[00:55] yay software patents eh? [20:52] morning [21:37] morning [21:41] morning [21:41] ibeardslee: yeah, good news! [21:53] anyone else find it amusing that this was announced by the commerce minister - Craig *Foss*? [21:54] yeah, I noticed that too [21:55] * ojwb can't help thinking the fight probably isn't won yet [21:56] morning [22:02] morning [22:03] ojwb: indeed, once other countries start wading in [22:03] though, perhaps other countries will take note and start doing it themselves [22:03] like dominos [22:03] we can only hope [22:03] swpatents or gay marriage? [22:03] laws seem to go in waves [22:04] former [22:04] and yeah, I was just about to mentioned that about gay marriage [22:04] one does it, then the next feels that they're allowed to do it now [22:04] even though they're totally independent and could have done it anyway [22:04] perhaps i'm selfish, but being neither gay nor married... [22:07] be interesting to see a requirement to allow gay marriage rolled up into one of these multi-purpose "trade" agreements though [22:07] hah [22:07] that would be an excellent troll [22:08] heh [22:11] ojwb: so the issue of gay marriage would be a barrier to free trade? interesting... :) [22:11] G: most of the things these treaties demand aren't barriers to free trade [22:11] arguably many *introduce* barriers to free trade