
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: ping02:46
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: the ubuntuonair session hasn't been scheduled yet, are you still on the scheduling process?02:55
JoseeAntonioR(sorry for taking so long, didn't notice the pong)02:55
cjohnstonJoseeAntonioR: scheduling is done by track leads02:55
JoseeAntonioRurgh, ok then02:56
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cjohnstondpm: do you know what the story with the plenary room on summit is?13:46
dpmcjohnston, I don't know, what's up with it?13:46
cjohnstonSomeone created it, I'm not sure what for though13:46
dpmcjohnston, it must have been jono or jcastro, perhaps?13:47
cjohnstonjcastro: ^ ?13:47
dpmMike, Daniel and Nick are on holiday, and I haven't created it, so that leaves just 2 usual suspects ;)13:48
dpmcjohnston, so it seems jono hasn't added the plenary room either, so I think we can just delete it15:48
dpmcould you do this for us?15:49
PabloRubianesJoseeAntonioR: hi17:25
SergioMenesesPabloRubianes, I think JoseeAntonioR is studying, let him a pm17:28
SergioMeneseshey philipballew ! how you been17:30
philipballewSergioMeneses, great, Was out late last night, at the best burger place around, In-N-Out. and after that rode my bike a few miles back to my bed Now just woke up. SergioMeneses how have you been ?17:32
SergioMenesesphilipballew, Im still sick but I think I will be better17:32
philipballewSergioMeneses, Are you getting better though?17:33
SergioMenesesphilipballew, yes, I am17:33
philipballewSergioMeneses, well that is something17:34
SergioMenesesphilipballew, lunchtime here! see ya17:53
philipballewSergioMeneses, peace17:53
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SergioMenesesbkerensa, around?23:24
bkerensaSergioMeneses: sure I will pm23:24

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