=== optimusprimem is now known as optimus-afk === guntbert_ is now known as guntbert [13:07] Hello IRC people, is there a variable for supported releases? [13:07] Not a factoid but a variable that can be used in a factoid [13:10] smartboyhw: curStable, curStableLong, and curStableNum [13:10] er, nothing that lists all the supported releases though [13:10] Pici: Meh [13:11] What will these three variables produce? [13:11] Raring, Raring Ringtail and 13.04 [13:12] Pici, ok. I really want one with all supported releases though:( [13:12] We don't have one. [13:12] Meh [13:12] Anyways… [13:14] !supported-releases-#ubuntustudio is Please see the currently supported Ubuntu Studio releases in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases [13:14] If someone would kindly approve:) [13:20] Why do we need a factoid like this specifically for ubuntustudio? [13:20] Pici: Do we have a general factoid? [13:20] !releases [13:20] Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases [13:20] * smartboyhw doesn't know [13:21] Pici: BTW, change 18 -> 9 [13:21] OK then [13:21] !releases =~ s/18/9/ [13:21] I'll remember that Pici