
FrozenFireIs there a way to have my screenshots automatically uploaded to imgur, and a link placed into my clipboard (or made easily accessible on-screen)?01:03
FrozenFireI don't mind scripting a bit to make it happen, but I don't even know where to start.01:03
FrozenFiregnome-screenshot seems maybe to be the utility that handles it?01:04
darkxstFrozenFire, I think in theory pastebinit might be able to do that01:18
darkxstI don't know if it has imgur support though01:18
FrozenFireWell, the thing would be to have some sort of post-screenshot script hook01:19
FrozenFireI could handle the rest01:19
darkxstFrozenFire, does the shell does screenshots now btw01:45
darkxsts/ does the shell/The shell/01:46
FrozenFirePerhaps an important clarification is that I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome-Shell 3.4.101:47
FrozenFireNot sure if gnome-screenshot had been dropped for that release.01:47
darkxstah right, yeh still gnome-screenshot then01:48
darkxstFrozenFire, http://sirupsen.com/a-simple-imgur-bash-screenshot-utility/01:50
FrozenFireHrmm, each example I've seen has used a different utility than gnome-screenshot01:51
darkxstprobably because gnome-screenshot has no hooks01:51
darkxstalthough you could launch gnome-screenshot from a script in non-interactive mode01:52
darkxstand change the screenshot key binding01:52
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jaysonrdarkxst: i forgot to follow back up with you, but everything is working fine now.10:32
jaysonrdarkxst: i had the same issue w/ another user; wound up just re-installing since it was a pretty fresh install, and everything has worked fine since.10:33
* jaysonr shrugs10:33
darkxstjaysonr, ok cool10:33
jaysonrdarkxst: thanks again for your time helping.10:33
dupondjewho can I bug for some issue ? :)10:37
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/1175582 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/1177833 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/1176757 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/1174208 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/1173472 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/116396110:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1175582 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy not displaying any online contacts" [Undecided,New]10:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1177833 in empathy (Ubuntu) "empaty does not connect to any account. and it does not show the yahoo contacts avatar." [Undecided,New]10:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1176757 in empathy (Ubuntu) "doesn't connecting to any account except facebook" [Undecided,New]10:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1174208 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy shows no contacts in Ubuntu 13.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1173472 in empathy (Ubuntu) "the facebook accounts in empathy shown disconnected" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:37
dupondjeEmpathy seems quite broken :(10:37
* darkxst is going to hide now ;) 10:50
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FrozenFireBlegh. Grumble grumble. Can't get a script working as a keyboard shortcut, which works flawlessly from the terminal20:47
jjmarin_FrozenFire: what's the problem ?21:25
FrozenFireBasically, it's supposed to take a screenshot using gnome-screenshot, then upload that screenshot to imgur and put the link into my clipboard using xsel.21:28
FrozenFireimgurbash.sh does the uploading and clipboard manipulation21:29
FrozenFireAnd it works on the terminal, where it presumably has a DISPLAY reference21:29
FrozenFireI've tried setting the DISPLAY for the script, but no dice21:29
FrozenFireWondering if the keyboard shortcut thing has a different environment than my session21:31
jjmarin_So you are calling the script using a Custom Keyboard Shortcut ?21:34
jjmarin_And you set using Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts21:35
FrozenFireYeah. bash -c "/home/me/bin/screenshot.sh"21:35
FrozenFireIt definitely calls the script21:36
FrozenFireThe screenshot happens21:36
FrozenFireIt just never ends up in my clipboard, and I don't know if it actually uploads to imgur21:36
FrozenFireThough I suspect it does21:36
jjmarin_are you using gnome-screenshot -f ?21:37
FrozenFireSfaik, there's no -f on my version of gnome-screenshot21:38
FrozenFireGnome-shell 3.4.121:39
jjmarin_I don't have a gnome-shell 3.4 avalaible to test it here :/21:41
FrozenFireI should probably upgrade, but meh. :P21:45
jjmarin_I usually enjoy with the lastest versions :)21:46
jjmarin_even when alphas or betas go wrong21:46
FrozenFireAs do I. I've definitely been pleased with the newer GS versions in 12.10 and 13.0421:47
FrozenFireJust can't be assed to do-release-upgrade my workhorse box21:47
darkxst_FrozenFire, if it works from a terminal, but not keyboard launcher then presumably its missing some env variable21:47
FrozenFireYeah. Just can't for the life of me figure out which21:48
FrozenFireI've tried putting DISPLAY=:0 at the beginning of the script21:48
darkxst_it wont be DISPLAY21:48
FrozenFireIt's likely to be something with xsel21:48
FrozenFireBut I don't know what it'd be21:48
darkxst_try XAUTHORITY21:48
darkxst_try adding that to the top of your scripts21:49
FrozenFireNo dice21:50
darkxst_FrozenFire, do you get any output in ~/.cache/gdm/session.log?21:57
FrozenFireMight if I had such a log :)21:57
FrozenFireI had thought I was using gdm, but apparently not.21:58
darkxst_~/.xsession-errors then22:02
FrozenFireNot present. Now I'm curious what desktop manager I'm actually using. :P22:04

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