
geofftanyone in SFBA want to coordinate hanging out in some real-world fashion for this vUDS?00:11
geofftI'm more tempted to get up stupidly early and log in from work than to stay home, this cycle, I think.00:12
geofftBut I'd stay around the city if other people are participating00:12
geofftAlternatively, I could get a conference room at work (in Redwood City) and invite other folks.00:13
grantbowhello from Ubuntu Hour SF at The Roastery01:38
MarkDudeCheers G01:42
MarkDudeFrom Chris and Josie too, looking forward to seeing you soon :) Norm may be stopping by an event soon.01:42
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raevoldoes anyone know, if i have cron running rsnapshot as a different user, will rsnapshot use the ssh credentials for that different user?23:29
philipballewraevol, if noone help here, id try askubuntu23:45
raevolphilipballew: yea.. i think i'll just let it run overnight and see what happens23:48

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