
mattcenHi all. When I netboot an Ubuntu Lucid install, there's a huge (5 minute) delay before the "download installer components" prompt, and a tcpdump shows the installer talks to orobas.canonical.com at that point. Could that be the reason for the delay, and why is it communicating with that host even though I have my own mirror etc.?07:01
infinitymattcen: That's an archive.ubuntu.com machine, so I'd assume you might have misconfigured your local mirror setup if that's a preseed...07:03
mattcenInspecting the packets closer, I see it's trying to get the Security package list from there. I can't imagine why that'd induce a 5 minute delay though.07:04
mattceninfinity: Thanks, I'll keep digging. I've already determined that I wasn't explicitly specifying to use my local mirror for security, so I've done that, and it looks like that's stopped some or all of the communication with canonical.com, but hasn't removed the delay. Still hunting07:40
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mptWhy are announcements of new kernels posted to ubuntu-installer@?09:34
ogra_mpt, because the installer needs a manual version bump for the kernel it depends on11:01
mptah, ok11:05
maxbIs there an official answer for people who want to install desktop workstations with software RAID and are feeling upset at the current lack of installation media supporting that in Q and R ?13:05
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mptmaxb, here's the design if anyone is interested in implementing it. http://goo.gl/fI6Ze14:03
* mpt wonders if bug 220961 requires any extra UI14:05
ubot2`Launchpad bug 220961 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[MASTER] ubiquity crashes instead of notifying the user of not enough disk space" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22096114:05
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