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hrwinfinity, ogra: I will send UCM profiles from Ubuntu to ALSA. Who from Ubuntu I should add to Cc: for discussion?12:36
ogra_either diwic or TheMuso12:36
ogra_both do alsa maintenance12:37
jeekHullo. My boss's boss wanted me to put Ubuntu on her kid's netbook, just got the thing and discovered it's INTEL Atom, which iirc means ARM.13:25
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jeekIs there a recommended (or any) disk image for this kind of situation? The main point of the install is to get her kid playing on laby.13:25
gildeanjeek: atom !== arm13:27
jeekWhoops. From the wiki page, looks like the regular image should work.13:30
jeekThanks, gildean. Looks like I had a fundamental misunderstanding of what Atom was.13:30
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infinityhrw: diwic is alsa upstream, you might save yourself some trouble by proxying through him.16:24
hrwinfinity: I got new UCM profiles which should work on all omap4 devices17:55
infinityhrw: I thought we needed multiple profiles because of silly naming convention differences?17:57
infinityhrw: Or is that all fixed in newer upstream kernels?17:57
hrwinfinity: still silly naming iirc17:57
infinityhrw: (If so, we still need the old profiles because we still "support" old kernels... Ugh)17:57
hrwjust scanned though email on a phone17:57
hrwbtw - which omap4 device was named Tuna?18:04
infinitytuna sounds like an android platform name.18:05
hrwall occurences point to18:06
infinityGoogle suggests it was the Galaxy Nexus.18:06
infinityI didn't even know that was an OMAP device. :P18:07
hrwit was18:08
hrwbut I though that GNexus was maguro/toro/toroplus ;D18:08
hrwinfinity: who does panda(es) support?18:09
infinityThe board on my desk.18:11
infinityPandaBoard (4430) and PandaBoardES (4460)18:11
hrwcan you test UCM profiles?18:11
infinityI can possibly test on my ES, though not today.  I'm headless chickening all over right now.18:14
hrwno problem18:16
infinityhrw: Remind me next week, I'm going to forget otherwise. :)18:18
hrwI will open a bug for it even18:19
hrwbug 117877218:26
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1178772 in alsa-lib (Ubuntu) "Please test new UCM profiles for PandaBoard(ES)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117877218:26
hrwhrw@krolik:~$ uname -a;cat /proc/device-tree/model ;echo19:04
hrwLinux krolik 3.8.0 #6 SMP Fri May 10 18:58:38 UTC 2013 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux19:04
hrwGoogle Snow19:04
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infinityWhat's Snow?  Is that the Chromebook?19:08
hrw3.8.0 from chromeos-next19:09
hrwneed to ubuntuify kernel config first19:10
hrwand check will it boot compiled with saucy19:10
hrwBug #116448419:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1164484 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu) "Add support for checking Device Tree model name" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116448419:15
hrwok. ubuntified kernel booted19:58
hrwnext step: saucy build19:58
hrwok. something is fishy with gcc-4.8 and older kernels20:31
infinityhrw: Which gcc-4.8 are you using?21:00
infinityOh, building natively with that?21:00
infinityThen it's not the bug that just got fixed.21:01
hrwkernel builds, boots and panics21:01
hrwthat was wit older gcc21:02
hrwfor current I do not have dmesg21:02
infinityapw: ^-- Was that the same thing you were seeing on manta/mako?21:17
infinityapw: Did doko's new GCC fix it, or no?21:17

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