull-lp-source, which you can run as “pull-lp-source gcc-4.7 quantal”, which will get you the source package for gcc-4.7 in 12.10.04:47
hdonRAOF, perfect answer. thanks!04:48
RAOFI might have the order of the pull-lp-source arguments around the wrong way, but it should be fairly obvious if I've done that :)04:48
ScottKThe syntax is correct.04:54
lifelessslangasek: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-1305-image-based-updates is very interesting to us (openstack-on-openstack) - we're heading that way anyway to do operations at scale.04:59
lifelessslangasek: it might be nice if we can collaborate somehow04:59
slangaseklifeless: perhaps you could discuss with stgraber next week during UDS?  (If those times work)05:29
lifelessslangasek: I'll try, I'm in CA next week, so it may work well...05:29
lifelessslangasek: if I can't I'll get someone else on the team to chat05:31
slangaseklifeless: great :)05:31
lifelessslangasek: where is the schedule ?05:34
slangaseklifeless: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/; the foundations track for some reason hasn't autoscheduled yet though, looking at this now05:36
lifelessslangasek: I can't do monday, as I fly in on Monday05:37
slangasekthe sessions are Tue-Thu anyway05:37
slangasekah, evidently I misread and there's no autoscheduling05:39
slangasekhand-scheduling it is, then05:39
slangaseklifeless: provisionally scheduled for Tuesday, if that's ok05:41
lifelessslangasek: cool; what time?05:41
slangaseklifeless: 1800UTC05:42
lifelessslangasek: so, 11am in CA I think?05:44
lifelessslangasek: cool, I should be able to do that.05:44
infinityslangasek: Hrm, if you're manually scheduling, can you do specless meetings too?05:52
slangasekinfinity: technically yes, but at the moment I'm heading to bed.  Shoot me an email with details? Or create a spec? :)05:52
infinityslangasek: I was going to register a pointless spec for "review the release schedule with flavor leads and interested parties", but since it's likely to generate zero work items, a meeting would be easier.05:52
infinityslangasek: I'll email.05:53
infinityslangasek: Done.05:53
lifelesssmoser: where is the right place to report bugs on cloud images?06:13
smoserlifeless, if its not a pakcage, file just in ubuntu and tag a s 'cloud-images'06:16
smoserand subscribe utlemming and i06:16
lifelesssmoser: thanks. the thing is that 'vga=normal nomodeset' is needed on the kernel command line to not break ILO's.06:17
lifelesssmoser: I consider unbreakme options bugs :>06:17
smoseri think you dont need vga=normal06:18
smoseri think the nomodeset is enough06:18
lifelesssmoser: what package would need to change to make nomodeset not be needed on Ubuntu server?06:28
lifelessby default, not by grub setting it.06:28
lifelesssmoser: filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1178115 for you06:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1178115 in Ubuntu "nomodeset is needed on server environments for ILO to be usable" [Undecided,New]06:32
lifelesssmoser: enjoy :)06:32
mitya57pitti: FYI, I've just uploaded mathjax 2.1 to sid (so calibre is no longer blocked)06:43
zygacjwatson: hi06:49
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mitya57hi Mirv, is that expected that we don't have a qtbase5-doc package?07:57
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zygacjwatson: lots of interesting feedback on your proposal so far11:25
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zequencestgraber: I suppose you are the guy who makes this happen? http://people.canonical.com/~stgraber/package_sets/saucy/ubuntustudio12:20
zequencestgraber: I guess some packages don't need to be there, like automake1.7? No problem for me. But, everything we use otherwise should be there, right (i.e. nothing is missing)?12:22
zequencebwt, is there some place where flavor developers could put cron job scripts, to check up on things, and then if something interesting was found, mail that to a mail list? I'm thinking of setting things like this up for Ubuntu Studio12:27
cjwatsonif automake1.7 is there it's because something in ubuntustudio is (directly or indirectly) using it, but the core system isn't.12:28
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mitya57Mirv: ping (if around)14:00
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jdstrandjodh: hi! what is the status of cgroups in upstart?14:12
tseliotogra_: I have updated nvidia-graphics-drivers-tegra3 and nvidia-tegra-codecs-cardhu to the latest release in this PPA (in case you want to upload them in saucy): https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/x-staging14:13
jodhjdstrand: still at the consideration stage. do you have a use-case?14:19
jdstrandjodh: I think they might become quite interesting for application lifecycle. ted blogged about gould.cx/ted/blog/Application_Centric_User_Experience, which is something we can do immediately14:20
jdstrandjodh: if apps are launched via users like this, that provides a place for resource monitoring and controls14:21
jdstrandjodh: which the application lifecycle guys are likely interested in14:21
jdstrandjodh: I was more just curious. I saw something on the mailing from scott on how it might work and didn't know if anything came of it14:23
jodhjdstrand: right. The plan this cycle is to work on section 2.3 of https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/upstart-devel/2011-August/001707.html. Have to see if we can stretch as far as 2.3.3 :-)14:24
stgraberjdstrand: IIRC what we discussed back at the sprint is to simply have the pre-start stanza of the job create the new cgroup and move itself to it14:24
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jdstrandjodh, stgraber: ack, thanks14:25
cjwatsonjdstrand: iptables is in the merge-blacklist (a text file only on the merges.ubuntu.com master machine which causes it to silently ignore merges - I hate it, but haven't got rid of it yet), so it's well behind Debian.  Do you have any idea if there's a particular reason it shouldn't normally be merged?14:49
cjwatsonI'm sort of guessing that at one point it broke MoM, but I don't actually know14:50
jdstrandcjwatson: no, not otoh. there is definitely a delta that we want to keep, but I don't see why we would not want to include it in MoM14:50
jdstranderr merges.ubuntu.com14:50
cjwatsonYeah, that's what I thought14:50
cjwatsonI've kicked it out now, so with any luck it'll appear on merges.u.c in the next run14:51
jdstrandcool, thanks :)14:51
cjwatson(or else it'll crash and I'll cry)14:51
sonnejust wondering: any reason why there isn't a package for libxenapi?15:36
Riddellcjohnston: I made a session, how do I subscribe people and get it scheduled? http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21779/kubuntu-and-uefi-and-lts-backports/15:36
cjohnstonedit meeting to subscribe people, and ask the track lead for scheduling15:37
Laneydoes it need to be client-s-?15:37
Laneyor whatever the prefix is15:38
sonnelibxenserver, pardon15:38
cjohnstonsince it was created in summit and not as a blueprint, no15:38
Riddellcjohnston: what if the people don't appear in the people list?16:03
cjohnstonRiddell: then tell them to register16:03
Riddellcjohnston: how do I find out the track lead?16:04
cjohnstonthe emails that have been sent out, summit, fridge, planet, etc16:05
Riddellcjohnston: how come the track lead for foundations is on holiday during uds?16:08
cjohnstonI don't make the rules16:08
Riddellslangasek: could you schedule http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21779/kubuntu-and-uefi-and-lts-backports/ before 17:00UTC on any day?16:08
cjohnstonslangasek: if your on vacation next week, should we have another track lead?16:09
slangasekcjohnston: yes, I've already asked mhall119|away to make cjwatson and bdmurray the track leads, but it seems this isn't done yet - could you take care of it?16:15
slangasekRiddell: scheduled for Wednesday16:16
Riddellslangasek: thanks16:18
Riddellcjwatson: are you registered for UDS?  I didn't see you in the people I could subscribe16:18
cjohnstonslangasek: neither are registered.16:18
slangasekcjohnston: they have to be registered to be made the track lead?16:19
cjwatsonRiddell: yeah, I just remembered from the above conversation that I needed to ...16:19
slangasekbdmurray: ^^ please register for UDS :)16:19
bdmurrayslangasek: done16:19
cjwatsonclearly we suck16:19
cjwatsonRiddell: FWIW the problems you blogged about look awfully like the ones that Steve McIntyre fixed at the 11th hour before wheezy16:20
Riddellcjwatson: uefi ones?16:20
cjwatsonYeah, specifically Debian #69891416:20
ubottuDebian bug 698914 in grub-efi "grub-efi booting Windows 8 in UEFI mode" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/69891416:20
cjwatsonI pulled half that fix into saucy today - other half is bug 1178072 and should be soon16:21
ubottubug 1178072 in os-prober (Ubuntu) "Update to 1.58" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117807216:21
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cjwatsonslangasek,cjohnston: registered now16:21
Riddellcjohnston: how can I add cjwatson to my session?  if I follow Review Attendeed I just get an empty page http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/attendee_review/21779/kubuntu-and-uefi-and-lts-backports/16:22
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cjohnstonthe same way as last time..16:23
cjohnstoncjwatson has been added as a lead, I'll add bdmurray when it imports16:24
bdmurrayslangasek: so I'm working on this phased updates / regression detection stuff and ran across an interesting case in https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/a6b1afd5be6decd8e488e35a98b69d1535246d8316:35
bdmurrayIts showing up as a new bucket for zenity version 3.4.0-0ubuntu416:36
bdmurrayhowever, we can see it was reported about 3.4.0-0ubuntu216:36
bdmurrayits just that 3.4.0-0ubuntu3 had no reports of this crash16:36
bdmurrayand our query uses previous_version=3.4.0-0ubuntu3 and new_version=3.4.0-0ubuntu416:37
bdmurrayI guess there is a possibility it was fixed in 0ubuntu3 and then unfixed in 0ubuntu416:37
mitya57bdmurray: the diff looks clean to me, is that bug 968534?16:46
ubottubug 968534 in zenity (Arch Linux) "zenity crashed with SIGSEGV in zenity_tree_dialog_response()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96853416:46
mitya57bdmurray: nevermind, that probably happens because -0ubuntu3 was never released16:46
bdmurraymitya57: never released?16:47
mitya57the difference between two versions is just 6 days16:47
bdmurrayhrm, I couldn't find anything the source package publishing history in the launchpad api indicating it was not published16:48
slangasekbdmurray: hmmm, interesting16:48
slangasekbdmurray: I can't think of a good way to automatically distinguish this case from the case of a genuine regression16:48
mitya57https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zenity/3.4.0-0ubuntu3/+publishinghistory doesn't have any "Published" entry16:48
bdmurraymitya57: ah, thanks I'll poke some more then16:49
bdmurrayslangasek: yeah, I was thinking this may happen with packages that are quickly superseded16:49
mitya57and your guess is also wrong because the only bug fixed in -0ubuntu3 was #96853416:49
bdmurraymitya57: what guess are you referring to?16:50
mitya57<bdmurray> I guess there is a possibility it was fixed in 0ubuntu3 and then unfixed in 0ubuntu416:50
bdmurrayright that was very hypothetical16:51
bdmurrayzenity 3.4.0-0ubuntu3 was released - you can see that on the precise changes mailing list16:56
roaksoaxslangasek: howdy! So I was thinking... would it be possible to automate SRU processes using autopkgtests?17:00
mitya57bdmurray: ah right17:03
mitya57-0ubuntu3: Mon May 717:03
mitya57-0ubuntu4: Fri May 1117:03
mitya57so there's still a little change someone could trigger that bug in just 4 days17:03
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slangasekroaksoax: automate in what sense?17:22
slangasekroaksoax: if you can provide autopkgtests for the bug being fixed in the SRU, *and* you have robust tests for the rest of the package, then the SRU verification could be almost entirely automated17:22
slangasekbut most packages aren't there17:22
roaksoaxslangasek: yeah so that's exactly what I mean. There's going to be SRU bugs that are easily reproduceable, which we can write tests for and have the whole process automated17:23
roaksoaxslangasek: that would hugely improve the whole process, and I believe it would also free engineering time that's being "lost". Also allowing us to reduce the time it takes to release the fixes17:24
slangasekroaksoax: sure; the more automation the better17:24
slangasekthis is largely what the security team does already, though not with the autopkgtest framework17:25
roaksoaxslangasek: right! Yeah I think if we are able to provide that for the SRU process, it would be great (My idea came from doing a theorical escenario of automating the SRU process for a class on Total Quality Management I took this past semester)17:26
kirkland$ unity --reset17:27
kirklandERROR: the reset option is now deprecated17:27
kirklandso how do I unfsck my desktop nowadays?17:27
jtaylorzul: why did you add ubuntu branding to nginx? its not even main17:33
jtaylor+ it broke it: bug 117415817:33
ubottubug 1174158 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Nginx fails to start on 13.04" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117415817:33
mdeslaurjtaylor: seems like adding branding to track market share is a good way to get it to main, no?17:43
jtaylorif that is stated in the changelog fine17:45
jtaylorneither the patch nor the changelog give any indication why this was done17:45
jtaylorI know now, so if you fix it I'm happy17:45
mdeslaurjtaylor: doesn't the patch in the bug fix it?17:46
TheLordOfTimemdeslaur:  there's only ONE patch in the bug17:46
TheLordOfTimeand it's a reversal of the introduction of the branding17:47
TheLordOfTimeintroduced in comment 517:47
jtaylorI don't know, probably, though it would be common courtesy if the person who broke it fixes it17:47
infinityTheLordOfTime: There's also my "verbal patch" in the bug.17:47
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  which in -motu we'll test via a ppa17:47
TheLordOfTimeif that doesn't fix it once I get my raring VM loaded again, then we're back at comment 5's fix17:48
mdeslaurjtaylor: sure, ping zul and ask him to fix it...he's at a sprint this week I believe, so wait until he gets back, and I'm sure he'll be glad to fix it17:48
infinityTheLordOfTime: I would have just uploaded that define swapping patch of mine, but I don't use nginx, nor do I have a sane way to test it, so I figured I'd leave it to someone who does and can.17:48
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  if you could upload it as a .patch to the bug that'd make my job easier17:48
infinity(Of course, just reverting entirely, and then trying different options later is also sane)17:49
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  my thought is to drop the ubuntu-branding patch as is and recreate it using your verbal patch in comment 717:52
TheLordOfTimeat least for testing17:52
* TheLordOfTime doesn't feel a need to add a new patch to fix the other patch17:52
TheLordOfTimeif that works, i'll debdiff that and submit17:52
infinityTheLordOfTime: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5648561/17:53
infinityTheLordOfTime: Please test. :)17:53
TheLordOfTimethat works too17:53
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  got to deploy my raring vm first.17:53
infinityLet me fix that with brackets.17:53
infinityTheLordOfTime: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5648563/ <-- There, that one.  I'll toss that at the bug too.  Still untested, mind you.17:55
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  the testing is going to be done by me anyways17:55
* infinity test builds that to make sure he didn't do sometihng dumb.17:55
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  this is why ppas can be useful :P17:55
* TheLordOfTime has quite a few test PPAs17:55
infinityTheLordOfTime: Well, test-building on my laptop is probably only a few minutes, it's testing the actual package that is a bit tougher for someone who's never used it.17:56
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  then thank goodness i'm here? :P17:57
TheLordOfTimeactually, better, thank goodness I track all the nginx bugs :P17:57
infinityTheLordOfTime: But, if you can test this for me, I'll happily do the uploads and babysit it through.17:57
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  that's the plan, the only time I don't test something is when it's an upstream diff that fixes the bug and is already built in Debian xD17:58
TheLordOfTimeanyways... lemme finish getting my VM up.17:58
infinityIt at least built successfully here, so that's something. :P17:58
* TheLordOfTime kicks the unity launcher17:59
TheLordOfTimetry to open a terminal and it opens Skype...17:59
infinityTheLordOfTime: Attached the debdiff to the bug too, for safekeeping.18:00
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  ack18:03
* infinity test locally because he's feeling pedantic.18:04
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  heh18:05
TheLordOfTimehmm... this'll probably sit on the amd64 queue for a while...18:05
infinityAt least 'nginx -t' passes.18:05
TheLordOfTimewonder if I can get this bumped up in priority.18:05
infinityTheLordOfTime: Want my binaries? :P18:05
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  please.18:06
infinityTheLordOfTime: (I can bump your builds too, but this is faster)18:06
TheLordOfTimeput them somewhere I can wget18:06
* TheLordOfTime is working off of a server VM so.... :P18:06
infinityTheLordOfTime: http://lucifer.0c3.net/~adconrad/nginx/18:06
TheLordOfTimegot it, just finishing up the VM18:08
TheLordOfTimebecause the VM is being slow :/18:08
TheLordOfTime(can't test on this system i'm on because precise :/)18:08
infinityTheLordOfTime: So, testing here, nginx -t doesn't complain, and once started, the version string looks sane:18:11
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~/foo$ HEAD localhost | grep ^Server18:11
infinityServer: nginx/1.2.6 (Ubuntu)18:11
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  lemme confirm, then if it works fine, i'll let you know.18:11
* infinity nods.18:11
infinityNow, I should push this to Debian to do something clever with dpkg-vendor, instead of us carrying a silly branding delta forever.18:12
nemoSo. Just spent an hour figuring out why our game didn't run in Ubuntu18:13
nemoTurns out it was badly packaged in 13.04 :(18:13
nemo(I mean, working w/ a user who said the game wasn't running for him)18:13
nemoSpecifically, has a dependency on freeglut3 in the build that ubuntu packaged (is an optional dep for video recording) that was not put in the dependency list :(18:14
mitya57infinity: that will be nice, given that this is the only change in our delta (except for some temporary patch)18:14
infinitynemo: File a bug, for bonus points, attach a patch, and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure18:15
nemoinfinity: I already told him to do that18:15
nemoalthough it possibly should just be mentioned in the build bug18:15
nemohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hedgewars/+bug/1073730  I assume18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1073730 in hedgewars (Ubuntu) "Hedgewars 0.9.18 FTBFS on 13.04" [Wishlist,Fix released]18:15
mitya57maybe we should even make it append " (Debian)" on Debian...18:16
nemoinfinity: as for patch, I have no clue as to .deb packaging18:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1073730 in hedgewars (Ubuntu) "Hedgewars 0.9.18 FTBFS on 13.04" [Wishlist,Fix released]18:19
debfxnemo: it's already fixed but hasn't propagated to -updates yet18:19
infinitydebfx: Lovely.18:19
infinity(Shame no one fixed the FTBFS in the same SRU)18:19
TheLordOfTimegah, kernel updates... :/18:20
infinity"The Blue Systems sprint has spent a lot of time confirming this fix allows you to again play the game"18:21
nemoinfinity: FTBFS  is some backport thingy?18:21
infinityRiddell: Glad to see you're hard at work.18:21
TheLordOfTimeFTBFS = fail to build from source18:21
TheLordOfTimetechie term for "WHOOPS YOU BROKE IT!"18:21
nemois that our fault?18:21
TheLordOfTime(in a manner of speaking)18:21
TheLordOfTimeum... i'll let someone else answer that one18:21
nemoour deps did change...18:21
* TheLordOfTime goes back to stabbing nginx18:21
infinitynemo: I believe you provided us with a patch to fix the build on arm/powerpc, we just didn't apply it yet.18:22
nemooh. arm.18:22
* infinity nods.18:22
nemoinfinity: so, hopefully in a very very short period of time we'll have clobbered the final 0.9.19 bugs18:22
nemoand we'll get to go through the whole multimonth process w/ ubuntu all over again :D18:22
nemousually is a minor miracle if ubuntu users are able to play other linux users/OSX/Windows ;)18:23
infinitynemo: I'm sure we can sort out clever ways to speed that up.18:23
nemoif we are lucky enough to time our release juuuust before the ubuntu release we can usually get at least some ubuntu users (full upgraded ones) on it18:23
nemobut we missed that window this time18:24
nemoand there was playdeb, but that shut down18:24
infinityIf the package is cleanly backportable, it would be trivial to just update in the development release and backport to other supported releases.18:24
infinityIf that's not the case today, I suspect you might be able to talk someone into helping make it so (Riddell appears to play the game, he may have an interest in being helpful, for instance)18:25
* TheLordOfTime groans18:25
TheLordOfTimestupid computer18:25
nemoinfinity: 0.9.17 wasn't cleanly backportable but Evan got it patched and out the door a mere 2 months after release, which is "quite fast" for ubuntu ;)18:26
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  has anyone reported a problem with apt where it doesn't install dependencies?18:26
nemoinfinity: although even for current version would be nice. and usually that seems to take months.  not so for gentoo/opensuse/bsd/fedora/whatever18:26
nemoinfinity: hrm. correction date fail. .17 was released 11-19 and Evan had backport patch a mere 2 days later!18:28
nemowas the .16 release that was september18:28
nemoso. I think that was probably the fastest ubuntu turnaround ever. possibly faster than any other distro actually18:28
TheLordOfTimeah there we go18:28
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  works18:30
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  jtaylor: the latest patch/debdiff seems to correctly fix the situation18:30
TheLordOfTimeso you should be OK to use that as a solution for Raring18:31
TheLordOfTime(for Bug 1174158)18:31
ubottubug 1174158 in nginx (Ubuntu Raring) "Nginx fails to start on 13.04" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117415818:31
infinityTheLordOfTime: I'll just steal the bug and upload.18:32
infinityTheLordOfTime: Could you do me a huge favour and add the SRU boilerplate to the bug description?18:32
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  the wha...18:32
TheLordOfTimeoh you mean the template18:32
TheLordOfTimeum... sure...18:32
TheLordOfTimeif i had the link to it still18:32
jtaylorTheLordOfTime: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:33
infinityOr https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template even.18:33
infinityTheLordOfTime: Uploaded to both saucy and raring.18:36
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  adding the description shortly18:36
TheLordOfTimemitya57:  ping, update your merge stuff!18:36
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  added SRU boilerplate18:37
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  any way to skip -proposed for Raring on this?18:39
TheLordOfTime(or did you upload directly to -updates)18:39
infinityTheLordOfTime: Skip, no.  But I can expedite the SRU once it's been built and verified.18:39
infinityTheLordOfTime: It doesn't need the 7-day baking period, given the current broken state, but I still want the final binaries tested at least once.18:40
infinitybdmurray: Feel like being a charitable SRU team member, since it seems a bit silly for me to review/accept my own upload? :P18:41
bdmurrayinfinity: sure give me a bit though18:42
infinityOh, hrm, I should have merged with Debian for saucy instead of uploading this version.  La la la.18:43
* mitya57 is looking18:43
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  hehe18:43
mitya57err, infinity uploaded that? :(18:45
infinitymitya57: ?18:45
mitya57infinity: did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/ubuntu/saucy/nginx/1.4.1 ?18:45
mitya57it was linked to that bug18:46
infinitymitya57: Ahh, well, feel free to upload 1.4.1, but please use the new branding patch instead of dropping it.18:46
mitya57ok, I'll rebase my branch that when your change hits the udd branch18:47
infinity  - Modify default site configuration file to correct a typo18:47
infinity    that prevented out-of-the-box usability (LP: #1162177).18:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1162177 in nginx (Ubuntu) "nginx-light: invalid parameter "ipv6_only=on"" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116217718:48
infinity^-- Isn't that merged upstream correctly now?18:48
infinitys/upstream/with Debian/18:48
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  i don't know yet i just saw a bug on that...18:48
* TheLordOfTime opens his emails18:48
mitya57infinity: that is merged, but the correct parameter name is "ipv6only" (without "_")18:49
TheLordOfTimeDebian Bug #70733218:49
ubottuDebian bug 707332 in src:nginx-common "nginx-common: Typo in conf/sites-available/default" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/70733218:49
infinityWell, their sites-available/default looks a lot like ours now.18:49
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  then they didn't close their bug :P18:49
infinityOh, nevermind.  I missed the underscore.18:49
infinitySo, yeah, we still have that 1-char delta. :P18:49
mitya57TheLordOfTime: #707332 was filed by /me today's morning :)18:50
TheLordOfTimemitya57:  eheh18:50
TheLordOfTimeyeah, so it's not fixed yet :P18:50
infinityTheLordOfTime: *nod*... I misread their adding the keyword as them having added it correctly. ;)18:51
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infinitybdmurray: While I'm bugging you, I'm going to need your superpower to edit meta-release today.18:54
bdmurrayinfinity: okay, what SRU did you want looked at?18:55
infinitybdmurray: nginx/raring18:56
hallyn_stgraber: any discussion a tthe sprint about default cgroup config for users at login (i.e. for memory controls)?18:59
stgraberhallyn_: nope. We briefly discussed potential use of the freezer cgroup for apps but that's about it19:00
hallyn_ok, thanks19:00
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cjohnstonbdmurray: you are a track lead now19:39
bdmurraycjohnston: thanks19:43
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plarsthomi: ping21:10
thomiplars: hey21:10
plarsthomi: I'm trying to install latest autopilot-touch and it wants python-ubuntu-platform-api, where's the best place to get it from?21:10
thomiplars: for raring?21:11
plarsthomi: yes21:12
thomiplars: ok, the best place is ppa:autopilot/ppa - but I just had to binary copy the package, since it hadn't landed since we switched PPAs21:15
thomiplars: so, give it 10 minutes maybe21:15
plarsthomi: ah, ok. That's where I was trying to pull from but it wasn't finding it21:15
plarsthomi: thanks, will check back in a bit21:15
thomiplars: yeah, we switched the PPA, but since we haven't merged anything into trunk autolanding never triggered21:15
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zequenceAnyone know a nice way to be notified of changes in a package set, such as http://people.canonical.com/~stgraber/package_sets/saucy/ubuntustudio?21:40
stgraberzequence: I can have queuebot join your IRC channel and announce the changes there. Note that any packageset change is also announced in #ubuntu-release by queuebot21:42
zequencestgraber: I was actually looking at forwarding to a mail list. Didn't think about IRC. I think that would be nice, if we were only alerted of our own package set21:46
vertab7good evening all from the UK21:47
zequenceJust got the script make_report.py, and realized there may be LP API that can be used21:47
stgraberzequence: yeah, you can easily query through the API but there's no e-mail subscription for that part21:54
stgraberzequence: I can have queuebot join your channel and just show changes related to your packageset or you can write your own script (you probably want to look at edit_acl query -P ubuntustudio -S saucy in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools)21:55
zequencestgraber: Ah, thanks. I'll have a look :)22:01
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dokodirecthex, ping22:11
slangasekcyphermox: hi, did you happen to see my follow-up on bug #1004775?22:25
ubottubug 1004775 in network-manager (Ubuntu Precise) "NetworkManager restarts dnsmasq and adds host route on every IPv6 route lookup" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100477522:25
cyphermoxslangasek: argh, I hadn't seen it22:26
cyphermoxyou're obviously right, I forgot to re-apply this change22:26
dokobarry, online?22:31
barrydoko: yep22:31
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