
=== CripperZ- is now known as CripperZ
=== CripperZ is now known as CripperZ-
timontiHey guys, I'm using ubuntuGnome... however, am facing an issue with usb_modeswitch10:44
timontiMy internet dongle is not getting converted to a internet device.10:44
timontiAnd, funnily, the behavior is very inconsistent.10:44
timontiI've searched a lot on the internet.. but can't find anything concrete.10:44
timontiReferred to this site: http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/#usage10:45
timontiAny idea?10:45
timontiGenerally when I boot, the internet gets detected and converted10:45
timontiBut, not while hotplugging.10:45
timontiThis is the only consistency I see, but is not generally the case.10:46
timontiAny ideas?10:50
timontiAnyone there?11:08
darkxsttimonti, are you using gnome3-staging?11:09
SergioADHello all13:52
SergioADI need urgent help13:53
SergioADI have installed Ubuntu gnome and upgraded it to the 3.8 release, now my mouse scrolling do not work and have been appeared a lot of items that must be hidden like the notification settings or region and language that must be only visible from the g13:58
SergioADgnome control center13:59
SergioADsomebody can help me?14:01
SergioADso... somebody knows how can I fix my touch pad issues? If is not possible to change to Manjaro :)15:01
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
SonikkuAmericaWill there eventually be text in the ubiquity installer for UGNOME?16:13
timontiAnyone here with knowledge on usb_modeswitch?16:53
homerjupdated to ubuntu gnome from the base ubuntu 13.04 with the ubuntu-gnome-desktop package, there are a couple of applications(onboard, xdiagnose) that don't have any icons in the application menu21:30
homerjicons seem to be there, unless /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable isn't a default anymore21:30
homerjquestion from earlier23:10
homerjati bug23:10

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