
sil2100mmrazik: hi! I see there are some problems merging https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/unity/update-tests-for-autopilot-1.3/+merge/16217607:17
mmraziksil2100: I know. was just talking with thomi.07:17
mmraziksil2100: trying to build on a different panda ATM07:18
sil2100mmrazik: geh, MultipleShotsRun again... I would really like to get rid of those time-measuring unit tests finally07:19
sil2100mmrazik: thanks!07:19
tsdgeosmmrazik: any idea why failed?07:41
mmraziktsdgeos: not quite sure. I would say somebody added the ppa to the VM but not the key. There is a commented out apt-add-repository (this one was adding the key)07:43
mmraziktsdgeos: I've added --force-yes07:43
mmrazikshould work now07:43
mmrazikmzanetti: ^^^07:43
mmrazikmzanetti: any idea ?07:43
tsdgeoshe's on holiday afaik07:44
Saviqtsdgeos, quick look at result highlighting, couldn't we use color: "#80ffffff" and only wrap the highlights in <font />?07:54
tsdgeoscan give it a try07:57
tsdgeossounds weird to me07:57
tsdgeosbut might work07:57
tsdgeosseems to work07:58
tsdgeosCannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50001) with this library (version 0x50002)08:03
tsdgeosmmrazik: ↑↑
mmraziktsdgeos: mhm... I guess there is something broken on the VM08:04
mmraziklet me check08:04
mmraziktsdgeos: I actually start to wonder if it is not a bug in qmlscene packaging08:10
mmrazikMirv: can you have a look:
mmrazikI would expect I don't see that sort of errors if I use apt-get install08:11
tsdgeosit works here otoh08:12
tsdgeoslocally i mean08:12
sil2100mmrazik, tsdgeos: to me it seems that it uses some library that has been built against the old, 5.0.1 Qt508:14
mmrazikyeah... which is something that should not happen due to deps08:14
sil2100mmrazik, tsdgeos: is the qt5-proper PPA enabled for the PPA where the test package has been built?08:14
sil2100We need to check if the PPA that's building the package actually used the new Qt508:15
sil2100Where does the package come from?08:15
mmraziksil2100: there isn't really any package... the job just tries to run qmlscene to workaround some other bug08:15
mmrazikwith some super simple qml08:15
* sil2100 wasn't up-to-date it seems08:15
mmraziksil2100:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5647120/08:15
mmrazikI'm just trying to reproduce there08:16
sil2100Interesting, then it looks to me like indeed some dependency problem, maybe the Qt5 packaging would need an update, just I wonder which used package is not updated08:17
sil2100Actually, let me check ldd08:17
mmraziksil2100: working on figuring that out08:17
sil2100mmrazik: I think we're missing updating libqt5qml508:18
sil2100mmrazik, tsdgeos, Mirv: as you can see, qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin is updated, but libqt5qml5 is not08:19
sil2100Or maybe it got removed, one moment?08:21
sil2100No, it did not08:21
sil2100Ok, so it's clearly something wrong with Qt5 deps - it should update libqt5qml5 as well in this case08:21
sil2100Mirv, mmrazik: I think that an update of either qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin or qmlscene should also require the update of libqt5qml5, don't you think?08:22
sil2100Otherwise QML apps won't run anyway08:22
sil2100Mirv: ^^08:23
mmraziksil2100, Mirv : it must be something more than that. I upgraded libqt5qml5 to 5.0.2-2ubuntu1~raring1~test2 and still getting the same error08:25
sil2100mmrazik: so probably something else as well08:26
sil2100mmrazik: sadly, from what popey says, Mirv might be off today ;(08:26
mmraziksil2100: where should I report this sort of bugs?08:26
mmrazikI guess we can find the missing piece ourselves and workaround in jenkins08:27
sil2100mmrazik: one moment08:27
popeyyeah, checked the holiday calendar, timo is out today, national holiday I believe08:27
sil2100mmrazik: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src <- maybe this is the right place for this bug08:27
mmraziksil2100: libqt5quick5 seems to be the thing08:31
sil2100mmrazik: good catch08:31
mmraziktsdgeos: can you try to retrigger the build?08:32
sil2100mmrazik: thanks08:37
tsdgeosmzanetti: sure08:38
tsdgeosmmrazik: ↑ sure was for you :D08:41
tsdgeosneed to fix the qpa thing08:52
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity/qpa_502/+merge/16311108:57
Saviqtsdgeos, if I register a type, do you think there's any way to retrieve that type's name in QML?08:57
Saviqtsdgeos, the JS type is "object", and there seem to be no members08:58
tsdgeosno members?08:58
Saviqtsdgeos, no properties / methods nothing08:58
tsdgeosSaviq: did a (for var in obj) console.log(var)?08:58
tsdgeosno idea then :-/08:59
SaviqI wonder if it'd be possible to pass it to C++ somehow08:59
Saviqbut what would it be...08:59
Saviqtsdgeos, hum, why do we need private-dev09:00
tsdgeosSaviq: qpa09:00
tsdgeosSaviq: no, no idea sorry :/09:00
Saviqtsdgeos, that's fine09:01
Saviqtsdgeos, maybe the other way, ideas about getting an object by its name? other than eval()?09:02
Saviqi.e. eval("Type") could return the registered type09:03
tsdgeosnope :/09:04
Saviqso eval() works, but there's a "don't use eval" comment right next to it ;)09:04
Saviqfook it09:06
tsdgeosSaviq: what about https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity/remove_qsortfilterproxymodelqml_get/+merge/162955 anything else we need?09:15
mmraziksil2100: veebers's unity-3d MP just landed (FYI)09:18
Saviqtsdgeos, no, looks fine, will test and review in a bti09:18
Saviqtsdgeos, coming right up to some more stuff to take a look at on the interface test09:18
tsdgeossure, just shout when you want me to have a look09:19
Saviqtsdgeos, pushed09:49
Saviqtsdgeos, the tests themselves should be more readable now09:50
Saviqtsdgeos, and there's been some refactoring...09:50
tsdgeosSaviq: fails to build here09:56
tsdgeoslp:~unity-team/+junk/shell-interfaces , right?09:56
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, what does it complain about?09:56
Saviqtsdgeos, the enums by any chance?09:56
Saviqtsdgeos, that's just random09:56
tsdgeossays need c++1109:56
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, I've no idea what's going on09:56
tsdgeoswell, enum class needs c+1109:57
tsdgeosdo we have it enabled?09:57
Saviqtsdgeos, I think so09:57
Saviqtsdgeos, and it builds here09:57
Saviqtsdgeos, anyway, I had that issue, removed the "class" from the enums09:57
Saviqtsdgeos, built fine09:57
Saviqtsdgeos, work, work, work09:57
Saviqadd the "class" back09:57
Saviqbuilds fine09:57
SaviqI might be missing something somewhere, but dunno waht09:58
Saviqtsdgeos, if you manage to find it, great, otherwise we'll drop them10:00
tsdgeosSaviq: http://paste.kde.org/~tsdgeos/740492/ works here10:00
Saviqtsdgeos, ah10:00
tsdgeosnot sure why the difference you vs me though :-/10:00
Saviqtsdgeos, it might be that project() resets the flags10:00
tsdgeoswould make sense10:00
tsdgeosbut why works for you?10:00
Saviqtsdgeos, cache, probably10:02
Saviqtsdgeos, i.e. once it builds10:02
Saviqtsdgeos, it saves the new cflags in the cache10:02
Saviqand uses those10:02
Saviqor something10:02
Saviqtsdgeos, some more small commits just went in10:04
Saviqtsdgeos, actually, I need to roll back10:05
tsdgeostell me again when you're done10:05
Saviqtsdgeos, now10:07
Saviqtsdgeos, ugh, one more minute10:08
Saviqtsdgeos, now, sorry10:09
* Saviq wants git10:09
tsdgeosSaviq: void invokeAction(QString id); -> void invokeAction(const QString &id); to save 0.0005 µs? :D10:19
Saviqtsdgeos, indeed10:19
tsdgeosSaviq: i'm confused10:29
Saviqtsdgeos, go10:29
tsdgeosi've put a console.log at tst_notifications.qml in function test_model(data) {10:29
mhr3sil2100, what's up with utah today?10:29
tsdgeosbefore it calls verifyData10:29
tsdgeosand i see that log10:29
tsdgeosbut then i've put a console.log in Verifier.qml in the verifyData and i don't see the log10:30
mhr3sil2100, ap tests taking 14minutes today... clearly something is broken :)10:30
tsdgeosrunning with qmltestrunner10:30
Saviqtsdgeos, where did you put the log at?10:31
tsdgeosSaviq: http://paste.kde.org/~tsdgeos/740516/10:31
Saviqtsdgeos, ah I know10:31
Saviqtsdgeos, Verifier.qml isn't copied10:31
tsdgeosi see calling verifyData and called verifyData10:31
Saviqtsdgeos, after changing10:31
tsdgeosbut not the others10:31
Saviqtsdgeos, you need to edit the one in build/10:31
Saviqtsdgeos, we need to find a way for CMake to update those copied files10:31
Saviqtsdgeos, but otherwise you need to build10:32
Saviqtsdgeos, for the changed one to be copied10:32
tsdgeosmake didn't help10:32
tsdgeoslet me clear10:32
Saviqcheck that the change is there in your $BUILD_DIR10:32
tsdgeosah yeah, cleaning works10:33
tsdgeosso yeah that has to be fixed, at least make should update them10:33
Saviqin theory it does10:36
SaviqI've seen it updating it..10:36
Saviqbut yeah we need a generic, reliable solution10:36
tsdgeos{ tag: "Model.roles[urgency]", role: "urgency", type: "number" },10:37
tsdgeos{ tag: "Model.roles[urgency]", role: "urgency", type: "enum" },10:37
tsdgeosSaviq: ↑↑10:40
Saviqtsdgeos, that could be a shortcut10:40
Saviqtsdgeos, but there's no way of distinguishing a number from an enum10:40
Saviqin JS10:40
tsdgeosSaviq: in general looks good10:44
Saviqtsdgeos, cheer10:45
tsdgeosthere's still the10:45
tsdgeosif (writable) {10:45
tsdgeosin writeable10:45
tsdgeoswhich you said yesterday had to go away?10:45
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Saviqtsdgeos, is there?10:47
Saviqtsdgeos, hmm not seeing it..10:48
* tsdgeos pulls10:48
SaviqI do, however, see two debugs in there...10:48
tsdgeosah, i was old10:48
Saviqwrong file10:48
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, I fixed it... in a different project10:49
tsdgeosSaviq: you forgot to add the & to the QString10:49
Saviqtsdgeos, I --overwrote, so you'll have to do the same next time10:54
tsdgeosSaviq: that's still the writable function i'm seeing http://paste.kde.org/~tsdgeos/740528/10:58
Saviqtsdgeos, pushed10:59
tsdgeosso yeah, seems good to me, haven't done a line per line check of Verifier11:00
tsdgeosbut the tst_Notifications makes sense11:00
Saviqyeah, I need to write a test suite for the Verifier itself11:05
Saviqtsdgeos, any idea of the simplest way to fake a QAbstractListModel?11:06
SaviqI was thinking QList<QVariantMap>, but that didn't work11:07
Saviqanother possibility is QQmlListProperty, but that won't give up roles IIRC11:07
tsdgeosSaviq: what do you mean by fake?11:09
Saviqtsdgeos, mock, more than fake11:09
Saviqtsdgeos, i.e. what ListModel really does, but I'd need to pass it up from C++11:10
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Saviqtsdgeos, so that I can, without implementing a complete QALM11:10
Saviqtsdgeos, get role-based data in a Repeater11:10
tsdgeosi see11:11
tsdgeosSaviq: what's the problem with qlist+qvariantmap?11:28
Saviqtsdgeos, didn't work here?11:29
tsdgeosyou mean assigning it to a model: property?11:29
Saviqtsdgeos, yeag11:29
tsdgeosthat probably won't work unless it's a QALM11:29
tsdgeosafaik there are internal checks in what you can assign there11:29
SaviqI'll have a play with QQmlListProperty11:30
Saviqbut then again...11:30
SaviqQALM is minimal, is it actually worth it...11:31
Saviqand not sure QQLP can at all work if it's not a property, but returned from QALM::data()11:32
Saviqtsdgeos, can you make sure that all the three videos still play with your remove_..._get branch?11:51
Saviqtsdgeos, I seem to only be able to play he Sintel one11:51
tsdgeosSaviq: playging from the carousel or after a search?11:51
Saviqtsdgeos, carousel11:51
tsdgeoslunch waiting11:51
tsdgeoswill do first thing after11:51
Saviqtsdgeos, both, actually11:52
Saviqtsdgeos, sure, enjoy11:52
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sil2100mhr3: good question! Let me check that now (just got back from lunch)12:23
sil2100Utah is strange12:48
sil2100It looks as if utah was killing all the tests prematurely12:49
sil2100How are we supposed to merge in the 100scopes when we can't get the right test results?12:49
sil2100mhr3: btw. what autopilot are you guys using for the 100scopes branch?12:50
sil2100Since this might be a blocker as well12:50
sil2100Of course this depends on whether you were modifying/adding any autopilot tests or all is in trunk already12:51
mhr3sil2100, one that trunk was using up until a week ago12:52
dandradertoday (booting up the computer after yesterday's updates) unity is no longer starting up for me on 13.04. If I run it manually there's a compiz error saying that plugin 'opengl' could not be loaded.12:55
bregmadandrader, do you have any suspicious PPAs in your sources list anywhere?12:57
kgunndandrader: hmmm, i actually updated yesterday....kinda early in the day...and no problems for me12:57
dandraderbregma, I have http://ppa.launchpad.net/phablet-team/desktop-deps/ubuntu  and http://ppa.launchpad.net/phablet-team/tools/ubuntu12:58
dandraderbregma, if I run it manually (typing "unity" in the terminal) it says plugin 'opengl' could not be loaded12:59
kgunndandrader: sounds like a binary mismatch on the proprietary drivers....x version vs what they were compiled against13:00
bregmayeah, I see new xorg drivers in my update list in a fresh 13.04 install13:01
kgunnpaulliu: ping13:01
dandraderI even removed the nvidia packages and switched to use my onboard intel graphics13:02
dandraderbut problem remains13:02
paulliupaulliu: hi13:04
tsdgeosSaviq: we sould do a release13:04
tsdgeosSaviq: to get the qpa thing in13:04
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, we should13:04
tsdgeosSaviq: otherwise the run_on_device fails13:05
tsdgeosSaviq: want me to do it?13:05
Saviqtsdgeos, go for it13:05
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tsdgeosSaviq: btw all the videos fail here but that's because the device video player seems to be borked (i.e. doesn't work without my patch either) but the paths seem to be correctly passed, where are you trying it on? device or pc?13:06
Saviqtsdgeos, device, and it plays fine on stock qml-phone-shell13:07
tsdgeosSaviq: which image?13:07
Saviqtsdgeos, 115, probably, checking13:07
Saviqwhere do we find the image number again...13:07
Saviqphablet-flash it is, then13:08
dandraderwell, gnome-fallback works at least. will use it for now...13:13
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity/release175/+merge/16314313:17
Saviqtsdgeos, all plays fine on image 119 on the N1013:18
kgunndandrader: this is really hacky, but i had a similar issue recently, i did apt-get dist-upgrade/upadate/autoremove/autoclean...twice, everything got happy13:18
tsdgeosSaviq: i updated/dist-upgraded and my qsortfilterbranch can now play the 3 videos correctly13:19
tsdgeosyou can't?13:19
kgunndandrader: this is really hacky, but i had a similar issue recently, i did apt-get dist-upgrade/upadate/autoremove/autoclean...twice, everything got happy13:19
Saviqtsdgeos, didn't try with your branch yet, stock 119 for now13:19
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Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, seems the media player is unstable13:29
Saviqtsdgeos, works13:29
tsdgeosSaviq: do you want to do https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity/hud-result-highlighting/+merge/163115 or maybe dandrader can do it?13:45
Saviqtsdgeos, I don't have to13:47
tsdgeosdandrader: can you do it?13:48
dandradertsdgeos, yes, I can review it13:50
tsdgeosdandrader: tx13:50
tsdgeosdandrader: your edge drag now passed :-)13:57
tsdgeosoh lol13:57
tsdgeoslong lines dude again :D13:57
tsdgeosshould have chosen someone else13:58
tsdgeoswhere's mzanetti when you need him :D13:58
* tsdgeos adds some newlines13:58
tsdgeosdandrader: lines splitted14:03
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=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
Saviqnote to self: do not do "property var something; something: Item { }"14:31
Saviqthe Item is not considered as it would be normally14:34
tsdgeosSaviq: what's the difference?14:43
Saviqtsdgeos, it must be marked non-visual or something14:43
Saviqtsdgeos, so when I had a Repeater there14:43
Saviqtsdgeos, it would not query the model at all14:43
Saviqtsdgeos, it would query the count, but not the roles14:44
Saviqtsdgeos, nor, effectively, the actual data14:44
Saviqtsdgeos, could deserve a check if it's a feature, and not a bug14:44
tsdgeosSaviq: fwiw the support enum class in QFlags was merged and will be available for 5.114:45
tsdgeosSaviq: true14:45
Saviqtsdgeos, interesting14:46
tsdgeosi mean, i did a quick fix yesterday in 10 minutes i was waiting for something else to compile with the guidance of some of the Qt guys14:46
tsdgeosjust neeed to throw some more casting around14:46
paulliutsdgeos: https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity/phablet-fake-peoplepreviewdata/+merge/16151414:53
paulliutsdgeos: I just re-use the branch.14:53
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tsdgeosdandrader: to be honest doing the check that we are in bounds twice feels a bit weird, but ok, no point in discussing over that :D14:54
dandradertsdgeos, I don't feel strongly about it, you're free to not do it14:55
tsdgeosdandrader: pushed14:56
tsdgeospaulliu: lol, setUnityPeoplePreview was defined but not implemented?15:00
paulliutsdgeos: No.. :P15:01
tsdgeosnice one15:01
tsdgeospaulliu: yes, that's what i meant15:02
paulliutsdgeos: ok. I'll add data into that variants.15:02
tsdgeosmakes mroe sense to have a mock PeoplePreviewData than a almost reimplement half of the qml we wanted to test15:02
tsdgeoscool :)15:02
tsdgeosSaviq: how much into know of the ListViewWithPageHeader tasks are you?15:08
Saviqtsdgeos, E_SYNTAXERROR15:08
* tsdgeos stops trying to sound smart15:08
tsdgeosSaviq: the ListViewWithPageHeader tasks at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-unity-ui-dash15:09
tsdgeosSaviq: there's one that says "reimplement in C++"15:09
tsdgeosdo we really need that¿15:09
tsdgeosor that's exposed as a possibility to have the other issues we have wiht the component if we can't fix them in pure QML?15:09
Saviqtsdgeos, it felt like the sounder approach15:10
Saviqtsdgeos, to not fight with the tool15:10
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tsdgeosbut has it's own set of problems as Gerry discovered15:11
tsdgeosi.e. basically has the small problem of "can't be done" :15:11
Saviqyeah indeed15:11
Saviqtsdgeos, based on past experience, though, I'm afraid of QML approach being unmaintainable15:13
tsdgeosi mean not the current thing we hav15:13
tsdgeosbut something that may be "better"15:13
tsdgeosif we can make it happen of course :D15:14
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah exactly15:14
tsdgeosSaviq: as far as i understand the problem is having the flickable + listview15:14
tsdgeosthat makes the listview unhappy15:14
Saviqtsdgeos, not really15:15
Saviqtsdgeos, the biggest issue is, I'd say, the fact that you have to clip manually15:15
Saviqtsdgeos, the flickable + listview is just a hack15:15
tsdgeoswell, that's listview for you15:15
tsdgeoslistview is weird in that it needs to be clipped15:16
Saviqbut if originY and contentY behaved as advertised15:16
Saviqnot even that it needs to be clipped15:16
Saviqthat's relatively fine15:16
Saviqbut the fact that you need to clip the delegates when they go behind the section header15:16
Saviqthat was a o_O moment for us15:16
Saviq== we don't support transparent section headers15:17
tsdgeosdo we need to?15:17
Saviqwith the design we have, yes15:18
Saviqand tbh it's not an unreasonable request15:18
Saviqunless you copy parts of the background to the section headers15:18
tsdgeosdon't know, looks weird to have something going behind the section header15:18
tsdgeosbut i guess i'd have to see it15:18
Saviqtsdgeos, that's what happens now15:19
tsdgeosnot on the phone, no?15:19
Saviqbut we manually clip the delegates15:20
tsdgeosok, so it's not happening :D15:20
Saviqotherwise you could see them behind the section header15:20
tsdgeosi thought i wasn't looking at the correct place15:20
Saviqtsdgeos, I dunno, doing it all "properly" in C++ felt like a good solution15:21
Saviqtsdgeos, but obviously that seems to be "unsupported" even more15:21
Saviqwe could try and upstream parts of it15:21
SaviqI do believe the "clip behind section headers" part15:22
Saviqcould be received by upstream15:22
Saviqdisabled by default15:22
tsdgeoswe could always extend listview to do what we want i guess15:22
Saviqwell, that was the idea15:22
Saviqbut it seems it would mean distropatching15:23
Saviqtsdgeos,we had one other potential idea15:23
Saviqtsdgeos, one that would require even more maths15:24
Saviqbut would support "don't create items that are offscreen"15:24
Saviqtsdgeos, do you know all the requirements for the component?15:24
tsdgeosfor ListViewWithPageHEader?15:24
tsdgeosnot really15:24
tsdgeosi was waiting for gerry15:25
tsdgeoswhile doing some other stuff today15:25
Saviqread through that paragraph15:25
tsdgeoswhich paragraph?15:26
Saviqthe whole doc, really15:26
Saviqthere's a few navigation patterns that we need to support, and consider resource constraints for15:27
Saviqbecause as you know we're doing "let's load everything we could ever show" now15:27
Saviqtsdgeos, let's do a hangout tomorrow morning15:28
Saviqtsdgeos, and we'll try to pass on the knowledge15:28
tsdgeosthat doc seems different to what we do have at the moment15:28
tsdgeosno point in doing what we have now if it's not what we want :D15:28
Saviqwe don't have everything indeed15:28
Saviqwell, we're mostly missing the "collapse" / "expand" behavior15:29
Saviqbut that's really an extension of the default one15:29
tsdgeosand the index view thing15:29
Saviqyeah, that's the "collapse"15:29
tsdgeosah :D15:30
Saviqbut that's easy15:30
Saviqjust make all delegates 0 height15:30
Saviqassuming the ListView won't die on us15:30
Saviqwhen we do that15:30
tsdgeoshe he15:30
tsdgeosyes, let's do a hangout tomorrows15:30
Saviqgtg, started 7am today again15:31
tsdgeosenojy the evening!15:31
Saviqyou too15:31
mhr3sil2100, here?15:33
dandradertsdgeos, where is this 5.0.2+dfsg1-3ubuntu1~raring1~test2 qt version? I need to add some testing ppa for that?15:45
tsdgeosdandrader: qt5-proper ppa15:52
tsdgeosbut with the new variation of the code you may not even need it15:53
tsdgeosdandrader: ↑↑↑15:54
tsdgeosdandrader: you should probably install it since it's what the device is using nowadays15:56
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sil2100mhr3: here16:09
mhr3sil2100, there's a nasty bug in 100scopes right now, any chance you could restart the build job?16:11
mhr3so new stuff gets into the prevalidation ppa16:11
sil2100mhr3: let me check if I have the permissions to do that, if not I'll poke someone who can16:12
sil2100But I think I can16:13
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sil2100mhr3: ok, triggered the rebuild of the stack, will take a while16:26
mhr3sil2100, thx, there weren't too many changes, so should be fairly fast16:27
sil2100mhr3: anyway, in overall, are you guys ready with merging everything to trunk? i.e. all regressions fixed, autopilot tests running on 1.3 etc. ;) ?16:48
mhr3sil2100, i was told that we need one more ack from john and he's on holiday until tuesday.... so16:50
sil2100Ah, ok, I'll note it down16:50
mhr3we'll prepare everything, all merges will be there, just waiting for someone to press approved on all of them16:50
sil2100Since on my schedule it was 'help getting it merged and enabled for daily-build till the EOW', but it seems we'll do that next week16:51
mhr3but apparently the earliest that can happen is on tuesday16:51
sil2100I'll also prepare the addition branches to the configs16:51
sil2100mhr3: ok, thanks for the info16:51
jtoldswhat mailing list is appropriate for emailing libappindicator development questions?16:52
jtoldsanyone know?16:52
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sil2100fginther: ping!18:18
sil2100fginther: do you know if there is autolanding for this branch enabled? Since it doesn't get merged somehow: https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/unity-gtk-module/autopilot-menus/+merge/16316118:19
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