
nukkexubuntu200: go to Menu > Settings Manager > Keyboard > Layout00:07
nukkeuncheck "use system settings" and add the Greek keyboard layout00:08
xubuntu200i did it00:29
xubuntu200i added Greek00:29
xubuntu200but still cant change language00:29
xubuntu200and in ibus still its chinese the option for input method00:29
xubuntu200Please read /usr/share/doc/im-switch/README.Debian.gz .   No user configuration enabled for en_US.  Restart the X session to activate the selected Imput Method.00:30
xubuntu200oh now i saw it00:30
xubuntu200it has to do with my case?00:30
nukkerestart your session or just restart your computer00:33
xubuntu200cant do something like unity --replace?00:34
GridCubexubuntu200, when you login choose the greek language from the drop down menu00:36
xubuntu200_okie i am back00:41
xubuntu200_lets see now00:41
xubuntu200_still chinese00:42
xubuntu200_after logout00:42
nukkein the login screen, there should be an Accessibility icon somewhere. click on it and select Greek00:42
xubuntu200_hm i have to choose only between xfce session and xubuntu00:43
xubuntu200_wich is the difference by the way of them two?00:43
GridCubexubuntu200_, no, under that, there is a language setting00:46
xubuntu200_okie i ll check again00:46
xubuntu200_but please dont tell me that if i want to change every time language between greek and english that i ll have to do it :P00:47
GridCubexubuntu200_, http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-M9mrg-_oNl8/UH-qDsulHZI/AAAAAAAAK_4/xEge8znDB1w/s1600/xubuntu12.10-login-screen.png00:47
GridCubethere is an example00:47
GridCubesee how it says "english - usa"00:48
xubuntu200_oh i see now...what stupid i am00:48
GridCubexubuntu200_, that would change the interface to another lang, you need to do that each time, you can still read any language on files and such00:48
xubuntu200_oh but my problem is just the keyboard00:49
xubuntu200_i want to changer languages00:49
xubuntu200_as i am typing in a editor00:49
GridCubeyou can change just the keyboard by using a keyboard switcher00:49
GridCubeno need to change the interface to anything00:49
GridCubethat would not help00:49
GridCubeadd the keyboard switcher plugin to the panel00:49
xubuntu200_so where is a keyboard switcher?00:49
xubuntu200_oh i did it00:51
xubuntu200_hehe was too simple00:51
xubuntu200_what a shame of me00:51
xubuntu200_thank you anyway so much!00:51
xubuntu200_have a good night!!!00:52
GridCubexubuntu200_, :) no problem00:53
GridCubegood nights00:53
nyuszika7hhi, is it possible to disable the F1 key binding in xfce4-terminal?07:01
baizonnyuszika7h: yes07:06
nyuszika7hbaizon: how would I go about doing that? I've already ticked "Disable menu shortcut keys" and "Disable all menu access keys".07:07
baizonnyuszika7h: what does happen when you press F1?07:08
nyuszika7hbaizon: http://i.imgur.com/EDvXbsY.png07:11
baizonnyuszika7h: check the xfce keyboard bindings in the settings window07:12
nyuszika7hbaizon: there are no key binding settings in Edit -> Preferences, and Settings Manager -> Hardware -> Keyboard only has shortcuts for launching apps (no F1 there).07:15
[uzver]i just use F1 to launch other application07:15
nyuszika7h[uzver]: but I need the F1 key for terminal apps07:17
baizonnyuszika7h: http://docs.xfce.org/faq07:17
nyuszika7hbaizon: I don't get it, I added that to my ~/.gtkrc-2.0, where should I look now?07:26
nyuszika7hoh I see, but pressing backspace does nothing07:26
nyuszika7henabling it in the config didn't fix it either :/07:27
g0toleoquant, what's going on with that wave?09:00
g0toafter dist-upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10, I missed the new version of lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf. Any ideas about how to find it?09:01
g0tomy lightdm greeting screen looks so bad now :S09:02
brainwashg0to, theme missing or what does look bad?09:05
g0tobrainwash, I think it's a theme missing issue09:05
g0toI was using Greybird-lightdm09:06
g0totried a dpkg-reconfigure, but it keeps the old version file09:07
brainwashg0to, try Greybird instead of Greybird-lightdm09:08
g0tobrainwash, ok, I will. Thanks ;)09:13
xubuntu776hello guys11:01
xubuntu776i have a problem that pisses me from yesterday11:01
xubuntu776i installed some editors in my xubuntu like geany and code blocks11:01
xubuntu776when i am trying to run a small programm that i am writing its always says me that permission dont allow to run it11:02
xubuntu776i even runned geany editor11:02
xubuntu776with gksudo geany11:02
xubuntu776and still this permission error when i am trying to run my c program11:02
xubuntu776just a hello word program :P11:02
seronisI installed CB from repo a few days ago and dont have any permission issues on running11:07
bekksseronis: Whats "CB"?11:07
bekksAnd what exactly are you doing, and which error do you get, using which ubuntu version?11:08
seronisxubuntu776,  did you install from repo or compile yourself or use a nightly build?  on linux i've only ever used the repo install11:08
xubuntu776i just downloaded them from software ubuntu center :P11:10
xubuntu776w8 bekks11:10
bekksxubuntu776: Why shall I wait?11:10
xubuntu776Permission denied11:10
xubuntu776about the error that i had to check wich is11:11
bekksxubuntu776: I was talking to seronis11:12
seronisyou were?11:12
seronisi dont have an error.  i was responding to 776 with my CB comment11:12
xubuntu776you asked me11:13
xubuntu776[14:08] <bekks> And what exactly are you doing, and which error do you get, using which ubuntu version?11:13
xubuntu776and i am running xubuntu 12.1011:13
xubuntu776permission denied is the error11:13
bekksxubuntu776: I asked seronis.11:13
xubuntu776i tried gksudo geany but still the same11:13
seronisbekks,  i dont have any errors.  was just responding to 776 since he said he was having an issue with C::B11:13
bekksseronis: ah ok.11:14
bekksxubuntu776: Then I should ask you :)11:14
seronisxubuntu776, your CB version is  12.11 correct?11:14
=== anaconda_ is now known as Guest94786
xubuntu776seronis no its 10.0411:16
xubuntu776and geany editor version is 1.2211:16
seronisxubuntu776,  just a disclaimer.  I am really new to xubuntu myself.  But I have nothing else to do so I dont mind trying to help if i can11:20
seronisI'm assuming you have the   build-essentials package installed11:20
seroniscodeblocks itself doesnt have it as a dependancy because you can use lots of diff compilers.  but you'll need it for C/C++ compiling11:21
xubuntu776seronis sure! ofcourse i dont require anything just ask :) i am also so newbie in linux general :D11:21
xubuntu776hm build essentials dont know lol11:21
seroniserr..  no 's' on the package name11:22
seronissudo apt-get install build-essential11:22
xubuntu776checked from synaptic manager11:23
xubuntu776and yes i have them installed11:23
seronisxubuntu776,   see if this helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79480211:33
seronis2 people in that thread.  one of them seemed to have the issue due to a bad build command being used and the other from using a bad location for his files11:40
seronishonestly the -Wall flag mentioned shouldnt prevent anything unless there is a compile warning preventing the binary from being created so i dont understand WHY it worked for the first person11:40
seronisand im not fmailiar enough with linux to know why the location matters (as long as you're not putting your source code in a 'root' owned location)11:41
bekks-Wall doesnt prevent anything, it enables all warnings.11:43
seronisI know that.. but he might have  "treat warnings as errors" enabled11:43
bekksYou mean -Werror11:44
seronispossibly.  been a long time since i used the flags via cli.  im used to checkboxes11:45
xubuntu776hmmm i made codeblock to work just saving the file with the code before buiding it with the extention .c! and now runs! but in geany doesnt work the same11:49
seronisyeah you need to manually save before building in C::B11:51
seronisit doesnt autosave by default, though you can enable it in preferences somewhere11:51
xubuntu776yeah! i am glad that can compile my simple c programs!11:51
seronisnow do C++  and see if it works =-)11:52
xubuntu776i think that even if they saying that linux are great for developers still its so frustronated11:52
xubuntu776to make something simple to work11:52
seronisbekks, since you seem to know a bit about gcc do you also know any channels for programming help on freenode?  other than  #learnprogramming11:58
bekksseronis: ##gcc e.g.11:58
xubuntu776the wieerd is that when i am trying to execute the executable file that created from compiling of codeblock isnt allowed...i used terminal something like sudo bash test1 but it says me cannot execute binary files11:58
bekksCheck the permissions of that file.11:59
bekksls -lha thefilename11:59
seronisbash ?11:59
seroniswhy would you need to bash a binary ?11:59
bekksNo one knows.11:59
seronisalso you shouuldnt need to sudo either12:00
xubuntu776seronis because if its executable why doesnt run?12:00
bekksxubuntu776: Pastebin "ls -lha yourfilename" and "file filename".12:00
xubuntu776in windows i could run it12:00
bekksxubuntu776: Windows is irrelevant.12:00
seronisim saying bash does scripts.. not binaries12:00
seronisjust use the program name on its own12:00
seronisie       ./hello12:01
bekksbash does scripts AND binaries.12:01
bekksbash is a shell.12:01
seronisah.  i've never had to prepend bash on the command line unless it was a script12:01
seronismy misunderstanding12:01
xubuntu776bekks rwxrwxr -x 1 nick nick 7.2 kb May 9 14:37 testaman12:01
seronisand just typing  the binary name doesnt run it ?12:02
bekksxubuntu776: And whats the "file testaman" output?12:02
xubuntu776just a hello word :P12:02
bekksType that commmand.12:02
bekks"file testaman".12:03
xubuntu776testaman: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0xee78a14c6fbf051496bdf61fee0da97957c441b9, not strippe12:04
seronislooks like mine12:05
seronisOhayo: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0xa0631ed274d76fe4559c66f6060aca29eb47572e, not stripped12:05
bekksseronis: Yours is a 64bit binary.12:06
seronisminor detail12:06
xubuntu776yeah heh12:08
seronisso does typing       ./testaman      run your program ?12:11
xubuntu776i wouldnt say it12:11
xubuntu776since there is no my hello word :P12:11
seronishuh ?12:12
xubuntu776the testaman is just a prinf hello word12:12
seroniscorrect..   and from the command line you should be able to type          ./testaman         to run the program12:13
seronisyou shouldnt need sudo or bash12:13
seronisjust     ./testaman12:13
seronisthe      ./     is important12:14
xubuntu776seronis oh thank :D it worked like a charm :D12:15
xubuntu776but why bash isnt working too?12:15
seronistyping what i said uses whatever shell you are in.   i've just never used bash as part of the command12:15
seronisso not familiar with why it would or wouldnt work12:15
seronisI was told to just use     ./name    anytime i run a program from the CLI that isnt in the path12:18
seronisand that IS in the current working directory of course12:18
seronisusing   ./name   just makes it a fully resolved pathname or something  (sorry i dont know more)12:19
ntzrmtthihu777hello. apparently my internet setup took a shit on me. eth0 on the desktop is showing as not managed in the network manager, and I can't connect to my server via ics anymore. little help, please?12:30
ntzrmtthihu777never mind. got some strange artefacts in the NM, but I'm back in12:40
xubuntu776seronis thank you so much you explained me alot ;) ye ./name is easy way to run your programs12:40
xubuntu776you come from windows as a developer? ;)12:41
seronissorta?  im just a hobbyist.   did   Basic on AppleII's growing up,   HyperScript on iMacs in school,  then  C coding MUDs over telnet before working on C and C++ on my desktop12:44
seronisprimarily a windows user since Win98se.  installed linux randomly here and there12:44
ntzrmtthihu777muds <312:45
seronisand xubuntu for just over a week.   since I noticed 3 dozen of my steam games have linux versions figure id give it a try12:45
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  was it you making the python mud ?12:47
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: nope, lol. I know not python. I am however developing a foss alternative to RPG Maker XP/VX/Ace12:47
seronissounds fun.  ive been considering making a dwarf fortress style clone to learn SFML12:49
seronisprobably more on the complexity level of Gnomoria instead of DF though12:49
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: lol, I'm planning to write some ruby bindings for sfml for this project. I can do it in pure ruby + rubysdl, but its a bit slow12:51
seronisreally?  I thought ruby compiled to effectively C++ speed  (personal ruby experience limited to hello world difficulty stuff)12:53
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: some stuff can be fast as c++, but heavy graphics work can get slow as hell. still have not found an effective method of compiling ruby to an exe yet :/12:54
xubuntu776seronis the same too ;) for a hobbyist you are so good especially if you work in c/c++ ;) i am windows user from windows 95 lol so its a bit hard the transfer!13:00
ntzrmtthihu777same, lol. I started in win98, but I have made the transer nicely. I have been using various linux distros for about a year.13:00
ntzrmtthihu777oops, lol. wrong tilda13:02
xubuntu776ntzrmtthihu777 and what you think about Linix?helps more or?what pron cons?13:13
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu776: pros: too many to list. cons: too many hardware developers don't take it into account.13:14
ntzrmtthihu777all these fancy pieces of hardware, windows and mac certified, but they don't think of linux when designing the drivers. were the playing field even twould be no cons whatsoever.13:15
xubuntu776yeah i agree the worst con is mostly the bad support from some drivers like ati guys :) well for to be honest one thing that i dont like also to linux and i believe that is something that make bad to his reputation13:16
xubuntu776its just the alot fan boys of linux act like fanatic anarchissts or communismies13:17
xubuntu776that they are all the time like "wohooo Linux is the light of humanity,microsoft sucks because its a company etc13:17
xubuntu776people need to hear specific pros and cons and not manifests against the capitalism :P13:18
lderanMicrosoft have done a lot of cool stuff of late, mainly their r&d and server branches13:20
xubuntu776yeah maybe...i dont know since i havent checked server branches but i think that windows 7 was cool13:21
xubuntu776i mean she have make some really bad shits13:21
xubuntu776like vista and melenium13:21
xubuntu776but 7 was awesome13:21
xubuntu776and windows 8 was cool but mostly for a average user that wanted only fast facebook and farm ville wihout lag lol :P13:22
ntzrmtthihu7777 is crap.13:22
ntzrmtthihu777and 8 is worse.13:22
ntzrmtthihu777last good thing ms produced was xp, imho.13:23
xubuntu7768 is crap because it makes your pc in a microsoft tablet with the ms store etc lol but its very fast and light os13:23
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:23
ntzrmtthihu777why not? I could go on and on about how big of a res hog it was and is... XD o yeah. support.13:23
xubuntu776res hog?what means? :P13:26
ntzrmtthihu777resource hog.13:27
ntzrmtthihu777but again, ot.13:27
xubuntu776well surely the winner there is os like linux,bsd.unix based13:28
xubuntu776but nowdays almost all the users have a good pc13:28
xubuntu776with at least 2 gb ram13:28
ntzrmtthihu777meh. still a waste. main reason I switched to xubuntu is this unity bs13:29
xubuntu776well unity is something different but i liked it on my sisters laptop13:32
ntzrmtthihu777My pc is quite capable of running 7, and likely 8 as well (especially considering its a touchscreen unit), but I'd rather not waste my resources on bs I don't need, want, or use. Specs: CPU~Dual core AMD Athlon II X2 240e (-MCP-) clocked at Min:800.000Mhz Max:2800.000Mhz Kernel~3.2.0-41-generic x86_64 Up~4:27 Mem~1263.9/3447.5MB HDD~500.1GB(20.4% used) Procs~179 Client~Irssi 0.8.15 inxi~1.8.413:32
xubuntu776its cool some eye candy13:32
xubuntu776and when we speak about linux prons we should not insist only on the resources13:32
xubuntu776thank god we are not taliban people with ancient computers13:32
xubuntu776we have all some good hardware13:32
kRushyour 'good' hardware will be ancient in a year or two13:36
xubuntu776well i am running very good windows 7 to a 4 years old machine13:36
xubuntu776i am not speaking about wohoo lets play cyris s3 in full HD13:37
kRush4 years? man you could just as well live in a cave13:39
xubuntu776kRush you change pc every 1 year?13:48
xubuntu776then who the reason to talking about low resources use of linux?13:48
anders__hello good people13:54
anders__I'm new with xubuntu, and loving it so far13:54
anders__I do have a problem with the screensaver activating while watching videos13:55
anders__I have set it to never in settings, but still it activates after 10 minutes13:55
anders__any suggestions?13:55
anders__not screensaver13:55
anders__it turns black13:55
anders__power saving mode  or whatever13:55
kRushanders__, flash video? complain to adobe14:00
anders__nah not flash14:00
anders__using the native videoplayer14:00
anders__mkv file14:00
brainwashanders__, disable DPMS14:00
anders__whats/wheres that? :)14:00
GridCubeanders__, disable all power settings of monitor in the settings manager or use a player that does send the signal to turn it off, like smplayer or vlc14:01
anders__OK thx14:02
GridCubesadly this is far too common and nobody seems to fix it already14:02
anders__I've tried to disable all power settings (they're all on "never"), still no luck14:02
anders__its kind of annyoing14:02
anders__I had trouble with xbmc and xscreensaver as well, but removed it and seems to be working now14:03
GridCubeanders__, be sure to change it on all the power settings, "with a/c" "whit battery" etc14:03
anders__ye I have14:03
anders__still no luck14:03
GridCubealso see of you have screensaver settings that are also going on14:03
anders__removed xscreensaver, so don't think I have any screensaver installed right now14:04
GridCubei havent had this problems in a long while14:06
GridCubei don't remember if theres any other thing to do14:07
GridCubei would try another player thoug14:07
anders__installing smplayer as we speak :)14:09
anders__thanks for the help :)14:10
brainwashanders__, you should also try caffeine https://launchpad.net/caffeine14:12
brainwash"A status bar application able to temporarily prevent the activation of both the screensaver and the "sleep" powersaving mode."14:12
xubuntu776the default fonts of xubuntu is droid sans?hm what about chrom os fonts?anyone have tested?its more eye candy?14:19
GridCubei like the unbuntu mono font14:20
xubuntu776mono font14:21
xubuntu776hm i ll check it14:21
xubuntu776and what about themes?14:21
xubuntu776i want to make a bit more eye candy xubuntu without heavy stuff like compiz (although its pretty cool by default!)14:22
Touhou11You're aware XFCE has its own built-in compositor?14:23
Touhou11I'd agree about avoiding Compiz, it's fairly dead as a project14:25
GridCubei use default greybird, but i liked mediterranean gtk too http://i.imgur.com/dEtxS07.png14:28
Touhou11GridCube: That's surprisingly nice for a dark theme14:35
GridCube:) it is14:36
denseacat_sup bros14:39
denseacat_PLease give me link to linux distro, that will fits into 512 mb sdc, have GUI, apps and shit, and can be run under most hardware configurations14:40
denseacat_Live USB-SDC :D14:41
GridCubedenseacat_, puppy, slitaz, tinycore, DSL14:42
GridCubein that order14:42
denseacat_so, better install puppy?14:42
denseacat_will it run in live usb persistent mode?14:43
GridCubeask in #puppylinux14:45
nyuszika7hhi, is there a way to position windows to the center of the screen and save the position if possible?14:46
denseacat_Well, that's a good advice for me! Thank you, GridCube. Good luck, guys.14:47
GridCubeman wmctrl14:47
GridCubenyuszika7h, ^14:47
nyuszika7hok, thanks14:47
nyuszika7halso hai GridCube, didn't know you're here :P14:47
GridCubeP: i live here14:47
nyuszika7hwhy is the Alt-F2 launcher so slow at opening?14:48
GridCubeits now integrated to an app finder14:48
nyuszika7hwell, I guess it's not too good for my Intel Pentium M 740 :P14:49
GridCubehere it takes like 2-3 seconds to open14:49
nyuszika7hGridCube: it takes minutes here14:49
GridCubeno, thats not good14:49
GridCubeyou could add verve to the panel plugins14:50
nyuszika7hGridCube: thanks for the tip14:51
nyuszika7hthe only problem is, this screen is only 1280x80014:52
nyuszika7halready too little space for the application icons14:52
nyuszika7heven without Verve, a bit too little with many apps14:52
nyuszika7hmaybe I could make the clock a bit shorter14:52
GridCubenyuszika7h, the withe thingy its where my verve goes P: http://i.imgur.com/UYpQpY2.png15:10
anders__anyone here who has experience with the logitech harmony one remote and linux?15:55
anders__congruity won't detect my remote15:55
bekksSo which Ubuntu do you have?15:58
anders__newest xubuntu16:02
bekksWhich version exactly?16:05
anders__lol I actually don't know where it says what version16:12
lderanin your terminal type "cat /etc/issue" that should tell you16:14
lderanor i think "lsb_release -a" that may work if the first doesn't16:14
anders__ubuntu 13.0416:14
=== Yotson_ is now known as Yotson
ntzrmtthihu777having issue mounting my samba share with proper permissions; ll shows the contents to be owned by root:root18:41
LevyHi for all Xubuntu users !18:42
Unit193ntzrmtthihu777: Try something like appending  -o uid=1000,gid=100018:43
elfyhello Levy18:43
ntzrmtthihu777Unit193: using the fstab, any difference?18:43
Unit193ntzrmtthihu777: Yeah, drop the "-o"18:43
Unit193// /mnt/alphawvm/ cifs credentials=/root/alpha,uid=1000,gid=1000,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=0777 0 018:44
ntzrmtthihu777Unit193: I could kiss you XD18:46
Unit193ntzrmtthihu777: Hah.  My dir_mode isn't normal, and not really needed like that.18:47
Levyhi ! I'm have huawei HG658 adsl modem with USB. DLNA server workin ok, FTP server from usb device working ok. I'ts possible to mount the USB penndrive from adsl modem into a linux operating sistem like xubuntu ? I have Xubuntu 12.04 in another pc >  Thanks !18:47
ntzrmtthihu777Unit193: what would you suggest, as a normal/default dir_mode?18:48
Unit193ntzrmtthihu777: Could just drop it off, was an example I used (and maybe needed at the time.)18:50
ntzrmtthihu777alrighty, seems I got it right. is there a way to delay this until after login?18:52
Unit193Not that I know of.18:54
LevyAny ideea ???18:54
Levyhi ! I'm have huawei HG658 adsl modem with USB. DLNA server workin ok, FTP server from usb device working ok. I'ts possible to mount the USB penndrive from adsl modem into a linux operating sistem like xubuntu ? I have Xubuntu 12.04 in another pc >  Thanks !18:54
nyuszika7h"Your current network has a .local domain, which is not recommended and incompatible with the Avahi network service discovery. The service has been disabled."19:30
nyuszika7hI'm not aware of any .local domains on my network, my router uses `.lan`.19:31
Guest76915wh y is the desktop menu layout so crap on 12.04?19:42
[0gb_us]In what way is it crap in Xubuntu 12.04?19:44
Topographic0ceanhello, I just installed Xubuntu 13.04 and I cannot get keyboard shortcuts to work.   I've seen discussions on previous versions of similar issues but they don't seem to match what I am seeing.19:44
Topographic0ceanAny one know of a way to debug this?19:44
Guest76915the bottom menu is dynamic and not fixed19:44
Guest76915theres also no start button19:45
[0gb_us]Sorry, I don't know. I'm on 12.04.19:45
Guest76915Topo roll back to 12.04 cause 13.04 isnt LTS19:45
nukkewhat do you mean there's no menu button?19:45
nukkestart button *19:45
[0gb_us]Start button? Why would there be a start button? In the upper left corner is a menu button.19:45
Guest76915oh crap. I cant see it on my screen19:46
Guest76915my bad guys19:46
[0gb_us]No worries.19:46
nukkeTopographic0cean: go to Menu > Settings Manager > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts19:46
nukkeand click on the restore defaualts button19:47
Topographic0ceandid that19:48
* [0gb_us] just noticed that Ubuntu's screen lock properly disables the backlight, but Xubuntu's does not19:49
Topographic0ceanno luck19:49
Topographic0ceanno shortcut works, even default ones19:49
Topographic0ceanI was hoping there is some logging  I can turn on to see if that uncovers the issue19:50
Guest76915ok I managed to move the menus19:50
Guest76915how do I shift the menu? right now it is being left-adjusted19:51
nukkeTopographic0cean: perhaps this thread mgiht help you: https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2966119:53
Topographic0ceanseen that one but in that thread, some keyboard shortcuts work but not others.  In my case, nothing works.  As if some daemon is not running, but all xfce daemons seem to be running.19:55
Guest76915what kind of shortcut do you want?19:56
Topographic0ceanwell, it would be great if <supert>-t started a terminal (that is the default key binding)19:57
Guest76915why not try another shortcut like <shift> t opens terminal19:58
Topographic0ceanbecause that doesn 't work.  No short cut works, either defaults or modified ones.20:05
Topographic0ceanthe issue is somethng more basic but I am not sure how to debug it.20:05
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
scottbomb1ISO test21:13
scottbombjust testing per desktop testcase21:14
donnieCommand to check what mb my video card is?22:13
GridCubelspci | grep "VGA"22:18
xubuntu101Hello everyone22:40
xubuntu101I installed Xubuntu, but now im not getting any boot options22:40
xubuntu101the first thing I did was reorder my boot sequence. HDD is first22:41
gp5sthow do i stop parole from poppuing up when I put a CD in?23:05
bommhey, i'm having some trouble installing xubuntu onto my hdd23:27
[0gb_us]What is the issue?23:27
bommi keep getting an error at the partition stage23:27
[0gb_us]What partition options are you using, and what error?23:28
bommim trying to install the xubuntu on a partition i made through windows (but the error comes up for all the partitions i try), it says: no root system is defined23:29
bomm*the partition i made for xubuntu to go on is listed as undefined also*23:30
[0gb_us]Okay, you need to install GRUB, or you need to install Xubuntu the normal way, without choosing a partition, thus making a new one and installing GRUB.23:30
bommhow would i go about letting xubuntu making its own partition23:32
[0gb_us]Don't use the advanced option. Choose "Install Xubuntu allongside other operating systems".23:34
bommalright, im going to switch to my phones irc. i was trying to let it do its own thing like that but it wouldnt let me23:34
bommbe back in a few23:35
bommalso, thanks for helping me23:35
BommerHey in back23:38
xubuntu101did it work bommer?23:38
xubuntu101i also created 2 partitions when installing windows23:39
BommerJust trying now, had to reboot23:39
xubuntu101then i made the unused partition NTFS23:39
xubuntu101then i deleted that partition, made it ext4, but now my xubuntu isnt booting at all23:39
BommerAnd I'm at the install menu23:40
BommerI have the options to: replace windows 7 with xubuntu OR23:40
BommerSomething else23:40
BommerSo I have to choose the something else option I assume23:41
xubuntu101do u have a single partition Bommer?23:44
BommerIt's partitioned a few times a believe23:44
xubuntu101then ull need to choose something else23:46
BommerAnd it's at that screen after choosing something else where I am stucj23:47
xubuntu101stuck how?23:47
BommerThe no root system defined error23:48
[0gb_us]Huh. Do you still have your Windows 7 disc?23:49
BommerNo, the windows 7 os came installed23:50
[0gb_us]Do you have a D:\ recovery partition?23:50
xubuntu101ok do this bommer23:51
xubuntu101what partitions do u have?23:51
[0gb_us]I think you can use D:\ to make an install disk.23:51
BommerOh really?23:51
[0gb_us]That's what I'm told.23:51
BommerI have a main a recovery one I can't remember for and one I tried to make for xubuntu23:52
[0gb_us]THough I'm not a Windows user, so I don't know.23:52
BommerAh alright23:52
xubuntu101tried making one? does it exist?23:52
BommerI partitioned it but didn't format it23:52
xubuntu101if it does. what you should do is this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/148881/dual-boot-windows-xp-and-ubuntu-12-0423:53
xubuntu101so under that partition it says 'free space'23:53
BommerThe device says unusable.23:54
BommerShould I format the partition first?23:55
xubuntu101just click on your empty partition and select delete23:55
BommerI can't delete it in the setup menu23:56
xubuntu101i could23:56
xubuntu101if it already says free space. then u need to make it an ext423:57
BommerCan I format it a ext4 through windows?23:58
xubuntu101no u dont need to do that23:58
xubuntu101u can do it at the setup23:58
xubuntu101where it says free space, select "add"23:59
BommerI don't see free space anywhere23:59
BommerWish I could show you23:59
[0gb_us]You need to delete the partition you made in Windows for Xubuntu.23:59

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