
ScottKahoneybun: We use trello for that.03:29
soeegood morning06:06
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
lordievaderGood morning.07:50
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
Riddellbon dia10:34
smartboyhw_Riddell: ?10:35
RiddellI'm learning catalunian10:35
smartboyhw_Riddell: Heh, go ask dpm, he's an expert:P10:35
Riddellthis Kubuntu office is big10:35
smartboyhw_Riddell: Photo?10:35
* smartboyhw_ can't determine the size of an office without seeing.10:36
Peace-Riddell: funny bon dia is very similar to italian : buon di 10:37
smartboyhw_What does it mean actually?10:38
Peace-good morning 10:38
Peace-or maybe better 10:38
RiddellPeace-: I'd expect that, it's all Latin10:38
smartboyhw_For me, good morning is 早安10:38
smartboyhw_Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong): zh_HK10:39
Peace-smartboyhw_:  i did a little bash script using google service :D10:39
smartboyhw_Peace-: :D10:40
Peace-smartboyhw_: http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php/golgu-translate?content=15835510:40
Peace-it's funny listen chinese 10:40
smartboyhw_Peace-: LOL10:41
smartboyhw_Good one https://plus.google.com/100576607038615278264/posts/fXB1cucaDh510:49
ahoneybunScottK:  done :)11:45
ovidiu-florinhello world :D11:57
ovidiu-florinI'm back from the hollydays :D11:57
mikhashey Quintasan, how does the process work now, for making a new Maliit release (that would change some stuff) and updating the packages?12:22
mikhaswould be good to have that documented somewhere on our wiki @ maliit.org …12:23
Quintasanmikhas: First you guys release something, put a tarball somewhere and bug someone (probably me or Laney) to make a package upgrade12:24
QuintasanOr you can bug me to update that in Ubuntu and I will pester Laney to upload that into Debian12:24
=== palasso_ is now known as palasso
Quintasanmikhas: New realease soon or something?12:28
mikhasQuintasan, not sure whether it's "soon", but we are working on input context stuff which will conflict with the Maliit input context provided by Qt5 …12:31
QuintasanI see,12:31
mikhasso for packaging, this will be ugly12:31
Quintasanmikhas: Well, that shouldn't be much of an issue, we have a nice field Conflicts in debian/control12:31
mikhasand I wanted to know whether we need to find another solution instead12:31
mikhasand that's file-based?12:31
QuintasanIt's package-based12:31
QuintasanI have maliit-input-context-qt412:32
Quintasanand m-i-c-qt512:32
QuintasanI can make m-i-c-qt5 conflict with qt4 so one can't have both installed12:32
Quintasanmikhas: Is that what you want?12:32
Quintasanshadeslayer, yofel: running saucy?12:33
mikhassomething like that, but depends on how Qt5 is packaged12:34
BluesKaj_Hey all12:35
QuintasanBluesKaj_: hi12:35
BluesKaj_hi Quintasan12:35
Quintasanmikhas: Yeah, that said I'll probably figure it on my own or ask Laney for help if things get complicated12:35
Quintasanmikhas: Keep up the good work on Maliit then :P12:37
* Quintasan wants a Plasma powered tablet12:37
* Quintasan switches to pbuilder dist12:39
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
shadeslayerQuintasan: nope13:23
shadeslayerwe have a 100 Mbps line here13:24
Quintasan>implying you will be faster than me13:24
Quintasanshadeslayer: Currently I'm in one of ISP's network13:24
Quintasan1Gbps lol13:24
shadeslayerafiestas_: ^^13:24
shadeslayerWE NEED MORE INTERNETS13:25
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
Quintasanshadeslayer: But I can't torrent in here13:26
shadeslayerafiestas_ is looking at the facebooks13:26
QuintasanYou'd better implement renaming contacts in KTP shadeslayer13:26
apacheloggerQuintasan: u r very saucy today13:27
Quintasanapachelogger: Why, thank you13:27
Quintasanapachelogger: There was someone looking for you in #kde-multimedia13:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: why cant you do the torrenz?13:27
apacheloggerI got lost13:27
apacheloggerdunno why13:27
apacheloggertotal disconnect on the core13:27
Quintasanapachelogger: My friend is working at a certain ISP and I'm there with him, at least for 30 minutes more13:28
apacheloggerisn't @ISP the best place to do the downloadery? Oo13:31
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/homerun/+bug/117739913:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1177399 in homerun (Ubuntu Raring) "[SRU] homerun 0.2.3" [Medium,Fix committed]13:44
shadeslayerScottK: can you accept kscreen, stupid stupid mistake while backporting :/14:38
ScottKDon't see it yet.14:39
shadeslayerjust uploaded it 30 seconds ago14:39
shadeslayershould be there in another minute or so14:39
* shadeslayer test built it in a clean pbuilder to make sure it works this time14:40
shadeslayerScottK: should be there now14:40
* ScottK looks14:40
markeyfolks, before unleashing KDE 4.10.3 upon the world, you might want to consider this bug:14:41
ubottuKDE bug 319137 in general "Crash in DialogShadows::Private::freeX11Pixmaps()" [Crash,Confirmed]14:41
markeymakes applications crash on exit, makes plasma crash, and whatnot14:41
shadeslayeryeah, mgrasselin mentioned that a few times14:41
markeyget a patch from graesslin, then release14:41
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^14:42
ScottKshadeslayer: You'll need to re-upload using -v so the bug shows up in .changes.14:42
shadeslayerScottK: using -v ? 14:42
shadeslayerdput -v ubuntu foo.changes?14:42
markeyfor Amarok we are getting at least one bug report per day (already), due to this plasma regression14:43
markeythat's only from SuSE users 14:43
* Riddell adds to saucy merges trello board14:44
ScottKshadeslayer: No dpkg-buildpakcage -S -v$VERSION_IN_THE_ARCHIVE14:45
ScottK(or debuild if you prefer)14:45
markeyRiddell: btw, we will release Amarok 2.7.1 on the weekend (likely), a pure bugfix release without string changes or features14:45
markeywill also contain this anti-crash fix14:45
Riddellmarkey: any important bugfixes to justify a backport to 13.04?14:46
markeyRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5651352/14:47
markeyit's not much14:47
markeythe really important thing is just this crash fix14:47
markeynot worth backporting  otherwise14:47
Riddellso put it into a PPA along with 4.10.3 maybe14:48
markeyoh nice, here is already a patch for the Plasma bug: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/110382/14:52
RiddellMamarok: if we were to take over medibuntu do you know any good hosts in switzerland?14:54
shadeslayerScottK: better now?14:55
shadeslayerthe man page doesn't explain it properly14:56
ScottKshadeslayer: No http://launchpadlibrarian.net/139568239/kscreen_0.0.92-0ubuntu0.2_source.changes15:06
shadeslayerbah, what's going wrong here :/15:06
ScottKYou want to use the version before the one you want in changes15:06
ScottKshadeslayer: Look at the .changes before you upload again.15:07
shadeslayerScottK: http://paste.kde.org/741194/15:08
ScottKYou should also be using -v for any merges so that all the versions from Debian show up in your .changes as well.15:08
ScottKshadeslayer That's it.15:08
shadeslayercool :)15:08
ScottKapachelogger: How did you let him graduate from minion status without knowing about -v?15:10
apacheloggergood question considering it is mentioned like once a month on the ubuntu-devel ml :/15:10
* ScottK waits for "I was busy with exams".15:11
shadeslayerprobably missed that info somewhere?15:12
Riddellanyone see what's wrong with kdevelop going into saucy release? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt15:13
ScottKRiddell: develop-custom-buildsystem needs update.15:17
Riddellooh I see, it depends on kdevplatform6-libs which is no more15:18
ScottKRiddell: This is the relevant bit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5651428/15:18
Riddellthis thing is clever15:18
ScottKBritney is a genius, just not a great communicator.15:19
Riddellyeah I saw that and I installed kdevelop-custom-buildsystem and it was fine but of course it would be15:19
ScottKYeah, Britney assumes any NBS binaries don't exist when she checks.15:19
ScottKapachelogger: #1176464 is finally retraced.  Does it now give any information on if the patch you gave me is the right one or not?15:25
shadeslayerScottK: uploaded kscreen btw15:33
ScottKshadeslayer: I saw.  I was waiting for LP to have a diff.15:35
shadeslayerhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/139569712/kscreen_0.0.92-0ubuntu0.1_0.0.92-0ubuntu0.2.diff.gz :P15:35
ScottKYeah.  Accepted.15:35
shadeslayerthanks a ton15:36
smartboyhwIs 4.10.3 in? yofel?15:37
apacheloggerScottK: it's not the wrong one, none of my pim mates are around though15:39
apacheloggerScottK: perhaps you should simply carry this upstream?15:39
shadeslayerRiddell: what's the software that checks new upstream versions called?15:39
Riddellshadeslayer: uscan?15:39
Riddellshadeslayer: bzr co lp:dehs15:39
ScottKapachelogger: I can't explain it.15:39
smartboyhwWith debian/watch :P15:39
apacheloggerScottK: what are your settings btw?15:40
ScottKapachelogger: Which ones?  It's set up for disconnected IMAP.15:41
ScottKI have several IMAP accounts set up with identical settings and only this one crashes.15:41
ScottKBut this one is over 200 Mb and almost 20K messages.15:42
apacheloggerScottK: same server (software) too?15:43
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.  Same provider on the same server (several of them anyway)15:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_raring.html15:44
shadeslayerthat thing ^^15:44
apacheloggersuper strange15:44
apacheloggerScottK: well, I suggest you report this upstream15:44
apacheloggerthe thing is... the patch fixes the crash15:44
apacheloggerit does not resolve the underlying issue of why it runs into an error to begin with15:45
ScottKNot crashing is an improvement.15:46
RiddellScottK: so kdev-python in New is interesting licence wise15:56
RiddellScottK: it has (temporarily) an embedded python in it so I copied and pasted from python15:56
RiddellScottK: in debian/copyright15:56
RiddellScottK: and it has a mix of various things15:56
Riddellvarious licences elsewhere15:56
ScottKFor Python, the embedding is permanent.  For Python3, it'll go away with python3.4.15:57
Riddellwhich upstream says is now all GPL 215:57
Riddell(after I told him about kde's policy)15:57
Riddellso he's changing those now in git but says we can copy them under gpl 2 right away, so I put that in d/copyright15:57
RiddellScottK: so it's in New now for your contemplation15:58
apacheloggerRiddell: http://blog.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/sftp-uploads16:03
yofelQuintasan: running saucy yes16:19
yofelshadeslayer: what's up with 4.10.1 ?16:19
yofelsee ~half an hour ago16:20
yofelunless you meant to link to 4.10.316:20
shadeslayerme, Harald and Jonathan were discussing something16:20
yofel4.10.3 is done except for an ABI bump in kde-workspace and some missing files elsewhere16:20
yofelI'll finish that later16:21
shadeslayerwe were discussing dehs stuff, and then that led to discussing parsing build output16:21
shadeslayerand I mentioned that we can just use some of the existing stuff to parse build output16:22
yofelanything that you consider missing? or was it about something else?16:24
shadeslayerActually, since it's pretty complete, which is why we were considering just using that script instead of writing more code16:25
kubotushadeslayer meant: "Actually,  it's pretty complete, which is why we were considering just using that script instead of writing more code"16:25
shadeslayerstupid locales16:27
shadeslayerscrewed up everything 16:27
MamarokRiddell: infomaniak.ch are very good16:34
Mamarokalso depends on what services you want/need16:34
* apachelogger looks at yofel16:35
RiddellMamarok: hmm, no root on server though?16:38
debfxabout dehs: http://felix.fobos.de/kubuntu/kubuntu-buildstatus.htm already tracks the upstream version16:39
MamarokRiddell: hm, I would have to look around for that, then16:40
debfxalthough admittedly the package list needs updating16:40
Riddelldebfx: cor, none of us knew about that16:42
Riddelldebfx: is the source somewhere?16:42
debfxRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~debfx/+junk/kubuntu-web16:43
debfxit might be a good idea to just rent a server and register a domain to centralize our qa tools16:49
vHandaRiddell: https://sourceforge.net/projects/soprano/files/Soprano/2.9.2/ please test when you have a chance? Sorry about bugging you so much - I think I've gotten the hang of this.16:55
Riddellit is occationally mentioned that kubuntu should get a server but so far no killer reason to make it so16:56
Riddellmaybe medibuntu will be one16:56
* Riddell uploads soprano, who says kubutu is slow!17:10
MamarokRiddell: why in Switzerland? Some legal reason?17:23
RiddellMamarok: yeah, word on the streets is that's a good place for medibuntu hosting which blue systems is currently considering taking over17:24
MamarokOK, makes sense, then17:24
Mamarokso what requirements do you have? Just so I can ask around what would be a good hoster17:25
RiddellMamarok: something I can ssh into and host web stuff on17:26
Riddelland prefereably run ubuntu17:26
Mamarokwould a server running Debian be OK, too?17:29
RiddellMamarok: sure17:31
GenyarAre you guys the Kubuntu experts?17:37
* Riddell looks around17:37
GenyarAm I in the right channel for troubleshooting Kubuntu?17:37
apacheloggerthat'd be #kubuntu17:38
GenyarIm in the wrong channel?17:38
BluesKaj_apachelogger, he was just there , his question rather obscure so I figured you guys would jnow17:38
GenyarI can get more specific17:39
Genyar'm using Kubuntu 11.04, and I am a Windows user who is still trying to get used to Linux. 17:39
BluesKaj_Genyar, just describe what you want17:39
BluesKaj_to do17:39
apacheloggerGenyar: please upgrade, 11.04 is no longer supported17:40
GenyarI was going to upgrade yesterday17:40
GenyarBut I want to solve this problem first17:40
GenyarBut I made a stupid mistake early this morning when I was trying to create a new Yahoo email account.  Because I got a security warning from Mozilla about third party visibility, I switched to using Reconq as my Web Browser.  Then I registered a new Yahoo email account, and late in the registration process, Yahoo told me I need to update, upgrade and download some stuff in order to gain full access to the functionality of17:40
Genyar the website I was using.17:40
BluesKaj_oops i didn't know it was 11.0417:40
apacheloggerGenyar: 11.04 is not supported.17:41
Genyarso, you can't help me?17:41
apacheloggeryes, please upgrade.17:41
GenyarYesterday it was safe to upgrade17:41
BluesKaj_my apologies , this isn't what was asked in #kubuntu17:41
GenyarToday it is no longer safe to upgrade17:42
BluesKaj_says who ?17:42
GenyarBecause my Home directory may have been compromised17:42
apacheloggeryeah, this is not support channel regardless, please switch to #kubuntu17:42
GenyarI want to back up my Home directory before I upgrade to 12.0417:43
ScottKThat's definitely a #kubuntu discussion.17:43
* yofel looks back at apachelogger17:45
apacheloggeryofel: <317:46
GenyarIt appears there are no Kubuntu experts in the Kubuntu channel, I asked17:47
GenyarBut I'm not using Kubuntu to solve my problem17:47
GenyarI'm using UNIX to solve my problem17:47
ScottKYou could actually ask that question in #ubuntu too.17:48
ScottK(for that reason)17:48
GenyarIs there a UNIX channel here?17:48
ScottKMore people there.17:48
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1178748] package libqt4-dbus 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: impossible d'installer le ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1178748 (by craff)18:04
ahoneybunScottK: https://trello.com/board/kubuntu-docs/518cda9db0af525f3600459d18:09
ahoneybunno this one https://trello.com/board/kubuntu-docs-raring-ringtail/518cda9db0af525f3600459d18:09
Riddell"This board may be private. If someone gave you this link, they may need to invite you to one of their boards or organizations."18:09
apacheloggerthat looks wrong18:09
apacheloggerahoneybun is also not member of kubuntu on trello18:10
ahoneybunhttps://trello.com/board/kubuntu-docs-raring-ringtail/518cda9db0af525f3600459d fixed18:10
Riddellahoneybun: does following https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Trello101 help?18:10
ahoneybunwhat make it public or to add you guys to it?18:11
Riddelldunno, I haven't quite worked out the permissions on trello18:11
ahoneybuncan you see it?18:12
Riddellahoneybun: what's your e-mail for trello?18:12
RiddellI'll add you to the kubuntu group18:12
ahoneybunok cool18:12
Riddellahoneybun: added you to https://trello.com/kubuntu18:13
ahoneybunawesome ;)18:13
Riddellthen follow https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Trello101 I think18:13
ahoneybunI need to be a admin?18:13
Riddelldunno I just did that to be on the safe side18:14
ahoneybunoh ok18:14
Riddelldon't abuse it, remember what spiderman said!18:14
ahoneybunI had no need for it so I will not18:14
ahoneybun:) I'm here to help not hurt18:15
apacheloggerfixy fixy, they are all my powers18:16
ahoneybunI think I should try to put it in the wiki one18:16
ahoneybunI added it to the Kubuntu page18:19
Riddellahoneybun: I'm not sure you've organised the board as trello intends it18:19
Riddellthe vertical columns are normally todo, in progress and done or something similar18:20
ahoneybunyea I know I just tried to get it some way that looks right to me18:20
Riddellso you can move items between them as they get done18:20
ahoneybunbut I have like 3-5 xml files per page18:20
ahoneybunso I needed a way to look at it that way18:20
apacheloggerahoneybun: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Trello101#Creating_a_New_Board18:20
ahoneybunyea... I know18:20
ahoneybunfixing it18:24
ahoneybunsoee: hello18:26
Riddellahoneybun: so have lots of items in the todo list, or use sub-items for each item?18:27
Riddellahoneybun: the saucy packaging board uses lots of items in the todo list18:27
ahoneybunsub items?18:28
apacheloggeryou can have a checklist on a card18:29
ahoneybunI see18:31
Riddellwhatever works best for you18:31
ahoneybunmake it work good for us all18:31
yofelsome input please:18:35
yofelin kde-workspace, libkwinglutils1abi1.symbols has been broken since 4.9.80 it seems tracking abi2 in what's in fact abi1.18:35
yofelSince we're already shipping the different abi as abi1 in the release, I would just fix the symbol file to say abi1 again so there's no full-symbol diff in the buildlog anymore.18:35
yofelany reason why I shouldn't do that?18:35
apacheloggernone IMO18:37
RiddellI wonder how that could happen18:38
Riddellbut yeah just fix the symbol file18:38
skellatRiddell, may I ask briefly if those of us in the Xubuntu camp may be able to talk about access to the Mumble server your team used last UDS?  We're thinking about taking our blueprints and shifting outside the UDS hours so we can accommodate our team a little better.18:38
ahoneybunRiddell:  apachelogger how about now?18:40
yofelskellat: I own that currently, and you can use it if you want and it works for you18:41
Riddellahoneybun: looks good, can you add some kubuntu people so we can edit it if needed?18:43
skellatyofel: Okay.  We're still looking at our options and trying to come to a decision hopefully either today or this weekend.  We've got a few other options we're looking at too.18:43
ahoneybunno problem :) who?18:44
RiddellDarkwing/david wonderly18:44
Riddellvalorie too18:44
skellatyofel: I will get back to you ASAP after I continue discussion further with knome.  Again, thank you.18:44
yofelskellat: the hostname is yofel-vz.dyndns.org, and has no password if you want to try it18:44
apacheloggerahoneybun: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Trello101?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=trello03.png18:45
skellatyofel: Thank you.18:45
apacheloggernote that setting18:45
ahoneybunRiddell: is it not safe to add all the members?18:45
apacheloggerif you set it we can join ourselfs ^^18:45
Riddellahoneybun: yeah that would be fine too18:45
apacheloggerahoneybun: everyone you add will get a notification18:45
* Riddell feels great responsiblity18:45
apacheloggerso setting that option is preferred over adding everyone ^^18:46
ahoneybunapachelogger: done thanks18:46
Riddellskellat: what's the word on the street from xubuntu about Mir?18:46
ahoneybunRiddell: what about Kubuntu?18:47
skellatskellat: Haven't even talked about it yet.  That's going to be folded into our "Forward-Looking Issues" blueprint discussion.18:47
kubotuskellat meant: "Riddell: Haven't even talked about it yet.  That's going to be folded into our "Forward-Looking Issues" blueprint discussion."18:48
Riddellahoneybun: http://blogs.kde.org/2013/05/08/notes-breakout-sessions-mataro-sessions-ii has some notes from a discussion with KWin dude18:48
ahoneybunwhat is Weston?18:50
yofelthe default wayland compositor (i.e. what kwin is for KDE)18:50
yofelfor KDE/X18:50
Riddellyou can install weston in raring and run it under X quite nicely18:50
Riddellcomes with a basic desktop too18:51
ahoneybunoh ok18:51
yofelhaven't played with wayland much yet. As I have mostly nvidia GPU's my interest in wayland is kinda limited so far18:51
ahoneybunthat was my worry about picking Kubuntu as my KDE distro of choice with X/Wayland/Mir stuff going on18:52
ahoneybunRiddell: how do you make that blue text?18:52
BluesKaj_ahoneybun, it's a url link auto generates blue font18:53
ahoneybunno no that Riddell feels great responsiblity18:54
ScottKahoneybun: Do /me the the text you want to say.18:54
ScottKs/the the/then the/18:54
kubotuScottK meant: "ahoneybun: Do /me then the text you want to say."18:54
* ahoneybun is downloading Left 4 Dead 2 beta on Linux18:55
ScottKThere you go.18:55
ahoneybundoes it still say that I am away18:56
BluesKaj_oh yeah , forgot about that ...thought it was just my client text that was blue 18:56
ahoneybunapachelogger: how can you make the checklist turn 100%>18:57
yofelahoneybun: you're maked away here18:57
yofelahoneybun: '/back' should fix that18:57
ahoneybun still?18:58
ahoneybunI think that fixed18:58
yofel*now* it's fixed18:58
ahoneybunweird it show as the Nicks that I am back not after I put /back but the thing next to my text box has me still as away oh well18:59
* ahoneybun is proud to have admin power19:00
yofelyeah, happens here too. Quassel isn't too great with being away ^^19:01
ahoneybunI see I'm on Quassel too19:01
yofelScottK: could you take a look at bug 1174689 when you have time please? The raring SRU should be somewhere in the upload queue19:12
ubottubug 1174689 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Raring) "Nvidia/Dual screen - No Taskbar/Kdemenu on default install Kubuntu 13.04" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117468919:12
soeewhat is SRU ?19:18
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:18
* yofel throws konqi figures after shadeslayer for not committing his kde4libs upload to bzr19:25
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1178748] package libqt4-dbus 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: impossible d'installer le ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1178748 (by craff)20:12
ScottKyofel: I'm a little concerned about that SRU since it also drops lowfat, which seems a bit not like an SRU.20:16
yofelScottK: huh? The SRU has none of Harald's changes20:17
ScottKyofel: Oh.  I'll look.20:17
yofelit's only code reordering20:17
ScottKyofel: Accepted.  Thanks.20:20
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