
airurandoczajkowski you about?15:30
airurandojust noticed this15:31
airurandoat the bottom of the page it refers to buying ubuntu 12.04 LTS CDs15:31
airurandoclick the link and you are brought to the shop page for 12.10 DVDs15:32
airurandowas is 12.04 DVDs also15:32
airurandoI reckon that is a big mixup15:32
airurandowho needs to be told?15:32
czajkowskiairurando: so how we fix that is a bug is filed15:32
airurandonot saure15:33
airurandohow do I check that15:33
czajkowskilet me just get the link15:34
czajkowskiairurando: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+filebug15:34
czajkowskilet me know the bug number afterwards and I'll mark me affected15:35
czajkowskiso that can confirm it15:35
czajkowskithen I cna go poke people15:35
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1178718 in Ubuntu Website "A link to Buy 12.04 LTS CDs directs to 12.10 DVDs" [Undecided,New]15:41
airurandoThink i did everything right15:41
airurandosaid no similar reports found15:42
czajkowskiairurando: thank you15:43
czajkowskiairurando: it's getting fixed now :)15:44
airurandono prob czajkowski15:45
airurandoglad I found it.15:45
airurandothought it odd15:45
airurandoglad it is getting fixed15:46
czajkowskiairurando: will hae to be fixed monday as the publishing system is currently being updated.16:46
airurandono problem czajkowski16:47
airurandothanks for the help16:47
* airurando is away to underage football training.16:48

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