
utfans05mchlbhm, anytime!00:00
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mchlbhmutfans05, why does my wife's compuert (lol) work, but mine refused to have anything to do with it?00:07
utfans05mchlbhm what name brand external is it?00:10
funkyhey folks00:11
funkyhow i can stop process gracefully00:11
funkyif I know its PID00:11
funkywhats the best option00:12
caryhartlineWhat is the current stable Raring Linux kernel full name?00:12
Pici!info linux00:16
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB00:16
caryhartlineYes, but what's the filename?00:17
PiciThe filename?00:18
caryhartlineLike the one under /boot/grub00:18
betraydfunky does it ahve a window00:19
caryhartlineI'm stuck in grub at the moment and I'm typing this from my iPhone.00:20
caryhartlineI'm trying to load the kernal file name00:20
betrayddoes it hav a window funky00:24
betraydyou can kill with kill -9 PID# (not graceful)00:25
caryhartlineI would appreciate it if someone could type in "uname -a" in their terminal.00:27
Toph2caryhartline,,, Linux UbuntuBox 3.2.0-41-generic #66-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 25 03:27:11 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:28
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hemangpatelI want to upgrade from 12.10 to 13.0400:32
hemangpatelBut it does not give option for that00:32
caryhartlineDarn, file not found. I guess I'll have to use boot recovery.00:32
gasanyone got a clue why i get this error | ERROR: did not find any matching data in cfg file00:33
gaswhen running  sudo indexmaker --output=/var/www/mrtg/index.html /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg00:34
funkyguys is sftp compatible with latest ubuntu?00:35
funkyI got 1 dir its chmod 600 +x00:35
funkyI want to copy it gives error 300:35
funkypermission denied00:35
vu1kanfunky - <sudo !!>?00:39
bray90820does anyone know of any cross platform pvr clients that works with ubuntu00:39
funkyyes but how?00:39
wilee-nileehemangpatel, You have to go through 12.10 for an upgrade.00:39
funkyvu1kan:  i tried to enable in options on login00:39
funkyit wont connect00:39
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : first time i got notification .. but i cancalled it00:40
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : now it displays only security updates00:40
wilee-nileehemangpatel, Have you run a update?00:40
funkysudo su00:40
funkysudo su -c /bin/sftp-server00:41
funkyCannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?00:41
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : So, I'm thinking to install update first then might be i got option of upgrade00:41
funkymaybe just sudo?00:41
vu1kanthe sudo su is redundant anyhow00:41
wilee-nileehemangpatel, You want software sources set for all upgrades not just lts00:41
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : it's set00:42
funkyvu1kan: sudo wont work00:42
funkygoes to login screen again00:42
funkysudo -c /bin/sftp-server maybe?00:42
wilee-nileehemangpatel, In the terminal run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist upgrade accept and offers then look in update manager for a upgrade to 12.10.00:43
wilee-nilee sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:43
hemangpatelok let me check00:43
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : ask for update00:45
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : not 13.0400:46
wilee-nileehemangpatel, 12.04 goes to 12.10 not 13.0400:46
OerHeksindeed, you need to go trough 12.10 to 13.04, fresh install will be faster.00:46
wilee-nileelts to lts generally or release to release, sometimes there are other options00:46
dustin__Does anyone know how to hook up a Canon Pixma M620 in Unbuntu?00:46
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : i have 12.1000:47
moppersdpkg-gencontrol: error: illegal package name '...': charatcter 'M' not allowed. --- lower case only , or i did something wrong?00:47
wilee-nileehemangpatel, Ah, I guess you do my mistake.00:47
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : which one ?00:48
wilee-nileehemangpatel, Which one what?00:48
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : nothing :)00:48
hemangpatelDoing update first..00:49
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MalibusteveCould somebody help me with a mount question for windows drive?00:57
MalibusteveI have a screen shot of the issue00:57
MalibusteveI'm using Ubuntu.  it wont let me view the windows drive cause it says i'm hibernating in windows 8 still.  I went into windows, and shut down, letting the computer sit off for a while.  Every time i boot into Linux it says it can't mount windows drive.  can anybody help me please?00:58
Malibustevei do not know if i'm in the correct channel to ask for help with this matter, but I would love help =) Thank you kindly.00:59
funkyguys for some reason I cant copy 1 dir01:00
funkyvia sftp01:00
funkyI stoped client that using it01:00
funkyanyway I can see what is locking it01:00
funkywhich proccess01:00
betraydfunky was it supposed to be copy/create?01:00
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funkybetrayd:  simply using WINSCP to copy to local win hd01:01
funkycan copu all files apart this dir01:01
betrayd(dir wasn't existing prior?)01:01
funkyit was01:01
funkythere is 1 dir that appears to be locked01:02
betrayd!ask | Malibusteve01:03
ubottuMalibusteve: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:03
Malibustevei apologize01:03
betraydfunky, i'd kill -9 the processID thats competing with your winscp01:04
wilee-nileeMalibusteve, You can turn off that fast boot from windows I believe, take a look at the web or ask in ##windows.01:04
betraydfunky to recover i'd attempt a second SCp later when the first one ends, and only target the suspicious dir in the seond winscp so it won't be as long01:05
wilee-nileeMalibusteve, here is one link. http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/6320-fast-startup-turn-off-windows-8-a.html01:06
cheese1756Does anyone happen to know of an Ubuntu equivalent to rpm --verify?01:07
GunArm1mdadm what do the events counted actually describe?  the number of read/write operations?01:09
betraydhey rich-01:14
seronisany tips/tricks for getting WINE to be able to launcch more games than default install supports ?01:15
Ben64!appdb | seronis01:15
ubottuseronis: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:15
seronischecked there first01:15
seroniswasnt helpful (Gnomoria)01:16
seroniswill try the channel though, thank you ben6401:16
g0bl1nHi, one of our servers is going out of space (/). Can't seem to find the cause. After a df --sync, df shows that its loosing several bytes per second, non stop. Can't find any file growing. Any hint ?01:22
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g0bl1n20GB / that only has the OS. /home is mounted on another disk01:23
jribg0bl1n: try ncdu or judicious use of find?  My guess would be /var/log/01:24
Ben64could also be a process opening a bunch of files, deleting them, and not closing them01:24
g0bl1njrib, /var/log is stable, 375megas...01:24
Ben64"du" can help too01:25
g0bl1nBen64, I believe could be that. lsof is reporting a big (deleted) log, but the thing is, its not on the / but on the other disk. Weird.01:26
g0bl1nBen64, sudo lsof | grep deleted01:26
Gumbydu -hs /* will point you towards the largest culprits01:27
Gumbythen go from there01:27
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SupaYoshidoes anybody know a place where i can get some help with ipsec?01:29
SupaYoshiI tried openswan but noone is around there01:29
veryhappyhey guys, need your help on an issue about xorg and nvidia. they removed the "overscan" option in nvidia which is why i can't use the right panning anymore for my hdmi port with my connected tv. now i need your help on xorg how and where can i set the resolution when i don't have resolutions in that file at all? please help thank you http://paste.ubuntu.com/5646468/01:30
Novimundus_I opened up a port in Python to learn about sockets, and now when I re-interpret it says the port is still open. How do I close it?01:31
hemangpatelE:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages01:32
hemangpatelgot this error01:32
betraydveryhappy: do you see the monitor in nvidia server settings?01:35
veryhappybetrayd: yes.01:35
seronisNovimundus_,  check for a  'reuse address'  or  'reuse port' type flag to set when opening the listening port01:35
Ben64veryhappy: http://labnotes.decampo.org/2013/01/nvidia-overscan-in-ubuntu-1210.html01:35
betraydin advanced mode, try panning?01:36
betraydveryhappy: ^01:36
Novimundus_seronis: I just learned about lsof -i and kill. I got it, thanks :-)01:36
seronisNovimundus_,  i recall having an issue LONG time ago doing MUD coding where it was needed when rebooting shortly after closing the games01:36
Novimundus_Hey! That's what I'm doing!01:36
Novimundus_Writing a MUD from scratch. Wow it's nice to see a fellow MUDder01:36
seronisits where I learned C originally01:36
veryhappybetrayd: it seems to reset the resolution always when i click on apply or is that normal?01:37
betraydhave it save the xconfig somewhere01:37
veryhappybetrayd: hold on01:38
roastedHello friends.01:39
betraydhey roasted01:39
veryhappyhi roasted01:39
saxplayer1216anyone know a lot about fglrx?01:39
roastedI installed 13.04 on a Chromebook. The fresh install felt server-esque in that it had no GUI. I installed ubuntu-desktop in terminal, but when I log in, I get the background without a Unity launcher. I assume I'm missing the Unity plugin. Is there a way to enable it via terminal?01:39
saxplayer1216or have decent knowlodge?01:39
alien2050I know it's probably a locale issue, but I'm using en_CA.UTF-8 which should be pretty standard... anybody knows why gnome-terminal displays weird chars like this -> rm: cannot remove ‘isolinux/vesamenu.c32’ ; I tried locale-gen, etc... to no avail... ideas?01:41
seronisNovimundus_,  Good luck with your project. They're still one of my favorite retro game types.  You should go ahead and look up the python calls needed to set reuse address though.  it will solve your issue permanantly instead of needing to kill the process01:42
Novimundus_seronis: thank you.01:42
seronisbtw you basing your codebase on any others ?01:43
veryhappybetrayd: what would you actually recommend? nvidia-current or nvidia-current-updates?01:43
betraydveryhappy: stuck with current only because my card is OLD01:44
betraydprev gen01:44
veryhappybetrayd: so when might i use current-updates?01:44
betraydveryhappy: i was going to say if you know how the pan looked in xorg.conf (despite resetting resolution) include that metammode in CUrrent xorg.conf and see if your TV allows or can spit out an image01:45
betraydthat q is not for me, for the other guys here01:46
veryhappyah that one, yea i just saw that current wasn't working anymore don't know why so i purged it and installed current-updates because i think it won't make a difference then if i get both ways the same options01:46
betraydwhen did you do that01:47
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veryhappyjust right before01:48
veryhappybetrayd: it doesn't work even when i enter the panning it jumps back01:50
betraydback to twhat01:50
veryhappyi want to use 1216x684 but it always gets back to 1280x72001:50
betraydwhat did xorg.0.log say01:51
betraydabout your rez01:51
betrayddid it reject or accept 121601:51
veryhappywhere it's located?01:51
betraydscan for 121601:52
betraydyou know about tab-completion rool?01:52
betraydyou know about tab-completion ?01:52
veryhappybetrayd: it says "Specified panning domain height of 600 is smaller than viewport height 720; adjusting01:53
betraydwe're looking for 121601:53
irwinhello world01:54
irwinmy name is irwin01:54
irwinfrom is cesar01:54
bazhang!ot | irwin01:54
ubottuirwin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:54
irwinyo uso elementary os01:54
bazhangirwin, wrong channel01:55
irwinchanel is elementary os01:55
irwinor debian01:55
bazhangirwin, this is ubuntu support NOT elementary01:55
awakecodingmy desktop is black after upgrading to 13.04, I can't right click the desktop, there's no keyboard layout switcher, etc: http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/764/ubuntudesktopissue.png01:56
WardropI'm having severe network performance issues for TCP connections using a window size of 8k or less. Anything over 8k gets at least 400Mbit/s, but anything 8k or below and I only get about 20Mbits/s.01:56
awakecodingany ideas?01:56
WardropI've observed the connection starts quickly, at about 400Mbits/s, but then quickly drops to a snails pace.01:56
veryhappybetrayd: nothing about 1216 i searched with grep, absolutely nothing01:56
betraydveryhappy: you know where the log file is01:56
WardropI tried running `tcpdump -ni eth0` to get ideas, but bizarrely, when that's running, network performance for 8k window size never drops, it stays at 400Mbit/s. WTF?01:57
veryhappyhey betrayd i just told you what i found in the Xorg.0.log ok? i'm not stupid.01:57
betraydI didn't say you were, no greps01:57
betrayduse / and you sill see waht resolutions were ok'd01:58
betraydbut feel free to takeoffense anytime01:58
StarthunderI installed unattended-upgrades, but there have been available updates for a while, so it seems it's not working…where would I start poking around to see what's up?01:59
betraydwe just helping all kinds, from total n00b to mad wiz so times i like to figure out01:59
tgm4883Starthunder, probably with an 'apt-get upgrade' and see what is being 'held back'01:59
StarthunderYeah… XD02:01
Legend2013Hello Ubuntu guys02:01
StarthunderI never notice that because I always just do dist-upgrade when I do it myself02:01
Legend2013where is the ubuntu channel for ubuntu server questions?02:01
veryhappybetrayd: i'm sorry it's not against you, i just met a lot of people telling me bs how to pee and shit even though i know it02:01
johnjohn101if i upgrade from 10.04LTS to 12.04LTS is this just one update or 4?02:01
betraydveryhappy: ok, no stress02:02
StarthunderOkay, new question. How do I tell unattended-upgrades it's okay to install new packages if they're required to update?02:02
tgm4883johnjohn101, 102:02
veryhappybetrayd: you're right next time i should inform people about my progess how far i am02:02
veryhappyi'll brb have to restart02:02
betraydveryhappy: i wanted you to see what the log said about both 1280 and that 1216 and why it picked one over the other02:03
johnjohn101if my brother decides to wait until next spring, i imagine it will be two, right?02:03
johnjohn101meaning 10.04 -> 14.04 LTS02:03
veryhappyok betrayd i'll brb after that i'm telling you ok?02:03
tgm4883johnjohn101, yes that would be two, although you wouldn't have been getting desktop updates for quite a chuck of time there02:04
betraydveryhappy: ok but I might not02:04
johnjohn101tgm4883: all he uses is firefox, some picture viewer, and what ever the pdf viewer is02:04
Legend2013is there a specific place for ubuntu server questions?02:04
tgm4883Legend2013, #ubuntu-server02:05
tgm4883johnjohn101, so then it sounds like it's pretty important for him to get security updates, being that he uses software that connects to the internet02:05
johnjohn101just trying to weigh the risks vs me having to drive 1.5 hrs to help him upgrade02:06
moppersjohnjohn101, remote desk02:06
Legend2013thanks tgm02:07
Legend2013i hope they speak02:07
moppersjohnjohn101, something like htat02:07
betraydbut if theres promise of cold brewskis and/or pizza...02:07
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johnjohn101tgm4883: you really think he could be violated by something on the internet?02:10
veryhappyi'm back02:14
penos!akathisia | penos02:14
veryhappyis betrayed gone?02:14
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cesar_Where are you from_02:15
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Guest26776I-m form Mexico :)02:16
Ben64!ot | Guest2677602:16
ubottuGuest26776: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:16
Guest26776Sorry :(02:17
cakepieanybody here?02:19
cakepiei seem to be missing libcrypto.so.0.9.8 from my server02:20
cakepieand I can't install it with apt-get either02:20
bazhang File libcrypto.so.0.9.8 found in libssl0.9.8, libssl0.9.8-dbg     cakepie02:20
cakepiei can't use wget02:21
cakepiei can't use apt-get because python requires libcrypto to compile02:21
Guest26776Yes, I`m here02:21
cakepievicious cyrcle02:21
jribcakepie: explain how you got to this point.02:21
cakepiei was trying to install something02:22
jribcakepie: more details = better02:22
cakepiethat required libcrypto.so.902:22
jrib!enter | cakepie02:22
ubottucakepie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:22
cakepieand i had libcrypto.so.9.8.0 . so I did mv libcrypto.so.9.8.0 libcrypto.so.10 ... it didn't work so i did mv libcrypto.so.10 back to libcrypto.so.9.8.002:23
cakepiethen i had errors02:23
Ben64cakepie: start at the beginning02:23
cakepieno version information available02:23
cakepieso i did apt-get remove libcrypto*02:23
cakepieand now i got to this point02:23
jribcakepie: what got removed when you did "apt-get remove libcrypto*"?02:24
cakepieit's a debian actually but pretty similar02:24
cakepie270 MB02:24
cakepieof stuff02:24
FloodBot3cakepie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:24
FloodBot1cakepie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:24
Ben64so its not even ubuntu?02:24
Ben64then.... wrong channel02:24
jribcakepie: #debian can help you with debian (their official channel is on oftc)02:24
cakepiek thc02:25
cakepiek thx02:25
tomreynsomebody use capslock?02:25
Ben64cesar__: you don't need to yell, and we only support ubuntu here02:25
Starthunder^:FloodBot3, ^:FloodBot1 Now that's what I call spam. xD02:25
Starthunder!caps | cesar__02:26
ubottucesar__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:26
kallisti5AGRAGRAH! MY LEG!02:26
umib0zuwhat's gnacktrack anyways?02:26
bazhangcesar__, its not supported here. so please stop asking02:26
kallisti5umib0zu: +102:26
umib0zuquestion by the way. I'm using 12.04 and can't seem to download updates without an out of space error. it tells me to clean my trash folder and run sudo apt-get clean, which I did, and I still have the same problem. any ideas?02:27
cesar__Gnacktrack is an important distribution based in Ubuntu02:28
cesar__Do you know about Blacktrack_02:28
bazhangcesar__, and not supported here02:28
bazhangcesar__, please listen: its NOT supported here02:28
umib0zuhow is a distribution based in... a distribution?02:28
umib0zuthe world may never know...02:29
tomreyn!df | umib0zu02:29
ubottuumib0zu: Graphical representations of where your disk-space is being used are: baobab (GNOME), filelight / kinfocenter (Kubuntu). On the terminal: df -h -T02:29
Starthunderumib0zu: I recommend ncdu02:30
umib0zuubottu did that. everything is plenty available02:30
umib0zuI have plenty of disk space02:31
tomreynumib0zu: on all of your partitions?02:31
kallisti5cesar__: try #backtrack02:31
StarthunderAnd you get out-of-space errors, evem when there's plenty left? i.e. it's not just filling up really quickly?02:31
moppersdefine 'plenty'02:31
umib0zuyeah I have a 500 gb. and I only have about 130 gb of files.02:31
Ben64umib0zu: pastebin the output of "df -h"02:31
=== MistaMike is now known as MistaMike|away
penoshow to install windows 8 in linux?02:33
Ben64uh, you could use virtualbox02:33
umib0zupastebinned output --> http://pastebin.com/8BUWk88p02:33
unnohola, como se activan los nucfleos????02:33
umib0zupenos like a full install or just virtualization?02:33
Ben64umib0zu: you only have 27MB in /boot, maybe it can't fit a kernel upgrade?02:34
wilee-nilee!es | unno02:34
ubottuunno: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:34
moppersumib0zu, why is /boot 230MB and why is it full?02:35
umib0zuBen64 ohhh thats what boot is. well my issue is when I do the sudo apt-get clean and empty my trash it doesn't work02:35
ItsMeLennydoes anybody know of some sort of paper craft design program?02:35
unnothnk you02:35
umib0zumoppers that I don't know. should I delete the files inside?02:35
penosumib0zu: i want to install windows 8 inside ubuntu02:35
moppersumib0zu, i take it that means you're storing docs in boot?02:35
Ben64umib0zu: you probably need to get rid of old kernels. i think bleachbit can do it, or you can do it with apt-get if you're careful02:35
umib0zuhang on let me see. I never store files in /boot so I really don't know02:36
Ben64penos: explain what you mean exactly02:36
penosBen64: i want to insert windows 8 dvd and run setup.exe02:37
Ben64penos: you can do that with virtualbox02:37
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Ben64penos: you'll get a virtual machine with windows 8 running inside a window on ubuntu02:37
umib0zuok so I'm looking at my /boot folder. alot of vmlinuz files. not sure if it should be here02:38
Ben64umib0zu: like i said, you probably need to get rid of old kernels. i think bleachbit can do it, or you can do it with apt-get if you're careful02:38
umib0zuBen64 well I ran apt-get clean and that didn't work. any better ways?02:39
Ben64for the third time, bleachbit or manually remove them with apt-get02:39
umib0zuBen64 what is this folder by the way? I'm not really sure if files are supposed to be in here since I can't really tell what its supposed to hold02:40
Ben64the boot folder? its where part of grub and all the kernels are held02:41
umib0zudo files get added if I run virtualizations in this folder? I've never had this problem02:41
umib0zuwell not in that folder but does virtualization modify this folder02:42
Ben64nope, just installing kernels02:42
penoscan u install win 8 using wine?02:43
ubuntu22I am trying to burn windows 7 onto a usb using unetbootin, but when I boot from usb I just get stuck at the unetbootin command line.  Everything copied successfully but it is not working.  Does anyone know of an alternative method to burn a windows 7 iso to a usb?02:43
usr13!vbox | penos02:43
ubottupenos: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:43
wilee-nileeumib0zu, An easy gui based remover is ubuntu-tweak the janitor app, it removes the kernels and configs02:43
bazhangumib0zu, is this a wubi install02:43
acovrigI can disable an interface in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and reboot, can I do this without rebooting (I.E. udevadm trigger)02:43
umib0zuok. well I'll check out bleachbit and ubuntu-tweak. thanks mates.02:44
bazhangpenos, no you cannot.02:44
usr13acovrig: Why do you need to dissable a network interface?02:44
Starthundertgm4883: I disabled everything but security updates (in the sources.list), installed those, and then when I checked back later, there weren't any available updates (yes, I remembered to roll it back).02:45
acovrigusr13, if I do iwconfig without the network disabled at udev (ifconfig <iface> down doesn't cut it), then I have to do a force reboot (system freezes)02:45
StarthunderSo I'm guessing unsttended-upgrades installed those.02:45
umib0zuhow do you remove environment variables?02:45
StarthunderNext step…how do I get it to do more of a `dist-upgrade` than just an `upgrade`?02:45
usr13acovrig: Is this a laptop or desktop?02:45
acovrigusr13, MacBookPro (dualboot ubuntu13)02:46
Aethysius`Every time I try to access the Online Accounts pane of System Settings, it crashes.02:46
usr13acovrig: Ok, I don't know about Macs.  I'll let someone else advise you.02:46
acovrigusr13, it shouldnt' matter to much given I am booted into ubuntu (not a VM), just interesting hardware; my question I guess: is there a way to reload the udev rules (other than a reboot)?02:48
Aethysius`Could someone help me, please?02:50
usr13acovrig: service udev restart02:50
acovrigusr13, I commented out the interface in the rules file, rebooted, uncommented it, restarted udev, but it still doesn't show up in the network-manager02:51
usr13acovrig: Or  sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart02:51
acovrigusr13, and ifconfig <ifname> returns Device not found...02:52
usr13acovrig: udevadm trigger02:52
usr13service networking restart02:52
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acovrigusr13, restarting networking crashes X (or lightdm) because I get dropped to Ctr+Alt+F1 and can't get lightdm to start again...02:53
usr13acovrig: Actually, there may be more to it:02:53
usr13acovrig: udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger && service networking start02:54
usr13I dono  try that    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^02:54
penosacovrig: install nextstep02:55
usr13acovrig: restarting crashes X?02:55
usr13I dono02:55
acovrigusr13, I guess the udevadm in that order does it, instead of restarting networking, I restarted network-manager and it seems to work, now, lets see if I can go the other way...02:56
usr13acovrig: YOu more-than-likely can't get ligtdm to start again because it's already running.02:56
penosservice network-manager stop02:56
dcI am creating bonded interface (bond0) and then creating a vlan tag on top of it (bond0.5). If I reboot my server, networking comes up fine, but if I bring up my network manually the bonded interface does not come up. Any ideas??02:56
penosbond james02:57
acovrigusr13, yea, its quite odd, I wouldn't think networking and X would be that related, but restart networking and everything drops to the default background, Ctrl+Alt+F2, sudo restart lightdm says it isn't running, start lightdm fails...02:57
usr13acovrig: Makes no sense to me.02:58
penosacovrig: sudo start lightdm02:59
GunArm1how can I determine which hard drive is "ata9"?02:59
usr13GunArm1: sudo fdisk -l02:59
acovrigusr13, yea, but it happens: I bet it is because I am using the apple airport with a proprietary driver...02:59
=== acovrig_ is now known as acovrig
usr13acovrig: Ok, I'll buy that.  (I have no idea :)03:00
usr13(Clueless about apple stuff.)03:00
penosacoleman1981: restart X03:01
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:02
acovrigPenos: and?03:02
acovrigif I restart networking, the window manager dies, lightdm is still running (as per ps aux), yet I can't alt+tab, and there are no (close,min,max) buttons...03:03
Ben64acovrig: what if you press CTRL+ALT+F703:04
acovrigBen64, I get a few windows (firefox/mplayer) without their close,min,max buttons and no ability to switch between programs03:04
Ben64acovrig: oh wait i though you said it drops to a console03:05
StarthunderHow do I get unattended-upgrades to upgrade packages that would require installing new things and such? (Like how dist-upgrade differs from plain upgrade)03:05
leptonewhats the best way to make my ubuntu 12.04 laptop visible to my macbook 10.5.8. so that i can read and write files on my macbook03:05
penosacovrig: startx03:05
Ben64acovrig: you could restart the window manager, but theres probably a bigger problem going on if it kills it03:05
usr13acovrig: Can't even use Alt-Tab to switch between windows?03:05
Starthunderleptone: off the top of my head, I think of Samba03:05
acovrigyet service lightdm restart returns stop: unknown instance: and start: Job failed to start and Ctrl+Alt+F7 becomes blank...03:06
StarthunderI think there's a package that actualyl implements Apple's fileserver thing03:06
btorchI got ubuntu 12.04 and not sure what's up but there were devices setup in multipath mode and after installing multipath pkg the system just won't boot03:06
acovrigusr13, nope...03:06
GunArm1usr13: all my disk are GPT is there a list option in gdisk?03:06
usr13acovrig: Oh, sorry, it's a Mac, nevermind.03:06
StarthunderNot sure though03:06
usr13GunArm1: I dono03:06
penosbtorch: reinstall linux03:07
acovrigjust running lightdm in the virtualterminal2, I get Failed to get D-Bus connection...03:07
penosacovrig: startx03:07
Starthunderleptone: according to `apt-cache search`, the samba package includes CIFS things03:07
StarthunderWhich is IIRC what Apple uses03:07
StarthunderI dunno lol03:08
Ben64penos: stop saying that03:08
btorchpenos: joking right ?03:08
Ben64acovrig: lightdm is still running, the problem is the window manager03:08
Ben64acovrig: i'm not sure which one you're using, but try "DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace"03:08
Starthunder^3 But it was already +o'd!03:09
johnjohn101why isn't unity installable by other distos?03:10
StarthunderFloodBot3, FloodBot2, make up your minds :P03:11
Ben64Starthunder: stop caring about what the bots do...03:11
Starthunder…okay. xD03:11
StarthunderIt just kinda annoys me, y'know, contributing to all the service-message spam that's already pretty bad with all the joins and quits03:12
Ben64and so then you add on to it?03:12
StarthunderI'm being meta. :303:12
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StarthunderIn any case. I don't suppose /you/ know how to make unattended-upgrades install packages if needed, like dist-upgrade does?03:13
hemangpatelE:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages03:15
hemangpatelanyone ?03:17
hemangpateli got this error E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages03:18
wilee-nileehemangpatel, Context, you were trying to upgrade to 13.04 earlier.03:19
hemangpatelin middle i got this error03:19
hemangpatelmeans ?03:19
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : need help from you03:19
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wilee-nileehemangpatel, Did you get 12.10 fully updated and start the upgrade from the update manager?03:20
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : yes03:20
teageDid some file editing and canned graphical boot, now when I want to reboot from the panel I get not authorized. Anyone have any suggestions? Im running xubuntu 12.0403:20
hemangpatellibnih-dbus1 : Depends: libnih1 (= 1.0.3-4ubuntu16) but 1.0.3-4ubuntu11 is to be installed03:20
wilee-nileehemangpatel, I'm not sure to be honest, hopefully others will have an idea. Is this in the install part after downloading the upgrade?03:23
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : np03:23
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Guest33704configure lubuntu wi-fi03:24
Guest33704configure lubuntu wi fi03:25
penosuse GUI instead of command line03:25
penosinsert ubuntu dvd and install03:25
Guest33704penos pls help me to configure wi-fi in lubuntu03:27
wilee-nileeGuest33704, Post the card03:27
Guest33704what you mean03:27
penosGuest33704: use control panal03:28
wilee-nileeGuest33704, Post the wifi info if inboard run lspci in the terminal if a usb run lsusb03:28
Guest33704penos, Next what03:28
wilee-nileefind the wifi and post it03:29
penosGuest33704: use windows03:29
bazhang!behelpful | penos03:30
ubottupenos: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.03:30
Guest33704But wi-fi connection in laptop is not switching on. what to do. pls help03:30
uvalawilee-nilee, during installation of dchroot, I am asked if I'd like to install these unauthenticated packages without verification: liblockdev1 schroot-common schroot dchroot03:30
uvalawhat should I do?03:30
bazhangpenos, no more nonsense03:30
wilee-nileeuvala, Are these from a 3rd party source?03:31
uvalaI dont know, is there a way I can see that?03:31
uvalawilee-nilee, I dont know, is there a way I can see that?03:32
Guest33704pls help me to configure wi fi in lubuntu03:32
uvalawhen I say no it stops installation03:32
wilee-nileeuvala, what does this show. lsb_release -a03:33
wilee-nileeGuest33704, To help you, you have to identify the hardware.03:33
leptoneim getting this "net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: share name casey is already a valid system user name" as im trying to set up my sharing03:34
hdonhi all :) i'm on ubuntu 12. i've been using the LTS releases for a while. i want to upgrade to 13. how do i start?03:34
uvalawilee-nilee, I pasted here:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5646652/03:35
wilee-nileehdon, You have to go to 12.10 then 13.04, unless you fresh install03:35
Guest33704pls help me to activate wi-fi in Lubuntu  is installed live usb, noticed wifi connection in laptop is not at all switching on. pls help.03:35
bazhang!repeat | Guest3370403:35
hdonwilee-nilee, hmm03:35
ubottuGuest33704: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:35
hdonwilee-nilee, what command will tell me which version i am using?03:36
hdoni could check the apt sources..03:36
hdoni'm at 12.0403:37
wilee-nileeuvala, So you are just being identified that the packages are unauthenticated, are you given a yes or no option? I see dchroot in the data base.03:37
hdonwilee-nilee, thanks i found the ubuntu page with upgrade instructions03:38
wilee-nileehdon, Cool, have fun.03:38
uvalawilee-nilee, yes, I am asked if I want to install without verification, y/n?03:38
uvalaprecisely: Install these packages without verification [y/N]?03:39
wilee-nileeuvala, If you have added a 3rd party you may be missing a key, however I have see this on some installs from the repos at times, you are probably safe, use your own judgement here.03:40
leptoneso my ubuntu laptop is now visible to my macbook. but when i click "connect as" nothing happens. how do i view the files on my ubuntu laptop?03:40
penos!samba | leptone03:41
ubottuleptone: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:41
uvalayes, the tutorial comes from a linux tutorial guru, I can say from what I see on his website03:41
uvalawilee-nilee,  yes, the tutorial comes from a linux tutorial guru, I can say from what I see on his website03:41
wilee-nileeuvala, You could post the link.03:42
leptonepenos, im using samba i followed this: http://www.unixmen.com/howto-install-and-configure-samba-share-in-ubuntu/03:42
uvalawilee-nilee, sure, one sec.03:42
leptonebut i cant seem to get my macbook to connect03:42
mymusiseevery one here?03:43
leptoneim trying to use samba to make the files on my 12.04 LTS laptop read/writeable to my macbook on the same network. my ubuntu pc is visible to my mac but i cant seem to get it to connect. any ideas?03:44
uvalawilee-nilee, this is the link to his page:  http://www.ur1.ca/drema, and this is his dchroot tutorial: http://www.ur1.ca/dremf03:45
wilee-nileeuvala, My only chroot experience is access to an install, so I can only really try and conform your packages are okay with the correct information, which would be a confirmation of the source of them.03:47
uvalawilee-nilee, so I install it first?03:48
wilee-nileeuvala, All I can do is confirm the packages you want are okay if you can identify there origin.03:50
wilee-nileeI'm not the help you are looking for.03:51
uvalawilee-nilee, i dont know how to identify their origin.03:52
wilee-nileeuvala, How are you installing them? Did you add another source to get them?03:53
uvalawilee-nilee, no, I didnt. started right  away with apt-get install dchroot03:56
wilee-nileeuvala, Then you can say yes to the install I think that s about as far as I can go here as far as using the app..03:57
uvala..like in the video tutorial. but there this unauthenticated question doesnt show up03:57
SolarisBoyyou may be able to tell by trying apt-cache policy dchroot - and checking to see which repo's are returned if more than ubuntu and it has a higher preference you'll know it's coming from someplace you probably don't have the gpg key for03:58
uvalathank you SolarisBoy, will try now03:59
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uvalaSolarisBoy, it returned this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5646699/04:01
SolarisBoythats the default repo. So seems it's coming from Ubuntu's servers that you likely get your other packages from.04:06
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SolarisBoystrange i just installed it on a similar build system with no errors.. not sure uvala sorry - is this a default installation or is it highly customized?04:07
uvalaSolarisBoy, you mean the distro I am using?04:08
Guest9372will ubuntu run on a netbook with 1gb ram04:08
PodsNickServ identify sunshineisgolden04:09
uvalaGuest9372, I ran ubuntu on a netbook with 1GB ram for years.04:10
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uvalaGuest9372, the system runs without problems. I could almost say it was over the expected in my case, considering hardware's limitations04:12
PodsHi I am seeing this in the ubuntu software center http://ctrlv.in/18827904:13
PodsLooks like the display is buggy04:13
PodsAny fix ?04:13
uvalaSolarisBoy, your question on customization related to my system?04:13
silverexHey guys, so I'm trying to install AMD catalyst 13.1 on Ubuntu 12.04. I've installed all the dependencies and have generated the packages, but what now? I seem to recall some command to build the packages but I can't remember what it is04:15
sysRPLhi ... on 32 bit linux should i install shared object files in /usr/lib or usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu ?04:15
sysRPLjust wondering04:15
tgm4883silverex, what do you mean. You said you generated the packages, so what do you mean you need to build the packages04:17
silverextgm4883, last time I did this (I've just reinstalled 12.04) I had to generate the distribution specific packages then run some command in the terminal to install the driver from the packages04:17
tgm4883silverex, 'dpkg -i <packagename>'04:18
silverextgm4883, Thanks!04:18
shadejhello guys04:21
shadejI am using ubuntu 13.0404:21
uvalawilee-nilee and SolarisBoy, thank you very much for your help! I said yes to install, and it's done.04:21
shadeji can create adhoc network (wireless) but I am unable to connect to it , even by using the same computer[my pc]04:22
makutoIs there any way to save the current state of Ubuntu before making any potentially damaging changes so you can rollback in case of error? I was planning on installing some graphics drivers which I've had some terrible experiences with (on other computers, 12.04). Basically, a giant undo button for OS changes? I'm on Ubuntu 13.0404:22
blueyoshi321Tap-to-click stopped working on the touchpad of my laptop, running 12.04.2. I managed to fix it with synclient, but could someone help me figure out why it happened and how to fix it more permanently?04:23
plaguedoctorHello, according to top, my computer has three users, but I am the only one.04:24
plaguedoctorThis makes me uncomfortable04:24
plaguedoctorMy laptop lists 0 users04:24
plaguedoctorSo I am thinking intrusion04:24
shadejam able to create wireless adhoc on ubuntu13.04 but i cant connect to it [even from the same pc],help please?04:25
qinplaguedoctor: what w says?04:25
plaguedoctorqin http://pastebin.com/qHbdhPmC04:26
shadejqin: can u help please?04:27
chenqisuplaguedoctor: http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=20124304:28
plaguedoctorchenqisu, I like Asians a lot, but cannot speak nor read Asian.04:28
SolarisBoyplaguedoctor: that looks like a result of multiple shell sessions04:28
plaguedoctorSolarisBoy, I just rebooted by system and have one, maybe two shell sessions running. What accounts for the other two?04:29
plaguedoctorRebooted my syste,04:29
plaguedoctorsystem--ugh bad typing day04:30
Ben64it literally says what each one is doing04:30
SolarisBoyplaguedoctor: your kde startup script starts from a TTY -04:30
BazingaI am a noob when it comes to this stuff, how do I start kismet04:30
BazingaI have it installed04:30
SolarisBoyplaguedoctor: that looks to spawn a pty - and the other two you explained already -04:30
shadejam able to create wireless adhoc on ubuntu13.04 but i cant connect to it [even from the same pc],help please?04:31
SolarisBoyplaguedoctor: for isntance i use screen for managing multiple shell sessions and i have a login for each window when i type 'w'- if that explains it better04:31
BazingaCan someone help me by telling me how to execute kismet?04:31
Ben64Bazinga: have you tried typing "kismet"04:31
shadejwhat drivers do i need to check to be sure am not missing any software04:31
SolarisBoyuse sudo - and you also need to have an interface configured AFAIK Bazinga04:32
shadejBen64: help?04:32
plaguedoctorSolarisBoy, there should be only two, I figure I botched an install then04:33
SolarisBoyBazinga: read up on the kismet site/ community posts they have stuff for getting it started if your cards supported04:33
BazingaSolarisBoy: this is what I got http://pastebin.com/uSUst8G004:33
Ben64!patience | shadej04:33
ubottushadej: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/04:33
SolarisBoyplaguedoctor: why should there only be two? are you only considering your open shell sessions ?04:33
tgm4883Bazinga, IDK, you might need to "FATAL: Please configure at least one packet source.  Kismet will not function if no packet sources are defined in kismet.conf or on the command line.  Please read the README for more information about configuring Kismet."04:34
plaguedoctorSolarisBoy, Yeah. I don't want there to be other users listed if there does not have to be04:34
i3luefireif i am running server 12.04LTS and i swap out the mobo and cpu, will i have to reinstall?04:34
Ben64plaguedoctor: there has to be, don't worry about it04:34
Ben64i3luefire: no04:34
SolarisBoyBazinga: 'FATAL: Please configure at least one packet source.' you need to configure an interface as stated - you need to ensure your interface is supported - to avoid a long offtopic convo - check the kismet docs online04:34
SolarisBoyplaguedoctor: it's normal -04:35
plaguedoctorBen64, But my laptop lists 0 users, so this troubles me04:35
qinplaguedoctor: pts2 and pts3 from w command means terminal windows running top and w respectively, tty7 and pts0 belongs to kde, /var/log/auth.log logins...04:35
plaguedoctorAnd both run the exact same OS04:35
SolarisBoyplaguedoctor: your laptop isn't your computer and if you go open another shell on your laptop you will start seeing the 1-104:35
i3luefireBen64, it would just recognize the hw change and keep going?04:35
qinplaguedoctor: what command lists 0 users?04:35
Ben64i3luefire: yeah, unless something isn't supported04:36
plaguedoctorqin, top04:36
plaguedoctorqin for the laptop04:36
plaguedoctortp for desktop lists more04:36
SolarisBoydesktop is running more processes sir.04:36
i3luefireivy bridge celeron04:36
Ben64plaguedoctor: it does not matter at all. don't worry about it04:36
Ben64i3luefire: should be fine04:36
i3luefireBen64, ty04:36
plaguedoctorBen64, Okay, I was concerned about an intrusion04:37
BazingaSolarisBoy: yeah, I can't find kismet.conf where it's supposed to be04:38
MrCuriousanyone seen issues with polkitd and dbus-demon running out of control after the machine wakes from sleep? i have seen it in 12.10 and 13.04.  the message spamming is bringing the machine to its knees04:38
shadejok, could tell me the drivers i need to check for adhoc network?04:38
SolarisBoyBazinga: im not sure04:38
chenqisuplaguedoctor: https://www.google.com/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=ubuntu+how+to+delete+a+user&oq=ubuntu+how+to+dele&gs_l=hp.3.2.0l4.2879.8336.0.11101.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46226182,d.dmg&fp=99536a8df2067f03&biw=1440&bih=76104:38
SolarisBoythats not a good idea plaguedoctor ...04:38
SolarisBoy i wouldn't look to delete users that are not causing problems as chenqisu suggests - that WILL cause issues04:39
SolarisBoyjust an fyi..04:39
plaguedoctorchenqisu, This is in an Asian language. The people look cute, but I cannot understand. Sorry.04:40
qinplaguedoctor: man w; man who; man users; ang look into /var/log to chill your nerves...04:41
BazingaSolarisBoy: Hey actually..04:42
BazingaI'm in now.04:42
=== dasein is now known as Guest85903
BazingaI just need to set up a source04:42
hdonhi all :) can anyone tell me how to get Ubuntu's patches for gcc 4.7 in ubuntu 12.10 ?04:42
SolarisBoyyes thats what i was telling you source=interface04:42
hdoni don't have ubuntu 12.10 i have ubuntu 12.0404:42
Bazinga(no idea what to put in)04:42
MrCuriousanyone see issues when returning from sleep with dbus04:42
Ben64hdon: upgrade to 12.10?04:42
qinplaguedoctor: also: netstat; iftop; htop; for your lever it is more than enough to monitor system.. and man uwf; for firewalling04:42
hdonBen64, i just want the patches04:43
SolarisBoyBazinga: you *need* to hit up the kismet webdocs for supported interfaces it will likely be there in plain text if it's supported04:43
Bazingatbh I don't even know what I'm looking for04:43
plaguedoctorqin, Thanks04:43
SolarisBoyBazinga: otherwise i do not know if you provide details on your wireless NIC maybe someone else does - but if you have that you can do find for yourself04:43
SolarisBoyBazinga: sudo lshw -C network find your card type in the output and check on kismet site with it as a search string04:44
Bazingathank you04:44
blueyoshi321Aha, purging xorg-edgers fixed my problem.04:44
Bazinga(I installed ubuntu for a second time a week ago)04:44
Bazingabarely know how to use it yet04:44
SolarisBoyoh nice you have tons of fun in front of you =)04:45
* MrCurious takes a number and waits04:45
shadejam able to connect  to wireless networks on my LAN04:45
plaguedoctorI like Asian people.04:45
shadejbut am not able to connect to wireless Adhoc networks04:45
Guest85903i love asian girls04:45
Ben64plaguedoctor: stop talking about asian04:46
chenqisuGuest85903: japanese?04:46
=== Masshuu_ is now known as masshuu
SolarisBoyoh boy...04:47
chenqisuXen1: 没什么04:47
Ben64!cn | chenqisu Xen104:47
ubottuchenqisu Xen1: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:47
plaguedoctorBen64, What about talking Asian? Ni hao!04:48
=== wheaties is now known as wheaties466
shadejchenqisu: help please04:48
shadejam so tired searching the web04:48
chenqisushadej: what?04:48
Bazingaheh SolarisBoy i'm stuck again04:48
Ben64shadej: stop highlighting random people04:48
Bazingasorry for asking you to hold my hand and stuff.. http://pastebin.com/EYcgTptZ04:49
shadejchenqisu: am able to connect to wireless LAN but am not able to   connect to wireless adhoc?04:49
shadejBen64: this is my second day searching for it04:51
shadejBen64: no patience at all, finished!04:51
crakHeadi need help installing ubuntu04:54
utfans05!ask crakHead04:55
utfans05!ask | crakHead04:55
ubottucrakHead: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:55
rsvphow is the new Unity 2-d different in the latest version of 12.04 ?04:56
plaguedoctorcrakHead, What specifically do you need help with?04:56
Guest85903I thought they got rid of unity 2d04:57
plaguedoctorcrakHead, Back up your data, find out your cpu arch, download and burn medium or use unetbootin, boot off media, install...04:58
=== Reina is now known as Guest55297
=== Gryllida is now known as gry
plaguedoctorcrakHead, Youtube has nice tutorials. Really helped me04:59
crakHeadcan i install ubuntu from my sony usb 8gb stick ? if so can i use UNetbootin to create the bootable usb already formatted FAT-32? if so , Where do i get the clean iso image download for use in UNetbootin? i am using a Samsung Netbook with no CD-ROM running Windows 7 ultimate. please thank you04:59
plaguedoctorcrakHead, You can download from www.ubuntu.com and use that for unetbootin04:59
plaguedoctorcrakHead, Unetbootin is userfriendly05:00
rolerI just upgraded to 13.04 and my motd still says an upgrade is available. How can I refresh it?05:00
plaguedoctorand yes, fat32 will do, 8 gigs usb is more than enough05:00
wilee-nileersvp, I'm not sure you will a descriptive on any changes, 2d was discontinued in 12.10 though.05:00
acoleman1981hello everyone05:01
rsvpyeah, I thought Unity 2-d was merged into big Unity, but I guess not until 12.10 per wilee-nilee.05:01
MrCuriousthe answer to polkitd and dbus eating all your cpu -- http://www.cisgendered.com/?p=905:02
rsvpmy skype icon appears as "?" -- any way to make that look better?05:03
crakHeadsomeone said they have had issues with booting from usb on netbook running windows and installing ubuntu ? is this a rumor only ? when i go to boot from my usb and install ubuntu , will the ubuntu install first format windows 7 off of my com ? if so , and the install goes bad i will be in big trouble . is there ang reason to believe that , if done correctly , that i should be able to install this Ibunti from a usb here?05:05
babycakeswhether windows was installed already on someones computer shouldn't have anything to do with install troubles.05:08
babycakesYes, USB should work fine.05:08
=== optimusprimem is now known as optimus-afk
crakHeadok so the Ubuntu install formats my whole hdd and installs fresh ? no more windows ?05:09
babycakesYes. If you don't want that, google: VirtualBox05:09
wilee-nileecrakHead, If you do not have a backup of windows to restore under any circumstances I would not install till you do.05:10
crakHeadi do want that !05:10
babycakesWell, see you on the other side ;)05:10
crakHeadwilee-nilee: if i have a back up , then im not going wille nille05:11
Notimikhi all anyone here who uses homerun?05:12
seronisdont even know what that is05:13
shadejwhat drivers do i need to check for using an adhoc network ?05:14
crakHeadso ubuntu comes with firefox already installed as a web broswer05:15
bjrohanIt would appear no one has been available in the tomcat room. I installed Tomcat, I can go to :8080 but when i choose say manager app, I get a not authorized, and never a request for user name and password, ANy ide why not?05:15
wilee-nileeNotimik, Is homerun a derivative?05:16
bjrohanI have added a proper user, password, and role in the user.xml05:16
seroniscrakHead,  xubuntu did.  but i put chrome beta on instead05:16
Notimikwilee-nilee: it is an app launcher for kde05:16
plaguedoctorcrakHead, Absolutely05:16
plaguedoctorcrakHead, Don't worry, it is a great system05:17
plaguedoctorcrakHead, During installation you will be walked through. In fact, you can browse the web while installing!05:17
crakHeadhow do i know if my flavour is 32- or 64 bit ?05:19
Ben64uname -m05:19
Pods[09:43] <Pods> Hi I am seeing this in the ubuntu software center http://ctrlv.in/18827905:19
a5h15hUsing xubuntu 11.10...the videos play with a lag in them.05:20
plaguedoctorcrakHead, What is your cpu manufacturer, AMD or intel?05:21
crakHeadplaguedoctor: Samsung netbook AMD05:22
plaguedoctorcrakHead, 64!05:22
plaguedoctorcrakHead, : - )05:22
wilee-nileea5h15h, 11.10 is end of life as of tomorrow here. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases05:22
crakHeadcrakHead: E2 Vision AMD ?05:22
a5h15hTried installing proprietary drivers but maximizing the window again gives me the same result.05:23
plaguedoctorcrakHead, You are 64 bit my friend05:23
crakHeadplaguedoctor: thanku05:23
plaguedoctorcrakHead, : - )05:23
a5h15hwilee-nilee, true, but would the future releases again give me the same issues?05:23
wilee-nileea5h15h, How would we know with no real information, download the lts and try it.05:24
a5h15hwilee-nilee, I mean...I dont understand what the problem actually is?05:25
a5h15hwilee-nilee, If I am able to fix this problem now...I would be able to fix it in the next releases as well...05:26
wilee-nileea5h15h, Understandable, however without support as of tomorrow, if it were me would be looking for options.05:26
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crakHeadplaguedoctor: again to confirm please . it says i am currently running a 32bit version of Windows 7 , but i have a AMD e-350 processor 1.60GHz , this sys can run 64 bit Ubuntu , Confirm ?05:26
SolarisBoycrakHead: confirmed - you may have installed a 32 bit OS on a 64 bit arch which would also work05:27
plaguedoctorcrakHead, 64 bit can run 32 bit--but you want to run a distro designed for your arch. For example, I have an hp 6535b that runs 32 bit windows. You can also run 32 bit ubuntu--but get 64 bit05:27
crakHeadSolarisBoy: copy confirmed05:27
plaguedoctorcrakHead, It is best to use a distro designed specifically for your arch05:28
plaguedoctorcrakHead, So use 64 bit as your arch is 64 bit05:28
crakHeadplaguedoctor: copy 64 distro confirmed TY05:28
plaguedoctorcrakHead, You will learn. That is the beauty of GNU/Linux, to educate and thus empower the user05:30
chenqisuplaguedoctor: The most important is it's free, I think the The most beautiful OS is MAC OS x05:33
plaguedoctorchenqisu, mac is based on BSD05:33
SolarisBoysure is05:33
plaguedoctorchenqisu, so you should be warmed by the sun, not the shadow05:34
plaguedoctorchenqisu, And Mac is the Shadow05:34
fedcabHello, I have some problems with my monitor configurations. (Currently a DELL:2560x1600px and a Samsung:1920x1200px). Before 12.10 using both monitors didn't work at all. 12.10 seemed ok. But 13.04 caused problems again (whenever I connected the DELL). So I installed 12.10 again. After I thought, I had a useful configuration X starts causing problems when the smaller monitor is connected. Where can I find help?05:35
crakHeadso should i get ver. 12.04 or 13.04? i ama newbie so ?05:35
plaguedoctorcrakHead, Get the 13.0405:35
plaguedoctorcrakHead, NJothing wrong with being a newbie. True learners are newbies for life.05:36
crakHeadplaguedoctor: ok  13.04 confirmed05:36
fishlockhi all05:37
savagecrocHi all.. i have to setup 30 development machines running ubuntu 12.04.  The configuration across all of the machines is going to be fairly similar, but i would like to setup the process so that it is automated05:37
savagecroci have a bunch of ruby scripts for installing various applications etc, but i'm not sure the best way of going about it05:38
savagecrocthe configuration will change continuously (new versions of software, new locations etc) so a straight image is not always the best solution05:38
el-condorestan por ai soy nuevo05:38
SolarisBoysavagecroc: im not sure your situation - but you should really look into a configuration management system at that point05:38
savagecrocadditionally the computers are going to have slightly different configurations (i.e. these 5 developers need a copy of windows)05:38
savagecrocSolarisBoy: yeah that's what i was thinking... we use chef for our production servers05:39
savagecrocbut i don't know if people use it for their development machines05:39
SolarisBoysavagecroc: +1 on chef05:39
SolarisBoysavagecroc: why not? in fact chef supports multi environment internally -05:39
savagecrocreally ok05:40
SolarisBoysavagecroc: eg you can have cookbooks/roles for dev/prod/<user defined>05:40
savagecrocoh right05:40
savagecrocwhat about for running windows concurrently.. we basically have the microsoft office suite for about 6 people and photoshop for 205:40
savagecrocwould you run it in a vm or have a dedicated partition05:41
savagecroc(all machines have 32gb ram)05:41
plaguedoctorsavagecroc, Libreoffice for all!05:41
SolarisBoysavagecroc: they have some shady plugins for windows with chef - i wouldn't neccesiraly suggest them -05:41
plaguedoctorand Gimp!05:41
savagecrocplaguedoctor: we've got a ton of word documents and some fairly hefty documentation requirments05:41
SolarisBoysavagecroc: for windows if you are ina  domain you can push with group policy/startup powershell/vb scripts  though (pardon my offtopicness)05:41
plaguedoctorlibreoffice reads Word05:41
savagecrocplaguedoctor: i find even the mac version of office can not always render and edit word documents correctly05:42
savagecrocopen office never used to be good enough, but it has been 4 years since i last tried05:42
SolarisBoysavagecroc: ultimately - look into net/ssh if you aren't going to be installing/configuring chef immediately - otherwise sync the scripts outto the 30 hosts and run them remotely with ssh or such05:42
SolarisBoysavagecroc: ruby gem net/ssh that is05:43
plaguedoctorsavagecroc, Libreoffice is the latest fork and it is great05:43
savagecrocSolarisBoy: yeah we have a lot of scripts using net/ssh... we could run them manually over ssh05:43
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savagecrocplaguedoctor: how's the compatibility with normal office?05:43
savagecrocfor example google docs is awful05:43
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savagecrocfor producing documents for distribution (rendering bugs all the time)05:44
plaguedoctorsavagecroc, Excellent. Try it. It is Free as in Freedom!05:44
SolarisBoyi actually think google docs keeps better formatting between open and MS versions savagecroc ...05:44
plaguedoctoror that05:44
plaguedoctorBut I like Libre.05:44
SolarisBoyanytime i have used libre/open in a corporate environment people have had issues with the end result - (these are people who never heard of libre/open and only use MS with it's built in templates etc etc)05:44
savagecrocSolarisBoy: I have to disagree we used google docs in our company for 4 years.. and exporting to pdf.. the number of times i've had to go find a windows machine to copy the text in and reformat..05:45
plaguedoctorActually I am using Trisquel, which is not pure Ubuntu. It uses the Libre Kernel05:45
savagecrocI'll give libre a shot05:45
savagecrocnot having to be tied to office would be really nice05:45
SolarisBoysavagecroc: thats odd i did my resume in libre and used gdocs to convert it to PDF thats actually what i give out for the exact inverse of your case05:45
plaguedoctorsavagecroc, You can share the software, and you'll be free. You can help your neighbor.05:45
savagecrocSolarisBoy: we use it rather heavily... google docs is massively underpowered.. for example tables of contents (with engineering style numbering)05:46
savagecrocit's really good for collaboration05:46
SolarisBoyyes i agree05:46
savagecrochaha.. we often use InDesign for making brochures and stuff and that's got tons of annoying problems05:46
savagecrocfor a piece of software dedicated to producing printed documents05:47
plaguedoctorsavagecroc, You can use Scribus for multi page layout05:47
savagecrocGimp actually replaces 80% of photoshops functionality.. i could see people using it professionally.. in fact i had one guy who said they liked gimp a lot better than photoshop and would only occasionally use it05:48
plaguedoctorsavagecroc, Scribus is free. I designed brochures, CD's, vinyl record packaging, booklets, cassette packaging...05:48
savagecrocnice.. ok05:48
chenqisuplaguedoctor: Maybe you are right, thanks05:48
savagecrocso windows.. virtualised or give it a bootable partiion05:48
savagecrocor both?05:49
savagecrocThe computers have 240gb SSDs.. so it's not that much space05:49
plaguedoctorchenqisu, Look at the BSD license, which is different from the GPL. Apple can use the code from BSD and not give due credit.05:49
plaguedoctorIt is legal.05:49
savagecrocplaguedoctor: i love the bsd license :D05:50
plaguedoctorsavagecroc, If you are Apple, you love it even more05:50
SolarisBoythey seem to have managed to get the base set of gnu linux utils in there also under the same pretense05:50
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savagecrocI gotta say out of lots of the channels on IRC, the guys in #ubuntu are always really nice05:52
plaguedoctorsavagecroc, because it is heavily moderated05:53
SolarisBoy*heavily* moderated. =)05:53
SeanChiarotWondering if a Linux noob can get a hand installing 12.04, I'm trying to get 12.04 installed but when I run the installer, after I click "Install Ubuntu" my screen goes to Input Not Supported, I've looked on the forums and google, everything I find tells me to log in via ssh and edit a file, while I'd have no issue doing this normally... this is a 100% fresh install, so how the heck could I06:11
SeanChiarotssh into it O_o, any ideas on something I could try?06:11
Ben64SeanChiarot: you could try the alternate cd06:13
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SeanChiarotHmmm I'm on the download page and don't see anything about an alternate cd...06:14
Ben64SeanChiarot: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/06:14
crakHeadwhat if that happens to me when i try to install from usb ? oh man i amscared now ... downloadind 64 bit distro 13.04 from ubuntu.com right now . i hope that since i am using UNetbootin , then i should be ok ? scary06:15
SeanChiarotAAhhhhh much appreicated Ben64! I shall give this a shot, thankyou kindly!06:15
crakHeadi have formatted my Sony usb stick to fat32 with default allocation size .. is this ok ? i hope UNetbootin will allocate the usb correctly for me06:18
gustavSo I woke up and turned on the computer and bumblebee doesn't work.06:20
fishlockhow to reply to guy?06:22
fishlockhow to reply?06:22
chenqisucrakHead: do you have windows system? if you have ,you can use ultraiso put the iso in your usb06:23
fishlockanyone can help me ?06:23
SwedeMike!details | fishlock06:23
ubottufishlock: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:23
crakHeadchenqisu: i am gonna use UNetbootin ok ?06:23
chenqisucrakHead: I have not used the UNetbootin, so ...06:26
crakHeadchenqisu: i am good because i am here on irc with an iPhone app , do if my install goes awry , i will be able to ask for help here06:28
plaguedoctor_crakHead, The next step in your evolution is abandoning all DRM06:30
crakHeadplaguedoctor_: what is that ?06:32
plaguedoctor_crakHead, DRP = Digital Rights Management = Evil06:33
plaguedoctor_crakHead,  www.gnu.org06:33
plaguedoctor_not DRP, late night06:33
UbuBeginwhich ubuntu pdf reader has a night mode  (instead of black font on white background, it is vice versa aka as like bash shell/vim)06:35
plaguedoctor_crakHead, Ubuntu has proprietary bits, but it is less restrictive. DRM is code that is restricted. Windows is software that only microsoft writes and controls.06:36
UbuBegink, found it in Document Viewer... :)06:36
plaguedoctor_crakHead, http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html06:37
joeytwiddle_Wow Vim's w jumps over ':' characters.  This ubuntu is a whole new world.06:41
crakHeadplaguedoctor_: eye see .. open source= good DRM = evil ?06:41
InFlamescrakHead, i think that's accurate06:41
babycakesI'm not sure if off topic, but RMS actually was positive about Steam coming to Linux, despite DRM06:41
InFlamesbabycakes, that's surprising06:42
crakHeaddo i need to run anti virus once i am on Ubuntu ?06:43
plaguedoctor_crakHead, http://www.gnu.org/fry/happy-birthday-to-gnu.html06:43
Ben64!virus | crakHead06:44
ubottucrakHead: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus06:44
UbuntuNewbieGreetings. I have an Asus laptop with i3 processor, HD3000 iGPU. I installed Ubuntu 13.04 yesterday, seemed to work alright. A few hangs at boot and reboot but nothing a cold boot didn't fix. Then I had to reboot, now it won't load. It just hangs once I select Ubuntu from Grub. Also when I go into Advanced and select generic Ubuntu, it hangs at "loading ram disk". Any help please?06:46
hachreUbuntuNewbie: sounds like either a hardware problem or at least file system corruption to me06:50
hachreUbuntuNewbie: maybe from the crashes you had06:50
UbuntuNewbieHad no crashes and my hardware works just fine.06:51
crakHeadonce i have Ubuntu installed . do i need to do anything so that random people can not access my root drive with open SSH ? or do i need to be running a FTP client for that to happen ?06:51
hachreUbuntuNewbie: I thought you said hangs at boot and reboots06:51
chenqisuUbuntuNewbie: intall with usb and select the first option?06:51
NuSueyanybody know why this keeps happening every time I log to ubuntu? https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ypKQOsEieB8/UYoZTQ5lZ-I/AAAAAAAA1RE/GmR19GpHtqw/w902-h677-no/IMG_20130507_174857_0.jpg .. opening DISPLAY and hitting APPLY fixes it. but till then, the left screen is messy..06:52
MyrtticrakHead: ssh server isnt even preinstalled06:52
hachrecrakHead: SSH requires your password, the other option FTP might have an anonymous account but that isn't activated per default06:52
UbuntuNewbieWhen it was freshly installed yeah. But I was able to login. Sometimes after a reboot, it would hang. I just turned of my laptop and back in and it would work.06:52
hachreUbuntuNewbie: did it hang at that prompt or later in the boot process?06:52
UbuntuNewbieIt hangs after I select Ubuntu from the GNU Grub06:53
gustavNuSuey: Something is wrong.06:53
hachreUbuntuNewbie: yes now, but where did it hang in the past when you turned it off06:53
NuSueygustav: hey, you are so clever :P06:53
UbuntuNewbieJust a purple screen06:53
gustavNuSuey: :D06:53
NuSueygustav: what about a tip how to fix it?:D06:53
UbuntuNewbieOh purple screen too.06:53
hachreUbuntuNewbie: ah ok, then by turning off you did the same thing that a crash would do most likely and you now have filesystem corruption06:54
gustavNuSuey: No idea. Probably a bug and good luck with that, as they say.06:54
hachreUbuntuNewbie: you have to boot the installation cd and choose try out ubuntu, you can run a check from there06:54
NuSueygustav: -.^ thanks06:54
gustavNuSuey: Is there an application blocking or what is the black?06:54
UbuntuNewbieCan't I do that from the Grub?06:54
hachreUbuntuNewbie: no06:54
crakHeadwith Ubuntu , will i still be able to use my programs iFunbox and FileZilla ? what about iTunes ?06:55
NuSueygustav: nah, havent run anything. so its basicly nothing :o06:55
NuSueyweird as hell :o06:55
hachrecrakHead: FileZilla yes, iFunbox I don't know the program, iTunes not out of the box06:55
ra-fihi i try to install keepnote apps from repository as sudo apt-get install keepnote,but there is no keepnote in repository can you please tell me how can i install keepnote on my ubuntu host06:56
crakHeadok . i got a problem then . i modify iPhone ios , and the dev tool redsn0w only runs on windows or Mac OS .. uh oh . big prob for me here06:57
chenqisucrakHead: Install dual system06:59
crakHeadchenqisu: wait ! there may be a way ... libimobiledevice-utils ?07:00
wilee-nileera-fi, I see keepnotes in the ubuntu software center in raring07:00
hachrecrakHead: there is the option to run windows apps through wine but I generally wouldn't recommend that with stuff that requires hardware access07:01
wilee-nileera-fi, https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/keepnote/07:02
SeanChiarotBen64 just thought I'd pop back in and let you know that alternate cd worked like a charm!, thank you so much for the suggestion!07:02
Ben64SeanChiarot: no problem07:02
crakHeadhachre: i remember something like that for Mac OS ... Wine bottles app , running exe virtually ?07:02
hachrecrakHead: yeah, same thing07:02
UbuntuNewbieOkay I've selected "Try Ubuntu without installing"07:03
hachrecrakHead: iTunes works, but I don't know if iDevice interaction works07:03
jonyhow can I create an offline-browseable catalog of a network share?07:03
crakHeadhachre: i think its new , but there seems to be some people using libimobiledevice-utils somehow07:04
hachreUbuntuNewbie: Once it is started, launch the Terminal and enter "sudo lsblk -o name,fstype"07:05
hachreUbuntuNewbie: there should be one device that says ext4 in the 2nd column, you need to check what it's name is in the first column07:06
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UbuntuNewbieOkay I have sda1 (vfat) sda2 (ext4) sda3 (swap) sr0 iso9660 - loop0 squashfs07:08
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ra-fiwilee-nilee thanks i installed keepnote07:09
hachreUbuntuNewbie: then what we need is sda207:09
hachreUbuntuNewbie: now run 'fsck.ext4 /dev/sda2'07:09
hachreUbuntuNewbie: sorry 'sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sda2'07:10
UbuntuNewbieWill do :-)07:10
AsSlowAsHellis there any existing possible way to make grub write a 512 byte sector to the drive from a file in /boot?  or do i have to hack this functionality in?07:10
wilee-nileera-fi, No problem.07:10
UbuntuNewbiee2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012) - /dev/sda2: clean/211068/60801024 files, 22701780/243196416 blocks07:11
crakHeadaw man .. i would have to install itunes via Wine and run all my dev tools from Wine , even after adding libimobiledevice-utils ... gotta wait or dual boot for now .07:13
hachreUbuntuNewbie: sudo fsck.ext4 -f /dev/sda207:13
_Trullois it possible to change default desktop in ubuntu? my gnome panel is eating all my memory07:14
jonyhow can I create an offline-browseable catalog of a network share?07:14
MonkeyDust_Trullo  logout, select other desktop, login, lightdm remembers your last choice07:14
fsvehlaWhen I log in, I get in the terminal "New release '13.04' available. Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it."07:15
fsvehlaBut I’m already on 13.0407:15
_Trullohow many are available at default?07:16
fsvehla13.04 is also in /etc/issue07:16
MonkeyDust_Trullo  2 or 3, i guess, you can easily install more07:16
UbuntuNewbieOkay it says (0.04 non-contigous) .then a bunch of numbers07:16
hachreUbuntuNewbie: you can try booting it now and see if it works or we can do another thing that might fix the problem right away07:19
UbuntuNewbieCan we do the other thing please :-)07:20
MrGizmo757Can someone help?  GdebI  isn't exepting My password. No matter what i do it says wrong password.  it Works in the Terminal. but not in the GUI app.  any ideas?07:21
crakHeadi want to apologize , even though redsn0w does not currently work for Linux , the iPhone dev teams have all said that from now on sll their tools will be available for Linux as well as the latset "evasi0n" jailbreak was realeased for Win Mac and Linux as wellfor the first time ..so only adding the "libimobiledevice-utils" is enough now.07:21
hachreUbuntuNewbie: ok, "sudo mkdir /mnt/ubuntu" followed by "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/ubuntu" and "sudo chroot /mnt/ubuntu /bin/bash", tell me when its done :)07:21
UbuntuNewbieWill do :-) thank you very much, really aprreciate it07:22
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lolipopHi guys and girls. I am wondering, the LVM2 filesystem thing. What is it?07:23
UbuntuNewbieIt's now changed to root@ubuntu;/#07:23
UbuntuNewbieLVM makes it easier to create partitions from what I read07:24
lotuspsychje!lvm | lolipop07:24
ubottulolipop: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:24
hachreUbuntuNewbie: ok you are basically insinde your installed ubuntu now with that terminal, now do 'apt-get install --reinstall linux-image linux-headers'07:24
lolipoplotuspsychje, Only info I found is that it can take snapshots and make volume management easier. but HOW?07:25
jonyhow can I store full paths of a network share even in a txt?07:25
hachreUbuntuNewbie: linux-headers-generic, not linux-headers07:25
UbuntuNewbieOkie doke :D07:26
lolipopI would like to shrink the lvm2 partition, so I can create a new one for /home. But how can i do it if the partition I want to shrink is my bootable? :P07:26
hachreUbuntuNewbie: once that is done run 'update-initramfs -u'07:27
UbuntuNewbieDone :-)07:29
UbuntuNewbieOkay :-)07:31
piorekfi'm trying to upgrade kubuntu 12.10 in sandbox mode and 12 packages fail (probably because linux-image-generic post-config fails)07:31
piorekfany sugestions how to fix that?07:31
ra-fihi i try to connect vpn server using pptp call it shows http://pastebin.com/P7p4vV8S can you tell me what is that problem07:32
hachreUbuntuNewbie: try "ls -l /boot" and see if anything comes up07:35
UbuntuNewbieYup a lot of "rw-r-xr-x"07:36
hachreUbuntuNewbie: ok do "ls -l /boot/vmlinuz*" and check the newest version you have there07:36
M1neIf i install this kernel header will the kernel recognize my USB Modem Tp-Link Ma180 ? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.5.1-quantal/ i m a little confused because i can't find a changelog... all i found is this http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/canonical_kernel_team/quantal/main/base/linux-headers-3.5.0-26-generic07:37
UbuntuNewbiels: cannot access /boot/vmlinuz: No such file or directory07:37
hachreUbuntuNewbie: did you forget the * ?07:37
hachreUbuntuNewbie: don't write the " if I do them btw07:38
UbuntuNewbieOh I didn't see that, sorry ^^07:38
UbuntuNewbieYeah that's why I didn't see the * hehe07:38
jonyhow can I store full paths of a network share even in a txt?07:38
hachreUbuntuNewbie: check the one with the highest version number something like 3.8.0-18-generic or so07:38
hachreUbuntuNewbie: now do 'apt-cache search'07:39
hachreUbuntuNewbie: it should bring 4 or so results07:40
UbuntuNewbie2 results07:40
hachreUbuntuNewbie: linux-headers-blub and linux-image-blub?07:40
UbuntuNewbiethe second one is "vmlinuz-
UbuntuNewbieNo, nothing like that07:41
hachreUbuntuNewbie: ok try 'apt-cache search linux-image | grep 3.8.0'07:41
UbuntuNewbieOkie doke :-)07:42
hachrehow many results?07:42
BlubberbopOn Ubuntu 12.04, I have a company server here, admin ran off with root pw, and I need to recover access. I tried the grub, add init=/bin/bash or /bin/sh, but that gives me "cant access TTY; job control turned off".. Anybody who knows how I could get a functional root shell on this machine?07:42
Blubberboprecovery mode root shell also requires root password07:42
UbuntuNewbieI can't do that   |   it just gives me greater than and less than symbols07:43
hachreUbuntuNewbie: then do just 'apt-cache search linux-image' you will have to read through it and only look at the ones that have the version number in it07:43
penoshow to uninstall ubuntu07:44
theadminpenos: By installing another OS over it.07:45
UbuntuNewbieI found the  | :-) okay I got 3 results. All with "linux-image-3.8.0-1907:45
MonkeyDustpenos  boot a live cd, use gparted, delete the ubuntu partition07:46
hachreUbuntuNewbie: ok yuo should have one that is linux-image one that is linux-image-extra and one that is linux-headers basically07:46
hachreUbuntuNewbie: now you'll have to do 'apt-get install --reinstall X Y Z' and fill in the exact names that you got from that search07:46
hachrefor X Y Z07:46
UbuntuNewbielinux-image-extra-3.8.0-19 generic yup07:46
penosMonkeyDust: how to remove bootloader?07:47
penosMonkeyDust: just format?07:47
theadminpenos: Again, you'll need to install another bootloader. If you plan to use Windows, then you'll need to use a Windows recovery disk, if you plan to use another Linux OS, just restore GRUB from it's livecd07:47
UbuntuNewbieSo an example would be "apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-extra-3.8.0-19-generic" ?07:48
UbuntuNewbieAwesome will do :-)07:48
rusty0101penos: use gpard, set the windows partition as bootable. Optionally if your system has a recovery boot mode (f10 option at boot possibly) you may be able to restore which should also resize the partition to full size. Recommend backing up personal data on the windows partition first.07:48
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penosi just swapped the boot order of my two hard drives and it boots windows07:51
theadminpenos: Should have said you have two hard drives :P07:51
hachreUbuntuNewbie: will take a while to complete probably, afterwards it should work - the problem that causes you to turn it off wont be fixed but it shouldn't hang at that prompt anymore07:51
=== loganlee is now known as penos
UbuntuNewbieOkay the last one gave me an err. "apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.8.0-19-lowlatency" - After this operation 162MB space will be used, I said "Y" and it gave the rror07:51
penosim back07:52
hachreUbuntuNewbie: oh, dont install that one hehe07:52
hachreUbuntuNewbie: it was complaining that it wasnt installed right?07:53
UbuntuNewbieOkay :-) so I can reboot now?07:53
theadminBlubberbop: Does it have a head?07:53
hachreUbuntuNewbie: that one is an alternative, you dont need it - yes you can reboot and cross your fingers ;)07:53
hachreUbuntuNewbie: it should not hang at that prompt anymore now07:54
hachreUbuntuNewbie: the hang later on in the purple screen that causes you to turn off might still be there07:54
theadminBlubberbop: Oh wait, durr, sure does -- anyway, boot it from the Ubuntu LiveCD and chroot to your main install, then sudo passwd -dl root ; sudo adduser your_username_or_new_username sudo07:54
UbuntuNewbieFingers crossed hehe :-)07:54
hachreUbuntuNewbie: you should try pressing the power button shortly, it might shut down then after a few seconds instead of holding the powerbutton to turn off07:54
theadminBlubberbop: Using the root account is quite insecure  so best to do it this way07:54
daniel_chhello. I have Ubuntu 12.04.2 with kernel 3.5.0 and need to recompile some modules, but i`m getting hard to find the correct sources. apt-get only has sources for 3.2.0? Where i can get the correct sources for the installed kernel 3.5.0??07:55
theadmin!info linux-image-generic precise07:55
UbuntuNewbieYAY! :D WOOOT! Thank you so so much hachre! :-)07:55
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB07:55
hachregreat :) glad it helped07:55
theadmindaniel_ch: You're using an unofficial kernel :/07:55
daniel_chtheadmin, it came with the install cd ??07:56
theadmindaniel_ch: 12.04 comes with 3.2.07:56
theadmin12.10 has 3.507:56
UbuntuNewbie:D awesome stuff. Much appreciated07:57
penoscan we install xerox alto in virtual box?07:57
daniel_chtheadmin, yes but new installs of 12.04 also have 3.5 from 12.10 ...07:57
neckumy < and § keys have switched places.. but when I look in keyboard layouts settings, that map shows their correct positions.. sometimes when I start ubuntu it's not like this..07:57
neckuhow can I switch it back?07:58
theadmindaniel_ch: That doesn't sound right...07:58
daniel_chtheadmin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#PrecisePangolin.2BAC8-ReleaseNotes.2BAC8-CommonInfrastructure.Ubuntu_Kernel_3.5.0-23.3508:00
hachreUbuntuNewbie: :) you're welcome08:00
crakHeadok ... now i need to keep Windows , but install and use Ubuntu ... how do i do this ? i already have downloaded 64 bit Ubuntu 13.04 and have UNetbootin as well as a usb 8gb if needed .. do i run it from inside windows ? do i partition my hdd ? please help08:01
acoleman1981can someone point me to a good wysiwyg program, i have downloaded kompozer but i'm new to linux and i have no idea how to install it08:01
=== Maax is now known as xxaM
Aethysius`I'm trying to link my Yahoo account to Ubuntu, but it isn't giving me anything to type my information into.08:02
theadmindaniel_ch: This is odd, I can't find that version of the kernel in Precise repos :/08:02
theadmincrakHead: Easy, really. Just boot Ubuntu from a USB (use Universal USB Installer, unetbootin fails randomly) or a DVD, start it, click "Install Ubuntu" and then "Install Ubuntu alongside Windows"08:03
theadmincrakHead: The installer will handle the rest.08:03
=== UbuntuNewbie is now known as Excryption
crakHeadtheadmin: souns easy . let me try that now08:03
rusty0101acoleman1981: "a good wysiwyg program" for what? If you are looking for a WYWIWYG office documents editor, you should have LibreOffice installed. If you are looking for a Wysiwyg editor for web or music, or something else, things get a bit more complicated.08:03
Aethysius`theadmin, Do you have any idea on how to fix my issue?08:03
theadminAethysius`: Nope, I don't use yahoo08:04
daniel_chtheadmin, yes odd it is. i downloaded install cd week ago, and i`m by default with this kernel, why they put it there where there is no support for it? am i wrong, or .. ? sorry, have just week experience with ubuntu08:05
vegetablesaladHello. On Windows there is this cool application "Process Hacker" where I can suspend running applications and then resume them after a while. Can I do this in Ubuntu?08:05
vegetablesaladIs there similar application for Ubuntu?08:05
theadmindaniel_ch: I'm not understanding this myself08:05
theadminvegetablesalad: "killall -STOP application_name" to pause, and "killall -CONT application_name" to resume (from a terminal)08:06
JoanetHi all, I'm trying to create an script for creating users (using useradd) with a default password depending on the username, but it seems to be not working because I cannot login (the password seems to be wrong). Can anyone help me?08:06
vegetablesaladtheadmin: Thank you !08:07
acoleman1981rusty0101 i'm looking for something comparable to microsoft expression web or dreamweaver08:08
theadminJoanet: You can't set the password directly by useradd unless you encrypt it yourself, you need to use passwd. Could use expect to automate it08:09
vegetablesaladtheadmin: What if application I want to stop is on Java? It only shows up as Java in my process list.08:09
vegetablesaladFor example I have 2 java applications running and I want to suspend only one of them.08:10
daniel_chtheadmin, what will you suggest me to do, use the 3.2.0 kernel ?08:10
Joanettheadmin: I'll take a look now. Thanks!08:11
sharpshootervegetablesalad, try sytem monitor app got to dash and type system monitor there you can get the process of all08:11
theadminvegetablesalad: Hm, good point... You can use pkill then: "pkill -STOP -f minecraft.jar" or "pkill -CONT -f minecraft.jar"08:13
theadminvegetablesalad: (you can use pkill with regular apps too, I'm just more used to killall although pkill is more powerful)08:13
rusty0101acoleman1981: not sure if it will help, I use the command 'apt-cache search html | grep editor" and see one of the results is "tinymce2 - platform independent web based Javascript/HTML WYSIWYG editor". Not sure if that helps. There are possibly others that are in some of the collections that I don't use on this system.08:14
acoleman1981but if i already have a program downloaded how do i install it, it doesn't open in the software center like some programs do like google chrome08:15
penosi think im gonna install ubuntu in virtual box. it's too interesting to pass by08:16
rusty0101acoleman1981: When you say you have a program downloaded, how did it download? as a file? (check the Downloads/ folder) or as an app for a browser?08:16
theadminacoleman1981: If it's a deb, it will open in the softwrae center just fine. Also use Chromium (exact same thing as Chrome except it doens't come with Flash, and you can install Flash separately anyway)08:16
penosi need distro in front of me installed to help ppl here08:16
crakHeadok I am now using UUI to creat the bootable usb with Ubuntu 13.04  on it .. now to install Ubuntu along side of Windows , do i have to actually boot my pc from usb and then in the installer , tell it to install along side windows , thus preserving my evil OS ?08:17
sk00terI like08:17
theadmincrakHead: Yes, it will partition the drive automatically -- you'll be asked how much space you want to grant to each of the systems.08:17
dawkirstHi, is there any easy way I can see how much memory a script is using upon execution?08:19
=== brokenmusic is now known as cliffhanger
sk00terdawkirst: top command08:20
penosis it ok to allocate 3GB ram in virtual box?08:20
penosi have 12GB ram08:20
theadminpenos: Sure08:20
penosand how much hard drive space should i allocate?08:21
theadminpenos: The Ubuntu Desktop system is around 5GB, but you should give extra space for files and programs -- how much is up to you08:21
MonkeyDustpenos  accept the defaults08:21
dawkirstsk00ter, thanks08:22
penosi have 2 hard drives with over 900 GB each08:22
sk00terpenos: ojay08:23
sk00terpenos: winehq08:25
penossk00ter hi i got disconnected08:25
cjaehow do i install the latest kernel for my distro 12.1008:26
cjae3.5.0-28-generic is what I have08:27
dawkirstsk00ter, how do I find the correct process though?08:27
chenqisucjae: download 13.04 and reinstall. lol08:27
Ben64cjae: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade08:28
dawkirstsk00ter, and if I found it, is the %MEM an accurate indicator? So it's that percentage of total RAM in the physical machine?08:28
cjaechenqisu: brilliant ;-) ........08:28
cjaeBen64: that puts me on 13.04 which is not what I want08:29
cjaedoesnt it08:29
Ben64cjae: no it doesn't08:29
penosim downloading ubuntu iso to install with virtual box08:30
cjaeBen64: nothing08:30
penosi will set 3 GB ram and 100GB hd08:30
rusty0101dawkirst: to find the process, presuming you know the name of the script, do 'ps -ef | grep "scriptname"' and you should get at least two results.08:30
penosshould run fine rite08:30
Ben64cjae: then you have the latest08:31
dawkirstrusty0101, thanks08:31
rusty0101One of the two results will be for the grep of the search, one of the others should be the script.08:31
ubottuCanonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/08:32
ubottuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com08:33
Ben64penos: if you want to explore the bot's commands, do so in private message, not in here08:34
penosBen64 ok08:34
penosim 54% downloading ubuntu iso image08:34
penosthen i will install to virtual box08:34
=== Phonon is now known as Phonon5
sk00terpenos: u can also install ubuntu inside windows08:36
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=== irenicus09 is now known as Guest32856
crakHeadsk00ter: wow really ?08:39
=== Excryption_ is now known as Excryption
somsipcrakHead: wubi was available prior to 13.04 - now dropped08:40
crakHeadsomsip: its cool08:40
crakHeadsk00ter: i think i am doing that now ? i am installing alongside windows from my usb08:42
earspliTread up on partitioning08:42
penosinstalling virtual box08:42
penostemporary disconnect08:42
earspliTcrakHead: i suggest shrinking your windows partition from within windows08:43
phakois there a way to get a backtrace of a stuck process on a PPA builder?08:43
earspliTcrakHead: give Ubuntu about 8 gigs, format it as ext4, and mount it at /08:43
theadminearspliT: 8 gigs isn't even nearly enough if you plan to really *use* the OS and store data08:44
MonkeyDustpenos  drop the random comments please08:44
theadminearspliT: Also, the automatic partitioner present inside the installer never failed me, don't confuse new users with terms like "mount"08:45
loganleedoing stuff with virtual box08:45
loganleecreate 100gb virtual hd08:45
loganleetakes long08:45
MonkeyDustloganlee  can we help you?08:46
basil_Hi I'm trying to allow connection to my standalone opensim.I Can connect from within the LAN, but when I try from work, I get a waiting for handshake msg, and then it times out. I have determined that it connects OK through my work firewall, so I'm pretty sure it's my config. Anyone got time to advise please?08:46
MonkeyDustbasil_  is that a server? if yes: there's also #ubuntu-server08:47
basil_sorry.....connected to wrong channel08:48
basil_thank you08:48
ExcryptionHello peeps08:50
=== patrik is now known as Guest50722
patrik_ubuntu touch IRC09:03
DJones!touch | patrik_09:03
ubottupatrik_: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:03
neckumy < and § keys have switched places.. but when I look in keyboard layouts settings, that map shows their correct positions.. sometimes when I start ubuntu it's not like this..09:04
neckuhow can I switch it back?09:04
sifu_hello folks...just updated to ubuntu 13.04 and after restarting, i can't get my taskbar to appear09:08
sifu_neither the menu09:08
patrik_ubuntu touch IRC link09:10
patrik_pls  ubuntu touch irc link09:10
Myrtti!touch > patrik_09:11
ubottupatrik_, please see my private message09:11
user82sifu_, proprietary gpu drivers at work?09:13
sifu_oh yeh09:13
user82well that is a potentiel source of broken 3d support..try to remove them09:14
user82ctrl+alt+t should work to remove them in the terminal09:14
loganleeim installing ubuntu inside virtual box09:15
loganlee4GB ram and 100gb virtual disk09:15
loganleeinstalling rite now09:15
sifu_user82, okey trying now09:15
user82good luck sifu_.09:16
loganleevirtual box is free rite?09:17
loganleeits awesome09:17
loganleeUSA USA USA09:17
FloodBot1loganlee: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:17
FloodBot3loganlee: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:17
somsiploganlee: FloodBot is tellingyou we don't need a step by step commmentary09:18
loganleeim installing ubuntu in virtual box rite now09:18
somsiploganlee: and what is your support question?09:18
ginpbthere is an alternative to spacewalk for ubuntu09:23
MonkeyDustginpb  what is spacewalk?09:24
somsipginpb: puppet/foreman seems to mentioned in the same threads as spacewalk and landscape09:24
ginpbMonkeyDust: it's a tool from redhat to manage your clients09:24
StarOnDhow do I add the feed source to blam? When I add the url to the feed to a blog it is not showing me the posts09:24
ginpblandscape is not free right?09:25
MonkeyDustginpb  it's a business solution09:25
ubottuLandscape makes the management and monitoring of Ubuntu systems simple and effective by combining world-class support with easy to use online management tools. https://landscape.canonical.com/09:25
somsipginpb: chef too, possibly. Depending what you want09:26
ginpbyeah a free landscape would be great09:26
ginpbmostly package management09:26
ginpbconfiguration and stuff like that09:26
somsipginpb: meybe even salt then09:29
ginpbsomeone of you guys have tried one of those tools09:29
crakHeadsucessful install09:29
somsipginpb: they're not really ubuntu-relevant. If you need advice on them you'll probably find a separate IRC channel for any/all of them09:30
ginpbsomsip: i understand09:30
somsipginpb: I found the features and about on the home pages gave me enough info to be getting an idea of them though09:31
user82sifu_, did it work?09:32
crakHeadi have Ubuntu 13.04 now installed alongside Windows , when i boot , i het a purple black screen GNU GRUB etc.. now it has options .. Ubuntu /Advanced options etc ... windows is saying .. Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1) ... is this ok ?09:32
himanshu_linuxubuntu 13.04 is very unstable ... :(  I can't even try a small tricks ...  it is very tough to restore it back ..  i don't know why they call it stable ..09:33
sifu_user82, hmm not sure09:33
sifu_will probably have to restart09:33
user82yes for sure. reboot09:33
himanshu_linuxi had to reinstall it 3 times in 3 days09:33
Lynxxglad i didnt upgrade09:33
himanshu_linuxi tried to install gnome 3.8 on it .. see what it has done to it ..09:34
loganleeset video memory to 128mb and now ubuntu is fast09:34
theadminhimanshu_linux: ...You install unstable softwre and then you complain it's Ubuntu's fault?09:35
MonkeyDusthimanshu_linux  they call it stable, to distinguish it from beta, i guess09:35
crakHeadtheadmin: hey , i got it installed09:35
theadmincrakHead: Good :)09:35
himanshu_linuxtry it yourself and then say it is stable09:36
crakHeadtheadmin: now it says Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1) .... is this ok09:36
loganleeset 3d acceleration on in virtual box settings now its fast09:36
theadminhimanshu_linux: GNOME 3.8 is not supported by Ubuntu. You broke it.09:37
theadminhimanshu_linux: Has nothing to do with Ubuntu being unstable.09:37
crakHeadtheadmin: i selected Windows from this boot screen and it rund fine09:38
himanshu_linuxis there any way to restore all the things ???09:38
theadminhimanshu_linux: No, why would there be if you never made a backup (which I suppose is true)?09:38
himanshu_linuxtrue :(09:38
himanshu_linuxi don't want to go for 4th time to reinstall09:39
MonkeyDusthimanshu_linux  always backup first, when you try new things ike that09:40
lonnieWhat's the best platform to develop and application for Ubuntu on?09:40
gordonjcphimanshu_linux: then stop installing experimental packages09:40
MonkeyDustlonnie  ask in #ubuntu-app-devel09:40
gordonjcplonnie: the one that most suits the problem you are trying to solve09:41
himanshu_linuxok .. but right now I have half of my system as unity and half as gnome :(09:42
MonkeyDusthimanshu_linux  you've only yourself to blame09:43
qinI am new to unity, and wonder how to disable any addidional searches (paid apps, music, etc)09:49
loganleeman virtual box is awesome09:50
loganlee3d acceleration was the key09:50
qinqin: all any unity network searches without involving firewall?09:53
bekksqin: What does that mean?09:53
qinqin: unity in 13.04 qives some extra stuff in dash screen, which I want to disable, meanning do not see proposed application to buy or music to listen. How to do it?09:55
MonkeyDustqin  system settings, privacy09:56
qinMonkeyDust: thank you09:56
oddie_MonkeyDust: Thanks also, been meaning to turn this off for ages09:57
MonkeyDustglad to help09:58
qinoddie_: since week splashed to much to keep it on ;)09:59
freekernelhi all10:00
loganleehi freaky[t]10:00
loganleehi freekernel10:00
N3sh108hello :)10:01
N3sh108is there someone with experience with gpsd??10:01
N3sh108I am having a odd problem10:01
MonkeyDust!ask | N3sh10810:12
ubottuN3sh108: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:12
michael87ok I ran into an annoyying problem. I am tryying to change the background on my login. but I still get the stupid purple login screen. the background is supposed to change to my current desktop picture. But it is not. please help. Also is there a way to change that ubuntu drum sound with something10:15
rusty0101michael87: which version of ubuntu?10:17
loganleemichael87 go to system settings10:17
thoonaianyone heard of barco graphic cards?10:17
michael87rusty0101, raring ringtail10:17
N3sh108ok ubottu and MonekyDust10:18
rusty0101michael87: loganlee may have the info for you then.10:18
N3sh108I am having a problem specifically related to gpsd in foreground mode, it seems to not be able to pick up my GPS device (BU-353) although xgps works and same for gpsmon. cat /dev/ttyUSB0 shows that the device is outputting stuff, but gpsd just says 'GPS on /dev/ttyUSB0 is offline (0.000019 sec since data)'10:19
michael87loganlee,  I'm at system settings. No login settings. Now what?10:19
bekksthoonai: I heard of Barco monitors. They are used for medical diagnostics.10:20
loganleemichael87 wait a bit im looking10:20
bekksthoonai: Which graphics card exactly do you have, running your ubuntu?10:21
loganleemichael87 im not sure maybe appearance?10:21
michael87loganlee, nope. I'm on raring ringtail incase you didn't know.10:22
rusty0101michael87: you may be able to use the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM#Change_the_wallpaper to change your wallpaper. Sound Themes may allow you to change the default sounds, not sure if that's also defined in lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf for the drumbeat sound.10:22
thoonaibekks: agx-128 3281 and agx-?? 3321 (last I can't remember right)10:22
bekksthoonai: Whats the output of lspci | grep VGA10:23
shmoonhow do i install synaptic in xfce ?10:23
MonkeyDustshmoon  sudo apt-get install synaptic10:24
thoonaibekks: oh thats bad. at the box is shut down and I'm on another machine and just wanted to know if someone knows some hacks to get it running10:24
bekksthoonai: No one will without powering on that box.10:25
gordonjcpthoonai: do you know its mac address, and can you get on another machine on the same network segment?10:25
gordonjcpthoonai: wake-on-lan might save your backside10:25
thoonaibekks: youre right :) thanks for your help, I may ask you in about 10-12 hours again, when I have time to power it up10:26
rusty0101michael87: I would also recommend going to the top of that page and reviewing some of the recommendations regarding editing that file. at the very least make/keep backups.10:26
michael87rusty0101, thank you for that. But it keeps sayying I don't have gksudo :(10:30
thoonaigordonjcp: I'm sorry, I haven't the machine on power and on the diagnostics table now10:30
thoonaiI'll take care of it later10:31
MonkeyDustmichael87  sudo apt-get install gksu10:31
michael87MonkeyDust, tried that didn't work10:32
rusty0101If you are at the command prompt, try 'sudo nano ...' instead of 'gksudo leafpad ...' (replace 'nano' with another editor if you are familiar with it and have it installed. Or as MonkeyDust noted, you can install gksu as well.10:32
MonkeyDustmichael87  what went wrong?10:32
michael87rusty0101, I think I can find the file manually anyway :) and edit with leafpad10:32
MonkeyDustmichael87  gksu is the package that you need for gksudo10:33
michael87MonkeyDust, just said that gksudo didn't exist in the repos10:33
michael87MonkeyDust,  ohhhhh10:33
rusty0101What gksudo does is gives you a graphical prompt to authenticate that you are going to edit the file in superuser mode (su).10:34
michael87MonkeyDust, got it. Thanks :)10:34
=== dan_ is now known as Guest6619
rusty0101michael87: gksudo is recommended over sudo for graphical applications like leafpad.10:35
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:37
=== dan__ is now known as Guest84795
michael87rusty0101, I tried to find the file manually and tried to gksudo it. and it is just not there. mustve moved it in 13.04 :(10:41
ubottunji: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:41
rusty0101michael87: when you enter "gksudo ... " do you get prompted for a password? or it just hangs there?10:43
thoonaibekks: gordonjcp: I'll annoy you later bout this system ;)10:46
michael87rusty0101, think I figured it out. didn't have leafpad installed lol. Ok I did what it said. Logging out now. fingers crossed10:47
bekksthoonai: Most likely, I'll be AFK in about 10-12 hours :)10:49
thoonaibekks: thats sad, but ok :D10:49
taifunorkan#thoonai hello10:51
thoonaitaifunorkan: yes?10:52
taifunorkan#thoonai: Sorry people are going off and in a lot10:52
earmanubuntu works just perfect,cheer10:52
taifunorkanthoonai: I'm newbee here10:53
=== pkrzywicki is now known as noname001
MonkeyDusttaifunorkan  try following what's being said in the channel, ask something yourself, if needed10:53
silv3r_m00nwhat is /usr/bin/systemsettings   ? its running since past 5 hours and 2 cpus are at 100% peak10:54
silv3r_m00nand cpu fan making lot of noise10:54
taifunorkanI have trouble with jack audio server. Need help.10:54
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
MonkeyDustsilv3r_m00n  use ps -e to find the process name, then kill it10:55
qinsilv3r_m00n: or use htop, F910:55
silv3r_m00nMonkeyDust: yes its /usr/bin/systemsettings before killing it, i want to know what is it doing for so long10:55
MonkeyDustsilv3r_m00n  or use system monitor, if you prefer the GUI10:56
thoonaitaifunorkan: yes I'm just a user too so just ask and someone will answer you ;)10:56
michael87didn't work :(. I followed step by step and it did nothing10:56
MonkeyDustsilv3r_m00n  something seems to have gone wrong with it, simply kill it10:56
taifunorkanWho can help with jack audio server config?10:57
silv3r_m00nMonkeyDust: hmm, but what does it do by the way10:57
bekks!details | taifunorkan10:57
ubottutaifunorkan: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:57
MonkeyDustsilv3r_m00n  system settings is where you, well, modify basic system settings10:58
silv3r_m00nMonkeyDust: there was no window/gui as such10:58
rusty0101michael87: I'm tapped at the moment. Only thing I can think of is to insure that you're using lightdm as the log-in system, and that perhaps the process to update the config has changed since the wiki was last updated.10:58
MonkeyDustsilv3r_m00n  that's obvious, so you can just kill it10:58
silv3r_m00noh it was KDE System Settings10:58
taifunorkanbekks I installed new jack control 0.3.4 and it seems to only work with oss not alsa.10:58
michael87rusty0101, I found a guide that might help. will update you if it works10:59
silv3r_m00ni dont even remember clicking it, how did it trigger and kept running for so long10:59
taifunorkanProblem is, that my microphone doens't work anymore then10:59
MonkeyDustsilv3r_m00n  if everything else fails, join #ubuntu ;)10:59
silv3r_m00nyeah :)11:00
rusty0101michael87: sounds good. I'm going to be away for some time, poss 12 hours. Might see your update later, we'll see.11:00
MonkeyDustsilv3r_m00n  problem solved? killed the process?11:01
taifunorkanubottu I installed neu Jack Audio Connection kit and now only can use OSS.11:01
ubottutaifunorkan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:01
silv3r_m00nMonkeyDust: yes11:01
silv3r_m00nthe cpu is silent now11:01
silv3r_m00nbut such a thing is rare on ubuntu, a process going crazy and eating up resources11:02
silv3r_m00ni mean, for me11:02
michael87rusty0101, ok rusty. Otherwise raring ringtail is an amazing distro and I am actually glad I jumped from windows 7 on here11:02
MonkeyDustsilv3r_m00n  now use this bad experience as reference in the future, you now know where to start looking11:03
bekkstaifunorkan: There is no need to contact me outside this channel. If you want to solve an ubuntu problem, ask your question in here.11:03
taifunorkanbekks: Sorry I am not that familar with icq. :)11:04
bekkstaifunorkan: This isnt ICQ. This is IRC.11:05
MonkeyDusttaifunorkan  irc, not icq11:05
ctxmenicq is dead, irc is idle11:07
tinyHello! How do I setup stop routine in start-stop-daemon script in /etc/init.d/ if I'm starting my program with a daemon program that takes care of daemonizing it and respawning it if it crashes.11:10
tinyI can start daemon and program with no problems, however I'd like to receive HUP signal in my program upon stopping script.11:10
wotan147All I have a file which permissions are -rw-rw-r--  1 max max    67 Nov 10 15:11 gpg.conf11:11
inashdeenhi there, I am using dell latitude d420 . I am running hostapd. every time I start it, it could only create an infrastructure for few seconds. My android device as well as other laptops can detect the connection, can connect to it, and can even access internet in that few seconds. then the connection disconnects and the wifi is no more present. How do i fix this?11:12
wotan147I want it to be -rw-------  1 max max    67 Nov 10 15:11 gpg.conf11:12
tinythis just kills daemon: start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=HUP/30/KILL/5 --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $DAEMON11:12
wotan147I don't find the command11:12
tinyCan I send signals to child processes also?11:12
qinwotan147: man chmod; chmod 500 file_name11:14
qinwotan147: sorry, 60011:16
MonkeyDusttiny  i guess the people in #bash know best how to do it11:17
wotan147thanks qin11:21
TheHackOpsQuick question as per a bug report on debian, When was the fixed version of libmount-dev updated in Ubuntu11:21
MakkeHi, does any1 know why desktop magnifier in latest ubuntu doesnt work?11:21
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Makkeor if theres any alternative programs11:24
MonkeyDustMakke  works here, no prob11:24
Makkei enabled it, and changed shortcut key, no result -__-11:25
bekksqin: Whats that?11:25
qinbug 109658111:25
ubottubug 1096581 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "libmount-dev missing blkid dependency (or abusing Requires.private) " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109658111:25
qinTheHackOps: ^? fist result from launchpad11:26
TheHackOpsqin, Someone on #qt was asking me for help11:26
TheHackOpsHe just send me a bug report for 201211:26
BluesKajHiyas all11:29
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Makkeno1 know?.....11:32
sonofzeusCan I install skype on ubuntu (live cd)???11:32
sonofzeusIt doesnt seem to work11:32
penossocketubs u should be able too i think enable 3rd party software11:34
qinsonofzeus: live usb? yes. livecd, likely.11:34
sonofzeuslive cd11:34
Makkezoom doesnt work for me in latest ubuntu everything tried, if noone know answer i will leave in 1 min...............11:35
qinsonofzeus: sourceforge.net/projects/uck/ or ubuntu customization kit11:36
nagarjunah r u?11:37
qinsonofzeus: or remastersys11:37
BlueSharkqunmun: /join #kubuntu11:47
marian__I try to run SUN secure desktop client, do I assume correctly this only works with SUN JRE installed? https://tta0.leidschendam-voorburg.nl/installic_en.html11:48
marian__right now I don´t have any JRE installed within firefox11:50
MonkeyDustmarian__  what is it supposed to do and is there no equivalent in the repos?11:51
marian__Its remote desktop via a browser11:52
marian__I will try with open Java JRE11:52
beantownNoobA question re skype 12.04 LTS and skype .... I have a live DVD that I have been using to for a while. A couple days ago, I was able to install skype off of the skype website (selected the version for 12.04). I downloaded the deb file and with firefox and then opened the file with the Ubuntu Software Center. Yesterday, the  install started failing with becasue it needs libqt4-webkit11:53
bekksmarian__: I'd use the Oracle Java.11:53
beantownNoobI have google'd a bit and have not found a solution.11:53
beantownNoobwhat changed over a few days ?11:54
beantownNoobanyone know how to fix this ?11:54
seronisinstall libqt4-webkit first ?11:54
seronisis that in repo ?11:55
MonkeyDust!find libqt11:55
ubottuFound: libqt3support4-perl, libqt4-dbg, libqt4-dbus, libqt4-declarative, libqt4-declarative-gestures, libqt4-declarative-particles, libqt4-designer, libqt4-designer-dbg, libqt4-dev, libqt4-dev-bin (and 162 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libqt&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all11:55
beantownNoobseronis: I think that i s part of libqt4 and I could not load that11:55
marian__brb, need reboot my browser to try icedtea plugin11:57
beantownNooblibqt4-gui failed when I tried to install it11:58
himanshu_linuxhi , i am using ubuntu 13.04 whenever i turn on my system and insert my usb modem ... i get a error, that says "usb_modeswitch_dispatcher"  has crashed . what to do ? I have seen that some too have reported error like this in launchpad but there is no response to it. pls help11:59
himanshu_linuxit was working in 12.0411:59
gebbionei have a samba config file but cannot find the service in my ubuntu12:07
gebbionehow can i check if it is installed12:07
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JustSighDudesgebbione: sudo /etc/init.d/(smb3,samba,whatever it's called) status12:10
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gebbioneJustSighDudes: nothing called like that in my installs ... i m going to check if i can install it12:11
Quick_WangoHi! I seem to have a problem with compiz that causes the mouse focus to be locked to a window until I open a context menu. This does only happen when ubuntu is installed, not in the live version. Killing compiz allows the mouse to interact with any window again.12:16
marian__Is there any way to hide the black bar which shows clock, wifi symbol, battery, etc?12:20
marian__My work forces me to use a stupid remote desktop software which always uses full screen12:20
marian__So stuff gets hidden behind the bar12:20
cfhowlettWeird question of the day, but I have to know: just got my nexus 4 a few days ago.  Upgrading from the Motorola Razr v3, so you know I'm loving this.  Anyway, I turned off network data services and use wifi only.  But I figure there must be some way to share my laptop wifi connection through the cable, right?  Right?12:23
DJonescfhowlett: Should be able to, must admit, I though when you plugged it in via the usb cable, you were given a choice of whether to do that12:25
cfhowlettDJones, nope.  I can connect the phone as a camera device, but can't see the filesystem without a fair amount of mucking around.  Was hopeful that a quick networking solution was availab.e12:26
DJonescfhowlett: Are you on 13.04?12:27
cfhowlettDJones, 12.04 LTS12:27
ExcryptionWhen you plug in the USB, in the notification shade you should be able to tap the USB notification and change it12:27
silidan1hi, im using ubuntu 12.04 , how can i allow my guast account to initiate openvpn connection so that the guests can use their own vpnuser/vpnpasswords to make the connection? (and not require root)12:27
cfhowlettExcryption, for me?12:27
ExcryptionYes :-)12:28
Jack1988_how can i modify the user name (not the login name) for a user?12:28
jribJack1988_: I'm not sure what you mean by "login name" and "username".  Maybe you can see what each currently are12:29
marian__How to hide the top bar with clock and wifi and battery and mail and username and power symbol in it?12:29
marian__or move this bar to left or right side of screen12:29
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DJonescfhowlett: Recent android versions use MTP rather than the old system, 13.04 is the first Ubuntu version I've found that will connect properly via usb cable using MTP, prior to that, I had to use the android app AIrdroid which connects via wifi to your router, gives you an ip address which you connect to via a web browser & seems to give pretty good access12:29
cfhowlettDJones, yeah I found  out about airdroid and installed it.  pretty sweet I do admit.12:30
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Jack1988_i mean the field number 5 in  /etc/passwd (user name).12:31
jribJack1988_: use usermod12:32
PiciJack1988_: or chfn12:32
jribJack1988_: yes, actually it seems like usermod won't work so listen to Pici12:32
marian__How do I swap from unity to KDE?12:33
marian__currently running sudo apt-get install kde-full12:33
MonkeyDustmarian__  install kubuntu-desktop, logout, change, login12:33
cfhowlettmarian__, logout.  choose the kubuntu/kde session.  logiin12:34
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marian__kubuntu desktop = kde-full?12:34
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marian__hmm, nope, needs     sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:35
dawkirstSilly question: in the terminal, what does a green folder indicate?12:37
Axlinmarian__: kde-full includes kubuntu-desktop and a bunch of extra KDE related software and components, like games, wallpapers, multimedia apps, etc.12:38
Picidawkirst: are you sure its a directory? Typically green indicates that the file is executable.12:38
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foofoobarHi. I just installed rvm and now I should run "source thefile"12:39
dawkirstPici, pretty sure yes12:39
foofoobarbut "source" is not found12:39
marian__Axlin: it takes a very long time to install :(12:39
foofoobarI thought it's a shell command12:39
Axlinmarian__: Yeah, kde-full includes a lot of stuff.12:39
Picifoofoobar: source is a shell builtin, what is rvm?12:40
marian__I am too scared to stop the install, and run the other install command, so I guess I just have to wait12:40
foofoobarPici, it's a ruby version system: https://rvm.io/12:40
Axlinmarian__: Unless you're low on HDD space, it really isn't going to hurt having full installed.12:41
AxlinI think the difference amounts to maybe a few hundred MBs12:41
foofoobarPici, so how can "source" not be found?12:42
Picidawkirst: it might be a socket or fifo, also the default $LS_COLORS can specify colors for specific patterns, so something else might be matching12:43
Picifoofoobar: when/where are you trying to run source?12:44
foofoobarPici, in my shell12:44
Picifoofoobar: what does echo $SHELL say?12:44
foofoobarPici, /bin/sh12:44
foofoobarah.. I need to change this to /bin/bash ?12:45
dawkirstPici, thanks12:45
gebbionegot my samba service running but does not seem to work despite configuration being fine12:45
foofoobarPici, changed it to /bin/bash, now it works as expected12:45
foofoobarwhat is /bin/sh for?12:45
MonkeyDustfoofoobar  an identifier, binary shell, binary bourne again shell12:46
Picifoofoobar: its a minimal shell that is compliant with the POSIX standard.12:46
foofoobarPici, okay12:47
carcinogen75Is there any universal tool to burn ISO on flash for linux?12:48
sk00terUbuntu 12.04 is better than 13.9412:49
carcinogen7513.04 was laggy for my pc =(12:51
sk00tercarcinogen75: opensuse is faster12:54
carcinogen75i use kubuntu now12:55
carcinogen75like it =)12:55
MonkeyDustcarcinogen75  unetbootin, multisystem, startup disk creator come to my mind12:55
carcinogen75dont like rpm based systems12:55
sifu_user82, solved with by reseting compiz12:56
user82ah great sifu_12:56
user82how'd you do so? dpkg reconfigure or reinstall?12:57
sifu_wait let me get the link12:57
carcinogen75MonkeyDust, thank you, never heard about multisystem12:57
panshulHello people... has the blank desktop problem after installing gnome been resolved???12:57
jonyin Krusader how can I jump to the same location on the second tab?12:58
panshulor we are still working on it?12:58
sifu_user82, this: http://askubuntu.com/a/286349/263812:58
silidan1does anyone know which executables are used when i call /etc/init.d/openvpn? (i need to give unprivileged users the ability to make openvpn connection)12:58
user82thanks sifu_12:59
carcinogen75jony, try alt+i13:01
MatRoohi peeps, is this the correct channel to ask a question about awesome wm? the #awesome channel on qftc doesnt seem that active atm13:01
carcinogen75though it's for MC13:01
MatRoosince i am using it on ubuntu.. =P13:01
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jonycarcinogen75, it opens the bookmarks menu13:03
MonkeyDustpanshul  start from the beginning, what brings you here, in one line13:04
jonyin Krusader how can I jump to the same location on the second tab?13:09
yeehiWhy does Chromium start using 1.6 Gig of memory? It only has 3 tabs open. This occurs repeatedly. After a while, Chromium crashes and exits. Raring 13.04 64 bit and Chromium Version 25.0.1364.160 Ubuntu 13.04 (25.0.1364.160-0ubuntu3)13:09
lucky1hey guys!!! I just downloaded 6 programs, yes alot.. so I want to take the executables off the toolbar and into a folder into my desktop. How do I do this? No, it doesn't move from toolbar to folder in the obvious way..13:12
megastampahey guys13:12
lucky1how to I find the executable for every file on the sidebar?13:12
gebbionetrying to connect to samba but i dont see the samba connections coming in ... i might need some port forwarding .. what ports should i map  for samba13:13
MonkeyDustlucky1  start in /usr/bin/13:14
lucky1ha, sometimes I think I know the answers of what I post.. ha ha ha!! I went there, uncovered the hidden files.. Ugh.. no joy13:15
lucky1Wireshark is one of these six programs.. very difficult programs.. LoL13:16
lucky1anyone use Wireshark?13:16
switchim getting ready to install ubuntu on my machine should i be going for the latest 13 build or the 12lts13:16
lucky1is Wireshark hard, is there a easier, better program besides UFW.. LoL13:16
cfhowlettswitch, depends.  do you need bleeding edge shiny stuff?  13.04 ...13:16
SolarisBoylucky1: what makes Wireshark hard i guess is the question, there are alternate packet capture apps like tcpdump, tshark for the cli and probably other versions - but what makes it hard?13:17
lucky1<switch> I haven't seen 13, but I like 12.04 because of the privacy settings.. 12.10 and probably 13 have backdoors that I don't want..13:17
switchi dont NEED it but it would be nice if my understanding is correct 13 means id have to upgrade to the next version when it comes out to continue to recive support whereas 12 will be suported for a long time making it better for say buisnesses and school who dont have time to keep the machines on the altest version13:18
switchwhich if thats the case im happy to do that13:18
MonkeyDustswitch  12.04 if you want long support, 13.04 if you want the latest stuff13:18
lucky112.04 plays all my bleeding edge hardware (no graphics card though) including RAID for nothing more then my internet surfing.. ha ha ha!!!13:19
switch13 it is then cause i tend to go through a nuke and pave every 6 monthes anyway13:19
nrdb__I have a VM running ubuntu... but when starting it doesn't appear to run any of the scripts in /etc/rc2.d or /etc/rc.local  .... can someone help me figure this out13:19
switchonly thing im worried about is my gpu working which is a amd radeon hd 6870 but a quick google will tell me if that works13:19
MonkeyDustlucky1  in nautilus, go /usr/bin/ and copy the program you want to the desktop13:20
adamkswitch: This is a desktop system?13:21
MonkeyDustlucky1  or ln -s to the desktop13:21
adamkswitch: Then that GPU should work sufficiently well with the open source radeon driver, and will have even better 3D acceleration with the proprietary driver.13:21
switchsweet ill brb while i go get isos13:22
amnestiHello :)13:23
cfhowlettamnesti, greetings13:23
SliMMHi. Is there any easy way to create a Mac OS X-bootable USB stick version of Ubuntu with non-volatile storage? (pretty much an installation, but without using the installer, just from OS X)13:25
switchi just downloaded the iso in like 30 seconds O.O my internet scares me13:25
nrdb__how can I disable apparmor it might be causing me some trouble?13:25
panshulMonkeyDust, I made a fresh installation of Ubuntu 13.04 release version... then installed Gnome 3.8 using the PPA from gnome website. Now my desktop on Gnome and in unity both are blank - white... with no right click functions... turning off the option to disable handling of desktop by file manager brings back my desktop in Gnome.. but not in unity.. more over no file manager operations possible still... what do i13:27
panshul do?13:27
lucky1I went to /usr/bin just to simply find a way to move the unity programs to a folder on the desktop and I clicked a executable called Unity 2d shell and it wiped out all the programs off my sidebar... DAMN!!!13:28
MonkeyDustnrdb__  http://ubuntuguide.net/disable-apport-error-reporting-in-ubuntu-12-1013:28
durgeshguys i want to use empathy to connnect to irc but it aint showing any otptions what shoud i do13:28
nrdb__MonkeyDust, thanks13:28
MonkeyDustpanshul  gnome 3.8 is the culprit13:28
MonkeyDustpanshul  aa ppa is not supported, contact its maintainer13:29
durgeshguys i want to use empathy to connnect to irc but it aint showing any otptions what shoud i do????13:29
lucky1why is it everytime I want to do something simple, something easy, it always messes up ubuntu???? Always the simple stuff!! Things like trying to change the login screen background and moving an executable to a folder on desktop!!! WOW!!13:29
panshulMonkeyDust, thnx.. for pointing me in the right direction13:29
MonkeyDustlucky1  I did it in 2 seconds, no error or problem13:30
As4xkI already have some rules in my /etc/iptables.up.rules file. I just enables ufw, and allowed port 22. Then i reloaded ufw, but the rules that are defined in iptables.up.rules are still working. So my question is: Can i add rules to either the iptable.up.rules file OR ufw, and the rule will work either way?13:30
nrdb__MonkeyDust, that was how to stop apport  error reporting .... not how to apparmor13:30
OerHekslucky1, that is why linux is safe. but you have been given solutions, though13:31
SolarisBoynrdb__: which apparmor profile is causing the issue? or for which service?13:32
MonkeyDustlucky1  try ln -s /usr/bin/blahblah ~/Desktop/13:32
MonkeyDustnrdb__  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor13:32
SolarisBoynrdb__: sudo invoke-rc.d apparmor kill ; sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove if thats what you really want to do13:33
crazydipwhere is the dconf database file located?13:33
durgeshempathy needs help13:34
lucky1yeah, getting solutions are hard for ubuntu..13:34
MonkeyDustlucky1  what's hard with           ln -s /usr/bin/blahblah ~/Desktop/   ?13:35
MonkeyDustlucky1  you had your in answer in minutes13:35
Chris_W_how can i tell what screen resolutions are available from the command line?13:36
SolarisBoyChris_W_: xrandr13:36
nrdb__MonkeyDust, I have 3 services that are refusing to start automatically on boot ... I even put the commands to start them in /etc/rc.local ... but they are not starting ... after boot if I execute /etc/rc.local ... they start as expected ... any ideas on what could cause this.13:36
Chris_W_SolarisBoy: this in on server.  x isnt installed13:37
MonkeyDustnrdb__  i guess SolarisBoy is more skilled on the matter13:37
nrdb__MonkeyDust, ok13:37
crazydipnm found it: ~/.config/dconf/user13:37
nrdb__SolarisBoy, I have 3 services that are refusing to start automatically on boot ... I even put the commands to start them in /etc/rc.local ... but they are not starting ... after boot if I execute /etc/rc.local ... they start as expected ... any ideas on what could cause this.13:37
SolarisBoyMonkeyDust: i think your suggestion was fine imho - it's a good idea to read the ubuntu page for apparmor13:37
SolarisBoynrdb__: what 3 services? are they custom? are they erroring? do they have logs?13:37
nrdb__SolarisBoy, ssh bind9 isc-dhcp-server13:38
SolarisBoynrdb__: edit actually i read some on that page and for versions of ubuntu like 12.04 + it seems you can add a line in grub.cfg to prevent apparmor startup - so see which works best for you13:38
betraydChris_W_: no gui required on server version13:39
Chris_W_betrayd: wut?13:39
SolarisBoyChris_W_: its not in the x11 server package actually it's in the server-utils packag13:39
SolarisBoynrdb__: interesting - how have you configured them to start? afaik ubuntu takes care of ssh startup can't confirm bind9/isc-dhcp -13:40
nrdb__SolarisBoy, if apparmor was the problem. wouldn't it stop these executing at any time?13:40
SolarisBoynrdb__: was it just an install or did you manually link the startup? are you sure they haven't been swapped to upstart etc etc?13:40
SolarisBoynrdb__: if that were the case it would be logged13:41
SolarisBoynrdb__: so did you check the logs?13:41
GunArmI've been having all kinds of problems as every drive in my raid array has been failling since february and I'm trying to best to stay one step ahead.  currently i'm getting these errors periodically on my console (and dmesg) http://pastie.org/7822399 how can I identify which drive these dmesg errors are referring to?  is ata9.00 an identifier?  how can I cross reference it with /dev/sdx or something?13:41
nrdb__I have looked in syslog but didn't notice anything very unusal13:41
lucky1everybody was right.. what sucks about my problems is there's always something to it that makes it looks simple but it's never is.. I was looking for WIRESHARK under the /usr/bin place and the executable for wireshark just wasn't there,  just a piece of paper icon that Ubuntu won't open and no application on the internet will find13:41
SolarisBoynrdb__: you can also quickly place the service profiles into disabled state and try to bounce those services to confirm -13:41
lucky1does anyone know where the wireshark executable is?13:42
SolarisBoynrdb__: you'll need to use app armord commands to tell afaik13:42
Chris_W_xrander: cant open display13:42
lucky1maybe they put it somewhere else for security???13:42
SolarisBoyChris_W_: DISPLAY=:0 xrandr13:42
GunArmlucky1: if you open synaptic and find the package that wireshark is installed through, you can right click it and do properties, and there is a tab for "installed files" or something13:42
GunArmyou might be able to find it in that list13:43
jriblucky1: run « type wireshark »13:43
betraydlucky1 go into synaptic and wireshark properties to list where files have been installed13:43
nrdb__SolarisBoy, 'bounce those services' ???13:43
SolarisBoywhereis wireshark or which wireshark13:43
SolarisBoynrdb__: disable the profile and restart them.13:43
michealPWIs there any alternative to whatever handles the backlight dimming on Ubuntu 12.04? I think it's gnome-power-management.13:43
SolarisBoynrdb__: use this to tell if they were disabled or such 'sudo apparmor_status'13:43
michealPWIt's completely asinine. Sometimes when I'm idle it actually brightens my screen... Other times it does nothing at all. Last night after spending all day at College and the stupid thing not dimming the backlight when idle, I get home and start watching some videos online (Via Flash) and it starts dimming/locking the screen!13:44
Chris_W_SolarisBoy: Cant open display 0.  or 1.  or 2.13:44
amanthakurHi guys,13:44
SolarisBoyChris_W_: it may be :0.0 or so forth you'll have to do some investigation into how your monitors are connected and what they are connected to13:45
SolarisBoy(and if they are if not this excercise is pointless)13:45
amanthakurHi Guys, I am trying to install ubuntu 13.04 on UEFI hardware. But after the installation of ubuntu, ubuntu doesn't boots up.13:45
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GunArmmichealPW: I have found with many laptops if you want to use ubuntu theres a certain threshold of craziness you must come to accept.  especially regarding all the laptop features like touchpads and dimmers and webcams and volume buttons13:45
nrdb__SolarisBoy, "3 profiles are in enforce mode."     those appear to do with dhclient & dhcp client13:45
SolarisBoynrdb__: try this then sudo aa-complain /etc/apparmor.d/*dhcp*13:46
Chris_W_SolarisBoy: thats why i am here.  how do i do that?13:46
SolarisBoyChris_W_: physically13:46
Chris_W_SolarisBoy: the monitor is connected through va port13:46
Chris_W_SolarisBoy: the monitor is connected through vga port13:46
SolarisBoyChris_W_: one monitor? if so :0 should be working - is it on??13:47
Chris_W_SolarisBoy: yes, thats where im typing the commands13:47
nrdb__SolarisBoy, don't have aa-complain ... I do have aa-status13:47
GunArmmichealPW: not saying don't try to figure it out, just a comment13:47
mzazaThe package ubuntu-restricted-extras includes the java, right?13:47
adamkChris_W_: You are running 'xrandr' as the user currently logged into X?13:47
michealPWGunArm, I hear you. It took me a very long time to get this Synaptics configured.. Literally this entire system is rock solid right now... *except* Screen Blank / Backlight Dimming.13:48
michealPWWhat kills me is it all *functions* perfectly fine.. I can click the Gear, click Suspend and resume perfectly fine... Also close lid, suspend, open it resume...13:48
Chris_W_adamk: i installed x11-xserver-utils13:48
Chris_W_adamk: i am logged into the server13:49
sc30317does anyone know why when I try and dig a hostname in ubuntu 13.04, I don't get an answer back?13:49
michealPWDrain battery and it hibernates beautifully and resumes beautifully... SOMETIMES it will dim the backlight when it toggles between AC-Battery... SOMETIMES it will automatically Blank and Lock the screen when idle..13:49
shadejsetting adhoc for wifi13:49
shadejFailed to update rate sets in kernel module13:49
shadejUsing interface wlan0 with hwaddr 00:24:d2:72:38:f1 and ssid 'newAdhoc'13:49
Chris_W_adamk: i assume im logged into X13:49
adamkChris_W_: How do you not know if you are logged into X?13:49
michealPWBut sometimes it doesn't, haha.. It seems like it STARTS to dim/blank screen but immediatly brightens back up as if I shook the mouse/touchpad... But I never did :\13:49
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michealPWSince it's a laptop and I'm very mobile, though... That small bug is massive.13:50
michealPWIt means me getting up, going to the bathroom while my laptop sits on, full brightness the entire time...13:50
michealPWThat's a waste of battery and a huge security issue. It should blank and lock for privacy and battery :\13:50
nrdb__SolarisBoy, I used "update-rc.d apparmor remove"  rebooted the computer with the same result... those service are not going13:50
shadejhey guys13:50
SolarisBoynrdb__: ok so you can try to disable those services under /etc/apparmor.d/ by linking them to /etc/apparmor.d/disable/13:50
shadejwhat does:Failed to update rate sets in kernel module,mean?13:51
shadejhelp please13:51
sc30317does anyone know why when I try and dig a hostname in ubuntu 13.04, I don't get an answer back?13:51
SolarisBoynrdb__: provide some log details then will need more details -13:52
Chris_W_adamk: i guess because my time using linux could be counted in days on one hand13:52
michealPWIt honestly reminds me of when I used to use the program "Caffeine" to inhibit the screensaver... Only, obviously, I'm not running that (rofl)13:52
michealPWBut that's exactly how it behaves...13:52
durgeshmy empathy is broke13:52
michealPWIt *begins* to blank/dim, but then something interrupts it.13:52
shadejanyone familiar with CONFIGURING HOSTAPD?13:52
michealPWLike a mouse-event.13:52
adamkChris_W_: Is Unity running on tihs box?13:52
Chris_W_adamk: no, its running server 12.04.213:53
Chris_W_adamk: so i would assume not13:53
adamkChris_W_: Does this machine only have a text console running on it?13:53
Chris_W_adamk: yes13:53
adamkOK, see that's the most important piece of information.13:54
GunArmmichealPW: on my ultrabook which i bought because people said its well compatible with ubuntu, then I ran into an issue and this is what people pointed to http://www.linlap.com/acer_aspire_s3 "oh yeah just do this all stuff... it works great!" lol   every time my ultrabook comes out of sleep mode I have to click an icon I made if I want to use two finger scroll.  theres often a way around stuff if you bang your head on it hard and long enoug13:54
nrdb__SolarisBoy, I thought I had disabled apparmor ... but maybe not.13:54
Chris_W_adamk: when i said i was using ubuntu server when i started asking this question, doesn't that imply that it's headless?13:54
moppersGunArm, it should be possible to automate that with waking up13:55
michealPWGah, yes I'm thinking the solution is to somehow completely disable whatever it is handling this screen dimming / blanking and replace it with something else :\13:55
adamkChris_W_: I do not know how to get a list of all supported resolutions from just console utilities. You can try choosing a different console resolution by passing 'video=XRESxYRES' to the kernel...  For example, 'video=1024x768'13:55
adamkChris_W_: Implications are never as good as actual statements...13:55
nrdb__SolarisBoy, what log details would you like?13:55
GunArmmoppers: I tried asking people about that and couldn't find any answers, theres no bashrc or cron entry for waking from sleep13:55
mchlbhmHey, just ran a game via wine and my resolution is messed up. How would I fix it?13:56
GunArmthat I could find13:56
adamkChris_W_: If the machine is headless, then...  Well...  There is no monitor attached to query for supported resolutions.13:56
adamkChris_W_: So the question doesn't make sense in that case.13:56
michealPWSince the actual function of dimming the led backlights with acpi works fine.. From a terminal or whatever it works, also with Fn+F5 it works.. It's the broken GUI that should be calling these methods that is broken. Gnome, no doubt.13:56
Chris_W_adamk: just type video=blahXblah at the terminal13:56
michealPWSame stupid issue I used to have with gnome-screensaver.. Had to replace it with xscreensaver LOL.13:56
michealPWNot sure why the GNOME guys and girls insist on re-inventing the wheel at every single turn. In 2013 we're still struggling with power management issues most operating systems have hashed out back in the 1990s.13:57
GunArmmoppers: don't go doing research for me though I'm not even at home with the laptop13:57
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adamkChris_W_: Edit your grub kernel line to pass video=XRESxYRES to the kernel. But given that this machine is headless, I don't know that it's going to do a single thing.13:57
michealPWAs an Ubuntu user in a class full of 60 programmers, it's EMBERASSING...13:57
michealPWVery much so.13:57
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GunArmmichealPW: well part of that isn't ubuntus fault, its because (I think) those features are made with windows in mind13:57
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga13:58
michealPWBut how come these ancient programs, like xscreensaver have none of these problems? Ubuntu uses these buggy and half-cooked GNOME utilities like gnome-screensaver that can't even run screensavers anymore.. It just blanks the screen.. IF it blanks the screen.13:58
michealPWHalf the time it doesn't, haha...13:58
michealPWYou stop it from running.. Install xscreensavers and BAM! You've got a full range of screensavers to choose from again.. It actually WORKS...13:59
moppersGunArm, debian has pm-suspend, that will write to /var/log/pm-supsend.log (I think) when the system resumes13:59
michealPWAnd there's a plethora of settings to customize. Amazing. Why was it ever replaced? :\13:59
gordonjcpmichealPW: does anyone actually use screensavers any more?13:59
adamkChris_W_: The way the kernel DRM modules (video drivers built into the kernel) work these days is that they query the attached monitor for all supported resolutions, including the best one, which they will then switch to by default.  If the machine is headless, there's no monitor to query... Frankly, I'm confused about what you are trying to do in the first place.13:59
michealPWmoppers, Yea, that's exactly right. I've been trying to find any sign of trouble in pm-suspend and pm-powermanage but no luck :(14:00
michealPWAlso syslog and the gang.14:00
Chris_W_adamk: i thought 'headless" meant without a gui14:00
nrdb__michealPW, when using a LCD screen the first thing I do is disable the screensaver.14:00
adamkChris_W_: No, headless means without a monitor.14:00
Chris_W_adamk: if "headless" means without a monitor, then i was confused14:00
Chris_W_adamk: sorry about that14:00
michealPWgordonjcp, Sure. Nobody ever agrees on everything.14:00
ran_someone here have a delay with the boot in xubuntu?14:00
gordonjcpmichealPW: what are screensavers for?14:00
moppersmichealPW, ubuntu is not known for stability .. it's a "cutting edge" distro in my opinion14:01
nrdb__michealPW, they aren't needed14:01
michealPWnrdb__, Right, many probably do as well... But does it really make sense to rip the feature out entirely, when your problem was solved by simply disabling it?14:01
gordonjcpmichealPW: o_O14:01
gordonjcpmoppers: o_O not stable, y'say?14:01
michealPWmoppers: I'm using 12.04 LTS, though... LOL!14:01
Chris_W_adamk: well, for some reason the kernel is getting a screen resolution that is putting all the text into a square about 1/4 of the monitor.14:01
moppersi use screensaver ... it looks pretty14:01
michealPWI use blanking more than screensavers, however you guys lost my point :P14:02
gordonjcpI use the power button on my monitor...14:02
nrdb__michealPW, it isn't a feature, it is hack to stop CRT screens from burning an image in.14:02
adamkChris_W_: What's the output of 'cat /proc/fb' ?14:02
michealPWMy point wasn't that gnome-screensavers doesn't even support screensavers... It's that it's a broken, half-cooked utility that pales in comparison to what it replaced (xscreensavers) and that, to me, makes no sense.14:02
shaunlewismichealPW: have you tried looking to see if the problem is resolved in the latest version? Live CD perhaps?14:02
betraydmichealPW: yours is doing the opposite, when you try to use the lappy it dims14:02
mopperswhat's a power button? should atomaticlaly turn on when you whack the keyboard or wiggle mouse, and go off when you leave it14:02
ran_someone here have a delay with the boot in xubuntu or ubuntu since upgrading to 13.04?14:02
GunArmmichealPW: not sure about that, but I just try to keep in mind that linux is originally unix made for security and power on a mainframe/server to do heavy processing and IO and manage multiple users and stuff.  all the support for desktops is added on much later (albeit an afterthought with tons of developers).  it works pretty well for the most part, but that's not it's strongest area.  and thats even more true on laptops.  but things like 14:03
mopperspower button is just for when it locks up14:03
michealPWshaunlewis: It's massively worse. None of the power management is reliable in 13.04 or 12.10 for me :(14:03
moppers13.04 has better PM than 12.04 for sure14:03
Chris_W_adamk: 0 inteldrmfb14:03
gordonjcpGunArm: Unix was always a desktop OS14:03
moppersi get longer batteyr life on this laptop in raring than precise14:03
gordonjcpGunArm: the desktops it runs on got smaller and smaller14:04
moppershave you tried (it hink jupiter) for battery life?14:04
michealPWbetrayd: Yea. It's like it's a timer issue.. Like the utility is not properly counting down the 5 minutes or it's never properly detecting that the system is idle. The screen can blank and backlight can dim, in terms of capabilities..14:04
michealPWI can do it from a terminal reliably, but it almost never does it on it's own when idle14:04
michealPWmoppers: I read about Jupiter somewhere. Mmm, maybe I'll try and install it14:05
adamkChris_W_: Well if the console resolution doesn't actually match the monitors resoluiton, you've hit a bug in either the console code or the intel DRM driver.  But, as I said, you can try forcing a resolution by passing the video= option to the kernel.14:05
shaunlewismichealPW: Which laptop is it?14:05
betraydbut Chris_W_ is there a reason why you're attaching a screen to your server14:06
memandHey guys, I'm trying to set up an OpenVPN server on Ubuntu 12.04 server, I have been following this https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/OpenVPN guide and created the PKI with these https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Create_a_Public_Key_Infrastructure_Using_the_easy-rsa_Scripts scripts, this http://pastie.org/7822581 is my /etc/openvpn/server.conf when I do "openvpn /etc/openvpn/server.conf" I get this14:06
memandhttp://pastie.org/7822588 output... I'm not sure why it's not sure why it's not finding the TUN/TAP or what else could be wrong...14:06
michealPWshaunlewis, ASUS K75DE.14:06
Chris_W_betrayd:  i guess its just easier for me14:06
betraydChris_W_: ok, thought there was another issue14:07
ran_13.04 is buggy on boot and shutdown?14:07
Chris_W_adamk: thats what brought me here.  how do i tell what resolutions are available so that i can try forcing one?14:07
michealPWYea, me too ^14:07
michealPWThat's why I had to go back to 12.04... 13.04 with the AMD fglrx drivers (Tried them all) would not shutdown and would kernel panic when booting *most* of the time.14:08
michealPWSometimes it would work fine.. Only when I'm in class trying to show my friends how awesome Ubuntu is..14:08
michealPWGod (facepalm)14:08
adamkChris_W_: Again, I don't know of any console-only utility to list all supported resolutions. Theoretically you could google information for your monitor, or just select a commonly supported resolution such as 1024x768.14:08
michealPWWhich is probably fglrx, they have issues. It's a shame. They seem to work fine (fglrx-experimental12) on this 12.04.2 though. Everything's rock solid.14:09
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betraydor open the manual to your screen14:09
betraydblasphemy ikr14:09
michealPWadamk: I think, you would use xrandr and there's a tool, uhh14:09
michealPWgtf? Something about timing formula14:10
michealPWI can't remember, sorry LOL14:10
Chris_W_adamk: ok.  and thanks, i appreciate all your help.14:10
michealPWBeen so long since I did it manually... aticonfig --initial for the win :D14:10
ran_there is a problem with nvidia about boot or shutdown in 13.04?14:10
Chris_W_adamk: im slowly learning this stuff, but it was cool of you to take the time and explain it.14:10
nrdb__memand, do you have a /dev/net/tun14:11
michealPWInstalling jupiter, btw.14:11
michealPWWell updating repos hehe but yet14:11
adamkmichealPW: Except that xrandr is for X...  Chris_W_ isn't using X.  gtf is for creating X modelines, but does not query the monitor for supported resolutions.14:12
memandnrdb__: Not as far as I can see, but I don't know how I'd create it14:13
michealPWGunArm: Btw, I used synclient to get this touchpad really, really nice. It's even more intuitive now than it is on Win7 hehe. Once I figured out the concept (synclient -m to monitor, do some palm tests while you're typing to list out all the thresholds of your palms/fingers and then set them your x config)14:13
michealPWIt's beautiful now, hehe. Took awhile to get it just right, but the result is brilliant14:13
ran_in 13.04 there are more kernel panics then 12.10? because lately i see more of them in boot.14:13
memandnrdb__: It looks like I don't even have /dev/net14:14
michealPWran_: Have you tried experimenting with different versions of the nvidia drivers?14:14
michealPWadamk: Ah, I see. Can you not query the EDID information from a terminal?14:14
michealPWI'm not sure. It shows up in my logs, I'm not sure what's probing for it though.14:15
adamkmichealPW: As I said, I don't know of any console utility for that :-)14:15
michealPWhehe, touche!14:15
shmoonwhy do people write *NIX ?14:16
michealPWshmoon: 'cause it's shorter than "UNIX-like operating systems" ?14:16
jernmichealPW: Well played14:17
michealPWAlthough "*NIX" is kind of ambigious, if we were to nit-pick :D14:17
shmoonoh it means unix like operating systems ? ok didnt know, i thought they just refer to unix14:17
betraydcovers UNIX and LINUX but leaves out the nerds from BSD14:17
BluesKajheh , it's still the same number of keystrokes ...just trying to look cool , that's all14:17
SolarisBoybetrayd: yeps14:17
michealPWshmoon: Weeeell, "UNIX" refers to commercially-licensed distributions of the UNIX code base... Linux, is *not* a UNIX. It's UNIX-like...14:17
shmoonso it covers mac too14:17
BluesKajshmoon, yeah \14:18
SolarisBoybut a lot of people say *nix to reference the "other" os's14:18
jernshmoon: I didn't think so....14:18
SolarisBoyalthough michealPW is absolutely correct14:18
michealPWIn that, it shares absolutely no code with those Commercially-licensed UNIX os'.. However it's inspired by the way UNIX was designed and it's compatible.. So, it's UNIX-like (However, it's certianly *not* UNIX.)14:18
betraydIt's a wannabee14:18
shmoonthere are  "commercially" licensed unix OS ?14:18
ran_i need some information about boot problems (or shutdown) in 13.04.14:18
shmooni mean stuff for which you have to pay to use ?14:18
Muellishmoon: many14:18
SolarisBoyschoppenhauer: most unix's are commercially license14:18
michealPWshmoon: Yea, sure. Well Mac is not "UNIX-like", believe it or not it's actually UNIX.. Well partially. Mostly it's using licensed BSD code base.14:19
SolarisBoyhp-ux solaris aix etc etc14:19
michealPWshmoon: Yea. Not only copyright-protected by also heavily patent-protected, as far as I know (I'm no lawyer, though..)14:19
SolarisBoyand very expensive at that too.14:19
shmoonSolarisBoy: wait so i have to pay t use solaris ?14:19
michealPWhaha yea14:19
michealPWLinux > UNIX (In my opinion)14:19
Muellishmoon: yes.14:19
shmoongee i didnt know14:19
SolarisBoyshmoon: yes you can download it - but to use it licensed and the cooler features you do pay14:19
gucciburrso what should i get14:20
gucciburr12.04 lts or 13.04?14:20
gucciburrhow outdated is 12.04?14:20
SolarisBoya lot of people running and spending a lot of money on unixes are in corporate IT running data warehouses that require tons of processing power and memory management etc14:21
LucidGuyLooking to purchase a new ultrabook..  recommendations for well supported model/manufacturers?14:21
SolarisBoygucciburr: 12.04 is LTS it's not outdated14:21
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shmoonmichealPW: but then do the commercial licensed also come under "*nix" ?14:22
gucciburrSolarisBoy: so what are the advantages of 13.04 then if 12.04 is up to date14:22
gucciburri dont get the ubuntu releases14:22
SolarisBoygucciburr: bleeding edge14:22
michealPWLucidGuy: I guess that's a loaded question hehe. I like AMD systems, but your mileage will probably very :P14:22
SolarisBoyif your into that type of stuff14:22
michealPWI find the AMD parts are well supported on Linux.14:22
michealPWshmoon: What do you mean? Oh yea, that's why that term's ambigious (Confusing, misleading..) as it can refer to a very wide range of operating systems that are technically and practically completely different things.14:23
shmoonmichealPW: like when someone says *nix would that include the commercially licensedunix's too like solaris ?14:24
michealPWFor example.. Linux is not HP-UX, which is not FreeBSD, which is not Solaris, which certainly is not z/OS. They all fall under the ambiguous term "*NIX", though :P14:24
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sigvgucciburr: LTS means Long Term Support. that one is intended for users that do not want the newest stuff but instead want tested stability. the other releases (current newest being 13.04) are stable but because they use newer there might be some bugs.14:25
shmooni read on wikipedia that bsd is also unix-like, but never saw anyone mention it with *nix14:25
shmoonpeople mostly mention mac and linux14:25
michealPWThat's why uptight geeks like me refer to is as "UNIX-like" (Linux) and UNIX(tm) (z/OS, Solaris etc.)14:25
SolarisBoyBSD unix14:25
michealPWAlso Gnu/Linux works better than UNIX-like :P14:25
SolarisBoythats a big statement sonny.14:25
betraydhe's one a them14:25
compdocI use amd to build system running linux. But I dont use linux and amd graphic cards for gaming14:25
michealPWburn the witch!14:26
* SolarisBoy hides14:26
betraydstone him!14:26
shmoonseriously people made things so confusing14:26
xtacieI was given a few HP DL380 Gen3's and I want to put ubunut on it but was wondering what version would be best for it. 2x 2.8ghz (32bit) xeons, 6gb ddr, 2x 73gb 15k scsi. any ideas????14:26
michealPWcompdoc: This AMD system does it all.. Dual boot win7 for gaming :P14:26
SolarisBoyxtacie: 12.04 LTS (imho)14:26
michealPWDual Radeon 7000-series GPUs and a quad-core opteron (muscle)14:26
SolarisBoyespecially if your bout to do something prod like which it sounds like14:26
michealPWshmoon: haha, it's all about attention to detail (Since lawyers sue over these details...)14:27
nrdb__how do I find out what level script should be executed rc?.d14:27
shmoonyes freaking lawyers14:27
michealPWWhat was that company, again? SCO or something? They went around suing anything that moved (Read: used UNIX incorrectly, LOL)14:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:27
michealPWSorry, Pici.14:27
michealPW*zips it*14:27
xtacieSolarisBoy: i downloaded the 12.04 server cd and on install I get a unsupported video error. i have tried evrything mentioned on google and in ubuntu forums in regards to modifying grub configs and cant get to a terminal14:27
michealPWNever seen that error before :\14:28
memandDo any of you guys know how to set up /dev/net/tun on ubuntu 12.04 server14:28
SolarisBoyxtacie: what type of vid card is it?14:28
SolarisBoymemand: generally by running some sort of VPN client14:29
xtacie Integrated ATI Rage XL Video Controller with 8-MB SDRAM Video Memory14:29
SolarisBoymemand: EG i use openconnect and it created that interface on connection to the tunnel14:29
michealPWWhoa that's ancient14:29
xtacienot looking for a gui14:30
michealPWWouldn't the open source "ati" drivers work for that, I wonder? Hrmm14:30
adamkxtacie: What's the exact error messages?14:30
xtacieblank screen: unsupported video mode14:30
SolarisBoymaybe nomodeset in your grub14:30
michealPWOh, video *mode*14:31
tromai  take conntact later... ok?14:31
adamkxtacie: When booting, try passing 'vga=normal' to the kernel.14:31
SolarisBoy*maybe you can put the nomodeset in your grub.cfg - have you tried that xtacie ?14:31
xtacieSolarisBoy: yup. i spent about 11 hours yesterday scouring the web for answers14:32
tromamy frend just learn to me use ubuntu but hes sleep..14:32
SolarisBoyxtacie: ahh gotcha.14:32
xtacieehh.. its runs windows  server 08 ok :\14:32
michealPWInteresting that Ubuntu Server would not default to turning off kernel modesetting?14:33
michealPWWell I guess it would be really nice to have in a terminal, though..14:33
xtacieI havent played with the adminstration end of the system since college and have a bunch of cpanel reseller accounts i want to consolidate on one sever.. so for starters i purchased a linode account and rolled out ubuntu 12.04 and fell in love with it14:34
cfhowlettrf, greetings14:34
xtaciemy wife has been nagging at me becuase for 3 days ive been starring at terminal windows instead of her :)14:34
adamkI doubt KMS has anything to do with the screen blanking on that machine...  The Rage cards don't have KMS support.14:34
michealPWhaha xtacie14:35
nrdb__memand, have you tried a "sudo modprobe tun"14:35
memandSolarisBoy: Found this http://wiki.vpslink.com/TUN/TAP_device_with_OpenVPN_or_Hamachi guide and it worked :D14:35
SolarisBoyi know polling is not promoted in here but thats not what i am doing - is anyone famiilar with a good clipboard manager for 12.04?14:35
memandnrdb__: ^14:35
SolarisBoymemand: very nice - there you go14:36
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch14:36
memandNow just to try getting the client working :P14:36
xtacieomg i tried to lift one of these old school hp gen3's and damn near pulled my back. friggn thing ways a ton for not even being able to outperform my cell phone14:37
nrdb__memand, so is it going now?14:37
michealPWWhoa! My screen blanked and locked perfectly fine while I went and got a coffee! :\14:37
michealPWGrr.. This is so difficult to figure out. How can it work so well sometimes but not others? :(14:38
memandnrdb__: I think so, this http://sprunge.us/iEaf is now the output of "openvpn /etc/openvpn/server.conf"14:38
michealPWxtacie: Yes! Technology is amazing... I can not believe the power of these modern "cell phones" like Samsung's Note II.. My goodness, quad core phones?! :\14:39
nrdb__memand, do you have a tun0 device?14:39
xtaciei just got a quad core tablet off ebay for 110 and its running circles around my brain. im trying to put linux on it now :)14:39
zapata2Hi! Can someone pleas help me change repository for ubuntu 9.10 to a working one? what do I enter in the APT line?14:40
mopperswow, ebay electromics actually was as described and operational...?14:40
nrdb__xtacie, hope it works for you.14:41
xtacietheres a guy in fort lauderdale, fl that acquired about 300 gen3/gen4 hp dl380's. he selling them 3 for 120! all work fine and were removed from an old office14:41
adamkzapata2: Support for 9.10 was dropped over two years ago.14:41
adamkzapata2: For the love of all that is good, upgrade.14:41
histo!eol | zapata214:42
ubottuzapata2: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:42
memandnrdb__: After following this http://wiki.vpslink.com/TUN/TAP_device_with_OpenVPN_or_Hamachi guide that was the output it gave me, but to be honest I don't even know what a TUN device is14:42
varikonniemiso why does ubuntu nowadays mount locations one initiates via nautilus in /media/username/ and those that are automatically mounted go in /media ??14:42
shmoonwhat does -O- option to wget do ? seems like it writes to stdout but I dont understand the convention/logic14:42
varikonniemii lost all my torrents when i made ubuntu automount my raid partition since its location changed14:42
nrdb__memand, do a "ifconfig" and see if it is there... a tun device is a form of fake ethernet card.14:43
shmoon`-` for stdout ?14:43
Muellishmoon: yes14:43
moppersvarikonniemi, nautilus mounts with FUSE, not the kernel mount14:43
shmoonstrange is that some linux/bash convention or just a wget thing ? multi_io14:43
Muellishmoon: many programs use "-" as stdin or stdout. i.e. tar.14:44
Muellishmoon: it's not a bash thing.14:44
shmoonyea i am familiar with the stdin, didnt know about stdout cool thanks14:44
memandnrdb__: Yeah it's there :)14:44
shmoonso basically its program specific, if they see its `-` they use to either accept input from stdin or spit output to stdout14:44
zapata2I need 9.10. this website says there is a repository for old releases. http://askubuntu.com/questions/92285/are-there-still-9-10-software-sources-available how do i make it run?14:44
SolarisBoytheres stderr to be fair too14:44
nrdb__memand, :-)    now to get the client to connect.14:44
Muellishmoon: yes14:44
moppersvarikonniemi, becuase fuse is user space, it mounts under the users name, not the system14:45
schoppenhauerSolarisBoy: Most Unices? The only really commercially licensed Unix that is still maintained is Solaris, at least to my knowledge.14:45
schoppenhauerSolarisBoy: (why did you highlight me btw?)14:45
shmoonthanks Muelli14:45
xtacie:( ive missed irc. seems like when you goto school for it you have tons of time to play and experiment.. then you try to create a small army of uber baby geniuses, get a job doing what you love.. but ends up being boooring.. dont know where i was going with that.. gotta love irc14:45
varikonniemimoppers, makes sense14:45
memandnrdb__: Exactly :)14:45
nrdb__memand, how are the clients going to find your server... do you have a static public IP ?14:45
Chris_W_ ok, i have the monitor saying it is currently using 1600x900 resolution, i have added GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="video=VGA:1600x900" to /etc/defaults/grub  but the monitor is still only using 3/5 of the screen14:46
schoppenhauerSolarisBoy: FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD ... free licenses.14:46
schoppenhauerSolarisBoy: Ok, L4.verified has a commercial license, but is - unfortunately - not really used.14:46
schoppenhauerSolarisBoy: Minix has a free license.14:46
michealPWschoppenhauer: Isn't IBM's z/OS UNIX?14:46
Muelliwell. for some degrees of free.14:47
adamkChris_W_: First, it should be video=1600x900. You can use 'fbset' to see what resolution it says is being used.14:47
michealPWAlso HP's UNIX. What do they call it? HP-AUX? Something like that, anyways :P14:47
schoppenhauermichealPW: dunno. Mac OS/X is, HP-UX is14:47
nrdb__memand, you will probably need to setup a 'port forward' on your Internet router.14:47
moppersmac os/x isnt a unix relaly, it sits on top of free bsd but it's macosX14:47
shadejcan any body tell if it is possible to create an adhoc network between my pc and my android phone?14:48
schoppenhauermichealPW: Interix and Cygwin, if you want to count them, are, too, commercially licensed.14:48
cfhowlettshadej, to do what?14:48
adamkOS X does not sit on top of FreeBSD. It does use some of the FreeBSD userland.14:48
schoppenhauermoppers: a matter of the precise definition.14:48
memandnrdb__: It's a server that me and some friends are renting14:48
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
schoppenhaueradamk: afaik they have a microkernel which has FreeBSD-Parts and proprietary parts14:48
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: you running ubuntu touch on your nexus 4?14:49
shadejcfhowlett: just connect only14:49
adamkAnd OS X is actually UNIX certified so, yes, it is a unix.14:49
moppersschoppenhauer,  apple once advertised mac os as having unix components (ithin they said: "Unix stability"?) and the lawyers made them stop14:49
nrdb__memand, ok ... so no problem there.14:49
moppers*ithin = i think14:49
varikonniemimoppers, however this behavior was new in 12.1014:49
shadejcfhowlett: my android phone is not detecting the adhoc network i created14:49
nrdb__memand, how much is it costing you?  if you don't mind me asking14:49
varikonniemi12.04 had both in /media14:49
schoppenhauerwhatever, anyway, I would not say that "most of the unices are commercial"14:49
schoppenhauerthere are commercial ones, there are free ones14:50
xtacieOS X is based upon the Mach kernel. Certain parts from FreeBSD's and NetBSD's implementation of Unix were incorporated in NeXTSTEP, the core of Mac OS X.14:50
cfhowlettshadej, see airdroid app14:50
schoppenhauerand there are a lot of free unix-like ones14:50
moppersschoppenhauer, hrm, i see they have started again, their new website says unix stability again14:50
schoppenhauerHaiku for example14:50
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, yeah, just got a nexus 4 in beiijing.  harder than you might think14:50
zapata2ubottu, thank you14:50
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:50
paddymahoneynautilus sucks at working with gvfs sftp mounts in 13.0414:50
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, correction NOT running touch, just stock android 4.2.214:50
schoppenhauerbtw, now that I went in here ... what has become of GNU/Solaris? The last thing I remember from a few years ago is that they moved to Ubuntu instead of Debian.14:51
paddymahoneyyet pcmanfm can access them just fine.14:51
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: ah ok, i hear touch not running very smooth yet on nexus14:51
cfhowlettschoppenhauer, opensolaris died last year ... there's a fork but I don't remember the details14:51
michealPWxtacie: Exactly right (y)14:51
shadejcfhowlett: do u mean it is not possible to directly create an adhoc?14:51
lotuspsychje!adhoc > lotuspsychje14:51
schoppenhauerok. a pity.14:52
memandnrdb__: Something like 13-15$ a month14:52
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, as expected.  Patience.  I don't expect ubuntu to get it right until version 2 or 3 ...14:52
schoppenhauerit's not that I used solaris, but an alternative dying is always a bad thing.14:52
bnasonDoes anyone know of a way for nfs-kernel-server to follow symlinks itself instead of relying on the client to follow them?14:52
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: i cant wait to get a tablet with ubuntu touch running smooth on it :p14:52
cfhowlettshadej, I don't know about adhoc, but airdroid allows some connectivity and system management of the android device14:52
mopperssolaris is dying?14:52
cfhowlettmoppers, OPENsolaris is dead14:53
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nrdb__memand, good price there...  been using OpenVPN for years to remotely administer a system in another town myself.14:53
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, nexus 7 should do that14:53
schoppenhauerbnason: As far as I remember this is not possible (I tried it once and as far as I remember found out this).14:53
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: i hear its not yet running all features smooth14:53
schoppenhauerbnason: that's a bit like forwarding device files. the device files are forwarded, but not the devices. and afaik it's the same with symbolic links.14:54
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, well, it IS still in beta, right?14:54
bnasonugh mounting linux locations onto windows is a serious pita.... smb is slow, nfs is stupid, sshfs is slow and the win7 client i have causes BSOD :(14:54
nrdb__memand, the only exposed port is the OpenVPN one (which I moved to a non-standard port number)14:54
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: we need to be little more patient :p14:54
schoppenhauerbnason: nfs is not stupid. nfs has another use-case.14:54
schoppenhauerbnason: what about rsync?14:54
memandnrdb__: Ok, so that is the advantage over using shh?14:55
lotuspsychjebnason: pls keep polite14:55
bnasoni need it as a mounted drive14:55
GunArmI've been having all kinds of problems as every drive in my raid array has been failling since february and I'm trying to best to stay one step ahead.  currently i'm getting these errors periodically on my console (and dmesg) http://pastie.org/7822399 how can I identify which drive these dmesg errors are referring to?  is ata9.00 an identifier?  how can I cross reference it with /dev/sdx or a UUID or device name or something?14:55
schoppenhauerbnason: apache mod_webdav14:55
bnasonhrm possibly14:55
schoppenhauerbnason: or ftp14:55
bnasonthough i run nginx14:55
enavGood morning, I got a 8MB CSV files that have 23 Thousand lines and i need an easy way to automatically split that files in files with 300 lines  each, any idea?14:55
schoppenhauerbnason: i'm pretty sure nginx also has webdav support14:55
nrdb__memand, yes ... once the connection is made, make everything go via the OpenVPN and you don't need to worry about ssh tunnels for anything.14:56
schoppenhauerbnason: on the other hand, following symlinks on network file systems is generally considered dangerous.14:57
bnasoni wonder how webdav performs speed wise14:57
lotuspsychjeenav: http://askubuntu.com/questions/58626/csv-splitter-for-ubuntu14:57
jribenav: "split"?14:57
Picienav: split14:57
jribenav: erm, I am suggesting the command "split"14:57
enavlotuspsychje: thanks for your answer man14:57
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schoppenhauerbnason: that is, this will always be a corner-case.14:57
bnasonschoppenhauer, id rather worry about that than not be able to use it at all =\14:57
lotuspsychjeenav: no problem mate, thank google :p14:57
enavi google it with no love14:57
sygnouslove me some proxies :)14:58
schoppenhauerbnason: hm. it sounds like the X Y problem.14:58
memandnrdb__: So one can actually make it look like the server is just another computer on the LAN network?14:58
nrdb__memand, I treat it just like I would any local network card... the servers web-browser and postgresql database all connect to the tun0 interface just like they do to the eth0 interface.14:58
SolarisBoythats the problem enav you have to google with love in your heart14:58
nrdb__memand, yes14:58
schoppenhauer(and generally, I agree that most remote filesystems just s***. especially between different platforms.)14:59
memandnrdb__: That is pretty damn cool indeed :)14:59
reeskhow do i force the size of my monitor in ubuntu cause atm its detecting my 41inch lcd as 7 inch14:59
nrdb__memand, and with high quality encryption done automatically.15:00
schoppenhauerbnason: if you know what the X Y problem is (→google, duckduckgo) then you will probably agree and know what to do :315:01
shmoon" to ensure that the VirtualBox host kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp) are properly updated" - the "host" refers to the ubuntu installed on my machine on which virtual box runs ?15:03
memandnrdb__: It's pretty awesome, I actually did not really know anything about VPN earlier today. My friend on the server just called me and asked if I wanted to give it a go at making it work since I'm usually better at the terminal and config files etc.15:03
schoppenhauershmoon: usually, that is the host.15:03
shmoonok so i am right thanks schoppenhauer15:04
theadminWasn't Lucid support supposed to end today?15:07
nrdb__memand, have you changed the port number the openvpn is using?  It would probably be a good idea to lock down ssh to not accept password login too.15:08
IdleOnetheadmin: when the official email gets sent I am guessing.15:09
theadminIdleOne: Hm, okay.15:10
memandnrdb__: Yeah, that's all on the todo list ;) I just got access to this server and none of the ppl there except me really care for security15:10
nrdb__memand, more fool them... I would look at the fire wall to... there is a good firewall checker at www.grc.com called shieldsup.15:13
memandnrdb__: Yeah, that's a good idea. But I'll have to talk to the other guys about it since they are using it to run a Radio channel, so I don't want to f it up for them :)15:16
nrdb__memand, oh no ... that would be very bad.15:18
memandnrdb__: It's all abou the uptime ;)15:19
memandnrdb__: But it's not that big yet, so I could probably squeze a bit of tweaking in for security purpposses15:20
nrdb__memand, please go to #myprivatechat15:20
kingbeastneed help mounting my mp3 player15:23
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JofironsesIs there a command in linux to check if a certain command/binary was actually run? i.e. How do I know if the command date was run in the last 10 minutes?15:24
Jofironsesor maybe monitor if it will be called in the next 10 minutes ?15:25
ubuntuisthebestwhy am i here? i guess to see if my xchat works15:31
ubuntuisthebest(read error: insufficient vocabulary to master the GMAT keep studying)15:33
* xtacie loves idling in chat15:34
=== Neozonz is now known as Guest78791
Narwhaalhi, I'm trying to compile Sauerbraten, and I'm getting a weird error: "bash: ./configure: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"15:46
NarwhaalUbuntu 13.0415:46
theadminNarwhaal: You have the script in DOS format15:46
NarwhaalI do ?15:46
theadminNarwhaal: Also, Sauerbraten is in the repositories, just click: http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/sauerbraten15:46
Narwhaaltheadmin, not the latest one15:46
theadminNarwhaal: Do you need the latest?15:47
Narwhaalhow could I then convert the files ?15:47
theadminNarwhaal: dos2unix something.sh15:48
Narwhaalokay thanks15:48
Narwhaalgonna try and convert15:48
theadminNarwhaal: In your case, something.sh would be "configure"15:49
NarwhaalI get the same error15:49
Narwhaaland d2u says, "dos2unix: Binary symbol found at line 12557"15:50
NusulechI had a boyfriend named Ubuntu.  He used to "play the bongos" on my ass.15:50
Narwhaaltheadmin, dos2unix says, "dos2unix: Binary symbol found at line 12557", and doesn't convert15:50
theadminBweh :/15:50
theadminNarwhaal: How did you download/extract the archive? I'm pretty sure theirs is fine15:51
NarwhaalI got it from my old Windows build15:51
flineHi. Since I upgraded to 12.04 when I click in Nautilus a text and roll the mouse it won't show the next match as it used to. Is there a fix to it?15:51
theadminNarwhaal: Eh. That would be the problem, Windows messes text files up15:51
theadmin(Windows messes everything up, honestly, but the specific thing it messes up in that regard is text files)15:52
Narwhaaltheadmin, so should I get the GIT ?15:52
NarwhaalGit *15:52
IdleOne!language | Narwhaal15:53
ubottuNarwhaal: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:53
theadminNarwhaal: Eh, that's probably not too stable, just get the .tar.gz from their wobsite.15:53
theadminNarwhaal: err, .tar.bz215:53
odigity2Never used RAID before, would like setup Software RAID (mdadm) to mirror raid my system drive (/ partition), but I'm confused by the concept. The RAID service gets run just like any other during boot, but aren't the conf files for running the RAID service on the RAID partition itself?  Isn't that a paradox?15:54
=== christian is now known as Guest85883
bekksodigity2: RAID1 consists of at least to disks. The content is identical, so there is no problem.15:55
flineHi. Since I upgraded to 12.04 when I click in Nautilus a text and roll the mouse it won't show the next match as it used to. Is there a fix to it?15:55
theadminodigity2: How does Linux mount / if the directives for mounting it are in /etc/fstab, which is on /? Paradox too, the same kind :P15:56
NarwhaalIdleOne, what did I say ?15:56
odigity2bekks, so the computer boots, the linux kernel boots, it mounts the / partition off of one of the mirrored drives, then eventually mdadm gets started which starts mirroring changes to the other drive?15:56
odigity2theadmin, that has also confused me  :)15:56
Narwhaaltheadmin, it's stable, I tested it on a Ubuntu server15:56
odigity2theadmin, I've been a linux user for a long time, but not much of a sysadmin -- kept things simple, now trying to stretch myself15:57
PiciNarwhaal: I think IdleOne confused your use of 'git'15:57
Narwhaalokay, the Git compiles good :)15:57
NarwhaalPici, I think so15:57
theadminodigity2: (well, I can explain how that works, the kernel gets passed a root=/dev/sda1 or such directive, that gets mounted read-only and after fstab is scanned it's re-mounted appropriately, but yeah)15:57
NarwhaalIdleOne, Git == the SCM15:57
bekksodigity2: Nope. The kernel boots, loads the raid drivers from the initrd, loads the RAID config from the initrd, then mounts the / from the RAID.15:57
odigity2bekks, didn't know about initrd, reading now: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initrd15:58
odigity2bekks, how does one configure the kernel to know to do that?15:58
SonikkuAmericaI hear today is the last day for 10.04 Lucid Lynx and 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot. Ring of truth?15:58
Anniepoohowdy. wondering what the most effective way to get Ubuntu to update the swi-prolog package would be?15:58
theadminSonikkuAmerica: Indeed.15:59
theadminAnniepoo: Yes.15:59
bekksodigity2: The stock Ubuntu kernel uses a initrd - and while installing a (new) kernel from the repos, it (the initrd) is created15:59
odigity2I tried installing Ubuntu Desktop 13.04 while setting up mirror RAID for the system drive during the install.  tried two different online tutorials, both failed.  trying to learn more about the underlying pieces now to figure out what's going on15:59
IdleOnesorry Narwhaal I had the wrong person16:00
Narwhaalnp IdleOne16:00
AnniepooWell, the swi-prolog you get from Synaptic is ancient16:00
SonikkuAmericatheadmin: My condolences to Lucid, but I could give a rat's behind for Oneiric... it was a question of "Why oh why?"16:00
samijam4 days ago was my birthday and, of course, everybody on facebook told me happy birthday.  Now, I'm getting ubuntu notifications of all of these facebook posts.  This is the 3rd time it has happened16:00
lotuspsychjeodigity2: you can try also ##hardware too solve your good raid array16:00
odigity2two more questions, then:  1) is it a bad idea to have /boot on the raided partition, and 2) is it better to try setting up the mirror RAID during a fresh install or after the fact?16:00
SonikkuAmericasamijam: The Web IS faster than POP or IMAP you know,16:00
odigity2lotuspsychje, would prefer not to spend the money on a raid card, plus there's a lot of arguments for why soft raid is better.  want to learn the linux way of doing it16:01
bekksodigity2: Using RAID1, it is a good idea to move /boot onto it.16:01
SonikkuAmericasamijam: Aaaaaand you probably messed with dconf16:01
shadejhey guys16:01
theadminAnniepoo: (seriously, though, check the official website and see their downloads)16:01
lotuspsychje!raid | odigity216:01
ubottuodigity2: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:01
shadejis it possible to use the hot spot wifi for adhoc networking?16:01
odigity2lotuspsychje, thanks for the tip, though I did skim two of those links early on in the process.  should probably revisit them now with more context16:01
samijamSonikkuAmerica, I don't know why POP or IMAP would be related to facebook messages in ubuntu notifications.  Also, what could I have changed in dconf to make it repeat this randomly?16:02
SonikkuAmericasamijam: 13.04 right?16:02
samijamSonikkuAmerica, yes, 13.0416:02
SonikkuAmericasamijam: It's that new Friends app that's sparking libnotify.16:02
SonikkuAmericasamijam: You can mess with the notifications from the Friends app using dconf-editor16:03
samijamSonikkuAmerica, maybe turn off facebook in the online accounts?  I don't think I have much need for it anyway16:03
lotuspsychjeodigity2: alot of raid tutorials out there for ubuntu ; )16:03
odigity2so, can I just create one partition on /dev/sda taking up all the space, install ubuntu into it, then RAID it with /dev/sdb after the install is complete?16:03
Anniepoowell, we're in the situation where thousands of students install swi-prolog from a package, it screws up the installation16:03
odigity2lotuspsychje, I've already tried two and failed.16:03
Anniepooand we're having no luck getting you all to update the thing16:03
odigity2they both ended like this:  ubuntu installer almost done, then pops up error dialog saying "grub-install dummy failed"16:03
lotuspsychjeodigity2: http://askubuntu.com/questions/43036/how-do-i-install-grub-on-a-raid-system-installation16:05
=== mox is now known as Guest79809
SonikkuAmericasamijam: Not necessarily... You can go into Online Accounts and switch Facebook off in... lemme check (I use 13.04 myself)16:05
wlfreemanI recently installed Kubuntu on an Asus G46 laptop with an Elantech ETPS/2 touchpad. This isn't one of the "clickpads"; it has two physical buttons. Everything works except the right-click. There seem to be lots of problems like this and solutions, but they're all for clickpads rather than old-fashioned touchpads with real buttons. Any ideas about how I can diagnose this?16:05
Makkehow to remove auto changing wallpapers, latest ubuntu??????????16:05
theadminMakke: Just change the wallpaper to a static picture?16:06
samijamSonikkuAmerica, i flipped the switch off for facebook for the friends app16:06
Makkei changed to several pictures, without the clock icon, and custom images wont load....16:07
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
mmarkerOk, an upstart question. Running Precise on my BBxM, and would like to run an upstart job after all the old rc scripts are run. Any way to do that?16:10
SonikkuAmericammarker: Have you asked in #upstart yet?16:12
mmarkerNo, didn't realize there was an upstart...guess I can ask there.16:13
ubuwhats the command for showing your exact version of ubuntu again? lsb --release or something like that.16:15
hangthedjubu, lsb_release -a16:16
ubuhangthedj, thanks16:16
odigity2lotuspsychje, thanks again for the links16:17
erenI have seperate /root and /home and these are encrypted. I am planning to do a fresh 13.04 install. Is Ubuntu capable of mounting encrypted disk volumes on the install stage?16:18
erenhas anyone tried it?16:18
* eren is using 12.04 right now16:18
QuestI have a dsl modem (  -> server for QoS and monitoring (   -> clients ( .    Now in the clients ip configs, I have to add as gateway and as DNS . I want the clients to make 77.10 as the DNS and not 1.1  as then clients would be independant and see only the server. I can change the dsl of 1.1 and say plug in the 2.1 and the client wont have to change their ip config.   how it can be done16:19
Questas right now I cant just use 77.10 as a DNS in clients. why?16:19
Questdo I need a DNS software ? if yes. which one?16:19
BaldFatQuest: Why are you making your own DNS server? Why not use your router?16:20
QuestBaldFat,  theres a server in between.16:21
Questwhat i want is   how hard is to configure bind on ubuntu. for the 77.10 server to pass on client requests to 1.1 ?  then i can just put 77.10 for dns and gatway in clients config16:21
QuestBaldFat,  i only need the clents to have gateway and dns as 77.10 (server ip) and the clients should not worry about the ip of the dsl modem.16:22
BaldFatQuest: Your biting off a ton for no gained utility. Don't do a bind server to just point to 1.1 For instance You can plug in for Opendns server to just have it go where you want.16:22
BaldFatQuest: The only reason to do what you are doing is to gain the ability to name every machine and not just use a static IP.16:23
QuestBaldFat,  what do you mean. whats 208.67...16:23
BaldFatThose are the IP address to DNS at opendns and Google's DNS is
QuestBaldFat,  77.10 has just traffic monitoring tools . i have shared its eth1 and eth0 with each other. eth1 is Wan. eth0 is Lan16:24
BaldFatI would just point to your router and than at your router you can use whatever external DNS you want other than your ISP if you choose16:25
QuestBaldFat,  so what dns ip should clients have?16:25
BaldFat192.168.1.1 (Or whatever your router is using) 99% of people do that16:26
BaldFatunless you have specific purpose for running your own DNS (Pain in the butt to do IMHO)16:26
QuestBaldFat,  thats the problem. it works with 1.1 .but i want to give it 77.10 as dns for clients. so if i change the dsl from 1.1 to 2.1 . the clients wont have to be reconfigured16:27
BaldFatBut I don't understand why you would do what you want to do? DNS is just google.com = 172.323.434.43416:27
shomonhi, how do I get a lexmark x1270 to work on ubuntu?16:28
QuestBaldFat,   it works with 1.1 .but i want to give it 77.10 as dns for clients. so if i change the dsl from 1.1 to 2.1 . the clients wont have to be reconfigured16:28
BaldFatQuest:  But I don't understand why you would do what you want to do? DNS is just google.com = 172.323.434.43416:29
BaldFatshomon: http://lexmarkallinoneprinter.danielcadams.com/how-to-connect-to-a-wireless-printer-in-ubuntu/16:31
=== ring1 is now known as ring0
shomonsk00ter, ignored. please don't PM insults16:32
shomonthanks BaldFat16:32
sk00terHello fellow ubuntu users16:32
BaldFatsk00ter: So you want to play? ip address|16:34
PiciBaldFat: ?16:34
BaldFatsk00ter: just trolling in the chat pm16:35
notaria61who can helpme on samba im new user on ubuntu and use to use linux but not to network now i have a job in a notary and need to configurate one computer into the network of ubuntu actualy is a map drive like \\notary\docs and request me a pasword wich dont have and dont know how to configure or where to get, can someone patient can guide me? first there was other employer and was fired so he left with the pasword and yesterday reset the pasword of win16:35
notaria61dows to start sesion as admin and now can enter as admin with the username of notary but when is asked to log to the  network it ask for a password of hiram wich is the name of the  employer and i also make other user admin and try to enter with that but dont bring acces and the user hiram is not a user of the computer is like only a user for the network but dont know where is it or how to access or change pasword so im now at the server of samba whe16:35
notaria61re is the server please someone helpme or guide me16:35
FloodBot3notaria61: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:35
FloodBot1notaria61: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:35
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:35
BaldFatnotapuff: you have an issue with Samba permissions http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-set-permissions-to-samba-shares.html Go to a different channel try #samba or #networking16:36
BaldFatnotaria61: : you have an issue with Samba permissions http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-set-permissions-to-samba-shares.html Go to a different channel try #samba or #networking16:37
HoldenHi, problem with apt-get, does anyone knows how to solve this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5648369/16:41
jbbwhat problems are you having?16:41
NarwhaalHolden, looks like you have a proxy/routing problem or something like it16:44
SonikkuAmericaUh-oh... http://www.engrish.com/2009/08/looking-for-the-theoripcl-phyalcs-subsection/16:44
PiciSonikkuAmerica: wrong channel16:44
SonikkuAmericaPici: Oops, you're right...16:45
SonikkuAmericaPici: The irony is I meant that for -offtopic16:45
HoldenNarwhaal, thanks, actually it's not me, but an user on #ubuntu-it. he also pasted this if it could help http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5648346/16:46
NarwhaalHolden, oh16:46
NarwhaalI said that based on "Unable to connect to"16:47
NarwhaalI've never had that lol16:47
HoldenNarwhaal, yes, he says apt returns that error, but web surfing works...16:47
Holdennot sure what where to check about proxies16:48
timontiI am having problems using usb_modeswitch in Ubuntu with my HP Envy Spectre XT16:51
zykotick9Holden: apt proxies can either be defined in the sources.list, or more likely /etc/apt/apt.conf  Narwhaal16:51
timontiFedora on the same machine manages to switch my modem from storage to a internet device.16:51
timontiAny ideas?16:51
Holdenzykotick9, hold on, I'll ask him to paste those files16:52
foofoobarI want to use "pdflatex" on my server. Do I have to install the texlive-full package for this?16:52
timontitexlive-latex-base should be good enough16:53
timontiAnyone here with knowledge on usb_modeswitch and can help?16:53
foofoobartimonti, thanks. 2GB difference :>16:54
timontifoofoobar, you're welcome :)16:54
anirbanhello, i'm facing a problem installing xampp.. i assume it's a right place to ask ?16:55
Holdenzykotick9, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5648409/16:55
timontiAnyone here with knowledge on usb_modeswitch?16:55
bean__!xampp | anirban16:56
ubottuanirban: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.16:56
BaldFatHolden: is Google's DNS server IP Address looks like it is a text file issue with the confgiuration16:56
zykotick9!xampp | anirban16:56
bean__zykotick9: already did that :P16:56
zykotick9anirban: sorry, bean__ already got it16:56
Stupebrettops sorry16:56
sha1sumso, since the people in #kubuntu are obviously dead to the World: is it normal that I just installed Kubuntu from the latest release yesterday and it's using the maverick repos? I had to change the domain for all of the repos to old-releases.ubuntu.com16:57
zarbulahello, getting the error 'No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already' when I attempt to do anything in apt-get.  I hear it's something to do with my /boot being almost full16:57
HoldenBaldFat, yes, that's what I thought... just trying to figure out what he touched :)16:57
foofoobarHow to get microsoft core fonts (arial, arial black, arial narrow) to my ubuntu server? ttf-mscorefonts (as I found the name via google) can not be found16:57
wlfreemanI recently installed Kubuntu on an Asus G46 laptop with an Elantech ETPS/2 touchpad. This isn't one of the "clickpads"; it has two physical buttons. Everything works except the right-click. There seem to be lots of problems like this and solutions, but they're all for clickpads rather than old-fashioned touchpads with real buttons. Any ideas about how I can diagnose this?16:57
theadminfoofoobar: ttf-mscorefonts-installer is the packagename16:57
BaldFatHolden: /etc/interfaces/ which ever one he is currently connected to16:57
memandHey guys, when my servers fs is looking like this http://sprunge.us/XQPW what can I do to clean up?16:57
bean__sha1sum: that doesn't sound correct.16:57
bean__memand: i would check /var/log/16:58
HoldenBaldFat, ok look here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5648409/ I think he set a proxy... I'll ask him to rename this file16:58
foofoobartheadmin, "is not available but is references by a different package..."16:58
muellisoft!fonts | theadmin16:58
ubottutheadmin: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/16:58
bean__Holden: BaldFat: yep, thats an apt proxy... to a proxy host that doesn't work as a proxy...16:58
zykotick9memand: what's taking up all the space in /?  "sudo apt-get clean" will get rid of the apt cache, if you have the room to run it ;)  good luck.16:59
theadminfoofoobar: 'tis in multiverse, you have that enabled in your sources.list?16:59
Holdenbean__ ok perfect, thanks, let's see if that solves the issue16:59
foofoobartheadmin, no16:59
theadminfoofoobar: Well you should16:59
memandbean__ zykotick9: thx16:59
foofoobartheadmin, okay, I will google how to do that17:00
BaldFatmemand: du -h /etc17:00
BaldFatmemand: du is your best friend for finding things.17:01
gandarodu is your best friend for finding file size17:01
BaldFatdu -h is best for figuring out what is causing it17:02
Picimemand: I find ncdu to be great for finding and deleting whats taking up space.  That is, if you have enough space to install it ;)17:02
asahIf i wanted to hack on the source of a binary package I have installed in my Ubuntu, how would I do that?  Is there an easy way to get the corresponding source package?  In my case I'm trying to hack on GRUB2's source.  Or should I just work on the one from the official bzr repository?17:03
BaldFatthan you can do du -h / | grep ~/hog.txt17:03
theadminasah: apt-get source packagename will download sources for packagename to the current directory.17:03
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as VeggieBurger
BaldFatI would agree with the ncdu but in this case :) you can also look at /tmp and delet or loook at log real quickly17:03
theadminPici: Oooh, nice little utility, thanks17:04
ubottuyuri2: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:05
theadminCLI version of baobab :D17:05
BaldFatmemand: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-disk-usage-command-examples/ for examples of cli file size tools17:08
memandBaldFat: Sorry for the delay in answering, I where talking o one of the other guys on the server17:08
memandBaldFat: I'm checking out du no :)17:08
memands/ no/ now/17:09
BaldFatI would go du -h /tmp and than their log17:09
BaldFatmemand: go to #sed with that talk :P17:09
memandBaldFat: lol17:10
BaldFatmemand: also it should be s/ no/ now/gi for #perl17:12
memandOr :%s/ no/ now/g for vim :P17:13
BaldFatmemand: you forgot gi for ingnore case17:15
memandBaldFat: You are right17:15
memandBaldFat: du -h / gives a heck of an output, is there a way to make it easier to find the spacehoogs?17:16
SonikkuAmericamemand: Try [ du -h / | grep <whatever> ]17:16
theadminmemand: find / -size +100M will find all files larger than 100MB17:18
timontiAnyone here with knowledge on usb_modeswitch? I am facing difficulty getting my 3G usb modem working with ubuntu17:18
trismmemand: if you get rid of the -h you can use sort -n to find the larger paths in the du output17:19
memandOh my, they are running a radio on the server and for some reason they put the f'ing sound files they play in / not in their home dir17:20
theadminmemand: ...That's pretty stupid17:20
BaldFatmemand: It's not the worst I have seen.17:21
SanpreetHey Anybody have knowledge about microcontroller17:21
memandBaldFat: O_o17:21
SonikkuAmericaBaldFat: I'd hate to know the worst you've seen.17:21
BaldFatmemand: I still add a sepearte partition for my /tmp and logs17:21
sc30317does anyone know why when I dig a property, I can't resolve any IP addresses?  Ubuntu 13.0417:21
sc30317can give examples if necessary17:22
BaldFatI loved the time when I asked the guy to type su - for his webserver and his answer after 5 minutes was he has it always loged on as su17:22
memandBaldFat: lol17:22
sameerany indian girl17:22
Picisameer: This is a support channel, not a dating service.17:23
sameerplease join me17:23
BaldFatj/ archlinux17:23
BaldFatj/ archlinux17:23
PiciBaldFat: /join #archlinux17:24
SonikkuAmericaBaldFat: You mean /j #archlinux17:24
BaldFatno I want him to go there and see what their responces would be17:24
BaldFatbad jokes17:24
memandBaldFat: lol, that would be funny17:25
memandsameer: there is many indian girls in #archlinux17:25
=== jnl__ is now known as jnl_
gschanuelhow to find out who is answering my dns queries? i mean, resolv.conf has, so i guess it directs the query to my router17:30
gschanueli do not have access to my router config, so, how can I find it out?17:30
tgm4883gschanuel, 'nm-tool'17:31
gschanuel(i'm being victim of DNS cache poisoning)17:31
BaldFatgschanuel: = local host aka the machine itself17:31
BaldFatso something is routing it to your box and than to something else17:31
zebrarageuse dig17:31
tgm4883BaldFat, that is the default for 12.04 and later I believe17:32
BaldFattgm4883: really? surprise to m17:32
tgm4883BaldFat, 12.04 and later use dnsmasq17:33
tgm4883BaldFat, http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/17:34
memandAny of you guys that has experience with getting osx to connect to a linux vpn server?17:35
jpdsmemand: Connect how?17:35
memandI'm running openvpn on the server17:35
BaldFattgm4883: read and learned thanks17:36
BaldFatmemand: yeah go to #openvpn17:36
memandBaldFat: Good idea :)17:36
BaldFatmemand: ask abotu indian girls while your at it17:37
jpdsBaldFat: ...17:37
BaldFatjpds: sorry couldn't help keeping the joke going sorry :(17:38
nbpis it possible to install Ubuntu from ram?17:40
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
nbpis it possible to install ubuntu from ram?17:43
wallzeroGreetings, could someone please help my with grub?17:43
MonkeyDustnbp  a live session is loaded into ram, so yes17:43
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BaldFatnbp: flash drive17:43
nbpcant do flash drive or usb17:43
SolarisBoyalso you could install it from a initramfs so yes again17:43
nbpmacbook 1.1 no cd no usb17:43
wallzeroWhen I boot, I receive the error "uknown filesystem"17:43
MonkeyDustnbp  a live cd or dvd17:43
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
nbpso mini.iso17:44
infogulchi'm running precise, and i'd like to upgrade mesa to 9.2, where the package manager is getting 8.0.4. what's the best way for me to go about this?17:44
nbpive tried through unetbootin but it freezes before install17:44
wallzeromy ubuntu is installed in an encrypted lvm17:44
gmachine_24Greetings. 12.04LTS here; how can I disable the keypad while I am typing?17:44
merpnderp1Where can I find the shasums for nginx for 64 bit 12.04?17:46
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
nbpso if I loaded the mini.iso to my ram and then adjusted my grub i could just boot from that, correct?17:46
bekksnbp: See wether the .iso supports an option to load itself into ram.17:47
MonkeyDustnbp  best way to find out, would be by trying, i guess17:47
gschanuelthis is the IP that is  poisoning  my DNS
nbpfrom my understanding the minimal iso is the only one that can be loaded into iso17:48
nbpoh to load itself bekks sorry i didnt read that17:48
merpnderp1nevermind, apt-cache show nginx :)17:48
gschanuelthey infected a windows machine, changed the DNS from the router to this one
BaldFatgschanuel: Do a quick whois and see what country17:49
gschanuellooks like its russian17:49
BaldFatgschanuel: I bet you they did it straight to the router and didn't touch your windows machine17:49
BaldFatreset the router to factory and change the user name from admin and password for tugboat :P17:50
nbpand not just the login user name and password17:50
gschanuelBaldFat, it was already different from default (admin admin)17:50
nbpwhat kind of router gschanuel?17:51
gschanuelTPL-LINK TD-881617:51
merpnderp1How do I find out what the shasum shoudl be for the nginx binary on 64 bit 12.04?17:53
Wexwhere do I get my user name and password for router17:54
Chris_W_I had an idea on what might be causing my screen issue.  Ubuntu server is running on an old laptop that the screen had stopped working on. i removed the screen and cables.  when i boot into windows, it still thinks i have to monitors, so maybe ubuntuu does too, and thats why the terminal output is only using half the screen.  does this sound viable?17:55
becnfecnSo, why is it that it's so hard to edit the window bevhavior on 13.04?17:56
becnfecnThe window manager settings isn't even available via the tweak tool. It's an awful lot of work to get the windows to roll up.17:56
wallzeroMy system is installed in an encrypted LVM, and grub is installed in an unencrypted partition17:59
wallzeroI backed up my grub partition, and divided into two partitions, one for EFI, and one for GRUB17:59
wallzeroMy EFI partition works, but GRUB responds with a "Unknown Filesystem" error on boot17:59
wallzeroI followed this guide to gain access to my encrypted LVM and chroot into the OS18:00
wallzeroBut regardless of what I try, grub always returns the same error, "Uknown Filesystem"18:00
wallzeroHow can I fix grub to recognize my encrypted LVM again?18:00
killslooks like a chanel full of idlers18:03
delinquentmeso I've got a file which should be being written out to / edited by a given script ... how can I ensure that the "author" script has the permissions it needs to edit an existing file?18:04
bjrohanPlease help, how does one download from github? I am trying to download this Alfresco module: https://github.com/Redpill-Linpro/alfresco-libreoffice-online-edit.git18:05
theadminbjrohan: There's a zip button for those unfamiliar with git18:06
theadminbjrohan: Click it.18:06
bjrohanThank you!18:06
killsim having issues with update center constantly lagging and videos skipping frames18:09
killson ubuntu 13.0418:10
Chris_W_is there a command to see what displays or outputs ubuntu thinks are physically connected?  im on server with no gui.18:14
SolarisBoy'xset q' Chris_W_18:15
adamkHe's not in X.18:15
SolarisBoyoh.. ok..18:15
Chris_W_yeah.  im really close to pulling my hair out on this.18:15
Chris_W_i think linux is using two displays because the the laptop lcd (not connected) and the monitor (connected w/ vga) and its messing with the screen sizes.18:16
Chris_W_or some crap.  i dont know.18:16
cheeseBreathChris_W_: do you want a gui18:17
SolarisBoyare you just running a TTY terminal on your laptop with no X (customized setup) ? im trying to understand your plight.18:17
adamkChris_W_: Your explanation could be correct. With KMS, it will query all attached monitors and run a console on both at the largest shared resolution of the monitors.18:18
Chris_W_cheeseBreath: no.  im just using it for a mediaserver.  im able to ssh into it with my work laptop, but I dont always have that, and so when i sit down infront of it i get tired of the screen using suck little space18:18
adamkSo if the native resolution of the larger is 1680x1050 and the native resolutiion of the smaller is 1440x900, it will run a console at 1440x900 on the 1680x1050 monitor.18:18
BaldFatChris_W_: arandr?18:18
adamkThere are various options you can pass to the kernel to disable a monitor.18:18
Chris_W_adamk: i think thats it18:19
Chris_W_BaldFat:  no gui18:19
adamkBaldFat: Again, he's not using X.  RANDR is only applicable for X.18:19
Chris_W_so how do i go about seeing with "monitors" it thinks i have and disabling the small one?18:19
BaldFatChris_W_: I should correct myself than I am sorry XRandR18:20
adamkThe only way I know is checking the various directories and/or files under /sys/class/drm18:21
BaldFatXandR --verbose18:21
veryhappyhey guys is there any program that searched "automatically" after you click a file for a program that could execute this extension? like if you didn't install the appropriate program it automatically searches for one and gives you a list or wasn't something like that programmed at all?18:21
adamkChris_W_: There should be entries for the monitors it detects...  As for disabling them...  I really don't know, but a google search might point you in the right direction.18:21
bkfitzsorry wrong room18:21
adamkBaldFat: Again, he's not using X.18:21
skulltipfirefox and facebook/farmville is slow. Is there a way to speed it up?  using ubuntu 12.0418:21
skulltipsorry, that's farmville 218:22
bekksveryhappy: No, since file extensions are irrelevant.18:22
Chris_W_this is whats in that dir "card0  card0-LVDS-1  card0-VGA-1  controlD64  version"18:22
SolarisBoyskulltip: check your networking setup18:22
skulltipSolarisBoy - i don't see issues when i play openarena or HL2 deathmatch18:22
SolarisBoythe LVDS is teh lapy screen afaik18:22
SolarisBoyand the VGA-1 is ofcourse the VGA are those folders Chris_W_ ?18:23
veryhappybekks: ok, why are they irrelevant?18:23
maujhsnveryhappy Why not use the synaptic package manager?18:23
SolarisBoyskulltip: your talking about webapps not ubuntu18:23
bekksveryhappy: Because the content type will not change when just renaming a file extension.18:23
SolarisBoythey may do different tasks/jobs hit different sites -18:23
Chris_W_SolarisBoy: all except version18:23
SolarisBoyChris_W_: may be useful files with data under those folders then18:24
bekksveryhappy: e.g. renaming example.jpg to example.png will not automagically convert it to the PNG format.18:24
maujhsnAnybody use the program called "flex"?18:24
veryhappybekks: yea, especially when my mom says something like "it helps" i worry about how could she use the pc for that long time without any issues :D18:25
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veryhappybekks: it's also not me who believes in that crap i just wanted to know if there is an application that (perhaps i was mistaken on saying "extensions) if there is a program that finds out what program you need for a specific file.18:26
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bekksveryhappy: You need the program "file" to identify the content.18:26
rannekwhat's up guys?18:26
rannekdo you see what i write?18:26
BluesKajrannek, yes, can you18:27
rannekokay thanks!18:27
rannekwhy there are 1825 people and nobody is talking?18:28
netlarHelp!!, I just changed my video driver and now Ubuntu will not boot up18:28
Picirannek: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. I guess not many people need help.  Social chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic18:29
bekks!details | netlar18:29
ubottunetlar: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:29
BluesKajlots of auto joins , who aren't always participating18:29
rannekthank you!i understand18:29
bekksnetlar: So which Ubuntu do you have, and which driver did you replace with which other driver?18:29
netlarI am on Version 13.04 and when I turn on the machine, it just goes to a blank screen18:29
veryhappybekks: isn't there any signature in the file? bekks i'm about to become a programmer i actually know more than just the basics, i just wondered if there's not a way to figure out over the signature?18:30
veryhappybekks: we really could have told him the answer, not being rude.18:30
bekksveryhappy: No, there is no such signature. A file generally consists of content.18:30
netlarIt was the driver for nvidia geforce 820018:30
maujhsnI am interested in recording a screencast for 20  minutes. How can I  do this without my session locking up because i step away from the laptop for 20 minutes, any takers?18:30
=== milind is now known as abyss42
bekksveryhappy: Told which answer to whom?18:30
netlarI changed it to the 319 open source driver18:31
abyss42Any recommendations for a good bash irc client?18:31
bekksnetlar: There is no such thing as "319 open source driver". Which graphics hardware do you even have?18:31
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BluesKajmaujhsn, you really should attend lectures in person :)18:32
MonkeyDustnetlar  blank screen with blinking cursor? if yes, try !nomodeset18:32
Piciabyss42: irssi and weechat are popular.18:32
netlarI have the Nvidea GeForce 820018:32
bekksnetlar: Ah, the nvidia 8200. So you installed the nouveau driver?18:32
netlarMonkeyDust: yes18:32
abyss42Thanks Pici18:32
kbooduabyss42: Command line or GUI?18:32
maujhsnBluesKaj Tell me about it :)!18:32
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | netlar18:32
ubottunetlar: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:32
abyss42kboodu, command line.18:32
kbooduabyss42: Then I agree with Pici.18:33
veryhappybekks: netlar18:33
veryhappybekks: i mean i'd also be interested why there are so many people in here that normally don't talk.18:33
bekksveryhappy: I was referring to your question all the time, regarding the importance of a file extension.18:33
netlaryes veryhappy ?18:34
kbooduveryhappy, Some people are away.  Some are only watching until they can answer a question.  There may be other reasons.  Does it matter?18:34
netlarbekks: no, it said nvidia 8200 319 open source driver18:35
veryhappykboodu: yea :D especially for the days when i'm in here waiting for an answer and all this 1000 people in hear don't know an answer ...18:35
kbooduveryhappy: Just because they are here doesn't mean they would know the answer to YOUR question.  We all have different knowledge...18:35
bekksnetlar: The open source driver is called nouveau (and calls itself like that) and the closed source driver is called nvidia (and calls itselfs like that).18:35
rannekit's good to see that there are many people,that's have a feeling18:35
zinouvitcheslt  atou18:35
bekksnetlar: So either you are using nvidia or nouveau.18:35
veryhappykboodu: yea right18:36
netlarbekks: hold on let me check18:36
paddymahoneymy xorg died after installing nvidia 3.19-I had to ppa-purg xorg-edgers and a buncha things to get it back18:36
bekkspaddymahoney: That may happen when using bleeding edge PPA.18:37
paddymahoneybekks: yep.18:37
veryhappyok guys, coming back later i guess18:38
veryhappysee you18:38
veryhappytake care and thank you18:38
MadsRCHey guys, got a problem with an xubuntu 12.04 - I keep getting a DNS server of which won't resolv my internal domains (from my internal DNS server) but It will resolv external domains. There's no problem when on Windows machines18:38
netlarbekks: This is exactly the description of the driver, NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library from nvidia 319 (open source)18:38
BluesKajthe 319 driver is experimental afaik18:38
synnerwow... crowded room18:39
bekksnetlar: The vdpau library is opensource. The nvidia binary driver is closed source.18:39
bekksnetlar: So which ubuntu do you use exactly?18:39
synneri am trying to move from 10.10 to 12.0418:39
synnerbut dist-upgrade does not work18:39
synnerany ideas?18:39
netlarI am just typing what it says on screen18:39
synner(for a server)18:39
Picisynner: You'd need to upgrade to 11.04 then 11.10 then 12.04.18:40
bekkssynner: You have to update like 10.10 -> 11.04 -> 11.10 -> 12.0418:40
bekksnetlar: And I am just telling you what that means. :)18:40
Pici!eolupgrades | synner this should point you in the right direction18:40
ubottusynner this should point you in the right direction: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:40
netlarbekks: so even though it has open source in the decryption, it is not open source?18:40
bekksnetlar: the open source term refers to vdpau only. The term binary refers to closed source.18:41
netlarbekks ahh ok18:41
bekksnetlar: And now please tell us which Ubuntu do you use.18:41
MonkeyDustnetlar  paste the exact output of 'cat /etc/issue' here     without the quotes18:42
bekksnetlar: The 319 driver isnt shipped from the official repos. Did you add an PPA?18:43
netlarUbuntu 13.004 \n \l18:43
netlarbekks: you mean added the PPA so that the driver 319 showed up?18:44
bekksYes. You did that. :)18:44
netlarAll I remember doing was going to nvidia site for drivers and downloading a driver18:45
netlarMonkeyDust: sorry that is all the showed up18:45
MonkeyDustnetlar  that's not a copy/paste, it has an error in it18:46
MonkeyDusta typo18:46
netlarI know, typing this on another machine18:46
netlarGot on the other machine when my Ubuntu machine did not boot up18:47
OerHeksnvidia 8200 needs the old .173 driver AFAIK18:47
netlarOerHeks: Yes I see that as one of the drivers18:48
OerHeksnetlar sorry, not the nvidia-173 but nvidia-173-updates18:48
netlarOh goodness, have no idea which driver to use18:49
btorchok so I'm trying to get some partitions mounted on boot up .. can't use fstab .. so created a config under /etc/init/ for upstart but nothing gets mounted18:50
btorchI see no errors either18:50
btorchvery simple just "start on runlevel [2345]  and then exec /usr/local/bin/mount_drives.sh18:50
btorchthat just has a /bin/mount /srv/node/mpath018:51
MonkeyDustbtorch  what's wrong with fstab ?18:51
btorchworks fine when I use initctl start mountdrives18:51
bekksnetlar: You've just been told to use the nvidia-173-updates driver, not the 31918:51
btorchmultipath issues18:51
bcmbПривет, по-русски кто-нибудь говорит?18:51
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:52
netlarbekks: Ok, I see "nvidia-173" on the list, but not nvidia-173-updates18:52
netlarHow do I get that one?18:52
MonkeyDustbtorch  start from the beginning, what have you tried, including fstab, before you came here18:52
bekksnetlar: Then use nvidia-173.18:52
bcmbCannot join #ubuntu-ru: Registration is required.18:52
bcmbCannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services18:52
bekksnetlar: Do not use any higher version.18:52
bcmbWhere can I register ?18:53
btorchMonkeyDust: ok well got dell r720s with MD32xx using multipath18:53
seedoI tried to run arcanist . but got this err http://pastebin.com/Dz0qqBgk18:53
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btorchMonkeyDust: multipah-tools works ok and I have all the drives up and looks ok18:53
btorchMonkeyDust: the problem is after a reboot if I keep this secondary devices on the fstab ubuntu freaks out that it can't find the mpathX device and gets stuck18:54
btorchso I'm assuming some boot order somewhere or perhaps modules but haven't had time to check that out for sure18:54
seedohow to set proxy when i'm working on intranet18:54
btorchso decide to add noauto to the entries on fstab which then comes the problem of mounting them up after the boot process is done18:55
MonkeyDustbtorch  just checked multipath, it's beyond me, i guess18:55
seedoI tried dconf but still I get the same err for an installation http://pastebin.com/Dz0qqBgk18:55
bindiis there a cli spotify/youtube client?18:55
btorchfor some reason upstart is not reading this config or something else during boot up18:56
maujhsnAnybody know  the irc channel for "vlc media player"?18:56
nullby7emaujhsn: #vlc18:56
seedomaujhsn: #videolan I guess18:56
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btorchdo I need to enable something else ? do I need an init.d scripts ?18:57
netlarOk, that did not work, now I do not even get the cursor18:57
Ari-YangI have a question, is it recommended to have the option 'Grab Server during draw' under 'Sync' of composite settings? here's a screen shot: http://gyazo.com/68e11189bb26e3a1191d9a2ac0c810de18:57
bekksnetlar: Define "that".18:58
netlarI changed driver of 17318:58
netlarand then rebooted18:58
bekksnetlar: Did you uninstall every other driver before? Did you didabled the PPA before? Did you remove all software installed from that 'PPA before?18:58
bekksnetlar: If one answer is not, do so.18:59
netlarbekks: ok , but I no screen again19:00
bekksnetlar: Did you do what I just told you? I strongly doubt it, since it was only 2 minutes ago.19:01
jdolesHow can I get a working installation of apparmor? Lots of files are missing and this has been reported by a lot of people already.19:01
jdolesAll kinds of errors like: Could not open 'abstractions/ldapclient'19:01
netlarbekks: you are right , I did not, I just changed the driver to 17319:02
Ari-Yangalso, what does it mean to 'grab server during draw'?19:02
bekksnetlar: Then do it...19:02
Sagittwhy if i change an icon to a folder, icon from /usr/share/icons, i'll see a square around the folder icon?19:02
netlarbekks: I cannot I rebooted now have no screen19:03
bekksnetlar: Then you have to reboot into failsafe mode.19:03
Hiro`Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can help. I was just asked by Ubuntu if I wanted to do a partial upgrade, said yes, the upgrade seemed to work fine, but then when I came back to my computer a moment later it the screen had locked. No big deal normally, but the little dialogue box where I usually enter my password is not there and no amount of swearing, pleading or randomly pushing buttons seems to bring it back. Does anyone know how I19:03
Hiro`can get back onto my computer? Thanks.19:03
MonkeyDustHiro`  try bribing19:04
netlarGuess I will just reinstall19:04
aaron___> if i have a settings in my  laptop bios that says hdd slot #1 seagate and hdd slot #2 empty does that mean i can have 2 internal hdds ?19:05
Hiro`MonkeyDust: What do you suggest I offer?19:05
bekksaaron__: It has two ports on the controller, but not necessarily the space for a second HDD.19:05
aaron__bekks: ssds are smaller than hdds right?19:07
gordonjcpaaron__: it may not have the second controller port broken out19:07
netlarbekks: well anyway, thanks for trying to help me19:08
nbpanyone here have any experience installing ubuntu from ram?19:08
aaron__gordonjcp: then why it has it?19:09
WeThePeopleis it possible to delete headers from the grub19:09
gordonjcpaaron__: because the chip has it19:10
gordonjcpnbp: what do you mean, "from ram"?19:10
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, If you remove the kernels and run a update-grub they will be gone.19:10
gordonjcpWeThePeople: yeah, I did exactly that to get rid of all the linux-3.5 kernels floating about19:11
xtacieok cross your fingers this works19:11
gordonjcpjust uninstall what you don't want with your package management tool of choice, and as wilee-nilee says run update-grub19:11
gordonjcpand wait for a while..19:11
nbpgordonjcp i'm trying to install a fresh ubuntu from ubuntu19:12
aaron__can the kernel affect battery duration of a laptop?19:12
nbpbut i have no usb and no cd access19:12
WeThePeople wilee-nilee, i would like to revert back to a previous ubuntu in the grub, how would i go about doing this?19:12
nbpthe understanding i've come to gordonjcp is that I have to install ubuntu from the ram19:13
Hiro`Found a solution: =C-M-f1= to get a text-based terminal login, then =killall gnome-screensaver= to get rid of the screensaver.19:13
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muellisoftHiro`: you can DISPLAY=:0 gnome-screensaver-command --deactive19:15
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Muellideactivate even19:15
xtacieWOOT. i got the dern video issue fixed and now to document19:15
zykotick9RIP Ubuntu 10.04LTS Lucid Lynx Desktop...  :(..19:16
jdolesWhy do I get this on a LTS release for package apparmor? Found reference to variable HOME, but is never declared19:16
OerHeksRIP ubuntu 8.0.4 server19:16
nbpi guess the real question is how do I install from hard drive?19:17
nbpbut while writing over the partition the iso is on19:17
jdolesAren't LTS distributions intented to be *the* version of Ubuntu meant for people to use?19:17
Hiro`Muelli: in a file or just in a terminal to switch off the screensaver for the current session?19:18
MuelliHiro`: instead of killall19:18
Hiro`Muelli: got you. Ta for the tip!19:18
Quest When i try to ssh a server, well any server, its stuck on password and some times resumes after a long delay and some times done. it seems that theres a problem with my ssh client?19:19
wesselI have Ubuntu installed on my primary SSD, and windows on my secondary SDD, I configured my bootloader to boot up windows by default. What is going to happen when I format SSD1? Will there be a bootloader on SSD2? I think grub is installed on SSD1 because it came with Ubuntu installation. I think there is a windows bootloader on SSD2 from the windows installation.19:19
MuelliQuest: maybe you network connection is very unreliable. You can debug SSH by giving many -v arguments19:19
Loshkijdoles: LTS are pretty stable, but it doesn't mean there are *no* bugs at all...19:20
jdolesLoshki: no bugs and a major package not even working after purging and reinstalling are two different things.19:20
Npcis there some free video editing software that allows making those tiled videos?19:20
Npci'm not sure what the feature is called19:20
jdolesLoshki: Warning from stdin (line 1): /sbin/apparmor_parser: cannot use or update cache, disable, or force-complain via stdin19:20
WeThePeoplehow do i downgrade kernels?19:21
Ari-Yang....tbh if I had known 12.04 would be supported longer than 12.10, I would have chosen it. but 12.10 is fine, haven't really encountered any bugs, well at least noticed any.19:21
SolarisBoyWeThePeople: you don't down/up grade kernels19:21
SolarisBoyWeThePeople: install or remove them19:21
jdolesLoshki: tell me how I am supposed to know what that is even supposed to mean?19:21
BluesKajWeThePeople, you don't downgrade a kernel , you just use an olde one19:21
jdolesLoshki: it's just some internal data which is of no interest to end-users.19:21
WeThePeoplesolarisboy, thanks for pointing that out, do you know how to install precise kernels and remove quantal kernels?19:22
BillyZaneit's like... my system is breaking because of 13.04 ....19:22
tgm4883jdoles, where do you get that message?19:23
jdolesBillyZane: do you also use experimental medicine?19:23
jdolestgm4883: apt-get install apparmor19:23
SolarisBoyjdoles: great analogy19:23
BillyZanejdoles: nope19:23
tgm4883jdoles, what is the output of   'echo $HOME'19:23
SolarisBoyWeThePeople: no i am not aware off top of my head how (or if you really want) to do that19:23
Hwkiller13.04 is super buggy for me. 1) It won't completely shut down when I tell it to. It just stops at a blank screen. 2) It has now taken to randomly shutting down.19:23
gordonjcpnbp: have you considered PXE booting?19:23
Hwkiller2) is really bugging me19:23
jdolesBillyZane: then you don't want to use a release which is not LTS.19:23
Loshkijdoles: I don't know what it means either, but google has seen it before, e.g. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193865619:23
HwkillerWhy is 13.04 shutting down for me?19:24
jdolestgm4883: to which error message are you referring?19:24
SolarisBoyHwkiller: the fact that 13.04 is "buggy" is probably due to it's not an LTS version and less stable more bleeding edge things make it there -19:24
BillyZanejdoles: i guess you're right. i was running 12.10, how can i downgrade to an LTS? or.. i should say, when will the next LTS be released?19:24
SolarisBoyif your looking for stability stick with LTS - you really aren't losing much19:24
SolarisBoyif anything19:24
tgm4883jdoles, if you run that at a command prompt, what do you get back?19:24
jdolestgm4883: /root19:25
netlarHwkiller: same here19:25
WeThePeoplecan new and old kernels interfere with one another19:25
HwkillerSolarisBoy: dude, I run testing on arch with fewer bugs19:25
Hwkillerno excuse19:25
nbpgordonjcp like a network install?19:25
SolarisBoyHwkiller: arch isn't ubuntu19:25
tgm4883jdoles, why are you logged in as root?19:25
SolarisBoyHwkiller: the comparison value there is nil19:25
HwkillerSolarisBoy: I'm saying it's a crap excuse to say that "it's not LTS"19:25
SolarisBoyit actually isn't...19:25
gordonjcpnbp: yup19:25
tgm4883jdoles, or rather, how did you login as root19:25
SolarisBoybut ok..19:25
jdolestgm4883: because I am running apt-get install which requires root?19:25
netlarHwkiller: it is so frustrating19:25
jdolestgm4883: read the wiki if you want to know.19:26
Hwkillerregardless of whether it's LTS, my system should not shut down at random times. That's asinine19:26
SolarisBoyits a crap idea to use something that doesn't say "long term support" and come into support channels asking for support on it19:26
gordonjcpnbp: so what's the current situation?  You have a machine running Ubuntu, and you want to install Ubuntu onto what?19:26
jdolestgm4883: I thought you were going to help me.19:26
SolarisBoyopinions opinions..19:26
nbpi have seen things about that but the steps looked more complicated, my quick understanding was that id need a special servver for that gordonjcp19:26
superbootHi all. In older versions of ubuntu, you could open a new login in a window. It would look like gdm welcome screen, but in a window within the running login. How can I do this in current versions of ubuntu?19:26
tgm4883jdoles, actually it just requires sudo.19:26
tgm4883jdoles, yes, but I have to know what you did so far19:26
jdolestgm4883: and sudo is how different from root?19:26
jdolestgm4883: it is not. BAZINGA.19:26
netlarHwkiller: I got ubuntu to work they way I wanted to , now it just crapped out on me19:26
jdolesIs there anyone who doesn't start discussions on root vs sudo and can just help me?19:27
tgm4883jdoles, yes, actually it can be19:27
asahAwesome! got the changes to GRUB2 source made, compiled, and happy seeming.  If I want to use my hacked up version for my Ubuntu system now, do I simply make install?  Or do I need to make a package or something?19:27
Hwkillernetlar: indeed. I had fewer bugs when 13.04 was beta than when it was released19:27
SolarisBoyjdoles: whats your issue?19:27
SolarisBoyyou guys are bug testers lol19:28
jdolesSolarisBoy: you have been in the channel. Read the scrollback.19:28
netlarHwkiller: It is a shame, cause I do actually like Ubuntu19:28
duder2hey everyone, i was wondering what a good low cpu/ram usage ubuntu (or other branch of linux) would be best19:28
Muelliasah: depends on how far down the rabbit hole you want to go. I'd probably apt-source grub, bump the version, patch it, build the package and install it.19:28
jdolesduder2: how low?19:28
Npcany suggestions for a free video editing software that allows creating picture-in-picture videos?19:29
airtonixmmm firefox on gnome shell 3.8 is kinda sexy19:29
* SolarisBoy contains self19:29
Kurzaduder2: pretty much depends on the version19:29
tgm4883jdoles, well there is a difference between doing 'sudo -i', 'sudo su', and setting a password for the root user. Specifically when talking about environment variables, which is exactly you are having an issue with. But go ahead, continue to be an ass about it19:29
MuelliNpc: I think pitivi.19:29
Chris_W_ok, so it's definitely LVDS-1.  From google searching, thats the name/device given to internal lcds.19:29
netlarHwkiller: It always comes down to the video drivers for me19:29
SolarisBoyjdoles: if you can summarize it nm19:29
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest76915
duder2something that can boot quick just ceep the cpu usage low19:29
Guest76915how do I change the bottom menu in xubuntu to look more like mint?19:29
Chris_W_i just cant find how to disable it without using something like X19:29
NpcMuelli: thanks, i'll look into that19:29
jdolestgm4883: apt-get install foo should *never* depend on the environment.19:29
SolarisBoyseems the community is losing the ability to listen/learn - just wants handed out answers in many cases - that blows chunks ;<19:30
HwkillerSolarisBoy: Not using LTS doesn't mean that one no longer gets support, it means that LTS releases are offically supported for longer19:30
Hwkiller13.04 users still need support19:30
=== Waithamai is now known as geisterwai
tgm4883jdoles, while that is probably true, I'm basing that off of the error message you are actually getting. eg. what is ACTUALLY happening vs what SHOULD be happening19:30
Guest76915xubuntu isnt bad at all19:30
jdolesSolarisBoy: apt-get install apparmor results in Warning from stdin (line 1): /sbin/apparmor_parser: cannot use or update cache, disable, or force-complain via stdin19:30
duder2jdoles: just something that boots quick and keeps the cpu running low19:30
SolarisBoyand you still need to understand your beta testing a version that will be pushing bleeding edge packages19:30
SolarisBoyso the ultimate point is - saying a non LTS is buggy - is redundant19:31
HwkillerThey are not pushing bleeding edge packages at all19:31
jdolesduder2: that question suggests we all want to waste CPU cycles.19:31
* SolarisBoy has no time for subhumans19:31
jdolesduder2: to help you somewhat more: just install XFCE4.19:31
netlarSolarisBoy: they need to put beta on the end of 13.04 then19:31
HwkillerSolarisBoy: and who *cares*, all I know is that 13.04 is not properly shutting down, or randomly shuts down on its own. That needs to be fixed, LTS or not19:31
Hwkillersubhumans? are you serious?19:31
jdolesduder2: or become hardcore and install something called awesome.19:31
asahMuelli: apt-source?  Hmm, I probably need to read up on package management in general.  For now I'll probably just make install...19:31
duder2jdoles: it's just that i find that 12.04 is making my cpu run a lot more than 10.04 did19:31
jdolesSolarisBoy: who are you talking about?19:32
nyuszika7hif tiling window manager, then i3 :P19:32
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SolarisBoyjdoles: the person i blocked19:32
duder2jdoles: i did install xcfe, but i didnt really notice anything different..19:32
SolarisBoyas i can see your comment - dont mind it..19:32
nyuszika7hduder2: you could try LXDE19:32
netlarDoes Ubuntu have official support??19:33
duder2nyuszika7h: now are these all things i install whilst using 12.04?19:33
nyuszika7hduder2: you can try installing LXDE, it is more lightweight than XFCE19:33
jdolesnetlar: if you pay someone.19:33
tgm4883jdoles, ok, so just to confirm, you were getting that error when trying to install apparmor on 12.04?19:34
jdolestgm4883: for the 10th time. YES19:34
netlarjdoles: that is the support for companies, not normal people right?19:34
duder2nyuszika7h: is ldxe its own ubuntu branch sort of thing, or is it somethig that gets installed after a version of ubuntu is already on the hdd19:34
OerHeksnetlar your nvidia 820 is too old, as it is not supported in the latest driver.19:34
L0rdN1k0nhow good is aparmor?19:34
SolarisBoynetlar: its support for someone who pays for it company/person19:34
jdolesnetlar: it also works for normal people.19:34
tgm4883jdoles, I only saw that once, but yea, thanks for confirming19:35
nyuszika7hduder2: there is Lubuntu, but you can install lubuntu-desktop19:35
netlarOerHeks: I am finding that out, but I can't get it back to the older drivers now19:35
nyuszika7hif you want to remove the Unity/XFCE apps, you can look for "pure Lubuntu", but run that command at your own risk19:35
jdolesduder2: what hardware do you have?19:35
SolarisBoyjdoles: you should be a little less uptight about repeating your info in the channel as you can see.. ppl are trying to help you19:35
duder2jdoles: laptop. AMD dual core 64bit. 3 gb ram19:35
jdolesSolarisBoy: or he could just use the search feature in his IRC client.19:35
OerHeksnetlar nvidia-173-updates should be compatible with 13.0419:36
jdolesSolarisBoy: and trust me that I write down what I want to say and not something different.19:36
SolarisBoyjdoles: those two things i dont think are related - so on 1) thats my point he shouldn't have to 2) unrelated to the first point19:36
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netlarOerHeks: I chose that option under drivers, but it just said nvidea-173 , without the update at the end19:36
Guest76915how do i move the top menu to the bottom on xubuntu 12?19:37
tgm4883jdoles, server or desktop? it appears it's (apparmor) already installed on server19:37
Chris_W_adamk: LVDS-1 is apparently what i need to figure out how to disable19:37
jdolesduder2: and what specifically is the problem?19:37
jdolestgm4883: I already said I purged it and reinstalled it.19:37
jdolestgm4883: can you please tell me why I have to say everything 10 times?19:37
jdolesduder2: it boots slowly?19:38
netlarOerHeks: problem now is I cannot get back to my desktop19:38
SolarisBoyChris_W_: do you ever use the laptop screen?19:38
jdolesduder2: that's because you likely have no SSD in your laptop.19:38
adamkChris_W_: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-kernel-70/kms-dual-monitors-specify-resolution-disable-monitor-radeon-806714/19:38
Guest76915is it me or is this channel chaotic?19:38
kbooduGuest76915: Try asking in the Xubuntu channel19:38
tgm4883jdoles, I didn't see any of your original issue, and I'm trying to reproduce your issue locally19:38
duder2jdoles: well i had 10.04, worked good. i upgraded to 12.04 and it makes the cpu run a lot more19:38
SolarisBoyGuest76915: it's chaotic19:38
Guest76915oh im in the wrong channel shit19:38
Chris_W_SolarisBoy: no, the lcd is in a landfill19:38
adamkChris_W_: That suggests "video=LVDS-1:d" should disable the output.19:38
duder2jdoles: also, the boot on 12.04 is lagging for me19:39
jdolesduder2: and because Linux has not been optimized to limit the amount of file accesses in a smart way.19:39
jdolesduder2: Linux development is mostly paid for by server companies.19:39
duder2jdoles: but the old ubuntu worked great19:39
ubuntu__L0rdN1k0n, apparmor is good, especially for standard applications like firefox and apache that have profiles preinstalled :)19:39
jdolesduder2: which desktop environment are you using now?19:39
Guest76915has anybody used mint before?19:40
duder2jdoles: well im using windsows 7 because the 12.04 LTS isn't working good19:40
wilee-nilee!mint | Guest7691519:40
ubottuGuest76915: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:40
tgm4883jdoles, IDK, I can't reproduce the issue you are having on a fresh 12.04 install19:40
Chris_W_adamk: So put "video=LVDS-1:d" in /etc/defaults/grub somewhere and update-grub?19:41
Guest76915im not seeking mint help. im just asking if anybody has used it before.19:41
ubuntu__Guest76915: barely, but not as large development base as ubuntu f ex19:41
wilee-nileeGuest76915, It is off topic is all. ;)19:41
adamkChris_W_: I would test it first by editing the grub kernel line when the computer boots up.19:41
Guest76915cause im coming from mint and I can see why people say its more user friendly19:41
Guest76915but i like this xubuntu. its pretty19:42
WeThePeopleheadphones are not working in 12.04.2 x64 on a asus k55a laptop, when i plug in the headphones they are turned off in alsamixer, any ideas19:42
BluesKajGuest76915, ask in #'linuxmint19:42
zheoffecyou can try out cinnamon using the ppa @Guest7691519:42
HwkillerGuest76915: join a discussion channel19:42
duder2jdoles: would u reccomend lubuntu or LXDE19:42
Hwkillerlike #ubuntu-offtopic19:42
zheoffecto see if you like the de19:42
netlarSo glad I have my mac19:42
ubuntu__Guest76915: userfriendly is relative, most people know windows, and change is not friendly for everyone :p19:42
jdolesduder2: it would be the same.19:42
duder2jdoles: ohh alright19:42
WeThePeoplenetlar, you mean your unix19:43
wilee-nileeGuest76915, Read the channel header this is support not chat #ubuntu-offtopic is more chat orientated.19:43
johnjohn101what is the command to install lxde?19:43
Chris_W_adamk:   IT WORKED!!!!!19:43
jdolesduder2: there is almost no difference between Linux distributions.19:43
zheoffecsudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop19:43
netlarWeThePeople: Yes, sure, love it19:43
earl2i - if I can ssh into a machine, and it's running a vnc client on screen 1, how can I do vnc over ssh please?  what I'm finding confuses me..19:43
duder2jdoles: really?19:43
jdolesduder2: yes19:43
zheoffec@johnjohn101 ^^^19:43
adamkChris_W_: Very cool. So now find the correct place to edit your grub2 menu :-)19:43
wilee-nileejohnjohn101, sudo apt-get install lxde   lubuntu-desktop has more apps is all.19:43
netlarHad a couple for over 12 years, never ever a problem19:43
duder2jdoles: ahh alright, well ill give lubuntu a shot then and seee what happend19:43
netlarWeThePeople:  and such great support19:44
jdolesduder2: if you want things to go faster, buy a SSD.19:44
Guest76915ok relax guys19:44
Guest76915ill go to the other channel19:44
duder2jdoles: ahh alright19:44
jdolesduder2: the CPU is often fast enough; it's the I/O that makes everything slow.19:44
zheoffecnetlar: do you have a problem with ubuntu?19:44
Chris_W_adamk:  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="video=LVDS-1:d"  look good to you?19:44
ubuntu__johnjohn101: if lxde is the name of the application, then it's sudo apt-get install lxde, else try apt-cache search lxde, to find the name19:45
duder2jdoles: ohhh gotcha19:45
netlarzheoffec: I do19:45
SolarisBoyearl2: vncviewer -via <the ssh host>19:45
jdolesduder2: and most of this is caused again, because no optimizations are done in desktop linux.19:45
netlarzheoffec: and I am so frustrated19:45
zheoffecwhat is it19:45
jdolesduder2: imagine the worst possible programmer. Then imagine they wrote what you see before you.19:45
SolarisBoythe -via will setup the a tunnel with local port forwarding19:45
adamkChris_W_: Looks about right to me, but I'm still much more familiar with the original grub.19:45
SolarisBoyearl2: you can also do it manually with ssh commands and then a vnc command19:45
duder2jdoles: haha19:46
Chris_W_adamk: sweet baby jesus that worked too!19:46
netlarzheoffec: I changed the video driver, and now will not boot up. I know I should not of done that, but I can't get it back now19:46
jdolesduder2: your desktop could easily have 100 times less I/O when it loads.19:46
Chris_W_oh, man.  now to try and find another mindblowing problem. ;)19:46
jdolesduder2: hence, the SSD is only needed to work around problems created by developers in the first place.19:46
duder2jdoles: would xubuntu be slower or faster than lubuntu19:47
jdolesduder2: but you can either annoy yourself, or just go with the flow.19:47
jdolesduder2: I don't know.19:47
duder2jdoles: ah alrigh19:47
zheoffecnetlar: what driver?19:47
netlarnvidia driver19:47
jdolesduder2: because Windows is more integrated (and some technical reasons) Windows feels faster.19:47
jdolesduder2: but there are important reasons to not run Windows.19:48
mojeimehi my grub2 wont boot iso of ubuntu but can boot iso or kali19:48
SolarisBoyjdoles: are you saying that the reason why some peoples desktops are slower than others for Linux is realted to non optimized programmatic routines which generate I/O?19:48
netlarzheoffec: I looked up the driver on nvidia site and they said the 319 driver is what I needed for my geforce 820019:48
zheoffechow did you install it?19:48
netlarzheoffec: and that driver was on my list19:48
mojeimei try to just edit my grub2 menuentry copy pasted from kali and cahnged to ubuntu but it dosent work19:49
SolarisBoythats going to make me lol out my chair if so19:49
netlarzheoffec: Honestly I do not remember19:49
jdolesSolarisBoy: hardware always matters, but I think it would be virtually unnoticable if it was programmed more efficiently.19:49
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duder2SolarisBoy: xubuntu or lubuntu, what do you prefer?19:49
jdolesSolarisBoy: there is a lot of information which could be cached/precomputed.19:49
zheoffecsorry i cant help you then :(...19:49
netlarzheoffec:  I would really love just  fix it19:50
zheoffecdid you uninstall it?19:50
netlarzheoffec: I cannot get the machine to boot up anymore19:50
netlarzheoffec: Just comes to a blank screen19:50
zheoffecat what point does it stop19:50
SolarisBoyjdoles: those facilities are available caching/prefetching. FOSS software is generally some of the best written software - it would be hard to compare windows to linux unless you work for MS and viewed their source - Linux base source code amazing and very clean/dry/accurate19:51
zheoffeccan you enter a tty with ctrl + alt + F1?19:51
netlarzheoffec: comes to the login screen19:51
SolarisBoyas for the userland programs i guess it's possible but thats a HUGE generalization to go and say that -19:51
jdolesSolarisBoy: I know that the code is bad, because I have seen it. (Unity)19:51
netlarzheoffec: yes19:51
zheoffec 19:51
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jdolesSolarisBoy: there are only a few optimized programs and the desktop programs are not one of them.19:52
zheoffecok, did you uninstall the driver?19:52
jdolesSolarisBoy: this is not up for discussion.19:52
netlarzheoffec:  have no idea how to do that from tty19:52
SolarisBoyjdoles: as a developer im going to have to say thats an over simplified statement19:52
SolarisBoyjdoles: of course it's not because you don't have any facts to back anything your saying - your just speaking as if you were a real developer19:52
zheoffecnetlar: you can google it with elinks - i dont have a lot of experience with nvidia drivers19:53
SolarisBoy;> but im dont cig break time19:53
jdolesSolarisBoy: I am a real developer.19:53
bobolopolislol, jdoles stop trolling, you clearly don't know what you're talking about19:53
zheoffec`elinks google.com` :)19:53
SolarisBoysure you are -19:53
netlarzheoffec:  I am not sure about video drivers no19:53
userZwhat's the simplest way to update to the newest version of firefox using preunity ubuntu?19:53
jdolesAnyway, you just keep making up excuses for why Unity is so terribly slow.19:53
zheoffecnetlar: what do you mean?19:53
netlarI have no experience with nvidia drivers19:54
tgm4883Unity is slow?19:54
jdolesMeanwhile, I will just happily not use Unity after having seen how bad it is internally.19:54
gordonjcpjdoles: can you give an example of Unity being slow, on any reasonably modern hardware?19:54
jdolesgordonjcp: I can't be bothered to.19:55
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Guest42656Hi :)19:55
jdolesgordonjcp: I am 100% sure that performance was not a design goal.19:55
jdolesgordonjcp: or at least no quantifiable design goal.19:55
gordonjcpjdoles: and yet on this fairly old Core 2 Duo, it's pretty quick19:56
gordonjcpat least as quick as XFCE, with a lot less memory used19:56
tgm4883Guest42656, hi19:56
jdolesgordonjcp: good for you.19:56
Guest42656Someone may look I have a big problem19:56
BCBshould it be necessary to down load dozens of package update everyday on Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS??19:56
tgm4883jdoles, gordonjcp this all seems off topic, can we give it up now?19:56
gordonjcpBCB: shouldn't be, no19:57
gordonjcpBCB: every so often there's a little flurry of updates19:57
mojeimewhat $ singh means in text19:57
tgm4883BCB, did you add external repositories?19:57
BCBI often am asked to update in the same day??19:57
BCB31 packages can be updated.19:57
BCB16 updates are security updates.19:57
BCBI'm not sure19:57
mojeimewhat $ singh means in terminal19:57
FloodBot3BCB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:57
FloodBot1BCB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:57
BCBhow can I check19:57
mojeimewhat $ singh means in terminal?19:57
BCBI cleaned an updated my repoisteories the other day19:58
jdolesmojeime: UNIX people were very money focused.19:58
BCBand even afterdoing sudo apt-get update there are still updates listed19:58
BCBany thoughts19:58
wilee-nileeBCB, Ubuntu is maintained by many, and gets updates almost everyday, many of which are improvements, upgrades and fixes.19:58
jdolesmojeime: it's called the prompt.19:58
tgm4883BCB, you'll get updates if packages in the repos (that you have installed) are updated19:58
mojeimejdoles:  and what does prompt do?19:58
BCBtgm4883: ok19:58
tgm4883mojeime, it.... "prompts" you for input19:59
wilee-nileeBCB, All update does is call the repos you have to run upgrade or dist-upgrade to install.19:59
jdolesmojeime: read a book.19:59
jdolesmojeime: if you are ignorant in any topic, read a book on it so that you are not anymore.19:59
mojeimejdoles:  no problem whit reading i just dident know what to read xD20:00
BCBwilee-nilee: I just ran sudo apt-get update logged out and logged bank in and I stll have 32/12 update/security patches??20:00
Guest42656anyone knows how to read smart ssd ?20:00
BCBIt didn't seem to update anything20:01
tgm4883BCB, you need to run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"20:01
tgm4883BCB, just running 'sudo apt-get update' does not upgrade the packages. It just downloads a listing of what packages are available20:01
BCBtgm4883: it's updating now.  So I have to do that everytime??20:03
tgm4883BCB, yes, that would be the correct process20:03
BCBtgm4883: ok.  Thank you gentelman!20:03
BCBall done20:03
wilee-nileeBCB, Heh, you got it now. ;)20:04
geggamsince this channel is logged I would like to go on record calling any developer who thinks a package manager that doesn't manage dependencies is an upgrade an official idiot20:05
wilee-nileelol, it takes one to know one. ;)20:05
BCBwilee-nilee: i hope so.  I only have one ubuntu box so I 'm not so use to that.  I more accustomed to Centos.  Thx again20:05
tgm4883and that is why I think the internet shouldn't be anonymous20:06
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wilee-nileetgm4883, Turn on your web cam and give us a looksie, lol.20:07
tgm4883wilee-nilee, I think you would be disappointed20:07
wilee-nileelol, you would be to.20:08
Guest42656anyone knows how to read smart/ssd ? :)20:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:08
wilee-nileeGuest42656, It is straight forward is it being read.20:09
HwkillerI think I just figured out why my laptop is randomly shutting down. The sensors are announcing ~92c temperatures... when there is no way that is true. In fact, it just jumped from 98c to 62c in about 10 seconds20:10
Hwkillerbut if it randomly hits 100c, it shuts off20:11
jdolesHwkiller: perhaps it's your nickname?20:11
bazhang!behelpful | jdoles20:11
ubottujdoles: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.20:11
jdolesbazhang: can you also say that to everyone who supposedly tried to help me, but failed miserably?20:12
bazhangjdoles, lets stay on topic please20:13
jdolesFor an official support channel you would expect that at least occassionally some people who do understand system internals would pass by.20:13
netlarzhengyi: Ok, I purged all the nvidia drivers20:14
jdolesBut it appears that this channel is just occupied by more or less ignorant users. The blind leading the blind kind of setup.20:14
WeThePeopleheadphones not working in 12.04.2 x64 on a asus laptop, when plugged in alsa mutes the headphones, any ideas20:16
WeThePeopleturns them off20:16
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, Have you looked in the sound settings?20:17
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WeThePeoplewilee-nilee, yes all is ok there20:17
usr13WeThePeople: Can you un-mute it?20:17
bekksnetlar: Purging the nvidia drivers is not enough. When it happened that you used the xorg-edgers PPA e.g., you would have to downgrade your entire X server, as it would have been updated by that PPA.20:17
WeThePeopleusr13, yes but the headphones still do not work20:18
qqqqqHow can I start the gpg-agent if it is not running?20:18
usr13WeThePeople: ?20:18
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usr13WeThePeople: Check volume settings.20:19
WeThePeopleusr13, in alsamixer when i plug the headphones in they turn off, like pressing m.. when i press m to turn the back on the headphones still do not work20:19
usr13WeThePeople: Check volume settings.20:19
benccwhat SSL proxy has ubuntu package?20:19
WeThePeoplevolumes are all turned up20:19
wilee-nileenetlar, There is a purge PPA's ppa I had to use it to remove gnome 3.8 ppa to get back to 3.6 worked perfectly20:20
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usr13WeThePeople: play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*20:20
lukecarrierOptimus, Bumblebee, no window manager when I log in to Unity/Gnome Shell, but Xfce works perfectly. Any suggestions?20:20
netlarwilee-nilee: I already purged the nvidia drivers20:20
usr13WeThePeople: Are you sure you have the headphones plugged into correct port?20:21
wilee-nileenetlar, purging the drivers does not get rid of all the stuff originally installed not the PPA.20:21
netlarSo I still need to purge the PPA also?20:21
usr13WeThePeople: play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*     #Do you hear anything?20:21
WeThePeoplenot hearing anything from the sound20:21
wilee-nileenetlar, YOU have to be careful with picking at the OS.20:21
netlarwilee-nilee: Lesson learned20:22
netlarI hope20:22
usr13WeThePeople: No errors?20:22
wilee-nileenetlar, here is the ppa I used, take care with it though. http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/install-ppa-purge-with-multi-arch.html20:23
qqqqqHow can I start the gpg-agent if it is not running?20:24
usr13WeThePeople: Ok.  Doesn't look like it'20:24
usr13s a software issue.20:24
wilee-nileeWeThePeople, I have been lucky to never really have sound problems so haven't really worked in that arae much.20:24
WeThePeopleusr13, is alsa pulseaudio?20:24
netlarwilee-nilee:  anyway this is just a toy, do not expect to do serious work in Linux20:25
WeThePeopleusr13, maybe pulse and alsa are conflicting20:25
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usr13WeThePeople: You can  unintall pulseaudio if you want.20:25
WeThePeopleusr13, but the speaker in the laptop work just great20:25
wilee-nileenetlar, Cool, I happened to just start in open source so it is my default, we all use what works for us.20:26
usr13WeThePeople: Does not sound like a software issue.20:26
netlarwilee-nilee:  just cannot depend on it20:26
usr13WeThePeople: You might check bios settings or keyboard settings.20:26
mgottschlaghey, I need some help20:26
mgottschlagI am trying to install ubuntu on a sony vaio20:26
usr13WeThePeople: Try different port.20:27
mgottschlaghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5649007/ <- this is what the boot-repair tool gives me20:27
mgottschlaghowever, all I get is "no operating system found"20:27
WeThePeopleusr13, ok thanks for your help20:27
wilee-nileenetlar, If you were more familiar you could, I have never had any problems. I'm not a gamer though, however I do use W8 for word to write grad papers.20:27
usr13WeThePeople: You may have more than one ouptut port, (they may be switched).20:27
usr13WeThePeople: NP20:27
netlarwilee-nilee: I suppose you are right, just kinda easy to break, is my feeling20:28
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wilee-nileenetlar, Yep, that is for sure, you have to know what you are doing most of the time, or be able to fix it.20:29
netlarThing is I am trying to fix it, just will not work20:29
mgottschlagthis is a sony vaio sv-s13h1v9eb20:29
wilee-nileemgottschlag, This originally a W8 installed computer?20:31
wilee-nileemgottschlag, Is sdc a external?20:31
netlarwilee-nilee: I have always used fuzzy logic to fix things, I think in Linux I cannot try that20:32
wilee-nileenetlar, I thought saw you at the club. ;)20:32
mgottschlagsdc might be the usb stick20:32
netlarwilee-nilee: you do same thing?20:32
wilee-nileemgodzilla, Lokks like that is all that is seen, I see no W720:33
wilee-nileeno sda or sdb20:33
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mgottschlagwhat about /dev/mapper/isw_cjiehgiibe_Volume0?20:34
mgottschlagwhat is that anyways?20:34
wilee-nileenetlar, At times yeah, but in this context I clone everything so I never fail, lol or have to ask for help.20:34
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wilee-nileenetlar, I clone or save installed list and the repos for reinstalls20:35
netlaroh yea, I did back up my data with the built in backup tool20:35
netlarwilee-nilee: can I restore from the backup?20:35
wilee-nileenetlar, Depends on the backup, I use grsync to save home but only use parts of it.20:36
netlarwilee-nilee: is it deja dup20:37
mgottschlaganyways, anybody knows how I can completely remove ubuntu?20:37
mgottschlagin a way that at least windows boots again=20:37
nickkIs there a linux programming channel? Thanks.20:37
bazhang!alis | nickk20:38
ubottunickk: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:38
mgottschlaglooks like ubuntu has remove the windows boot entry and has not created any new boot entry?20:40
wilee-nileenetlar, I have never used deja dup but I believe it is for recovery, but only if used correctly. Linux has a home and / and recovery is not a one click thing like you might see in windows.20:40
netlarwilee-nilee: I backed up to a external drive20:41
k-stzmgottschlag: just install grub again, it will find your windows20:41
mgottschlagk-stz: this is some weird uefi setup and I already installed grup twice through the repair-boot tool20:41
mgottschlagthis is what efibootmgr -v gives me:20:41
wilee-nileemgottschlag, The bootrepiar is not even seeing the external HD, I would use the ubuntu forums in this case.20:44
wilee-nileeinternal sorry20:44
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lukecarrierDoes anyone have any advice on running Gnome Shell on a machine with an Optimus chip?20:48
LFShow come totem is not able to play wmv files while ffmpeg is already installed? any ideas?20:50
mgottschlag"[ 2041.417216] efivars: set_variable() failed: status=8000000000000009" <- seems to be the problem, it cannot create EFI entries20:50
mgottschlagwilee-nilee: it should see the internal HD, thats the device mapper volume20:51
LFSI've installed vlc and faced the same issue .. I'm not able to play wmv files20:51
k-stzLFS: try to open it on the command-line, so it will give u an error report20:52
ozcanesenhey i am developing indicator application and i have svg icon, where should i put that icon, and my icon is black, should i put white xxxx-mono.svg? can you help me about all these icon mess ?20:53
volitekJust got a new motherboard and now ethernet has stopped working. Sabertooth 990fx, and the ethernet bit is a Realtek 8111e. Any ideas?20:58
LFSk-stz: http://pastebin.com/rcY0hD0J20:58
kitzuneIf I use the minimal install CD of ubuntu, can I install openbox or fluxbox without having to install the ubuntu desktop?20:59
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lukecarrierkitzune, no; ubuntu-desktop depends on all the unity crap21:02
k-stzLFS: search in the softwarecenter for "wmv" and there choose "gstreamer ffmpeg..."21:03
LFSit's installed already21:04
kitzuneAh alright, so it's just an option I'll have to ignore in the boot menu21:06
michealPWAnybody know where to get support about irc.freenode? Somebody tried to brute force my irc account here on freenode. (Sorry, I know this is offtopic for this channel)21:06
michealPWI also have ubuntu question though ;)21:06
Ben64probably #freenode21:06
bazhangmichaelni, #freenode21:06
michealPW(facepalm) sorry21:06
michealPWThank you21:07
michealPWAs for my Ubuntu trouble. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on an ASUS notebook (K75DE. It's an all AMD machine) using the proprietary AMD drivers and it sometimes will not Blank the screen.21:07
mgottschlagso it looks as if the famous "don't kill efi laptops" patch made this laptop totally unusable -.-21:08
michealPWI can't seem to isolate when it doesn't, it seems to be random. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not.21:08
makt /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER makt aortjgdxcpnd21:08
maktha ;)21:08
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Ben64makt: you should do that stuff in the server window so if you mess up nobody will know :)21:09
maktBen64, I did, but it wasn't working so I tried it in this window - silly me ;)21:09
michealPWThe closest thing to a pattern I could find with Ubuntu's screen Blanking was when my wireless usb dongle was plugged in but the mouse was turned off. Seemed to be that was the only common denominator in each case it failed to blank the screen21:12
michealPWWhereas when it was blanking properly the mouse was turned on.. 'course I couldn't reproduce this every time so I'm still lost :(21:12
michealPWAlso when it works it works perfectly as it should, so it's not as though it *can't* blank the screen... Any ideas? :\21:13
michealPWEven if they're a stretch through it at me and I'll investigate. I have no idea what else to try / look into at this point :(21:13
marconotariai would like to know how to install skype on my computer21:18
lukecarriermarconotaria, open the software centre and search for it :)21:18
Taylor_hey i have a question if anyone can help me21:19
Taylor_its not a ubuntu related question as such21:19
Robbiliecan you tell me where i can find my pubkey? :)21:19
bazhang!ot | Taylor_21:19
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga21:19
ubottuTaylor_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:19
OerHeksnot helpfull, Taylor21:19
bazhangmarconotaria, its in partner repo for ubuntu, for zorin OS , no idea21:20
Robbiliecan you tell me where i can find my pubkey? :)21:20
Taylor_well i was looking for a cisco packet tracer IRC but couldnt find one21:20
Taylor_anyone got a link ?21:20
bazhang!info skype partner | marconotaria21:20
ubottumarconotaria: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)21:20
marconotariais zorin21:20
bazhangTaylor_, thats offtopic here...21:20
Taylor_sorry man21:20
funkyhey folks21:21
pythonirc1012ubuntu 10.04 LTS was supposed to e supported till 2015 or so, right?21:21
funkyI want to add 1 sh to startup via adding it path to /etc/rc.local21:22
funkythe sh owner is root and sh location is /home/ubuntu21:22
funkywill it work if I add sudo in sh script?21:22
k-stzpythonirc1012: the server versions have 5 years21:22
vertab7hi all21:22
funkysay sudo cd /bla/bla21:23
vertab7UK calling ......21:23
funkyuk answering21:23
auronandacepythonirc1012: for server, yes21:24
vertab7anyone here familiar with ubuntu12 and android 'mix' used on teh nexus 7 pwnpad ?21:24
bazhang!touch | vertab721:24
ubottuvertab7: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch21:24
vertab7dyslexia's kickin' in ........21:24
pythonirc1012anyone running nginx+ubuntu here that could help. My nginx won't start21:25
vertab7Ihave just loaded mric first time to come and get adive maybe, never before been on a relay chat....virgin!21:25
heewanyone here know how to swap workplaces on KDE? with unity it is ctrl+alt+arrow keys?21:26
vertab7not new to computing but new to linux, luv the way some things just work, hate te way somethings dont and I havn't yet the knowledge to fix it....21:27
marconotariastill have the problem of the skype what i need to install and i use a zorin the latest one of 3221:27
auronandacemarconotaria: zorin is not supported here21:27
marconotaria#zorinos is no answer, where can i go?21:28
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Ben64install ubuntu?21:28
alex_funany one here used rc.local?21:29
alex_funis it blank by default?21:29
pythonirc1012can anyone confirm nginx -V version for me21:30
pythonirc1012mine shows 1.4.121:30
Ben64!info nginx-full | pythonirc101221:31
ubottupythonirc1012: nginx-full (source: nginx): nginx web/proxy server (standard version). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.6-1ubuntu3 (raring), package size 374 kB, installed size 880 kB21:31
pythonirc1012Ben64: I'm confured. Why does my nginx -V say 1.4.121:31
Ben64you must have a ppa or something21:31
_getting_helphy. does ubuntu 13.04 supports partition encryption?21:32
bekks_getting_help: Yes.21:33
bekks_getting_help: Just as the versions before.21:33
_getting_helpreally? last time all I could get was whole drive encryption21:33
kboodualex_fun: yes.21:33
k-stzalex_fun: yes, it is21:33
kboodualex_fun: Mine just has an exit 0 - the rest are comments21:34
homerjI installed gnome-shell via ubuntu-gnome-desktop, there are a couple of applications(onboard, xdiagnose) that don't show icons in the application menu although they do show up in unity21:34
homerjthey have icons in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable, so the .desktop files seem correct21:34
palomerhello, where do user installed programs go? /usr/local is owned by root21:38
volitekJust got a new motherboard and now ethernet has stopped working. Sabertooth 990fx, and the ethernet bit is a Realtek 8111e. Any ideas?21:39
k-stzpalomer: use the commadn "type"21:39
pythonirc1012The following packages have been kept back:   linux-image-server -- is this a problem? Why is it keeping it back?21:39
palomerk-stz, use type for what?21:39
palomerthis is a convention question21:39
=== Rn0 is now known as Rn0|AFK
pythonirc1012trying dist-upgrade21:40
Dr_Willispythonirc1012:  kernels are commonly held back. a dist-upgrade should pull them in21:40
k-stzpalomer: followed by the program name: type gedit21:41
ravenhow to fit ubuntu to a 2gb usb drive? i only need a basic system for nas21:43
riddribWhat question yoy have?21:43
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Dr_Willis!minimal | raven21:43
ubotturaven: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:43
xtacieraven: unetbootin and load the cd image of ubunutu server21:44
xtaciethat should work21:44
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deadweaselhey folks, I'm trying to execute a .run installer for planeshift, I've chmod +x file.run, but it doesn't run when I $ ./file.run.....  not sure where I went wrong21:44
Dr_Willisraven:  there are 'nas' specific disrtos out there also. may be easier to use them then roll your own21:44
xtaciemediavault i think is one of them21:45
Dr_Willisdeadweasel:  what does it do? any error messages?21:45
xtaciecrypto and n nanonas21:45
deadweaselnothing, says it command not found21:45
deadweaselDr_Willis: ^21:45
Dr_Willisdeadweasel:  then you are typing the name or path wrong, or its not executable.21:45
Dr_Willisls -l ./file.run             shows what?21:46
Dr_Willis(linux IS case Senesetive also, use the Tab key to make sure the name is right)21:46
Dr_Willisand you ARE in the proper directory when you run it?21:46
deadweasela-rw-------     <-- this tells me I have not chmod ed correctly.21:47
Dr_WillisYep. its not executale21:47
deadweaseltab key wasn't working...  only for ./21:47
Dr_Willisyou could do 'bash whatever.run' also21:47
deadweaselmany thanks Dr.  I'll give it a go.21:47
=== torvyboy is now known as mulchmaster
k-stzpalomer: they're in /usr/bin/, the executables that is, installing programs is more than that. a rough overview: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/linux-or-ubuntu-directory-structure.html21:53
deadweaselI can't seem to make it executable...  sudo chmod +x ./file.run21:53
Dr_Willisdeadweasel:  is it on a windows filesystem or somewhere odd?21:53
palomerk-stz, great, thanks21:53
deadweaselyup, ntfs from an old machine Dr_Willis21:53
Dr_Willisdeadweasel:  thats why then...21:53
deadweaselI can move it if that's the problem...21:54
deadweaselI never knew21:54
Dr_Willisnot weird at all.. ntfs and vfat cant handle the normal linux permissions21:54
deadweaselmakes sense when you put it that way.21:54
Dr_Willisthe 'bash whatever.run' may have worked..21:54
deadweaselbut i'm gonna move it :)21:54
Dr_Willisyou can mount ntfs/vfat in a way that EVERTHING on them is executable.. which is even more annoying21:55
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deadweasellol, no thanks21:56
lukecarrierit's official; no other distro has such shitty Optimus support21:57
lukecarrierI wonder if Canonical will ever pull their fingers from their corporate rear and commit time to fixing these issues21:57
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DiamondciteI didn't think linux had any functional form of support for Optimus21:59
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lukecarrierDiamondcite, Bumblebee and xrandr provide preliminary (read: hacky) support22:00
Dr_WillisBumblebee has been around for some time now22:00
lukecarrierNVIDIA announced proprietary drivers that introduce some support too, but they require a newer xrandr release than Ubuntu ships22:00
lukecarriertrying to get a stable DE on Optimus is an impossible task... misinformation everywhere22:01
Guest56116hi i am wondering if there is support in ubuntu/ubuntu server for the tigon video card?22:01
Dr_WillisTigon? thats a new name to me..22:01
DiamondciteI thought support was limited to locking to one specific card? Or can it sort of switch now?22:01
blueyoshi321About 10 minutes after I connect to my campus wired network with wicd, I lose the ability to do DNS lookups (but still have connectivity otherwise). syslog shows dhclient doing a bunch of DHCPDISCOVERs and eventually saying "No DHCPOFFERS received." Any thoughts?22:01
Guest56116tigon was made by ATI22:01
yayLINUXhey guys22:01
Dr_WillisDiamondcite:  i belive it defaults to the intel. then you can specifically run games/stuff  and activate the nvidia card22:01
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adamkGuest56116: Are you in front of the machine with this card?22:02
Guest56116no right now22:02
adamkI've never heard of tigon video cards, only tigon network cards. I'm also pretty familiar with the full line of cards from ATI/AMD.22:03
lukecarrierSome lovely folk on freenode: <cheeseBreath> You got dicks in u mouth22:03
mgottschlaghey, anybody can tell me whether the bug which bricked samsung laptops with efi is fixed in 12.10?22:03
DiamondciteAh so I wasn't alone in seeing that.22:03
karakedips x22:03
yayLINUXi have a question: When I want to start developping apps with monodevelop in ubuntu 13.04 it says this when I make the project: Error while trying to load the project '/home/christiaan/Bureaublad/test/test/test/test.vbproj': Project does not support framework '.NETFramework,Version=v4.0'22:03
Guest56116the machine that has the tigon is a older HP ProLiant ML350 G3 server22:03
MonkeyDustyayLINUX  try #ubuntu-app-devel22:04
yayLINUXk thx22:04
Dr_WillisyayLINUX:  well.. its amazing how much people seem to hate MONO.  ;) thats all i can say on the topic.22:04
yayLINUXwell, i just want to try it :p22:04
Diamondcite(Mono as in silverlight?)22:05
adamkGuest56116: According to HP's website, it's an ATI Rage XL: http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c00409056&prodSeriesId=31653722:05
seronisMono would be .Net equiv22:05
adamkGuest56116: If that's correct, then it should be supported by the mach64 Xorg driver, though I wouldn't expect any great performance out of a GPU that old.22:06
OerHeksGuest56116  Alteon Networks Tigon I/II gigabit Ethernet, not video22:06
Guest56116adamk: i know but i cant seem to get the Rage card to work on 13.0422:07
adamkGuest56116: We'd need to see the Xorg log file to figure out what's going wrong.  The mach64 driver is definitely present on 13.04, though.  Whether or not it works properly is another matter entirely :-)22:08
Guest56116i cant even get the display right as it says the screen resolution is out of range22:08
adamkGuest56116: If that's happening on the console, try booting with vga=normal as an option to the kernel.  If that's happening in X, we still need to see that Xorg log file.22:09
Guest56116i cant even see what the terminal font on the screen22:09
Dr_Willisthe grub /etc/default/grub  file has options to use a old fashioned grub 'text' based menu also. but you may need to use a live cd to boot and chroot and alter that.. or the boot-repair tool.22:10
Dr_Willisif you can get to the system in some low res/console mode.. install the ssh server. and hopefully you can then ssh in and try to fix things if the monitor is not working22:11
adamkOh, right, I forgot that grub2 tries to use a high resolution console, too.  That's the first thing I think I disabled.22:11
adamkGuest56116: Can you even access the grub menu when the machine boots up?22:12
Dr_Willisadamk:  yep. its a bit annoying for old machines.22:12
Guest56116yes i can ssh in but the resolution and font work on 10.04LTS22:12
Guest56116and no i cant access the grub menu22:12
adamkGuest56116: OK, so ssh in and edit the grub2 config so it uses the regular old low resolution console.22:13
Dr_Willisif you can ssh in, you can try to force grub to use the old text only menu22:13
* wilee-nilee sings the eol blues.22:13
Dr_Willis# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)22:13
MonkeyDustGuest56116  mind: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/05/ubuntu-10-04-11-10-reach-end-of-life22:13
netlar1I have my system running again, but I think it is going to be unstable, I am on 13.04, and the problem is the drivers for the geforce 8200 nividia card22:13
Dr_Willisthats in /etc/default/grub         edit the file.   rerun 'sudo update-grub' and reboot..22:14
netlar1Do I need to remove the PPA sources?22:14
Dr_Willisnetlar1:  ppa sources for what?22:14
Dr_Willisyou want to remove/stop using xorg-edgers?   you can use ppa-purge for that.22:15
MonkeyDustsound "très" not-supported22:15
Guest56116adamk: okay i would have to start from scratch22:15
netlar1Dr_Willis: Waht does that do exactly?22:15
Dr_Willisremoves the ppa, reinstalls the old packages22:15
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:16
donnieCommand please. so I can find out what MB my video card is running22:16
netlar1Dr_Willis: so kinda resetting the ppa's?22:16
Dr_Willisnetlar1:  its PURGEING the ppa.. removeing it and restoring defaults22:16
netlar1Dr_Willis: how would that affect the drivers that I have installed22:17
Dr_Willisnetlar1:  installed how? if they came from that ppa - they would get PURGED..22:17
Dr_Willisdonnie:  try 'hwinfo' perhaps22:17
icerootis there an easy way to find the packages which were getting the most updates for an ubuntu release without downloading all changelogs and doing some sed/grep/awk-foo?22:17
netlar1Dr_Willis: I want to reset the graphics drivers to how it was when I first install 13.0422:18
Dr_Willisnetlar1:  then you purge any ppas you were using..22:18
donnieNot installed22:18
Dr_Willisdonnie:  so? .. install it?22:18
Dr_Willis!info hwinfo22:18
ubottuhwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0-2.2 (raring), package size 17 kB, installed size 99 kB22:18
cheeseBreath!info hwinfo22:20
ubottuhwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0-2.2 (raring), package size 17 kB, installed size 99 kB22:20
Biomechdi'm on ubuntu 12.10 (i'm sure some here already know that) and i keep getting error popups and can't really do anything about them because i keep getting a following error popup about how apportcheckresume has crashed or had some error of its own.22:21
Dr_WillisBiomechd:  you could just remove apport  or clean out its error logs22:22
Guest56116adamk: i am trying to use vnc so i can use the app plex. thats why i am having trouble with my video card.22:23
netlar1Dr_Willis: I ran the purge, but the ppa was not removed22:23
bluewolf1257May I have help?22:23
Dr_Willisnetlar1:  no idea on that. ive rarely had to purge ppas' - could be you did it wrong.22:23
Dr_WillisGuest56116:  i thought plex had a web interface you could connect to from any pc. No need for vnc.22:24
fruitwerksHi all, my 'user' crontabs run, but my /cron.*'s do not.. any ideas?22:24
bluewolf1257I have the wireless network driver downloaded for my computer, but whenever I activate, I get a error reffering me to read this : http://pastebin.com/Hze6GSj022:24
netlar1Dr_Willis: Can I just remove them form the Software & Update?22:24
Guest56116i am trying to use it on a ubuntu server 13.0422:25
Dr_Willisnetlar1:  i guess you can try. I have never needed to use that pps for my systems22:25
Dr_Willisbluewolf1257:  what wifi card/chipset?22:25
bluewolf1257It's broadcam, I can't check while in my linux partition22:25
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:26
bluewolf1257Thanks, I'll check it out22:26
Dr_Williswhy cant you check?22:26
Dr_Willislspci   should show ...22:26
wilee-nileenetlar1, Look at the link there is a command to purge any specific ppa. http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/install-ppa-purge-with-multi-arch.html22:26
bluewolf1257I'm not entirely familiar with linux, but I'll find my way22:27
BiomechdDr_Willis: what about plymouthd?22:27
Dr_Willisbluewolf1257:  the addational-drivers tool may also have a entry for the card. but you will need to be wired. or connected to the internet somehow under linux for it to work22:28
Dr_WillisBiomechd:  what?22:28
netlar1wilee-nilee: I removed the ppa but the drivers are still showing22:29
stanrifkini saw a interview with stallman and he said that ubuntu is spying on the user22:29
stanrifkinwhat does he men?22:30
Dr_Willisstanrifkin:   old news and a lot of FUD.22:30
Dr_Willis!adlens | stanrifkin22:30
ubottustanrifkin: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ22:30
gordonjcpstanrifkin: stallman has little of value to say22:30
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported versions 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, 12.10 and 13.04
netlar1wilee-nilee: I have 9 video drivers, I know that is not right22:30
Dr_WillisHow can one be spying.. when the users know about it....22:31
Dr_Willisand theres standard tools to change the settings..22:31
wilee-nileenetlar1, Thats all right as far as graphic drivers you know more than me, I have never had to load one.22:31
bluewulfI did what that guide said before, I get an error when activatiniver the d22:31
bluewulfActivating the driver*22:32
k-stzstanrifkin: if I recall corectly he means this: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/118222:32
jlucskype UI is very bad on ubuntu22:33
Dr_Willisjluc:  ask microsoft to fix it?22:33
jlucis there a chance to have viber running ?22:33
bluewulfCan anyone help me with this? I don''t know how long it will take. :/22:34
BiomechdDr_Willis: another program i see in some of the error reports is plymouthd22:35
bronaughanyone here experience uefi boot problems following a BIOS flash or other CMOS-clearing event?22:35
romtsjohie, guys! who can help?22:35
bronaughhaving this right now... entry disappeared from menu following this. trying to figure out how to get the entry back.22:35
bronaughs/menu/efi menu/22:35
romtsjowhen I install my ubuntu 13.04 - I haven't my eth0 connection there22:36
romtsjoonly vpn22:36
jlucubuntuforums does not send me the new password after reseting it - and its not in the spambox neither22:37
romtsjoanyone can help?22:37
bronaughnm, think I found the answer22:37
bluewulfHey, Dr , I've done those before22:38
bluewulfBut I get an error referring me to jockey.log22:38
romtsjoI have a problem with my ethernet on 13.0422:38
Dr_Willisromtsjo:  and whats your wired card/chipset? or are you refering to wifi?22:39
romtsjoDr_Willis, broadcom22:39
Dr_Willisromtsjo:  broadcom makes a LOT of cards/chipsets22:40
Dr_Willisromtsjo:  so you are refering to a wifi/wireless? or a wired card?22:40
bluewulfUhm, I'm refering to wireless, should I post the adapter ingo?22:40
bluewulf Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller22:40
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:40
Dr_Willisand you looked at the guides?22:41
bluewulfWhen attempting to use that guide however, I can't22:41
romtsjoDr_Willis, not wifi22:41
bluewulfI have the driver in question, but I can't activate it22:41
Dr_Willishave it how exactly?22:41
bluewulfI gave you the pastebin link, thats the log file i get22:41
grantsmithwhats the easiest way to replace a failing root hard drive ?22:41
bluewulfvia System, Hardware drivers22:42
romtsjoDr_Willis, I forget how can I see?22:42
bluewulfIt's there after I downloaded it originally, but I can't activate.22:42
Dr_Willishttp://askubuntu.com/search?tab=votes&q=broadcom%204313     might have some good info. Ive rarely used broadcom22:42
Dr_Willisromtsjo:  'lspci' shows most hw info22:42
xubuntuGruffhello everyone22:43
romtsjoDr_Willis, Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX22:43
xubuntuGruffwould ubuntu and xubuntu installations be exactly the same??22:43
bluewulfthanks doc22:43
xubuntuGruffromtsjo do you work for broadcom?22:44
Dr_Willisromtsjo:  only hit i see on askubuntu about that card  - mentions some quirk in the driver   http://askubuntu.com/questions/180201/12-04-wi-fi-not-working-correctly-with-intel-pro-wireless-3945abg22:44
Dr_Williswork time for me.. bye all22:44
=== francisco is now known as Guest79778
bjrohanI am looking for some help on building a module for Alfresco from git. I have asked in the Maven and the Alfresco channels, but they are currently quiet. What I am rying to do is: https://github.com/Redpill-Linpro/alfresco-libreoffice-online-edit  I have cloned the git on my machine. I have tomcat installed, but I don't think Maven, any help appreciated22:45
romtsjoDr_Willis, on 12.10 all correct. but when I install 13.04 or upgrade to it - network is falling22:45
xubuntuGruffbjr check the software center to see if Maven is installed on your system22:45
emif-Hi, i am using ubuntu 12.10. I have checked my graphic card info from settings - details. it says that driver: unknown. Experience: Standard. How to install my vga driver?22:46
T|ASKHalf-Life 2 is ready for download22:46
xubuntuGruffemif download the driver22:46
emif-help please22:46
emif-xubuntuGruff, i have done this in terminal, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel22:47
emif-it says its installed and 0 updates, but its not detected22:47
bjrohanPerhaps Dr_Willis is up for the challenge :-)22:47
xubuntuGruffbjr dr willis left22:48
bjrohandarn it22:48
bjrohanIC now22:48
xubuntuGruffemif did you try googling the problem? it may be a driver issue others are experiencing22:48
bjrohanperhaps someone else, a simple build I would think, says the ignnorant man22:48
xubuntuGruffatleast you guys are in linux. my shit doesnt wanna boot22:48
emif-i googled it, thats how i got this: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel22:49
Ari-Yangemif-, google some more?22:49
xubuntuGruffgoogle the issue emif. something like: after installation, driver xxx(your driver) not detected22:49
wilee-nileeemif-, Not sure but do those instructions include a reboot?22:49
emif-i rebooted, still not detected22:50
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.22:50
xubuntuGruffif it's a driver, he probably needs to reboot22:50
=== reed_ is now known as reed
emif-thats my vga, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)22:50
brainwashemif-, install mesa-utils to get rid of "driver: unknown"22:50
Ari-Yang^ that might help....22:50
xubuntuGruffhowcome i dont have access to those commands?22:51
emif-ok just a sec22:51
bazhangxubuntuGruff, dont recommend google here22:51
OerHeksxubuntuGruff, repeating within a minute or so is blocked22:51
schultzahow do i get libreoffice to not use the unity menu for its menu? ubuntu 12.04 + libreoffice
xubuntuGruffoh for spammers22:52
xubuntuGruffwho would spam an IRC though. really22:52
icesmurfdoes anyone know how to add a vlan with a vlanid > 100 via the network manager interface?22:52
exadHello, I'm trying to get sound working through HDMI with my HD6850 I tried aplay -l to get a list of audio devices and then created an asound.conf but that didn't seem to do it. Then I tried the alsa daily ppa, but that didn22:52
exadseem to work either, any suggestions?22:52
OerHeksxubuntuGruff, no, 20 people here can have the same bright idea to type !google to answer, that would flood the service.22:53
xubuntuGruffif i installed ubuntu without a swap area, will it work?22:53
emif-brainwash, i installed it, and now its giving me; Intel® Sandybridge Mobile x86/MMX/SSE222:53
compdocxubuntuGruff, yes22:53
emif-So that means my vga is installed well?22:53
bazhang!swap > xubuntuGruff22:53
ubottuxubuntuGruff, please see my private message22:53
romtsjoguys! who can help me with my problem?22:53
bazhang!manual | xubuntuGruff have a read first22:53
ubottuxubuntuGruff have a read first: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:53
OerHekssure ubuntu will work without swap, although you cannot hybernate/sleep22:54
wilee-nileeyou can sleep, no hibernate22:54
bazhangromtsjo, what s the issue22:55
OerHeksoh, you are correct, wilee-nilee22:55
brainwashemif-, i think so, ubuntu doesn't ship with mesa-utils by default, so the information can't be displayed, but the driver should work ok22:55
gunitinughow to play xbox 360 on ubuntu?22:55
xubuntuGruffIve been using linux for a while now. I dont think I need a manual for learning how to use it. This partition shit isnt working for me.22:55
romtsjobazhang, when I install 13.04 - my ethernet is going out22:55
emif-brainwash, still the unity launcher icons are some how blur22:55
bazhangxubuntuGruff, no cursing here22:55
romtsjobazhang, I have only VPN network on it22:56
bluewulfI'm still having dificulties with the wifi driver22:56
gunitinughow to play x box 360 on ubuntu?22:56
Liam-has anyone build the tb_userspace/tb_tun program, and would be able to assist me? i'm getting funky errors :s22:56
romtsjobazhang, my eth0 adapter is Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX22:56
MonkeyDust!info xboxdrv | gunitinug there's this22:57
ubottugunitinug there's this: xboxdrv (source: xboxdrv): Xbox360 gamepad driver for the userspace. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4-1build1 (raring), package size 612 kB, installed size 1584 kB (Only available for linux-any)22:57
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=== Guest97308 is now known as MrNecrosi
MonkeyDustgunitinug  in a terminal, type apt-cache show xboxdrv22:58
GunArm1does the diff command work on binary files?  i dont care about the content differences just a yes or no if they are different22:58
exadHello, I'm trying to get sound working through HDMI with my HD6850 I tried aplay -l to get a list of audio devices and then created an asound.conf but that didn't seem to do it. Then I tried the alsa daily ppa, but that didn't work either. Also, I've made sure to unmute the device in alsamixer. I'm not too sure what else I can try. :/22:59
xubuntuGruffi finally understand why dualbooting is impossible22:59
bluewulfDual booting isn't....22:59
bluewulfI'm on a dualboot right now....22:59
xubuntuGruffexad is the audio driver installed?22:59
exadWell I installed the ati closed source ati drivers xubuntuGruff23:00
xubuntuGruffmy dual boot died bluewulf. I did everything correctly, and it doesnt even show me an option to boot from linux23:00
bluewulfWell, It may have been something with the way you installed.23:00
bluewulfXubuntuGruff did you start with windows?23:00
exadIIt seems to have added another audio device after I did so, in aplay -l described as HDMI23:00
xubuntuGruffi had a partitioned HDD23:00
xubuntuGruffyes I did23:00
xubuntuGruffit was 2 NTFS partitions23:01
bluewulfI did too, it works fine23:01
bluewulfOh, haha don't do that!]23:01
exadOooo, I wonder if my integrated graphics are enabled in BIOS as I was using Windows 7 before....23:01
wilee-nileexubuntuGruff, Did you install ubuntu from windows?23:01
xubuntuGruffno wilee-nilee. I booted from the disk23:01
romtsjobazhang, any ideas?23:01
bluewulfThe partitionings annoying, so partition an area of free space from windows, and use the disk to put it on the empty space.23:02
xubuntuGruffI used ext4 file system? is that the issue?23:02
bazhangromtsjo, what does ifconfig show? eth0 lo wlan0 or what23:02
wilee-nileexubuntuGruff, well, personally I have 4 OS on my ssd so multibooting is rather easy.23:02
bluewulfIt can be. The way the partitioning was set up for what I'm using, a weird version of linux (backtrack) is being a but.23:02
romtsjobazhang, only lo23:02
bluewulfSee, look at him. Butt. @wilee-nilee23:02
bluewulfDoes anyone have like, a compilation of broadcam fixes? haha23:03
romtsjobazhang, but in network-manager I have only VPN23:03
xubuntuGruffim trying to google installation instructions for xubuntu but they dont have anything weirdly23:03
xubuntuGruffits weird how many problems ubuntu has and yet mint hardly has any23:04
bluewulfThis is why I just use windows. But all the USEFUL programs are on linux23:04
=== Osuka_ is now known as Osuka
gunitinugi run ubuntu on virtual box23:05
bluewulfnot an option for me, I'm working on network hacking. Which requires a network card.23:05
bluewulfThat works.23:05
xubuntuGrufflike which ones? bluewulf23:05
bluewulfLike which ones what?23:06
xubuntuGruffbluewulf try linux mint with a wubi install. its almost as easy to use as windows23:06
bluewulfI'm just having trouble installing my networking card.23:06
xubuntuGruffwhich useful programs? bluewulf23:06
bluewulfI just meant that windows comes pre-built in almost everything23:06
bluewulfXubunutuGruff, look up Backtrack.23:07
xubuntuGruffwindows also has hardware/vendor support. linux is pretty much on its own there23:07
bluewulfAnd they're all network sniffing, packet injecting, and rainbowtables23:07
bluewulfI'm learning network security, but at this point, I wish I could take a proffesional class.23:07
bluewulf@ubuntugruff any help for broadcam beyond that !broadcam thing?23:09
exadNah, Onboard HDMI and HDMI audio both disabled in BIOS so I'm at a loss -_-23:09
exadMaybe I'll just sell my 6850 and use onboard HDMI until I can get an nvidia card23:09
bluewulfWhat's your trouble exad?23:10
romtsjobazhang, so what can I do?23:10
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2115659   romtsjo here23:10
[deXter]exad, If you're planning to use the open-source drivers, I would recommend an ATi card instead.23:11
exadI'm using a 6850 now and the closed source drivers aren't working23:11
xubuntuGrufftheres definitely alot more people in this IRC, why are they all quiet?23:11
exadxubuntuGruff: idling?23:12
exadit IS irc afterall....23:12
bluewulfAnd I've tried a bunch of different things, can anyone look directly at my error file?23:12
xubuntuGruffpastebin.com bluewulf. let me see23:12
exad[deXter]: I don't see why I would buy another ATI card when I can't get the sound working on this one23:12
xubuntuGruffgive me 5 minutes i need to release fluids from my urinary tract23:13
[deXter]exad, You can't go into sound settings and change the output device?23:13
romtsjobazhang, thanks. I'll use it23:15
bazhang!ot | xubuntuGruff23:15
ubottuxubuntuGruff: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:15
exad[deXter]: nope23:16
exaddoesn't show up there.23:16
uvalaa number of bookmarked channels have disappeared from Xchat client, including all ubuntu-related ones. did this happen to you with Xchat?23:17
gunitinuguvala no23:17
bazhanguvala, put them back in the auto join list23:17
gunitinugreinstall xchat23:18
bazhanggunitinug, bad advice23:18
uvalabazhang, they disappeared from there. I could put them manually again, but that's bizarre23:18
bazhanguvala, that bookmark this channel has never worked that I have seen23:18
exadI'm gonna try uninstalling my ati drivers as I did the automatic install and instead generate a distro specific installer, see if that helps23:19
uvalabazhang, we're talking about right click to "add to favourites", right?23:19
bazhanguvala, yes23:19
bluewulfLinux is a butttt.23:20
bazhangbluewulf, lets stay on topic23:20
uvalabazhang, is this not something that needs to be reported if it's never worked properly?23:21
bluewulfhaha, I'm still having trouble, It's so annoying.23:21
xubuntuGruffshit man. look at that log u sent23:21
bazhanguvala, you could report a bug; I just use the auto join feature setting23:21
bazhangxubuntuGruff, no cursing here23:22
bluewulfyeah, Xubuntugruff, Why is nvidia in there anyways? I was trying to activate a networking card...23:22
bazhanguvala, there is also the channel #xchat , perhaps they have a workaround23:22
uvalaoh, thank you. I'll drop by there now23:23
xubuntuGruffit cant be a dependency23:23
xubuntuGruffBroadcomWLHandler enabled() is the wireless 123:23
bluewulfCould that be my ethernet controller?23:23
bluewulfI have the driver D/loaded, but I can't activate.23:24
Ari-Yangfglrx sucks.........23:25
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com23:25
xubuntuGruffis the driver a .deb file?23:27
xubuntuGruffits sometimes easier to just build the package from a .deb23:27
bluewulfSo I move that .log file, and run the activate from system/administration/hardware drivers, and it doesn't even write to the log....23:27
exadi agree with you Ari-Yang23:27
=== wicked is now known as zz_wicked
bluewulfI have the tar On my desktop23:28
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:28
xubuntuGruffbuild the package yourself. it'll work methinks23:28
bluewulfUhm... hit me. I've tried, but don't know how23:28
* Liam- hits bluewulf23:29
gunitinugi need to poop23:29
xubuntuGruffyou dont know how to build tar packages? ok let me find the info for it'23:29
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression23:30
bluewulfWell, it was worth a try23:30
peteyis there any command i can use that'll take all the files in a folder23:30
peteyand rename them like photo1.jpg, photo2.jpg, etc23:30
=== zz_wicked is now known as wicked
bluewulf@petey that should be an easy thing to write, methinks.23:31
xubuntuGruffthat bot is giving shit commands23:31
xubuntuGruffhere use this link23:31
peteywhat would that be called bluewulf23:32
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:32
peteyhow would i go about it23:32
bluewulfAll you have to do is find the command for renaming files, and set up a loop to rename them.23:32
peteymakes sense23:32
gunitinug!bash script23:34
bazhanggunitinug, /msg ubottu23:34
VisceralSoundWould anyone happen to have a solution to my problem in this? I'm having an issue installing my Realtek driver for my wireless card (an Asus PCE-N15) which seems to have a common issue with Linux http://askubuntu.com/questions/292751/issues-installing-wireless-network-driver/292806?noredirect=1#comment368183_29280623:35
bluewulfgosh i wish i could desktop share...23:36
delargehello there, Somebody know some PDF viewer that plays a AVI file embedded in PDF?23:36
LTCoinMno ban evading23:38
LTCoinMor else23:38
LTCoinMget out xubuntuBluff23:38
bluewulfuhm so xubuntubluff wasn't supposed to be here?23:38
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:39
=== g0th is now known as Guest59673
labyrinthHow can I allow non-admin users to add a printer in GUI in 12.04?23:41
terry2776bluewulf: maybe the person that banned him will be able to assist23:42
bluewulfI tried...23:42
bluewulfI don;t know how to pm..23:42
bluewulfAnyone know how to build the broadcam driver23:42
gunitinugcan u install ubuntu in virtual box and inside virtual box install another ubuntu using wubi?23:45
bluewulfI'm gonna go cri for a bit23:47
terry2776yeah kind of rude for that guy to ban your helper and not clean up the mess he created for you23:48
LTCoinMhey xubuntu10123:48
LTCoinMwhy don't you get out23:48
LTCoinMyou appear to be ban evading23:48
LTCoinMhi Blue1123:49
uvalabazhang, thank you, Xchat developer has been most helpful!23:49
LTCoinMdo i know you bluewulf ?23:49
bluewulfHey, can you like, wait a second to ban him? he was helping me get my adapter working23:49
bluewulfYeah. Youve been banning the guy trying to help me...23:49
bluewulfWhat did he even do?23:49
VisceralSoundWould anyone happen to have a solution to my problem in this? I'm having an issue installing my Realtek driver for my wireless card (an Asus PCE-N15) which seems to have a common issue with Linux http://askubuntu.com/questions/292751/issues-installing-wireless-network-driver/292806?noredirect=1#comment368183_29280623:50
=== wicked is now known as zz_wicked
bluewulfI wish I had hellllpppp23:52
bluewulfThe linnnuxxx commmmunnnittttyyy suuuuucckkkks23:52
=== zz_wicked is now known as wicked
bluewulfThiiiiissss Is whhhhyyyyy innnnddiiiiiannnnn guuuuysss makkkkeeee mooonnneeyyyy23:52
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!23:52
Montebluewulf: do you need help or just here to spam?23:53
bluewulfI need help, but the only person who tried got banned for some reason...23:53
bluewulfI still can't activate my driver, and I've been through a number of proccesses.23:53
Montemay I private message you bluewulf ?23:53
uvalato avoid viruses getting from a malicious web link/page to your home directory, is it a secure way to chroot-jail the ".mozilla" folder?23:56

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