
TheLordOfTimewow, i'm a tad confused.. the lshw source seems to build both universe *and* main packages, unless I'm missing something... but just to make sure I'm not hallucinating, the lshw-gtk package, part of the lshw source package, is a Universe package and not a main package, so it's maintained by the community instead of the developers right?01:15
micahgTheLordOfTime: if it's to be fixed, yes01:19
micahgTheLordOfTime: the source is in main though01:19
micahgsource in main, binary in universe means no official support for the binary01:19
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  so then bugs which are about the lshw-gtk package would be repaired by the community and basically left to rot by the devs unless it affects the lshw package in main01:19
micahgnot necessarily left to rot, but you're free to fix them if you like :)01:20
TheLordOfTimethat's what i thought01:20
TheLordOfTimemind answering the person in -bugs then?01:20
micahgyou're free to fix stuff in main too if you want,01:20
TheLordOfTimeyou can explain it's a universe package and not maintained by the devs. :P01:20
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  indeed, i'm asking because of a question in -bugs that threw me for a loop xD01:20
* TheLordOfTime was a tad confused by the question, hence asking here01:21
micahgTheLordOfTime: not maintained is a misnomer, Canonical provides support for stuff in main for a period of time01:21
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  you can explain it better01:21
micahgthe support can be of varying degrees01:21
micahgnot everything in main is actively maintained01:22
micahgTheLordOfTime: you have a UTC time on the question?01:22
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  yeah, active discussion01:22
TheLordOfTime~20 minutes ago01:23
TheLordOfTimeto now01:23
ScottKTheLordOfTime: Universe means not maintained by Canonical.  There's plenty of developers that aren't Canonical.  Ubuntu != Canonical.01:55
micahgScottK: universe means not officially supported by Canonical, there's no implication about maintenance even for stuff in main01:58
ScottK"it's a universe package and not maintained by the devs" is just plain wrong though.01:58
mitya57TheLordOfTime: I've a couple of nginx questions for you05:51
mitya57* the debian/conf/sites-available/default changes don't look like ubuntu-specific, did you submit those to debian?05:52
mitya57* do we really need ubuntu branding? :)05:53
mitya57it's basically about05:55
mitya57-#define NGINX_VERSION      "1.2.6"05:55
mitya57+#define NGINX_VERSION      "1.2.6 (Ubuntu)"05:55
ScottKPersonally, I think such changes are ridiculous.06:13
TheLordOfTimemitya57:  to my knowledge I didn't submit those...06:16
* TheLordOfTime digs around in the bugs list06:16
mitya57ok, I'll submit the s/ipv6_only/ipv6only/ change to bts (the only relevant bit in debian/conf/sites-available/default), and then we'll be to just sync the new version06:16
TheLordOfTimehang on a sec06:17
TheLordOfTimewill ya?06:17
TheLordOfTimerather than just saying "OK"...06:17
TheLordOfTimei think i sawa bug that needed those changes06:17
* TheLordOfTime double checks06:17
mitya57looks like the history was:06:17
mitya57- we added ipv6_only06:17
mitya57- we fixed it to be ipv6only06:17
mitya57- debian added wrong ipv6_only06:17
TheLordOfTimeignoring the history06:19
TheLordOfTimeand reading the ACTIVE LP bugs06:19
* TheLordOfTime sighs06:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1174158 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Nginx fails to start on 13.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:19
TheLordOfTimethe "runfix" for that bug is the "ubuntu branding"06:19
TheLordOfTimeTBPH i don't like nginx-extras.06:19
TheLordOfTimebut i'll spare you my tirade of why i hate it because that requires swearing06:20
TheLordOfTimemitya57:  i'm going to assume that zul didn't bother to mark it as "This fixes bug [blah]"06:21
TheLordOfTimebut 1.2.x is behind 1.4.x so they may have redone things that I'm not aware of.06:22
* TheLordOfTime yawns06:22
TheLordOfTimebut it's 02:22 here, and i'm tired, so i'm not going to be coherent much longer06:22
TheLordOfTimemitya57:  i dropped zul an email, if the ubuntu branding is all that's changed as a runfix for 1174158 then that needs to stay06:22
TheLordOfTimebut... in tweaked form06:23
mitya57ok, I'll add a bug reference and keep that for now06:23
TheLordOfTimeI.E. drop the changes as is, sync/update, then readd in the branding.  and possibly fix errors in the defaults.06:23
ScottKTheLordOfTime: Or just drop the branding and count being able to sync as a win.06:23
TheLordOfTimeScottK:  true.06:24
TheLordOfTimeScottK:  until a regression of 1174158 shows up then I start banging my head on the keyboard06:24
TheLordOfTime... did I mention I hate the nginx-extras package?06:24
ScottKThe goal is to be in sync with Debian and silly things like adding Ubuntu to the version string are NOT a reason to diverge.06:24
ScottKIt might have come up.06:24
TheLordOfTime(also agreed)06:24
TheLordOfTimeScottK:  my goal is similar with the nginx stable PPA... ... which this discussion JUST reminded me I should triple check for regressions against...06:25
TheLordOfTimeScottK:  keep it in line with Debian as much as I can06:25
TheLordOfTimebut... sometimes some minor changes had to be done to fix that for, say, Lucid, or for my own botched patchfixes.06:26
mitya57TheLordOfTime: actually it seems that "runfix for bug 1174158" is removing the "(Ubuntu)" part06:26
ubottubug 1174158 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Nginx fails to start on 13.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117415806:26
mitya57(at least according to comment 5)06:26
TheLordOfTime... okay, i'm seriously off, before i pass out on my keyboard and end up with a reverse image of my keyboard keys on my face when i wake up.06:26
TheLordOfTimemitya57:  oh duh, misread.06:27
TheLordOfTimemitya57:  then wth is zul doing...06:27
TheLordOfTimemitya57:  can you relay to zul that by adding in ubuntu branding they're CAUSING 1174158, and if we keep the branding they break everything?06:27
TheLordOfTimenot to mention asking them WHY we need ubuntu branding in nginx anyways, especially since universe?06:28
TheLordOfTime... okay, and now i'm off.06:28
TheLordOfTime(messages will be logged)06:28
mitya57zul is not here, and I agree that we should just drop that patch06:28
TheLordOfTime... oh and i should probably assign that bug to me and prep a fix for it tomorrow...06:29
ScottKYeah.  Just drop it.06:29
ScottKThen prepare an SRU for 13.04.06:29
TheLordOfTimethat's the plan!06:31
* TheLordOfTime is assigning the bug to himself as we speak06:31
* mitya57 has pushed his merge to lp:~mitya57/ubuntu/saucy/nginx/1.4.106:36
TheLordOfTimedone.  now... SLEEP TIME.06:36
dpmHi MOTUs, I'd like to get a package for a personal project into Universe. I've read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages#Going_through_MOTU and I've got a couple of questions if someone is around to give me a hand09:44
dpmThe first one being "When you start to work on a new package, assign the needs-packaging bug to yourself and set it In Progress (if there is no needs-packaging bug, file one" <- where do I file such a bug?09:44
dpmmy package is in a PPA, and I'm wondering how I can bring it to the MOTUs attention to get it reviewed and uploaded to the archive09:45
jtaylordpm: the preferred way to get it into the archive is over debian09:50
jtaylorwould it be useful in debian too?09:51
dpmthanks jtaylor, indeed, I read the wiki. However, it has some Ubuntu-specific dependencies, but it will take me a while to remove them for Debian, so I thought in the meantime it would be useful to at least have it in Ubuntu09:51
dpmand to answer the question, yes, I think it'd be useful in Debian as well, but as I say it requires some work09:52
Laneydpm: File the bug on "Ubuntu"09:55
Laneyand you can just subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug to get it looked at09:56
Laneyyou should probably address the debian question up front though, so you don't have to answer it again09:56
dpmok, cool, thanks Laney10:02
dpmanother question: once it's in the archive, I'd like to backport it to at least Precise. Would that be possible? Is there anything else to bear in mind regarding backporting?10:03
Laneyshould be easy but you'll have to backport to Q and R too, to maintain an upgrade path for users upgrading that way10:10
dpmLaney, that should not be a problem, I'd prefer to have backports to all stable releases anyway10:17
dpmwell, P, Q, R10:18
dpmLaney, hm, the +filebug package redirects to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs - is there a better project I can file the bug against? Or I guess I can just file it against my app's project and then retarget to 'ubuntu'?10:20
dpmsorry, I meant the lp.net/ubuntu/+filebug *page10:21
Laneydpm: it should work if you append ?no-redirect to the filebug URL (that ReportingBugs page should say that somewhere, but it is a wall of text)10:23
Laneyor retargeting probably works too10:23
LaneyI swear the newpackages page used to have a link for that10:23
* Laney edits it10:23
dpmah, yeah, ?no-redirect did the trick, thanks!10:25
Laneyit does link in one place but not the other10:27
dpmLaney, ok. Does bug 1178202 look ok?10:39
ubottubug 1178202 in Ubuntu "Request to include Qreator into Universe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117820210:39
Laneydpm: Looks good - perhaps provide a direct link to the .dsc you want to be sponsored10:42
dpmdone, thanks Laney!10:44
Laneyif you don't get any bites in a few days, ping me and I'll look10:44
dpmexcellent, thanks10:44
jtaylorI noticed one of my packages was transitioned from guile 1.6 to guile 1.814:17
jtaylorthere is also a guile 2.014:17
jtaylorsomeone know if I can just use that?14:17
jtaylorhm news lists no backward incompatible things14:19
jtaylorhm using 2.0 makes autoreconf fail, 1.8 it is14:33
TheLordOfTimecan someone approve Raring on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/1174158 so that we can set the Raring status separate from the Saucy status?17:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1174158 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Nginx fails to start on 13.04" [Medium,In progress]17:23
TheLordOfTimemitya57's handling a merge that might fix the bug for Saucy.17:23
TheLordOfTimebut i'm SRUing a fix for Raring.17:24
jtaylordid you get an answer why zul did this weird branding17:30
* mitya57 didn't17:31
jtaylorthe second time Ive seen zul screw something up with a pointless change ._.17:31
TheLordOfTimejtaylor:  no answer whatsoever via email17:32
TheLordOfTimemight I recommend a reeducation in why you don't do pointless changes?17:33
TheLordOfTimewell, regardless (i typed without thinking! o.O) i'd like to get a debdiff up for it17:33
TheLordOfTimebut i'm curious whether this happens in Saucy17:33
TheLordOfTime(and if it DOES, the bug needs to be handled separately for it, from Raring)17:33
mdeslaurit's not pointless, it allows tracking market share, which is important17:34
TheLordOfTimemdeslaur:  it also breaks nginx-extras17:34
mdeslaurthe fact that it's broken is unrelated to the fact that it's pointless or not17:34
TheLordOfTimemdeslaur:  by adding ubuntu branding to the nginx software, it introduces bugs17:34
TheLordOfTimemdeslaur:  jtaylor called it pointless, not me17:34
* TheLordOfTime was using their words17:34
TheLordOfTimemdeslaur:  regardless, the fix is to drop the patch which introduced the branding, and I"ve got a debdiff ready for that for raring.17:35
jtaylormdeslaur: that should be stated in the changelog then17:35
mdeslaurTheLordOfTime: that's not a proper fix17:35
jtaylorits not obvious17:35
jtaylor+ actually tested ...17:35
mdeslaurjtaylor: what's not obvious?17:35
TheLordOfTimemdeslaur:  then state a proper fix17:35
jtaylornot to anyone here17:35
mitya57there can be no other fix for raring except just removing that patch17:36
TheLordOfTimeagreed with mitya5717:37
mdeslaurthat's nonsense17:37
jtaylorif its important enough to use market share counter why is it not in main?17:38
jtayloruniverse can'T really provide good security support17:38
TheLordOfTimeif i remember right there was a discussion last UDS about whether it should be included in main17:38
TheLordOfTimei don't remember what that discussion concluded though17:38
TheLordOfTimes/last/in a previous/17:38
TheLordOfTimegiven it's still in Universe i think the discussion of adding it to main went nowhere17:39
mdeslaurTheLordOfTime: doesn't the fix stated in the bug work?17:39
TheLordOfTimeon which comment?17:40
TheLordOfTimethere's two fixes proposed17:40
TheLordOfTimeone in comment 5 and one in comment 717:40
mdeslaur#5 just reverts it, #7 fixes it properly17:40
mdeslaur(has to be tested though)17:40
TheLordOfTimemdeslaur:  i'll test-build in a PPA of mine, and then ask the bug to test it17:41
TheLordOfTimeif that fixes it, i'll debdiff #7's fix17:41
TheLordOfTimeif it does NOT fix it, then i'll be back here reaffirming dropping the branding patch is the fix17:41
TheLordOfTimes/bug/people affected by the bug/17:41
TheLordOfTimeboy, i'm sucking at typing today...17:41
mitya57if you want to push your "proper fix" to SRU, we first need to get that into saucy17:42
mitya57(read: test the debdiff and point me to it so that I can update my branch)17:42
TheLordOfTimemitya57:  if and only if it works will i dump the #7 debdiff onto  the bug (and you'll have access to it)17:43
TheLordOfTimegranted it'll be written for raring but...17:43
* TheLordOfTime yawns17:43
TheLordOfTimefirst, coffee.17:43
TheLordOfTimeand regardless, can we get the Raring nomination approved?17:44
TheLordOfTimesince this needs fixing in two releases.17:44
TheLordOfTimeoop i missed the update17:45
* TheLordOfTime kicks his emial17:45
mitya57maybe infinity can approve it17:46
* mitya57 facepalms17:47
jtaylorhm got this mail: pyzmq_2.2.0.1-2_armhf.changes rejected18:05
jtaylorServer said:18:05
jtaylornothing more18:05
jtaylorwhat does that mean?18:05
jtayloralso why do I get a mail for that from ubuntu? I uploaded in debian18:06
jtaylorhm https://launchpadlibrarian.net/139498554/upload_4564002_log.txt18:07
mitya57looks like a failed sync18:18
mitya57ah, I see that failure @ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyzmq/
jtaylorI wonder if I just got the mail because I'm in motu or will every debian maintainer get that?18:19
mitya57jtaylor: do you have a "retry" button there?18:19
jtaylor(I was not subscribed to the package until now, so thats not it)18:20
jtaylormitya57: yes, I'll leave it for a bitmaybe someone wants to investigate18:21
mitya57there were some cases where random DDs were receiving mails about Ubuntu failures (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-January/036374.html)18:25
mitya57but that should be fixed now18:25
jtaylorthe bug is still in progress18:26
jtaylorits probably it, thx18:26

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