
Genyarhi there01:14
GenyarAnyone here?01:14
GenyarCan I ask you a tech question?01:15
Genyaruh oh01:16
dacresnihey, i just lost all other accounts on my machine, what could possibly have happened ?01:16
GenyarI don't know01:16
dacresnii mean , ... they all show up on the greeeter but the other desktop enviornments01:16
dacresniactually, none of the desktops enviornments show up01:16
dacresnijust myaccount but I was logged in last01:17
GenyarWhich version of Kubuntu are you using?01:17
dacresnii think the update ,killed all my other desktop envionments01:17
dacresniI  actualy installed this from ubuntu 12.10 and did a dist upgrade01:18
dacresniis it cat /etc/distinfo01:18
GenyarI need help too01:18
dacresnidiscribe your isssue Genyar01:19
Genyarok, I would like to upgrade my Adobe Flash01:19
Genyarfrom to
Genyarhow do I do that?01:20
GenyarI want to upgrade to version of Adobe Flash01:21
Unit193How did you install it?  You should have installed flashplugin-installer or adobe-flashplugin from partner01:22
dacresnihere's my os-release btw,   NAME="Ubuntu"01:22
dacresniVERSION="13.04, Raring Ringtail"01:22
dacresniPRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 13.04"01:22
FloodBotK1dacresni: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:22
Genyarok, so how should I upgrade my Adobe Flash plugin?01:23
Unit193Install flashplugin-installer01:24
Unit193!info flashplugin-installer01:24
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (raring), package size 6 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)01:24
dacresniwill this thing tell me when my flood is up ?01:24
GenyarI think I already installed the Flash Plugin installer01:25
GenyarI saw it on my Adept installer01:25
GenyarI'm using Kubuntu 11.0401:25
Genyarthe Natty Narwal release01:26
OerHeksNatty is EOL. time to upgrade01:27
Genyarif I upgrade to a new release, will that automatically upgrade my Adobe Flash  version?01:27
OerHekssure, current flash player on 13.04 is .28001:27
GenyarI should upgrade to Kubuntu 13.04?01:28
OerHeks12.04 LTS or 13.0401:28
GenyarBut they got so many cool YouTube videos for 11.04 now01:29
GenyarWhen it first came out, there were no YouTube tutorials for Natty Narwal release01:29
AxlinAll currently supported *buntu versions have the latest flash player version (
GenyarNow there are so many, and good ones for 11.0401:30
GenyarJust when I'm getting used to 11.04, now I have to upgrade, shit01:31
Axlin11.04 is no longer supported. You may want to upgrade to 12.04 for the latest LTS release.01:31
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Genyardo they have Youtube Tutorials for 12.04?01:32
GenyarWhat is the name of the 12.04 release?01:32
Genyardoes it have less bugs than 13.04?01:33
AxlinPrecise Pangoline01:33
AxlinPangolin* And it's a LTS release, meaning it's supported much longer than non-LTS versions like 12.10 or 13.0401:33
Genyarwhich is the most secure and reliable version to upgrade to?01:33
AxlinGenerally if you want the most stability, the longest support, and the least frequent OS upgrades, you go with the LTS versions.01:34
AxlinLong-Term Service01:34
AxlinSupport, thjat is01:34
GenyarAha, so Kubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangoline is what I shoud upgrade to?01:35
AxlinIt sounds like you're the type who doesn't want to upgrade your OS every 6 months, so if that's the case, then yes.01:35
Genyaryou got it right01:36
Axlin12.04 was released in April 2012, and has a full 5 years of support, whereas releases starting with 13.04 will only get 9 months of support.01:36
GenyarGood, how do I upgrade now?01:37
AxlinAnd LTS versions are released every 2 years. So the next LTS will be released in April 2014 (version 14.04)01:37
AxlinHonestly, I always recommend backing up your files and installing fresh. It's the best way to ensure a smooth upgrade. You can download 12.04 from kubuntu.org, burn it to a CD, and install01:39
Genyarmmm, ok01:39
AxlinThen you won't have to worry about upgrading for 5 years, if you so choose, or for one more year if you decide to go with 14.04 LTS when it comes out.01:39
AxlinActually, I should have said 4 years, since 12.04 has already been out for a year.01:40
Genyaryeah, well, that's good enough for me01:40
GenyarHow should I backup my files?01:41
GenyarI guess I could copy everything onto an external drive01:41
AxlinThe nice thing about Linux is that all your personal files, like music, documents, emails, pictures, etc. are going to be contained within your home folder. So you can simply copy your /home/<user> folder to an external hard drive01:42
GenyarI've already backed up the most important files onto a huge external drive01:42
GenyarWow, yeah01:42
Genyaryeah, if I do that, I wil have two backups01:42
GenyarBut I've never installed an entire operating system on my own01:43
AxlinAre you dual booting?01:43
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AxlinOr is Kubuntu 11.04 your only OS right now?01:44
GenyarI got another computer running on windows XP01:44
GenyarBut it's not connected01:44
AxlinBut the computer you're going to be installing 12.04 on will only be running Kubuntu?01:44
AxlinAll you need to do then is burn the Kubuntu 12.04 ISO to a CD, boot off the CD, and tell the installer to use your entire hard drive01:45
AxlinIt will handle the rest for you01:45
Genyarit's that easy?01:46
AxlinYep. You can look up installation instructions too if you want, so you can get some screenshots/videos of the entire process.01:46
AxlinIt's pretty easy.01:46
GenyarOh yeah, you mean a YouTube tutorial?01:46
AxlinLike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Oz4IVspteU01:47
AxlinNo problem. I have to head out for a bit, but if you have any further questions I'm sure somebody else can pick up from here.01:53
mernilioIm banned from ubuntu? What gives?02:16
merniliostupid channel...02:17
mernilioim jewish .. and they did not like it..02:18
merniliofucking plo. hamas and hizbolla!02:18
mernilioBtw: its rather intressting that Yassir Arafat died of an "unknowned" desceese.... called Aids.02:20
mernilioSorry. This is not a channel for political stuff.. again sorry!02:21
mernilioDo you have an off-topic channel? If i might ask?02:22
kkerwinHi. I just installed Kubuntu 13.04 on a new laptop, and had it install proprietary drivers for my video card. When I went to jockey however, I saw that the driver was not listed as being installed, however. So, I installed one, and now don't have direct rendering.02:35
kkerwinVideo card is an nVidia GeForce 650M.02:35
dacresniI keep tryign to change a users .dmrc and it keeps changing back02:38
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cluelesscoderjust upgraded to 13.0406:34
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cluelesscoderand I'm missing my Menu launcher thing06:34
cluelesscoderany tips?06:35
cluelesscodernot even sure how to launch a menu from the command-line06:35
cluelesscoderwell I'll try a quick reboot at least...06:37
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contrastGreets, everyone. Anybody know if KDE SC 4.10.3 will be getting backported to Quantal?06:52
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lordievaderGood morning.07:50
crazydipwhere do I place custom "new file" templates for Dolphin?08:40
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mernilioopps hi everybody! :-) What channel is this?09:01
merniliokubuntu oki!09:01
merniliolike a drunken ... well hello! :-)09:02
mernilioi cant sound like charles bukowski when im sober...09:03
bazhangmernilio, please stop that09:03
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merniliosure i stop.. whats the beef?09:04
bazhangthis is support only, NOT chat mernilio09:04
bazhang!ot | mernilio09:04
ubottumernilio: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:04
merniliooki, i got the message09:04
mernilioThanks, but nothanks!09:05
hyper_chhmmm, I have strange problems with autofs.... can't get it to mount anything while normal mount -t cifs .... works just fine09:06
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robotdevilyay 13.04 is prett good so far aside from firefox11:26
ovidiu-florinhello world :D11:53
ovidiu-florinI'm back from the hollydays11:54
Graf_Westerholtovidiu-florin, your first program? ;)11:54
heikoowill kde 4.11 be backported to kubuntu 12.04? if so, how soon after release?11:54
ovidiu-florinGraf_Westerholt: no, my usual greeting :D11:54
Graf_Westerholtovidiu-florin, so you are the first program everybody write.11:55
ovidiu-florinquestion: is it wise to set the owner to the public_html folder and all subfiles/folders to www-data?11:58
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BluesKaj_Hey all12:35
BluesKaj_hi Graf_Westerholt12:36
robotdevil_anyone else having issues with firefox on 13.0412:36
BluesKaj_any freezes ?12:36
BluesKaj_robotdevil_, what kind of issues ?12:37
Graf_WesterholtNot yet. And the graphiccard is perfect in the slot.12:37
robotdevil_fresh install12:37
robotdevil_have to keep terminating it12:38
robotdevil_and rekonq open on wrong screen12:40
BluesKaj_yeah robotdevil_ , it was freezing here too , but I was experimenting with Opera already, because FF was slow, and it's become my default now12:41
BluesKaj_opera is default12:41
BluesKaj_rekonq doesn't work with my banking site , no matter what browser type setting I use12:42
Graf_WesterholtOpera is the best browser.12:46
BluesKaj_Graf_Westerholt, so far I like it a lot , very configurable12:47
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Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj_, it is also best with HTML.12:47
Graf_WesterholtBluesKaj_, Opera was the first with tabs.12:48
Graf_WesterholtI use Opera since a long time. :)12:48
* BluesKaj_ nods12:48
robotdevil_BluesKaj_: ok12:52
robotdevil_I dont really like opera, might check it out again12:52
robotdevil_or site?12:54
Artakhaopera's great but it needs to learn how to use the native style |:12:56
robotdevil_Artakha: I remember it always looked like it was from gnome 113:03
Artakhaeh it's not horrible these days13:03
robotdevil_or firefox could just get reworked already....13:04
* robotdevil_ hopes samsung really helps ff13:05
BluesKaj_nowadays FF is slow and ponderous and freezes for no reason , not going bother trying help fix it , needs another revamping for linux ..getting bloated again13:07
BluesKaj_help fix by filing bugs13:07
Artakhait's funny how the scene of such a crucial application as web browsers happens to be one of the bigger messes13:08
BluesKaj_I heard it's the javascript that's causing the problems13:08
Artakhathough i guess it makes sense because of the popularity each browser maker went their own ways13:09
Artakhathe standards should've been established earlier and enforced better13:09
Artakhastuff like css would've been avoided13:09
BluesKaj_rekonq is less hopeless ,but still needs alot of work13:09
Artakhaopera's nice but unpolished13:09
Artakhathey should just use qt :P13:10
BluesKaj_pretty plain  eye candy, but it's smooth and relatively fast and doesn't freeze13:11
Artakhayeah rekonq looks nice13:13
BluesKaj_I mean Opera13:13
Artakhawell yeah. opera is the best of the bunch imo13:13
robotdevil_google is just too big13:16
robotdevil_like the non-profit idea better13:17
Artakhai don't trust google13:17
Artakha"Eich calls Rust “safe by default” and says that Rust will stop “entire classes of memory management errors”, helping to eliminate a common cause of not just security flaws, but browser crashes."13:17
robotdevil_its hard to notice rendering time is os is on a ssd13:18
BluesKaj_chromium tab fonts are unreadable and unconfigurable on a large screen , so I can't use it13:18
robotdevil_isnt the chromium settings special?13:19
robotdevil_never saw anything like that before, well except for some gnome programs13:21
BluesKaj_robotdevil_, chromium follows the gtk /mozilla settings in kde for fonts etc , but parts of chromium's fonts are hard coded like the tabs13:22
robotdevil_I meant the settings, but I know what you mean13:23
robotdevil_I think this is one of the bussiest ive ever saw this channel lol13:24
Artakhai'd say there should be a new web standard that would define a strong web page, styling and scripting standard if i didn't know better13:27
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jony_easyriderKrusader tells me when entering in an archive that "krarc is disabled". Please help!13:33
bambam1What kind of hardware is Kubuntu most suitable for and what's the definition of "old" hardware now-a-days?13:45
bambam1My specs: (CPU: Intel Pentium 4 630 Prescott 3.0GHz, RAM: 3.5 GB DDR2 @ 533 MHz, GPU: Nvidia GT 610, SATA II HDD)13:45
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robotdevil_bambam1: that hardware should work ok, most suitable is any after than system, I used on average of 2.2 - 5 gigs of ram, but ku runs on a netbook well, well most netbooks14:00
robotdevil_try and see, I would say that is old hardware, anything under a core duo is dated14:02
ovidiu-florinI can't get mp3 playback to work on chromium. I installed chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extras, and it still does not work14:05
ovidiu-florinit works now14:06
BluesKaj_bambam, your specs indicate kubuntu will run fine , not the fastest but reasonable just the same .14:07
bambamBluesKaj_: What parts of KDE are CPU intensive?14:08
BluesKaj_bambam, mostly the browser plugins and sometimes Xorg , but since you have a nvidia graphics , that will help a lot14:09
Artakhanepomuk tends to eat cpu14:09
Artakhatho that can be disabled14:09
bambamArtakha: I noticed that14:10
BluesKaj_bambam, yes as Artakha indicates , nepomuk and akonadi server can be a load , which can be turned off if you don't use file indexiing and kmail/PIM14:10
Artakhai don't have a problem with akonadi14:11
BluesKaj_most home users don't need kmail and it's associated database akonadi server14:11
BluesKaj_Artakha, , some users like me can't use kmail , segfaults after about 3 days od use , then toatlly breaks14:13
Artakhait works fine for me14:14
BluesKaj_I use thunderbird and now that I use opera , it's email client seems usable14:14
bambam" it works fine for me"14:15
bambamI always wonder how things work fine for some, and completely breaks for other users14:15
bambamI tried Linux Mint Cinnamon and it wasn't very stable, Ubuntu 13.04 was quite stable14:16
bambamA friend of mine said the complete opposite14:16
Artakhawell when it comes to computing there's a ton of variables, hardware specs, set of features used, workflow habits, configuration14:16
BluesKaj_Artakha, nice for you but not for me , and kmail used to be a great email client back in the kde3 days , but since they tried to make it into anoffics style email server , it's not much use here14:16
Artakhaso it's not really surprising14:16
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westmiwhy is kubuntu crashing?14:36
westmiI reinstalled, and it is crashing again14:36
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hanibanahi, I'm using recordmydesktop. The problem is: when I play the captured video, in the middle of playback the sound goes away! VLC exits with some weird error and other players like mplayer continue with no sound. Recordmydesktop reports no errors during capture. Any idea to trace this annoying problem?! :(14:48
BluesKaj_hanibana, perhaps it's the powersaving mode kicking in14:50
BluesKaj_or screensaver14:50
hanibanabut, I'm moving mouse around during the capture...14:51
BluesKaj_during playback14:51
westmithat kinda sounds like what I'm dealing with, but with everything else14:51
hanibanaBluesKaj_: but I have not such problem for example when playing movies...14:53
westmitoo many bugs.........14:54
westmiI'm really upset over this.....been using kubuntu for years, and just recently, like within the last week,a it is not working right14:56
BluesKaj_hanibana, what kind of file is recording with recordmydesktop ?14:56
westmiI reinstalled, hoping to correct the problem, and then this morning it is crashing again!14:56
happycanidI had sound problems when upgrading to Kubuntu 12.04 (as well as printer config problems).14:57
BluesKaj_westmi, did you run md5sum on th eimage14:57
hanibanaBluesKaj_: it captures desktop and outputs as video file as ogv format.14:57
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BluesKaj_yes but what is playing on the desktop that you need use recordmydesktop for?14:58
westmiyes-it is the same disc i have been using with sucess14:58
westmithe only thing I can deduce is someone hacked my s@#t because I used the same password, MAYBE......14:59
hanibanaBluesKaj_: some scenarios on a network management software to be recorded as a homework for my net management course!14:59
BluesKaj_westmi, i doubt that very much15:00
westmiso do i15:00
BluesKaj_hanibana, can't you just copyt the software into a file15:00
hanibanaBluesKaj_: and then?15:01
BluesKaj_play it back with a media player15:01
BluesKaj_westmi, give some details about kubuntu crashing15:03
westmicrap, I hate it when I have to drag out my linux book,to start entering commands15:03
westmiI just wanna use it, ....15:03
westminot fix it15:03
BluesKaj_westmi, like I said we need details in order to help15:03
westmiyeah, i'm a slow typist, so please be patient with me......15:04
westmiI had this installed for about a year,(kubuntu 12.04), and right about the time the new linux kernal was released,firefox, dolphin just quit working15:06
westmiand the desktop started crashing due to knet issues15:07
westmiI dont remember exactly what it was15:07
westmicrap I'll have ta get back with ya, because I done forgot the exact issue15:08
westminot plasma15:08
BluesKaj_sounds like graphics driver problems15:08
westmikwin might of been one of em15:08
westmiI've got a nvidea 9500 that has been very consistaintly good15:09
westmiyeah, nvidea has been releasing all kinds of new drivers.....i'll try one of the others15:10
BluesKaj_westmi, best to use the drivers available in kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers15:11
westmiyep, and I always use the recommended one15:12
sebastian_Hey there, I have a question: I have a Pc with a smale SSD and a 2TB HDD, My SSD runs allways full with Programs and my  HDD is unused so is it Posibble to Install Programs on my HDD so that unly the Mayn System runs on the SSD?15:14
sebastian_and sorry for my Bad English ._.*15:14
sebastian_only :D15:15
happycanidI thought for a second you had one of those Mayan systems..the one that only runs an astrological calendar and reminds you when it's time for the human sacrifice.15:16
westmihow small is the ssd?15:17
BluesKaj_doubt it , you'll  have one OS on 2 drives , one for / and the hdd for /home ...never heard of that working15:17
happycanidapparently it works on Windoze.15:17
happycanidbut I wouldn't attempt it on Linux.15:18
happycanidI have an SSD.120 G..that's all I need. It keeps things simple.15:19
sebastian_60 GB SSD but thanks to Crossover it is Allways full15:19
BluesKaj_sebastian_, after updates and upgrades , run autoremove and autoclean to keep your system to a minimum footprint15:19
happycanidthat reminds me..I should install Bleachbit.15:20
BluesKaj_crossover ?15:20
happycanidCrossover allows you to play Windows games on LInux,I believe.15:21
esingIs there an xml viewer for kubuntu? I don't find any, only xml editors15:21
sebastian_what happycannid says15:21
BluesKaj_sebastian_, whynot just install windows ion the hdd ?15:21
happycanidyou could do that15:22
happycanidand you'd still have your data files from Windows available through Linux15:22
sebastian_becaus I dont want to shut down the Pc and boot again just for playing a game15:22
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BluesKaj_reboot into the windows drive ..simple ..not shutting down15:25
happycanidSebastian..with your configuration;you're better off installing Windows. The 60G SSD for Windows and essential programs; and the 2TB HDD for non-critical programs and your data.15:25
BluesKaj_store your games on the HDD , sebastian_15:25
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freinhardtried to update from 12.10 to 13.04: muon tries to open /usr/share/pyshared/UpdateManager/DistUpgradeFetcherKDE.py, but that doesn't live there, its somewhere in /usr/lib/python3/15:54
freinhardknown bug?15:54
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GenyarWhere is the message board?16:31
GenyarWhere are the trouble shooting forums for Kubuntu where I can post a message?16:36
OerHeksor http://forum.kde.org/16:41
BluesKaj_Genyar, this is kubuntu real time support , what's your question ?16:55
GenyarI'm tryinig to find the write forum for troubleshooting16:55
Genyarthe right forum for troubleshooting16:56
Genyars there a way of using the Find command to examine those packages I had downloaded and installed, to see if some malware was installed, and to see if my home directory was affected?  Should I use the Find command to examine all the files modified within the last 9 hours?16:56
GenyarIs there an automated tool that can delete the packages that were installed based on their files' modification times?  Or should I use the -exec command to delete all of the files that were downloaded about 9 hours ago?  Or should I just move all of the files modified within the last 10 hours to the posix directory and examine them before deleting them?16:57
GenyarIs Kopete a KDE PIM application?16:58
BluesKaj_Genyar, if you run apt-get autoremove and apt-get autoclean , you can clean out old files from youe system , do it periodically . also to find file or packages , use apt-file packagename or filename16:59
BluesKaj_kopete is a stand alone app afaik17:01
Genyarapt-file packagename.....mmm.....thats sounds like a general command, don't I need to be more specific in terms of the timestamp?17:01
BluesKaj_gen yeah , packagename is the name of the file or package you want17:02
BluesKaj_like kopete or ...17:03
BluesKaj_and  what makes you think the repositories contain malware ?17:04
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GenyarI don't know the specifi c name of the package that was installed17:23
BluesKaj_Genyar, never heard of a method to delete files according to their install timestamps, but it may exist17:27
Genyaryou're still here17:28
BluesKaj_I asked in #ubuntu , but didn't get a reply17:28
GenyarYes you can17:28
Picijackcy75: /join #ubuntu-app-devel17:28
Genyarby using he -exec option17:28
BluesKaj_or #kubuntu-devel17:28
jackcy75thx, i always mispell that *G*17:28
GenyarI posted a topic called "Kopote Troubleshooting" in the KDE forums17:29
GenyarI mean "Kopete Troubleshooting"17:29
BluesKaj_Genyar, even #kde may have some ppl who know17:30
Genyarhow do I get there?17:30
Genyarshould I go there now, Blues?17:31
BluesKaj_just click on the #kde or  #kubuntu-devel , but the standard methos is to type  /join #nameofchat in the server textbox17:33
Genyarthanks blues17:34
BluesKaj_if you're using a real irc client , not some all in one client17:35
keithzgMost modern GUI clients (I don't know of any who won't, actually) will properly interpret you clicking on a channel name like #kde or such as you wanting to go there, and act accordingly :)17:36
BluesKaj_konversation does17:36
BluesKaj_for sure ,17:37
GenyarOk, are there Kubuntu experts here?17:44
GenyarI need to do some troubleshooting17:44
GenyarAre you guys Kubuntu experts?17:45
RiddellGenyar: what's the issue?17:46
GenyarI have a problem with Kopete17:48
BluesKaj_Genyar, this is where you were before , anyway backup your impoortant files  and go here to download the latest kubuntu , http://www.kubuntu.org/17:48
Riddellwe don't support Kopete any more, current versions of Kubuntu use KDE Telepathy17:49
GenyarI don't want to backup files that are compromised17:49
Riddellwhat makes you think you have compromised files? it's very unlikely you do, this isn't windows.17:50
BluesKaj_why do you think they are compromized , this isn't windows17:50
GenyarI want to analyse and delete the rogue files first, incase they contain malware17:50
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj_: Malware exists for Linux though.17:50
Genyarso there are Kubuntu experts here?17:51
BluesKaj_SonikkuAmerica, let's not get sidetracked with a irrelevant debate17:51
apacheloggerGenyar: Riddell is one of the lead developers, I guess that counts as expert17:51
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj_: Sorry, just a side point.17:51
GenyarRiddell is here?17:52
BluesKaj_Genyar, he just posted above17:52
GenyarI see17:52
GenyarI made a stupid mistake early this morning when I was trying to create a new Yahoo email account.  Because I got a security warning from Mozilla about third party visibility, I switched to using Reconq as my Web Browser.  Then I registered a new Yahoo email account, and late in the registration process, Yahoo told me I need to update, upgrade and download some stuff in order to gain full access to the functionality of the17:53
Genyarwebsite I was using.17:53
* BluesKaj_ wonders why ppl bother with yahoo these days17:54
GenyarI thought this was strange for a few reasons.  First, because the file it asked me to download said something like MP3 or MPEG, but it included a bunch of other files with a total of about 8 MB.  And the second reason I was suspicious was that if this was related to the Yahoo website, then why would yahoo ask me to download it 3/4s way through the installation process.  It should have asked me as soon as I opened the website.17:54
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Riddellthe mozilla warning we can't comment on without knowing what it said, but it almost certainly won't have left anything on your computer17:55
Genyarit told me it would enhance the functionality of the website and enable me to complete what I was doing.  So, I just accepted the downloads and gave it permission, and it ended up downloading 19 packages and said it was updating or upgrading my current packages, and it took about 2 minutes.  I gave it permission to access my Kwallet, which I don't know anything about.  When it was done, I was able to complete the registration17:55
Genyarprocess, but there were problems with my new email account and it didn't work.  When I tried to register the new account again, I got the same request to download the update again.17:55
Riddellthe rekonq warning we also can't comment without knowing more about what it said, it was probably just not liking rekonq17:55
Riddellwhat did you download?17:56
GenyarSo, I used Firefox to create the new account, and that worked better.17:56
Genyar19 p[ackages17:56
BluesKaj_rekonq isn't working right on many websites ..it's quite useless17:56
GenyarI had done this, so I could add my Yahoo account to Kopete.  So, when I booted up Kopete, I added the new yahoo account and tested it.  But I experienced a lot of problems with Kopete, especially with respect to my contact list, and whenever I logged off Kopete.17:57
Genyarhi Lars17:59
BluesKaj_gen  I think you suspicions are unwarranted , since rekonq isn't recognized properly then yahoo gave you the messages about flash and other plugins need to render their pages properly , that's probly what you saw and interpreted as malware17:59
Genyarthat is good news18:00
GenyarBut kopete was working well before I had downloaded those packages18:00
GenyarIs there a way of using the Find command to examine those packages I had downloaded and installed?18:02
Genyarand to see if my home directory was affected?18:02
BluesKaj_Genyar, kopete is still available in 13.04 if you backup and upgrade to 13.0418:03
GenyarI was told that 12.04 is a better and more reliable version of Kubuntu18:03
BluesKaj_Genyar, the packages you mentioned were part of the rekonq / yahoo DL?18:03
GenyarThat's what I want to find out18:04
BluesKaj_Genyar, that's just someone's opinion18:04
apacheloggerwell, 12.04 is at least supported :P18:04
BluesKaj_13.04 is stable and works well in kubuntu , ubuntu on the other hand has desktop problems18:05
GenyarShould I use the Find command to examine all the files modified within the last 9 hours?18:05
BluesKaj_Genyar, I think it's waste of your time18:05
GenyarIs there an automated tool that can delete the packages that were installed based on their files' modification times?  Or should I use the -exec command to delete all of the files that were downloaded about 9 hours ago?  Or should I just move all of the files modified within the last 10 hours to the posix directory and examine them before deleting them?18:06
BluesKaj_Genyar, remember , this isn't windows18:06
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus18:06
GenyarWhat is that program that replaces Kopete in Kubuntu 12.04?18:08
BluesKaj_kopete is available in 12.04 and 12.10 and 13.04 ..it's just not being upgraded18:09
BluesKaj_but ppl still use it18:09
GenyarBut you said there's a program better than Kopete?18:10
BluesKaj_empathy is aterrible buggy thing , it should be trashed18:10
BluesKaj_noit me18:10
GenyarI heard Kopete is really good for private messaging your friends18:10
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj_: KDE Telepathy is worse... esp if you don't assign a password to kdewallet18:12
BluesKaj_so did I , but I seldom used it ...not  an IM user18:12
GenyarI think it's supposed to be more secure and way more versatile than Yahoo Messenger18:12
SonikkuAmericalol Yahoo! Messenger18:13
GenyarI don't use IM either, except for Skype18:13
GenyarBut I used to use Windows Messenger a long time ago18:14
SonikkuAmericaI use FB Messenger and therein lay the KDE Telepathy problem18:14
GenyarAha, so when I install Kubuntu 12.04, I can just use Kopete again, and it may work better with the clean install18:15
SonikkuAmericaGenyar: If you must (and if you don't mind dragging "gtk" with you), use PIdgin18:16
Genyarwhat is "gtk" and Pidgin, never heard of those?18:17
SonikkuAmericaPidgin is the (old) GNOME chat client (till they build Empathy)18:17
BluesKaj_!gtk | Genyar18:17
ubottuGenyar: GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI18:17
SonikkuAmericaAnd GTK+ is the GIMP Tool Kit18:18
GenyarI don't know anything about GNOME OR GIMP18:18
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.18:18
BluesKaj_but don't install gnome-desktop18:19
BluesKaj_or ubuntu-desktop18:21
BluesKaj_if you install gtl based packages , the proper libs will install with them and they run just fine on kubuntu18:22
BluesKaj_err gtk based18:22
GenyarWhat's with all the sudo apt commands?  Isn't it easier to install all that stuff with Adept Installer or the other Kubuntu package installers?18:23
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)18:23
keithzgGenyar: It's easier to tell people "paste this line of text into a terminal" than describing navigating button presses in a GUI application. But if you're installing packages and prefer a GUI, by all means use Muon or such.18:25
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!18:26
BluesKaj_one advantage of gui installers like muon or adept/apper is the description of the package/app and what it does ..i use muon as a reference for that reason18:27
SonikkuAmericaOr Synaptic, if you must18:28
BluesKaj_synaptic is gettting slow in kde , I dropped it for that reason , but it's a good reference18:28
SonikkuAmericaOh, a real question: Why does a fresh install of Kubuntu 13.04 ditch the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"?18:29
SonikkuAmerica(Even though it's present in /etc/default/grub)18:30
GenyarOkay, well thanks for your help guys18:31
GenyarI'm going to go eat sth for lunch now18:31
GenyarBy the way, does the 12.04 Kubuntu version have Quassel IRC automatically installed?18:32
BluesKaj_Genyar, do some more rading about transitioning from being a windows user to a linux user ,,, it will probly make a lot of untruths about linux disappear18:33
BluesKaj_untruths dreamed up by linux haters18:34
apacheloggerSonikkuAmerica: unfortunate behavior in grub and ubiquity... simply run sudo update-grub2 to resolve it18:34
SonikkuAmericaapachelogger: k18:34
apacheloggerif one does not install updates during installation an update will take care of that until we have a more global fix18:35
GenyarWell, I have read the first 100 pages of Your UNIX/Linux: The Ultimate Guide, by Sumitabha Das18:36
Genyarthis book is very comprehensive:  it is helping me learn to get used to the UNIX/Linux environment18:36
BluesKaj_hmm I have no /etc/default/grub file . guess it's not included in 13.10, installed grub to the mbr of the W7 hdd from the 13.04 install18:39
BluesKaj_I miss the text-based alternate installer ... hope it's reinstated in future releases18:42
BluesKaj_bye Genyar , have fun :)18:44
GenyarWill I see you guys here at Quassel IRC after I install 12.04 Kubuntu?18:44
BluesKaj_yes Genyar , it's the same server , freenode on all clients18:45
GenyarSo, 12.04 automatically installs Quassel IRC?18:47
GenyarI'm going to do a clean install18:48
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BluesKaj_Genyar, yes , quassel will be in kmenu>apps>internet , after your install is finished18:51
Genyarokay.....excellent....thanks Blues19:03
BluesKaj_Genyar, isee by your IP address that your ISP is Thompson Manitoba ...visited there many yrs ago19:06
GenyarWow, you guys know everything19:07
GenyarAre you American?19:07
BluesKaj_nope I'm a Canuck too , i'm near Sudbury Ontario19:08
Genyarthere's a professor here at UCN who is a Linux maniac19:08
BluesKaj_cool :)19:08
GenyarHe had helped me install Kubuntu 11.04 a couple years ago19:09
BluesKaj_good to hear that19:09
GenyarI drove through Sudbury last time I visited southern Ontario19:09
Genyaractually, I think i stayed overnight in Sudbury that summer19:10
Genyaryeah, it was definitely Sudbury: I stayed overnight in a motel there19:11
BluesKaj_I live in a small town 40mi west of Sudbury, but I grew up there ...typical INCO mining town then , not so anymore ..it's alot greener now19:11
Genyaryeah, I bought blueberries in Subbury: they were good19:12
GenyarI lived in Thunder Bay almost a year19:13
GenyarBut I'm from Southern Ontario19:13
BluesKaj_12.04 is a decent OS , but if you have nvidia graphics you may have some issues , unless they're resolved now19:13
Genyarnvidia graphics?19:14
BluesKaj_12.04 is a yr old now so it's quite mature19:14
BluesKaj_yes  graphics processor19:14
GenyarI don't know anything about my graphics processor19:15
BluesKaj_nvidia is graphics chip maker , used in alot of pcs/laptops etc19:15
BluesKaj_laptop or desktop?19:16
GenyarMy Linux computer has an AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200+19:16
BluesKaj_ahh , like my old compaq that died last yr19:17
GenyarYeah, it's old, I guess19:17
BluesKaj_this pc is 5yrsold19:17
Genyarbut it has a lot of memory, I think19:17
GenyarDoes the AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200+ use nvidia graphics?19:19
BluesKaj_if you do lspci in the terminal , thast'll show your hardware , like RAM and cpu , graphic etc19:19
BluesKaj_look for VGA compatible controller , that's you graphics19:21
Genyarlspci?  Is that the letter "L" a tthe beginning or a vertical bar?19:23
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BluesKaj_the latter L , lower case19:23
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BluesKaj_it means list19:23
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BluesKaj_ls means list actually19:24
GenyarI found it19:25
Genyar01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 [Radeon Xpress 200G Series]19:25
BluesKaj_yes , that's what i had too19:25
Genyarok, so does that controller use nividia graphics?19:26
BluesKaj_no ATI /Radeon is a different manufacturer19:27
Genyarok, so that's good?19:28
GenyarThat means I can still install Kubuntu 12.04?19:28
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BluesKaj_to see how much memory you have , type free in the terminal , the numbers next to Mem , will show it19:29
GenyarI did that recently,but used a different command19:31
GenyarI used the df command19:31
GenyarI typed "df -i -h"19:32
BluesKaj_df is for your hard drive capacity19:32
Genyaroh, I see, ok, so I type "mem"?19:33
BluesKaj_free measure your random access memory or RAM19:33
BluesKaj_no , type , free19:33
Genyaroh yeah, right19:34
Genyar total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached19:35
GenyarMem:       1477044    1434712      42332          0      63792     55138819:35
Genyar-/+ buffers/cache:     819532     65751219:35
GenyarSwap:      2096444         60    209638419:35
Genyaroh, free -h would work better19:36
BluesKaj_Genyar, yes , you may not have desktop effects like 3D graphics and DRI ,but kubuntu should run fine on that pc19:36
BluesKaj_just wanted to see the total RAM19:37
GenyarI'm not sure what to make of those numbers, I could not do the "human" option for the memory stats19:37
GenyarWhat is my total ram?19:38
BluesKaj_1.5G or so19:38
GenyarWere those numbers in packets of 1,024 KB?19:39
BluesKaj_yes , think so19:39
GenyarWhen I checked a few months ago, KDE told me my total phyusical memory is 1.41 GiB19:40
BluesKaj_well , it's enough to run kubuntu without any problems19:41
BluesKaj_minimum is !G19:41
BluesKaj_1G rather :)19:41
GenyarAha, so it's good I'm doing a clean install19:41
BluesKaj_40% headroom is good along with your swap19:42
GenyarMmm, my other computer only has 768 MB of RAM, I think19:43
Genyarthat's the one running Windows XP19:43
BluesKaj_clean install is your only option unless you want to upgrade to 11.10 then upgrade again to 12.04 over the internet , a very long and drawn out process19:44
GenyarBut it's a much bigger computer: it's a tower computer19:44
BluesKaj_a bigger box doesn't mean much nowadays19:45
GenyarLast I checked my Linux computer only has 270.5 MiB of free physical memory19:46
Genyarprobably less now19:47
BluesKaj_do you have a bowser open besides quassel ?19:51
GenyarYes, why?19:52
GenyarI'm still in the KDE forums with Firefox19:52
BluesKaj_the bowser plugins like flash are cpu hogs19:53
GenyarYeah, I've been screwing around with Adobe Flash for at least 2 years now, bec of my ongoig chat problems19:54
GenyarI've had a lot of problems with java and flash plugins, and updating them19:55
BluesKaj_12.04 should help solve some of those issues19:57
BluesKaj_ok , gotta go ..I'll be back tomorrow morning ... a friend's retirement party starst in few mins19:58
Genyargood luck19:58
Genyarhave fun19:58
GenyarI appreciate your help19:58
Graf_WesterholtLinux froze again.20:05
SonikkuAmerica!details | Graf_Westerholt:  It will melt. It is spring after all. :)20:08
ubottuGraf_Westerholt:  It will melt. It is spring after all. :): Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:08
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, there are no details. It freeze randomly and I have to press the hard reset button.20:09
SonikkuAmericaGraf_Westerholt: What were you doing before it froze?20:10
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, it is random.20:10
Graf_WesterholtI have this almost every day.20:10
Graf_WesterholtEven if I do nothing.20:10
SonikkuAmericaWhat Kubuntu version?20:11
Graf_WesterholtSince one and a half year every Kubunt version.20:11
SonikkuAmericaYou may try the "Reinstall" option off your live media.20:12
Graf_WesterholtI did two new fresh installs.20:12
SonikkuAmericaIt clears your system settings but keeps your apps and files.20:12
SonikkuAmericaMaybe some hardware specs?20:12
SonikkuAmericaSuperTux running Kubuntu 13.04, AMD Athlon X2 CPU, nVidia GeForce graphics?20:14
WalzmynWhy I try to play a video (Moive) I get sound but the video is black. Sometimes changing the size of the window makes it play, sometimes not. This is happening in Kaffeine and VLC20:14
SonikkuAmericaWalzmyn: HAVE YOU TRIED dRAGON pLAYER?20:15
SonikkuAmerica(Oops, caps lock)20:15
SonikkuAmericaHave you tried Dragon Player?20:15
WalzmynSonikkuAmerica: yeah, I think i did. I rather go without than use that thing20:15
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, yes.20:15
SonikkuAmericaWalzmyn: Do you have all the plugins for VLC?20:16
SonikkuAmericaGraf_Westerholt: OK... hmmm...20:16
* SonikkuAmerica wishes BluesKaj were still here20:16
WalzmynSonikkuAmerica: dragon player had even more isseus when I just tried it. Left a ghost of the desktop in its window20:16
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, BluesKaj_ tries to help me since a year. :)20:17
SonikkuAmericaWalzmyn: I may need to look at it myself.20:18
SonikkuAmericaGraf_Westerholt: Are you using the nouveau or the nVidia prop drivers?20:19
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, does not matter, I tried both, same problem.20:19
SonikkuAmericaOne sec...20:20
SonikkuAmericaI'm back!20:24
Graf_Westerholtwb SonikkuAmerica20:24
SonikkuAmerica!bug 1175631 | Graf_Westerholt, check this20:29
ubottubug 1175631 in Nouveau Xorg driver "Kubuntu 13.04 raring freezes - nouveau GPU lockup" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117563120:29
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, but it freeze with NVidia-driver, too.20:29
SonikkuAmericaWell, we don't support the nVidia driver itself.20:30
Graf_WesterholtBut the conclusion is that the problem is not with the nouveau.20:30
SonikkuAmericaGraf_Westerholt: Can you get to a tty in the meantime?20:32
SonikkuAmericaIf you can, try [ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:33
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, no.20:33
SonikkuAmericaOh dear.20:33
SonikkuAmericaWe may not have a solution then.20:33
SonikkuAmericaYou might try another flavor of Ubuntu.20:34
SonikkuAmericaYour graphics are good enough to run Ubuntu (Unity) and Ubuntu GNOME; try them.20:34
SonikkuAmericaIf you don't freeze up, it could be a KDE problem.20:34
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, that is a good idea.20:35
Graf_WesterholtBut how can KDE freeze Kubuntu that I cannot kill the xserver?20:36
SonikkuAmericaOf all the DEs Ubuntu officially runs under, KDE takes up the most resources.20:36
SonikkuAmericaThen Unity, then GNOME 3, then XFCE, then LXDE20:36
Graf_WesterholtI is not a resource problem.20:38
Graf_WesterholtI have free memory.20:38
Walzmynaight, SonikkuAmerica you got me on the right track. I found a ppa and updated vlc, now all is good, VLC and Kaffeine20:40
Graf_WesterholtAll is working fine and suddenly it freeze.20:40
SonikkuAmericaWalzmyn: Awesome.20:43
SonikkuAmericaGraf_Westerholt: You might try [ dmesg ; watch --differences dmesg | tail ]20:45
SonikkuAmericaGraf_Westerholt: Just to monitor what the system says after startup20:45
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, that is a lot of output.20:47
SonikkuAmericadmesg dumps everything the system said. You may wish to pipe the output of dmesg somewhere and monitor the second command in terminal20:48
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica http://paste.kde.org/741530/20:50
SonikkuAmericaGraf_Westerholt: Is ECC an option you can change in your BIOS?20:54
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, I do not know.20:54
Graf_WesterholtI can check the manual.20:54
SonikkuAmerica(As per lines 790 and 791 of your paste)20:55
SonikkuAmerica(790-793 excuse me)20:55
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, I can enable ECC in BIOS. But will it help?20:59
SonikkuAmericaIt's worth a try20:59
SonikkuAmericaUbuntu in general is good at auto-detecting stuff...20:59
Graf_WesterholtWhat does ECC do?20:59
SonikkuAmericaECC = Error Control Code21:00
Graf_WesterholtGuess it is a good idea. :)21:00
Graf_WesterholtSonikkuAmerica, I am going to bed, it is late. I am going to reboot and change the BIOS. See you tomorrow!21:02
SonikkuAmericaSee ya!21:03
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fbc_How can I associate magnet links in firefox with Ktorrent? I've already associated magnet with ktorrent and ktorrentmagnet downloaded, but I could not get it to work. Any ideas?23:22
bambam1Kubuntu is pretty23:45
bambam1Pretty damn awesome23:45
bambam1BluesKaj_: It runs pretty well on my 8 year old system (although the GPU is pretty new)23:46
fbc_How can I associate magnet links in firefox with Ktorrent? I've already associated magnet with ktorrent and ktorrentmagnet downloaded, but I could not get it to work. Any ideas?23:52

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