
cjwatsonbdmurray: Yes - you might want to specify an explicit version for safety00:00
cjwatsonEr, but wasn't that successfully validated?00:00
bdmurraycjwatson: no, the bug has the details00:01
cjwatsonI couldn't work it out from the bug :)00:01
cjwatsonBut then it's 1am and I should be packing ...00:01
bdmurraywell the verification of the latest package version was successful for raring00:01
cjwatsonAnyway, remove-package is strictly more like remove-publication00:01
infinitybdmurray: There was/is no reason to remove it if you were replacing it with a new version anyway.00:31
infinitybdmurray: There can't be more than one publication for the same source in a pocket, after all.00:31
bdmurrayinfinity: Thanks, I came to that conclusion myself00:48
infinitybdmurray: Kay. ;)00:49
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ogra_can someone force the latest ubuntu-touch-meta throough britney please (it uses PPAs and britney cant auto-migrate it frrom proposed to the archive)11:53
ogra_thanks !12:39
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bladernr`Morning all, just a quick question... can anyone tell me how long Hardy will stay in the Archives until it's cleared out? I've got a friend who wants to grab a copy of hte hardy packages for his stuff at home and I wasn't sure if Hardy was deleted from the archives yet or not, nor how long it will be there13:36
stgraberbladernr`: I'm not sure how long we'll be keeping hardy on archive.u.c, but once it's gone, it'll show up on old-releases.ubuntu.com so you can just grab the packages from there13:40
bladernr`stgraber: oh, awesome.  Thanks13:41
ogra_i think it already is on old-releases ... they will live for some time in parallel13:41
ogra_should be safe to switch13:42
stgraberogra_: it's not on http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/13:42
ogra_the frontpage lists it on http://old.releases.ubuntu.com/13:42
ogra_oh, only for images13:42
ScottKinfinity: Any objection to waiving the 7 day wait on nginx since it's such a trivial fix for a serious bug?  It's verified now.14:09
stgraberScottK: I'm pretty sure I saw infinity suggest doing just that yesterday on IRC14:11
stgraber18:39 < TheLordOfTime> infinity:  any way to skip -proposed for Raring on this?14:12
stgraber18:39 < TheLordOfTime> (or did you upload directly to -updates)14:12
stgraber18:39 < infinity> TheLordOfTime: Skip, no.  But I can expedite the SRU once it's been built and verified.14:12
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ScottKstgraber: Thanks.14:25
ScottKOK.  Done.14:28
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