
crhrabalanyone successfully put ubuntu touch onto kindle fire?00:00
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almejoHello everyone03:44
almejoI am here for a few questions03:44
almejocan someone help me?03:44
almejoI am following te instructions on http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/03:46
almejothen I started qtcreator03:46
almejoand then, in the example tutorial it says that i have to create new Ubuntu -> Ubuntu UI project.. but that option is not present on my qt creator03:47
almejosome tips??03:47
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patrik_how to create ubuntu touch tablet mg09:04
patrik_can any one help09:05
patrik_how to create ubuntu touch img09:06
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patrhow to make ubuntu touch img09:22
popeypatr: hi09:23
popeypatr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting describes how to port Ubuntu Touch to other devices09:23
user82does anyone know how the status of "whosthere" currently is? https://launchpad.net/whosthere09:25
user82or does the dev happen to be here...i once saw hin in a ubuntu channel?09:26
popeygehre.matthias@gmail.com is them..09:29
user82seems like he is offline. but i query'd him09:30
user82if ubuntu touch is really ready and whosthere too i might use it starting june09:31
popeyyou could email him to get an update on the status?09:33
user82i am quite sure he was in irc. probably US-person and sleeping now09:34
user82    matge on irc.freenode.net09:34
popeyBased in Texas it seems.09:35
user82so he is quite asleep now. i will wait for a while and email him if he does not appear online within 2 days09:37
popeyuser82: he's not been in here since March 29th09:38
user82oh you can look that up..i forgot09:39
user82then email09:39
PPOS-BARhi, i've a little prob with version 119 :10:25
PPOS-BARList of devices attached10:25
PPOS-BAR????????????no permissions10:25
PPOS-BARi can't use adb root adb shell or adb reboot ?!10:25
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nik90dpm: I just saw this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/117814810:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1178148 in Ubuntu Clock App "clock numbers should not be used as a string" [Undecided,New]10:48
* dpm looks10:49
nik90dpm: Is this how it is done in other projects? Are numbers usually translated?10:49
dpmnik90, they are usually not. However, the reason they are not marked as translatable is because the underlying locale settings take care of displaying the right format. The thing is, I'm not sure how this is taken care of in Qt10:51
dpmtsdgeos, do you happen to know? ^^10:51
nik90dpm: I will also have a look into the qt docs to see if they support such locale settings10:52
dpmnik90, cool. Some of this should apply: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qtquick-internationalization.html#8-use-locale-to-extend-localization-features - the only thing to bear in mind is that we're not using Qt's native i18n system. We use gettext in the SDK's i18n.tr() calls10:53
dpmbut Qt.Locale should still work10:54
nik90dpm: yeah just saw the last link10:56
nik90so I could use something like "The value is: " + Number(23443.34).toLocaleString(Qt.locale())10:56
nik90dpm: I will create a MP removing the i18n.tr() calls from the numbers and replacing them with Qt.locale() calls.10:59
tsdgeosdpm: qlocale should handle that yeah10:59
tsdgeosnot sure about the 0 stuff for arabic locales though10:59
tsdgeosbut that's what it's there for10:59
Laneyhello! I need some ui-toolkit advice. I'm just poking around to learn all this stuff.10:59
nik90tsdgeos: is this syntax correct Number(23443.34).toLocaleString(Qt.locale())11:00
LaneyI have a ListView filled with Standards. I'm trying to give them icons which are populated from jpegs on the internets that have varying dimensions. It looks weird that they're not all square - what's the best way to crop them to be so?11:00
tsdgeosnik90: haven't done much locale use in qml sorry, can't tell :/11:01
user82maybe this is a stupid question but is it easy to adopt the lockscreen color?11:02
nik90tsdgeos: no prob, I will get this in and test it with users.11:02
user82with easy i mean: settings not rom modding11:02
dpmnik90, I haven't done much locale-related stuff in QML, either, but from the example in the docs, it looks sensible11:03
dpmkaleo, jppiiroinen, perhaps you can help Laney with his question? ^^11:04
Laneyin fact it could be possible that no resizing is taking place at all11:05
kaleoLaney: what version of qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin do you have?11:05
kaleoLaney: apt-cache policy qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin11:05
Laneykaleo: 0.1.43 (saucy)11:05
kaleoLaney: that issue you are seeing should be fixed with a later version11:06
kaleoLaney: try installing https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/ppa11:06
Laneycan that get published for saucy too? :-)11:07
dpmtsdgeos, also, while we're at it, we spoke a few days ago about using standaloneMonthName and you mentioned it wasn't working as expected and you proposed a fix upstream. How's that coming along? Do you have a link to the bug report or the branch you submitted upstream to keep track of it?11:07
tsdgeosdpm: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,5421411:07
tsdgeosfixed for 5.111:08
tsdgeosyou can ping Mirv if you want it backported in our 5.0.2 packages i guess11:08
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dpmcool, thanks tsdgeos!11:08
Laneykaleo: yes! looks excellent now, thank you11:10
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kaleodpm: Laney: that's the way we like it :)11:11
dpmThat looks pretty awesome, looking forward to see the app :)11:12
dpmLaney, feel free to add it to the list on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Collection - we're collecting cool apps that are being written with the SDK there11:14
Laneysure - hopefully will get it minimally usable shortly11:14
LaneyIt's only a bit of a playground so that I can figure this stuff out before moving to work on settings stuff11:14
Laneydear qt creator, please to be detecting my nexus 7, love laney11:16
popeyLaney: what image are you running on your n7?11:20
Laneyhow do i find out?11:20
popeyadb shell grep JENKINS /system/ubuntu_stamp11:21
Laney116 but nm, had to do the kill/start-server dance11:22
popeyreally not sure about the new layout of the devices tab in qtcreator11:23
popeytabs in the middle of ths screen, oriented sideways11:23
popeymakey no sense11:23
Laneythat ui could do with a bit of work11:24
popeyhmm, latest qt update seems to have broken all the collections apps11:24
Laneyworks though11:24
kaleoMirv: you around?11:26
popeyhe's on vacation today, national holiday11:27
tsdgeospopey: broken in what sense?11:30
popeytsdgeos: white screen when starting them11:35
tsdgeospopey: ouch,11:35
popeydropping letters, samegame, weather, clock...11:35
* popey reflashes device11:41
user82sorry to ask again: can you cange the lockscreen color of ubuntu touch?11:45
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popeyok, confirmed, a clean install of #119 works, but updating qt from qtcreator (enable developer mode) breaks most of the apps12:02
pmcgowanpopey, what does updating qt from qtcreator mean12:06
popeyi think it adds the qt beta ppa and then updates12:06
popeyMirv pushed a new qt update yesterday12:06
popeyso when you "enable developer mode" on in qtcreator it pulls in that new qt package12:07
popeygoing to do it now again to see what it pulls in that's broken12:07
pmcgowanpopey, did they push 5.0.2?12:07
popeyyeah, ogra_ and mirv were discussing it here last night i think12:08
* popey scrolls back12:08
pmcgowanpopey, I dont see it for raring12:09
popeyno, its in a ppa12:09
popeybut you wont see it in a normal image flash, i think it gets added by qtcreator, which is what I'm just confirming now12:09
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pmcgowanpopey, ok, but that would be crazy wrong12:10
popeyyup, qtcreator adds.. gpg: key 179518B2: public key "Launchpad PPA for Canonical Qt5 Edgers" imported12:10
popeyi see it pulling in packages like... Get:39 http://ppa.launchpad.net/canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-proper/ubuntu/ raring/main libqgsttools-p1 armhf 5.0.2-2ubuntu1~raring1~test2 [37.6 kB]12:10
pmcgowanpopey, and when does it do that?12:11
pmcgowanpopey, enable developer tools?12:11
popeyit's /usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts/qtc_device_developertools that does it12:12
popeywhich is called when you hit the "enable developer" option in qtcreator devices tab12:12
popey$ADB apt-add-repository ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-proper -y12:12
pmcgowanright, so that should no longer use the PPA, should use archive12:12
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popey*poke jppiiroinen12:12
popeypublic holiday over there I think12:12
pmcgowanpopey, oh heck half of europe is out12:13
pmcgowanpopey, can you log a bug, then we should comment that line out so it uses the main repo instead12:15
popeyproblem is for people who are using 12.04 or 12.10, they need the ppa12:18
popeyor _a_ ppa12:18
popeyno, ignore me12:18
popeyconfused on-device ppa with desktop ppa12:18
kaleothe idea shouldn't be that the ppa does not break anything? :)12:21
kaleoMirv is on holidays?12:21
popeyhe is12:22
popeyalong with much of europe12:22
kaleopopey: so no fixing the PPA until he is back?12:22
pmcgowankaleo, I dont know why we need to use the PPA12:22
pmcgowanthe packages are all in raring12:22
popeyindeed, or don't use the ppa12:23
popey(on device)12:23
kaleopmcgowan: for the device no need but as popey was saying12:23
kaleopmcgowan: 12.04 does not have qt512:23
pmcgowanthis is specifically loading it to the device12:23
kaleopmcgowan: popey: do we know why apps are broken?12:24
kaleois there a bug report about that?12:24
kaleo(about apps being broken and why)12:24
pmcgowanhavent made them yet12:24
pmcgowannot that I know of12:24
kaleothat's really not cool12:24
popeybug 117824212:24
ubot5bug 1178242 in Ubuntu QtCreator Plugins "qtc_device_developertools adds ppa which can break on-device" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117824212:24
kaleogoing on holidays12:24
kaleolike that.12:24
popeywell, it was either put it in the ppa yesterday or friday12:25
pmcgowanah now I remember seeing some discussion on this, I thought they decided not to publish it12:25
pmcgowanpopey, or not at all until it passed testing which it clearly would not12:25
kaleo"I  was encouraged to copy my Qt 5.0.2 for Ubuntu 13.04 to qt5-proper PPA12:25
kaleoafter testing it"12:25
kaleofrom Mirv's email12:25
kaleoI wonder who encouraged him12:25
pmcgowanok lets figure out whats broke12:25
kaleopopey: do we have an accurate list of the apps that break?12:26
pmcgowankaleo, popey has a busted system, what can he get off of it12:26
* popey reboots device12:26
kaleopmcgowan: busted as in no shell coming up?12:26
popeyno, shell is fine12:27
popeysome apps start but give a white screen12:27
kaleopopey: ok, we need the logs for these apps12:27
kaleopopey: you know how to start them from console?12:27
popeyi can ssh in12:28
kaleoand then mediaplayer-app --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/media-player.desktop12:28
kaleoor something along these lines12:28
popeyubuntu-clock-app --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/ubuntu-clock-app.desktop12:29
popeyis what i did12:29
popeynothing appearing on device12:30
kaleopopey: any log?12:30
kaleo/usr/share/applications/ubuntu-clock-app.desktop exists?12:30
kaleoso far it all looks good12:30
popeytab completion ☻12:30
kaleopopey: so the shell is still visible?12:31
user82popey, are you a dev?12:31
kaleopopey: no white window or anything?12:31
popeylet me try from the launcher12:31
kaleopopey: do you reproduce the same on your desktop?12:31
popeybah, now it starts12:31
kaleoah ah :)12:31
popeylemme do more testing12:32
popeydont understand why everything was white boxes earlier12:34
popeyeven after a reboot, yet now it all starts okay12:34
pmcgowanpopey, I can try it here in a bit12:35
user82popey, you do not happen to know about lockscreen color i guess?12:40
kaleopopey: so that corroborates what Mirv was saying in his email12:42
kaleopopey: pmcgowan: but I suspect, as boiko was saying, that the telephony app will be broken12:43
pmcgowankaleo, should we remove it from the proper PPA and have it only in staging? I am still unlcear why it was promoted12:46
kaleopmcgowan: still unclear as well; what you are proposing makes sense12:49
pmcgowankaleo, its the beta-proper where they are staged12:51
kaleopopey: are you going to test all the apps systematically with 5.0.2?12:57
popeysure am ☻12:58
kaleopopey: excellent12:59
popeyphone and music app so far don't start properly13:00
popey(and media player) but that was broken for me already13:00
kaleopopey: media player got a critical fix yesterday13:00
pmcgowanpopey, music app?13:01
popeythe music link on the launcher13:01
popeyjust gives a white screen13:01
kaleopopey: that's a fake app, other fake apps don't launch?13:01
popeythats the only one so far13:01
pmcgowanpopey, kaleo its broken here, so not related13:02
kaleopmcgowan: you mean music app is broken here or media player?13:02
kaleopmcgowan: ok13:02
kaleopmcgowan: popey: so, so far, only phone app13:02
popeyand media player, but that's been broken for me for a week or more13:02
kaleois broken13:02
kaleopopey: upgrade it should be fixed13:02
pmcgowanmieda also white screen13:02
kaleoit == media player13:02
popeyI'm on todays image13:02
kaleomaybe the fix did not make it into the image13:03
pmcgowanI am on 118, music and media broken then13:03
kaleorenato__: so the mediap player fix does not seem do have made it into today's image13:03
kaleopmcgowan: we need a separate bug report for the fake music app not launching properly13:04
pmcgowankaleo, we are at the point we should remove all the fake anyway13:04
pmcgowanbut I can log it13:04
kaleopmcgowan: fair enough13:04
kaleopmcgowan: let's log a bug for removing them?13:05
popey+1 to removing the cardboard cut-outs13:05
pmcgowanI will against the image13:05
popeyi thought backgrounded apps were suspended/paused?13:06
popeytop is showing lots of qtwebprocess processes eating some cpu13:06
popeynot a lot, but some13:06
popeyI have twitter, web, facebook etc all open13:06
renato_media player is working for me13:06
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pmcgowanan none in focus13:06
renato_just not rotating13:06
popeynone are focussed13:06
kaleopopey: only the main process13:06
popeyon shell screen13:06
kaleopopey: if it forks out other processes they are not suspended yet13:07
popeymakes sense, thanks13:07
kaleopopey: cheap implementation..13:07
renato_kaleo, we should remove the media player icon from the launcher13:07
kaleorenato_: fair enough: bug against unity13:07
renato_kaleo, since the designers do not want to launch it without  a movie13:08
kaleorenato_: popey reports that the media player is not working for them with image 119 and Qt 5.0.213:08
kaleopopey: do you have a log of the media player?13:08
renato_kaleo, popey is working fine for me on the today image13:08
popeyjust got booted out of my ssh session when starting media playback13:09
kaleorenato_: toda's image has qt 5.0.113:09
kaleorenato_: can you try with Qt 5.0.2?13:09
kaleorenato_: it's available in the qt5 proper ppa13:09
popeyit's not reliable - media app13:09
renato_kaleo, popey: for qt 5.0.2 you need to install libqt5multimedia5-plugins13:09
kaleorenato_: popey nice13:10
renato_I am waiting for the qt 5.0.2 landed to add this on control file13:10
popeyi can get it to start one time in many13:10
renato_popey do you have "libqt5multimedia5-plugins" installed?13:11
kaleorenato_: it feels like you should not wait or we will run into a state where the media player will be broken for a day13:12
kaleopopey: do "fg"13:12
kaleopopey: just after it started13:12
popeyFailed to get the current playback position.13:12
renato_kaleo, but if I add this then the mp app will be broken for < qt 5.0.213:12
kaleopopey: and pass it a video file13:12
kaleorenato_: any way to support both?13:13
kaleorenato_: with the | operator maybe?13:13
popeykaleo: black screen13:13
popeyno controls13:13
popeyyet i ran it a couple of minutes ago and it played sintel13:13
renato_popey, try run from the shell13:14
popeyphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/Videos$ media-player --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/media-player.desktop sintel_trailer-1080p.mp413:14
kaleo15:11 < renato_> popey do you have "libqt5multimedia5-plugins" installed?13:14
popey^^ what i did13:14
popeyno, i dont kaleo13:14
popeybut it played a moment ago13:14
kaleopopey: you need it13:14
kaleopopey: it must have been before you had Qt 5.0.2 no?13:14
popeyright, now it works from the launcher13:14
popeyhaven't installed any additional packages13:14
popeyhence me saying it's unreliable13:15
kaleopopey: so libqt5multimedia5-plugins is not instealled or you mean you did not install it manually?13:15
popeyno, i didnt install it manually13:15
kaleopopey: can you check if it's installed?13:15
popeyi just started media player form command line and got a black screen (see above command line) but then tried from the videos lens and it worked13:16
popeyso it _can_ work without libqt5multimedia5-plugins installed13:17
kaleopopey: does it work reliably from the video lens?13:17
kaleo15:15 < kaleo> popey: can you check if it's installed?13:17
popey14:14:27 < popey> no, i dont kaleo13:17
kaleo15:15 < kaleo> popey: so libqt5multimedia5-plugins is not instealled or you mean you did not install it manually?13:17
kaleo15:15 < popey> no, i didnt install it manually13:17
popey14:14:59 < popey> haven't installed any additional packages13:17
kaleoit could have been automatic13:18
kaleoplease check13:18
popeyits not installed13:18
popeyhence "no, I don't"13:18
kaleook then13:18
popeyphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/Videos$ apt-cache policy libqt5multimedia5-plugins13:18
kaleoit was ambiguous13:18
popey  Installed: (none)13:18
popey  Candidate: 5.0.2-2ubuntu1~raring1~test213:18
popey  Version table:13:18
popey     5.0.2-2ubuntu1~raring1~test2 013:18
popey        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-proper/ubuntu/ raring/main armhf Packages13:18
kaleorenato_: did you see that?13:18
kaleorenato_: does it work reliably from the video lens?13:19
kaleorenato_: wrong nick13:19
renato_kaleo, yes, but timo e-mails says that we should install it13:19
kaleopopey: does it work reliably from the video lens?13:19
renato_kaleo, I will add it into Recommends sections as timo suggest13:19
kaleorenato_: good idea13:19
kaleopopey: good then13:19
bfillerkaleo: rotation not working at all in 119, all the apps that used to rotate do not anymore. media, camera and browser13:20
kaleobfiller: renato said so and was about to file the bug13:20
kaleobfiller: 99% chance it has nothing to do with the ui toolkit13:20
bfillerkaleo: probably a sensor regression or something?13:21
kaleobfiller: need to find out if it's a problem with qtsensors or base system13:21
kaleobfiller: can somebody looki into that? I'm kinda hands full here13:21
popey  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S  %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND13:22
popey  165 system    20   0  7028 1612 1252 S  89.1  0.1 154:17.87 sensorservice13:22
popeythat doesn't look good13:22
popeymy nexus 4 is painfully slow, with sensorservice eating cpu13:22
bfillerjhodapp: seems the rotation support is busted in today's build (119). Can you see what's going on? suspect something changed in sensors or something13:22
bfillerkaleo: yes13:22
jhodappbfiller, what are you using to test it?13:23
bfillerjhodapp: galaxy nexus13:23
jhodappbfiller, I mean which app, sorry13:23
bfillerjhodapp: media player, camera and browser were rotating in 118 but not 11913:23
jhodappbfiller, interesting...I can take a look...anything interesting in logcat?13:24
bfillerjhodapp: don't see anything in there of interest13:26
bfillerjhodapp: qt was updated to 5.0.2, that must have broken something13:27
jhodappbfiller, yeah, there's a very good chance that's true13:27
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user82popey, can one change the lockscreen color on nexus 4?13:27
jhodappbfiller, I have to update my GN before I can test13:28
popeyuser82: i dont know13:28
user82hmh okay..thanks13:28
user82will test it "end of may" when the images are "usable"13:28
user82i guess it eats battery a lot13:28
bfillerjhodapp: yup, reflash with lastest13:28
user82can you flash a custom android kernel with ubuntu touch? it uses android kernel anyways i read?13:29
popeyuser82: it eats battery when things go wrong, but generally battery life is pretty good13:30
popeyuser82: it currently uses the android kernel13:31
bfilleroSoMoN: the update to qt 5.0.2 broke the browser. the dpr stuff is not working anymore (:13:34
oSoMoNbfiller: huh, does this mean the patch was not carried forward to 5.0.2?13:35
bfilleroSoMoN: can you follow up with timo to see what patches of our didn't make it into 5.0.213:35
bfilleroSoMoN: suspecting that, yes13:35
sergiusensbfiller: pong13:48
bfillersergiusens: hey, can we spin another build with qt5-proper ppa removed? the qt 5.0.2 stuff that landed there broke lots of things13:48
user82popey, thanks for the infio13:52
user82but i guess it cannot beat my custom rom+kernel battery wise...13:52
* popey shrugs13:54
sergiusensbfiller: sure, I'll respin with the proper ppa removed. One sec, I'll update13:55
sergiusensbfiller: so there is nothing in that ppa that would be missing from the archives? Like qtwebkit?13:56
bfillersergiusens: hmnn, not sure13:59
gatoxhi, i'm having problems for running a UI Touch application from Qt Creator in the Device..... when i select build -> Ubuntu Touch -> Run application on device...... i get: [10:56:58] To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".        in the Qt Creator console..... any ideas?14:00
gatoxthe device seems properly connected, as in the Device tab shows14:00
mptcyphermox, if you add a hangout I'll join it. :-)14:01
mptcyphermox, or we can just use IRC -- my questions aren't complicated14:01
cyphermoxmpt: ok give me a secong14:01
WebbyITpopey: Are you having fun with all these bugs? :P14:02
mptcyphermox, bbl, fire evacuation14:02
sergiusensbfiller: oh... maybe not, we are using the one in daily-build-next14:03
sergiusensbfiller: updated qt, probably means we need to recompile qtubuntu14:04
pmcgowangatox, what version of the image are you running14:06
gatoxpmcgowan, daily installed yesterday..... yesterday i was able to run an application in this way.... but now is not possible14:06
pmcgowangatox, ok, you need an update to the android tools, let me see if it made it to the ppa14:07
sergiusenspmcgowan: it's in for raring and in the archives for saucy14:07
* sergiusens is not sure that is the problem though14:07
pmcgowansergiusens, I think so, qtcreator plugin uses adb which does not have permission14:08
pmcgowanwithout the update14:08
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sergiusenspmcgowan: well the quick check gatox can do is to adb kill-server && sudo adb start-server14:08
gatoxsergiusens, i did that14:09
gatoxsergiusens, pmcgowan i'm upgrading anyway14:09
gatoxto see if something is missing14:09
pmcgowansergiusens, bfiller shall we try recompile qtubuntu first to see if that fixes things?14:11
gatoxsergiusens, pmcgowan mmm no... not working... but i think something might be broken in my system maybe.... because qt creator it's experience some weird problems....14:11
gatoxi'll see if i can fix the system and ping you later14:12
pmcgowanok no worries14:12
dpmrenato_, oSoMoN, would you be able to join #ubuntu-touch-meeting for a question on the calendar app?14:13
oSoMoNdpm: in a meeting right now, will join in a moment14:13
sergiusenspmcgowan: I'm doing the research before triggering a rebuild anyways, so yes14:14
jhodappbfiller, can you verify that qt 5.0.2 first got applied for the latest build and that it's not in 118?14:14
sergiusensdpm: side question, is the calendar app ready to add to the image? question for popey too14:15
bfillerjhodapp: yes confirmed14:15
sergiusensjhodapp: I'll do that14:15
jhodappbfiller, thanks14:15
jhodappsergiusens, thanks14:15
dpmsergiusens, I'd say it still needs a few features to get implemented, but it will probably be the next one we add14:15
sergiusensdpm: ack, thanks!14:16
pmcgowansergiusens, its in the image no?14:16
pmcgowandpm, ^^14:17
dpmoh, is it one of the 3 already?14:17
pmcgowancalc, clock, cal and weather are all in14:17
dpmI haven't checked in a while14:17
dpmah well, sergiusens, that should answer the question then, thanks pmcgowan14:18
sergiusenspmcgowan: doh14:18
dpmyeah, sorry, I don't have a device to test anymore14:18
pmcgowandpm, what! need to talk to your boss about that14:18
dpmpmcgowan, I know, I know, we did, but this week he's at the cloud sprint, but we'll sort it out :)14:19
Deihmos_Has this ever been updated14:21
popeyDeihmos_: "this" being?14:22
Deihmos_Ubuntu touch14:22
popeyDeihmos_: we are working on it right now ☻14:23
popeyDeihmos_: we do daily image builds14:23
popeyso.. "yes, it is"14:23
Deihmos_On ok14:23
Deihmos_Might give it a try14:24
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Deihmos_Anyone use it as daily device14:24
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oSoMoNbfiller: so I just pushed build 119 to the phone, and the browser seems to work fine, I verified that it’s Qt 5.0.2 in the build14:27
pmcgowanDeihmos_, we have a goal to support using it as a daily device by months end14:27
oSoMoNbfiller: what’s the error you’re seeing?14:28
bfilleroSoMoN: size wrong, go to facebook and other sites, they look too small14:28
bfilleroSoMoN: other than that ok14:28
sergiusensoSoMoN: bfiller same, my eyes can't tell the diff... or is this on manta/nexus10 ?14:30
bfilleroSoMoN: I think it's not honoring the QTWEBKIT_DPR setting anymore, testing on Galaxy Nexus14:30
sergiusensmedia player works fine too14:30
bfillersergiusens: yup, but doesn't rotate14:30
sergiusensbfiller: right and the window stacking is wrong14:31
bfillersergiusens: window stacking?14:31
cyphermoxmpt: you back?14:32
mptcyphermox, yep, just got back14:33
sergiusensbfiller: open two apps, close the latest... you're supposed to go the shell14:33
bfillersergiusens: ack, pls file bugs14:34
cfhowlettIs there a channel for google nexus 4?  or google android?14:36
pmcgowansergiusens, shouldnt we try with a rebuilt qtubuntu, all these issues seem related14:40
sergiusenspmcgowan: yeah, I'm setting up for that... but logging bugs while stuff gets installed14:40
pmcgowansergiusens, but those bugs will be moot possibly14:41
sergiusenspmcgowan: yeah... might be right14:42
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mterryAre other people getting errors like the following when running autopilot on phablet trunk?  "StateNotFoundError: State not found for class with name '/QmlPhoneShell/QQuickView/Shell/QQuickItem/Dash' and id '2'"15:03
jhodappsergiusens, I just tired some debug statements in qtubuntu-sensors...nothing showed up so I'm quite confident that the orientation problem is at a higher level15:15
sergiusenspmcgowan: bfiller recompiling qtubuntu didn't do the trick15:15
bfillersergiusens: for which problem?15:15
bfillerjhodapp: can you validate if the orientation changes are getting propagted to the Screen object as they used to?15:16
sergiusensbfiller: rotation15:17
bfillersergiusens: ack15:17
jhodappbfiller, yeah, that was my next step...do you know if the overall layout of orientation with qtubuntu is basically the same as when I last touched it some months ago?15:19
bfillerjhodapp: yes I believe it's the same15:19
jhodappbfiller, ok, so the only new change is the SDK QML sheet?15:19
bfillerjhodapp: only thing that has changed is that sdk now does the rotation on behalf of the app but think it uses the same underlying mechanism,15:20
bfillerkaleo: is that correct? ^^^^15:20
sergiusensbfiller: from what it looks, if I remove the edgers ppa, we will most likely lose our qtwebkit changes15:23
bfillersergiusens: can we copy the 5.0.1 qtwebkit from edgers ppa into phablet team ppa?15:24
sergiusensbfiller: I'll try and copy all of qt to there15:24
sergiusensI haven't debugged qtubuntu since oct 201215:25
sergiusensjhodapp: ^^15:25
vesarAnyone else getting something similar "Not enough space in /data, found 3.5G15:28
vesar" when flashing with phablet-flash? Any pointers.15:28
vesarI've removed all photos and videos from /data but it didn't help.15:28
pmcgowanvesar, remove the old zip files15:32
pmcgowanfrom /sdcard/15:32
kaleobfiller: reading15:33
vesarpmcgowan, brilliant. Thank you.15:34
NilzHi, quick question: when installing ubuntu touch on a nexus 7, it will not flash over my recovery right?15:34
kaleobfiller: there was a one liner patch to qtubunti 2weeks ago about orientation15:35
kaleobfiller: it was working then15:35
kaleobfiller: nothing that i know of aside from that15:35
kaleoand its lunch time15:35
pmcgowanNilz, not unless you specify the -b option15:36
pmcgowanNilz, but it will wipe all of android right15:37
NilzOk thanks15:40
NilzI am aware that it will wipe android, but it will also wipe the recovery partition with the -b flag?15:41
sergiusensNilz: don't use the tool, do it manually15:41
NilzOk thanks, will do15:42
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sergiusenskenvandine: hey, did you delete all the xembed packages?15:48
kenvandinesergiusens, nope15:48
kenvandineMirv was including it in his 5.0.2 update for qt5-proper, not sure if that was uploaded15:48
kenvandinebfiller, i took a stab at reusing the Ubuntu.Browser component, see my comments on bug 117796415:49
ubot5bug 1177964 in Online Accounts: Sign-on UI "signon-ui in ubuntu-touch should use Ubuntu.Browser plugin" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117796415:49
bfillerkenvandine: ok15:49
sergiusensbfiller: so I think I can't rollback to yesterday's build15:50
bfillerkenvandine: thanks, oSoMoN can you comment on that bug ^^^15:50
kenvandinebfiller, np15:51
sergiusenskenvandine: issue is, 5.0.2 seems to have some isues15:51
kenvandinesergiusens, the xembed patch is only useful on the desktop15:51
kenvandinenot needed for touch15:51
oSoMoNbfiller: sure15:51
sergiusenskenvandine: yeah, but it was the latest thing we were using :-)15:53
jhodappbfiller, I get one orientation event at startup in qtubuntu...no other events from that point on15:54
jhodappbfiller, I have a lunch meeting to head to, when I get back I'll run the lower level sensor test to verify that it's not in the hybris layer15:56
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bfillerjhodapp|lunch: ack, please make sure to file a bug with your findings in case it's in qtubuntu or sdk layer then we can hand it off15:58
oSoMoNkenvandine, bfiller: answered comments on the bug report15:59
Laneyit's annoying that I can't get back to the contents page from a component page of the sdk docs16:11
kaleoLaney: there is a bug eeport filed about that16:14
LaneyI also can't seem to get to the index page (list of components) from d.u.c16:14
sergiusensbfiller: jhodapp|lunch E/CameraHAL(  130): Error while configuring rotation 0x8000100516:15
kaleothis one? http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/overview-ubuntu-sdk.html16:15
LaneyI'm sure there's a way but I have trouble finding it :S16:16
Laneyah, get started now > show me ...16:16
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kaleodpm: opiniob about that ^16:26
mterrySaviq, et al: does autopilot run qml_phone_shell work for you?  I get a StateNotFoundError error about the Dash16:38
Saviqmterry, it ran, got 19 failures, though...16:40
Saviqmterry, and autopilot is disabled on Jenkins16:41
Saviqmterry, 'cause there was an autopilot release last week16:41
Saviqmterry, that has not yet settled16:41
mterrySaviq, yeah I get those 19 failures16:41
Saviqmight be the cause16:41
Saviqmzanetti knows more, but he's out until Monday16:41
mterrySaviq, this is the latest thing to block my lightdm branch16:42
mterrySaviq, although actually, it doesn't have an actual review approval yet.  Would you mind giving it the once over and final approval this week?16:42
Saviqmterry, yeah, will do16:47
user82hey all. where do i find the current development status for the nexus 4 specifically? like "is the video player ready" "can i use 3g"?16:48
user82is there a devices page?16:48
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WebbyITuser82: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install && https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes16:49
WebbyITuser82: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#What_to_expect_after_flashing16:50
WebbyITuser82: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Nexus_416:50
user82good stuff WebbyIT thanks. had not seen all of that!"16:50
user82so mediaplayer works right now but music player does not?16:51
chilicuilwhy exist https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Installation with different instructions?, I have a nexus 7 which one should I follow?16:51
WebbyITchilicuil: the first one is for U-Touch, the second for Ubuntu16:53
chilicuilWebbyIT: so if I follow the second tutorial, I'll end with a classical ubuntu dekstop system on the nexus?, while if I follow the first one I'll get ubuntu for phone?16:54
WebbyITchilicuil: yap16:54
chilicuilWebbyIT: got it, thanks16:54
njinnik90, hallo, is audio (beep) working in ubuntu-clock-app ?17:01
dpmkaleo, not sure if that's the question, but my opinion about that is what I described in the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/116802617:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1168026 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "API documentation needs navigation" [High,Confirmed]17:05
kaleodpm: no i was referring to the fact that its not easy to find the api doc in tue fist place17:06
dpmah, gotcha17:09
user82does anyone know if the nexus 4 can be shut down completely? one site says yes the other says no17:10
user82from ubuntu touch itself without a p17:10
pmcgowanuser82, yes it can, long press the power button17:11
user82thank you pmcgowan17:11
user82so this information seems to be obsolete? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Nexus_417:11
pmcgowanwe have not seen that recently, it was precautionary17:12
dpmkaleo, Laney, the API has got its own step (4) on http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ - we could perhaps think of making it more visible though. It might be a good point to discuss next week at the developer site session at uds17:12
nik90njin: the audio beep shown in the alarm page is a placeholder at the moment.17:13
kaleodpm: +117:13
nik90njin: It wil be a placeholder until we are able to access the platform API to sound the beep or the vibration.17:14
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user82are you a dev pmcgowan or just happen to have a lot of knowledge?17:19
WebbyITuser82: -> https://launchpad.net/~pat-mcgowan17:20
user82so maybe a good person to ask stupid questions: pmcgowan is it planned that you can change the lockscreen color in the settings without editing the rom?17:21
pmcgowanuser82, yes some set of tweaks like that will be available, the infographic selection, colors etc17:22
user82cool. thanks for the info.17:23
user82and by end of month 3g network i heard?17:23
WebbyITuser82: dicunt (so they say)17:24
popeypmcgowan: where do you want OSK bugs to be thrown?17:27
pmcgowanpopey, I guess wherever the code is, or do we need to wait for saucy on that17:27
popeypmcgowan: well it's in the phablet-team ppa, maliit-keyboard and also in raring..17:29
pmcgowanbfiller, ^^17:31
popeyhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maliit-plugins/+bugs just seems surprisingly empty17:31
popeywondered where they went when we moved off springbok17:31
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user82does the "docking desktop experience" work with a slimport hdmi out on nexus 4?17:34
WebbyITuser82: not now17:36
user82ok but that is the plan WebbyIT ?17:36
user82now now is what i was expecting ;)17:36
popeythe plan is for you to be able to plug a phone with capable output/input to screen/keyboard and use it as a desktop, yes.17:37
user82i was just curious if you need a special dock or something.17:37
popeywell you need something, cable, whatever17:40
popeyi dont think there are many nexus 4 specific docks17:41
popeybut there are a few slimport cables17:41
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jhodappbfiller, ping18:13
pmcgowanpopey, still about?18:19
sergiusensbfiller: pmcgowan installing https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta-proper/+build/4493311/+files/libqt5webkit5_5.0.1-0ubuntu2~raring1~test3_armhf.deb fixes DPR issue18:19
pmcgowansergiusens, did you replace the 5.0.2 version?18:20
popeypmcgowan: yes18:20
pmcgowanpopey, are you following the development of whosthere, the whatsapp app18:20
popeyaware of it, not followed it recently18:21
popeydeveloper hasn't been about for a while18:21
popeyno commits in 2 months18:21
sergiusenspmcgowan: yeah, just dpkg -i  the one I linked... problem with a build is that it's not published anywhere18:22
pmcgowanpopey, I see changes from 3/2118:22
popeyi went by the "rounded" 2 months figure on github18:22
popeyso yeah, sounds right18:23
pmcgowanmaybe reach out for an update18:23
popeyyeah, i pinged a while back, will try again18:23
popeyyou interested in including the app?18:23
pmcgowanpossibly, its a killer one popey18:25
popeyyeah, I expect it's on Cristians magic list18:25
popeyhave fired a mail anyway.18:26
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melnaquibhi every body18:39
ZDmitrymhall119|away: ping18:39
ZDmitryit's bit strange: terminall app plugin revision is still 10 at Core Apps PPA, when we already have landed revision 11.18:39
melnaquibis app-weather-team meeting on18:39
popeyfginther: is there a jenkins issue for core apps? weather app guys are reporting the builds aren't happening?18:41
fgintherpopey, I'll take a look18:41
popey19:41:35 < m-b-o> tests/autopilot/install_autopilot.sh: line 3: python: command not found18:41
plarssergiusens: I missed om26er, do you know what the state of the autopilot tests are?18:43
popeyplars: waiting on some people merging, and some devs on vacation so that hasn't happened AIUI18:44
popey(from the daily call earlier)18:44
plarspopey: ack, thanks18:44
fgintherpopey, I only see one merge proposal for ubuntu-weather-app and it's set to 'work-in-progress'. I see nothing for jenkins to do18:46
fgintherpopey, is there a specific merge proposal that isn't working?18:46
fgintherpopey, the jenkins server itself is up and running18:46
sergiusensplars: from what I know, not entirely working18:47
sergiusensplars: I can do a context switch tomorrow and we can just work on that _if the image works_ :-/18:48
popeym-b-o: neokore ^^ see fginther's reply18:48
plarssergiusens: I'm not in a super big hurry for it, just wondering18:49
plarssergiusens: Jenkins got updated and has been giving me some trouble I'm trying to sort through at the moment18:49
sergiusensplars: ok, so you are not idle :-)18:49
plarssergiusens: also, I think we might have to do something creative with the nexus 10s18:50
m-b-ofginther: builds for raring and saucy have failed https://launchpadlibrarian.net/138862083/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.ubuntu-weather-app_0.1bzr19raring0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:50
plarssergiusens: power issues... I just heard a bit earlier today from our lab guy that adb doesn't seem to work if the screen is turned off18:50
plarssergiusens: is that something y'all are aware of?18:50
pmcgowanplars, sergiusens thats a side effect of the recent changes from what I can tell18:52
pmcgowanit actually seemed odd to me that adb worked during suspend18:52
chilicuilhi there, is the ubuntu-nexus7-installer taking too mucho for some else?, I'm getting the following output: 'sending 'userdata' (691753 KB)...' for 20 mins now18:53
plarspmcgowan: it works in suspend on android18:53
plarspmcgowan: and on the 10s, with the screen powered up, it discharges slowly even when on usb18:54
popeyyeah, not enough current to power device + screen from a usb port18:54
plarsthe one I've had connected, but mostly idle is sitting at 82% all day right now18:56
pmcgowanplars, need to ask sergiusens why that happened when we disabled mtp18:58
plarspmcgowan: also, adb seems to work ok on my other devices with touch when the screen is off18:58
plarsjust not the manta18:58
pmcgowanI thought it always worked18:58
plarsit has on other devices, not sure about the 10. We just got that19:01
nono68200I love Ubuntu Touch! :D19:06
BHSPiMonkeyI should get it set up again19:06
BHSPiMonkeynono68200: does hdmi out work?19:06
bfillersergiusens: do we have the source for that qtwebkit deb? can push a new source package to the ppa19:06
nono68200@BHSPiMonkey: I have only a Galaxy Nexus. He hasn't HDMI output.19:07
jhodappbfiller, you around?19:08
BHSPiMonkeynono68200: pretty sure it does...19:08
fgintherm-b-o, very strange. launchpad failed to build because it couldn't find python???  I can't reproduce this locally, so I retried the build in launchpad19:09
BHSPiMonkeynono68200: just need an MHL adapter like this http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005F9W6DU/19:09
nono68200Oh well okay, it has HDMI output, but I haven't adapter to try it at my home. ;P19:10
m-b-ofginther: thanks. yes it's strange..19:11
nik90m-b-o: are you or anyelse in your team working on getting the user location via geoip?19:15
m-b-oneokore started with it19:16
popeyyou're using qtlocation, right?19:16
nik90popey: I read through the qtlocation docs. However it requires a source like gps, or ip address or something19:17
nik90m-b-o: ah.. I will keep tabs on the progress, then I can port it for the clock-app as well.19:17
nik90m-b-o: oh one more thing. Are you guys using qtlocale to display the numbers in regional formats?19:18
sergiusensplars: pmcgowan how about lowering the brightness? Still ChickenCutlass is going to add auto screen off19:19
m-b-onik90: using Qt.formatTime19:19
m-b-ofor now19:19
plarssergiusens: yeah, that's an option, will have to see if it makes enough of a difference, and also do it after every install. One thing we'll want to make sure of on the auto screen off - is that there is a way to disable it for testing.19:20
popeynik90: but you don't have to provide that though, that's a backend which "we" (system level services) provide.19:20
pmcgowansergiusens, what changed with adb no longer working during suspend19:21
popeyso initially qtlocation can be "good enough" for city level location via IP, then in the future can be improved by us adding GPS hooks to the backend19:21
nik90popey: yeah that's why I was aking about geoip work. I can combine the qtlocation with the geoip stuff19:21
nik90m-b-o: what about the temperatures? Do you guys just display the temperature after reading it from the API or wrap it around qtlocale stuff?19:22
sergiusenspmcgowan: well it disconnects on maguro which didn't expose mtp by default, so I guess it's because of that... but I won't know wihtout checking19:22
pmcgowannik90,  qtlocation will include output of geoip along with gps etc19:23
m-b-onik90: what's coming from the api. °C/°F will be an app setting.19:23
pmcgowansergiusens, ok, definitely changed with your tweak19:24
m-b-onik90: there's an api-param for the metric19:24
nik90pmcgowan: oh ok.19:24
nik90m-b-o: would that mean that if the locale is arabic for instance, then the temperature will still be shown as 36 °C/°F instead of showing the numbers in Arabic?19:25
m-b-onever thought about it, to be honest. interesting question19:25
nik90we are testing the locale stuff for clock app, and the numbers are not translated. Instead we plan to use qtlocale where it will substitue the right language for the numbers when they are displayed19:26
nik90m-b-o: I will let you if it works well. Then you guys can use the same stuff we did19:26
m-b-owould be great!19:26
ZDmitryBHSPiMonkey, nono68200: I tried on my GNexus HDMI and it works, but there are no landscape mode for that. Also with I tried wireless keyboard - Logitech K400 and it works too. It's bad that GNexus hasn't separate HDMI input.19:27
sergiusenspmcgowan: well I may be wrong!19:28
BHSPiMonkeyZDmitry: does it just mirror the phone display? I didn't know if any of the "full desktop" stuff was a reality yet19:28
ZDmitryBHSPiMonkey: Yes, it just mirror display. And top of the image is on left side of tv display.19:29
bfillerjhodapp: hey you looking for me?19:35
jhodappbfiller, yeah, just an update on the orientation breakage19:35
jhodappbfiller, looks like it's broken because of the new Qt 5.0.2 packaging in a similar manner to what we've battled before...the build/packaging isn't quite right...it's not loading the QtSensors plugin that I wrote like it didn't when we used qt5-beta19:36
bfillerjhodapp: argh19:37
jhodappbfiller, I'm not sure why that's so hard to get right, but this seems to happen with every Qt update now19:37
bfillerjhodapp: can you file a bug with the details and email the list/Timo about the issue. Hopefully timo can take care of it tomorrow.19:38
bfillerjhodapp: thank you for tracking this down19:38
jhodappbfiller, where's the best place to file this bug?19:38
jhodappbfiller, sure, np19:38
bfillerjhodapp: let me see19:38
bfillerjhodapp: I'd say against the sdk b/c don't know a better place: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit19:40
jhodappbfiller, sounds good19:41
bfillerjhodapp: assign to timo jyrinki19:41
sergiusensplars: popey can you check https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/1175806/+merge/16321219:50
popeysure sergiusens19:52
sergiusenspopey: I can write instructions for testing... but you can branch and test the network setup in there19:53
popeyno need, I can test it19:54
tomekPLcan I install ubuntu touch on my sony ericsson xperia neo v?19:59
tomekPLthis phone has got ARMv7 1GHz20:01
ZDmitrytomekPL: list of supported devices -  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices20:03
tomekPLoh :c here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/ is info, that works with ARMv7, so I thought my phone also can run this OS20:06
tomekPLcan I test ubuntu touch in virtual machine, like virtualbox?20:07
ZDmitrytomekPL: You can try it on your phone - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/haida20:08
ZDmitryThere are no image for virtual machines yet.20:09
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plarssergiusens: not working for me20:19
plarssergiusens: it gets to 'Network not ready, sleeping' in a loop, then just exits silently.20:19
plarssergiusens: after it runs, I seem to have an ip on the phone, but I can't ping anything20:20
plarsah, I can ping now, but no resolv20:20
sergiusensplars: can you try again and remove comment out the set -e at the beginning?20:28
plarssergiusens: yeah, I'm reflashing just to make sure it's clean20:28
plarssergiusens: hah, and that time it worked...20:29
plarssergiusens: I'll run it a few more times, and we'll see how popey does with it too20:31
popeysorry, been in meetings all for the last few hours, will have a go in a short while20:31
popeysergiusens: left a comment on the merge20:36
sergiusenspopey: thanks20:36
popeysergiusens: personally I'd sleep for between 5 and 10 seconds20:37
popeythat's what I did in my script20:37
popey10s to be certain20:37
sergiusenspopey: I'll raise the wait20:38
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plarssergiusens: yeah, with the -e it fails20:45
rickspencer3pmcgowan, as promised, here is my vomit inducing lights app: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5FJrRFh0t8&feature=youtu.be20:48
pmcgowanrickspencer3, sweet20:50
pmcgowanbut I was hoping for a fart app20:50
ajalkaneCombined vomit-fart app would be the killer application for sure20:51
ssweenyin that case what we need is to make a deal with taco bell20:52
popeyhow good are the speakers on modern phones?20:52
popeya "brown note" app should be possible eventually ㋛20:52
sergiusensplars: I removed the -e just now20:52
rickspencer3pmcgowan, fart app is up next20:52
sergiusenspopey: I pushed a longer timeout20:52
rickspencer3I will *own* this app store20:52
popeysergiusens: ok, will reflash and try again20:53
sergiusenspopey: no need to reflash20:53
popeyyeah, i should just delete the wifi profile..20:53
sergiusenspopey: just delete /data/ubuntu/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/*20:53
plarspopey: ewww,  brown note, for that truly immersive mobile experience20:53
plarssergiusens: repulled, works fine now20:54
user82i would like to see an app that can set the typical values for custom kernels...20:55
sergiusensplars: great21:00
sergiusensplars: regardign the protocol error bug21:00
sergiusensplars: you see only an issue when going from root to push? or from push to push?21:00
plarssergiusens: I'd have to look back.. that one is a bit more rare now21:05
plarssergiusens: but then there's the other error that seems to happen after adb root, then the push of the file to recovery partition21:06
plarssergiusens: the no such device error21:06
sergiusensplars: ok, because we have a 'wait-for-device' right in the middle there :-/21:06
plarssergiusens: iirc, I've seen cases where right after doing adb root, the device becomes invisible for a sec21:06
sergiusensplars: let me add a safeguard21:06
plarssergiusens: right... the one time where you want to wait, but wait-for-device won't work21:06
plarsok, where can I get python-ubuntu-platform-api from now?21:08
sergiusensplars: why do you need it?21:08
plarssergiusens: autopilot-touch21:09
plarsit doesn't seem to be in the autopilot stable ppa21:09
popeysergiusens: works perfectly now21:09
sergiusensplars: hmmm.... nope, it's either in ppa:phablet-team or ppa:ubuntu-unnity/daily-build-next21:09
plarspill ping thomi on it21:09
sergiusenspopey: Happrove then :-)21:09
popeyoh yeah21:09
sergiusensplars: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/1176929/+merge/16322321:13
plarssergiusens: ack21:15
vertab7Hi all, Jay from England21:30
vertab7not new to computing, but new to linux21:30
vertab7anyone here familiar with the ubuntu/android 'mix' used on the Nexus 7 pwnpad ?21:31
vertab7anyone here?21:32
pmcgowanvertab7, sure do you have questions?21:32
vertab7my first ever time on a relay chat21:33
pmcgowanvertab7, just fire away and folks will see your questions, and answer if they can21:34
vertab7just loaded mirc n figuring out what to do.......21:34
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
vertab7I have a Nexus 7 tab with the pwnpad community edition from pwnieexpress.com, it runs a 'mix' of ubuntu (for the tools) and the adroid touchy front end(thro' SSH) , anyone have any experience with this? my lack of linux exxp is holding me back (tho learning fast...)21:36
vertab7its pwniee's cooked kernel I guess with JB2.2 android21:37
pmcgowaninteresting, had not heard of that21:38
vertab7Im impressed with it, if I could use/understand/set it up better I'm sure I'd be more impressed....21:38
vertab7thats the link to the setup21:39
vertab7yeh I know its pricey, but Ive done it on a budget21:39
vertab7have the correct dongles etc.21:40
pmcgowanunfortunately I dont think anyone on this channel will know about it specifically21:40
vertab7I need some help just with basic linux commands in a terminal to control wifi21:41
pmcgowanvertab7, try #ubuntu-devel then, more folks with general experience there21:42
vertab7it seems linux flavours vay in syntax for the same req'd operation? I have tried many combinations, ie iwconfig wlan1 etc. to associate with an AP doest work21:42
vertab7using 'dhclient'21:42
pmcgowanare you prefixing with sudo21:43
vertab7ah, thnkx for teh suggestion, Illl try there too21:43
pmcgowanif its normal ubuntu most system commands require that21:43
vertab7I have root and a rooted device, it doesnt like sudo, but I get a return on su21:43
pmcgowanhmm, not sure what they have done then, probably rebuilt some stuff in the android evnironment21:44
pmcgowanso it may not act like std ubuntu21:44
vertab7true, its quite clever it has Android SSH server and openssh-server in the Ubuntu21:46
vertab712.04 chroot environment Android Terminal Emulator to have full root access, it must SSH into localhost (thus all21:46
vertab7current apps login to localhost before running any commands or pentest tools). so the android desktop icons are like shortcuts??21:46
vertab7to the ubunto enviro and tools21:46
vertab7anyway , I'll persue at 'devs'21:47
vertab7thnx all.21:47
* snwh is away: going to refill on calories22:28
plarssergiusens: we'll probably need https://code.launchpad.net/~pwlars/phablet-tools/new-autopilot/+merge/163235 once the tests all start working again22:33
sergiusensplars: yup, and we won't need ppa:phablet-team/tools22:41
plarssergiusens: we will until it goes to saucy right?22:43
plarswhen is that happening?22:43
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moocow1452Anyone home?23:29
thoonaigood evening all together23:33
thoonaisomeone here ;) ?23:33
thoonaiis there a branch of ubuntu touch for x86 tablets?23:34
thoonaiI don't want to use android x8623:34
* snwh is back (gone 00:48:55)23:46

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