
isiahactualyl scratch that. Are you using xchat?00:00
Jpaezno i'm not i'm currently using a computer that i cannot download anything onto00:00
isiahJpaez: is this text in a different color?00:00
Jpaezthe name in <> is though00:01
isiahdang, ok. when I write "Jpaez:" followed by something I want you to type it in the terminal00:01
isiahJpaez:cd Desktop00:02
=== exad_ is now known as exad
isiahplease copy and and paste what you see00:02
isiahso I can see it00:02
Jpaezwhen i did that it now says "~/Desktop$"00:03
isiahvery good00:03
isiahplease tell me if you can see the name of your file00:04
Jpaezin red it says00:04
isiahnow, do you know what tar means?00:04
Jpaez"cricket _mode_switch.tar.gz"00:04
Jpaezyes it's a compressed file00:04
isiahnow, in unix we dont have some old program like winzip that uncompresses it for you. instead we use the tar tool00:05
Jpaezyes i understand that00:05
isiahi am looking at your guide, do you know why you write xzvf?00:05
Jpaezno i do not00:06
isiahok, 99% of all unix tools follow a basic format00:06
isiahtool_name tool_options files_to_be_changed00:07
isiahso tar is the tool name, xvcf is the options, and that long cricket file is the file to be changed00:07
Jpaezi follow so far00:07
isiahtool options are often called flags00:08
isiahthe same tool can do many actions, just like in windows excel can do a million things00:08
isiahok so the first thing we have to do is uncompress the file00:08
isiahJpaez: tar xzvf Cricket_Mode_Switch.tar.gz00:09
isiahyou should see a lot of activity going on, if you see anything that says error let me know00:09
isiahis it done?00:10
Jpaezno i typoed -_-00:10
isiahif you push the up arrow button on your keyboard it will display the last command. this is useful for typos00:11
Jpaezi fixed it00:11
isiahdid it finish?00:11
Jpaezyes i'll type out the text give me 2 mins00:12
Unit193(x extract, z gz type file, v verbose, f file to work on)00:12
isiahUnit193: admit it you looked that up, no one memorizes that ;)00:12
Unit193isiah: That sounds better.00:12
isiahyou a perl hacker by any chance?00:13
isiahgot an odd one00:13
Jpaezlol i honestly have a book on that, and i understand it till i put it into practice then go "wtf did i do"00:13
isiahon what?00:13
Jpaezubuntu -_-00:13
isiahoh ok00:13
Jpaez... particularly paranoid person00:13
Unit193I personally like J better than z.  I have done some perl regex, but I don't officially know any programming language.00:13
isiahcould we continue? I live in ny and have a train to catch00:13
Jpaeztook me 2-3 months of planning till i got this going and yes00:14
isiahok did it finish uncompressing?00:14
Jpaezshows all the files that it showed when i tried this before00:14
Jpaezthis is where i got stuck00:14
isiahok now when I type tab from now on I want you to push the tab key not type tab in. Got it?00:15
Jpaez1 sec fucked up -_-00:15
isiahit should be located above the capslock key00:16
isiahwhat happened?00:16
Jpaeztried to type yes here did it on my desktop keyboard -_-00:16
isiahdont worry, just hit enter00:16
isiahready to continue?00:17
Jpaezit started a process and kept typing "y" continuously00:17
isiahclose the terminal and open another one00:17
isiahits not a big deal00:17
Jpaezyes did that00:17
Jpaezback to desktop$00:17
Unit193Ctrl+c if you do it again.00:18
isiahok do you have a terminal?00:18
isiahJpaez: cd ~/Desktop00:19
isiahJpaez: ls00:19
isiahdo you see two entries?00:19
Jpaezno "no such file or directory"00:19
isiahJpaez: cd00:20
isiahJpaez: cd De tab00:20
isiahremember what i said that tab means push the tab button00:20
isiahafter you do that hit enter00:20
Jpaezpushing tab nothing happens00:21
Jpaezit now said00:21
Jpaezcd-create-profile cd-fix-profile00:21
Jpaezthen after it said cd record00:21
isiahok, we will try again00:22
isiahJpaez: cd00:22
isiahJpaez: ls00:22
isiahdo you see the word "Desktop"?00:22
Jpaezyes i do00:22
isiahJpaez: cd Desktop00:22
Jpaezkeeps saying00:23
isiahJpaez: ls00:23
Jpaezfor both of thos00:23
Jpaezno such file or directory00:23
isiahJpaez: pwd00:23
isiahwhat does it say?00:23
Jpaezno such file or directory00:23
Unit193cd ~/Desktop00:24
isiahok, you are in the Desktop then00:24
isiahJpaez: ls00:24
isiahdoes it show two files?00:24
Jpaezokay it shows in red "Cricket_Mode_Switch.tar.gz and in blue "usb_modeswitch-0.9.700:25
isiahnow, when you hit tab the computer is going to try to finish your command for you00:26
isiahJpaez:  cd us tab00:26
isiahso type in "cd us"00:26
isiahthen hit the tab button00:26
Jpaezyes i did that00:26
isiahit should fill in the file name for you00:26
isiahdid it fill it in for you?00:26
Jpaeznow shows...."~/Desktop$ cd usb_modeswitch -0.9.700:27
isiahpush enter00:27
Jpaeznow shows...."~/Desktop$ cd usb_modeswitch -0.9.7/"00:27
Jpaeznow at ~/Desktop/usb_modeswitch-0.9.7$00:27
isiahJpaez:  su00:28
isiahand type in your root password00:28
Jpaez.... i don't believe i have one00:28
Jpaezwould it be the password for my current computer ?00:28
isiahI can assure you as a linux engineer, you do00:28
isiahtry it00:29
Jpaezokay it's in00:29
isiahdid you hit enter?00:29
isiahdo you see the word "root" on your screen now?00:30
Jpaezbash !@5:event not found00:30
isiahdid it tell you that the password was wrong?00:30
Jpaezbash !@5:event not found is what it put it now is at the same thing it was at before00:30
isiahlet's try this again00:31
isiahJpaez: sudo make install00:31
isiahtype in your password00:32
Jpaezhit enter right?00:32
Jpaezsame thing event not found00:32
isiah*bangs head on lab bench00:33
Unit193You have build-essential and libusb-dev?00:35
isiahhow can he not be able to sudo?00:36
isiahits so basic, no way that should be broken00:36
Jpaezokay it's asking me for my password and when i type it in it doesn't show anything happening00:36
Unit193You had him su, no?00:36
isiahreally you dont see "root" anywhere?00:36
Jpaezokay i typed anyway and it worked this time00:36
isiahpleae tell me what it says00:36
Jpaezright now it showed00:37
isiahyou see root on your screen?00:37
Jpaez"mkdir -p /usr/sbin" install ./usb_modeswitch /usr/sbin" 'mkdir -p /etc" "install ./usb_modeswitch.con /etc"00:38
Jpaez"mkdir -p /usr/sbin" install ./usb_modeswitch /usr/sbin" 'mkdir -p /etc" "install ./usb_modeswitch.conf /etc"00:38
isiahwe can try it again00:39
isiahit shouldnt be saying a lot00:39
Jpaezno it just says my profile name00:39
isiahwhen I type that in on my computer it says "isiah"00:39
isiahthat is with a minus sign00:40
isiahtype in your password and hit enter00:40
isiahand then00:40
Jpaezit's my password00:40
Jpaezit's numbers, symbols and letters whenever i use the symbols it messes up00:41
isiah*points gun at his own head00:41
Unit193Though, please try to keep this channel family friendly.00:41
wilee-nileeswearing and suicidal comments wonderful.00:42
isiahokay dokay, I am going to need you to logout and login as root00:42
Jpaezhow do i go about that ?00:42
isiahokay, okay less melodrama from me00:42
Unit193!info usb-modeswitch-data00:42
ubot93usb-modeswitch-data (source: usb-modeswitch-data): mode switching data for usb-modeswitch. In component main, is extra. Version 20120815-2 (raring), package size 26 kB, installed size 207 kB00:42
Unit193Which may actually be installed already.00:43
isiahin the top right corner of your screen you should see your name, click it, then click "quit" then you will be returned to a login screen you start with at this point slecte root and type in your password00:43
isiahand actuatlly, its time for me to catch the train home00:44
isiahgood night all00:44
Jpaezokay it doesn't show me "root"00:45
Jpaezit just has my profile...00:45
Unit193http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1146110&page=25&p=10599404#post10599404 indicates you should install usb-modeswitch-data.00:47
Jpaezunit193 i believe that is where i was, but i'm lost now.... they told me to go into "root" but i don't believe i have acess to it00:54
r4yHello all04:12
r4yI just got a motherboard from ebay that is the same motherboard I had before that had problems04:14
r4yI installed flash 11.2 and flash videos work because the graphics card on this motherboard can use 3d unlike the other motherboard I was using04:16
holsteinr4y: congrats04:19
r4ysorry I will be back04:32
r4ySorry about that and sorry about before. I feel pretty stupid about before the other day.04:43
holsteinr4y: ?04:43
r4yUbuntu gnome to unity and my not wanting to change, but I get it04:44
r4yEverything I like works on Ubuntu 10.04 for now and who knows what direction I will go with Linux in the future04:44
holsteini think 10.04 is EOL04:45
ubot93Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.04:45
holsteinyup.. yesterday04:45
r4yI know I am not suppose to ask questions about Ubuntu, O great that answer a question I had04:45
holsteinr4y: i dont mind.. ask what you want04:46
r4yI thought it ended April last month04:46
r4ythere was 4 updates for java this month so04:46
holsteinits just that 10.04 is not "officially supported".. thus OT here, but there is an OT channel04:46
holsteinr4y: supported ended yesterday.. java might be coming from a PPA04:46
r4yI wasn't sure they were safe04:46
holsteinr4y: not updating java is not safe04:47
holsteinr4y: i would be aware of where the upgrades are coming from04:47
r4yOK, great I should make note of that04:47
r4yThat's what I was thinking04:48
r4yUnsupported channel?, ubuntu-offtopic or?04:48
ubot93#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:49
holsteinr4y: what i am reffering to is #ubuntu-beginners-team ..that is our OT channel04:49
r4yOK,I didn't know that04:49
holsteinr4y: from the /topic - "Want offtopic? Head over to #ubuntu-beginners-team"04:50
r4yI thought the ubuntu channel wasn't for unsupported04:50
r4yO O04:50
r4ysorry I didn't read everything you said04:50
holsteinr4y: ubuntu 10.04 is *not* officially supported.. so you go to an OT channel.. the one the bot mentioned, or the one from the topic04:50
holsteinbut, i'll tell you what the deal is with 10.04.. you are on your own.. thats it.. no big deal really..04:51
r4yIt's cool, I understand that04:51
holsteini usually use, and suggest xfce to folks wanting the old gnome2 look/feel04:53
holsteinfor me, there is no comparison between xubuntu 13.04 and ubuntu 10.04.. i would choose xubuntu 13.0404:53
r4y13 is out, I didn't try version 12 for much time04:54
r4yI didn't know 13 was out04:55
r4yArg, I have a problem unrelated04:55
r4ythis graphics card's fan is making a lot of noise04:55
r4yI need to get a new fan I think and it's my fault for it being so loud04:57
holsteinr4y: the releases for ubuntu work like this (at least for the past releases and for now)04:57
holsteinr4y: every april and october, an ubuntu is released04:57
r4yI know, that's why it's 04 and 10 which stands for the month04:58
holsteinin april of 2013 13.04 is released... april is the .04.. 2013 is the 1304:58
r4yI recently learned that04:58
holsteinr4y: ok04:58
r4yWell, I am not sure I want to run this computer anymore then I have to considering how loud the fan is, not because I can't stand the noise but because I am afraid of it causing problems04:59
r4ythank you for being so kind and I am sorry about everything before. Life has been pretty stressful but at least I know I have it way better then others out there.05:01
holsteinr4y: no worries05:02
holsteinr4y: i would try 13.04 live.. could be driver support05:02
holsteinalso, look at the fans and make sure they are working.. fans are cheap... and thermal paste05:02
r4yI remember when you helped me get my lightsnake usb thing u ma jug thing working05:03
holsteini like to plan for failure personally.. i have machines that are well backed up, and easily replacable05:03
r4yit helped me understand things better05:03
holsteinr4y: cheers!05:03
r4yI can't help but wonder if my other cpu works, what's cool is this motherbaord came with a cpu, cpu fan and 1 gig of ram05:04
r4yYour right, I need to think way farther ahead, I tried but I am still not used to the ins and outs of computers but I am getting there05:05
r4yI mean I am getting closer the simple things05:06
holsteinget *any* computer.. and play with it05:06
holsteini think its better to have a stable machine.. dont mess with that one at all.. keep it backed up.. have another one or other ones to play around with.. also, virtualbox05:07
r4yI should, one step at a time05:07
r4yI have to go05:08
holsteinget cheap or free ones05:09
holsteini have a stack of free ones05:09
r4ygood idea05:09
duanedesignI found a coool app called pSensors. It shows the temperature of your cpu and gpu as well as the speed at which the fan runs. Displays it in a max/min format as well as a graph showing data over time05:16
duanedesignnot sure if that has anything to do with your issue...I cam in at the end :)05:17
r4yHa duan05:22
r4yYa, the problem I have is the graphics card fan is making noise which is my fault05:22
duanedesignhate noisy fans05:23
r4yI tried cleaning, ha ha, I should have done it the right way and it was too delicate for how I was cleaning05:23
holsteini would probably just take it off and risk it.. or replace it05:23
holsteinbut, i have free/cheap graphics cards and fans05:24
r4yI don't have a place to spray air and I have been shown how, I bought this air bottle but was afraid to use it05:24
r4yI have been shown how to use it properly I meant05:24
holsteinr4y: its air05:24
r4yI have not been I meant05:24
holsteinr4y: you just spray it.. you literally cant break anything with it.. its air.. you'll only clean something else05:24
r4yI think how ever this is made not for the inner parts05:25
holsteinr4y: it is..05:25
r4yI am looking at it now05:25
r4yfellows air duster05:25
holsteinr4y: its just air.. you will only clean something else05:25
r4ystill checking it out05:26
holsteincheck out what you like.. you can spray air anywhere in that machine..05:26
r4yit says05:26
holsteinr4y: im saying.. you can spray that where you like05:26
r4y"however this product can be ignited05:26
holsteinr4y: turn the machine off, and unplug it.. though, you wont "ignite" it05:27
r4yHow long do I wait?05:27
holsteinr4y: for what?05:28
r4yTo spray and wait till I can turn the computer back on05:28
holsteinr4y: whenever you like05:28
holsteinr4y: im just saying, if youa re afraid of it "igniting", turn the machine off05:29
holsteinr4y: its air05:29
holsteinr4y: its not doing anything to your machine you need to wait on.. its just air.. just more air and faster05:29
holsteinr4y: its nothing special.. the combustibles are the propellents05:29
r4yI figured that by it saying it can be ignited that it perhaps was more then air, there is no ingredient list, lol05:30
holsteinr4y: its air, and a propellent05:30
r4yOK OK05:30
holsteinr4y: ?05:30
holsteinr4y: no caps please... its air.. no need to worry about it. spray it where ever you like05:30
r4ysorry I thought ok was supposed to capped, I usually cap them and I am not the type to make my words louder like some people who want to offend other by doing so05:32
r4yI mean by capping05:32
holsteinr4y: no worries.. just take that air can and spray the components.. it should take a few seconds to nock the dust out05:33
holsteinr4y: spray anywhere you can reach in there with it05:33
r4yThank you, I was too afraid to use this, the reason was it says itcan be used on all these things such as keyboards, desk, phones but no mention of internal computer parts05:35
r4yI just looked up propellent for the fun of it05:36
r4yTY all for the help. I might want to get a fan for this graphics card, but using this when I need it will be great.I don't know if it fix this fan as I really think I messed it up beyond the repairing skills05:38
r4ymy repairing skills, I have got to go, also so for the mis-spelling, I am really sleepy05:39
r4yYou have all been great help to me05:39
holsteinget a new graphics card. they are cheap.. i literally have a stack i would give you several if you were nearby05:39
Unit193...Too bad I'm not either. :P05:39
holsteinr4y: dont waste too much time on broken things, if you are having issues with them.. things are literally free/cheap these days05:39
r4yWell, I like this one, I use the s-video on it05:39
holsteinr4y: AFAIK, all the ones in my stack have svideo out05:40
r4yI will keep that in mind, maybe we can make a deal someday but I am not sure for now, ty05:42
holsteina deal?05:42
holsteinthe deal is, you can have them05:42
holsteinhave.. no deal.. you just take.. but yeah, not for now05:42
r4yok, thank you05:43
duanedesignholstein: wow a stack of video cards you should start mining bitcoins05:44
holsteinduanedesign: not that kind ;)05:44
r4yty, I should go. Keep in mind I don't expect what you offered in the future and it is kind of you to offer05:47
holsteinr4y: expect nothing!.. thats a good policy.. but we'll talk. cheers and good evening05:48
r4yNice, thank you and take care holstein and duandesign.05:49
vipulbuntuunable to mount images in furuousisomount?07:59
wilee-nileevipulbuntu, You download it from the repos?08:03
vipulbuntuhow do i knw that from where i have downloaded?08:04
vipulbuntuso that i can tell u?08:05
wilee-nileevipulbuntu, I saw it in a tar at launchpad and in synaptic.08:05
wilee-nileevipulbuntu, Did you download it a install or through the software center?08:06
vipulbuntuwilee-milee, i have done it through terminal..08:07
wilee-nileevipulbuntu, Can you describe it not mounting an ISO?08:09
vipulbuntui am trying to load the .mdf file but in doing so i am not getting anything08:13
vipulbuntui am mounting thru browse button..08:13
=== blazemore_ is now known as blazemore
jeromeyI am having issues on performing a netboot...at some point during the "Installing the base system", the client tries to connect to security.ubuntu.com and seems to stop there even if I have a local mirror...how do I prevent connections outside my network?15:49
jeromeycan anyone hear me?  I am wondering if IRC is being blocked on my network16:03
jeromeyplease send me a message16:03
jeromeysomeone please send me a message16:07
jeromeyi guess i am being blocked...ty if you sent me a message16:07
blazemorepatience is a virtue, young padawan16:18
andresantosHey! Could anyone help me with my Wi-Fi issue. I just installed the 13.04 alongside with windows 7 on my Acer aspire 4820tg and I can't find my wi-fi. I've been searching all day for solutions and found many with same problem but no solution for myself. My Wi-Fi detected my home wireless when installing ubuntu but it disconnected right away after it. And now after installing I can't find it no matter what I do. I can s21:05
andresantosnot mine.21:05
holsteinandresantos: what would i do? i would wire up and apply all upgrades21:09
holsteinif its working occasionally and on and off like that, its likely a driver issue21:10
holsteinandresantos: you cant look around for issues with wifi in general.. you need to look for issues in common with other users with the *exact* hardware you have.. otherwise, the information you read is likely not constructive21:11
andresantosI've done it. Or I believe I've installed all appropriate drivers. I haven't been able to connect to the wifi not once yet. I was able to find another wi-fi at my friends house and worked fine. And like I said I can see 6 other Wi-Fi's in the house but not mine21:12
andresantosI have a broadcom wifi adapter21:12
holsteinandresantos: believe?21:12
holsteinandresantos: so, you can connect to *some* wifi, and be conncted without issue?21:13
holsteinandresantos: i would stop fooling around with the machine then, since you will likely only make things worse21:13
holsteinandresantos: i would look at the settings on your AP, and see if you can make them more "friendly"21:13
andresantosand I can find many other Wi-Fi's also and I have installed the Broadcom STA driver21:13
ubot93Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:14
andresantosholstein: ok thanks! I'll try.21:14
holsteinthere is another wifi driver.. but i would look at the AP21:14
andresantosWi-fi does work with my mobile phone and Windows 7 also, only not with Ubuntu21:14
holsteini would also make sure you are looking in the wifi GUI under "more networks"21:14
holsteinandresantos: sure.. and i understand that.. but it doesnt change the fact that the linux driver is having issues (apparently) with how your AP is configured21:15
holsteinwhat would i do? disable encryption on the AP an try and connect.. see that you are using a common wpa setup21:16
holsteini have found AP's that my broadcom chip doesnt "like" to connect to21:17
holsteinwhat am i going to do? probably just switch out the hardware next time i have the machine apart21:17
andresantosNot exactly sure what do you mean with the more networks, tried also connecting to a hidden wi-fi but didn't work21:17
andresantosholstein: thanks for your information. I'm gonna try to look at my AP settings if I find something21:18
holsteinandresantos: what hidden network? is the network hidden or not?21:18
andresantosNo it's not but I still tried that method just to make sure.21:19
holsteinwhat i mean by "more networks" is in the GUI.. there is the list of AP's, and when there are too many to display, you click "more networks" and see more networks21:19
holsteinthere are 2 broadcom driver options (assuming the open firmware doesnt support your device, in which case there would be 3)21:20
andresantosOk, there's just 6 Wi-Fi's and I believe that's it. Can't see  "more networks"21:20
holsteinandresantos: then, its not that21:20
holsteinandresantos: what is it? i have no idea, but you'll need to try several things to troubleshoot21:21
andresantosNot sure do I know how to change the broadcom driver but I can try reading the link you pasted21:21
holsteinandresantos: then start with what you do understand.. mess with the config on the AP21:21
holsteintemporarily disable encryption.. see that the settings are broad enough to include your device21:22
holsteinif the AP is N only, and you have a G card.. for example21:22
holsteinOR, if the driver is only G for some reason21:22
andresantosI'm in the AP settings now, at the moment not sure what to try to change though21:23
holsteinassume nothing, and test everything, and let broadcom know you are having a challenging time with their hardware in the operating system21:23
holsteinandresantos: chage literally everything21:23
holsteinandresantos: i would back it up as-is21:23
holsteinthen, i would disable encryption.. i would broaden it to include B,G & N21:23
holsteini would do literallly anything and everything til i see it from linux21:24
andresantosEncryption: TKIP/AES21:24
holsteinis that the issue? i have no idea, but i would around 6 minutes from now after having tried different settings21:24
holsteinandresantos: sure.. so try another one.. try *no* encrption. temporarily21:24
andresantosOK, well the settings up at the moment are default so if I mess something up it's no problem getting it back to default21:25
holsteinandresantos: backup the config of the AP, then you can revert easily21:25
andresantosAlso I'm wondering could it be the Channel?21:25
holsteinandresantos: it could be literally anything21:25
holsteinuser error. .config on the machine.. the AP.. the driver. the router21:25
holsteinandresantos: assume its *all* of these.. and rule them out one by one21:26
holsteinis it encryption? i dont know.. let me disable *all* encryption and test.. is it working with encryption disabled? if yes then its likely the encryption21:26
holsteinif not, then move on to another variable21:26
holsteinalso, let broadcom know when you figure it out21:27
holsteinalso, wiring up to the internet or connecting somewhere else and upgrading can help as well21:28
andresantosOK, so I changed the channel and took off WPA compatible and after it I was able to find the connection and connect to it21:29
andresantosbut it didnt work the internet anymore21:29
andresantosOh and now it started working21:31
andresantosnow I'm connected with my wi-fi21:31
andresantosso it was the channel I changed, nothing else21:31
andresantosholstein: thanks a lot for your help, it has given me a headache today21:31
holsteinandresantos: from what i read, it *never* "worked the internet", correct?21:34
holsteinandresantos: anyways.. you got it now, and changing the channel is easy21:35
andresantosThe Wi-Fi is working now like it should. My broadcom driver couldn't detect the channel my AP was using. It never worked with my own AP but the wi-fi did work at my friends place.21:36
holsteinandresantos: i have an app on my android phone that analyzes the channels in the area21:36
holsteinandresantos: you are assuming the driver is the issue21:36
holsteinandresantos: it could be that the channel was already in use, and something with the hardware didnt "like" that channel being crowded21:36
holsteinandresantos: dont assume its the driver issue, though it likely is21:37
andresantosholstein: well if my phone and also the windows 7 was able to connect to that channel, then I'm assuming that it's the Ubuntu driver where the issue is21:37
holsteinandresantos: it could be, and likely is..21:37
andresantosBut yes, can't be sure21:37
holsteinandresantos: eitherway, being on a less crowded channel is a win21:38
andresantosholstein: haha, cheers!21:38
andresantosholstein: and thanks a lot for your help21:38
andresantosI do have another small problem also with my brightness keys, FN+left/right. But I guess I'm gonna search the internet first before asking here.21:39

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