
smartboyhwHello Noskcaj07:36
Noskcajhey smartboyhw07:36
smartboyhwNoskcaj: You saw my interview?07:37
Noskcajyeah, pretty good.07:37
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Waiting on yours and phillw's07:38
Noskcaji still don't have a pic for mine. i'll probably just use the squirrel. phill's should be good07:38
smartboyhwMaybe more07:38
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Heh07:38
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phillwsmartboyhw: interview?!!!13:51
smartboyhwphillw: ?13:54
smartboyhwThe so called "People Behind Ubuntu Quality" series by balloons13:55
phillw(08:37:24) smartboyhw: Noskcaj: You saw my interview?13:56
phillw(08:37:43) Noskcaj: yeah, pretty good.13:56
phillw(08:38:00) smartboyhw: Noskcaj: Waiting on yours and phillw's13:56
smartboyhwphillw: Yep13:56
smartboyhwWe are waiting to see yours posted by balloons:)13:56
phillwahh, I've not had an email requesting o e yet :D13:56
smartboyhwphillw: What the hell?13:57
smartboyhwballoons: How dare you ignore phillw?13:57
* smartboyhw chops balloons in a dozen pieces13:57
smartboyhw_Hello chilicuil14:19
chilicuilhi there smartboyhw_ =)14:19
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phillwNoskcaj: balloons  we, as lubuntu, did try out cadence system. We do not have enough to run a two weekly system that concentrates on unity issues. IDK what xubuntu / kubuntu etc. will decide upon]19:59
Noskcajphillw, Xubuntu is considering using alphas, though only one or two. one would be released when/if the new XFCE drops20:00
phillwNoskcaj: as you will have seen on the l-qa list, running the alphas is different to cadence20:02
thomiballoons: ping?20:03
thomiballoons: anyone using quantal & autopilot?20:03
Noskcajphillw, yes, and because the have an actual release, things go well20:03
phillwNoskcaj: No, you are processing new stuff to unity. which is really required as it is still at a stable beta release. The other flavours have a back ground :)20:05
phillwNoskcaj: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule20:09
phillwNoskcaj: new 'boss' at xubuntu. I have no idea what kubuntu will do. I have asked lubuntu to go back to alpha releases.20:12
Noskcajphillw, there is no new boss, and i'm going to guess kubuntu release alphas too.20:13
phillwNoskcaj: the new cadence cycle did not help the other teams. I will, of course, follow what my Boss says on lubuntu. The devs are in charge.20:16
phillwNoskcaj: well, I only know what I am told. It seems doubtful that xubuntu will do a ppc release and that kubuntu may do so for 13.10.20:22
Noskcajno ones even mentioned PPC that i know of.20:22
Noskcajso i doubt it20:22
phillwNoskcaj: I do keep in touch with the TL's :) xubuntu want to concentrate on what they have as it is a feed to unbuntu-studio. That's a really good call.20:24
knomewe have sessions scheduled for vUDS where we discuss a variety of issuse20:26
phillwhi knome we're just discussing about alphas / ppc etc. But.... the most important issue is for me to ask the testers for their thoughts as without them, we can plan anything and it not happen :D20:33
knomei agree20:34
phillwknome: is elfy / xubuntu minded to have alphas?20:35
knomei haven't got to it with elfy yet20:36
knomemichag, one of our developers, thinks we should have at least one alpha20:36
hggdher. Where are the blueprints for UDS?20:36
knomei personally think it's more about organizing testing when we need it, but if the alpha seems to work well with the xfce release, i'm sure we benefit from running the tests parallel to others20:37
phillwAs 13,10 is the 'alpha' for 13.04 LTS, it is really our 'beta' :)20:37
phillw*14.04 LTS*20:37
knomehttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-1305 should have all of them i suppose20:38
phillwknome: I'm still on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule20:38
knomehttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/ for the schedule20:38
Noskcajknome, speaking of the blueprints, should i add my stuff to them like micahg did? i'm not going to be at any of the sessions20:38
knomeNoskcaj, you should. also please note that the scheduled times aren't final20:39
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thomiballoons: ping?22:42
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phillwthomi: he has been hiding :)22:50
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thomiyeah, hiding from me?22:51
thomior just hiding in general22:51
thomihe must know I want something...22:51
phillwthomi: you can try me, I cannot answer all the questions, but as a tester /qa guy we do chat :)22:59
thomiI was going to ask balloons if he could try and reschedule a UDS session of his that I'd like to join, but conflicts with another session I need to be in23:00
thomiin general, I'm not sure which of the QA team's sessions would benefit from an autopilot developer being present23:00
thomiit'd be nice if someone could say "we'd like you to join these sessions: X, Y, and Z"23:00
thomibut I guess I can just play it by ear23:01
phillwthomi: email him if there is a conflict23:01
thomiyeah, will do23:01
phillwthomi: you have his email addy?23:02
thomiphillw: yep23:02
phillwgood :)23:03
phillwI'm still awaiting for the lubuntu vUDS ones (also QA-vDUS)23:05
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